indian oil survey

PROJECT REPORT INDUSTRY GUIDE Mr. Naveen Gulati SRSM IOCL, New Delhi PROJECT GUIDE Prof. V.Sekhar Alliance Business School (Bangalore) SUBMITTED BY Gaurav Bajaj (08PG303) Alliance Business School, Bangalore PROJECT TITLE: “To Study the various factors affecting the buying behavior of CNG Engine Oil in Delhi & to formulate Schemes/Recommendations to improve Sales of Servo Geo”.

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Oil survey and its usage for Delhi NCR


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Mr. Naveen Gulati


IOCL, New Delhi


Prof. V.Sekhar Alliance Business School



Gaurav Bajaj (08PG303)

Alliance Business School, Bangalore

PROJECT TITLE: “To Study the various factors affecting the buying behavior of CNG Engine Oil in

Delhi & to formulate Schemes/Recommendations to improve Sales of Servo Geo”.

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Post Graduate Program Post Graduate Diploma in Management: 2008-10

Term – IV: Industry Internship Program (IIP)


This is to declare that the Report entitled “To Study the various factors affecting the buying behavior

of Gas Engine Oil in Delhi & to formulate schemes/recommendations to improve sales of Servo

Geo” has been made for the partial fulfillment of the Course: Industry Internship Program (IIP) in Term –

IV (Batch: 2008-2010) by me at Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. under the guidance of Prof. V.Sekhar

I confirm that this Report truly represents my work undertaken as a part of my Industry Internship

Program (IIP). This work is not a replication of work done previously by any other person. I also confirm

that the contents of the report and the views contained therein have been discussed and deliberated with

the Faculty Guide.

Signature of the Student

Name of the Student : GAURAV BAJAJ

Registration No : 08PG 303

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Post Graduate Program in Management


This is to certify that Mr. Gaurav Bajaj Reg. No. 08PG303 has completed the Report entitled “To Study

the various factors affecting the buying behavior of Gas Engine Oil in Delhi & to formulate schemes/recommendations to improve sales of Servo Geo” Under my guidance for the partial

fulfillment of the Course: Industry Internship Program (IIP) in Term – IV of the Post Graduate Program

in Management (Batch: 2008 – 20010).

Signature of Faculty Guide

Prof. V.Sekhar

(Name of the Faculty Guide)

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Index TOPICS Page No

Chapter 1- Acknowledgement 9.

Chapter 2 – INTRODUCTION a) Need for the research 12.

b) Research problem 12.

c) Research objective 12.


a) Scope of the Study 15.

b) Research Methodology 15.

c) Type of research 15.

d) Sources and Tools of Data Collection 16.

e) Sampling Techniques 16.

f) Sample Size & Limitation of Research work 16.

Chapter 4 – The Indian Lubricant Market

a) Introduction 18.

b) Lube oil after Post Liberalization 18.

c) Market Size 19.

Chapter 5 –Growth of Delhi Transport 21.

Chapter 6 – Growth of CNG Vehicles 23.

Chapter 7 – Contamination of Engine oil 27.

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Chapter 8 – Major Brands in Indian CNG Market 30.

& their Physical Properties

Chapter 9 – Educational Background 34.

Chapter 10 – Economic Background 37.

Chapter 11 – Primary Research on Auto Drivers

a) Ownership of Autos 41.

b) % Market Share of Autos 42.

c) Ownership vs. Product Usage 44.

d) Brand Image & its Selection Factors 45.

e) Factors influencing Buying Decision

1) Quality Variable 47.

2) Mechanic Selection 50.

3) Price Factor 52.

4) Word Of mouth 53.

f) Package usage in Lube Oil 54.

g) % Gift Item 57.

h) Knowledge about Servo Brand 58.

i) Packaging color Knowledge 59.

j) Age wise Brand usage in Market 61.

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Chapter 12– Primary Research on Taxi Owners

a) % Market Share of Autos 64.

b) Brand Image & its Selection Factors 65.

c) Factors influencing Buying Decision

1) Quality Variable 67.

2) Price Factor 69.

d) % Gift Item 73.

e) Knowledge about Servo Brand 74.

f) Market Knowledge about the Gift Item 76.

Chapter 13 – Primary Research on Shopkeeper

a) Random Shopkeeper Survey 80.

b) Package usage for Auto Drivers 82.

c) Package usage for Taxi Owners 83.

d) Factors influencing Buying Decision 84.

e) Selection from the offers:- 86.

1) Discount

2) Complementary Gifts

3) Extra Oil

f) % Gift Item 88.

Chapter 14 – Primary Research on Mechanic

a) Top Engine Oil for Mechanic 91.

b) Reasons for the Perception 93.

c) Factors influencing Buying Decision 95.

d) % Perception about Servo Brand 97.

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Chapter 15 – Appendix

Annexure 1 101.

Annexure 2 102.

Annexure 3 103.

Annexure 4 104.

Annexure 5 105.

Chapter 16 –Bibliography 106.

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First of all I would like to thank my “Industry Guide (Mr.Naveen Gulati )” who has helped me a lot in the formation of this project. He was always a constant source of inspiration during all the time of project.

His valuable feedbacks, guidance & motivation helped me to accomplish my task.

Secondly I would like to thank my “Project Guide (Prof.V.Shekar )” on the completion of my project.

He motivated me throughout my project & always gives useful feedback whenever I felt short of ideas.

Thirdly I would like to thanks my “Parents” for providing me with constant motivation during my whole project tenure.

In the end but not the least I would like to thank each person individually who has devoted their valuable time in the completion of my survey data sheet.

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Executive Summary The project title was “To analyze the factors affecting the buying decision of CNG Engine Oil & thus to

recommend on those factors to increase Sales of Servo Geo”. The research work was divided into two

phases for reporting & analyzing the factors respectively. Each phase is being described as follows:-

Phase 1

Phase 1 was the starting point of research work & its duration was about 2 weeks. Before going out for primary research work, I studied the CNG lube oil industry with the help of internet & collected some

useful insight about the industry. In the primary research work, I first of all decided on the different

category of persons (stakeholders) who are linked with the engine oil. These persons/stakeholders were as follows:-

1) Auto Drivers

2) Taxi Owners 3) Shopkeepers selling engine oil

4) Mechanic Personnel

Then I had carried an exploratory survey for each stakeholder without drawing any questionnaire. This

random sample helps me to understand the various factors affecting the buying decision of engine oil. But

the information which I get was quite raw & hence I moved on to the second phase for a systematic review of the enlisted factors gathered from the exploratory survey.

Phase 2 After understanding the enlisted factors, I formed the questionnaire, covering each & every aspect about

buying behavior of engine oil. I form different questionnaire for all stake holders from the point of view

of that segment of people. The sample data collection from all the stakeholders had taken duration of around 5 weeks.

In the first week I covered the auto rickshaws drivers. I had taken a sample of 150 auto drivers from all

the major part of Delhi. In the second week I covered the survey of Taxi owners which constitutes a sample of 119 people. The third week was devoted to cover the shopkeepers. In the fourth weak I covered

the mechanic personnel.

I also covered a survey on the social & economic demographics of the life style of drivers. From this

survey I try to figure out the relationship between the buying behavior of drivers & their educational &

economic background. This survey was covered in the fifth week.

The remaining days of my research work were used to draft out the studied factors on the word file &

give it the shape of a project report. The overall expenditure from the starting day of research & upto the

end day of submission of report was in between Rs 4000-4500.

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Brief Analysis of Report

Overall from the given feedback & analysis it can be clearly stated the fact that the “Quality” is the top most factor which is affecting the buying decision of CNG Lube oil. Hence in order to increase the sales

we have to increase the perceived value in the minds of consumers about the Quality parameter of “Servo


The quality variable perception can be increase by checking the duplication of oil in the distribution

channel. Moreover by using proper communication channels the quality variable factor can be properly

promoted across the consumers & hence will build trust in the minds of consumers about the quality of Servo Geo (like Castrol is doing in its advertisement).

The other factor which is affecting the buying decision of lube oil is the price of a particular brand. The

brand has to justify the price structure to its users. So, in order to increase the perceive value of Servo Geo the company can offer discounts or complimentary gift items along with the bottle of lube oil. The

majority of consumers like discount with the oil as compared to the gift items. So the company should

make proper manipulation in its price structure to satisfy the perceived value to its customers.

The other major factor which is affecting the buying decision of lube oil is the mechanic variable.

Mechanics help a lay man to judge good quality oil. So many users buy oil on the recommendation of Mechanics purchase a given brand of oil. So the company should try to develop a good perceive value in

the minds of mechanics.

The last variable which is also important in the buying decision of lube oil is the recommendation from the shopkeepers & fellow friends (Word of Mouth). The Company should properly promote its Lube oil

in order to create a buzz about the Servo Geo in the market & also to improve the perceived value in the

minds of shopkeepers.

The methods to increase the perceive value of Servo Geo in the minds of consumers is discussed inside

the report.

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Need for the research

Indian oil corp. is marketing its lube oil under the brand name of “Servo” all across India. Servo has got

many type of lube oil (e.g.:-coolant, grease etc) incorporated under its umbrella name. Servo is also the market leader of Indian lube oil industry with a share of around 35% .In early 90‟s a new type of fuel

called CNG hit the Delhi road, & hence Servo came out with new engine oil called “Servo Geo”.

Even after so many years of its launch & with such an old brand name, “Servo Geo” was not even able to

capture 10 % of market in CNG Lube engine oil. Such a failure of an established market leader is a cause

of concern for the company officials.

So, to analyze this failure (where the things or marketing strategy went wrong), an extensive research

work is needed. Also recommendations are to be derived out on the basis of the research work to

formulate new marketing strategy of “Servo Geo”.

Research Problem

The research problem was to analyze the failure of Servo Geo. For this analysis to be carried out, we have to work on the various factors which are affecting the buying behavior of Engine Oil.

These factors will be helpful in formulating new ideas or recommendations for the growth of company.

Implementation of the following ideas will help in increasing the sales of Servo Geo. So, ultimately the goal of doing this project is:-

“To Study the various factors affecting the buying behavior of Gas Engine Oil in Delhi & to

formulate schemes/recommendations to improve sales of Servo Geo”.

Research Objective

To understand the Lube industry (mainly CNG engine oil market of Delhi) from the

Secondary Research.

To analyze all the important properties & contaminants of CNG engine oil.

To carryout comparative analysis of all the major brands of CNG engine oil

To undertake exploratory survey of Gas Engine Oil market of Delhi with the help of three

wheeler Auto rickshaw drivers, Taxi owners, shopkeepers selling engine oil & vehicle


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To formulate questionnaire on the basis of the survey. This questionnaire will be formed

on the basis of factors being told by the three wheeler Auto rickshaw drivers, Taxi

drivers, shopkeepers selling engine oil & vehicle mechanics. Also the questionnaire will

be different for all the four categories.

To analyze the Economic Demographics of the auto & taxi drivers by using


To analyze all the survey data & formulate recommendations based on it.

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An Insight into the Research

Scope of the study

The research work will be totally concentrated inside the Delhi region. The Research work will cover the respondents from the three wheeler auto drivers, Taxi owners, shopkeepers selling lube oil & mechanic


Research Methodology

This research work is done to first find out the factors which affect the buying decision of engine oil &

secondly on the basis of survey analysis, formulate recommendations to improve sales of Servo Geo.

Type of research

The research work conducted is exploratory & descriptive in nature. This research work is used to

investigate the factors which are affecting the buying decision of engine oil & marking perception of all

stakeholders about various Gas engine oil brands available in market.

It‟s an exploratory and descriptive research, as it has using both the secondary data and surveys


Sources and tools of data collection

a) Primary Data

The data was be gathered through a survey based research approach with the help of questionnaire. The

questionnaire was made in English but it was translated in Hindi language for the convenience of the

respondents. As the research work of writing & asking question was totally carried out by one person

only, so human error related to recording of responses cannot be totally ruled out.

b) Secondary Data

The source of secondary data was the articles on the gas engine oil mentioned on the internet. The sources

of all the sites are mentioned in bibliography & under the subscript where ever it is used in this report.

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Sampling Techniques

Random sampling technique has been used, as the respondents are scattered all over the Delhi region &

the population of respondents are homogeneous in nature.

Sample Size

There were 5 types of questionnaires which were formulated to carry out this research work. The sample

sizes for each type of questionnaire are as follows:-

1) Auto Rickshaw: -The sample size for this survey was 150 Auto drivers.

2) Taxi Owners: - The sample size for this survey was 119 Taxi drivers.

3) Shopkeepers: - The sample size for this survey was 20 shopkeepers. 4) Mechanic: - The sample size for this survey was 30 mechanic personnel.

Limitation of the Research

There were few limitations in this research work. The sample covers all the major portions of Delhi, but still it was not able to cover the full width of Delhi. This limitation is because of the time span. So, there

is a much broader need to increase the sample size to get more concrete results.

Also the secondary data on CNG engine oil, available on internet is not sufficient. There is no where

mentioning of % wise market share of CNG engine oil in Delhi. This data was needed to check the %

error in the report. So, error in report cannot be reported which is a big limitation of the given analysis.

One of the limitations was that, I was the only person involved in reporting the data. Therefore, asking of

same question from so many people can register some error in reporting the data which is called human


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The Indian Lubricant Market


The Indian automotive lubricant market is the sixth largest market in the world with “revenues of

approximately $1.30 billion in 2002”. It is also one of the fastest growing retail markets in India. Until

1993, it was a highly regulated market with a clear dominance of the public sector. Companies like Bharat

Petroleum (BPCL), Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL), and Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) held more than 75

percent of the market share.

In recent years, with the advent of the increasing number of multinationals in the Indian market there is a

growing presence of private companies. Companies like Castrol, Elf Total-Fina, Gulf, and Shell Oil have

made their presence felt in the market. It has been estimated that there is a presence of around 30 companies in lube market of India. All the oil companies are fighting to consolidate their position in

market. The monopoly of the public sector holdings no longer exist. MNC‟s will be able to sell their

products through petrol pumps. Lubes manufactured by Reliance Petroleum, Castrol, Elf, Gulf Oil etc, are

now sold at petrol pumps. In medium to long term, “Frost & Sullivan” expects private sector companies

to have a market share of around 25 percent.

In the next couple of years, the industry is going to witness big changes. Retail networks, logistics

management, and risk management are going to be the crucial factors. The stand-alone refineries will

have to be merged with the marketing companies, as they do not have the distribution infrastructure to sell their products in a deregulated market. Companies like Reliance are already selling their products through

petrol pumps.

Lube Oil After Post Liberalization

The first seeds of competition were sown in the early 1990‟s when following the liberalization of the Indian economy, the government decided to open the Indian market to foreign competition. Import of

base oil, the key raw material, was de-canalized with IOC losing its status as the sole canalizing agent.

Pricing of base oil was deregulated in a phased manner and currently it is now market determined.

Basic custom duty on base oil stock was also reduced from a peak of 85 percent to a level of 25 percent. All quantitative restrictions were also removed. These developments naturally encouraged the entry of

foreign players on Indian shores who were already facing a slowdown in demand in their local markets.

The coming of foreign participants created an excess supply situation in the Indian automotive lubes

market, which made it more difficult for the Indian lube manufacturers to survive.

Recent deregulations in the lubricant market have promised many new opportunities for the private lube manufacturers. With the dismantling of Administered Price Mechanism (APM) the burden of subsidies is

now being passed on to the government. Private participants will also gain a presence in the Indian oil and

Gas sector and hence there will be competition between participants that will ensure the growth of the


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Market Size

“Total production of automotive lubricants in India is approximately 8 to 10 percent of global lube

production”. Unlike other countries where lubricant demand has witnessed stagnation, “the Indian market has been growing at approximately 7 percent per annum for the past 2 years”. „The public sector

contributes to over 60 percent of the revenues for this market. MNC‟s have 5 percent market share

and the remaining share is held by the unorganized sector‟. The overall Ratio of automotive/

industrial lubricants is around to be 65:35.

Automotive lubricants are further divided into diesel lubes, petrol lubes& gas lubes.‟ Diesel lubes

comprise 70 percent of the market „and petrol based lubricants & gas based lubricants cover the rest. As

diesel lubes are used by commercial vehicles, which have to cover greater distances, their market share is

higher. “Engine oil constitutes around 83 percent of total sales volumes & in 58 percent in terms of

market share”. Gear oils, transmission fluids, hydraulic brake fluids, and engine coolants contribute to

the balance.

It is being estimated that by year 2006 the overall Indian lube oil industry will be 1.2 MMTPA

which is being a market value of more than US $ 1 Billion. Also India is the Seventh largest Lubricant

market in the world& Sixth largest automotive market in the world. The lube market will Expected to

Grow at a Rate Of 3% in 2006-07.

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Growth of Delhi Transport

There were about 2.1 Million vehicles which were moving on the roads of Delhi in the year 1993 &

which grew to 3.6 Million by 2001& rose to 30 million in 2008.The number of licensee vehicles added to the Delhi roads has increased “10 fold from 2000 to 2008”. This shows that the Indian transportation

industry is continuously growing in nature & hence lube oil companies have got a good opportunity to

benefit from this rising market.

The following graph illustrates the continuous addition of traffic to Delhi„s road.










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


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As one can see from the following graph in previous page, that in year 2000 the number of vehicles on

Delhi road was around 300000 & it has increase to around 3000000 in the year 2008. This shows that per

year, there has been addition of around 30000 vehicles on Delhi road.(Source: RTO DELHI).

The total number of vehicles in Delhi in 2008 was around to be 6000000.This statistics include both

the licensed vehicles of Delhi & the additional vehicles from the neighboring states of Delhi. The following chart tells the division of this figure (6000000) in various vehicles category.

Statistics about number of vehicles as on 15.12.2008

S.No. Category No. of vehicles

1. Two Wheelers (Pvt.) 3721185

2. Four Wheelers (Pvt.) 1805085

3. Buses (LPV, MPV, HPV) 45858

4. TSR (Auto Rickshaw) 76040

5. Taxis 27667

6. Goods(LGV,MGV,HGV) 158429

7. Others 31842

Total 5865936

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Growth of CNG Vehicles The distribution of CNG to vehicles in Delhi is being taken by “Indraprastha Gas Ltd”. IGL is a joint

venture between GAIL (India) limited & Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL is one of the leading

Oil Marketing Company of India). Government of Delhi had a mammoth task of creating the CNG

infrastructure in shortest possible time in Delhi.CNG market started operating in Delhi from the year 1999 & since then has increased many fold in past 9 years.

The following chart shows the increase of CNG market in Delhi from 1999-2000 to 2007-08

This increase in CNG sale is attributed to the increase in the number of CNG vehicles from 1999 – 2008 in Delhi. In 1999, the number of CNG vehicles in Delhi was only 3061 .This number has inflated many

times in past 9 years & has touched to around 250000 in 2008. There has been around 70 times

increase in CNG vehicles in these 9 years which is quite significant.

“Inspite of increase in CNG vehicles it contributes only 4% of the total Delhi vehicle population”.

So, we can estimate that the CNG market is still in growing phase & there is lot of potential to be

exploited in this field by the engine oil companies.



2001 -


2002 -


2003 -










No of CNG


As at

Year EndNos 68 94 107 120 134 146 153




As at

Year End


kgs /


1.92 5.82 11.99 16.13 16.88 19.08 20.18


CNG SaleDaily



kgs /


0.48 2.67 5.66 7.72 8.16 8.73 9.42


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The following chart shows the growth of various categories of CNG Vehicles from 2001 To


This chart shows that in 2008, there are around 12000 Buses, 80000 Autos & around 130000 other

vehicles which are running on CNG fuel.

As on 1st


As on 1st


As on 1st


As on 1st


As on 1st


As on 1st


As on

1st April-


As on

1st April-


Buses 400 4231 8874 10199 10480 10941 11552 11665

Auto 14000 35678 49810 59027 62048 65335 68498 80276

RTV 250 2165 4934 5267 5469 5634 5717 5867

Others 11700 15166 15505 16098 16249 24573 47669 130149

Total 26350 57240 79123 90591 94246 106483 133436 227957

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Contaminations of Engine Oil

There are three basic types of contamination that must be dealt with: "Solid", "Moisture" and

"Condition Caused" contamination. The following information will fully explain these types of


1) Soot and Other Solid Contamination: It is generally recognized, backed by numerous tests and

studied over the last 40 years that the contamination generated in an engine is responsible for the majority of "normal wear” & is within the 1 - 15 micron range. Also this small solid contamination contributes to

accelerating Condition Caused Contaminants such as Oxidation, Nitration, Acid formation and more.

Consequently, it is imperative that this contamination be removed from the system as fast as possible.

2) Moisture Contamination: Moisture contamination within the lube oil will cause viscosity increase,

VI polymer decrease, TBN decrease, acid formation, accelerated sludge formation, and corrosion of parts.

To safely eliminate routine oil drains, one must use additional filtration that utilizes an adsorbent filter media which can remove suspended moisture from the lube oil.

3) Condition Caused Contamination: There are three MAJOR Condition Caused Contaminations that

are formed within the lube oil during normal use: Oxidation, Nitration, and Acid. These contaminants are formed when solid and moisture contamination is present, and certain operating conditions exist within

the engine.

There are three basic types of contamination that must be dealt with: “Solid”, “Moisture” and “Condition Caused” Contamination. The following information will fully explain these types of


a) Oxidation: Oxidation occurs when the hydrocarbon constituents (and other products) of lube oil

combined chemically with oxygen. Lube oil in engines will combine with available oxygen under

certain conditions to form a wide variety of oxidation products. Many of these direct or primary oxidation products combine with other materials such as wear metals, solid contamination, and

moisture, to form second and third derivative products. As with most chemical reactions, oil

oxidation is accelerated by heat and pressure. Heat in particular will speed up the oxidation

process. Various studies have shown that lube oxidation (with many variables such as the type lubricant and additive package in the lubricant) that the oxidation rate can be doubled for every 15 to

20 degrees increase over 180 degrees F. Also, engine load, which will dictate the levels of oxygen

and pressure within the engine, can be seen in the form of accelerated acid formation, corrosion, oil thickening, deposit formation, and accelerated wear.

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b) Nitration: The combustion chambers of engines provide one of the few environments where there

is sufficient heat and pressure to break the atmospheric nitrogen molecule down to two atoms that can react with oxygen to form nitrous oxides (NOx).

When nitrogen oxide products enter the lube oil through normal blow-by, they react with moisture

present in the lube and become very acidic and rapidly accelerate the oxidation rate of the oil.

Proper By-Pass Filters can control the effects of nitration in the same ways it controls oxidation. By delivering cleaner oil to offer as a seal between the ring and liner, blow-by of NOx components are

kept to a minimum. Also, the GCF Filter keeps the oil chemically dry and prevents the mixing of

NOx and moisture, which controls NOx acid formation and accelerated oxidation of the oil.

c) Acid Formation: Acids are formed within the lube by several sources. We have already covered

two of them in the form of acids formed from oxidation and nitration. In most all forms of fuel for internal combustion engines, trace amounts of sulfur are present. Sulfuric acid is formed within the

lube oil when sulfur molecules react with oxygen in the combustion chamber to form sulfur oxides.

These sulfur oxides are then blown past the rings and enter the oil. Here the sulfur oxides mix with

moisture to form the highly corrosive sulfuric acid. It is next to impossible to remove trace amounts of sulfur from fuels by filtration.

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Major Brands in Indian CNG Lube Market

& their Physical Properties

1) MAK GE: MAK GE 20W-50 is suitable for use in all seasons and helps in reducing oil

consumption. It extends oil life due to its excellent oxidation and nitration resistance. Also it

Optimizes ash content, prolongs the life of valves and spark plugs. It keeps piston and engine clean, thus ensuring smooth engine operation. It is compatible with catalytic exhaust system fitted in the vehicle. Superior quality Gas Engine Oil is specially developed for vehicles operating on

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), LPG and Dual Fuel.

MAK GE was among the very first entrants in CNG engine oil market. This helps Bharat Petroleum to milk the CNG lube oil market & establish itself as a market leader. It is holding more than 35 % of

CNG lube oil market in Delhi.

Physical Properties:

Grade Name K.V.@ 100°C cst VI Flash Point COC,°C Pour Point °C

MAK GE 40 14.5 98 232 -9

MAK GE 20W-50 20.7 120 242 -21

2) BP Vanellus CNG: BP name stands for British Petroleum. It provides excellent wear

protection to engine components operating at extreme temperature .Also it provides lower maintenance cost to the users. It is recommended for lubrication of engines fuelled by CNG/LPG

vehicles. BP India has clearly demonstrated its commitment to Indian consumers for over 80

years, by offering its international range of high performance products backed by the highest

level of customer service. The company has managed to gain sustainable competitive

advantage through:

Distinctiveness driven by continuous innovation in all areas of business.

Winning culture and a desire to excel Strong meaningful relationships with all


Physical Properties: API CF, SAE 20W50.

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3) CASTROL GTX CNG: Recommended for lubrication of engines fuelled by CNG/LPG under

wide range of loads and driving conditions for on-highway vehicles like autos, taxis and passenger cars. Specially formulated to work in hotter gas engines. Advanced wear protection to engine

components operating in hot condition. Castrol India Limited is a Public Limited Company

with 70.92% of the equity held by Castrol Limited UK (part of BP Group). In 2003 the

company's turnover was Rs.1360.51 crores and Profit after Tax was Rs. 137.38 crores.

From a minor oil company, with a share of about 6% in 1991, Castrol India has grown to

become the second largest lubricant company in India with a market share of around 22%.

Castrol India manufactures and markets a range of automotive and industrial lubricants. It

markets its automotive lubricants under the name of two brands - Castrol and BP. The

company has leadership positions in most of the segments in which it operates including

passenger car engine oils, premium 2-stroke and 4-stroke oils and multigrade diesel engine

oils. Castrol India has the largest manufacturing and marketing network amongst the

lubricant companies in India. The company has 5 manufacturing Plants across the country,

including a state-of-the-art plant in Silvassa. The company reaches its consumers through a

distribution network of 270 distributors, servicing over 70,000.retail outlets.

Physical Properties: SAE 20W-50 .Meets SAE 20W50 Viscometrics,

API SG/CD Performance Standards.

4) Valvoline CNG Special: High performance gas engine oil specially formulated for CNG and

LPG engines to keep the environment clean, dissipates heat & keeps the gas engine cool.

Recommended for cars, taxis, vans, jeeps, RTVs and three wheelers (4-stroke gas engines).

Valvoline has successfully completed a decade of its presence in India. The company has

established itself as the fastest growing lubricant company in India.

Valvoline has set an ambitious revenue growth target for the year 2009 even in very

challenging market conditions. The company has taken many new initiatives to increase its

share in the highly competitive lubricant market. “In a declining market scenario, Valvoline

has managed to grow in all its core segments, namely, diesel engine oil, passenger car

segment and two-wheeler segment. They have been increasing their market share in all

segments”. Valvoline Cummins Ltd. is a joint venture between Ashland Inc., USA, and

Cummins Sales & Services (India) Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cummins India Ltd.

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Valvoline is today the fastest growing lubricant marketer and producer of quality branded

automotive/industrial products. The products offered in the Indian market include automotive

lubricants, transmission fluids, gear oils, hydraulic lubricants, automotive filters, specialty

products, greases and cooling system products. The company clocked a turnover of Rs. 470

crores in 2008. Valvoline has been in India for just over a decade but it has undoubtedly

established itself as the fast growing lubricant brand in the market. Currently 14% of its total

business comes from Motorcycle oil, 6% comes from passenger car segment and close to

58% comes from diesel engine oil in the aftermarket.

Physical Properties: API SF, SAE 20W50.

5) SERVO PRIDE GEO: Servo Pride GEO ALT 20W-50 is a high performance low ash gas

engine oils, formulated from high quality mineral oil and select additive system to provide excellent thermal stability and resistance to oxidation and nitration. Servo Pride ALT GEO 20W-50 is

recommended for Ashok Leyland commercial vehicles operating under CNG fuel. It has got excellent

resistance to oxidation and nitration. Also excellent resistance to corrosion. It gives extra protection for valve guide seats against wear. The SERVO PRIDE GEO is a product from Indian OIL ltd.

Physical Properties: Servo Pride GEO ALT 20W-50 meets the following specifications. Also got

CES 20074 of Cummins


Kinematic Viscosity CSt @ 100 C 17.5 – 19.5

Viscosity Index, Min. 120

Flash point (COC), C Min. 200

Pour Point, C Max. (-) 21

TBN mg KOH/gm 5-6

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Educational Background

A study was conducted to determine the educational background of the auto drivers community.

The findings & conclusion are as follows:-


According to data obtained it has been found that 80 % percent of auto drivers‟ are having below

Metric level education.

More than 20 % auto drivers are totally uneducated & around 60% of the community is below

the level of 5th standard.

“Around 90 % of auto drivers are unaware of the quality standards mention on the

package of engine oil.”


So, special care is needed in designing any marketing strategy for this Segment. There is a special

need to educate the drivers about the quality grades of engine oil, & also how they can keep their auto in a best condition.

The following recommendations will help company by educating the auto drivers about the quality

grades of engine oil.


“The company can win the loyalty & trust of the auto drivers by launching an IT

campaign”. In this Campaign the company should first get the mobile numbers of all the

auto drivers .In the second phase of this IT compaign, the company should send daily SMS

to these drivers, teaching them about the quality standards of oil & other methods of

lowering the maintenance cost of their auto. These tips should be in the layman language.

This will help the company to win the confidence of auto drivers in two ways. First it will

properly strengthen the position of Servo Brand in the minds of consumers. Secondly, it will

ensure in the minds of consumers that the Servo brand stands for quality & is working

constantly in the favor of auto drivers‟ community.

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Also, the company can launch a city wise compaign of educating auto drivers. This can be

done by putting up educational stalls & giving free quality booklets to auto drivers. The

same compaign is being launched by “Valvoline” in this regard to increase their brand


At the ground level, Valvoline has conducted extensive van campaigns across India. They have

done a lot of ground level activity which has helped them to create awareness for their product. They have been running van campaign across India with more than 36 vans running across the

length and breadth of the country. These vans are equipped with audio visual devices. These vans

educate the drivers about the quality parameters of engine oil.

These van campaigns have been very successful for Valvoline in providing visibility for the

brand in urban, semi-urban and rural areas”. So, we can also take a leaf out of Valvoline strategy in improving our brand image.

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The survey was conducted to study the financial status of a Delhi based auto driver. For this survey

a sample of 90 odd Auto Drivers were selected from various parts of Delhi. They were asked about

their financial status. The findings are as follows:-


According to results obtained, it was figured out that the range in which auto drivers earns is in

between 3000 – 8000 per month depending on various conditions.

Only 10 % of auto drivers in Delhi are able to earn around 8000 per month. These are the Auto

Drivers who have their own auto vehicles & have no liabilities to repay (liabilities like auto rent

& loan interest of auto).

More than 80% of Delhi auto drivers are earning only in between 3000 – 5000 per month This figure varies in between this range .This is due to fact that a considerable amount of their hard

earned money goes to owners of auto & in repaying the loan taken to buy autos.

According to the survey conducted a rented auto cost in between Rs 200- 400 per day. An old

auto is charged for around Rs 200 & for a new auto the owner charges around Rs 400 rent. The average daily earning of auto driver is around Rs 400 – 500. So, after repaying the rent daily they

are left with a mere Rs 150 to 200 respectively. This Rented Segment of auto drivers in Delhi is

around to be 45 %.

Another category of auto drivers are those who have their own auto vehicles. These auto vehicles

have been purchased from external finance. An auto cost around 3.5 lakhs in which 1.5 lakhs is

the cost of auto & remaining 2 lakh is the license fee to run on Delhi road which has to be paid to

Delhi Govt. The auto drivers in this category have to shell out more than Rs 7500 per month as payment of loan. There are around 30 % of such auto drivers present in the total auto driver


Also the survey reveals out that on an average, an auto driver has to spend Rs 400-500 per month

on engine oil.


So overall, the total auto driver markets are under tremendous financial pressure from all corners.

They also complained of being harassed mentally & financially by the traffic Cops.

This is an interesting fact to be considered by the company officials while deciding on the price

of engine oil. The auto drivers want engine oil to be of a good quality and that too at a cheaper price, so that he can save his earnings on engine oil.

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Primary Research Work on Auto Drivers

The primary research work was done on a group of auto drivers to understand the perceived value

of different brands, factors affecting the buying behavior of engine oil & overall market of CNG

engine oil. “The sample used for this research work was about 150 auto drivers & the overall

results derived are having a variation of ± 6 % (which means that the result can have an error in

between ± 6 %)”

This sample was taken randomly from all the major areas of Delhi which include Uttam Nagar Bus terminal, Hari Nagar Depot, New Delhi Railway Station, Old Delhi Railway Station, ISBT, Nizammudin

Station, Major Indraprastha Gas Stations & almost all Metro Stations.

A questionnaire was designed consisting of 12 questions (Given in Appendix 1) to understand the

overall Market variables mentioned above. The Survey on auto drivers has taken a time span of 1 week

(11/5/08 to 17/5/08). The Overall findings, conclusion & recommendations are mentioned in the next


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CNG AUTO SURVEY 1) OWNERSHIP OF AUTOS The first question is asking the auto drivers about the ownership of their auto vehicles. The findings are shown below:-


“The above chart shows that in Delhi there are around equal % of both self owned auto

drivers & rented auto drivers”.


From this survey, we also figure out that the self owned category consists of two types of drivers.

The first type of drivers have taken loan to buy the auto (i.e. is called second party financed auto)*. The second types of drivers have invested their own money to get an auto.

*Detail given in” Economic Demographics”




Self Owned Rented

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2) %Market share of Engine Oil in 3-Wheelers Auto Segment

The second question consists of asking the auto drivers about the usage of Engine Oil in their respective autos. The findings about % market share are shown below:-


The above Pie chart shows the % share of each major CNG brand oil in 3-wheeler market. The

above chart reveals that MAK GE (from Bharat Petroleum) is the leader in this segment. MAK

GE has scored this first position due to various reasons which will be put across in the later stage of Primary Research.

All these major brands (MAK GE, BP, Castrol & Valvoline) constitute around 90 % of market.

The remaining market is hold by the other small companies with an exception of a Big company called INDIAN OIL which market SERVO GEO in this segment & has only about 6% market









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From, the Secondary data, we derive out the fact that MAK GE was the very first entrant in the

CNG engine oil market. It capitalizes this opportunity by setting up a tie with IGl (Indraprastha gas ltd.) to market CNG in Delhi. So, MAK has got a major share of Heart & share of Mind in the

Auto Drivers.

Once MAK holds the major chunk of CNG Engine Oil market .But after the liberalization* &

entry of other international Brands this share has shrink to 40%. The other leading Brands in this

category includes BP & Castrol which belongs to same company (British Petroleum) & hold around 33% CNG oil market of Delhi. The other major brand is Valvoline which hold around 15

% market share.

*For Details see chapter on “Indian Lube Industry”

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3) OWNERSHIP VS PRODUCT USAGE The chart below is derived from the first two questions. The Conclusion part is given below:-


The above chart shows the % wise usage of brand engine oil each by the Self owned Auto drivers

& Rented auto Drivers.

The maximum difference in all the major brands, by the two categories of auto drivers is merely

in between 3-5 % except for Servo,

The difference (for Servo) is around to be 9% in two categories of Auto Drivers.


“The chart gives a very clear picture that there is not much difference in the choice of a specific brand of oil by the two categories of auto drivers”.

This result shows that out of the given 6 % market of Servo Brand, the self owned vehicle owners have got more positive perceived value & trust for Servo Brand as compared to rented Auto


Castrol Valvoline Mak Ge Servo BP Others

15 14




13 17





% Self Owned Auto % Rented Auto

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4) Brand image & Selection Factors for Buying Lube Oil The third questions consist of the factors affecting the buying decision of a particular brand. For this

question there were four factors which were analyzed .The factors are as follows:-

Cheap Price of Engine Oil

Good Quality of Oil

Mechanic Selection

Friends using it (Word Of Mouth)

These factors are analyzed for all the major brands .The result shows the perceived value of auto drivers for all the given Brands. The result of all the major brands & their perceived factors are analysed below:-

Brand image & Selection Factors for Buying Lube Oil

PRODUCT BRAND Cheap Price Quality Mechanic Selection Word of Mouth

CASTROL 0 76.19 25 0

% users

34.78 47.83 13.04 4.35


% users

18.75 43.55 33.87 3.23


% users

0 44.83 51.72 3.45


% users

0 66.67 33.33 0


% users

50 0 50 0


% users

So, quality dimension is the top most criteria in each brand selection. Hence, the company

should put extra effort to ensure good quality of oil reaching its consumers.

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5) FACTORS INFLUENCING THE BUYING DECISION The chart below is derived from the third question. The question discussed before this analysis (3


quest) mainly talks about the selection factors for various brands From that particular question the

%wise preference, for each factor used by the auto drivers to buy any oil brand is given below.

In this chart, the factor wise preference order is given. This chart explains the factors which drivers

consider in his mind while going for purchase of engine oil.

The findings, Conclusion & recommendation part of each factor will be done individually in the

next page.








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1) Quality variable


The above chart shows that the major factor which auto drivers look into while buying engine oil

is the quality & durability of oil.

The quality dimension contributes about 50% of total selection criteria to buy a particular engine


Conclusion So the company should ensure to provide best quality engine oil to its consumers. One of the

major factors to be discussed here is of duplication of oil in the market. All the engine oil are sold

at various rates in the market. So, it is being assumed that the oil which is having the major variation of price in a given market is coming with duplicate quality.

There is a table which shows the % variation of price of 1 lt CNG oil in the market. This table

talks about the maximum & minimum price of 1 lt oil available for a particular brand in shops. “This table will help in discussing duplicity of engine oil.”

VARIOUS PRICE OF 1 LT LUBE OIL PREVAILING IN THE MARKET The above table shows the range of price of 1Lt lube oil which is prevailing in the market (as told

by the auto drivers).



PRICE DIFFERENCE Average Price (μ) Std. Deviation

(σ) %


CASTROL 120 200 80 161 28.50 17.70

VALVOLINE 90 150 60 117 18.34 15.67

MAK GE 110 140 30 118 11.10 9.41

BP 110 130 20 121 6.17 5.10

SERVO 90 190 100 137 29.69 21.67

The above table shows the range of price of 1Lt lube oil which is prevailing in the market (as told

by the auto drivers). The above table clearly points out the fact that the % variation in the price of

MAK GE & BP is quite low.

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This states the point that the duplicity of oil is quite less in these two brands. It is assumed out the

fact that the variation in the price of oil will be more when there will be addition of low quality

oil in the original brand oil. Also Castrol & Valvoline is also having a low margin of variation difference in their price range.

One point to be mentioned out in this table is the fact that the variation in Servo Brand is quite high & is around to be 22%, which clearly states that there is large duplicity or black marketing

of Servo engine oil in the market. Once the consumer sees so much variation in the price of

particular brand oil, then it creates a state of confusion in his mind & also lowers the quality perception about that particular brand.

“This fact can be clearly linked to the driver‟s Perception about Servo Brand*.So one of the biggest

factors which is affecting the sale of Servo Brand in the market is the quality parameter.

Hence another point to analyze the quality variability is by asking the auto driver‟s

perception about Servo Geo. The results obtained are as follows:-

The above table clearly states the fact that around 23% of auto drivers do not buy Servo Geo due to its bad quality. This perception of bad quality of oil is due to duplicity of Servo oil in the

market. This low quality perception is quite a big factor which is hindering the sales of Servo





Good Quality Low Quality Costly No Idea

% Percepeption About Servo Brand

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The following recommendations will help to sort out the problem of this duplicity.


Servo should ensure quality products reaching its users. This can be done by putting up Rs 5 coin inside the bottle of engine oil as a gift for the buyers. It will help the company in two ways. First

it will add as an attractive offer for buyers & secondly it will reduce the black marketing &

duplicity of Servo.

The duplicity marketers have to add Rs 5 to their duplicate bottle of Servo to sell in the market.

This will lower their profit margin & hence the attractiveness of selling duplicate Servo will be lost in them. This will ensure quality products of Servo reaching consumers & ensure happy &

satisfied customers.

There is a gap in the Distribution channel which is affecting the quality of engine oil & the company should work out to remove the loop hole in the Distribution system of Engine Oil. The

company should clearly monitor the quality of its engine oil in its distribution channel to enhance

the trust of the auto drivers.

The flow chart of Current Distribution system is as follows:

The flow chart of Current Distribution system is having one major flaw. The company distributes all its

oil to only 6 distributors in Delhi. This shows that all the distribution is ultimately controlled by these 6 distributors. This mechanism is leading to a state of monopoly or a state of Cartel which is needed to be

stopped or controlled. This system is the root cause of variation in the quality of oil, as flow of oil is

regulated by few people only.

So, the company should adopt a more decentralized way of distribution of its engine oil. It should divide

Delhi into 16 equal parts & then select a distributor for each part. This will help in controlling the actions of distributors in a much better manner. Also the distributors should be changed within the 6 months. The

variation of quality of oil will drop with the fall of monopoly of fixed distributors.

*For further detail see report on perception about servo brand

Base oil prepared

at Haldia Refinery

Blending of Base Oil done in


Filling of Oil inside the Bottle

at Delhi Site

Transfer of oil to 6 Distributors in


Distribution of oil

to all shops in Delhi

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2) Mechanic Selection

The other major factor which is effecting the selection of a particular brand of oil is that of Mechanic Selection. The factors which develop the perception of a particular brand in the mind of mechanic will be

discussed later.

The mechanics are those people who do all the servicing of engine oil in auto vehicles & generally

recommends auto Driver to use a particular brand.


From the Social Demographics, it is cleared that 90 % of auto drivers are uneducated &

unaware about the quality standard of engine oil*. So, it is by the recommendations &

words of these mechanics they adopt the general perception about a particular brand.

Therefore the company should work towards developing a positive brand image in the

minds of mechanic & also pursue them to use & recommend Servo Brand to the auto


Servo can take a leaf from the experiments of “Valvoline” which helped them to build a strong brand image in the mind of mechanic. Valvoline has been conducting training programs for

mechanics across the country. Typically, the company identifies roadside garages which

have the potential to improve and provide them training on the latest technology engines

and aggregates. This has helped build a certain loyalty factor for the brand with the

mechanics. The company has till date covered over 350 mechanics all over the country.

The same mechanism can be followed by the Servo Brand. It can ensure day camp training to the mechanics in Delhi who is having roadside garages & tell them about the latest technology

equipments. Educate them also about the quality parameter which Servo is following to keep the

engine fit & working.

Also discuss & ask for recommendations from them for the reasons of fail out of Servo in the CNG

market .This policy will help in three ways .:

First the imparting of knowledge in training Session will build a layer of trust between the

company & the mechanic community who is in direct touch of auto drivers. So, indirectly it‟s a

series of confidence formation between the company & users.

Secondly the seeking of advice from the mechanics will increase their self actualization.

(Hinesburg Five Needs Theory). They will feel themselves important & will feel themselves as a part of Servo Brand. So they will themselves involve in this mission to move Servo Brand on top.

Thirdly the Servo Company can work out on the points which are mentioned by the mechanic. The company can do research work on these advice & if found significant can implement the

ideas to increase the sales of its engine oil.

*for Details on Educational Background see “Social Demographic”.

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3) Price factor

Price plays a major factor in the buying decisions of Gas Engine Oil. It contributes about 15% in the decision making power of drivers while buying CNG oil. Also from the perception chart it is clear that

around 20% of auto drivers do not buy Servo due the high price of it.

As the 70% of auto drivers just earn around 3000-5000 per month*, so by this sense the price factor

becomes a major phenomenon in the buying decision of Auto drivers. Valvoline has captured a major

market in CNG oil only by playing the trump of low price factor.


Servo has to position itself in such a way that its price value should look fully justified (for

ex: Castrol charges high rate & boost itself as the best CNG oil in the markets so, it‟s

perceive value is high & consumer don‟t mind paying such a high price). So proper

positioning of price of Engine Oil is needed to target mass market.

Servo should boost its image by the help of mass media (liker local Hindi Newspaper, Radio

FM, Road promotion campaign, paper pamphlets etc) about its quality factors. This will

develop a good image about the Servo Geo & also justifies its price label. So, by the use of

this method & various other methods Servo can increase its sale & remove the hindrance of

high price tag from it brand.

The other course of action could be the fact that, if the Company can make some small

changes in the distribution channel & save the money over there & then pass on these

savings to the needy consumers in the form of Discount or cash coupons.

There can be change in the price structure of Servo Geo which can be useful to lower the

price of CNG oil. The Indian Oil Ltd. can pass on some of the profit margin from its other

products to reduce the price of its CNG engine oil.

The above fact can be justified from the primary research done on the offers liked by the auto

Drivers. There are three factors which are studied .The factors are as follows:-

Discount: The drivers were asked about their liking regards to Discount in engine oil.

Gift: The Drivers were asked their preference for the complimentary Gift with engine oil.

Anything in these two offers.

These three factors were asked from the auto drivers & their result is summarized in pie chart given on next page .This pie chart will explain the two recommendations perfectly for this particular price factor .

*for Details on Financial Background see “Economic Demographics”

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From the pie chart it can be concluded that the auto Drivers want maximum discount in the

price of engine oil. It means indirectly they want that the price of engine oil should be as low

as possible .So we concluded that price plays a major role in the Decision making power of

purchase of engine oil.

So, the company should develop & use all possible options to reduce the price range of it oil.

One of recommendations is to work on Distribution channel to lower the price & other one

is to divert the profit margin from other Line of Products of Indian Oil to cut the cost of its

CNG engine oil *.

An effective way of giving discount will be to seal 5 Rs coin inside the packet of 1 Lt ,so that

the discount given by the company can be directly pass on to the consumers**.

Around 21% auto drivers prefer usage of Complementary gift items with the package of

engine oil. So, company should use gift items to increase the perceived value of its Engine

Oil. Servo GEO can use this as an opportunity to increase its market share by offering gift

items & also promotes its brand quality parameters by various Media channels discussed on

back page***.

All these two factors can be used to make the price range of Servo look valid to the auto drivers. Hence,

by implementing these recommendations the Servo market share won‟t be loss because of cost factor to

other brands. So company can insulate itself from this factor by the above given ideas.

*, ***see details on back page, ** see detail on page number 63







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4) Word of Mouth

The word of mouth (fellow friends using it) is also one of factors affecting the buying decision of

lube oil by the auto drivers. Although it is having a very low percentage as a factor in buying

decision making power as compared to other factors. Still it can use it as an opportunity by Servo to

increase its market share.

Around 31% of people have got no idea about the Servo Geo & hence are not using Servo. So, this

fact points towards a clear opportunity market for Servo*.

The following recommendations are useful in winning this market


Servo should create a buzz in the auto drivers about its brand, so that they can talk about it

at their common meeting point like tea stalls. The buzz can be created by the use of the

advertisement on radio about the undisclosed new gift items coming along with Servo CNG

oil. Announcement of bumper prize on the sale of lube oil which can be worth of 1 lakh Rs

or more & discount on the buying of Servo Geo oil.

Also the Buzz can be made by announcing the daily gift winner on radio from a special

serial number marked on the back of its bottle cap of lube oil. Also keep in mind to change

the gift on a regular basis to create interest in the minds of consumers.

This will create a curiosity in the minds of auto drivers to know about the next winner. For

this purpose they will talk about Servo brand & it will help in the formation of share of

heart & share of mind in the users which will ultimately help in increasing the sale of Servo


A second method to create buzz & to increase market size is by the use of announcing lucky

winners by Servo on radio channels. The company can take the auto drivers data from

RTO office & then randomly select 1 lucky winner daily (show should be on weekend) &

announce it on radio.

The winner can be a given a silver coin of Servo along with free 1 lt of servo brand oil. He

should be then called in the radio station in the show & given prize & over there discussed

about his likings & hobbies. So, at the end of show, the next winner name will be

announced. This all will create excitement & curiosity in the auto drivers & they will talk

more about Servo Brand.

The company can take the help of CSR (corporate Social responsibility) in forming the

brand awareness about Servo Geo. The company can take the service of some renowned

NGO in this CSR activity. The Company can ask these NGO to organize the summer camps

or workshops for the auto driver‟s children. This will create a positive image of company in

the minds of its end users & help in establishing a long lasting impression in their minds.

*See detail chart on perception about “Servo Geo”

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The sixth question was about the general purchase of package of engine oil. The result is shown in

the form of Pie chart.

Finding & Conclusion

The pie chart clearly states the fact that the auto drivers are most likely to buy 1 Lt of lube oil

whenever they go for purchase of engine oil. So, the company should properly implement its marketing strategy on 1 lt pack to develop & increase its market share.


Valvoline has used this fact, as a key strategy to distinguish itself from the other major brands.

Valvoline launched its 1 lt of package in the form of poly bag with a very stylish opening format. Valvoline is the only major brand which is selling 1 lt lube oil in the form poly bag & other

brands are being sold in the form of plastic bottle.

Servo can also come up with a new dynamic packet of 1 lt oil which distinguishes itself from the market. This pack should be an eye catcher. So, packaging can also become one of the deciding

factors in increasing the sales of Lube Oil.

Also MAK GE, BP & Valvoline has launched a complimentary gift Item (toothpaste &

toothbrush) with its 1 Lt Bottle of engine oil to promote their respective brands.

Servo can also use a strategy to properly market its 1 Lt oil. It can come up with new gift item scheme only with its 1 Lt package. The gift items which can be given with 1 Lt Oil pack are

given in the next page.





OPEN 1/2 LT 1 LT

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A survey was conducted in this regard to check out gift preference by the auto drivers. The results

are as follows:-


From the gift choice survey it is clearly stated that auto drivers does not have any preference for a

particular gift item. They just want a family gift item with the pack of engine oil.


As one can see from the Social Demographics that all drivers are having a family with 4-6 family

members. Also, the answers obtained from the drivers correspond to the fact that drivers want a gift item which can be consumed in the family. About 55% of auto drivers confirm this fact.

About 23% of auto drivers like to have toothpaste as a complimentary gift item. This particular choice can be due to reason that many brands (like MAK GE) are already distributing this as a

gift item. Around 11% like to have soap as a gift item which is again a family consumable item.


Servo can use the scheme of complimentary Gift items to strengthen its position in CNG oil market. The company can offer from the following schemes:-

To make an attractive pack of 20 gm toothpaste & Beauty Soap. As both these items are family consumables so it will be really helpful in increasing the sales.


116 4






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The company can give cash discount with the packet of 1 lt oil. This cash discount will be in the

form of 5-10 Rs mentioned on the back side of bottle cover. The cash Discount can be varied(For

ex :- bottles should have different marking on it like Rs 5 ,Rs 7,Rs 8 & Rs 10).This will ensure curiosity in the minds of drivers about the discount they are going to get in their next purchase.

So, it will help in increasing the sale of Servo Brand.

Also the company can offer gift of polish as a gift item. This polish can be used to make the auto look new & dashing. But it has the drawback that this gift won‟t work in long run as the rented

auto driver does not want to polish their vehicles. So this gift can be used as a short term

innovative prospective.

FROOTI can also be used as a complimentary gift item. The reason for the choice of Frooti is

that right now there is a season of summer & the drivers are thirsty & exhausted when they came to the shops. So use of Frooti as a gift item will boost the sale of Servo.

The only major problem with this scheme is that frooti won‟t be chilled & also it will lead to a lot

of loading cost to the company .For this company should use a coupon on the back of bottle cap. So, that the drivers can exchange this coupon for frooti from any shopkeeper. For this the

company should tie up with Frooti Company. It should make a deal that this coupon can be

exchanged for a frooti anywhere in Delhi. Another point to keep in mind is that the coupon made should be unique so that it cannot be duplicated.

The company can also issue daal & sugar coupons with the Servo Packet. The coupon will

have a mention on its cover about the free purchase of ½ kg or 1 kg of sugar from all the

leading stores like big bazaar, 360degree, More stores & all other big retail store. This

coupon can be fixed on the back of plastic cap.

For this scheme to work, the company has to select the leading players in retail market & tie

up with them to generate a unique coupon which can be encash with the sugar bag or other

gift item mention on that coupon. This gift item can be having various types of Daals name

mentioned on it. Also one can put vegetables worth of Rs 15- 20 as a gift coupon which can

be bought from the retail shop.

This will help company to save the cost of carrying gift item with the engine oil .Also each

consumer has got different preferences which a company can‟t fulfill. But this scheme will

help the company to overcome this problem, as sugar & other essential commodities are

needed around the year. Also the problem of outdated products will be eradicated with this

scheme. The company should issue unique coupons numbers which can be checked with the

infrared gun present in the retail shop. This will help in saving the duplication of oil &

coupons in market.

This scheme will lead to a big buzz in the market & will promote the Servo Geo brand & hence the sales will increase along with its market size.

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7) Knowledge About Servo Brand The survey was conducted to know the perception of auto drivers about Servo Geo. For this survey,

a series of questions were asked from the auto drivers.

The first question consists of knowledge about the packaging material used for Servo Geo (either it

is 1lt packet or 1lt bottle). The findings & conclusions are as follows:-


The above chart clearly states the fact that there are around 75% of auto drivers who know about

the use of plastic bottle by the Servo Brand. This shows that a fair amount of people have got

knowledge about the packaging style by Servo.

But a significant number of 25% auto drivers does not know about the packaging style of servo

brand which indirectly states that these much % of auto drivers are the opportunity market of Servo.



% Knowledge About Servo Brand

Those who knows about the package Those who does not knows about the package

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The following result shows that the Servo Geo Brand is not so visible to the auto drivers

or in other words the brand awareness about Servo Geo is low.

This awareness can be increased by asking the shopkeepers to put on display the Servo

Geo Brand. For this a program is to be designed, which tie up shopkeepers directly with

the Indian oil company. This program will work smoothly with the help & initiative of


The company should seek the help & cooperation of its distributors in creating the

Brand awareness. The company should put a pressure on the distributors that they have

to convince shopkeepers to display Servo Geo at the front row of their shops.

The company officials should also randomly check that the distributors are complying

with this order. They can send a unknown person to a random selected distributor &

check whether he follows the order given to him. If he is not following the order then

action should be taken against him.

A second method will be to display Servo Geo engine oil on the big hoardings across the

road & in metro trains for advertisement of its packet.

The Indian oil ltd. should properly position its Servo brand name in all its petrol pump

of Delhi. It has been observed that name of Servo is not been significantly highlighted

anywhere in its petrol pump. On the other hand Bharat Petroleum Ltd is promoting

Mak Ge on a large scale all over its petrol pump.

So, IOCL should utilize its large base of petrol pumps to market its brand name of

Servo. Also the Company can put up banners of Servo Geo on IGL gas stations to

increase the brand awareness among the drivers.

These methods will help Servo to come across the mind of new & old users. The people want

to experiment with new engine oil, so this exposure will certainly help Servo to increase its

market share.

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8) Packaging Color Knowledge (or appeal of package color)

The Second question in the series “to know about the brand knowledge of Servo Geo” was by

asking the package Color of Servo Geo. This question was asked to know a person share of mind &

share of heart about Servo Geo.

This test was done only on those drivers who are having knowledge about the package of Servo

brand (question discussed above).

The findings & conclusions derived are as follows:-


The above chart clearly shows that the percentage of auto drivers who are aware of packaging

color of Servo Geo is less than 50%.


This clearly indicates that the drivers are not able to recall the packaging color. So the

packaging color of Servo Geo is not effective as compared to other brand of engine oil.



% Packaging Colour Knowledge (or appeal of package colour)

Those who knows about the package colour

Those who does not knows about the package colour

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The packaging of Servo Geo is in the form of a mixture of Light Yellow & Dull Green.

This packaging color seems to look quite outdated & a copy of other brand color.

Servo should develop its own identity by redesigning its packaging color. This

redesigning will give Servo a new Avatar & a fresh look to face its nearest competitors

& it will help in boosting the sale of Servo Geo.

All the brand engine oil packets looks alike to each other apart from Castrol which ahs

wholly a unique identity The color of Servo look quite stereotype to the other exsisting

brand color. So, Servo Geo needs to change the color to appeal to its end users.

There should be few changes in color of Servo Geo. The designing expert„s consultation

is required to make color look more attractive to the eyes of its users.

The other major activity which can be carried out to increase the brand recall of Servo

Geo is by endorsing any public image for its Brand Ambassadorship. For ex: Valvoline

has taken the services of Famous Australian Cricketer Ricky Ponting for its promotion.

Servo can also take the service of such a personality who has a great public image & is

known for its reliability. I propose that that the Servo should endorses Maneka Gandhi

or other environmentalist as its brand ambassador. She is linked as an environment

care taker & CNG fuel used by auto drivers is also ecofriendly. So, her brand image will

prove handy to promote Servo Geo.

The poster & banners of Servo featuring Maneka Gandhi should be put on all its petrol

Pump & distribution centers to promote Servo Geo Brand.

A second option is to use the happy face of auto drivers as the poster image of Servo Geo.

The same experiment “Kurkure” has also done & was extremely successful. The face of

auto drivers can be changed regularly on its cover page to mark innovation.

This strategy will build trust & confidence of auto drivers in the brand of Servo & hence its sales will


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9) AGE WISE BRAND USAGE IN MARKET (Perception of Brand on the Basis of Average Age of Auto) (All Age in Years)

The last question was used to analyze the relation between the age of Auto & a particular brand of

oil used. The result of Survey is as follows :

PRODUCT MINIMUM AGE MAXIMUM AGE Average Age (μ) Std. Deviation

(σ) % Variation

CASTROL 1 8.5 4 2.96 74.00

VALVOLINE 4 9 6.9 1.77 25.65

MAK GE 1.5 10 5.75 2.89 50.26

BP 1.5 8 4.5 2.53 56.22

SERVO 1.5 10 4.93 3.36 68.15

OTHERS 8 10 8.6 0.89 10.35


The above survey results show that there is no relation between the age of autos & use of a

particular brand of oil.

This result can be verified from the % variation in the chart. The % variation in the chart is

quite high which shows that the data taken is not significant to justify any relationship

between the age of autos & use of a particular brand of oil.

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Primary Research Work on Taxi Drivers

The primary research work was done on a group of taxi owners to understand the perceived value

of different brands, factors affecting the buying behavior & overall market of CNG engine oil.”The

sample used for this research work was about 119 Taxi Drivers, with a variation in result of about ±

5% (which means that the result can have an error in between ± 5%)”

This sample was taken randomly from all the major areas of Delhi which include Indira Gandhi

International Airport, Sub hash Nagar Taxi Stand, Hari Nagar Taxi Stand, Raja Garden Taxi Stand, New Delhi Railway Station, Old Delhi Railway Station, ISBT, Barakhambha Taxi Stand and Nizammudin


A questionnaire was designed consisting of 9 questions (Given in Appendix 2) to understand the

overall Market variables mentioned above. The Survey on taxi drivers has taken a time span of 1 week

(18/5/08 to 25/5/08). The Overall findings, conclusion & recommendations are mentioned in the next


An important fact in this research work is that the engine oil in taxi is being put up by the taxi owners

themselves & not by the taxi driver who is running the taxi. A taxi owner can have from 1– 30 taxi drivers under his ownership. So, the real need by an oil company is to target this segment of taxi owners.

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CNG Taxi Survey


The first question in the questionnaire was about the engine oil used in the taxis. The findings of the

survey are as follows:


The above pie chart explains the market share of engine oil in taxi segment. As one can clearly

see that the Castrol is the market leader in this segment with a market size of more than 50%.

Also Servo holds to be nearest competitor of Castrol with a market size of 31%.

MAK GE which is the market leader in the auto segment seems to be quite weak in this segment

with a market size of just 2%. The other engine oil holds the remaining 11% market

Conclusion So from the above pie chart we conclude that Castrol & Servo are the leading Brands in Taxi

category with a cumulative market share of around 87%


2 11





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2) Brand image & selection factors of buying lube oil The second question constitutes of the various factors which lead to buying of a particular Brand.

Also this question was able to analyze the perceived value of all the major Brands.

For this question there were four factors which were analyzed .The factors are as follow:-

Cheap Price of Engine Oil

Good Quality of Oil

Mechanic Selection

Friends using it (Word Of Mouth)

The perceived value of all the major 3 brands are analyzed as follows:-

Brand image & selection factors of buying lube oil


CASTROL 0 100 0 0

% users 0

SERVO 3 97 0 0

% users 0

MAK GE 100 0 0 0

% users

OTHERS 31 69 0 0

% users

So, quality dimension is the top most criteria in each brand selection. Hence, the company

should put extra effort to ensure good quality of oil reaching its consumers.

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2) FACTORS INFLUENCING THE BUYING DECISION The chart below is derived from the second question. The second question talks about the brand

wise selection factors for buying engine oil. In the conclusion part the factor wise preference order

is given. The Conclusion part is given below:-

In this chart the factor wise preference order is given. This chart explains the factors which drivers

consider in his mind while going for purchase of an engine oil.

The findings, Conclusion & recommendation part of each factor will be done individually in the

next page.





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1) Quality Factor


The above pie chart shows that the around 90% market of taxi segment is being influenced by the

quality parameter.


Quality becomes an important criteria or factor which leads to purchase of engine oil. The above result also signals to one of the fact that taxi owners are very particular about the quality

parameter of engine oil. For them the oil should be good irrespective of price & that‟s why

Castrol is enjoying number one position. This also states the fact that taxi owners are financially

well off as compared to auto drivers.

The remaining market is being influenced by the cheapness of engine oil. But that parameter is

quite weak & if companies just cover this factor only (price factor) then it won‟t be able to win the market share of CNG taxi segment.


Right now Servo is the biggest challenger of Castrol. Servo has got the opportunity to win

over the market share of Castrol by providing engine oil to taxi owners at par quality &

relatively less price as compared to Castrol.

This can be done by launching a separate engine oil for the taxi Segment. Castrol has

launched BP at a relatively lower price to capture the market of auto Segment because it

knows that the auto drivers are not able to afford such expensive oil. It launched Castrol at

relatively high price in order to differentiate from BP & to increase the perceived value of

its product. (It means quality is directly proportional to its cost).

Servo should launch a new product with a fresh name which should be meant only for the

CNG taxis. It should be promoted that this engine oil is having the quality grades which

suits a 4 wheeler CNG vehicle. Also increase the market price of this engine oil to increase

the perceive value of the product. The price of this new product should only be 10 -15 Rs

lower than the Castrol.

This strategy will help Servo to penetrate the Castrol market. But proper promotion of this

brand of oil is necessary. Also, lower the price of Servo Geo to completely separate it from

this new launch. This will further help in increasing the market share of Servo in auto

category which is quite priced sensitive.

The second method to increase the market size of Servo is to reduce the quality duplicity.

The above chart shows that the major factor which taxi owners look into while buying

engine oil is its quality & durability. The quality dimension contributes about 90% of

selection factors.

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So the company should ensure to provide best quality engine oil to its consumers. One of the major

factors to be discussed here is of duplication in the oil in the market. All the engine oils are sold at

various rates in the market. So, it is being assumed that the oil which is having the major variation in price is presumed to be of having duplicate quality. This variation in price of oil was found with the

help of a question in the survey.

There is a table which shows the % variation of price of 3 Lt CNG oil in the market. This table

talks about the maximum & minimum price of 3 Lt Oil available for a particular brand.



PRICE Average Price

(μ) Std. Deviation


CASTROL 500 640 580 57.87

MAK GE 400 450 425 35.36

SERVO 350 500 409 51.92

The above table shows that the variation in the price level of 3 Lt Oil of different brand of Oil. The

variation in price level of Castrol is relatively low as compared to price level in Servo Brand. “This

means that there is more duplication of Servo in market as compared to Castrol.”

“So, Servo should monitor its distribution channel to ensure that quality product reaches

the consumers. It will help in increasing the brand equity of Servo Geo in the market &

ultimately this good will or brand equity will earn them a good amount of market share.”

The recommendation to improve the distribution channel is given in auto Survey report.

That recommendation can be implemented in taxi segment also.

The Second way of analyzing the quality duplicity of Servo is by analyzing the survey data stating the

“Perception about Servo Geo”. In this data the perception of drivers related to Servo is given. We have

to analyze about the bad quality perception of Servo Geo with the help of the given survey data.

This whole analysis with recommendations to improve the quality perception in the mind of consumers is

given in next page.

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% Percepeption About Servo Brand

Another point to analyze the quality variability is by asking the taxi owners perception about Servo

Geo. This analysis was done with the help of a question & the results are as follows:-

Findings & Conclusion

The above chart clearly states the fact that 25% of Taxi owners do not buy Servo Geo mainly because of its low quality. So the quality variability is proving out to be a major challenge for


The following Recommendations will help Servo to change perception about Servo Geo in market.

This change in perception will lead to increase the sale of Servo Geo


The first thing Servo need to do is to strictly monitor its distribution channel. There should

be a team of quality specialist who should in disguise randomly visit any engine oil shop &

check the quality of Servo oil over there. If the engine oil is of poor quality then they should

inquire about the distributor from where the shopkeeper is buying the oil & then raid that

distributor shop & send both of them to police.





Good Quality Low Quality Costly No Idea

% Percepeption About Servo Brand

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Also ask indirectly from taxi owners about the place where duplication of oil is more. They

can provide with valuable information on this subject & hence it will help the team to work

fast on catching the person doing duplication of oil. This will help in ensuring that Servo

quality is retained & moreover it will help in stopping the black marketing of servo. Also it

will help in changing the perception about the Servo Geo.

Secondly the same team should visit on random basis the taxi owners & tell them about the

properties of Servo engine oil. They should give them 1 Lt of Servo engine oil as a sample to

test on their vehicles. Also give them contact number so that they can complain of any

problem if they face during the use of that sample oil. This will help in gaining the

confidence of taxi owners & also will lead to increase the sales of Servo.

Also release information in newspaper & radio that a suitable prize will be given to those

who will tell the name of shopkeepers & distributors who are doing duplication of Servo

Geo. After getting the inputs the team can purchase some oil from that shop & then check

the duplication. If found correct then corrective action should be taken.

All these activities will help in totally wiping out the duplication of Servo & hence the quality parameter

will help in gaining the market of CNG oil by Servo. “Also it will help to save the company„s revenue

which is going in black marketing.”

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2) Cost Parameter

Cost is the second parameter which is affecting the buying decision of taxi owner. The findings,

conclusion & recommendation to control this factor are given below.


Around 14% people buy engine oil on seeing the cost of it. So, “cost is also one of the factors

which can influence the buying behavior of engine oil”.


From the perception chart of Servo we can see that around 3% people are not buying Servo only

because they feel it is costly*. Servo is cheap as compared to Castrol but the perceived value of

Servo with respect to its price is quite less when we compared it with perceived value of Castrol with respect to its price.

So here the main problem with Servo is to change the perceived value of Servo in this price

range. Servo has to convince users that price which is being charge for engine oil is quite valid.

The following recommendations will help in changing the perceived value of Servo Geo brand.

These recommendations are generated with the help of a question on the selection from various

offers which should be given by company. These factors will help in changing the perception of

consumers regarding the costliness of Servo Geo.

The recommendations are as follows:


The perception about the price can be change by using these three factors:-


Complimentary Gift items

Extra Engine oil

Anything in these three offers

The discussions on these recommendations are done on the next page. These recommendations will be

explained by the market wise % preference from the following offers. It will be explained with a bar chart drawn on next page.

*from the data on “Perception about Servo Geo”.

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The following chart will show the % wise preference from these three offers. The findings &

recommendations are written below the table on the basis of the offers given.

The above chart clearly shows that around 34 % people need discount in the engine oil. “The

company should give discount in the form of oil coupons along with its engine oil. The

company can offer oil coupons on the back of bottle cap. The coupon will lead to get a cash

discount on the filling of CNG gas at IG station”.

Around 30% of people want extra oil with the same package of oil. As the owners are having

many vehicles so they want to have more oil.”So, the company can offer extra 200-500 ml

engine oil with 3 or 5 lt pack of engine oil. This will help in making the owner realize that

the amount charge is relevant for Servo Geo”.

The third option could be by giving complimentary gift items to taxi drivers. An important point to be noted here is that no taxi driver will ever go for a gift item by cornering quality variable.

“So the company should market the gift in such a manner that it only look as a method to

change the perceived value of Servo Geo(because for 15-20 Rs, no taxi owner want to spoil

its vehicle by using bad quality oil)”.

The taxi owners‟ preference for a particular gift is being explained by a bar chart in the next page.




% Offer Selection





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A question in the survey was asked to figure out the liking of a particular type of gift by the taxi

owners. The findings & recommendation of the survey are as follows:


The following survey shows that 27 % of taxi owners like to get toothpaste as a gift item, but

a significant % of taxi owners said they want anything with good quality engine oil. So, the

company should give any gift item which can be use for family usage but once again to be

mention out the fact that quality is the most important criteria for the selection of engine


The company should hire the service of any great public personality to promote the features

of its engine oil brand. This will also help in changing the perception about Servo Geo.

Also the company should keep in mind that the gift items given should not be outdated in nature. The outdated gift item spoils the brand image of company. For ex: MAK GE has to

face severe criticism for providing outdated toothpaste to the users.

The company should ensure that the gift items should reach the users. Many of the times

the distributors or shop keepers sell this gift item as a separate commodity or use for their

personal consumption.

All the other Recommendations are same as given for auto segment.







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4) Knowledge About Servo Brand

There was a question in the questionnaire which was asked to analyze the knowledge about the

Servo Brand. The question was to figure out if the customers know about the color of Servo Geo.

The findings & conclusion of the survey is as follows:-


Around 54% of taxi owners do not know about the color of Servo Geo engine oil.


The high percentages of the above findings are due to various reasons. The reasons are as follows:

The taxi owners are quite loyal to the brand which they purchase for their vehicles. Hence, they

never give consideration to the other Brand.

They themselves are not buying engine oil, but one of their workers (taxi driver) is bringing the

engine oil from their respective engine oil shop.

It can be due to the fact that the shop from where they purchase the engine oil does not put the Servo Geo in front of the Shop.

It can be also due to the fact that the awareness related to Servo Geo is not sufficient. (It means Brand advertisement is not done successfully).



% Knowledge About Servo Brand

Those who knows about the package colour

Those who does not knows about the package colour

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The following recommendations will help Servo to overcome this Problem.


The Indian Oil Ltd. has got a huge product range from petroleum products, lubricants, coolants grease oil,

gear oil etc. In lubricants also it has got a high range from petrol, diesel & CNG lubricants.

Servo is the brand name for all the family of lubricants. Servo is a very old name in the market of

Lubricants, so the company just promotes its brand name Servo for all the lubricants.

Servo Company has to understand that its CNG engine oil is a late entrant in the market of gas oil

which is already having many big competitors. So, by just promoting its umbrella name won‟t help

its CNG oil brand.

In maximum number of Indian oil petrol pumps or engine oil shops in Delhi there is no promotion

of this CNG engine oil (Servo Geo). It looks like, that the Indian oil is shying to accept the challenge

of this CNG engine oil market or does not consider this CNG oil market important for its growth.

Its nearest rival Bharat Petroleum which is also a public ltd company like Indian Oil is the market

leader of this segment but still it has not become complacent. It is promoting its Brand “MAK GE”

in all possible manners by either putting at front of its petrol pumps, by advertising in the IG gas

stations, by opening gas filling station at its petrol pump & by all the means.

So for increasing the sales of the Servo, the company should first change its complacent attitude &

gear up to take on the CNG engine oil market. The remaining recommendations to increase the

brand awareness can be seen from the “CNG auto survey brand awareness part”.

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5) MARKET KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE COMPLIMERNTRY GIFT ITEMS A question in the questionnaire was asked to know the awareness of taxi drivers about the gift items

given with a brand of oil. The findings of the survey are as follows:


The above chart shows that about 91% of taxi owners are unaware of any gift item schemes

which are prevailing in the market.


The above result shows that the taxi owners are quite loyal to the brand which they purchase. If

no scheme is coming in their preferred brand, then they won‟t ask for any oil with scheme.

The above result also shows that the companies are not properly promoting their gift item


The above result also proves a point that taxi drivers are very particular for the quality of oil &

are well off financially. Hence they won‟t care for any gift item schemes.






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The company should first select a proper” brand ambassador” for its engine oil who can

promote the oil along with the gift item.

The company should advertise this gift item in all Hindi news papers & leading radio

stations of Delhi

The company should invite the taxi owners in an evening party where they can be taught

about the maintenance of their vehicles. Over there, big banners of Servo Geo can be put up

& hence it will lead in building up share of heart & share of mind for Servo Geo.

This is a tedious task to invite all the taxi owners but with little hard work it can be

accomplished. The company should chalk out the information of all the taxi owners from

the RTO data. Then the company should divide the Delhi region into 4 equal parts.

After completing this task, the company should give responsibility to their officers to

organize the tea party for these 4 areas separately. At the end of the tea parties give the

feedback form to the taxi owners & ask for their advice about how to serve them better &

other recommendations.

Working on these advices will help company to know the root cause of trouble & their

failure in increasing the sales of CNG engine oil. This activity will not only make taxi

owners happy as they will feel respected, but also help the company to register its brand on

the minds of consumers. Secondly it will help the company to know the root cause of

problems affecting Servo Geo.

This task should not be stop here only. This process should continue in every month or in

every bi month, so that the impression of company brand name will register on the mind of

consumers & also it will help the company to know that how much more improvement is

required to become market leader. Also side by side evaluate the sale & market size of

Servo Geo to check the potential & capability of this task.

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Primary Research Work on Shopkeepers

The primary research work was done on the shopkeepers to understand the perceived value of

different brands, factors affecting the buying behavior & overall market of CNG engine oil.”The

sample used for this research work was about 20 shopkeepers. The primary motive to cover

shopkeeper was mainly due to the fact that he is also one of the stake holders in the growth of sales

of a company .

This sample was taken randomly from all the major areas of Delhi which include Subash Nagar, Punjabi Bagh, Karol Bagh, and Raghubir Nagar.

A questionnaire was designed consisting of 5 questions (Given in Appendix 3) to understand the

overall Market variables mentioned above. The Survey on shopkeepers has taken a time span of 1

week (26/5/09 to 3/6/09). The Overall findings, conclusion & recommendations are mentioned in the

next page.

Before the survey a random exercise was taken to determine the range in which gas engine oil are packed

& their corresponding price range. The findings about this survey are mentioned on next page along with

the questionnaire results.

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Exploratory Shopkeeper Survey

a)The following table shows the range of different brands of CNG engine oil packets available with

the shopkeepers .The result of the survey are as follows:-



0.5 lt 1 lt 3 lt 3.5 lt 5 lt 20 lt












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b) The above chart explains the price range for all the major brands. The below chart compares the

MRP of all different products .The results are as follows:-


0.5 lt 1 lt 3 lt 3.5 lt 5 lt 20 lt



1 118 222


2 172 3270



3 86 150 814 2800



4 146 3130


5 84.5 162 750


6 162



7 184



8 163





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Shopkeeper Survey

1) Package usage for auto drivers

The first question in the questionnaire for shopkeepers was to know the package usage by the auto

drivers. The findings & conclusion are as follows:-


The above chart shows that a maximum number of auto drivers (nearly about 60%) purchase a 1

lt packet whenever they buy engine oil.

Nearly 25 % of auto drivers rely on half lt packet for purchase & remaining 15 % of auto drivers

go for an open purchase of oil.


The above table clearly confirms the fact which was pointed in auto driver survey regarding the

purchase of 1 lt lube oil packet. There also it was shown that auto drivers are mainly inclined

towards the purchase of 1 lt lube oil.


The company should understand this fact that 1 lt engine oil is the major selling packet in

auto drivers‟ community. So company should finalize any schemes in the form of discount,

gift items or extra oil with 1 lt oil package only. This will provide a more exposure to the

company oil & hence help in increasing the sales.

The remaining recommendation regarding the package are same as mentioned with the

question in auto drivers survey.





OPEN 1/2 LT 1 LT

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2) Package usage for Taxi drivers

The second question in the questionnaire for shopkeepers was to know the package usage by the

taxi drivers. The findings & conclusion are as follows:-


The above chart shows that a maximum number of taxi drivers (nearly about 60%) purchase a 3 lt

packet whenever they buy engine oil.

Nearly 30 % of taxi drivers rely on 1 lt packet for purchase & remaining 15 % of auto drivers go

for an open purchase of oil.


The above table clearly states the fact that the major choice of a taxi owner is to purchase a

packet of 3 lt lube oil


The company should understand this fact that 3 lt engine oil is the major selling packet in

taxi drivers‟ community. So company should finalize any schemes in the form of discount,

gift items or extra oil with 3 lt oil package only. This will provide a more exposure to the

company oil & hence help in increasing the sales.






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The third question in the questionnaire was to analyze the influence of shopkeepers on drivers in

the decision making power for a particular brand.

The table below shows the result for this influence factor


The above table shows that the shopkeeper sometimes (around 40%) plays a key role in

influencing the drivers to buy a particular brand.


The results from the above table conclude the fact that shopkeepers do mention the name of a particular brand .The mention of a particular brand is because of the following reasons:-

The shopkeepers get a good margin on the sale of that particular brand oil.

The shopkeeper has got a high perceive value (high quality) for that particular brand oil as

compared to the other brand of oil.

They offer their advice on seeing the financial status & interest of their customer (it means they

check out if the consumer is looking for a cheap oil or oil having a gift items with it).







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The company should do all the activities to increase the perceive value of Servo Geo. The table

drawn below shows the perception% of shopkeepers who consider it as a top quality oil.

The table is as follows:-




BP 15




The table clearly shows that Castrol enjoys the highest perceived value of top quality oil by

around 50% of shopkeepers. Only 10 % shopkeepers feel that Servo is top quality oil. So,

this perceived % of shopkeepers needs to be increase for increasing the market share of


This high perceives value can be achieved by promoting Servo Geo in a right way. They

should give advertisement in newspapers & TV about the performance capabilities of Servo

as compared to other Engine oil. All other ways of doing promotion is mentioned in auto

drivers survey report.

Servo should ensure to have a good relation with the shopkeepers. They should design the

distribution channel in such a way that the shopkeepers can get a good margin on the sale of

Servo Geo. Thus this will ensure that the shopkeepers will promote Servo & hence it will

help in increase in sale.

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The other recommendation is to influence the drivers by promoting the engine oil with Discount,

Gift items & extra oil. The survey is done regarding this method to know what shopkeepers think a

driver need during purchase of engine oil. The table of survey is as follows:-


Around 60% of shopkeepers believe that the drivers need discount while buying engine oil.

There are 20 % shopkeepers who believe that the drivers are looking for gift items with the

engine oil.

Only 5 % believe that the drivers need extra oil with a 1 lt or 3 lt package. Remaining 20 % said

that offers can be made in any of these two forms.








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The above survey was done to influence the drivers buying decision power by promoting the engine

oil with Discount, Gift items & extra oil.

These three offers can be used by shopkeepers to influence the customers to go for a

particular brand. So the company should come up with new ideas & schemes so that the

shopkeepers can use it to convince drivers to go for Servo Geo oil.

The recommendations on these three offers are given in previous report on auto & taxi

driver survey. These recommendations will also help company to get a good promotion

from shopkeepers community. This promotion will also help in increasing the brand

awareness of Servo Geo.

The other recommendations to change the perception or increase the perceive value of

Servo is given in taxi & auto drivers survey respectively.

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The last question of the questionnaire was to know the perception of shopkeepers about the

liking of any particular gift item by the auto & taxi drivers.

The findings & conclusion part of the survey are as follows:-


The above table states that around 40 % of shopkeepers believe that drivers would love to get

toothpaste as a complimentary gift item.

Another equal % of shopkeepers said that the drivers would like to get soap as a gift item.

The remaining 15 % of shopkeepers recommend the use of beauty cream for family as a gift item.

Near about 10 % believe in giving hair oil as a gift item.


The above % preference of gift items clearly confirms the fact that the gift items selected by

shopkeepers are for family usage. So, we can clearly conclude the fact that the shopkeepers also believe that drivers are influenced by gift items which is for the usage of whole family.








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Primary Research Work on Mechanics

The primary research work was done on the mechanics to understand the perceived value of

different brands & factors affecting the buying behavior & overall market of CNG engine oil.

“The sample used for this research work was about 30 shopkeepers. The primary motive to cover

Mechanic was due to fact that he is also stated as one of the influencing factor in the buying

decision of Engine Oil by drivers.

This sample was taken randomly from all the major areas of Delhi which include Subash Nagar, Raghubir

Nagar & Tilak Nagar .

A questionnaire was designed consisting of 4 questions (Given in Appendix 5) to understand the

overall Market variables mentioned above. The Survey on mechanics has taken a time span of 5 days . The Overall findings, conclusion & recommendations are mentioned in the next page.

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CNG Mechanic Survey



The first question asked from the mechanics was the top most CNG Engine Oil in the market of

Delhi. The results & conclusions are as follows:-


The above Pie chart clearly shows that almost 50% of mechanics believe that “Castrol” is the

best CNG Engine Oil in market today.

“MAK GE & Valvoline” are perceived to be the top product by the same Percentage of


Only7 % mechanics believes that “Servo Geo” is the best Oil In the market.





% Percieved Share


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Conclusions The above chart clearly states that the Castrol is being perceived as the top quality product by a

majority of Mechanics.

This result is also due to the fact that the cost of Castrol is too high in the given market.

The other factor of the reasoning of best CNG oil is discussed in the next questionnaire.

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The following chart explains the reasons of the given perception of a Mechanic for the best CNG oil

in the market. The results & conclusions are given below:-


The above Pie chart clearly states the fact that around 70 % mechanics consider a good quality oil

to be having a good lubrication property.

The remaining 30 % believes that good quality oil is judged by the running of Vehicles.



Reasons for the Perception

Good Lubricating Oil Engine Runs Smoothly

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Conclusions & Recommendations

The above Pie chart confirms the fact that people perceives Castrol as the Best CNG oil due

to its good lubricating property & also due to the better running of Vehicles after filling the


The above chart shows that the perception of Mechanics is formed from these two factors

only. So if the Servo % is too less on the perceived chart it states that the brand is lagging in

forming good perception in these two parameters.

So to change the perception of mechanic towards the Servo, the company should ask its

officers to talk to mechanics & know the reasons of lagging of Servo Geo from other brands.

Servo should take classroom programs for mechanics & teach them the new ways of

delivering Good Service to its customers. This will help in improving the perceived value of

Servo in the minds of mechanics. This will ultimately help in raising the sale of Servo Geo

with the help of Mechanics.

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The third question discuss about the recommendation factor of Mechanics which effect the sales of

the Engine Oil. The Results of the data analysis are as follows:-


The above bar chart clearly shows that the 60% of mechanics recommend the use of specific

engine oil to its customers.

There are around 27 % of the mechanics who always recommend the use of particular oil to its



The above table clearly states the fact that almost 90 % of the mechanics recommend their

customers to go for the usage of a particular brand.

These recommendations are on the basis of the lubricating property, the price margin of a

particular brand & the high perceived value of a particular brand.






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From the analysis in the chapter on auto & taxi drivers we derive out the fact that the

mechanics are also one of the major factors which influences the sale of given Engine Oil.

The companies whose sales are notching to be on top is due to somewhere linkage to

mechanics (See note on the knowledge given to Mechanics by Valvoline).

So, Servo also has to buid a good brand image in the minds of mechanics so that the

mechanics can further recommend the Servo brand to the drivers‟ .This image can be build

by coming in contact with the roadside mechanics. The company officials should seek their

advice & try to implement them.

Also the company officials should correct the mechanics on the wrong perceptions about

Servo Geo quality. They should educate them on the quality standards used by Servo. They

should clear all their doughts about Servo. This will help in reviving the image of Servo as a

quality product & hence mechanics will recommend this quality product to the drivers.

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4) % Percepeption About Servo Brand

The last question discuss on the perception of Servo Geo in the minds of Mechanic. The

findings, conclusion & recommendations of this analysis is as follows:-


The majority 43 % of mechanic feels that the Servo is having a poor quality.

There are around 30% who believes that Servo is a good quality Engine Oil.

Around 20 % believe that Servo is costly Engine oil & remaining & 7% are having no idea about

Servo Geo.





Good Quality Low Quality Costly No Idea

% Percepeption About Servo Brand

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The above bar chart clearly states the fact that around 60% of mechanics are having a wrong

mindset about Servo Geo. Also another 7 % are having no clue about the presence of CNG Engine oil by Servo.


The majority of mechanics are having the same thoughts that Servo Geo oil is coming in

Duplication & is having a bad quality. So, here also we came across the problem of

duplication of engine oil. To minimize this duplication we should implement all the

recommendations as stated in the auto & taxi Drivers chapter.

Also there should be a team to check the duplication of engine oil.

There are around 10 % of people who doesnot have any idea about Servo Geo. The

company can increase its brand presence by installing the board of Servo Geo on the top of

the shops of Mechanics. This will help in promoting the brand of Servo by increasing its

brand awareness & also help in linking Servo with the Mechanic Community.

The Servo can finance the shed cloth of the mechanic shop as a part of promotion of its

CNG engine oil. Also it can issue water coolers & other gift items to the mechanics for

promoting its engine oil.

All this recommendations will help Servo to win the confidence of the Mechanic community

& thus will help in increasing the market share of the Servo in CNG Engine Oil.

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Appendix1: CNG Auto Survey Questionnaire

Q.1) Is the auto o Self owned

o Rented one

Q .2) what‟s the age of your auto?


Q .3) what engine oil you use for your auto?


Q .4) Does you buy engine oil on the recommendation of mechanic?

o Yes o No

(If Yes then move on to the 6th question otherwise answer 5

th question )

Q .5) which of the following factor lead you to buy this Brand

o Cheap Price

o Quality o Word of Mouth

Q .6) which pack of Lube oil you generally buy?

o Open

o ½ Lt o 1 Lt

o 3 Lt

Q .7) How Much you pay for a Given Lt of lube oil?


Q .8) what you want the company should give from the following offers? o Discount

o Complementary Gift Items

o Anything from these two Offers

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Q .9) If company gives gift items then what item you desire to have with you?

o Toothpaste

o Soap o Hair oil

o Beauty cream For family

o Shaving Cream

o Anything

Q .10) Servo 1Lt pack comes in? o Plastic packet

o Plastic bottle

o Both o Don‟t know

(If given correct Ans then move on the next question otherwise jump to q.12)

Q.11) what is the packet color of Servo?


Q .12) Servo is a? o Good quality oil

o Low quality oil

o Costly oil o No idea

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Appendix 2: CNG Taxi Survey Questionnaire

Q .1) what engine oil you use for your auto?


Q .2) Does you buy engine oil on the recommendation of mechanic?

o Yes

o No (If Yes then move on to the 3

rd question otherwise answer 4

th question)

Q .3) which of the following factor lead you to buy this Brand o Cheap Price

o Quality

o Word of Mouth

Q .4) which pack of Lube oil you generally buy?

o Open

o 1 Lt o 3 Lt

o 5 Lt

Q .5) How Much you pay for Given 3 Lt of lube oil?


Q .6) what you want the company should give from the following offers? o Discount

o Complementary Gift Items

o More quantity in same price o Anything from these two Offers

Q .7) If company gives gift items then what item you desire to have with you? o Toothpaste

o Soap

o Hair oil

o Beauty cream For family o Shaving Cream

o Anything

Q.8) what is the packet color of Servo?


Q .9) Servo is a?

o Good quality oil o Low quality oil

o Costly oil

o No idea

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Appendix 3: Shopkeeper Survey Questionnaire

Q .1) which pack of Lube oil you generally sell for autos?

o Open

o 1/2 Lt o 1 Lt

o 3 Lt

Q .2) which pack of Lube oil you generally sell for autos?

o Open o Lt

o 3 Lt

o 5 Lt

Q .3) what you think the company should give from the following offers?

o Discount o Complementary Gift Items

o More quantity in same price

o Anything from these two Offers

Q .4) if company gives gift items then what item should it give ?

o Toothpaste o Soap

o Hair oil

o Beauty cream For family o Shaving Cream

o Anything

Q .5) Do you recommend drivers to buy any particular brand?

o Yes

o No o Sometimes

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Appendix 4: Economic Demographics

Q .1) How many family members are there in your family?

o 1-2

o 3-4 o 5-6

o 6 & above

Q .2) How much is your total family income? Ans

Q.3) How much you have studied?


Q .4) Do you have loan or rent to pay every month?

o Yes o No

(If no then go to Q.6 or else go to Q.5)

Q .5) How much loan/rent you pay per month? Ans

Q .6) How much you spend on an average on your engine oil?


Q .7) Do you know the meaning of quality standard 20w50? o Yes

o No

(If yes then enquire a bit about the meaning)

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Annexure 5: Mechanic Survey Questionnaire

Q .1) Which is the best CNG oil for Auto & Taxi?


Q .2) How you Figure out that this is the best oil?


Q .3) Do you Recommend Drivers to use any engine oil?

o Yes o No

o Sometimes

Q .4) How is Servo is as CNG oil?


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1. Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller 2008 Marketing Management. Delhi: Pearson


2. Information on Delhi Transport as accessed on June 2, 2009.

3. Information on CNG Vehicles, as accessed on May 29, 2009.

4. Engine oil & its Viscosity,

viscosity.html as accessed on May 29, 2009.

5. Understanding lube oil & Its Job function, as accessed on May 16,


6. Motor Oil Viscosity Grades, as accessed on May

28, 2009.

7. Deteoration of Engine oil,, as accessed on June 5, 2009.

8. About Servo brand, as accessed on May 12, 2009.

9. About MAK GE brand, as accessed on May 12.2009.

10. About Castrol GTX & BP Vallenus brands, as accessed on

May 12.2009.

11. About Valvoline brand, as accessed on May 12, 2009.

12. Pande Vinay, Valvoline proves fastest growing Indian lubricant Company,


indian.html , as accessed on June 10, 2009.

13. Malhotra K Naresh 2009 Marketing Research, Delhi: Pearson Education.