inducing a magnetic monopole with topological surface states

Inducing a Magnetic Monopole with Topological Surface States Xiao-Liang Qi 1 , Rundong Li 1 , Jiadong Zang 2 , Shou-Cheng Zhang 1 1. Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305–4045, USA. 2. Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China Q uantum H allState 2 2 () (2 ) dk n F k 2 2 xy eff S d xdt A A 2 xy e n h •TKNN integer = the firstChern num ber •Topologicalstates ofm atter are defined and described by topological field theory: Z classes,distinguishing conventional band insulator and quantum H all states in 2D . •Anom alous transverse Hallconductance E conduction valence Gap k Chiralliquid 3D TopologicalInsulators k x k y valence Conduction E 2D m assless D irac point Prom ising candidates: BiSballoy ,Bi 2 Se 3 ,Bi 2 Te 3 ,Sb 2 Te 3 PbTe/SnTesuperlattice. nontrivial trivial Z2 Topology Electrom agnetic response of an insulator 2 2 3 1 1 ( ) 8 eff S d xdt E B Z Z E P=( - 0 ) E B M =(1/ 0 -1/ ) B B P=qB E M =qE •Electrom agnetic response ofan insulatoris described by an effective action: •H ow ever another quadratic term is also allow ed: 3 2 2 S d xdtE B q q Z Z •physically,this term describes the m agneto-electric effect. Undertim e reversal: E E Z Z B B q q q Term Integrate overa spatially and tem porally periodic system : 3 2 0 z t z cdtd xE B dxdyB cdtdz A n Z Z q term ’s contribution to the partition function is given by exp(i qn).Therefore the partition function is invariantunderthe discrete U(1) translation: 2 n q q 0 q q q term is actually a totalderivative,contributing to the equation of m otion only w hen the system has open boundary. 3 3 ( ) 2 16 2 4 S d xdt F F d xdt A A q q q Chern Sim ons term Conventional insulator: Topological insulator: TopologicalM agneto-Electric Effect Equation ofm otion is given by: Electric and m agnetic fields are linearly coupled together. 3 2 P q 3 3 4 0 1 4 1 4 2 4 2 c t c c t P P D B B E D H J D E P B H B M E 2 nd Chern num ber in the bulk. M agnetic M onopole A charge justabove the surface ofa TI induces a m irrorcharge attaching a m agnetic m onopole on it,nam ely a dyon. for = ’, = Analogous to W itten’s dyon (/2) q g q Experim entalProposals M FM Tip M agnetic layer 3 min 1/ f r for topologicalinsulator 6 min 1/ f r for conventionalinsulator M agnitude ofB: SQ U ID Anyon Gas C onclusion W e have show n theoretically thatthe topologicalsurface states ofa 3D topologicalinsulator can actas am irror thatim ages an electron as a m agnetic m onopole. A 2D electron gas in the neighborhood ofthe surface w ill becom e a dyon gas w ith fractionalstatistics. W e have presented realistic experim entalsetups to observe the field ofthe im age m agnetic m onopole and the statisticalangle ofthe dyon. Science 323 , 1184 (2009)

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Inducing a Magnetic Monopole with Topological Surface States. Xiao-Liang Qi 1 , Rundong Li 1 , Jiadong Zang 2 , Shou-Cheng Zhang 1 1. Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305–4045, USA. 2. Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Inducing a Magnetic Monopole with Topological Surface States

Inducing a Magnetic Monopole with Topological Surface StatesXiao-Liang Qi1, Rundong Li1, Jiadong Zang2, Shou-Cheng Zhang1

1. Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305–4045, USA.2. Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

Quantum Hall State


2 ( )(2 )d k

n F k



effS d xdt A A



• TKNN integer = the first Chern number

• Topological states of matter are defined and described by topological field theory:

Z classes, distinguishing conventional band insulator and quantum Hall states in 2D .

• Anomalous transverse Hall conductance




Chiral liquid

3D Topological Insulators






2D massless Dirac point

Promising candidates:BiSb alloy, Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3 , Sb2Te3PbTe/SnTe superlattice.

nontrivial trivial

Z2 Topology

Electromagnetic response of an insulator

2 231 1( )8effS d xdt E B









• Electromagnetic response of an insulator is described by an effective action:

• However another quadratic term is also allowed:


2 2S d xdtE Bq


• physically, this term describes the magneto-electric effect. Under time reversal:



q q

q Term• Integrate over a spatially and temporally periodic system:

3 20z t zcdtd xE B dxdyB cdtdz A n

• q term’s contribution to the partition function is given by exp(iqn). Therefore the partition function is invariant under the discrete U(1) translation:

2 nq q 0q q

• q term is actually a total derivative, contributing to the equation of motion only when the system has open boundary.

3 3 ( )2 16 2 4

S d xdt F F d xdt A A q

q q

Chern Simons term

Conventional insulator :Topological insulator :

Topological Magneto-Electric Effect

• Equation of motion is given by:

Electric and magnetic fields are linearly coupled together.

3 2P q





4 1

4 24 2

c t

c c tPP





2nd Chern number in the bulk.

Magnetic Monopole

A charge just above the surface of a TI induces a mirror charge attaching a magnetic monopole on it, namely a dyon.

for =’, =’

Analogous to Witten’s dyon

( / 2 )q gq

Experimental Proposals


Magnetic layer

3min 1/f r for topological insulator

6min 1/f r for conventional insulator

Magnitude of B: SQUID

Anyon Gas

Conclusion We have shown theoretically that the topological surface

states of a 3D topological insulator can act as amirrorthat images an electron as a magnetic monopole.

A 2D electron gas in the neighborhood of the surface will become a dyon gas with fractional statistics.

We have presented realistic experimental setups to observe the field of the image magnetic monopole and the statistical angle of the dyon.

Science 323, 1184 (2009)