industrial phycology

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  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology


    Industrial Psychology

    An individual Assignment


    Ms Thilini Dulanjali Gallage

    Course: PQHRM 5!"5

    Module: "#

    Institute of Personnel management Sri Lanka


  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology



    %&e'utive summary$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    (hat is )ndustrial!*rgani+ational Psy'hology,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-

    (hat is *rgani+ational diagnosis,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    (hat is Psy'hometri' Testing,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"

    Con'lusion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ "/

    0earning out'omes$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #


    Executive summary

  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology


    In this incident a researcher tried to find suitable psychological tests to find suitable sales persons

    for a company. Researcher promised to keep the test results confidentially with the approval of

    the organization. The purpose of the research was explained and the outcome was a success.

    After few weeks the company wanted to apply the same strategy or an adopted strategy to

    identify potential sales personals for promotions and identify assign one of them to sales

    Managers. ompany management decide since the psychometric test was already conducted it a

    waste of time to re!do it" instead they re#uested the researcher to reveal the test scores. $owever

    the researcher refused to break the agreement and turn in the results. The narrator offered %


    &. Re!administer the same test to the employees under a different set of conditions namely

    the company could see the test results.

    %. 'et the researcher himself decide or nominate a suitable sales manager and make

    promotion decisions.

    (oth these alternatives were ignores by the management because company management

    considered they are waste of money and time to re!decide that test scores which have already

    been decided. )urthermore they were accusing the researcher of holding the test scores as

    hostage and trying to get another round of pay for consulting again. This once again failed to

    compromise the narrator.

    The issue stayed as unsolved" but soon the company lost the interest on the idea after a downfall

    in sales. *till with a negative belief" the company did not invite the narrator again for consulting.

    The narrator too felt that the company does not re#uire any more support even if the test scores

    were revealed

    What is Industrial/Organizational Psychology?

  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology


  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology


    one+s capability"capacity" andperformance. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the

    backbone of content at institutes of technology

    I,- psychology will focus on identifying weaknesses in employees and seeing that those

    employees gain the skills they need to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. Training

    includes technical skills enhancement and managerial development programs" among other

    things. I,- psychology will also decide which training and development programs work best.

    2. 3uality of ork life

    3uality of work life can be defined as the environment at the work place provided to the people

    on the /ob. 3' programs is the another dimension in which employers has the responsibility to

    provide congenial environment such that excellent working conditions where people can perform

    excellent work also their health as well as economic health of the organization is also met. The

    #uality of personal life is always reflected in professional life and vice versa.

    In 3' I,- psychology involves identifying the factors that help contribute to a productive

    organization. This can involve changing aspects of the physical work environment or changing

    the re#uirements of a /ob so that employees are happier. -nly when employees have a #uality

    work life the productivity increases and the entire organization benefits.

    4. 0erformance Appraisal

    A performance appraisal is a method by which the/ob performanceof an employeeis evaluated.

    0erformance appraisals are a part of career developmentand consist of regular reviews of

    employee performance within organizations. I,- 0sychology will set principles for /udging

    employee+s /ob efficiency and effectiveness. I,- 0sychology will set whether or not the /ob

    performance of an individual is contributing to the organization" and by how much by measuring

    the performance of entire teams or units within the organization" as well as the organization as a

    whole. 0erformance appraisals are important because they help organizations determine how

    much to pay their employees.

    5. 6roup behavior
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    6roup behavior is the collaboration between persons of a group and the procedures such as

    views" attitudes" growth" response loops" and variations that occur and change as a result of this

    collaboration. The interactions serve to fulfill some need satisfaction of an individual who is part

    of the collective and helps to provide a basis for his interaction with specific members of the

    group. I,- psychology measures the Team effectiveness" which refers to the system of getting

    people in a company or institution to work together effectively. The idea behind team

    effectiveness is that a group of people working together can achieve much more than if the

    individuals of the team were working on their own.

    What is Organizational diagnosis?
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    The basic idea of -rganizational 1iagnosis 7-18 is it9s an attempted to make an analysis of the

    organization. -rganizational 1iagnosis helps organizations to identify the :gaps; between :what

    is; and :what should to be.; -nce we gain a shared vision of the desired state" we can partner in

    an effort to identify barriers and work toward solutions. In basic terms an analysis is for its

    structure" systems and processes in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its systems

    and processes.

    *ystem can be viewed as a linkage of input flows 7energy" materials" information" human

    resources" economic resources8 from sources in the external environment" a transforming

    mechanism 7a machine or a technical!human organization8" and flows of outputs or outcomes

    provided to users. *ystem may include one or more feedback mechanisms for self!regulation.

    1iagnostic activities should focus its attention to two areas 7a8 subsystem areas 7top

    management" department" group" individual unit8 7b8 organization processes or organizational

    health 7decision!making process" communication patterns and styles" relationships between

    interfacing groups" the management of conflict" the setting of goals and planning methods8.

    0eople cannot be diagnosticians in systems in which they are full!fledged members due

    to overt or covert vested interests. 1iagnosticians must maintain role of researcher 7systematic"

    ob/ective and result!oriented investigation8 and must establish some type of liaison system

    between the researcher and the elements of the systems. The liaison may be an individual or a


    Phases of organizational diagnosis


    The primary ob/ectives of entry are to determine which units of the system 7individual" group"

    and organization8 will participate in the diagnosis and to determine whether the client and

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    consultant can reach agreement about their respective roles during data collection and feedback.

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    meetings" the ordering of the meetings" the behavior of the system during feedback and the

    behavior of the researchers within and between feedback meetings. )eedback is probably the

    period of maximum anxiety during the entire diagnosis. If the system could tolerate the anxiety"

    system could learn itself

    In sum" the methodology of organizational diagnosis calls for the researcher to be

    competent in the conventional use of social science tools 7 observation" interviews"

    #uestionnaires and archives8 ant to possess a sophisticated theory and the related behavioral

    skills to enter" collect and feedback information to complex multigrain systems.

    hat is =ob satisfaction and ork Motivation>

    The study of motivation is concerned" basically" with why people behave in a certain way. The

    basic underlying #uestion is ?hy do people do what they do>9 In general terms" motivation can

    be described as the direction and persistence of action. Realizing what motivates an every

    employee in an organization is important to the study of I,- psychology. It is concerned with

    why people choose a particular course of action in preference to others" and why they continue

    with a chosen action" often over a long period and in the face of dif@culties and problems.

    Motivation is typi@ed as an individual phenomenon.

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    Figure 1

    A number of various theories attempt to describe employee motivation within the discipline of

    I,- 0sychology. And one of them is the Maslow9s hierarchy of need theory.

    According to Maslow" human behavior is related to his needs. It is ad/usted as per the nature of

    needs to be satisfied. In hierarchy of needs theory" Maslow identified five types , sets of human

    need arranged in a hierarchy of their importance and priority. $e concluded that when one set of

    needs is satisfied" it ceases to be a motivating factor. Thereafter" the next set of needs in the

    hierarchy order takes its place. These needs in hierarchy can be compared to a pyramid. At the

    lowest level" there will be first set of needs which can be described as basic needs and are

    universal in character. This will be followed by other sets of needs. hen trying to motivate a

    sales department" Maslow+s theory is still an important consideration for managers hoping to

    motivate their employees.

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    The Maslow+s 0yramid of $uman eeds is explained below

    0hysiological eedsB 0hysiological needs are the basic needs for sustaining human life. These

    needs include food" shelter" clothing" rest" air" water" sleep and sexual satisfaction. These basic

    human needs lie at the lowest level in the hierarchy of needs as they have priority over all other

    needs. These needs cannot be postponed for long. Cnless and until these basic physiological

    needs are satisfied to the re#uired extent" other needs do not motivate an employee. A hungry

    person" for example" is /ust not in a position to think of anything else except his hunger or food.

    According to Maslow" +man lives by bread alone"+ when there is no bread. The management

    attempts to meet such physiological needs through fair wages.

    *ecurity , *afety eedsB These are the needs connected with the psychological fear of loss of /ob"

    property" natural calamities or hazards" etc. An employee wants protection from such types of

    fear. $e prefers ade#uate safety or security in this regard i.e. protection from physical danger"

    security of /ob" pension for old age" insurance cover for life" etc. The safety needs come after

    meeting the physiological needs. *uch physiological needs lose their motivational potential when

    they are satisfied. As a result" safety needs replace them. They begin to manifest themselves and

    dominate human behavior. *afety needs act as motivational forces only if they are unsatisfied.

    *ocial eedsB An employee is a human being is rightly treated as a social animal. $e desires to

    stay in group. $e feels that he should belong to one or the other group and the member of the

    group should accept him with love and affection.

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    respect" competence" etc. The second groups of esteem needs are those related to one+s status"

    reputation" recognition and appreciation by others. This is a type of personal ego which needs to

    be satisfied. The -rganization can satisfy this need by giving recognition to the good work of


  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology


    0sychometric testsattempt to ob/ectively measure aspects of yourmental abilityor

    yourpersonality. Dou are most likely to encounter psychometric testing as part of the

    recruitment or selection process and occupational psychometric tests are designed to provide

    employers with areliable methodof selecting the most suitable /ob applicants or candidates for

    promotion. 0sychometric tests are seldom used in isolation and represent /ust one of the methods

    used by employers in the selection process.

    Who uses psychometric Tests?

    Today large" medium" and an increasing number of small firms use psychometric tests. -ver EF

    G of larger companies are currently using psychometric tests to gather vital information from

    potential and current employees. More and more companies are using psychometric tests forB

    graduate recruitment

    filtering out candidates when there are large numbers of applicants

    -ver EFG of large companies use them in their recruitment process. They are also used to assess

    existing employees forB

    training and staff development needs


    What Is Perception?
  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology


    0sychologists typically make a distinction between sensation and perception. *ensations are

    uninterrupted sensory impressions created by the detection of environmental stimuli" whereas

    perception refers to the set of processes whereby we make sense of these sensations. 0erception

    enables us to literally navigate through the world" avoiding danger" making decisions" and

    preparing for action. Hisual perception has received the most attention from researchers" and

    then speech. Among the most important perceptions that influence organizational behavior are

    the perceptions that organizational members have of each other. 0erceptions vary from person to

    person. 1ifferent people perceive different things about the same situation. (ut more than that"

    we assign different meanings to what we perceive. And the meanings might change for a certain

    person. -ne might change one+s perspective or simply make things mean something else.

    What are Values?

    As far as organizations are concerned" organizational values are the acceptable standards which

    govern the behavior of individuals within the organization. -rganization+s values must be in line

    with its purpose or mission" and the vision that it is trying to achieve. ithout such values"

    individuals will practice behaviors that are in line with their own individual value systems" they

    could be behaviors that the organization doesn+t wish to encourage.

    What are ttitudes and !eha"ior?

    An attitude is a relatively enduring organization of beliefs" feelings" and behavioral tendencies

    towards socially significant ob/ects" groups" events or symbols

    (ehavior relates to how an individual does his or her work and how they get the work done.

    ork behavior attitude is tangible. $ence it is measurable. It is e#ually important to have a great

    work behavior attitude" as it is to have a great work attitude behavior at work. 6oing back to the

    case study" the narrator or the conductor of the psychometric test seems to have a very work

    oriented core values. The attitude and the perception reflected when the test scores were asked

    was very unbiased and honest. Any employee would like to work or contribute to such

    personnel. (ut one drawback the narrator possesses is the lack of situational behavior. It is very

    essential to maintain a good work attitude and behavior among the managers too. The narrator

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    must have approached differently when communicating with the managers. (ut in the end of the

    day narrator was only providing a service and it was a fair play.

    hat is emotional Intelligence>

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  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology


    0roblem *olving TeamB a temporary team assembled to solve a specific problem.

    0roduct 1esign TeamB a temporary team assembled to design a new product or service.

    ommitteeB a temporary or permanent group of people assembled to act upon some


    ork 6roupB a permanent group of workers who receive direction from a designated


    ork Team 7also called *elf!1irected ork Team or *elf!Managed ork Team8B an

    ongoing group of workers who share a common mission who collectively manage their

    own affairs within predetermined boundaries.

    3uality ircle 7today also under various other names8B a group of employessfrom the

    same functional area who meet regularly to solve work related problems and seek work


    hat Is a 6roup> 7Individual responsibilities8

    In a group each member is responsible for only their own individual contributions. $e or she

    shall contribute to the organization alone. The success of a group is often measured by its final

    results" not necessarily the process used to arrive at those results.

    Individuals need not have any concern about what other members of the group achieve.

    6roup members are likely to develop an individual relationship with the group leader.

    Relationships between group leader and different individuals can vary.

    -ne individual may need to be managed much more forcefully than another" as they

    personally responsible for the completion of tasks.

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    1ifferent types of groups

    A formal group is created within an organization to complete a specific role or task. This

    may be to oversee a launch of a particular product or service.

    Informal groups are established by individuals within the organization that a need to

    interact with one another and who also believe that these informal groups meet a need

    that formal groups cannot meet within the firm.

    0rimary groups" within an organization a primary group is a small group that gets

    together and interacts regularly. A team leader with a small team is an example of a

    primary group.

    *econdary groupB hen large number of people get together" who do not normally get

    together" these are called secondary groups. ithin a secondary group" people to do not

    get to know each other as well as those in a primary group. hen a secondary group is

    formed" individuals usually have their own agenda and goals. The relationship they form

    is not long term and there probably will not be much social interaction within a secondary


  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology



    Industrial,organizational psychology is an extremely helpful professional that analyze the

    relationship between humans and the /obs they perform. *ince much of life is working" I,-

    psychology is perhaps one of the most important fields. The tests performed on and for

    employees and the organization are helpful for everyone involved. (y motivating and evaluating

    workers and working conditions" organizations are able to thrive. The practices on how toemotional involvement is so much rewarding to an employee and the employer if it is

    approached correctly.

    Industrial aspects concerns recruiting and selection of personnel" /ob analysis and /ob design.

    -rganizations should focus on fair and e#uitable selection practices" how much it will help

    decision makers choose the best candidates for a /ob. It ensures that there is systematic recording

    of the /ob and duties" as well as the skills" knowledge and abilities one needs for the position.

    The organizational side focuses on larger constructs like work motivation" stress related to work"

    and emotional intelligence. $ow it will maximize good working conditions" so the organization

    has a happy and healthy work environment today and tomorrow.

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    Learning outcomes

    &. Cnderstanding the important of creating a satisfactory working culture and environment

    within the workplace.

    %. $ow to apply theories in I,- psychology to real world problems

    2. To what extent my current employer has reached out to practice such theories inside my

    organizations and drawbacks in certain areas which can be solved if correct I,-

    0sychology is being practiced.

    4. 6et to know about the role of I,- 0sychologist and get a basic idea of the types of skills"

    knowledge and attitudes are re#uired to be an industrial 0sychologist.

  • 8/12/2019 Industrial Phycology



    "$ Australian 2ournal o1 Business and Management Resear'h 3ol$" 4o$"" -"67#8 9

    e;ruary6#" ACT*R< A%CT)4G Q=A0)T> * (*R? 0)%: %m@iri'al

    %viden'e rom )ndian *rgani+ations ;y Chandranshu