indispensable implication of sunna and caution against innovation

Indispensable implication Of Sunna and cautionagainst innovation By His Eminence Sh€ikh: ABDT'I {ZI7 BI\ {BTIT I I.{H BI\ B{7 Trrnslrlrd by: Mtrh!mmad Raquibuddin Hussain, Suhaib H. Abdul Ghallar. I'ritrred xrd publi!hcd hy: Pr€sid€n.! of Islamic Reserrch. Iflo ProDr8.tior, otrd Guiddce ASSISTANT AGENCY IoR PRTITING AND TRANSLATION Riyrdh,Xingdom of Srudi Arabi, Wrlf (EDdo*metrt - Grrllr) 1992/ l4t3 Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation By Eminence Sheikh: ABDU. AZIZ 81:\ ARDlJLLAH BIN BAZ Translated by: Muhammad Raquibuddin Hussain, and Suhaib H. Abdul GhaHar. l'rimed llnd h}': Prl'sidenQ u f Islamic Research. Uta Propagation, lind Guidance. ASSISTANT AGENCY "'OR AND TRANSLATION Ri}'adh, Kinlldom (If Saudi Wakf (Endowment· Grali0 1992/1413

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Page 1: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

Indispensable implication

Of Sunna


caution against innovation

ByHis Eminence Sh€ikh:

A B D T ' I { Z I 7 B I \ { B T I T I I . { H B I \ B { 7

Trrnslr l rd by:Mtrh!mmad Raquibuddin Hussain,

Suhaib H. Abdul Ghal lar.

I'ritrred xrd publi!hcd

hy :

Pr€sid€n.! of Islamic Reserrch.

Iflo ProDr8.tior, otrd Guiddce



Riyrdh, Xingdom of Srudi Arabi ,

Wrlf (EDdo*metrt - Grrllr)1992/ l4t3

Indispensable implication

Of Sunna


cau tion against innovation

ByHi~ Eminence Sheikh:


Translated by:

Muhammad Raquibuddin Hussain,


Suhaib H. Abdul GhaHar.

l'rimed llnd publi~hcd


Prl'sidenQ u f Islamic Research.

Uta Propagation, lind Guidance.



Ri}'adh, Kinlldom (If Saudi ~rabia

Wakf (Endowment· Grali01992/1413

Page 2: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

Indispensable implication

Of Sunna


crution rgeinst innovation

Indispensable implication

Of Sunna


caution against innovation

Page 3: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

Indispensable implication

Of Sunna


caution against innovation

ByHis Eminence Sheikh:


Translated by:Muhammad Raquibuddin Hussain,

andSuhaib H. Abdul Ghaffar.

Printed and published


Presidency of Islrmic Research,

Iftr Proprgrtion, rnd Guidrnce.



Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

lVakf (Endowment - Gratif)


Indispensable implication



caution against innovatioD

ByHis Eminence Sheikh:


Translated by:Muhammad Raquibuddin Hussain,

andSuhaib H. Abdul Ghaffar.

Printed and publishedby:

Presidency of Islamic Research,

Ifta Propagation, and Guidance.



Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Wakf (Endowment - Gratif)


Page 4: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

Indispensable implication of Sunna

and caution against innovation

All praise be to Allah who completed the religion for us,

perfected the blessing on us and chose Islam as our religion.

May the blessings and peace be upon His servant and Apostle,

who called upon people to obey his Lord and cautioned against

extravagance, innovation and disobedience; And may Allah

bless his posterity, his companions and those who follow his

footsteps till the Day of Judgement.

I have been acquainted with the article published in the firstpage of the weekly magazine <Edarat>> of the Kanpur, Industrial

city of Utter Pradesh in India, which contains an implied cam-

paign against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its adherence to

the Islamic creed, and its opposition to innovations. The writer

alleges that the creed of the Salaf (Early adherents to Islam)which is held by Saudi Kingdom does not agree with the Sunna.

By this, the writer aims at creating division amongst the Ahl'l

Sunna and encouraging the innovations and superstitions. This

attitude, no doubt, is most abominable and dangerous and aims

at offending the Religion of Islam and spreading innovations

and deviations from the truth. Furthermore, the article

concentrates clearly on the subject of celebrating the Prophet's

birthday as an excuse to discuss the creed of the Kingdom andits rulers. Therfore, I consider it necessary to enlighten the Peo-

Ple on this subject. So seeking help of Allah, I say:

It is not permissible to celebrate the birthday of the Apostle,(May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) or some-

body else. In fact, it must be stopped, as it is an innovation in

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

Indispensable implication of Sunnaand caution against innovation

All praise be to Allah who completed the religion for us,perfected the blessing on us and chose Islam as our religion.May the blessings and p~ace be upon His servant and Apostle,who called upon people to obey his Lord and cautioned againstextravagance, innovation and disobedience; And may Allahbless his posterity, his companions and those who follow hisfootsteps till the Day of Judgement.

I have been acquainted with the article published in the firstpage of the weekly magazine «Edarat» of the Kanpur, Industrialcity of Utter Pradesh in India, which contains an implied cam­

paign against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its adherence tothe Islamic creed, and its opposition to innovations. The writeralleges that the creed of the Salaf (Early adherents to Islam)which is held by Saudi Kingdom does not agree with the Sunna.By this, the writer aims at creating division amongst the AhPI

Sunna and encouraging the innovations and superstitions. Thisattitude, no doubt, is most abominable and dangerous and aimsat offending the Religion of Islam and spreading innovationsand deviations from the truth. Furthermore, the articleconcentrates clearly on the subject of celebrating the Prophet'sbirthday as an excuse to discuss the creed of the Kingdom andits rulers. Therfore, I consider it necessary to enlighten the Peo­Ple on this subject. So seeking help of Allah, I say:

It is not permissible to celebrate the birthday of the Apostle,(May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) or some­

body else. In fact, it must be stopped, as it is an innovation in


Page 5: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

the religion. The Apostle of Allah (May the blessings andPeace of Allah be upon him) neither celebrated it, nor com-manded others to do this for himself. or for any one who diedbefore him amongst the Prophets, for his daughters his wives,or his other relatives. The rightly guided Caliphs the

Companions of the Prophet (May Allah be pleased wih them)or the successors who rightly followed them did not celebratethis event, nor did any one of the muslim scholars in the centuriesbefore.

They knew the Sunnah of the Prophet (May the peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him) best, they loved him more, andfollowed the Shari'a better than those who came after them. ifcelebrating his birthday was a good deed, they would havedone it.

We are commanded to follow and forbidden to innovate.

This is because of the perfection of the Islamic religion and theSufficiency of what Allah and His Messenger have given usand are accepted by Ahl'al-Sunna wal-jama'at-. The Muslimcommunity of the companions and those who followed them inthe best way.

It is related to the prophet (May the blessings and peace ofAllah be upon him) that he said: <He who innovates somethingin this matter of ours that is not of it, will have it rejected>.(Transmitted by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). According toMuslim who reported: <<whoever does an act which is not in

agreement with our matter, will have it rejected> In anothertradition the Prophet said: <<You must keep to my Sunna and ofthe Sunna of the rightly-guided Caliphs, cling to it firmly>.<<Beware of newly invented matters, for every new matter is aninnovation and every innovation is misleading> He used to sayin every Friday sermon: <The best discourse is the Book ofAllah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad the

the religion. The Apostle of Allah (May the blessings andPeace of Allah be upon him) neither celebrated it, nor com­manded others to do this for himself. or for anyone who diedbefore him amongst the Prophets, for his daughters his wives,or his other relatives. The rightly guided Caliphs theCompanions of the Prophet (May Allah be pleased wih them)or the successors who rightly followed them did not celebratethis event, nor did anyone of the muslim scholars in the centuriesbefore.

They knew the Sunnah of the Prophet (May the peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) best, they loved him more, andfollowed the Shari'a better than those who came after them. ifcelebrating his birthday was a good deed, they would havedone it.

We are commanded to follow and forbidden to innovate.This is because of the perfection of the Islamic religion and theSufficiency of what Allah and His Messenger have given usand are accepted by Ahl-al-Sunna wal-jama'at-. The Muslimcommunity of the companions and those who followed them inthe best way.

It is related to the prophet (May the blessings and peace ofAllah be upon him) that he said: «He who innovates somethingin this matter of ours that is not of it, will have it rejected».(Transmitted by AI-Bukhari and Muslim). According toMuslim who reported: «whoever does an act which is not in

agreement with our matter, will have it rejected» In anothertradition the Prophet said: «You must keep to my Sunna and ofthe Sunna of the rightly-guided Caliphs, cling to it firmly».«Beware of newly invented matters, for every new matter is aninnovation and every innovation is misleading» He used to sayin every Friday sermon: «The best discourse is the Book ofAllah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad the


Page 6: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

Apostle of Al lah, and the worst matter is that of innovation andevery innovation is misleading>. Thus, these tradit ions containa strong caution against innovations and a warning that such anact is a deviat ion from the r ight course. The Prophet (May theblessings and peace of Al lah be upon him) warned the people

of the gravity of these innovations and of their bad consequenc-es. There are many tradit ions adduced in this connection. Andthe Almighty has said:

{trosti e;l ,,.(* tr-9 o.zjeti J.rJl nK;r, LtF

. I v - o 1 ]

<So take what the Messenger gives you, and refrain from whathe proh ib i ts you> (59:7) . A l lah, Mosr High sa id :

r ' l - s t

Jl ;,:i Fr.r"J rri o.l"i f JJrJtit jJ$l Jir..JiF

. [ r r :Yr] {di +l . io war"<<Then let those beware who withstand the Messenger's order,Lest some trial befall them. or a grievous Chastisement be

inflicted on them)) (24:63\.

Allah, the Almighty said.

-,rJ Ak' 6-fi nr J-r-.r d n^(J 05 -riJF

.rY \:rrt {U{ a' -{ts rrlt edl.l dltl

<Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellentexempler for him who hopes in Allah and the final day, and whoremember Allah much.>> (33:21) And Allah the Almighty said.

itiJl: ;La;Trj a;4alr U OjJ.glr O3iJhb

Apostle of Allah, and the worst matter is that of innovation andevery innovation is misleading». Thus, these traditions containa strong caution against innovations and a warning that such anact is a deviation from the right course. The Prophet (May theblessings and peace of Allah be upon him) warned the peopleof the gravity of these innovations and of their bad consequenc­es. There are many traditions adduced in this connection. Andthe Almighty has said:

«So take what the Messenger gives you, and refrain from whathe prohibits you» (59:7). Allah, Most High said:

Ji 6 ~ -:.>i o.;oi ~ ~yil~ ~..ul )~t

.[ir:"tJ ~~i Y,J&.~«Then let those beware who withstand the Messenger's order,

Lest some trial befall them. or a grievous Chastisement beinflicted on them» (24:63).

Allah, the Almighty said.

y;.;!. -:.>~ ~ ~ 0J-'i .i», JJ-') ~ ~ ~~ ..lQJt.[" \ :rr] 4'.# ~, .J'~J .r~' ~JoJ'J ~,

«Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellentexempler for him who hopes in Allah and the final day, and whoremember Allah much.» (33:21) And Allah the Almighty said.


Page 7: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

dr" d *i.l e l-tosy f dll sreJ t'--,tt F^J'dlr \ . .-1r {di,,tr;dr cJri i+i hr ord *r' h* qrr+

<<The vangured of Islam the first of those who forsook their

homes and of those who gave them aid, and also those who

followed them in all good deeds, well - Pleased is Allah with

them as are they with Him. For them hath He prepared gardens

under which rivers flow, to dwell therin forever, that is the

supreme Triumph> (9:100). And Allah, the Almighty said:

,j"-, *SJt c.".ei3 nftr F c-lJi fClF.[r:o1 4r*, f)t-]l F t\Ps1

<This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed

My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your

religion> (5:3). This verse decisively indicates that the Almighty

Allah has completed the religion for this Ummah, and has

showered His blessings on them.

His Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him) passed away only after he had imparted the completemessage of Allah to the Ummah as well as his legislations co-

ncerning sayings and deeds. He also stressed that all things in-

vented by people and then attributed to the religion of Islam

are innovations and to be rejected, even if their inventors did

so in good faith.

It is established that the Companions of the Prophet (May

the blessings and peace of Atlah be upon him) and the righteous

successors after them warned the people against innovations as

they add to Islam and legistate what is not permitted by Allah,

in line with the enemies of Allah such as the Jews and the

Christians who added to their religion and innovated what was


FArt,~ '\

~~ ..\toIJ ~ 'J""')J~ ~I~) ~~4 ~~I

[' · ·-'\]~~, JJAJ' ~~ \J.!t 1J~..u:.t ~'J' ~ '-i';'«The vangured of Islam the first of those who forsook their

homes and of those who gave them aid, and also those whofollowed them in all good deeds, well - Pleased is Allah withthem as are they with Him. For them hath He prepared gardensunder which rivers flow, to dwell therin forever, that is the

supreme Triumph» (9: 100). And Allah, the Almighty said:

~ ~ ~\J ~~ ~ ~\ ~~"

.[",:oJ ~~~ ~~~, ~ ~)J

«This day have I perfected your religion for you, completedMy favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as yourreligion» (5:3). This verse decisively indicates that the AlmightyAllah has completed the religion for this Ummah, and hasshowered His blessings on them.

His Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) passed away only after he had imparted the completemessage of Allah to the Ummah as well as his legislations co­ncerning sayings and deeds. He also stressed that all things in­vented by people and then attributed to the religion of Islamare innovations and to be rejected, even if their inventors didso in good faith.

It is established that the Companions of the Prophet (Maythe blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and the righteoussuccessors after them warned the people against innovations asthey add to Islam and legislate what is not permitted by Allah,in line with the enemies of Allah such as the Jews and theChristians who added to their religion and innovated what was


Page 8: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

not allowed by Allah. Moreover, to admit innovation in Is-

lam is incomplete and imperfect. Such a belief is not only.anevil but contradicts the following verse: <This day have I per-

fected your religion for you>. And the sayings of the Prophetwhich warn us against innovations.

To celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Prophet and the

others, means that the Religion is not perfected by Allah (the

Galorious, the Almighty) for this <Ummah>, and the Apostledid not impart to the people what was necessary regarding theirreligious duties, till these late ones appeared and invented in the

religion what is not permitted by Allah, thinking that this wouldbring them nearer to Allah.

Undoubtedly, this is a great danger and is tantamount tocriticzing Allah the Almighty and the Prophet (Peace be uponhim): whereas Allah the Almighty has already completed the

religion and perfected His grace, and the Prophet (peace be uponhim) has conveyed the message openly and informed the Ummahof atl such ways that will lead them to the Paradise and savethem from Hell-fire.

According to an authentic Hadith, on the authority of

Abdullah ben Amr ben Al-As the Messenger of Allah (Peace

be upon him) said: Allah Ta'ala <the Almighty> did not senda Prophet but obliged him to lead his people to the best waywhich is known to him, and warn them against the worst whichis known to him. (Transmitted by Muslim).

It is well-known that our Prophet (peace be upon him) is thebest of all the prophets, the last and the most perfect of themregarding the way he conveyed the message and advised hispeople.

Had the celebration of Milad been an act of Religion chosen

by Altah for His servants, the Prophet would have eitherexplained that to his people, would have celebrated it during his

not allowed by Allah. Moreover, to admit innovation in Is­lam is incomplete and imperfect. Such a belief is not only.anevil but contradicts the following verse: «This day have I per­fected your religion for you». And the sayings of the Prophetwhich warn us against innovations.

To celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Prophet and theothers, means that the Religion is not perfected by Allah (theGalorious, the Almighty) for this «Ummah», and the Apostledid not impart to the people what was necessary regarding theirreligious duties, till these late ones appeared and invented in thereligion what is not permitted by Allah, thinking that this wouldbring them nearer to Allah.

Undoubtedly, this is a great danger and is tantamount tocriticzing Allah the Almighty and the Prophet (Peace be uponhim): whereas Allah the Almighty has already completed thereligion and perfected His grace, and the Prophet (peace be uponhim) has conveyed the message openly and informed the Ummahof all such ways that will lead them to the Paradise and savethem from Hell-fire.

According to an authentic Hadith, on the authority ofAbdullah ben Amr ben AI-As the Messenger of Allah (Peacebe upon him) said: Allah Ta'ala «the Almighty» did not senda Prophet but obliged him to lead his people to the best waywhich is known to him, and warn them against the worst whichis known to him. (Transmitted by Muslim).

It is well-known that our Prophet (peace be upon him) is thebest of all the prophets, the last and the most perfect of themregarding the way he conveyed the message and advised hispeople.

Had the celebration of Milad been an act of Religion chosenby Allah for His servants, the Prophet would have eitherexplained that to his people, would have celebrated it during his


Page 9: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

life, or his Companions would have done it. As these did nothappen, it becomes clear that Islam has no concern with Milad.On the contrary, it is one of the innovations against which theProphet has warned his people as mentioned earlier.

A host of scholars have not only rejected the celebration ofMilad but have warned against it in view of the evidences givenabove.

According to the rule of the Islamic Shari'a all mattersregarding legalization or prohibition and all disputes among thepeople, should be referred to the Book of Allah and the Sunnahof His Messenger (Peace be upon him) in line with the sayiqgof Allah:

dii i i *tT i -*i i'irr i ;"ui i ii;r;'u"{ d-qX

. [ o 1 : t ]

(,.is of J.hlt j+lJT JI uI It# r,r i& -pi.u

iq irrt c (e

A. (O ye who believe obey Allah and obey the Messenger andthose charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anythingamong yourselves, refer it to Allah and his Messenger, if ye dobelieve in Allah and the Last Day: That is best and most suitablefor final determination>> (4:59).

And Allah The Almighty said:

.r\ .-ryr {+itT Jt lB,Ai ,,? u E F}l't}t uj}B. <<Whatever it be wherein ye differ, the decision thereof is

with Allah> (42:10).Referring this issue back to the Book of Allah, we find it

ordaining upon us to follow the Messenger of Allah (peace beupon him) in his Commandments and warns us against whatever he prohibits. Furthermore it tells us that Allah has perfected

ou.3;-ji{r^*;L ;;;ii

life, or his Companions would have done it. As these did nothappen, it becomes clear that Islam has no concern with Milad.On the contrary, it is one of the innovations against which theProphet has warned his people as mentioned earlier.

A host of scholars have not only rejected the celebration ofMilad but have warned against it in view of the evidences givenabove.

According to the rule of the Islamic Shari'a all mattersregarding legalization or prohibition and all disputes among thepeople, should be referred to the Book of Allah and the Sunnahof His Messenger (Peace be upon him) in line with the sayingof Allah:

j 0\, J' J ~tr, ~~ t..\' wr i ~~ t..\ "~',~ -: jj, \A~G~\FJ J J-'f .r::*: J ~ J*4 iJ., ~ ..r~ 6J} J~;'j ~rJl oJSJ ~~J~jJ ~~~~;~,.[O~:t] ~~~~ ~ij, ~~ ~~, ,~jJrj ~..~ ~~jf

A. «0 ye who believe obey Allah and obey the Messenger andthose charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anythingamong yourselves, refer it to Allah and his Messenger, if ye dobelieve in Allah and the Last Day: That is best and most suitablefor final determination» (4:59).

And Allah The Almighty said:

._ '.LJlr"~ 0'10. 4..i ~ii.' \.0 '~.[' t",] '1(.. 4$. ~~ ~ ,.... JT

B. «Whatever it be wherein ye differ, the decision thereof iswith Allah» (42:10).

Referring this issue back to the Book of Allah, we find itordaining upon us to follow the Messenger of Allah (peace beupon him) in his Commandments and warns us against whatever he prohibits. Furthermore it tells us that Allah has perfected


Page 10: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

the religion for the people. So, as long as Milad is not amongthe teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him), it cannot be apart of the religion which Allah has perfected for us and askedus to adhere to by following the Prophet.

Again when we refer this issue back to the Sunnah, of theMessenger of Allah (peace be upon him), we do not find eitherthe Prophet or the companions doing it by themselves or ask-ing others to do it, So it becomes evident that Milad, is not apart of religion, rather one of innovations and blind immitationof the people of the book, i. e. the Jews and the Christians intheir festivals. with this argument in mind, it becomes crystal-clear for everyone having the least insight and inclination to-wards truth and justice, that celebrating any birthday has noth-ing to do with Islam. It is rather among the innovations whichAllah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) warned againstemphatically.

A wise man must not be deceived by seeing a large numberof people doing it throughout the world because the truth isknown and recognized by the evidences of Shari'a and not bythe acts of a great number of people.

Allah Ta'ala <the AlmightyD says regarding the Jews and theChristians:

i|"r ti rstl jtrijF.r\\\'Tr {&i* F ol&;i-rt,i ji ni}-oi s!

<<And they say: None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew,or a Christian, those are their vain desires. Say: Produce yourproof if ye are truthful> (2:l I l).

And the Almighty also said:

'tti u {r rqii ,trx I

&r,p,f '!jd u,j,ii e u fi'g oLjF

the religion for the people. So, as long as Milad is not amongthe teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him), it cannot be apart of the religion which Allah has perfected for us and askedus to adhere to by following the Prophet.

Again when we refer this issue back to the Sunnah, of theMessenger of Allah (peace be upon him), we do not find eitherthe Prophet or the Companions doing it by themselves or ask­ing others to do it, So it becomes evident that Milad, is not apart of religion, rather one of innovations and blind immitationof the people of the book, i. e. the Jews and the Christians intheir festivals. With this argument in mind, it becomes crystal­clear for everyone having the least insight and inclination to­wards truth and justice, that celebrating any birthday has noth­ing to do with Islam. It is rather among the innovations whichAllah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) warned againstemphatically.

A wise man must not be deceived by seeing a large numberof people doing it throughout the world because the truth isknown and recognized by the evidences of Shari'a and not bythe acts of a great number of people.

Allah Ta'ala «the Almighty» says regarding the Jews and theChristians:

«And they say: None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew,or a Christian, those are their vain desires. Say: Produce yourproof if ye are truthful» (2:111).

And the Almighty also said:$I ,.. " ;/. l. 0,.. 0 l.

.uJ\ L".. ." ~.1 ..~ . 0'1\ . j ." "U:--I ~ ~\"~" ~ ~ ~".I'J ~.:.Y'.r ~ ~r


Page 11: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

. [ \ \ 1 : 1 ] fuok[ {l e 'oV

ir:' {l oie o!(wert thou to follow the common run of those on earth, they

wilt lead thee away from the way of Allah. They follow nothing

but conjecture: They do nothing but lie> (6:l16).

Most of these innovations, in addition to their innovatory

nature, also do not usually escape from a number of other evils,

such as mixed gatherings of men and women, songs accompa-

nied by musical instruments. drinking intoxicants, narcotics

and the like. They may also involve the worst thing i. e. the

greatest Shirk, through showing exaggeration in the Messenger

of Allah (peace be upon him) and other saints and throughpraying to him, invoking his help or believing that he knows

what is hidden and all similar claims which render a believer as

an infidel. It is authentically reported that the Messenger of Atlah

has said: <<Beware of extravagance in the Religion: It has caused

the people before you to perish>. He also said: <Do not lavishpraise on me as the Christians did with the son of Maryam. I

am just a bondman. So Simply say: The bondman of Allah andHis Messenger> (Transmitted by Bukhari).

It is curious to note that a great many people partcipate mostactively in these celebrations and defend them vehemently, while

they sit back from attending the obligatory forms of worship

such as daity and friday prayers. They are not even ashamed of

this, nor do they realize that they are committing a great evil.

Undoubtedly, this shows the weakness of their faith, theirshort-sightedness, and the deeply ingrained rust on their hearts

because of sins and disobedience.We ask Allah's protection for

us and for all the Muslims.It is even more astonishing to note that some people believe

that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is present atMilad. Consequently they stand to greet and Welcome him. That

l 0

«wert thou to follow the common run of those on earth, theywill lead thee away from the way of Allah. They follow nothingbut conjecture: They do nothing but lie» (6: 116).

Most of these innovations, in addition to their innovatorynature, also do not usually escape from a number of other evils,such as mixed gatherings of men and women, songs accompa­nied by musical instruments. drinking intoxicants, narcoticsand the like. They may also involve the worst thing i. e. thegreatest Shirk, through showing exaggeration in the Messengerof Allah (peace be upon him) and other saints and throughpraying to him, invoking his help or believing that he knowswhat is hidden and all similar claims which render a believer asan infidel. It is authentically reported that the Messenger of Allahhas said: «Beware of extravagance in the Religion: It has causedthe people before you to perish». He also said: «Do not lavishpraise on me as the Christians did with the son of Maryam. Iam just a bondman. So Simply say: The bondman of Allah andHis Messenger» (Transmitted by Bukhari).

It is curious to note that a great many people partcipate mostactively in these celebrations and defend them vehemently, whilethey sit back from attending the obligatory forms of worshipsuch as daily and friday prayers. They are not even ashamed ofthis, nor do they realize that they are committing a great evil.

Undoubtedly, this shows the weakness of their faith, theirshort-sightedness, and the deeply ingrained rust on their heartsbecause of sins and disobedience.We ask Allah's protection forus and for all the Muslims.

It is even more astonishing to note that some people believethat the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is present atMilad. Consequently they stand to greet and Welcome him. That


Page 12: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

is not only a sheer lie but a worst form of ignorance, as the

Prophet (peace be upon him) shall niether come out of his grave

before the Day of Resurrection, nor shall he meet the people

or attend their meetings. Instead, he shall remain in his grave

till the Day of Resurrection while his soul rests at the highest

of the high with his Lord in the most exalted and highest place.

Allah Ta'ala <The Almighty> Says:

. . t . - l t z c t4a-Jlrl | .,

\ J -

. [ \ 1 - \ o : Y r ]

.*t '"C * JJtiJ Euli J;,i. #t

a l r


<After that at length ye will die,.again on the Day of Judg-ment, will ye be raised up> (23: 15, 16).

And the prophet (peace be upon him) said:

<I am the first one to rise from the grave on the Resurrec-tion Day and I will be the first intercessor and the first one whoseintercession is to be accepted>.

The aforesaid evidences from the Quran and Hadith prove

beyond doubt that the dead people will come out of their graves

only on the Day of Resurrection. All the scholars of Is-lam agree upon this. A Muslim should be aware of these thingsand must not be easily misled by the innovations and the super-stitions created by the ignorant people with no authority fromAllah at all.

As for offering the blessings and greetings (Salat and Salam)

to the prophet (peace be upon him), they are among the mostprefered and virtuous deeds in accordance with the saying ofAllah:

,v ut+ r6Jx'i airi i1b- ',t- ,ltrstt 3r#T g,r:

l l

is not only a sheer lie but a worst form of ignorance, as theProphet (peace be upon him) shall niether come out of his gravebefore the Day of Resurrection, nor shall he meet the peopleor attend their meetings. Instead, he shall remain in his gravetill the Day of Resurrection while his soul rests at the highestof the high with his Lord in the most exalted and highest place.

Allah Ta'ala «The Almighty» Says:

\ 0,. ~'/. " , ",,, \" ~'"'''~~, "0,, 0 or, .. :. ~ 4J.:::: t ~~.lIU Of," :." .." ~.J!. ~ ~ r:; " . ~ ~

'" --. /" o~.[' "\-, 0:"Y"] ""{4J~

«After that at length ye will die,. again on the Day of Judg­ment, will ye be raised up» (23: 15, 16).

And the prophet (peace be upon him) said:«I am the first one to rise from the grave on the Resurrec­

tion Day and I will be the first intercessor and the first one whoseintercession is to be accepted».

The aforesaid evidences from the Quran and Hadith provebeyond doubt that the dead people will come out of their gravesonly on the Day of Resurrection. All the scholars of Is­lam agree upon this. A Muslim should be aware of these thingsand must not be easily misled by the innovations and the super­stitions created by the ignorant people with no authority fromAllah at all.

As for offering the blessings and greetings (Salat and Salam)to the prophet (peace be upon him), they are among the mostprefered and virtuous deeds in accordance with the saying ofAllah:

\p\~ ~~r ~4 ~r Js. ~),,~ ~:j. j wr ~l»

"'~ ,.~r" .. "~ i .1" A.[0"\ :Y"Y"] ""{ .." .r-:-J ,," ~


Page 13: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

<Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Prophet, O yethat believe, send ye blessings on him, and salute him with allrespect> (33:56).

The Prophet (peace be upon him) has said:<Whosoever sends blessings on me one time, Allah sends

blessings on him ten times>.It is prescribed on all times, particulary at the end of each

prayer. It is held obligatory at last <Tashahud> of each prayerby most of the scholars. It is strongly required at a number ofoccasions such as immediately after <<Adhan>>, at the mentionof the name of the Prophet (Peace be upon him), during theday of Friday and the night preceding it according to a host ofAhadith.

This is what I wanted to emphasize regarding this issue. I hopeit will satisfy everyone whom Allah has shown the light.

How sad it is to see some devoted Muslims, known for theirstrenght of faith and love for the Prophet (peace be upon him).organizing such innovatory celebrations.

Let us ask such people: Tell us, if you belong to Ahl - as -Sunna and follow the Prophet (peace be upon him), whether hehimself or one of his Companions or their Successors did thisor is it no more than a blind following of the enemies of Islamfrom among the jews and the Christians and the like?>>.

The love of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is not reflectedby the celebration on his birthday, but by obeying him, believ-ing in his teachings, keeping away from what he prohibited andby worshipping Allah in the way he prescribed for us.

It is also reflected through offering Salat and Salam to himfrom time to time, particularly at the mention of his name andduring prayers.

The Wahhabiyya, as the writer tends to put it, are not new

t 2

«Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Prophet, 0 yethat believe, send ye blessings on him, and salute him with allrespect» (33:56).

The Prophet (peace be upon him) has said:«Whosoever sends blessings on me one time, Allah sends

blessings on him ten times».It is prescribed on all times, particulary at the end of each

prayer. It is held obligatory at last «Tashahud» of each prayerby most of the scholars. It is strongly required at a number ofoccasions such as immediately after «Adhan», at the mentionof the name of the Prophet (Peace be upon him), during theday of Friday and the night preceding it according to a host ofAhadith.

This is what I wanted to emphasize regarding this issue. I hopeit will satisfy everyone whom Allah has shown the light.

How sad it is to see some devoted Muslims, known for theirstrenght of faith and love for the Prophet (peace be upon him).organizing such innovatory celebrations.

Let us ask such people: Tell us, if you belong to Ahl - as ­Sunna and follow the Prophet (peace be upon him), whether hehimself or one of his Companions or their Successors did thisor is it no more than a blind following of the enemies of Islamfrom among the jews and the Christians and the like?».

The love of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is not reflectedby the celebration on his birthday, but by obeying him, believ­ing in his teachings, keeping away from what he prohibited andby worshipping Allah in the way he prescribed for us.

It is also reflected through offering Salat and Salam to himfrom time to time, particularly at the mention of his name andduring prayers.

The Wahhabiyya, as the writer tends to put it, are not new


Page 14: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

in rejecting all such innovations. Their creed is to hold fast tothe Book of Allah and the Sunnah qf His Messenger (Peace beupon him): to follow his footsteps and those of his rightly guid-ed successors: to believe and practise what was propounded bythe virtuous predecessors and the Imams of learning and guid-ance who were capable to issue religious injunction concerningthe knowledge of Allah, and His attributes of perfection anddignity as shown in the Glorious Book and the authentic tradi-tions of the Prophet and as wholeheartedly accepted by hiscompanions. The Wahhabiyya believe in them, the way they arereported without any alteration, personification, examplify-ing or negation of such attributes. They stick to the way of suc-cessors and their followers from among the people of learning,faith and piety. They believe that the foundation of the faithis to bear witness that there is none to be worshipped except Allahand that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. To them, thisis the root of faith and one of its most exalted branches as well.

They know in accordance with the consensus of the mus-lims, that this root requires knowledge, acknowledgement andpractice.

It implies that none is to be worshipped except Allah theAlmighty. Who has no associates at all. lt further implies thenegation of worshipping any other except Him. It shows whyjinn and mankind were created; why the Messengers were sentand why the Books were revealed.

In addition, Ibada (worship) is not only complete submissionand love but also complete obedience and veneration as well.Islam is the only religion prescribed by Alrah and disseminatedby the prophets and nothing, save it, is acceptable to Allahwhether in the past or the present. The one who submits his willto Allah as well as to someone else beside Him is a Mushrik

l 3

in rejecting all such innovations. Their creed is to hold fast tothe Book of Allah and the Sunnah Qf His Messenger (Peace beupon him): to follow his footsteps and those of his rightly guid­ed successors: to believe and practise what was propounded bythe virtuous predecessors and the Imams of learning and guid­ance who were capable to issue religious injunction concerningthe knowledge of Allah, and His attributes of perfection anddignity as shown in the Glorious Book and the authentic tradi­tions of the Prophet and as wholeheartedly accepted by hiscompanions. The Wahhabiyya believe in them, the way they arereported without any alteration, personification, examplify­ing or negation of such attributes. They stick to the way of suc­cessors and their followers from among the people of learning,faith and piety. They believe that the foundation of the faithis to bear witness that there is none to be worshipped except Allahand that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. To them, thisis the root of faith and one of its most exalted branches as well.

They know in accordance with the consensus of the mus­lims, that this root requires knowledge, acknowledgement andpractice.

It implies that none is to be worshipped except Allah theAlmighty. Who has no associates at all. It further implies thenegation of worshipping any other except Him. It shows whyjinn and mankind were created; why the Messengers were sentand why the Books were revealed.

In addition, Ibada (worship) is not only complete submissionand love but also complete obedience and veneration as well.Islam is the only religion prescribed by Allah and disseminatedby the prophets and nothing, save it, is acceptable to Allahwhether in the past or the present. The one who submits his willto Allah as well as to someone else beside Him is a Mushrik


Page 15: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

<potytheist>. The same is true for the one who prays to Allah

and someone else beside Him. As for the one who does not

submit to Him, he is arrogant concerning his duties towards his

Creator.Allah the Almighty Says:

\ r,+r ; rtr i rrcr oi .t pi yi rf e w;. [ r 1 : \ 1 ]

<For we assuredly sent amongst every people a Messenger,

(with the Command) <Serve Allah and eschew Evil> (16:36)'

Thus the creed of the wahhabiyya is based uqon fulfillment

of witnessing that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and

completely abandoning all innovations, superstitions and what-

ever goes against the Shari'a.

This is what Shaikh Muhammad ben Abdul Wahhab - may

Allah have mercy upon him - believed and invited others to be-

lieve. Whoever accredits to him anything contrary to it, does

not only lie but commits a great sin and claims what is totally

unfounded. He will, no doubt, receive what Allah has promised

to all the fabricators of lies.

The Shaikh has shown - through a series of his well - known

treatises and scholarly books on the topic of the <Declaration of

unity: La ilaha ill' Allah. - that no one deserves worship except

Allah the Almighty and that this type of worship should be

devoid of all sorts of SHIRK whether big or small. Anyone who

is aware of these writings, his way of preaching and calling

people to Allah and of the way of his pupils and disciples, can

easily find out that his approach was not different from that of

our virtuous predecessors, the great Imams of learning and guid-

ance. Indeed, he has propounded what they did throughout their

lives concerning the worship of Allah Alone and Ieaving all



t 4

«polytheist». The same is true for the one who prays to Allahand someone else beside Him. As for the one who does notsubmit to Him, he is arrogant concerning his duties towards hisCreator.

Allah the Almighty Says:

\;#\j Wi 'J~T ~\ ~~J ~i i J ~ .tiJj».[~i:'i]~~~i

«For we assuredly sent amongst every people a Messenger,(with the Command) «Serve Allah and eschew Evil» (16:36).

Thus the creed of the wahhabiyya is based u~on fulfillmentof witnessing that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah andcompletely abandoning all innovations, superstitions and what­ever goes against the Shari'a.

This is what Shaikh Muhammad ben Abdul Wahhab - mayAllah have mercy upon him - believed and invited others to be­lieve. Whoever accredits to him anything contrary to it, doesnot only lie but commits a great sin and claims what is totallyunfounded. He will, no doubt, receive what Allah has promisedto all the fabricators of lies.

The Shaikh has shown - through a series of his well - knowntreatises and scholarly books on the topic of the «Declaration ofUnity: La ilaha ill' Allah. - that no one deserves worship exceptAllah the Almighty and that this type of worship should bedevoid of all sorts of SHIRK whether big or small. Anyone whois aware of these writings, his way of preaching and callingpeople to Allah and of the way of his pupils and disciples, caneasily find out that his approach was not different from that ofour virtuous predecessors, the great Imams of learning and guid­ance. Indeed, he has propounded what they did throughout theirlives concerning the worship of Allah Alone and leaving all


Page 16: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

innovations and superstitions aside.This is the foundation of the Saudi regime and this view is

held by the scholars of Saudi Arabia. The hard attitude shownby the Saudi government is directed only against the supersti-tions and innovations in contradication with Islam, or the ex-

treme type of extravagance which is totally prohibited by theProphet (Peace be upon him). All Muslims, Scholars and rulersof Saudi Arabia hold great respect and love for every Muslimregardless of his affiliation to any group or country in the world.They do reject all types of celebration or gatherings which are

based on innovation, with no authority from Allah or HisProphet. They oppose them because every new matter in thereligion is an innovation and because the Muslims are com-manded to follow, not to innovate. Islam is perfect and com-plete by itself.

It is in no need of any addition after what Allah and HisProphet have ordained and what the Ahl-al-Sunnah Wal'Jama'at, from among the Companions, the Successors and theirfollowers have already received. To forbid celebrating thebirthday of the Prophet due to its innovative nature in additionto the sings of extravagance and Shirknormally associated withit, is not un-Islamic orderogatory to the Prophet (peace be uponhim). Instead, it is an act of obedience as the Prophet (peacebe upon him) himself said: <<Be ware of the extravagance inmatters of religion. Those before you have perished because of

extravagance in the matters of religion>.Again he said: Do not lavish praise on me as the Christians

did with the son of Maryam. I am but a bondman. So simplysay: <Slave of Allah and His Messenger>.

This is what I wanted to point out regarding the aforesaidarticle.

May Allah help us and all the Muslims to understand His

l 5

innovations and superstitions aside.This is the foundation of the Saudi regime and this view is

held by the scholars of Saudi Arabia. The hard attitude shownby the Saudi government is directed only against the supersti­tions and innovations in contradication with Islam, or the ex­treme type of extravagance which is totally prohibited by theProphet (Peace be upon him). All Muslims, Scholars and rulersof Saudi Arabia hold great respect and love for every Muslimregardless of his affiliation to any group or country in the world.They do reject all types of celebration or gatherings which are

based on innovation, with no authority from Allah or HisProphet. They oppose them because every new matter in thereligion is an innovation and because the Muslims are com­manded to follow, not to innovate. Islam is perfect and com­plete by itself.

It is in no need of any addition after what Allah and HisProphet have ordained and what the Ahl-al-Sunnah Wal'Jama'at, from among the Companions, the Successors and theirfollowers have already received. To forbid celebrating thebirthday of the Prophet due to its innovative nature in addition

to the sings of extravagance and Shirk normally associated withit, is not un-Islamic orderogatory to the Prophet (peace be uponhim). Instead, it is an act of obedience as the Prophet (peacebe upon him) himself said: «Be ware of the extravagance inmatters of religion. Those before you have perished because ofextravagance in the matters of religion».

Again he said: Do not lavish praise on me as the Christiansdid with the son of Maryam. I am but a bondman. So simplysay: «Slave of Allah and His Messenger».

This is what I wanted to point out regarding the aforesaidarticle.

May Allah help us and all the Muslims to understand His


Page 17: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

religion, to continually confirm us on it, stick to Sunnah andkeep away from the innoVation. Indeed He is Generous and Kind.

And May Allah Shower His blessings and mercy upon ourprophet Muhammad, his posterity and his Companions.





Translated from Arabic by: Muhammad Raquibuddin Hussain,

and Suhaib Hasan Abdul Ghaffar.

l 6

religion, to continually confirm us on it, stick to Sunnah andkeep away from the innovation. Indeed He is Generous and Kind.

And May Allah Shower His blessings and mercy upon ourprophet Muhammad, his posterity and his Companions.





Translated from Arabic by: Muhammad Raquibuddin Hussain,

and Suhaib Hasan Abdul Ghaffar.


Page 18: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation

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Page 19: Indispensable implication Of Sunna and caution against innovation


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