industrial conflicts & industrial disputes

Industrial Conflicts

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about industrial conflicts & disputes


Industrial Conflicts

Industrial Conflicts

Manifestations of conflictManifestation of organized group conflict (Union Management conflict)Manifestations of unionsNon-CooperationArgumentsHostilityStress and tensionUnwillingness to negotiateResentmentAbsenteeism

Manifestations of conflictWork-to-ruleDemonstration Morcha, GheraoLoss of productionStrikeManifestations of managementUnwillingness to negotiateTerminationDemotionLay-offsLockoutsManifestations of conflictManifestation of individual and unorganized conflict.WorkersUnorganized withholding of effortsIntentional waste and inefficiencyLabor turnoverAbsenteeism complaintsInstance of breaking of rulesStrikes

Manifestations of conflictManagementAutocratic supervisionOver-strict disciplinePenaltiesUnnecessary firingDemotionLay-offsLockouts

Causes that lead to Industrial ConflictEconomic causesPolitical causesSocial causesTechnologies causesPsychological causesMarket situationLegal causesIndustrial Conflicts are classified into 4 groupsInterest Disputes: These are the disputes that arise out of deadlocks in negotiations.

Grievance Disputes: These are the disputes that arise from day-to-day grievances.

Industrial Conflicts are classified into 4 groupsUnfair Labor Practices: These are the disputes that arise from acts of interference with the exercise of right to organize, acts etc.Recognition Disputes: These are the disputes that arise due to the recognition of TU as a bargaining agent.

Definition of a DisputeAccording to Industrial Dispute Act Industrial Dispute means any dispute or difference between employers and employers or between employers and workmen or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with the employment or non employment or terms of employment or with the conditions of labour of any personCauses of ICIndustrial Factors: i) Industrial matters relating to employment, work, wages, hours of working etc. ii) Disputes often arise because of population explosion rising unemployment. iii) The increasing prices of essential commodities. iv) The attitude and temperament of Industrial workers.

Management Attitude towards workersDisinterest of management to discuss with the workers and its representatives.

Management unwillingness to recognize a particular trade union.

Taking management side by the management officials while discussing the issues in collective bargaining.

Disinterest of the management in involving the workers in Decision making.

Government Machinery:Their irrelevancy in the context of the challenges of present Industrial Climate.

Inability to understand and answer imperatives of development.

Inability of governments conciliation machinery in doing its job effectively. Other Causes:Affiliation of trade unions with political party and political leadership of trade union.

Political Instability, poor center-state relations.

Other political reasons like character crisis, values etc.

StrikeStrike is a temporary cessation of work by a group of employees in order to express grievances or to enforce a demand concerning changes in work conditionsLock-outslock-outs means the action of an employer in temporarily closing down or shutting down his undertaking or refusing to provide his employees with work with intention of forcing them either to accept demands made by him.

Preventive measures of ICLabour Welfare OfficerTripartite and Bipartite BodiesStanding OrdersGrievance ProcedureJoint ConsultationCollective BargainingStrong Trade UnionLabour Co-partnership and profit sharingLabour Welfare OfficerHe should possessA university degreeDegree or diploma in social science or social work or social welfare from any recognized institution.Adequate knowledge of the language spoken by the majority of the workers in the area where the factories, mines and plantations are suited.

Tripartite and Bipartite Bodies

Tripartite Bodies: comprises of three parties viz. employer, employee and Government officials

Bipartite Bodies: comprises of two parties viz. employer and employee.

Standing OrdersTo prevent the industrial conflicts relating to employment conditions, standing orders are formulated.The standing order regulate the conditions of employment from the stage of entry to the stage of exit.

Grievance ProcedureGenerally arise from day-to-day working relations.Grievances of the employees are redressed by the management.Management can prevent the occurrence of ID by solving the individual problems.

Collective BargainingHelps for settlement of issues and prevention of ID a) Strong Trade Unions. b) Labour Co-partnership and profit Sharing. c) Joint Consultation.