industry needs for simulation technology in signal · rbs...

Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal Int egr it y & Power Integrity Bringing the networked society to life SPI 20 13, PARIS

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Page 1: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

In d u s t r y Need s f o r Sim u l a t io n Tec h n o l o g y in Sig n a l In t eg r it y & Po w er In t eg r it y

Bringing the networked society to life


Page 2: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 2 (30)

›Background, High speed wireless ›PCB development challenges ›Goals & objectives ›Methods/Modeling ›Conclusions

Ag e n d a

Page 3: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 3 (30)

› LTE (4G) <150Mbits/sec › WCDMA (3G) <30Mbits/sec › GSM (edge) <256Kbit/sec

› Tomorrow › 5G ? Mbits/s

W h e r e a r e w e w it h H ig h -s pe e d W IR E LE S S d a t a t o d a y ?


M o b il e b r o a d b a n d s u b s c r ipt io n s

This slide contains forward-looking statements. Actual result may be materially different.

Page 4: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 4 (30)

Have you ever left your mobile device behind? What was that feeling, emptiness, isolation, nakedness.

By now most people take high speed wireless communication for granted, anywhere and anytime.

M o bil c o m m u n ic a t io n To d a y

N E TW OR K E D S o c ie t y

Page 5: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 5 (30)

› Even while you are sitting here you expect to be able to use your personal communication devices, and in a few years you have rapidly become used to have high speed data at all times, all locations.

Th e s e f a n t a s t ic w ir e l e s s po s s ib il it ie s h a s be e n d e v e l o pe d in <30 y e a r s .

› US wireless networks handled 1.1 Trillion Mbytes of data last year* (10e18 bytes, 1.1 Tera Mbytes, 1.1 Exabytes).

* Between July2011-July2012

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 6 (30)

› How much computing power will you need to send that traffic to a mobile device?

› How much high speed communication will we need to drive traffic to a mobile device?

M o bil e d a t a t r a f f ic




Page 7: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 7 (30)

› Since we are communicating with mobile devices we need to feed a maximum speed data channel from a point in the network to a mobile device which moves, walks, rides a bike, drives a car or even travels by high speed train at 300Km/h or faster. The data will have to move from access point to access point (RBS) not for one user but for all users.

M o bil e Da t a t r a f f ic













14.4 Kbps

384 Kbps

3.6 Mbps

14 Mbps

42 Mbps

80-160 Mbps





HSPA Evolution


Core Network

Page 8: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 8 (30)

› Robust design – No customer claims.

› Low manufacturing cost – High yield. – Low cost materials.

› High performance

– High bandwidth. – Low power.

In d u s t r y De s ig n g o a l s

S im u l a t io n t o o l s

Page 9: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 9 (30)

› Analysis are important to verify and secure robustness. – Fault coverage. – Signoff analysis.

› Analysis are important to achieve low Manufacturing Cost.

– Do not primarily optimize SI/PI, optimize/balance cost with robust SI/PI. – Methods, models and tools need to be able to analyze this angle of the

problem, not just “simple” SI/PI.

De s ig n g o a l s im pa c t s o n S i & P I a n a l y s is

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 10 (30)

In digital design we can divide analysis in 4 major areas based on analysis methods.

S I/P I a n a l y s is To d a y

S ig n a l Qu a l it y

P o w e r In t e g r it y

Page 11: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 11 (30)

All 4 areas are analyzed in three phases. › Constraints analysis

– To define constraints used in PCB Schematic/Layout design. – Mostly done early pre-layout stages.

› Signoff analysis – Done on the final PCB database to verify design before it is sent to


› Parameter optimization – Often done after PCB is manufactured, optimize parameter settings

for memory controllers, SERDES buffers, parallel with lab verifications.

S I/P I a n a l y s is To d a y

Page 12: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 12 (30)

S ig n a l Qu a l it y › Signal Quality analysis – Signoff analysis, large simulations 1K-10K nets, 4-24 layer PCB’s. – Automated signal verification to given criteria's. – Parameter variations, PVT variations, increases the number of

simulations needed to run. – Results needed in less than 24 hours.

› Analysis methods – Spice and IBIS circuit simulations, emphasis on IBIS for

performance. – Careful tradeoff between performance and accuracy for PCB trace

modeling. – Some sample correlation with lab measurements to verify model


S ig n a l Qu a l it y a n a l y s is

Page 13: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 13 (30)

› Timing analysis – Analysis all timing critical interfaces, emphasis on DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4 interfaces – Full analysis of all signals in every interface over all PVT variations. – Large simulation databases.

Tim in g a n a l y s is

› Analysis methods – Spice and IBIS circuit simulations, emphasis on IBIS for performance. – Careful tradeoff between performance and accuracy for PCB trace modeling. – Worst case, Best Case and/or statistical timing analysis (DOE, Design Of


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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 14 (30)

› SERDES analysis – Analysis of all multi-gigabit channels. – BER and eye mask compliance. – Specification S-parameter compliance. – Optimizing parameter setting of TX & RX. – Full analysis of all signals in every interface over all PVT variations.

› Analysis Methods

– IBIS AMI, LTI assumption, statistical & Time domain analysis. – Frequency domain & time domain analysis used for PCB/System

modeling. – Correlation with measured data is mandatory.

S E R DE S a n a l y s is

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 15 (30)

› Power Integrity – DC & AC analysis. – All voltage domains need analysis (10-50 voltage domains/PCB). – Signoff analysis.

› Analysis Methods – 2.5D analysis of PCB voltage distributions. – DC analysis for IR drops, High DC currents up to 60A/chip. – AC analysis for decoupling based on target impedance methods.

(Hard to estimate target impedance requirements, estimates of target impedance in time domain, which is used in analysis in frequency domain gives overdesign.)

– No SI/PI co-simulation is done so far.

P o w e r In t e g r it y a n a l y s is

P o w e r In t e g r it y

Page 16: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 16 (30)

› RF analog and digital electronics are becoming similar, both are up to Microwave.

– RF design are high frequency, narrow band, noise sensitive. – Digital design are high frequency, wide band, some noise margin.

› Lab verification and simulation verification environments are coming

together, one is not enough both are working together. – Correlation of simulation work with lab measurements are critical. – Simulation over parameter variations and PVT variations is needed, can not be

practically done in lab measurements.

H ig h f r e q u e n c y e l e c t r o n ic s

Page 17: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 17 (30)

› The digital components used today will use around 60A of current at lower than 1V.

› Digital units (PCB’s) will contain 6-7 of these

› Power Integrity is becoming critical, both DC and AC. – Methods needed for reasonable estimates of power consumption, peak currents. – Fast performance simulators needed to fit design project time plans. – High performance compute nodes needed which work with analysis tools to

increase simulation throughput.

P CB P o w e r De s ig n

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 18 (30)

› Power Integrity – Analyzing a full PCB will use between 64G-128Gbytes of memory. – With a few probe points (<10) will run for 24-48 hours. – All this is one voltage domain and we have 10-50 voltage domains.

› Design Project view – Post layout signoff analysis results needed within 24 hours. – Otherwise we will be forced to use less fault coverage. – Known lower fault coverage enforces overdesign & higher MC.

S o m e pe r f o r m a n c e r e q u ir e m e n t s e x a m pl e s

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 19 (30)

› From worst case analysis with expectation of 100% correct signal transmission to Statistical methods, Design of Experiments and BER, the transmission will have errors. Calculate/Estimate confidence intervals.

› Earlier we could accept to simulate/analyze the most sensitive part of our design, Now we have to analyze full designs, nothing is simple anymore.

E l e c t r o n ic d e s ig n is c o m in g t o a pa r a d ig m s h if t

Page 20: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 20 (30)

Important modeling aspect are: › No model with cover all analysis. › Choose the right modeling standard for the needed analysis. › Tradeoff accuracy and performance.

Model quality › Easy availability of models. › Accurate out of the box? › How much correlation efforts are needed by the system user. › Performance of models? Can we get analysis results in time?

M o d e l in g

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 21 (30)

The major modeling standards used today are: › IBIS › IBIS-AMI › Spice › Touchstone

Timing models lack a standard today › Propriety modeling.

M o d e l in g

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 22 (30)

IBIS: SI & Timing analysis › Reasonably trustworthy models out of the box. › IC vendors are experienced with IBIS. › High performance models. › Some correlation work needed with lab measurements. › Availability is usually good.

IC vendor (model creator) & System user › Good working relationship needed, generally works well.

M o d e l in g

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 23 (30)

IBIS-AMI: SERDES analysis › Still not mature enough as a standard. › IC vendors are too inexperienced with IBIS-AMI. › Some high performance models exists. › Every model needs correlation work with lab measurements. › Availability is improving but not enough yet. IC vendor (model creator) & System user › A very good working relationship is needed, generally several redesign

reruns will have to be done by IC vendors before the models is usable.

M o d e l in g

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 24 (30)

Spice: › Standard language? (Many standards). › No standardized method of interfacing the models. › Reasonable accurate. › Slow performance. › Availability is limited. › Issues with parameter “scoping”. › Often encrypted models.

M o d e l in g

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 25 (30)

Touchstone: › Touchstone 2. › Touchstone (1). › Validate passive, causal. › DC point ? › Enough frequency points?

Timing models › Always extra works to get and define the timing parameters correctly

into the propriety model format your tools use. › Nomenclature issues with IC vendor & System user.

M o d e l in g

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 26 (30)

The presented material sets new requirements on analysis methods and tools and the algorithms they use. › We need more accurate results faster.

– Multi-processing algorithms?

› We need to analyze SI/PI non optimal solutions to reach MC goals. › We are pushing designs very close to their limits and even beyond the

limits with given BER and as a high volume manufacturer we need to make sure we are within that boundary.

M e t h o d s a n d A l g o r it h m s

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 27 (30)

Analysis needs more automation.

› Engineers are a limited resource.

› Simulation methods & algorithms needs to increase analysis throughput and minimize engineering time.

M e t h o d s a n d A l g o r it h m s

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Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 28 (30)

› Signal Quality and timing analysis are working design flows that still can benefit from performance tuning.

› SERDES & Power Integrity analysis need more accuracy & performance development. The analysis flows used by design projects needs more automation.

› A good working relationship between system user, models creators and EDA tool vendors are needed to get efficient workflows.

Co n c l u s io n s

Page 29: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Questions please.

Q & A

Page 30: Industry Needs for Simulation Technology in Signal · RBS RBS WCDMA RBS RBS RBS RBS BSC RBS 14.4 Kbps . 384 Kbps . 3.6 Mbps . 14 Mbps . 42 Mbps

Anders Ekholm | © Ericsson AB 2013 | 2013-05-09 | Page 30 (30)