infinitium supports launch of ph e-commerce roadmap

Corporate News Infinitium Supports Launch of PH E-Commerce Roadmap Philippine E-Commerce Roadmap 2016-2020 was launched February 2, 2016 in Makati, Philippines. Infinitium Philippine Director, Andrian Lee, has been serving as a private sector representative and facilitator for a series of payment industry consultations since 2014 organized by the Philippine Department Trade & Industry (DTI). The output of these findings and Philippines private sector collaboration led to the drafting of the final roadmap. The E-commerce Roadmap highlights the important role of e-commerce in economic development and presents the trends in e-commerce development globally, within the Asia Pacific region, and within ASEAN, in order to provide the proper context on why the Philippines is finally coming up with the roadmap fifteen years after the enactment of the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000. The recommendations in this roadmap have been classified according to the six (6) I’s or key areas highlighted in the Asia Pacific Economic Council (APEC) Digital Prosperity Checklist. Senator Bam Aquino IV Delivers Philippine E-Commerce Roadmap Opening

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Page 1: Infinitium Supports Launch of PH E-Commerce Roadmap



PhilippineE-CommerceRoadmap2016-2020waslaunchedFebruary2,2016inMakati,Philippines.InfinitiumPhilippineDirector,AndrianLee,hasbeenservingasaprivatesectorrepresentative and facilitator for a series of payment industry consultations since 2014organized by the Philippine Department Trade & Industry (DTI). The output of thesefindings and Philippines private sector collaboration led to the drafting of the finalroadmap.The E-commerce Roadmap highlights the important role of e-commerce in economicdevelopmentandpresentsthetrendsine-commercedevelopmentglobally,withintheAsiaPacific region, and within ASEAN, in order to provide the proper context on why thePhilippinesisfinallycomingupwiththeroadmapfifteenyearsaftertheenactmentoftheElectronic Commerce Act of 2000. The recommendations in this roadmap have beenclassifiedaccording to the six (6) I’sorkeyareashighlighted in theAsiaPacificEconomicCouncil(APEC)DigitalProsperityChecklist.


Page 2: Infinitium Supports Launch of PH E-Commerce Roadmap

TheInfinitiumGroupwelcomesthePhilippineeffortstoprioritizee-commerceactivityasakey to economic growth by participating as a private sector stakeholder in thesecooperativeconsultations.

AboutInfinitiumInfinitium is an expert in E-payment solutions for banks/financial service and enterprisemerchantinAsia,providingsolutionsacrossalluserspectruminthee-paymentspace.Ourstrengthliesinourabilitytoprovidemultitouchpointcrosschannelpaymentsolutionsforourcustomersaswellascompliance,secureandproventechnology.Formoreinformationabout Infinitium and E-Payment solutions, please visit our corporate website

