india unbound review

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  • 8/9/2019 India Unbound review


  • 8/9/2019 India Unbound review


    respected business man that profit is a dirty word. He also cites the story of Aditya Birla who

    successfully established a string of companies in Southeast Asia because of the impediments he

    had to face in India. These are a few cases which arouse the readers interest giving them an

    insight into the prevailing situations.

    Being a strong observer of Indian economy, he states that, economic revolution may well be

    more important than the political revolution. India unbound clearly shows the authors

    ambivalence about Jawaharlal Nehru, the architect of post independence India but never the less

    a disastrous economist. Adding to his conviction he wonderfully quotes, when individuals

    blunder, it is unfortunate and their families go down. When rulers fail, it is a national tragedy.

    The script is divided into three sections in chronological order. The period 1942 to 1965 which

    he describes as Our spring of Hope deals with our struggle to escape from subjugation

    by the British . Imperialism cannot nurture the economic development of a nation , which

    is an obvious fact, is stated as a clich in the book. The second part which dates

    between 1966 to 1991 is titled as The lost generation. The period is what he terms as

    a curse for our country . Jinxed by the irrational economic policies of Jawaharlal Nehru ,

    India failed to realize its economic goals . The scenario was further wretched by the draconian

    controls imposed by Mrs. Indira Gandhi . Policies like License Raj and the emergency period

    completely drained Indias vigor. The third part between 1991 to 1999 is termed as The

    Rebirth of Dreams , when India scraped all that controlled and hindered its economic

    prosperity and opened its market to Foreign countries. Das praises Narasimha Rao for his

    economic policies which changed the destiny of India in global market. The chapter The

    Global summer of 1991 which I presume to be the best , very clearly explains the

    dominant role played by Dr. ManMohan Singh , P. Chidambaram ,Montex Singh Ahluwalia

    and other econometricians.

    A marked difference between Das and his contemporaries is his optimism towards Indiasgrowth . He also justifies his optimistic views with visible statistics , which creates a

    positivity towards the future in the minds of the readers. The author also serves to

    motivate the eagerness of aspiring entrepreneurs by giving living examples of successful

    men who climbed up the ladder before us like Narayanamurthy of Infosys.

  • 8/9/2019 India Unbound review


    In the final part of the book the author deals with some of the important topics. He

    explains how people in different economic classes strive to revolutionize their own lives.

    He deals with how people who deemed to be very poor, through their ingenious skills,

    find solution to their economic problems. This may seem to be of very less value if we

    forget the fact that India is made largely of villages. When each uneducated villager

    wins in his business venture India will improve in economical scales. The author also

    explains about the emerging middle class and their contribution to Indias growth.

    Thus the author exposes his penchant in descriptive writing putting things in layman terms and

    makes the book readable.