industry to meet at international showpiece anniversary event · 2017. 3. 6. · showpiece...

Issue 1 . Volume 20 . Spring 2015 1 Showtime First came the VICTAM show in 1965 and then followed by the FIAAP show and then later the GRAPAS event. Now all together in Cologne from 9 – 11 June, the three events will be under one roof at the Koelnmesse to comprise what is now the world’s largest dedicated animal feed and grain processing event. Over 250 exhibitors from all over the world will come together at the events to display the latest technology and developments for the production of animal feeds, flour milling, grain processing and biomass pelleting. Each exhibition has its own exhibitor profile, they are as follows: FIAAP: Specialist ingredients and 2015 is a special year for the organizers of FIAAP, VICTAM and GRAPAS International as it is their 50th year of holding events for our industries. Industry to meet at international showpiece anniversary event Inside your Spring issue 3 How to register 4 Details of conferences 16 Travel and accommodation 19 Beautiful Cologne 20 50th anniversary celebrations 23 Asia 2016 event 25 Exhibitor previews section 39 Contact information 9 – 11 June 2015 • Koelnmesse • Cologne DIARY DATES additives that are used within the formulation of feeds for animals. VICTAM: Technology, equipment and systems for the production of animal feeds. Now also the technology used in the production of biomass pellets. GRAPAS: Flour milling, grain processing equipment and technology. continued on page 3

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Page 1: Industry to meet at international showpiece anniversary event · 2017. 3. 6. · showpiece anniversary event Inside your Spring issue 3 How to register 4 Details of conferences 16

Issue 1 . Volume 20 . Spring 2015


First came the VICTAM show in 1965 andthen followed by the FIAAP show and thenlater the GRAPAS event. Now all together in Cologne from 9 – 11

June, the three events will be under oneroof at the Koelnmesse to comprise what isnow the world’s largest dedicated animalfeed and grain processing event.

Over 250 exhibitors from all over the worldwill come together at the events to displaythe latest technology and developments forthe production of animal feeds, flour milling,grain processing and biomass pelleting.Each exhibition has its own exhibitor

profile, they are as follows:� FIAAP: Specialist ingredients and

2015 is a special year for the organizers of FIAAP, VICTAM and GRAPAS Internationalas it is their 50th year of holding events for our industries.

Industry to meet atinternationalshowpieceanniversary event

Inside your Spring issue3 How to register4 Details of conferences16 Travel and accommodation19 Beautiful Cologne20 50th anniversary celebrations23 Asia 2016 event25 Exhibitor previews section39 Contact information9 – 11 June 2015 • Koelnmesse • Cologne




additives that are used within theformulation of feeds for animals.� VICTAM: Technology, equipment andsystems for the production of animal feeds.Now also the technology used in theproduction of biomass pellets.� GRAPAS: Flour milling, grain processingequipment and technology. continued on page 3 �

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Page 3: Industry to meet at international showpiece anniversary event · 2017. 3. 6. · showpiece anniversary event Inside your Spring issue 3 How to register 4 Details of conferences 16

show news


� continued from page 1

Besides these specialist systems there willalso be a very wide range of auxiliaryequipment that are used throughout a mill– silos, conveyors, PC’s and programs,elevators, bagging, trucks, etc. All of this and more will be on show at

these exhibitions. Visitors to the shows willbe able to see, touch, and handle much ofwhat is on display.

Talk to the expertsYou will be able to sit down with expertsfrom companies who have designed andengineered the technology and ingredients.You will be able to get a better

understanding of how they can assistyour production line and save you money!If you are looking to update your mill,

want to look for alternative ingredients ormaybe a totally new mill, come and see.You will not be disappointed.

Supporting conferencesBUT there is even more. You can learneven more by attending the series oftechnical conferences that will be going onduring the shows. These are as follows:

Tuesday 9th June

The FIAAP ConferenceOrganized by WATT Global Media, publishers of Feed International & Feed Management

Aquafeed HorizonsOrganized by

International Pellet ConferenceOrganized by AEBIOM (the European Biomass Association)

Wednesday 10th June

Petfood Forum Europe 2015Organized by WATT Global Media, publishers of Petfood Industry

Feed Safety Assurance certificateOrganized by GMP + International

Thursday 11th June

The IFF Feed ConferenceOrganized by IFF Research Institute of Feed Technology, Germany

Global Milling Conference with GRAPAS International 2015Organized by Perendale Publishing, publishers of Milling & Grain Magazine

For further information, delegate registration, conference programmes etcplease go to –

Technical workshopsThere will also be a number of technicalworkshops (seminars) that will bepresented by some of our exhibitors.

The on-line visitor registration system is now live. This is an easy system to use,visitors need only to go to one of the following websites –, or and click on the visitor registration button onthe home page and follow the simple instructions, and these instructions are alsoavailable in a number of languages as shown through the flags below.

There is no charge for entry into the exhibitions for industry related visitors and anyticket will enable entrance to all three shows. Please note that for visitors who donot pre-register, on-site registration will cost €40 per person.

Multi-language visitor registration now live

Browse the wide variety of exhibitionstands or sit down and discuss yourrequirements with the experts

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4 Showtime


FIAAP Conference 2015 9th JuneFIAAP Conference aims to improve feed industry profitability. From feed formulation tomanufacturing, the program offers solutions for feed industry stakeholders.

In 2014, the global feed industry grew by2.4%,* a statistic attributed to the world’sdemand for animal-based proteins. Movingforward, successful and profitable feedproduction will rely heavily on innovations infeed manufacturing, additive technologyand ingredient research.To this end, the 2015 edition of the Feed

Ingredient and Additives (FIAAP) Conferenceaims to serve the needs of industrystakeholders by providing a forum to displayand discuss leading-edge research in thesevital areas of animal food production. Theone-day conference, held in Cologne,Germany, on June 9, will be co-located withFIAAP and VICTAM International, this year’spremier feed-focused European trade show.To develop the conference program, WATT

Global Media’s Feed International magazinecalled on researchers, companies andorganizations to submit their mostcompelling findings. From the dozens ofabstract submissions, a panel of four judgesnarrowed the technical portion of the FIAAPConference down to seven sessions. Thefollowing is an overview of the program.

Practical additive and formulationapplicationsAs margins tighten, the feed productionside of animal agriculture is increasinglyexpected to produce high-quality, high-performance product. Mycotoxins,ingredient variability, animal health – manyfactors influence the work necessary to fulfillsuch expectations. Three of the abstractsselected by FIAAP’s panel of judgesaddress some of these critical issues. With more than 30 years of experience

under his belt, consultant Didier Grastilleurwill examine the different methods toimprove the predictive possibilities ofmanganese bioavailability during his talk,“Finding a reliable explanation forbioavailability variations in differentmanganese sources from disparate

manganese oxide sources.” According toGrastilleur, data from available literatureshows extremely divergent relative values formanganese bioavailability from manganeseoxide as compared to sulphate – and thesehuge differences can have a large economicimpact on feed formulations. With this inmind, his point is to drive home theimportance of understanding the reasonsfor this occurrence and how it is possible topredict these variations.Olmix’s Julia Laurain will discuss the

immunosuppressive effects of mycotoxinsin her presentation, “The interaction ofmycotoxins and endotoxins on inflammatoryresponse.” Deoxynivalenol (DON), atrichothecene mycotoxin commonly foundin cereal-based foods, causes impairedgrowth in many animal species andendotoxins impact the production of insulin-like growth factors and alleviate the manyactions of growth hormones. The researchexplores the negative influence mycotoxinsand endotoxins have on an animal’sinflammatory response.Switching gears to formulation, nutrition

consultant Rick Kleyn highlights a newmethodology that allows the commercialnutritionist to overcome the limitations oflinearity implied by feed formulationsoftware. During his presentation, “Dietformulation: making use of non-linearfunctions,” Kleyn will provide real-lifeexamples and offer solutions for makinguse of non-linear functions – a method thatimproves the accuracy of formulations and,in many cases, leads to cost reductions.

Alternative ingredients offercost-effective solutionsGiven the volatility and varying availability offeedstuffs, nutritionists are often on thelookout for alternatives to both macro andmicro feed ingredients. The ingredient trackof the FIAAP conference offers research ontwo underutilized alternatives.Professor Gautam Samanta, from the

Kolkata, India-based Department of AnimalNutrition within the W.B. University ofAnimal & Fishery Sciences, reviews thepotential effects of rice-based DistillersDried Grain and Solubles (DDGS) on ducklaying performance and egg quality duringhis discussion, “Performance improvementsof layer ducks fed increasing levels of rice-based DDGS.” In this study, researchersobserved that egg production wassignificantly improved with increased lvels ofrice-based DDGS in the ration; higher values

of Hough unit, Yolk index and Albumin indexwere also achieved during this trail. In the presentation, “Gauging the potential

of rice bran lyso-phospholipids as a nutrientsupplement in dairy cows,” Dr. UmeshBalaji Sontakke will study the effect offeeding rice bran lyso-phospholipids on theperformance of lactating dairy cows. Hisresearch suggests rice bran lyso-phospholipids fed at 6 percent can replacethe costlier sources of energy in the diet oflactating animals without any adverse effecton digestibility of nutrients and milkproduction. Sontakke works in the dairycattle nutrition division of the National DairyResearch Institute in Karnal, India.

Energy savings, regulationsinfluence feed productionCost-effective production and safe feed arehigh priorities on the agenda of every millmanager; however, changing regulationsand high energy costs can hinderprofitability. During the FIAAP Conference’sprocessing track, two research-basedpresentations aim to aid in offering solutionsin these vital areas.Oriane Guerin, a researcher with

consultancy company Zetadec b.v., willprovide “Strategies for reduced energyconsumption in feed mills” during herpresentation – delving into the nuances ofSpecific Mechanical Energy (SME) andSpecific Thermal Energy (STE) in feedproduction. Her research revealsopportunities to reduce energy consumptionthrough optimization of the capacity, themeal temperature and an appropriate use ofthe machinery. According to data analyses,energy use can be reduced by up to 20%.“Process control verification for the feed

industry” is an increasingly hot topic. Dr.Jennifer Rice, Neogen Corporation’s vicepresident and senior research director, willexplore the importance of verification andvalidation preventive controls. The intent ofher update is to demonstrate how theselection of the correct process controlverification tools for a feed mill’s qualitycontrol program can impact quality, safetyand protect a brand’s integrity.An eigth general session has yet to be

announced.*Alltech 2015 Global Feed Survey

RegistrationFor more information or to register forthe FIAAP Conference,


Date: June 9, 2015

Time: 9am – 5pm

Location: Koelnmesse, Cologne

Amenities: Coffee breaks and lunch will be provided

About: The 6th FIAAP Conference is held in conjunction with VICTAM International


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6 Showtime

Aquafeed Horizons 2015 9th JuneProcessing and ingredient interactions are focus of aquafeed conference.

The 8th in the series of internationalconferences for aquafeed professionals,Aquafeed Horizons, returns to theKoelnmesse with an outstanding programof talks by industry professionals andleading-edge practical researchers. Thefocus of this year’s conference will be theinterplay of ingredients and processing,with a close look at new ingredients beingintroduced to aquafeed formulations. Alexandra de Athayde, Executive Director,

International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF),Germany will set the stage for the technicalprogram by addressing the environment inwhich the aquafeed sector operates. IFIF is a global organization of national

and regional feed associations, feed relatedorganizations, and corporations fromaround the globe. Together IFIF representsover 80% of the animal feed productionworldwide. In 2015 compound feedproduction will likely reach close to 1 billiontonnes worldwide. The FAO estimates thatby 2050 the demand for food will grow by60 % and that between 2010 and 2050production of animal proteins is expectedto grow by around 1.7% per year, withaquaculture production increasing by 90%.Ms. De Athayde will argue that only byworking together with all stakeholders can

we meet these challenges and takeadvantage of the growth opportunities forour industry in a sustainable way.

Extrusion technology – refining the artExtrusion is an essential technology for theproduction of fish feeds. The successfuloperation of these sophisticated machinesis said to be more of an art than a science:in creating aquaculture feeds, this expertiseneeds constant refinement as newingredients become available forincorporation into aquafeeds. Three veteranextrusion experts will look in detail at theextrusion process.As many aquatic feeds move towards the

use of vegetable and other novelingredients, the extrusion task is to maintainquality at higher production rates with lowerinclusions of starch. Joseph P. Kearns, VicePresident Aqua-Feed Division, WengerManufacturing, Inc., USA, will explain howpushing the limits on all boundaries of theprocess becomes a challenge. Generallythe situations can be dealt with butsomething usually needs to give, he says.Trends are to be seen with productionmethods both of hardware and runningconditions, allowing for wider ranges of

non-traditional ingredients or ones of lowerquality. Reviewing ingredient quality and theextrusion process will give insights onbalancing the system.Urs Wuest, Director Market Segment

Aquafeed, Bühler AG, Switzerland, willaddress the effect of extrusion technologyon physical and nutritional quality ofextruded fish feed. He will explain the rolesof the pre-conditioner, of die design and ofdensity control, a critical variable if fish feedproduction that effects pellet buoyancy,floating and sinking characteristics, oilimpregnation during the coating processand factory capacity. The topic will be rounded out by Finn

Normann Jensen, Director of GlobalBusiness Development & Marketing,Andritz Feed & Biofuel A/S, Denmark, whohas held positions as R&D Design Engineer,R&D Manager and Technical Director,Business Manager Extrusion among others,over 30 years with the company.

Practical manufacturing constraints and feed formulationresource allocationTraditionally, feed formulation tools havefocused on nutrition and resource allocationdecisions as the driver for their output.


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Issues that affect the actual manufacturingof the feeds, such as weighing constraints,effects of ingredients on quality, throughputand energy use and silo availability havebeen difficult to adequately incorporate.Ian Mealey, Head of Operations, FormatInternational, U.K, will discuss optimizationtechniques that are now becomingavailable and that offer the formulator theability to more accurately model theseaspects alongside nutritional and ingredientpurchasing parameters in a more holisticapproach. This capability will inevitablyhave a positive feedback on themeasurement of ingredient value andsubsequent resource allocation decisions.

Looking forwardThe very latest in applied aquafeed R&Dwill be strongly represented at this year’smeeting.Dr. Mari Moren is Director of Research at

the food research institute, Nofima,responsible for Nutrition and FeedTechnology. The research area carries outresearch, development and innovationprojects, with a special focus on researchinto new feed raw materials, feedtechnology and questions related tonutrition. She will give a view of the futuredemands in salmon feed production andpresent possibilities from the viewpoint of aresearch institute working on R&Dthroughout the whole value chain inaquaculture.Dr. Olav Fjeld Kraugerud, leads the Centre

for Feed Technology at the NorwegianUniversity of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway.In this role he works with customers in bothacademia and industry. He says the

challenge of always making feed in newways leads to innovation, as new demandsare imposed on both hardware andprocesses. Dr. Kraugerud will look at novelingredients and give examples of resultsfrom trials performed with krill meal, glutenand plant meals. He will present data on theviability of tailor-made processing for feedrecipes with a diversified protein portfolio –and promises to reveal an exciting new andinnovative tool for feed production.

Early life-stage discoveriesDr. Jorge Dias, together with LuisConceição are the managing partners ofSPAROS Lda, Portugal, a technology-driven SME dedicated to the developmentof new products and tailored nutritionalsolutions for the aquaculture market. Dr.Dias’s talk will be on results from theAdvanced Research Initiatives for Nutrition& Aquaculture (ARRAINA) project, aEuropean FP7-funded Collaborative Projectcoordinated by INRA and associating 21institutions, among which are 9 industrialpartners. The overall objective of the ARRAINA

project is develop sustainable alternativeaquaculture feeds tailored to the nutritionalrequirements of the 5 main Europeanfarmed fish species, Atlantic salmon (Salmosalar), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss), gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata),European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)and common carp (Cyprinus carpio), overtheir full life cycles, with reduced levels offish meal and fish oil; and assess the longterm physiological consequences byapplying targeted integrative tools thataccurately measure and predict the effects

of alternative feeds on fish metabolism andhealth. The project is using these tools todevelop alternative feeds and novel deliveryvectors for early life stages of fish and studythe long-term effects of these alternativefeeds on metabolism, performance, qualityand waste management over the full life-cycle (from egg to broodstock). ARRAINAis also exploring the concept of nutritionalprogramming in fish.Dr. Dias will focus on new knowledge

generated on the fine tuning of the dietarysupply of trace elements in larvae andjuvenile feeds, relying on the use ofinnovative delivery vectors such asmicroencapsulated and nano-sized mineralforms and a closer look on the interactionsamong trace elements and other nutrients.Activities on the effect of vegetableingredients on physical pellet criteria andfecal properties will be discussed. Apredictive tool to compare theenvironmental impact (total, N and P waste)of different feed formulations developed forgilthead seabream will also be presented. Finally, Tilman Wilke, Product Developer

at Dr. Eckel will discuss the technical andfunctional considerations of working withacidifiers.Aquafeed Horizons 2015 will take place

from 9am to 5pm, 9th June, 2015 in theKoelnmesse, Cologne, Germany.

RegistrationPre-registration is required for a guaranteedplace in this popular conference and youare urged not to delay. Special rates areavailable for students and groups. “EarlyBird” rates are available until 31st March.Register at

Below, left: Dr. Olav Fjeld Kraugerud,Manager, Centre for Feed Technology atthe Norwegian University of LifeSciences, Norway will be one of a teamof applied research scientists who willshare their knowledge and insights atAquafeed Horizons.

Right: Dr. Jorge Dias, Managing Partnerof SPAROS, Portugal, will reveal apredictive tool to compare theenvironmental impact of different feedformulations developed for giltheadseabream, one of the five main Europeanfarmed fish species, as part of hispresentation.

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International Pellet Conference 9th JuneA technical look at a growing sector from the European Biomass Association (AEBIOM).

Over the past 15 years, the wood pelletindustry has stood out among otherrenewable energy sectors as one of thefastest growing sources for sustainableheat and electricity available to today’sconsumer. As renewables grew rapidly inimportance and their necessity in ourenergy mix was further realised during thisperiod, the demand for secure andsustainable energy sources becameincreasingly more pronounced. Thisincreased demand saw world pelletproduction grow from the modest figure ofjust 1.7 million tonnes in 2000 to reach anestimated 25 million tonnes produced in2014, representing almost a 15-foldincrease.

Continued growthToday, the impressive rate of growthcontinues; EU production alone was atmore than 12 million tonnes in 2014, andrecent years have seen new players enterthe fray as the significant potential of theinternational market becomes more andmore apparent. North and South Americaand Russia have quickly responded to theopportunities presented by high levels ofdemand at residential and non-residentialscale and their pellet production has risenaccordingly. The EU market offersparticularly good opportunities for bothdomestic and foreign producers andtraders.

Technical conferenceThe International Pellet Conferenceorganised by AEBIOM and taking place on9th June at VICTAM International 2015offers a chance look at the sector from amore technical standpoint. Additionally, theconference will seek to look in a differentway at the pellet industry and explore theclear links that exist between the processesfor biomass pelleting and those for theprocessing of animal feed, flour milling andgrain processing. While a brief overview ofthe latest pellet market developments willbe given, many of those attending theconference will be keen to learn of theinteractions between feed and wood pelletproduction. For this purpose, speakers willbe invited to give a technical comparison ofthese processes and explore some of thesuccessful conversions and diversificationsthat producers on both sides of the fencehave managed in optimising their businessactivities between the two sectors. Thediscussion on this interaction is sure toraise some interesting points for both thepellet and feed sectors.

Plant optimisationFollowing this, we will look at how best tooptimise costs in the production of pellets.Ensuring that economical productionprocesses are in place is key to maximisingthe profit-making potential of any pelletplant. For this reason, one of theconference sessions will focus on plantoptimisation and implementation of cost-effective business models. Key expertsfrom some of the most significant playersin the pellet sector will be invited to presenttheir practices and give insights into theways they have managed to reach asustainable level of profitability in theirpellet production.

Pellet qualityAs we see pellet supply chains becomemore and more complex as new actors areintroduced to an increasingly internationalmarket, pellet producers and traders findthemselves in a position in which theyneed to prove the quality of the pellets theyoffer to their buyer – be it the next trader inthe supply chain, or the end consumerwho will use the pellets in their stove orboiler. On the consumption side, theconsumer needs to be fully confident intheir supplier’s promise that the pellets theybuy are sustainable and of excellent quality,both to ensure a high heating value (giving

them as much value for their money aspossible), and, crucially, to ensure that thepellets used will have no detrimental effectson their combustion appliance. For these reasons, the conference will at

that point turn its attention to the issue ofpellet quality. We will hear from keytechnical experts who will look to sharetheir expertise on maintaining pellet qualityall along the supply chain from productionin pellet plants, to the handling in ports,storages and delivery trucks, right up to thereceipt of the pellets by the end consumer.

TorrefactionIn each session we will also hear fromindustry representatives from thetorrefaction sector. Torrefaction representsan extremely promising technology for thebiomass sector, bringing significantpossibilities for the replacement of fossilfuels. The AEBIOM-run InternationalBiomass Torrefaction Council (IBTC) will bepresent to give their perspective on eachof the discussions and look at the role thattorrefaction will play in future energymarkets.We hope that you will join us in Cologne

to discuss these key issues and learn fromthe insights offered by leading experts;don’t miss out on what promises to be ahighly interesting discussion.

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10 Showtime


Petfood Forum Europe 2015 10th JuneExclusive conference brings cutting-edge knowledge and studies on nutrition, petfoodingredients, safety, processing and more.

Petfood professionals from Europe andaround the world can learn the latest dataand information on pet nutrition, petfoodmanufacturing and marketing duringPetfood Forum Europe 2015. This exclusiveconference also offers prime networkingopportunities as well as the chance toconnect with leading industry suppliersexhibiting at VICTAM/FIAAP/GRAPASInternational.Scheduled for 10th June at the

Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany, inconjunction with VICTAM/FIAAP/GRAPAS,Petfood Forum Europe features industryexperts presenting new research on usinginsect protein, marine algae and mediumchain triglycerides in petfood, measuringemotional palatability, differentiating petfoodpackaging on the retail shelf, adjusting forseasonal rhythms in cats, ensuring safepetfood products and using higher levels ofthermal energy in dry petfood production.

RegistrationRegistration for Petfood Forum Europe isnow available, with early bird savingsthrough April 1. Following are the schedule,topics and speakers as of press time. For updates and registration information,visit


09:00 – 10:00 Registration/check-in with light breakfast

10:00 – 10:40 Differentiation on the shelf: petfood packaging design thatcaptures market shareStefan Hartung, Executive Creative Director for Ideas That Kick, explains how tocreate petfood packaging design concepts that differentiate your brand in a crowded,competitive market by resonating with consumers. Using international examples, hedescribes how to analyze competitive shelf sets for petfood-specific packaging,identify market and mindset opportunities for your products and stand out on the shelfby speaking to consumers with benefit messaging versus feature-based marketing.

10:40 – 11:20 Insect protein meal: a safe, sustainably produced source ofnutrients for innovative petfood applicationsTarique Arsiwalla, Founder and Director of Protix Biosystems BV, provides insights intohow insects can play a pivotal role in food chains, turning end-of-life streams intovaluable high-grade nutrients. These nutrients can benefit the petfood industry,including in diets for dogs and cats, while complying with strict guidelines in EuropeanUnion legislation. Within those guidelines, ingredients such as concentrated insectproteins, purified insect oils and chitin-containing fractions have been produced withvarious functional applications, including dog food.

11:20 – 12:00 Measuring emotional palatabilityChristelle Tobie, Panelis Business Development Manager for SPF-Diana Pet Food,explains why palatability, defined to date as an organoleptic concept, has now becomeemotional as the petfood market faces new challenges: understanding pets’ behaviorsrelated to their feeding experience and understanding the “parents’” perceptions oftheir pets’ feeding satisfaction. Tobie and her colleagues have investigated this newdimension to define the relevant criteria to measure emotional palatability anddemonstrate that expert panels can deliver reliable information about owners’ futureperceptions.

12:00 – 13:30 Petfood Forum Europe lunch

13:30 – 14:10 Ensuring safe petfood in the 21st century: protecting your brandequity, your customers and our petsDavid Primrose, MSc, Technical Consultant for Synergy Food Ingredients, deliversinsights into how brand equity shapes our thinking on petfood safety and illustrates theimportance of evolving our food safety management approach to ensure field-to-bowlprotection now and in the future. Recognizing food safety culture as an emerging riskfactor, the presentation introduces a model for petfood safety built on food industrybest practices and learnings from significant food safety incidents.

14:10 – 14:50 Seasonal rhythms in food intake, body weight and activity in thedomestic catDavid G. Thomas, PhD, Senior Lecturer at Massey University, describes new researchinto how cats still show a strong seasonal rhythm in feed intake, despite domesticationand the provision by owners of a consistent food supply. Most domestic cats areexposed to natural daylight and temperature changes during the year, yet little researchto date has looked at the consequence of this on appetite and food intake, body weightand activity. Thomas describes the extent of these natural fluctuations and discussesthem in the context of current feeding guidelines and regulations.

14:50 – 15:30 Effects of caprylocapric triglyceride supplementation in catsMelinda Fernyhough Culver, DVM, PhD, Scientific Affairs Manager-Biosciences forAbitec Corp., reports the results of a study investigating the effects of supplementingcats’ diets with caprylocapric (medium chain) triglycerides, a unique type of fat due totheir digestion, absorption and metabolic pathway. A considerable amount of data existto suggest that supplementing human and other species’ diets with these triglycerides

continued on page 12 �

Above: At Petfood Forum Europe, industryexperts will present cutting-edge researchon topics such as how seasonal changesmay affect cats’ eating behaviour, weightand activity level.

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Visit us at stand G034AM INTERNAATCVIT TIONAL – HALL 6:

Visit us a and G034tat s 4

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12 Showtime


� continued from page 10

can diminish both visceral and subcutaneous adipose fat; yet there has been littlefocus on companion animals despite the progression of pet obesity to epic levelsworldwide. Culver describes the metabolic pathway of caprylocapric supplementationand resulting effects on weight wellness.

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 – 16:40 Thermal versus mechanical energy in petfood extrusion toboost meat levels and save energyBrian Streit, Director of Pet Food & Aquatic Technology for Wenger Manufacturing,explains how the continual rise in energy costs and the trend to include higher levelsof fresh and dried meat in petfood formulations have combined to provide a new wayof extrusion cooking. By using higher levels of thermal to mechanical energy, theproduction of unique and very high meat inclusion formulations are possible. Inaddition to the tangible benefits of energy cost reduction and formulation flexibility, thismethod offers other benefits, such as increased palatability, higher digestibility andvitamin and mineral retention.

16:40 – 17:20 Benefits of feeding algae as an antioxidant and omega-3ingredient for dogsTerry McArdle, European Pet Manager of the Alltech European Biosciences Centre,presents information and research on microalgae as a source of protein, fat andnutrients and a viable option to the challenge posed by food production growingslower than human demand. Studies have suggested that supplementation of caninediets with DHA from marine sources can improve cognitive, memory, psychomotor,immunologic and retinal functions in growing dogs and help reduce aggressivebehavior in adult dogs. Alltech recently conducted a study to evaluate the oxidativestability, effect on product shelf life and impact on organoleptic properties of aspecialist algae supplement as an alternative source of omega-3 fatty acids in a dry,extruded petfood.

The European petfood market

Despite financial struggles in someEuropean countries, pet care and petfoodare still strong economic sectors in theregion, and Europe holds a significantshare of the global petfood market. Learn more about this dynamic region:

• Western

• Eastern

• Leading European petfood


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Feed Safety Assurance certificate 10th JuneThe international GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance certificate also your tool?

In the coming decades, the worldpopulation will grow to about nine billionpeople. At the same time, the welfare levelis rising throughout the world. This resultsin more demand for safe animal productssuch as meat, dairy products and eggs. More feed materials are needed for more

production of animal protein. The feed

material suppliers experience it by increasingdemand and export. At the same time, theyare faced with increasing demand for demon-strable control of feed and food safety. GMP+ International has the most suitable

tool for the feed business to cope with thenew challenges in the export markets aswell domestically.


Part I (German)

10:00 – 10:10 Begrüßung (IFF)

10:10 – 10:40 Energieeinsparungen und –management in der Mischfutterproduktion (IFF)

10:40 – 11:10 Anforderungen an die Zerkleinerung mit Blick auf die Nachhaltigkeit (IFF)

11:10 – 11:40 Hygiene und HACCP in Mischfutterwerken (IFF)

11:40 – 12:00 Coffee break

12:00 – 13:30 Podiumsdiskussion (One representative from IFF, two/three representatives of associations and industry)

Part II (English)

14:30 – 14:40 Welcoming (IFF)

14:40 – 15:10 Energy management in Feed Production (IFF)

15:10 – 15:40 Hygiene Policy and HACCP in Feed Production (IFF)

15:40 – 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 – 16:30 Sustainability in Feed Production (n.n.)

16:30 – 17:00 Hygienic feed production versus capacity (n.n.)

17:00 – 17:30 Reducing specific energy demands in the pelleting of feed (n.n.)

Closing Words

Topic: Energy Managementand Sustainability in FeedProduction.

IFF, International Research Association ofFeed Technology, Germany, will once againorganise a one day conference on the everchanging subject of “Feed Processing”. Experts will present a series of papers on

this subject. The morning sessions will beconducted in German and the afternoonsessions in English.

Want to know all about the opportunitiesfor your organisation? Please, join ourseminar during VICTAM International inCologne on 10th June from 13:30 – 15:30.

RegistrationFor more details and registration check ourwebsite and seminars.

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14 Showtime


Global Milling Conference with GRAPAS International 2015 11th JuneThe GRAPAS Conference 2015, which will form a key part of the GRAPAS exhibitionthat is co-located with VICTAM International in Cologne, will attract a new type ofaudience – the flour and rice millers and associated industry representatives.

The conference has been moved from thefirst day to the last day of the event and willstart at 10:00 on Thursday 11th June,2015 and run through until 17:00, offeringattendees three two-hour sessions.“We are inviting our speakers and

delegates to attend the event from 10thJune, 2015 so that they can have a goodlook around the exhibition halls before theconference proper,” says Roger Gilbert, thepatron and co-organiser of the event.“We have also called on ‘The Global

Milling Conference’ which is held annuallyin India, to co-locate this year with GRAPASin Europe. This will widen the programmeto include one or two presentations fromthat part of the world as well.”Another development, he adds, is the

structure of the presentations.“We will be charging a registration fee of

€75 (or €30/session) to cover speakerscosts. This will allow us to bring onto theprogram those speakers that until nowhave not been able to allocate resources toaccept presentation invitations.”

Co-locatedThe one-day event will be co-located theFIAAP conference and held during theGRAPAS, FIAAP and VICTAM exhibitionsat the Koln Messe exhibition halls will becalled ‘Global Milling Conference withGRAPAS 2015’.“Combining the two milling conferences

at a Europe venue will allow us to offer aprogram that is more encompassing anddraw on the experiences of an establishedmilling conference from the Asia sub-continent that has been developed byGFMT and Assocom India,” says RogerGilbert, patron and co-organiser of theevent.“We plan to attract wheat, rice and

cereals millers to this one-day conferenceby providing a platform of speakers whoyou might not normally find presenting atconferences; experts in their fields whohave a unique insight into developmentsaround flour, rice and cereal millingregionally and globally,” he adds.For millers to leave their mills and travel

to Cologne, Germany, for a one-dayconference and a three-day exhibition,places demands on the programme, saysMr Gilbert.

“The programme has to be presentedas one that millers cannot afford to miss.Therefore the caliber of speaker andpresentation subject are paramount,”he says.To offset the cost of engaging speakers,

the conference will introduce for the firsttime, a registration fee of €75/person forthe full day, or €30 per session. Coffeewill be included between sessions.Those opting for all three sessions will beoffered lunch.

OutlineThe one-day conference will take placefrom 10:00 on 11th June, 2015 in aconference room alongside VICTAM, andconclude at 17:00. It will be broken intothree two-hour themed sessions with acoffee and lunch break in-between. Thewhole event will be held in English.A registration fee of €75/person will be

charged for the full day. However,delegates can attend by session for€30/each. Registration is now availableonline with a completed programme andwill allow delegates to register up until theday of the conference.“We are aiming to offer this one-off

conference to 75-100 delegates only.Space will be limited,” says Mr Gilbert.“As the programme will be made up of

three separate sessions, delegates candip into and out of each session, or opt toattend all. We will favour those who electto attend the whole programme inallocating space,” he adds.


10:00 – 12:00 Session one – Food Safety / Quality Control• Training – The benefits from qualified staff• Regulations• Heat treatments

13:00 – 15:00 Session two – Nutrition / Milling / Technology• Flour Fortification – Millers fighting malnutrition• Fibre, Protein and Gluten-Free – Challenges for human consumption• Dealing with customer complaints

15:00 – 17:00 Session three – Markets / Storage / Handling• Harvest Report – Soft and hard wheat supply from the USA• The Roller Mill Revolution• Milling 24/7 – A Miller's Experiences

RegistrationThe full programme can be viewed onlineas it develops and delegates can registerto attend via this

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Your Expertin emptying from flat bottom silos

MORILLON SAS - 48 rue des Mauges - 49600 ANDREZÉ - FRANCE - Tel. +33 241 565 014 [email protected]

Turnkey solutions including des ign, manufacture and servicing worldwide

Heavy duty hydraulic or mechanical unloaders for non-flowing mate-rials (soya meal, rice bran, etc….)First in - First out emptyingRanging from 2 to 25 meters in silo diameter

Industrial bin sweepers for cereals and oil seedsZero entryRanging from 5 to 40 meters in silo diameter

VICTAMF65 – Hall 6

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16 Showtime

travel and accommodation

Arriving by planeBoth Cologne-Bonn and nearby Dusseldorfare international airports with flights to andfrom all over the world. Major cities such asCopenhagen, Berlin, Paris, Prague,London, Munich, Milan, and Zurich areabout 60 minutes flying time from Cologne. Both of the airports have their own railway

stations which allows fast and easy accessto the railway station at Koelnmesse on theICE trains. These high speed trains alsoconnect to Düsseldorf, Frankfurt,Amsterdam, and Brussels airports.Visitors should leave the trains at Koln

Messe/Deutz and follow the signs to KoelnMesse and FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPASInternational 2015. This will lead you to therear of the station where you will then beable to catch the free shuttles buses. Thesewill be operating each show day to andfrom the railway station and Entrance Northof KoelnMesse where you will find the visitorregistration for the exhibitions andconferences.

Travel by trainDue to its location in the centre of Europe,Koelnmesse can be quickly reached ontrains of Deutsche Bahn from many cities inGermany and abroad. In addition, the Köln

Accommodation Cologne is served by a wide range ofhotels offering a great selection ofaccommodation to suit budgetrequirements of exhibitors, conferencedelegates and visitors alike.To book your hotels simply go to the link

below to find the hotel that suits you: the hotel form (don't forget to

select 'Victam' in the dropdown box on thenew page that opens when you click thissite) to make your reservation.

Messe/Deutz station for high-speed trainsis located next to the exhibition grounds.Once again visitors should leave the trains

at Koln Messe/Deutz and follow the signsto Koln Messe and FIAAP, VICTAM &GRAPAS International 2015. You will thenbe able to board the free shuttles busesthat will operating each show day to andfrom the railway station and Entrance Northof Koln Messe where you will find the visitorregistration for the exhibitions andconferences.

Travel by carPlease be aware there are major roadworks near the exhibition centre.Restrictions may be in place which couldcause traffic congestion and delays. Pleaseread the following which will help you.Traffic restrictions Kalk tunnel (B55a) /motorway junction Köln-Ost (Cologne-East)Due to the general renovation of the Kalk

tunnel on the B55a between the Zoobrückeand the Köln-Ost motorway junction, trafficrestrictions will likely be in place near thetrade fair grounds until the end of 2015.During the entire construction period, onlytwo lanes out of the usual three will be openin the tunnel in each direction of travel. Thetunnel remains closed to HGVs over 7.5

Travelling to the exhibition centretonnes. Additionally, the slip roads at Köln-Ost motorway junction from the A3 to theB55a travelling towards Cologne and theaccess onto the B55a from BuchheimerRing towards the city are closed.If you are travelling on the A3 from the

North, leave the A3 at the Mülheim exit andfollow the signs towards Koelnmesse (viathe Mülheim access road, Clevischer Ring,Bergischer Ring, Pfälzischer Ring). If you are travelling on the A3 from theSouth, take the A4 at the Heumarmotorway junction. At the Grembergjunction, take the A59/559 towards theeastern access road (L 124) and follow thesigns to Koelnmesse.Due to the closures and traffic restrictions,

travel on the city motorway B55a as well ason the diversion routes can be expected totake considerably longer than usual. We recommend avoiding driving throughthe Kalk Tunnel as much as possible.You can find information about the currenttraffic situation in the Stadt Köln trafficcalendar (please include link: When you arrive at Koelnmesse please

park your vehicle in Car Park p21. This willbe clearly signed.

Visa informationIf you are traveling to our exhibition from a country whose citizens require a visa forGermany, you will need to obtain an official invitation letter. A. Sutter Dialog ServicesGmbH will issue invitation letters on behalf of VICTAM International BV. Pleasecomplete the application form online:

You will be sent the official letter by e-mail or fax and a copy will also be sent to thenearest German consulate in your country. Any other questions or remarks with regardto the invitation letter need to be made directly to A. Sutter Dialog Services GmbH.

We would like to stress that you need to start your visa application early to avoiddisappointment.

To find out if you require a visa and for more information and application forms, pleasecheck the German government’s website at:

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travel and accommodation


Zoobrücke für Lkw mit zulässigem Gesamtgewicht über 30 t gesperrtZoobrücke closed for trucks weighing over 30 t GVW

Mülheimer Brücke für Lkw mit zulässigem Gesamtgewicht über 30 t gesperrtMülheimer Brücke closed for trucks weighing over 30 t GVW


Rheinbrücke Leverkusen für Lkw mit zulässigem Gesamtgewicht über 3,5 t gesperrtRheinbrücke Leverkusen closed for trucks weighing over 3.5 t GVW

Stadtautobahn B55a von der A3 aus nicht erreichbarThe B55a city motorway is not accessible from the A3









Tunnel Kalk für Lkw mit zulässigem Gesamtgewicht über 7,5 t gesperrtTunnel Kalk closed for trucks weighing over 7.5 t GVW



Eingeschränkt befahrbarRestricted vehicle access

Uneingeschränkt befahrbarUnrestricted vehicle access

Empfohlen für Fahrzeuge bis 30 tRecommended for vehicles up to 30 t

Empfohlene WegführungRecommended route



er R



Stadtautobahn B55a



17. J


Olpener Str.Kalker Hauptstraße

Frankfurter Str.



Deutz-Kalke r Str.

Deutz -Mül







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Extra editionAllAboutFeed!

The Feed Technology special!

May 2015

More information? Extra editionAllAboutFeed!


www .allaboutfw echnoleedt logy

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Everybody is probably familiar withCologne Cathedral, which is always wortha visit. But the city also offers many otherattractive highlights to culture-focusedtravellers. They range from the city’smuseums and Romanesque churches to awide spectrum of fountains andmonuments. You can walk through the quaint alleys of

58th FEFAC AGM Cologne10 – 11 June 2015, Congress centre “Koelnmesse”during FIAAP & VICTAM INTERNATIONAL 2015+ Hotel Cologne Rudolfplatz

The beautiful ancient city of Cologne

Cologne’s city centre, where you will findtraditional buildings and innumerablebreweries as well as hotels and restaurantsto suit your taste and budget.

City of contrastsAn exciting contrast to this is posed by theultramodern Rheinauhafen riverfrontcomplex. The Cologne Opera, the Cologne

Philharmonic Orchestra and the city’smany theatres offer a wide variety ofconcerts and other performances. You can select the events you would like

to attend on the Web pages of the venuein question. The website of KölnTourismusGmbH also includes an overview of othercultural events and highlights that areoffered in Cologne throughout the year.

Tourist attractions and cultural events play a major role in the vibrant metropolis ofCologne. The city on the Rhine has plenty to offer in this regard.

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20 Showtime

anniversary celebrations

FIAAP & VICTAM industry tourIn honour of her 50th anniversary VICTAMInternational BV, in co-operation withVitelia Feeds and the Feed Design Lab, willorganize a feed industry tour on MondayJune 8th and Friday June 12th, 2015 tothe Vitelia Feed Mill and the Feed DesignLab (see opposite), both in the Netherlands. You can register for this tour, free of

charge, on our website: Please indicatethe day that you wish to participate. Please note that places are limited and

participation will be assigned based ondate of registration. The deadline forregistering is Friday, May 23rd, 2015.

Visitor promotion VICTAM is again working in co-operationwith a number of industry magazines and

50th anniversaryVictam Internationalwill celebrate its50th anniversary oforganizing exhibitionsand conferences during2015. Victam has arranged for a numberof activities in order to commemorate thisachievement. These will include:� Victam has commissioned the wellknown artistic photographer – LaurentBellec to display a series of his impressivephotographs of Animal Feed Mills withinEurope. These will be displayed within aspecially constructed viewing gallery inthe KoelnMesse Boulevard whichconnects Entrance North to Hall 6 whichis where the exhibitions are being held.� Also within this gallery will be achronological display of photographs,editorial, advertising and other materialrelating to Victam exhibitions from 1965to the present day. � Each visitor to the show will receive avoucher that will enable them to receivea refreshing free cup of coffee or tea fromthe refreshment kiosk at the rear of Hall 6.

Anniversary activitiesVictam International will organize a number of differentactivities for visitors attending the FIAAP, VICTAM &GRAPAS exhibitions.

national industry associations to arrangeorganized travel to the 2015 event.

Networking lunchesOther exciting activities are the severalnetworking lunches that will include aninteresting presentation that will beorganized. For example, Tuesday June 9th for the

production managers and nutritionists fromthe top five feed mills within each of themajor feed producing countries in WesternEurope. Wednesday June 10th for themembers of the German Feed Association,the DVT, and on Thursday June 11th theDutch and Belgian associations, NEVEDIand BEMEFA will host a lunch for theirmembers.All invitees to these lunches will receive a

personal invitation shortly.

Complete Feed Mills, Plants and Machines

AMANDUS KAHL GmbH & Co. KG · Dieselstrasse 5-9 · D-21465 Reinbek / Hamburg · Phone: +49 40 727 71 0

[email protected] ·

KAHL Crown ExpanderFlexible production of shaped products. Preconditioning of pellet mixtures. See us at:


Stand D 011

KAHL Cr shin Roller Mill Economic crushing of feed mixtures, cereals, legumes and Oilseeds

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anniversary celebrations

This young, ambitious company wasfounded in 2011 in the Netherlands andstarted building a brand new test factory in2013 in Wanssum, which was presented atthe official opening of the company in April2014. Open innovation and sharingknowledge lie on the basis of Feed DesignLab. By working together on innovationand by sharing this knowledge, FeedDesign Lab contributes to the ambition toget to a sustainable production chain.Feed Design Lab describes renting the

test factory, providing training to futureemployees and professionals anddeveloping projects as their mostimportant activities. Feed Design Lab isunique in this setting: nowhere else inEurope, education, research and theproduction of experimental/test feed takeplace in the same institute. All of this ismade possible by the founding fathers andpartners in the network of Feed DesignLab, already consisting of over 60companies, research institutes andgovernments from the Netherlands,Belgium and other European countries, allworking together on innovation. The setting provides a perfect base for

open innovation in the feed industry and isutilized by many partners in the networkwho are aspired to find new resources,develop new technologies and processesand to educate young people in the sector.The foundation can be split up into three

business units, namely: facilities, projectsand education. All activities related to thesethree business units are expressed in the‘innovation program’, which consists ofHealth & Wellbeing, Alternative resources,New technology and Efficiency &Environment. Feed Design Lab has latelybeen active in, amongst others, projects toproduce soy in the Netherlands, practicaltests with processing alternative proteinsources (like mealworms) into feed andprojects of using algae as an alternativeprotein source in feed. Other recentactivities are setting up training foroperators and organizing a symposiumand network meeting for all partners andexternal professionals on the vision of thefeed company in 2025.The facilities are one of the highlights by

which Feed Design Lab is often recognized.

Innovation and knowledge sharing at Feed Design Lab

Above: A 3D overview of the machinesand lines inside the test factory.

Below: An outside view of the test factoryas it was opened in April 2014. Few wouldnotice that this building is in fact a smallscale feed mill.

The spacious test factory may be hired bypartners and other external parties. Thefactory is flexible in its setting, meaning thatadditional machinery can be placed andmoved in case this is required for a certaintest or project. All machines in the factorycan be used and controlled independentlyor in line, which is ideal for trainings andcourses and provides easy access forcleaning to prevent contamination of testfeed. Feed Design Lab employs its ownoperator in the test factory, but it is alwayspossible for companies to deploy their ownoperators for a test.The plant is currently equipped with a

hammer mill, paddle mixer, mesh screensieve, conditioner, expander/extruder,press, cooler/dryer, rotary screen sieve anda vacuum coater. A line for processing wetwaste streams is being prepared.Integrity, flexibility and professionality are

three key aspects for Feed Design Lab. Inshort, this means that the client alwaysdecides on which way and about whatcommunication takes place. Feed DesignLab is an independent knowledge institutewhich means that your intellectual propertyis always in good hands. When you decideto work with Feed Design Lab, you areassured of a professional and experiencedteam with a valuable network.Info: [email protected]

Feed Design Lab is the research- and education center for innovation andsustainability in the feed industry.

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DAILY e-newsletter


DYNAMIC website



World Grain gathers information from around the global grain, flour and feed industries and

provides its readers with the information they need to stay informed and do their jobs.

Visit to sign up for our digital edition and daily e-newsletter.

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asia event

Asia shows return toBangkok in 2016

The shows will once again be held at themodern, purpose built exhibition halls ofthe Bangkok International Trade andExhibition Centre or BITEC, Bangkok. Theshow dates are the 29 – 31 March, 2016.

Show profiles� FIAAP Asia 2016 is the only specialistexhibition and conference for theingredients, additives and formulation offeeds for animals, aquafeed and drypetfood within the expanding Asia/Pacificmarkets.� VICTAM Asia 2016 is by far the largestexhibition in South and Southeast Asia foranimal feed production technology. Thisequipment, technology, together withancillary systems is required and isessential for the safe and effectiveproduction of feeds for animals, aquafeedand dry petfood. The sector of biomasspellet production machinery within theexhibition has grown larger over the lastfew years. This sector is becomingincreasingly popular and important asbiomass pellets are seen as an alternativegreen energy source in the powergeneration industry both in Asia/Pacificand also elsewhere in the world. � GRAPAS Asia 2016 is the only tradeshow in the Asia/Pacific region for the grainprocessing sectors. The show profiles rice& flour milling, grain processing, storage,preservation & distribution, industrial noodle& pasta production, the manufacture ofbreakfast cereals and extruded snacks.This exhibition has seen dramatic growth

over the last few years consumption ofmeat, eggs, milk and bread is growingthroughout South and Southeast Asia.

Technical conference scheduleThe FIAAP Conference – Organized byWATT Global Media, publishers of FeedInternational & Feed Management.Aquafeed Horizons – Organized by LinxConferences, aquafeed.comPetfood Forum Asia 2016 – Organized byWATT Global Media, publishers of PetfoodIndustry.Feed Safety Assurance certificate –Organized by GMP+ International. Global Milling Conference with GRAPASAsia 2016 – Organized by PerendalePublishing, publishers of Milling & GrainMagazine.Biomass & Biomass PelletingDuring the event the 2nd meeting and

conference of the Federation of ASEANAnimal Feed Associations will be held atBITEC. Additionally the ASEAN FeedSummit and the ASEAN Rice Summit willonce again be held alongside thesemeetings. Senior members of theAssociations will be in attendance.

Further informationInformation on exhibition stand/booth salesis now available. Please consult ourwebsites and download the requiredinformation or contact Patricia Heimgartner,Exhibition Manager, Victam International BVTel: ++ 31 33 246 4404Email: [email protected]

The event, now in its 25th year, with its three co-located exhibitions and complimenting seriesof conferences isundoubtedly the largestdedicated animal feed andgrain processing eventwithin Asia.

The event has the support of thefollowing Thai organisations:

• The Thai Ministry of Agriculture & Co-Operatives

• TheThai Department of Livestock Development

• The Thai Department of Fisheries• The Thai Feed Mill Association• The Thai Rice Milling Association• The Thai Rice Packers Association• The Thai Rice Exporters Association• The Thai Petfood Association• The Thai Chamber of Commerce• Federation of ASEAN Feed

Associations • Thailand Convention

& Exhibition Bureau

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exhibitor previews





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ows � 4B Braime

Bolt ‘N’ Go™ Drop Forged Chain. Arevolutionary assembly method for forgedconveyor chains reducing downtime andmaintenance costs. Link and flight assembly made easy by

using a standard bolt and nut with a highstrength hollow pin. No welding required,no need to remove chain from the conveyorfor installation, no issues with strength. Available in 7 sizes ranging from 102NA to


� AB Liros ElectronicGrain temperature monitoring is a vital linkin the post-harvest chain. It is the onlyeffective method to ensure your commodityis stored under optimal conditions by detect-ing “hot spots” caused by grain respiration,moisture, insect infestation or mold. Can you afford loss of commercial value or

even spoilage of your stored commodity?

� Abrazív E.O. and Machine Mfg.The Abrazív Ltd. manufactures and suppliesmachines and equipment for our Clientsdealing with handling, storage, dosing,proportioning, pelleting or extruding.Our activities may cover the supply of

single machines/complete technologicallines, and/or turn-key supply of completefeed/premix plants.

� Aerox B.V.Aerox B.V. is the world’s leading odourcontrol specialist. With our Aerox-Injectorwe destroy the odours that are produced inindustrial processes. The Aerox-Technology is considered as

B.A.T. (Best Available Technique) bygovernments, authorities and companiesalike. We help factories to minimize theiremissions in order to comply withlegislation, laws, but most important: tokeep their neighbours happy.

� Ag Growth International (AGI)Ag Growth International (AGI) is a leadingmanufacturer of portable and stationarygrain handling, storage and conditioningequipment, including augers, beltconveyors, grain storage bins, grainhandling accessories, grain aerationequipment and grain drying systems. AGI has eleven manufacturing facilities in

Canada, the United States, the UnitedKingdom and Finland, and distributes itsproducts globally.

� Agromatic AGThe new Porta Digital of Agromatic is theideal portable temperature monitoringdevice for smaller siloplants and flatstorages, equipped with spear probes.4800 temperature sensors can bememorized with this new device. Thesoftware is supplied free of charge. The Porta Digital is equipped with an USB

communication interface; simultaneouslyacting as battery charger.

� AllAboutFeedWill you be the winner of the AllAboutFeedaward? AllAboutFeed, the multimedia brandfor the animal nutrition and processingindustry invites companies to send in theirinnovation for the FIAAP/AllAboutFeedAnimal Nutrition Award. The winner and runner-up prize of this

prestigious award will be granted to themost striking innovations on show at FIAAP& VICTAM International 2015. More details: [email protected]

� AlmexThere is continuous interest in expandertechnology at feedmills worldwide. Since2014 Almex is part of Triott group and assuch we are now able to supply completepelleting lines, with all up- and downstreamequipment needed and control system. Almex will show AL300 expander model

at VICTAM International.

� Amandus Kahl Gmbh & Co. KGThree new factories for Saudi Arabia. In 2014 the KAHL Group took three

complete plants from one customer inSaudi Arabia in order: one oat processingplant, one coffee roasting plant, and ananimal feed factory. The three plants aredelivered synchronously, built up and putinto operation in 2015.

� ANDRITZ Feed & BiofuelTechnologiesANDRITZ Feed & Biofuel Technologiespelleting plant solutions are developed withoptimum focus on feed safety andtraceability. Production lines supplied by us are based

on a complete program of well-provenprocess machinery and equipment incombination with integrated IT solutions,which ensure easy operation and fullprocess traceability.

� Aquafeed.comSince 1998, has been therecognised provider of sector-specificbusiness, scientific and technical news andinformation, through content-rich webportals, magazines and newsletters – freelyavailable, in support of the industry. Our uniquely experienced team also

provides conferences and technicalconsulting. is dedicatedto information for aquatic hatchery operators.

� ArcelorMittal RingmillArcelorMittal Ringmill is specialized in themanufacturing and heat processing ofseamless rolled rings. Our rings meet the most stringent levels

of strength, ductility, toughness and fatigueresistance. They are perfectly designed to

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26 Showtime

exhibitor previews

produce: Pellet dies, Wear & ReinforcingRings. Available: black or pre-machined.Material grades: X46Cr13, X50CrMoV15,51CrV4, 42CrMo4.

� ArodoArodo designs and manufacturescustomized filling lines: dosing, weighing,bagging, palletising and stretchhoodsystems. Headquarters in Arendonk,Belgium where over 110 people areemployed. The AROVAC patented vacuum bagging

system produces fully de-aeratedwaterproof packs for solids such as feeds,foods and grains. Capacity can be adaptedto the customer’s requirements.

� Avantron/IDAHIDAH is recognized as a leading innovatorof process equipment and processing plantturn-key solution provider for food, feedand biomass industry. With comprehensive product ranges and

customer-centric design services, IDAH isyour most trust-worthy partner to empoweryour business innovation in these fields.

� Bentall RowlandsBentall Rowlands Storage Systems is aleading UK manufacturer in completestorage and processing equipmentsolutions for agricultural and industrialmarkets. We offer a wide range of galvanised steel

silos and hoppers, water tanks, catwalksand platforms, material handlingequipment, cleaning and grading andweighing and drying systems that areassembled worldwide.

� Bitzer Wiegetechnik GmbHBitzer Wiegetechnik GmbH offers a widerange of non-automatic scales (e.g. truckscales and platform scales) and automaticscales (e.g. bulk scales and belt weighers). Furthermore, company Bitzer is one of the

leading suppliers of customised specialconstructions and automatic systems forgrain quality determination.

� BM Silo ApSBM Silo ApS has 50 years of experience inthe manufacture of products for storingand conveying of dry materials such as:Grain, meal, feedstuffs, pellets, powders,granules etc.

� Bruins InstrumentsThe AgriCheck for Transmission andReflectance with built-in Hectoliter Weightunit is the 2 in 1 cost effective solution forwhole-grain, seed and flour analysis.It is the system for NIR-Transmission

measurements to control moisture, oil,protein, raw fibre and NIR-Reflectancemeasurements with static sample cell formeal, powder or liquids.

� Bühler“Bühler – One step ahead in processinggrains to feed.” Bühler is more than just a supplier of

machinery. As a single source provider, weassume the responsibility for theconstruction of your feed mill, during all theproject phases. Visit our booth to discoverthe industry’s latest developments intechnology, engineering and automation.

� CPM EuropeYears of experience in the feed industry. Thanks to years of experience in the feed

industry, we have extensive knowledge ofthe specific processes and raw materialsrequired. This allows us to optimise therelevant processes in fine detail. Andbecause we can test on an industrial scalein our own laboratory, we can contribute tothe innovation of our customers’ end-products.

� Christy Turner LtdBusinesses in the Animal Feed, Biomass,Wood Grinding or Breakfast Cereal sectorswill be familiar with UK based ChristyTurner Ltd, world renowned manufacturersof established machinery brands ER&FTurner Flaking Mills, Miracle Mill HammerMills, Christy & Norris Pulverizers, HammerMills and Grinders. Exhibiting on stand G057.

� CimbriaCimbria is an international organizationoperating worldwide with design,production and installation of equipmentand processing plants for all types of grain,seed and feed handling.The product range includes a complete

series of storage plants, drying, conveying,ventilation, cleaning and sorting, loadingchutes and advanced control andautomation systems.

� CofelyThe Cofely MES Toolbox is a proven andscalable modular software platform for theautomation of batch and continuousprocesses dedicated to the feed industry. We automate your entire production

and logistics process with an innovativeweb-based solution. This can improveyour feed mill performance with morethan 10%.

� Darling Ingredients Inc.With more than a century of experience,Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE:DAR)provides a global growth platform for thedevelopment and production ofsustainable natural ingredients. At VICTAM International its brands DAR

PRO Solutions and Sonac will presenttheir reliable and high-quality ingredientsfor application in swine, poultry andaqua feed.

� Datastor SystemsWe have built a strong reputation inAgriculture over 35 years for softwareinnovation, high quality system design andservice. Datastor Systems will be showcasing its

latest process control system Imperium,enhanced graphics, SQL open data, (O.E.E,Downtime, K.P.I’s) and browser interface.Also on display will be our E.R.P, finitescheduling software.

� De MolenaarDe Molenaar, the only trade journal for thegrain processing industry in TheNetherlands and Belgium, congratulatesVictam on its 50th anniversary. In the 68th year of its own existence,

De Molenaar was pleased to announce thefirst VICTAM fair ever. And we’ve remainedbusiness partners ever since.

� Dinnissen BVThe D-Topline Hamex® Hammer mill withautomatic screen changer can handlegrinding capacities of up to 45,000 kg perhour, and the screen changer has space for4 to 6 different sets of screening panels.The mechatronic screen changing system

automatically selects and places theappropriate set of screening panels in thehammer mill.

� DLG Service GmbhEuroTier 2016 is the world’s leading tradefair for animal production, taking place from15 to 18 November 2016 in Hanover,Germany. Alongside EuroTier, EnergyDecentral will

be held, which is the international trade fairfor innovative energy supply. Welcome atEuroTier and EnergyDecentral in 2016!

� DSL SystemsDSL Systems have been installing controland automation systems for feed and grainplants for over 35 years. DSL have an ever growing reputation for

providing easy to use, flexible andinnovative control systems, backed up bytheir excellent support service and expertisein the feed and grain sector.

� eFeedLink Pte LtdeFeedLink is a leading market informationand content provider to the global feed andlivestock industry and conducts marketresearch in various Asian agricultural sectors.With in-depth understanding of

agribusiness issues, we provide industrynews & information, corporate services,market research to industry enterprises,agricultural advisories, and investmentanalysts globally.

� EMT GmbHEMT GmbH, affiliate and co-exhibitorWAM GmbH, offers high-quality mixing

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Network and Learn at Petfood Forum Europe 2015!

Registration includes all educational sessions, session

materials, a light breakfast, networking lunch and refreshment breaks.

Exclusive conference provides latest on petfood research and more

At Petfood Forum Europe 2015, leading petfood

industry experts will educate you with new

information and ideas to expand your business,

by presenting the latest technologies to help

manufacturers and marketers innovate and

develop the next generation of petfood products.

This exclusive conference offers prime networking

opportunities as well as the chance to connect

with leading feed and grain equipment and

ingredient suppliers exhibiting at Victam/FIAAP/

GRAPAS. Petfood Forum Europe will again be

co-located with the VICTAM International

Exhibition, which combines the FIAAP, VICTAM

and GRAPAS events (and their respective

conferences) under one roof at Koelnmesse in

Cologne, Germany, June 9-11, 2015, and will

attract a large audience of Feed professionals

from all around the world.

Petfood Forum Europe 2015

June 10, 2015KoelnmesseCologne, Germany

Presented by

For more details or to Register, visit:


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The aquafeed industry’s leading interna onal technical conference returns to Colognewith a stellar line up of industry experts and applied scien sts

Towards Sustainable Feed and Food for the World:

Working Together with Interna onal Organiza ons

Ingredient Selec on and Extrusion Parameters

for Aqua c Feeds

E ect of Extrusion Technology on Physical and

Nutri onal Quality of Extruded Fish Feed

Future Possibili es and Demands in Salmon Feed Produc on

Prac cal Manufacturing Constraints and Their Impact on

Feed Formula on Resource Alloca on Models

Innova ng by Experience : Ideas and Cases

Advanced Research Ini a ves for Nutri on & Aquaculture

(ARRAINA): Fine tuning the delivery

Technical Extrusion Topic TBC

Finn Normann Jensen, Director of Global Business

Development & Marke ng, Andritz Feed & Biofuel, Denmark*Program subject to change

Sponsored by:

Brought to you by, the aquafeed industry’s informa on provider since 1998 and supported by Victam Interna onal.

Early registration strongly advised.

Pre-registration required for a guaranteed place.

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technologies for animal feed processingplants. Main types in EMT’s animal feed mixer

range are Batch-type Singe Shaft Mixers,Ribbon Blenders and Molassing Mixers.Various options like different mixing tools,liquid injection and choppers allow thecustomization to individual needs.

� ENTIL ASENTIL, is one of the establishments ofZeytinoglu Holding since 1964 and offershigh quality rolls for Flour and Feed Millsand for oilseeds, chocolate and plasticindustries. ENTIL started manufacturing cylinders in

1974 with the process of double layercentrifugal casting. ENTIL is leadershippingthe world market with its quality, capacityand innovations. As a result of the investments in 2013,

ENTIL with its new technique andprocesses has started presentinginnovations in quality to the milling machineindustry. After the investments about newtechnology, hardware and qualifiedpersonnel, ENTIL has increased its annualcylinder manufacturing capacity to 20.000rolls according to the expectations of theworld milling market.

� FP Engineering Ltd and FP Spomax SADesigners and manufacturers of grainprocessing and handling equipment. Suppliers of complete flour and maize

mills since 1882 with over 600 installationsoperating in more than 40 countries. Oneof the biggest European manufacturersand suppliers of Root’s type PD blowersand centrifugally cast rolls for numerousindustries.

� Feed Design LabThe research and education center forinnovation and sustainability in the feedindustry. We are a young and ambitious company

with over 60 partners in a valuablenetwork. We provide courses and createinnovative projects. In our brand new testfactory we facilitate research, training andpractical tests.

� FEROTECSince 1992, FEROTEC is the Frenchspecialist in the manufacture and supplyof dies. These products are designed forpelleting products such as animal feed,minerals, fertilizers, wood, biomass,… We manufacture all types of ring and flat

dies with hole diameters from ø 1,8 mm toø 30 mm.

� FineTek Co., Ltd.FineTek provides a widely range forpowder/solid application. We are an ISO9001:2008 certificated manufacturer in

Taiwan with decades of experience inmanufacturing automation process controlinstrumentation since 1979. We provided variety products with best

quality and good performance, which arematch ATEX/UL/ABS/GL/CE...approvals. Our products range are following:1. Level sensor for Feed machineryand silos.2. Total instrumentation & automationsolution for Feed plants and machinery.3. Silo Level & Temperature 2-in-1 sensor.4. Instrumentation for poultry and animalfeed plants.5. Pneumatic Air Hammer and vibratorsfor bins.6. Radar level transmitter.7. Rotary paddle level switch.

� FischbeinFischbein, leader in Bag ClosingTechnology, will present different solutionsat VICTAM International:• TOS3000-SL for a double closure atonce: seal an in liner and apply a tape onthe closed bag.• SB2000 sealer for all type of bags.• Portable stitchers in several versions, forapplications with small output.

� Fjordvejs Maskinfabrik A/SFjordvejs Maskinfabrik A/S design,manufacture and marketing equipment forthe feed industry worldwide. Our vision isto design long lasting equipmentaccording to your demands.Main range of products: Chain, screw

or belt conveyors. Bucket elevators.Weighing equipment. Micro, midi ormaxi dosing plants. Ship loaders andunloaders.

� Forberg® InternationalForberg® International is supplier ofequipment for Feed Industry with morethan 40 years long tradition. We offer Forberg® Horizontal Twin-Shaft

Paddle Mixers with superior mixing resultsfor powdery, granular and liquidcomponents (CV of 5 or less). Our Mixersare highly productive, with flexible fillinglevels, minimal maintenance cost and lowenergy consumption.Following the trends of modern Feed

production we have also developedsystems like:• Rotating Vacuum Coaters for Fish Feedand Pet Food Industry• Steam Heat Treatment System forproduction of Layers Feed Beside single machines, we offer tailor

made solutions for complete process linesfor production of feed and pet food as wellas production of premixes and medicatedanimal feed.Our extensive experience is guaranty for

reliable partnership and high qualitysolutions.

� Format International LtdAround the world, day and night, feed millsare running Format software to optimisetheir ingredients, drive down costs andmaximise profits. In just the same way our research

programme never stops. Through ourcontinual investment in research anddevelopment, Format has achieved anumber of breakthrough advances inoptimisation.

� Frame FPFrame FP corrugated steel storage silosoffer versatility, fast assembly and a lowcost per tonne.We meet all customers requirements:• A wide range of models, from 3.5 metersto 32.0 meters diameter.• Storage capacities in excess of 20,100cubic meters.• Suitable for all free flowing cereals.

� Friedrich ElectronicFriedrich Electronic, stand E003,introduces smart continuous weighing,dosing and mixing applications for grainand flour processing industries.Our products:• Flow Controller: grain dosage.• Batch Controller: truck loading of cereals.• Vertical Pipe Weigher: grain weighing.• Rotor Weigher: flour weighing.• Automatic Dampening System: moisturemeasurement and water dosage.• NIR measuring device.

� FrigorTec GMBHFrigorTec’s GRANIFRIGOR™ grain coolingdevice was launched in 1963 and hasbeen in operation cooling grain around theworld ever since. The GRANIFRIGOR™grain cooling process has beensuccessfully installed in over 70 countries.The model encompasses 11 model sizes. For more information please also visit us


� GSI Group LLCGSI is a world class manufacturer of grainstorage, material handling, conditioningand drying equipment as well as a full linesupplier of swine and poultry productionequipment. Along with our local partners, we are just

around the corner bringing expertise fromaround the world delivering integratedsolutions that help our customers achievetheir goals in the grain, swine and poultryindustry.

� Geelen CounterflowAs inventor of the counterflow cooler andcounterflow dryer, Geelen Counterflow isworldwide market leader, building 400 –500 units per year with references in over100 countries.The company strives to eliminate all

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negative environmental impacts from itsown operations and from its customer’sdrying and cooling processes.

� C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KGHighly efficient, precise and reliableanalytical systems for the WEENDER FeedAnalysis.Automatic systems for determination of: • Kjeldahl-Nitrogen • Dumas-Nitrogen • Crude fat (hydrolysis and extraction) • Crude fibre, ADF, NDF | HCl insoluble ash– developed and manufactured by:C. Gerhardt GMBH & Co. KG – hall 6,booth G022.

� Guttridge LtdWith 50 years’ of experience in the designand manufacture of bulk materials handlingmachinery, Guttridge have a proven abilityto deliver “right first time” solutions. Suppliers of grain handling, milling and

food conveying applications, we offerstandard ranges, bespoke machines andspares for all makes of conveyor.

� Hunan Xiangliang MachineryManufacture Co. Ltd.Hunan Xiangliang Machinery ManufactureCo. Ltd. dedicated to produce series ricemilling machines, grain unloaders and beltconveyors with 58 years experience. Our products had qualified ISO and CE

certification .Our after sales service teamare available for worldwide clients at anytime. Please contact with us: Email: [email protected]: 0086 1346 7696 115Website:

� Hydronix LtdHydronix is the World’s leadingmanufacturer of digital microwave moisturesensors. Designed for the feed and grain industry,

Hydronix high precision linear sensors canbe installed in or under bins / silos, chutesand in most mixers and configured andcontrolled remotely over a networkconnection. Details:

� IMAS Integrated MachinerySystemsMSP Supersense Purifier:• Enduring aluminum body on steelconstruction base with less weight.• Movement at same angle in every part ofthe machine and balanced movementduring start and stop, thanks to single-motor system.• Weight-adjusted feeding valve for effectivestock distribution to increase performance.• Transparent, easy to clean aspirationchannel.• Air regulation valves with gear mechanismto make sensitive regional aspiration.• Innovative frame locking mechanism toprevent product leakage.

• Stainless outlet tray designed foravoiding impurities.• Low-maintenance, sanitary, user-friendlystructure.

� Insta-Pro InternationalInsta-Pro International is a world leader inextrusion technology for food & feedprocessing with customers in over 100countries. Our technology is used to process a wide

range of crops into nutritious food & feedproducts. Application examples: oilseedprocessing, soybean/grain processing,emergency relief food, animal food andby-product processing.

� InteqnionKnowledge, quality, craftmanshipInteqnion is specialized in the design,

manufacture and implementation of controlsystems in the processing industry.Our solid and reliable solutions are used

by producers all over the world. Many ofthese systems are computer controlledand technical supported by modem orinternet. Inteqnion: The Process

� InternationaleForschungsgemeinschaftFuttermitteltechnik e. V. (IFF)IFF will once again organise a one-dayconference on the ever changing subject“Feed Processing” on 11th June 2015.Experts will present a series of papers onthis subject. At the IFF exhibition stand, real-time

pelleting is demonstrated hourly. Theproduced bath-salt pellets are provided asgive-away to the visitors.

� International Health Care Limited(PVS Group)International Health Care Limited is India’sleading manufacturers & exporters ofanimal health care specialties.IHC is accredited with WHO, cGMP, ISO

9001:2008, and ISO 14001:2004certifications with a strong commitmentand ability to deliver the quality products.The company has business network in

many Asian, African and Europeancountries.

� Kombikormovaya (CompoundFeeds Magazine)Compound Feeds Magazine is a uniqueRussian periodical (12 times a year)covering all aspects of compound feedsproduction and use: economics,technique, quality, efficiency. Our subscribers: feed millers, poultry

farmers, stock-breeders in Russia,Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, the BalticStates, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, etc.,Russian and foreign companies involved infeed production.

� LA Meccanica SRL Di ReffoTechnology and creativity at your service.Machinery, equipments , spare parts andtechnical assistance for the production ofpellets for animal feed, biomass, fertilizersand recycling. Since more than 50 years. Strengths: precision, quality and


� Mathews CompanyHeadquartered in Crystal Lake, IL (U.S.A),Mathews Company has been a leadingglobal manufacturer of high qualityinnovative agriculture equipment,specializing in grain drying since 1954 andcelebrated its 60th year in business in2014. Known worldwide for highest quality

products, new technologies like themoisture control system, AccuDry isquickly proving to be the preferred choicefor producers and commercial operators. M-C carries a full line of continuous flow

dryers: Expandable modular series dryersfrom 10 metric tonnes/hr up to 117tonnes/hr; Tower Series up to 112tonnes/hr. M-C dryers are available throughauthorized dealers worldwide.

� Menci & C. S.p.a.Bulk feed tank for transportation of animalfeed or biomass with auger unloading!

� Mitchells EuropeMitchells is a process and producthandling specialist, designing andmanufacturing customised conveyingsolutions for the Animal Feed, Oilseed andGrain industries. With offices in Singapore, China and

Europe and installations in over 40countries across six continents, Mitchellscan be your global partner.

� Molini d’ItaliaMolini d’Italia is the official organ ofItalmopa – Milling Industry Association, andthe official Magazine of Antim, AssociationTechnical Milling Industry. New Business Media cooperates to

spread the magazine at best. Insidegeneral trends, news, articles and analysisthat are of interest to the milling and thecereals sector.

� Molino IncSince its founding in 1965, Molino is thelargest and oldest producer in Turkey in thefield of production of flour mill and grainsilo equipment. We have completed very prestigious

projects all over the world successfully byrealizing turn-key projects at below: • Flour Mill • Semolina Mill • Storage silos• Port Facility (Loading / Unloading Grain)Having very competitive prices compared

with our very high quality with great facilityof production, researching & developing,

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32 Showtime

exhibitor previews

engineering, up-dated manufacturingtechnology. In addition, very shortmanufacturing and delivery time.

� Muhle & MischfutterMuhle & Mischfutter is a specialist journaland a valuable source of information toboth entrants and experiencedprofessionals. It offers up to date technical treaties,

research reports, and working tools allabout the mill and compound feedsindustry as well as agricultural and bakeryissues of any kind.

� NerakNerak Continuous Bucket Conveyors aredesigned for high capacity combinedvertical and horizontal conveying of loosebulk materials where only one dischargepoint is required. Each bucket is securely attached to

adjacent buckets and located betweentwo steel reinforced toothed rubber blockchains by a connecting rod which isretained with stainless steel clips. Theassembly with no moving parts is capableof high conveying rates up to 200 m³/hr. Large capacity and quiet gentle handling

enable Nerak bucket elevators to be usedequally for delicate foodstuffs and coarse,abrasive materials.

� Orient-Sunrise International(Qingdao) Co. LimitedOrient-Sunrise International (Qingdao) Co.,Limited is one of the most professionalroller shells manufacturer and exporter inChina. Welcome to our stand at A043 atVICTAM International 2015. Also you can visit our website

www.osint-shell.comContact: Wang MengEmail: [email protected]: (86) 532 8487 6605Mobile: (86) 132 0638 5351

� Ottevanger Milling EngineersOttevanger Milling Engineers, one of theleading European companies in the designand manufacture of equipment andcomplete plants for the grain processingand compound feed industry. Ottevanger, specialist in premix plants,

feedmills, pet food plants, complete flourmills, concentrate plants.Craftsmanship in the animal feed and food

processing industry.

� Pelleting TechnologyNetherlands (PTN)Pelleting Technology Netherlands (PTN) isactive in the development, engineering,production, sale and servicing of pelletizersand related machinery for the compoundfeed, recycling and biomass industries.As one of the few globally operating and

specialized manufacturers of pellet mills,

we aim to become the most respectedprofessional OEM.

� PerendaleWe publish magazines allied to food andfeed; one since 1891. Perendale Publishers Limited is creative,

factual, innovative and dedicated to boththe agriculture (milling) and aquaculture(feed) sectors, reaching key industryreaders and decision makers. Our reach isgrowing. We use up-to-the-minute digitalmethods of distribution that complementour printed circulation. What are our magazines? International

Aquafeed, GFMT which will be publishedevery month from January 2015 and to re-brand the magazine ‘Milling and Grain’in January 2015. After careful thought we have decided to

shorten our title, revert to our ‘Milling’ roots(we were published as ‘Milling’ for the first90 years) while emphasising the importanceof the grain supply chain and retaining ourunique coverage of the feed sector whichwe have reported upon for over 50 years. We also publish the International Milling


� Precia-MolenPrecia-Molen has been providing weighing solutions to industry for more than148 years. Since 1867 the company has been at the

forefront of the weighing industry andestablished a world-wide reputation forquality and reliability. Weighing, dosing, counting, controlling:

from design to after sales service, Precia-Molen is able to provide total weighingsolutions for all industry sectors.

� Promtek Ltd• Stocktakes rarely make sense?• External audits stressful and difficult toprepare for?• Paper production records?• Highly dependent on a skilled workforcethat is close to retirement?• Relying on obsolete equipment?If your answer is “yes” to any of these

questions, come and see Promtek at stand F064, Hall 6!

� PTM TechnologyPTM Technology is pleased to bring to theinternational millers the latest developmentsin the construction of chain and beltconveyors, and bucket elevators that theItalian company has successfully suppliedto international flour and grain millers in thelast 20 years. PTM customized product range includes

over 120 models.

� Radar Automation NVSoftware for the automation ofadministrative, operational, logistic and

research tasks, inherent to the compoundfeed sector : • Operra for the management ofpurchasing, hedging, supply, trading andcost-price calculation of materials; • Libra for optimization and quality control; • Integra for the management ofproduction, traceability and sales functions.

� Repete Corporation • Full mill, intelligent control of all processareas.• Lot Tracking solutions to meet regulatoryrequirements and mitigate commercial risk.• Enterprise level integration with businesssystems.Stand: B042, Hall 6

� R K Bio Feed MachineWith an innovation-based approach,RKBFM is a reputed turnkey solutionsprovider for pelleting of Animal Feed andBio-fuel (including wood pellet) since itsinception in 1997. Its services includeproject conceptualization-design-development & execution of automaticPLC and SCADA based plants and sparessupport through in-house spares division.Visit us at VICTAM, booth D034, Hall 6.

See more at:

� Rosal InstalacionesAgroindustrialesRosal is a company dedicated to theconstruction of complete feed mills since1956 and with more than 400 references inthe worldwide market. Furthermore, together with our ability to

engineer, design and installation, we arefocused on the manufacture of machinerythat makes up a feed mill.• “Turn key” feed mills plant • Premix plants• Pellet presses • Hammermills • Bucketelevators • Conveyors • Sieves • Chains• Counterplos coolers • Granifigor

� Rotex Since 1844, Rotex has been an innovativepioneer in the development of screening fordry separation.The equipment range includes screeners,

size analysis, feeders and conveyingmachinery.• Gyratory and Vibratory Screeners andSifters for Dry Applications• Automated Particle Size Analyzer• Vibratory Feeders & Conveyors• Aftermarket Parts and Service

� ROVA N.V.ROVA – ROVASAC is a manufacturer ofpackaging and packaging equipment. We make small and big paper bags with

up to 8 colours printing and supply otherpackaging as big bags, plastic bags andraschel bags. Together with the packagingwe supply complete packaging lines fromweighers till palletisers.

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Session 2 - 13:00-15:00Nutrition / Milling Technology- Flour Fortification - Millers fighting

malnutrition- Fibre, Protein and Gluten-Free - Challenges for human consumption

- Dealing with customer complaints

Sesion 1- 10:00-12:00Food Safety / Quality Control

- Training - The benefits from qualified staff- Regulations- Heat treatments

Session 3 - 15:00-17:00Markets / Storage / Handling- Harvest Report - Soft and hard

wheat supply from the USA- The Roller Mill Revolution- Milling 24/7 - A Miller’s Experience

Hear keynote speakers address topics of relevance to today’s milling industry. Make your plan now to join us on Thursday June 11, 2015 in Cologne, Germany.

Flour and Rice Milling Technology / Storage and Handling Systems / Quality Control

Food Safety /Quality Control

Nutrition / Milling Technology

Markets / Storage / Handling

Visit the GRAPAS International Exhibition at the Cologne Exhibition Halls from June 9-11, 2015 and wrap up your visit by attending the one-day Global Milling with GRAPAS Conference on Thursday, June 11 at the show grounds. GRAPAS International is a co-located exhibition with Victam International 2015 and FIAAP International 2015.

Visitor information for the events can be found at

€75/full day or €30/session

Registration for the conference will open on March 1, 2015 at:


10am - 5pm

- Companies are invited to sponsor sessions.

Please contact [email protected] for more details

Page 34: Industry to meet at international showpiece anniversary event · 2017. 3. 6. · showpiece anniversary event Inside your Spring issue 3 How to register 4 Details of conferences 16

Join us for the 6th annual Feed Ingredient

and Additive (FIAAP) Conference, taking

place June 9, 2015, in Cologne, Germany,

and co-locating with VICTAM International.

This one-day education and networking conference will feature a mix of presentations on ingredients and additives, and will touch on broader issues critical to animal feed producers and formulators. Each will be presented by researchers and thought leaders from around the world.

The 2015 VICTAM International event combines the FIAAP, VICTAM and GRAPAS exhibitions (and their respective conferences) under one roof at Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany, June 9-11, 2015.

Registration includes all educational sessions, session materials, a light breakfast, networking lunch and refreshment breaks.

For more information or to register, visit:


Presented by

Learn how to improve

feed industry profi tability

with solutions for


June 9, 2015


Cologne, Germany

Attend the year’s primary feed-focused educational conference


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� SalzhausenerMaschinenbautechnik SALMATEC The company SalzhausenerMaschinenbautechnik SALMATEC startedin 1972 with the manufacturing of wearparts for all makes of pelletizers. More than 1500 pelleting units in different

sizes were delivered mainly to feedindustries, for recycling end environmentalprocesses and also for biomasses pelletsfrom renewable raw materials.

� SCAFCO Grain SystemsSCAFCO Grain Systems is a marketleader in the design and manufacturing ofcorrugated galvanized grain storagesolutions. SCAFCO engineers custom design to

meet individual requirements and hassupplied grain storage projects to over 80countries worldwide. SCAFCO productsare engineered for quick on-site assembly,simple operation, and lasting quality.

� Schmiedewerke Gröditz GmbHSchmiedewerke Gröditz GmbH is one ofthe leading companies for the productionof seamless rolled rings for pellet dies. Those have been used successfully for

more than 20 years in pellet press of well-known companies worldwide. We produceeverything on our own (from the steel tothe finished ring blank).

� Schrage Conveying SystemsOptimum bulk material conveyance Our tube chain conveyors offer numerousadvantages over other conveyor systemsand are characterized by high efficiencyand reliable continuous operation. Capacities up to 230 m3/h and conveyor

lines up to 60m horizontally or 40mvertically are all possible.

� SCHULZ SystemtechnikSCHULZ Systemtechnik is among theleading suppliers of investment goodsacross a wide range of branches. Established in 1954 in Visbek in Lower

Saxony, Germany as a classic tradebusiness, the company developed into aninternationally operating group. Stand information: C015

� ST AutomationCo-exhibiting with Tovalia Intelscan, STAutomation brings innovation and newtechnologies in the control processes andproduction in the areas of food, animalfeed, pet food and flour mills.

� Supertech Agroline ApSSupertech Agroline develops,manufactures and sells high quality post-harvest equipment.Many years of hands-on experience give

us an unmatched competitive advantage,a unique and reliable product range,

comprehensive portable moisture analyzersand temperature monitoring and controlsystems. Our aim is: Fast and accurate service to

the customer in all phases.

� SYMACHIn a world where an efficient logistics chainis essential, SYMACH makes the difference. With custom-built solutions, SYMACH

operates internationally in variousindustries: from agricultural over Pet foodto industrial, food and chemical industries.SYMACH offers knowledge and expertiseat every stage of design, construction,installation and maintenance.

� Tebodin B.V.Tebodin B.V. is a multidisciplinaryconsulting and engineering firm, who offersindependent services within the followingmarkets: industry, health and nutrition, oiland gas, chemicals, infrastructure, realestate, energy and environment. Because of our worldwide network and

4,900 dedicated professionals, we arealways close to our clients.

� TechnexTechnex manufactures and markets thecomplete technological solutions forcompound feed and food-processingindustries. • Feed mills; • Aquafeed production lines; • Production lines for premixes,concentrated feed, milk substitutes, etc.; • Biomass pelleting.Technex executes the whole range of

works: engineering, design, installationsupervision, start-up and commissioning,automation, warranty maintenance, spareparts supply. Equipment: Pellet-mills; Extruders;

Coolers; Weighing systems; Mixers; Mills;Liquid component additional and finishsystems; Separators; Bucket elevators;Drag and screw conveyors; Aspiratingequipment. Welcome to our stand D061!

� Tecnofood ItaliaTecnofood Italia designs and manufacturesthermo-flaking and toasting plants for theprocessing of cereals and legumes. Through the supply of machines, process

know-how and customized services basedon the specific customer requirements, thecompany offers vanguard solutions forbreeding farms, cereals collection centersand fodder manufactures.

� Top Silo Constructions Have you always thought that silos areround? Not with TSC Silos. As a steel silospecialist we decidedly focus on squarewhich stores >25% more than round. The modular construction offers unlimited

variation possibilities for the storage of all

kinds of dry bulk and solids like grains andgranules.

� Tovalia IntelscanTovalia Intelscan invites you to see thelatest generation of online moisturesensors. Tovalia also offers process controlfor coolers to optimize quality and profits.

� V.A.V. Conveyor Components &SolutionsV.A.V. Conveyor Components & Solutionsis continuously looking for improvementsfor their standard chain and elevatorprogramme. Different base materials and precise heat

treatment processes will give companies inall kinds of industries the best possiblequality. Our experienced staff is qualified toadvise you on many questions or problemsin your conveyors: both bucket elevatorsand chain conveyors.

� Van Aarsen InternationalVan Aarsen International supplies machinesand complete factories for the productionof compound feed. We offer the certainty of an investment

that provides maximum added value. Weare pleased to define with you the optimalsolution and show you how our qualitativemachines can help you lift production andlower operational costs.

� VDL Industrial ProductsVDL Industrial Products has developed thenew Medium Duty (MD) dosing valves.These valves are especially built and testedfor dosing- and pneumatic conveying ofpowders and granulates. Our modular building concept allows us

to use “of the shelf” parts.

� Vortex Valves For over 35 years, Vortex has providedquality slide gates, diverters, iris valves andloadout equipment designed specifically forhandling dry bulk solids in gravity, vacuum,dilute, or dense phase applications.With an in-house team of engineers,

Vortex products can be completelycustomized for individual applications orspecial installations

� WAM GmbHWAM GmbH, the German tradingsubsidiary of WAMGROUP – world leaderin bulk solids handling and processingequipment – offers a wide range ofcomponents especially developed foranimal feed processing applications, suchas bulk conveying, dosing and discharging,filtration, silo equipment and componentsfor pneumatic conveying.

� WATT Global MediaVisit WATT Global Media, stand #E009, sayhello and pick up your favorite publications.

exhibitor previews


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For over 98 years, professionals workingin the global poultry, feed, pig and petfoodindustries have depended on WATT GlobalMedia’s unique blend of agri-businessinformation including Market Data, TopCompanies listings, production data andmore.

� Welgro BVWelgro manufactures since 50 years bulktrailers for transport of animal feed, flourproducts, granulates, grains and powderysubstances. Welgro offers tailor-made products and is

fully geared to in-house production.Requirements for payload, dischargecapacity, turning radius andmanoeuvrability are all aspects that Welgrotakes into account and make it unique.

� World GrainWorld Grain is a monthly businessmagazine serving the international grainstorage and processing industries. With more than 10,500 subscribers in

149 countries, World Grain offers articleson daily operations, equipment technology,company profiles and plant features,industry news, market information, productreviews and more.

Visit to sign up forthe daily e-newsletter.

� Wynveen InternationalWynveen International BV is a Dutchcompany, leading in the fields of design,production and erection of both completefeed production plants for farm animals,fish, shrimp and pets, as well as its keyequipment and systems. Wynveen International has a long history

in manufacturing equipment for the feedindustry.

� Yemmak A.S.Feed Mill Machinery/Technology/ProcessEngineering by Yemmak. Make use of our 40 Years of experience!

� Yemtar Makine Sanayi VeTicaret A.S.Yemtar has been established in 1980 inBandırma. Yemtar is a leading supplier ofprocess equipment and technology for theanimal feed, biomass, aquafeed etc. We are the assertive supplier for

pelleting, grinding, conditioning and flakingsolutions specialists. This results in machines that ensures

exhibitor previews




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W MSTORAGE OF RAAWDOSING AND FINISH60 years of in-house experience with

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Manufacturing grain, seed and feed r



ojects. Mechanical and pr

elated equipment.


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continuous operation, high performanceand the lowest operating costs.

� Zhenjiang New HengtongConveying Equipment Co., Ltd.Zhenjiang New Hengtong ConveyingEquipment Co., Ltd. specializes inresearching, exploiting and manufacturingbucket elevator components, screwconveyor components, drag conveyorcomponents ,the parts for sieves andscreens and engineering plastic products.Welcome to visit our company website

� Zhenjiang Sanwei ConveyingEquipment Co.,Ltd.Sanwei is a quality manufacturer andsupplier of bucket elevator and beltconveyor components, screw flights andengineering plastic products. We are committed to be your one-stop

for Bulk Material Handling Products inChina. Company Name: Zhenjiang SanweiConveying Equipment Co., Ltd.Booth no: B041Tel: 0086 511 88886299Email: [email protected]:

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Page 39: Industry to meet at international showpiece anniversary event · 2017. 3. 6. · showpiece anniversary event Inside your Spring issue 3 How to register 4 Details of conferences 16

© Copyright 2015, Victam International BV. All rights reserved

contact information

ConsultantsPlease visit our websites for information on industry consultants in your area. l l







FIAAPA s i a 2016


To improve your business!

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Visitor registrationOur on-line visitorregistration system isnow live. This is an extremely easy system touse, visitors need only to go to one ofthe following websites –, www.victam.comor and click on thevisitor registration button and followthe simple instructions. Theseinstructions will also be in a numberof languages. To assist in the registration process

and to receive your entrance badgePRE-REGISTERED visitors arerequested to proceed to the desksmarked “PRE-REGISTEREDVISITORS”. Those who have not pre-registered should complete an on-sitevisitor registration form which will befound in the visitor reception area andwhen completed the form should betaken to the “ON-SITE VISITORREGISTRATION” desks for processing.Please note there is no charge for

entry into the exhibitions for industryrelated visitors if you pre-register. Anyticket will enable entrance to all shows.On-site registration will cost €40

per ticket.

Contact information

See us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+

Scan the QR codes below for more information

Head officeVictam International BVP.O. Box 197, 3860 AD Nijkerk, The Netherlands.T: +31 33 246 4404 F: +31 33 246 4706E: [email protected]

UK21 Fairlawn Drive, Redhill RH1 6JP,England.T: +44 (0)1737 763501 E: [email protected]

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Page 41: Industry to meet at international showpiece anniversary event · 2017. 3. 6. · showpiece anniversary event Inside your Spring issue 3 How to register 4 Details of conferences 16

We would like to thank the following companies for supporting our 50th Anniversary event:

Platinum sponsors:� BUHLER AG – Switzerland� FAMSUN (MUYANG HOLDINGS) – PRC

Gold sponsor:� ZHENG CHANG – PRC

Silver sponsor:� CPM – The Netherlands

Bronze sponsor:� PROMTEK LTD – UK





event sponsors

Thank you

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Innovations for a better world.

The moisture

measurement and

regulation system


Higher profit margins. Extreme

accuracy of measurement with just

0.3 % standard deviation forms the

basis for minimizing the safety buffer.

Lower energy costs. Reduced mech-

anical energy input in the pelleting

process lowers power consumption

and reduces energy costs.

Integrated complete solution. Water /

additive system for regulating moisture

levels directly in the batch mixer.

Robust. Measuring probe is kept

apart from sensitive microelectronics

(in separate control cabinet).

Reliable measurement. Feedstuff-

specific calibration without any need

to worry about interference factors.

Profitable moisture management – with the multi-online NIR system. Wouldn’t

you like to have absolute control of quality, in spite of the fluctuating moisture

content of your feedstuffs? With the multi-online NIR system as an integrated

process solution, you can measure and regulate the moisture level without inter-

rupting the process. Precise measurement with 0.3 % standard deviation forms

the basis for significantly reducing the safety buffer, giving you assurance of a

constantly high level of product quality as well as higher profit margins.

Find out more at

Visit us in hall 6, booth D041 / E041Cologne / Germany, 9 - 11 June 2015