industry trends in india

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  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india


    General Industry trends

  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india


    IT industry

    Industry highlights in 2012

    The IT/ITeS sector has led to employment opportunities, both direct andindirect, of nearly 2.8 million and around 8.9 million respectively.

    Industry to maintain double digit growth despite slowdown (Projected growth16%)

    Domestic market to grow better than export markets due to steady demand

  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india


    Service Sectors

    BFSI, ITeS, Auto: On the slow track

    BFSI: It's a challenging time for sectors like BFSI,which have been severely affected by the


    Anuranjita Kumar, country human resourcesofficer at Citi India expects the hiring outlook in2013 to be largely stable or decline marginally in

    the absence of aggressive hiring by most largecompanies in the sector.

    Liberal policies, Government support and hugedevelopment in other economic segments have

    made the Indian banking industry moreprogressive and inclusive with regard to global

    banking standards.
  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india



    ITeS, on the other hand, is likely to

    see flat manpower growth in thecoming year with an increased

    emphasis on lateral and specialisedhiring in the first few quarters.

    "Companies have been sitting onlarge fresher hiring and will havebudget cuts in the new year. They

    will be looking at lateral hiringbecause clients will demand

    specialised skills that will have to bedelivered in lesser turnaround time,"

  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india



    Industry experts Estimates a flat 8 % to10% growth in the auto sector.

    Mahindra & Mahindra does notanticipate a significant growth in


    Customers are waiting and watching thesituation not taking busying decisions

  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india


    FMCG, Retail, healthcare: More room

    Hiring is estimated tocontinue unabated in FMCG,

    often referred to as aslowdown-proof sector.

    "The growth is expected tocontinue in the Long Term

  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india



    Retail industry, being the fifth largest in the world, is one of the

    sunrise sectors with huge growth potential and accounts for 14-

    15% of the countrys GDP. Comprising of organized and

    unorganized sectors, Indian retail industry is one of the fastest

    growing industries in India, especially over the last few years.

    According to the Global Retail Development Index 2012, India

    ranks fifth among the top 30 emerging markets for retail. The

    recent announcement by the Indian government with Foreign

    Direct Investment (FDI) in retail, especially allowing 100% FDI insingle brands and multi-brand FDI has created positive

    sentiments in the retail sector.

  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india


    Health Care

    Pharma and healthcare are expected to witness robusthiring and salary hikes in the range of 10-15% in year 2012.India will see the largest number of merger and acquisitions

    (M&As) in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector in thecoming years, according to consulting firm Grant Thornton.

    The Indian healthcare industry is showing a strong upwardtrajectory and the sector is expected to touch US $ 238.76billion by 2020.

  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india



    "The outlook for the sector is negative, reflecting expectedweaker balance sheets due to regulatory payments to re-acquire licences and continuing limited ability to raise tariffs,

    given the high level of competition,

    According to analysts, the sector would generateemployment opportunities for about 10 million peopledirect employment for 2.8 million people and indirectemployment for about 7 million. The total revenue of theIndian telecom sector grew by 7% to 283,207crore

  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india



    Mining contributes about 2.5% to theIndian GDP. In the recent past this

    industry has been plagued by

    irregularities in allocation of coal blocksfor mining to private players and overallcorruptions. This resulted in the recent

    supreme court ruling of preventingexports of Coal, Iron ore etc and anyillegal mining activity. This has also

    impacted the auto industry -Commercial vehicle sales in particular ,

    resulting in negative growth.

    The setback in miningindustry effected commonand middle class familiesincome in the states of


  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india


    Education & Training

    Education and training sector is undergoing a sea change in the recent past withthe focus shifted from public to private sector. Private sector is also actively

    involved in education and its role will become more poignant in days to come.The private sector's role in the higher education sector has been growing at arapid pace over the last decade and needs to further expand at an accelerated


    The education market is now thriving on the back of the workforce proving itselfequal to their counterparts elsewhere in the world in productivity. Given the

    predominantly young population, the education market is bound to acceleraterapidly.

    According to the Investor Relation Society research, skill and vocational trainingare fast throwing good amount of employment opportunities in the education

    space in India.

  • 7/30/2019 Industry trends in india
