index to indian economic research


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Page 1: Index to Indian Economic Research
Page 2: Index to Indian Economic Research


AGRICULTURE 1 Credit 4 Dairying 4 Farm Products 5 Coconut 5 Cotton 5 Floriculture 6 Fruits and Vegetables 6 Groundnut 6 Onion 6 Potato 6 Pulses and Oilseeds 6 Rice 7 Sorghum 7 Sugarcane 7 Wheat 7 Forestry 7 Horticulture 8 Livestock 8 Plantation Crops 8 Coffee 8 Rubber 9BANKING 9 Credit 14BUDGET 14CHILD DEVELOPMENT 16CO-OPERATION 16CORPORATE SECTOR 16CORRUPTION 17DEMOGRAPHY 18 Migration 18DISASTER MANAGEMENT 18ECONOMETRICS 18ECONOMICS 19ECONOMY 19 Co-operation 22 Development 22 Growth 22 States 23 Bihar 23 Gujarat 23 Kerala 23 Madhya Pradesh 23 West Bengal 23 World 23 Brazil 24 China 24EDUCATION 24ENERGY 26 Power 26 Sources 27 Nuclear 27ENTREPRENEURSHIP 28ENVIRONMENT 28FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 29 Financial Market 29GEOGRAPHY 30

GOVERNANCE 31HEALTH AND NUTRITION 31HEALTH CARE 32HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS 33HUMAN RESOURCES 33INCOME DISTRIBUTION 34INDUSTRY 34 Agro-based 35 Cashew 35 Coffee 35 Coir 35 Marine Products 35 Rubber 35 Silk 36 Sugar 36 Tea 36 Engineering 36 Auto Components 36 Automobile 36 Electronics 37 Two-wheeler 37 Manufacturing 37 Cement 37 Cosumer Durables 37 Drug 37 Garment 38 Paint 38 Shipping 38 Software 38 Textile 38 Mineral 39 Coal 39 Gold 39 Steel 39 Small Scale 40INFLATION 40INFORMATION 41INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 41INFRASTRUCTURE 43INSURANCE 43INVESTMENTS 44IRRIGATION 45KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY 46LABOUR 47 Employment 51LAND REFORMS 51LEASING 51LOCAL GOVERNMENT 51MANAGEMENT 52MARKETING 52MONETARY ECONOMICS 52NATURAL RESOURCES 54 Water Resources 55PATENTS 57POVERTY 57PRODUCTIVITY 58PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 58

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1 Ananth, G.S.;Changappa, P.G.;Achoth, Lalita. Total factor productivity and returns to research investment : A study of rice in Karnataka. Southern Economist,44(20),Feb 15, 2006. p.19-22.

Factor productivity;Rice cultivation;Returns in investment

2 Das, Kasturi. GM crops in India : Is the government's policy stance justifies? Economic and Political Weekly,41(9),Mar 4, 2006. p.834-835.

Genetically modified crops;Government policy

3 Dutta, Ratanajyoti.;Sriram, T.V. Bounty monsoon revives hopes high agri growth in 2005. PTI Economic Service,32(1),Jan 1, 2006. p.18-22.

Agricultural growth

4 Dutta, Ratnajyoti. India ranks 7th top biotech crop growing nations. PTI Economic Service,32(3),Feb 1, 2006. p.24-27.

Biotechnology;BT Cotton

5 Fan, Shenggen. National and international agricultural research and rural poverty : The case of rice research in India and China. Agricultural Economics,33(3),Nov 2005. p.369-379. Bibliog:p.379.

Agricultural research;China;Impact assessment;Poverty

6 Gupta, Sonika.;Sharma, R.K. Agriculture productivity of female-headed and male headed household : A study of Bilapur district of Himachal Pradesh. The Asian Economic Review, 47(3),Dec 2005. p.435-444. Bibliog:p.444.

Agricultural productivity;Female-headed households;Himachal Pradesh

7 IIyas, S.M. Asian experience on sustainable family farming with special reference to India. Afro-Asian Journal of Rural Development,38(1),Jan-Jun 2005. p.57-76.

Sustainable agriculture;Poverty;Watershed development

8 J.N.K.V.V. Agro-Economic Research. Agricultural policy in Madhya Pradesh : A policy matrix in a federal structure Agricultural Situation in India,61(10),Jan 2005. p.711-729.

Agricultural policy;Madhya Pradesh;Policy

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matrix;Horticulture;Agricultural development;SWOT analysis

9 Jahanmohan, K.R. et al. Growth performance of agriculture in agro-climatic zones of Tamil Nadu. Agricultural Situation in India,61(10),Jan 2005. p.679-686. Bibliog:p.686.

Agricultural growth;Agro-climatic zones;Tamil Nadu

10 Kanwar, Sunil. Relative profitability, supply shifters and dynamic output response in a developing economy. Journal of Policy Modeling,28(1),Jan 2006. p.67-88. Bibliog:p.87-88.

Wage goods;Price incentives;Supply shifters;Supply response;Developing countries

11 Karmaker, K.G. New economic policy and Indian agriculture-revisited. Financing Agriculture,38(1),Jan-Mar 2006. p.7-14.

Economic reforms;Agricultural investment;Agricultural subsidy;TRIPs;Agricultural reforms

12 Menon, T.G.K. Indian agriculture : Challenges and opportunities. Financing Agriculture,38(1),Jan-Mar 2006. p.28-32.

13 Mujumdar, N.A. Centrality of agriculture to India's economic development. Economic and Political Weekly,41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.31-34.

Agricultural growth;Food security;Agricultural employment;Water resources

14 Narayanamoorthy, A. State of India's farmers. Economic and Political Weekly,41(6),Feb 11, 2006. p.471-473. Bibliog:p.473.

Farmer households;Indebtedness;NSSO survey

15 Raju, K. Atchuta.;Dilip Babu, J.;Reddy, M. Sudershan. Measurement of sustainability of agriculture in watershed environment. National Bank News Review,21(2),Apr-Jun 2005. p.32-38. Bibliog:p.38.

Watershed development;Sustainable agriculture

16 Ramaswamy, C.;Balasubramanian, R.;Sivakumar, S.D. Dynamics of land use pattern with special reference to fallow lands : An empirical investigation in Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,60(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.629-643. Bibliog:p.643.

Land use;Tamil Nadu;Empirical analysis

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17 Shalendra.;Tewari, S.K. Crop production planning for sustainable agriculture in Western Uttar Pradesh through lexicographic goal programming. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,60(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.617-629. Bibliog:p.629.

Sustainable agriculture;Uttar Pradesh;Lexicographic goal programming

18 Sidhu, R.S.;Bhullar, A.S.;Joshi, A.S. Income, employment and productivity growth in the farming sector of Punjab : Some issues. Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, 17(1&2),Jan-Jun, 2005. p.59-72. Bibliog:p.72.

Agricultural income;Agricultural productivity;Punjab;Agricultural employment;Agricultural subsidy

19 Singh, Amarendra P.;Sharma, J.K. Management strategies for promotion of agri-business. Journal of Rural Development, 24(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.445-458.

Agribusiness;Agricultural growth

20 Singh, Gajendra.;Bhogal, T.S. Food security situation in Karnataka : An assessment. Southern Economist,44(21),Mar 1, 2006. p.17-22. Bibliog:p.22.

Food security;Foodgrains production;Karnataka

21 Sriram, T.V. Private-public partnership in farm sector : The new era. PTI Economic Service,32(3),Feb 1, 2006. p.31-35.

Private public partnership;Contract farming

22 Tannan, S.K.;Tannan, Komal. Medicinal plant and product exports : Potential untapped. Facts for You,26(6),Mar 2006. p.21-25.

Medicinal plants

23 Vasudevachary, A.K. Indian agriculture in the new global scenario. Southern Economist,44(17),Jan 1, 2006. p.7-9. Bibliog:p.9.

Agricultural Investment;Capital Formation;Agricultural Exports;Agricultural Employment

24 Verma, B.L.;Baghamar, Manju.;Saradana, Vijay. Emerging non-tariff barriers in food trade. Southern Economist,44(17), Jan 1, 2006. p.15-19. Bibliog:p.19.

Agricultural production;Foodgrains trade;Food safety;Agricultural exports

25 Vijay, R. Peasant migration and lease market : An investigation into a village. Artha Vijnana,46(3-4),Sep-Dec 2004. p.349-360. Bibliog:p358-360.

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Lease market;Peasant migration

26 Wader, L.K.;Koulagi, A.K. Constraints in agricultural production to attain economic viability on small & marginal farms : A study. Southern Economist,44(18),Jan 15, 2006. p.21-22. Bibliog:p.22.

Small farmers;Marginal farms


27 Atibudhi, H.N. Flow of institutional credit to agriculture in Orissa. Vision,25(3-4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.24-33. Bibliog:p.33.

Institutional credit;Orissa;Credit deposit ratio;Regional disparities

28 Desai, Bhupat M. Investment credit to agriculture. Economic and Political Weekly,41(8),Feb 25, 2006. p.693-696.

Agricultural investment;Investment credit

29 Mohan, Rakesh. Agricultural credit in India : Status, issues and future agenda. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1013-1023.

Agricultural credit;Regional distribution;Non-performing assets;Agricultural production

30 Sundararaj, R.;Subbaiah, A. Agricultural credit by Pandyan Grama Bank : An empirical study. Southern Economist,44(18), Jan 15, 2006. p.17-18. Bibliog:p.18.

Rural banks;Case study


31 Banerjee, Sikha. Dairy industry in post-WTO Era. Financing Agriculture,38(1),Jan-Mar 2006. p.24-27.

WTO;Trade liberalisation;Milk production

32 Natchimuthu, K.;Ramkumar, S.;Rao, S.V.N. Constraints and challenges of dairy development : Field evidence of Pondicherry. Journal of Rural Development,24(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.501-519. Bibliog:p.518-519.

Milk production;Fodder production;Pondicherry

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33 Thirunavukkarasu, D.;Sudeepkumar, N.K. Milk procurement systems and services to the dairy farmers in the open economy in India : A case study. Afro-Asian Journal of Rural Development,38(1),Jan-Jun 2005. p.87-97.

Milk procurement;Dairy farmers

Farm Products


34 Lathika, M.;Ajith Kumar, C.E. Growth trends in area, production and productivity of coconut in India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,60(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.686-697. Bibliog:p.696-697.

Coconut production;Productivity


35 Kranthi, K.R. et al. The present status and prospects of bt-cotton in India. Financing Agriculture,37(1),Jan-Mar 2005. p.10-16.


36 Ramanjaneyulu, G.V.;Kuruganti, Kavitha. Bt cotton in India : Sustainable pest management. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.561-563.


37 Ramasundaram, P. et al. Contract farming in cotton. Financing Agriculture,37(1),Jan-Mar 2005. p.49-53. Bibliog:p.53.

Contract farming;Futures market

38 Ramasundaram, P. et al. Cost of cultivation of cotton. Financing Agriculture,37(1),Jan-Mar 2005. p.22-25.

Cost of cultivation

39 Ramasundaram, P. et al. Economics of cottonseed production. Financing Agriculture,37(1),Jan-Mar 2005. p.26-28.

Cotton seed production

40 Ramasundaram, P.;Dhote, Sonali.;Singh, Phundan. Cotton marketing in India. Financing Agriculture,37(1),Jan-Mar 2005. p.42-48. Bibliog:p.48.

Cotton marketing;Futures market;Cotton cooperatives

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41 Sarkar, Debnarayan.;Chkravorty, Sanjukta. Flower farming and flower marketing in West Bengal : A study of efficiency and profitability. Labour and Development,11(1),Jun 2005. p.65-98. Bibliog:p.94-98.

Flower farming;Flower marketing;West Bengal;Economic efficiency

Fruits and Vegetables

42 Singh, H.P. Augmentation of vegetables production for domestic and export needs. Financing Agriculture,38(1),Jan-Mar 2006. p.15-20.

Vegetable production;Vegetable exports


43 Satya Sundaram, I. Groundnuts : Boosting yields. Facts for You,26(6),Mar 2006. p.18-20.

Groundnut production;Minimum support price


44 Pramod, Kumar. et al. Performance of oinion from India : A temporal analysis. Foreign Trade Review,40(4),Jan-Mar 2006. p.49-63. Bibliog:p.62.

Onion export


45 Barman, S.C.;Islam, Nazrul Mohd. Real adoption impact measure of potato technologies on production at farmers' level in Comilla distric, Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,60(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.677-685. Bibliog:p.685.

Bangladesh;Potato production

Pulses and Oilseeds

46 Gandhi, G.P. Exports of pulses from India. Facts for You, 26(6),Mar 2006. p.26-30.

Pulses production;Pulses exports

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47 Pouchepparadjou, A.;Kumaravelu, P.;Achoth, Lalita. An econometric analysis of green technology adoption in irrigated rice in Pondicherry Union Territory. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,60(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.660-676.

Econometric analysis;Irrigated area;Pondicherry;Rice production


48 Rao, Dayakar.;Parwez, Shahid. Dynamics of cropping pattern in Sorghum growing states of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,60(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.644-659.

Cropping pattern;Markov probability model


49 Sandeep Kumar.;Sidhu, R.S. A mathematical analysis of factors affecting sugarcane production and area. Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics,19(1-2),2004. p.127-138. Bibliog:p.138.

Sugarcane production;Mathematical analysis


50 Dutta, Ratnajyoti. Government to allow wheat import to boost stocks. PTI Economic Service,32(4),Feb 15, 2006. p.38-42.

Wheat import;Wheat prices

51 Goyal, S.K.;Berg,Ernst. Estimating input demand and output supply on wheat farms in Haryana state of India. Artha Vijnana,46(3-4),Sep-Dec 2004. p.361-372. Bibliog:p.371-372.

Input demand;Agricultural commodities;Mathematical model;Production function


52 Agrawal, Arun.;Chatre, Ashwini. Explaining success on the commons : Community forest governance in the Indian Himalaya. World Development,34(1),Jan 2006. p.149-166. Bibliog:p.164-166.

People's participation;Himalayan region;Local

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institutions;Gender;Environment;Resource governance;Conservation

53 Alagh, Yoginder K. The economies of forestry in India. Anvesak,35(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.1-16. Bibliog:p.16.

Forest area;Land use;Employment

54 Gulekar, Aparna. Lessons for Maharashtra : The battle on the ecological front to regain the lost forest cover. Monthly Economic Digest Maharashtra,35(4),Feb 2006. p.17-20.

Maharashtra;Forest area;Environment

55 Mustain Billah, A.H.M. Measuring the economic sustainability : A case of forest extraction in Malaysia. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,60(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.698-708. Bibliog:p.708.

Malaysia;Forest extraction;Resource depletion;Economic sustainability


56 Kshirsagar, G.K. Development of post harvest infrastructure for horticultural crops in India : An appraisal of soft loan schemes. Artha Vijnana,46(3-4),Sep-Dec 2004. p.223-348. Bibliog:p.344-348.

Agricultural infrastructure;Horticultural crops;Soft loan scheme;Cold storages;Food processing industry;Transportation


57 Rao, B. Dayakar.;Jyothi, S. Hyma.;Karthikeyan, K. Trade on livestock products of India - An economic analysis. Agricultural Situation in India,61(10),Jan 2005. p.703-710. Bibliog:p.710.

Livestock trade;Livestock production

Plantation Crops


58 Thimmarayappa, R. The coffee trends and prospects. Southern Economist,44(21),Mar 1, 2006. p.27-29.

Coffee production

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59 Satya Sundaram, I. Rubber : Steady progress. Facts for You, 26(5),Feb 2006. p.7-8.

Rubber production;Rubber consumption;Rubber prices;Rubber import


60 Acharya, Viral V. Liquidity risk : Causes, consequences and implications for risk management. Economic and Political Weekly,41(6),Feb 11, 2006. p.460-463. Bibliog:p.463.

Liquidity risk;Risk management;Finanical institutions

61 Basu, Udayan Kumar. Risk management and capital adequacy norms for banks Foreign Trade Review,40(3),Oct-Dec 2005. p.29-44. Bibliog:p.44.

Risk management;Capital adequecy norms;Value at risk

62 Chakravarti, Rajkesh.;Chawla, Gaurav. Bank efficiency in India since the reforms : An assessment. ICRA Bulletin Money & Finance,2(22-23),Jul-Dec 2005. p.31-48. Bibliog:p.48.

Banking sector reforms;Bank efficiency analysis;Data envelopment analysis

63 Chandrakavate, M.S. The SHGs model of microfinance : A silent movement towards empowering rural women. Southern Economist, 44(17),Jan 1, 2006. p.29-32. Bibliog:p.32.

Microfinance;Self-help groups;Women's empowerment

64 Chandrasekhar, C.P.;Pal, Parthapratim. Financial liberalisation in India : An assessment of its nature and outcomes. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.975-988. Bibliog:p.988.

Financial sector reforms;Foreign institutional investors;Fiscal deficit;Exchange rate management;Development banking

65 Dasgupta, R. An architectural plan for a microfinance institutional network. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11), Mar 18, 2006. p.1095-1100. Bibliog:p.1100.

Microfinance;Architectural plans

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66 Dutta, S.K. Credit concentration : How to measure? Bank Quest, 76(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.37-39.

Credit concentration

67 EPW Research Foundation. Increasing concemtration of banking operations : Top centres and retail loans. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1113-1139.

Retail banking;Regional rural banks;Regional disparities;Banking statistics

68 Ghosh, D.N. Genesis of high finance : Case of medici bank. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.542-543.

Medici Bank;Italy;High finance

69 Ghosh, Saibal. Does leverage influence bank's non-performing loans? Evidence from India. Applied Economic Letters,12(15), Dec 15, 2005. p.913-918. Bibliog:p.918.

Non-performing assets;Corporate leverage

70 Ghosh, Saibal. Monetary policy and bank behaviour : Empirical evidence from India. Economic and Political Weekly,41(10), Mar 11, 2006. p.853-856. Bibliog:p.856.

Monetary policy;Empirical analysis

71 Giehler, Thorsten. Financing in rural areas : Microcredit at its limits. Agriculture and Rural Development,13(1),2006. p.34-36.


72 Haupt, Ulrike. Using microfinance to move out of poverty. Agriculture and Rural Development,13(1),2006. p.26-29.

Microfinance;Poverty reduction

73 Jayadev, M. Internal credit rating practices of Indian banks. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1069-1078. Bibliog:p.1078.

Credit rating;Corporate governance

74 Joshi, Himanshu. The interbank money market in India : Evidence on volatility, effiancy of regulatory initiatives and implicatios for interest rate targeting. Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers,25(1,2,3),2004. p.17-37. Bibliog:p.37-38.

Call money market rate;Liquidity adjustment facility;Conditional variance

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75 Kakker, Rajendra. NPA management : Role of asset reconstruction companies. National Bank News Review,21(2), Apr-Jun 2005. p.39-45.

Non-performing assets;Asset reconstruction

76 Kataria, Neela. Islamic banking. Chartered Financial Analyst, 12(1),Jan 2006. p.14-24.

Islamic banking

77 Khandelwal, A.K. Universal banking : Solution for India's financial challenges. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11), Mar 18, 2006. p.969-974. Bibliog:p.974.

Universal banking;Regulatory challenges

78 Kukkudi, Jagannath B.;Deene, Shivkumar. Securitization : a tool to avoid illiquidity. Southern Economist,44(19),Feb 1, 2006. p.17-20.

Securitization;Credit rating

79 Leeladhar, V. Indian banking - The challenges ahead. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,59(12),Dec 2005. p.1131-1136.

Competition;Technology;Corporate governance

80 Leeladhar, V. Indian banks and the global challenges. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(2),Feb 2006. p.233-237.

Corporate governance;Globalisation;International accounting standards

81 Leeladhar, V. Taking banking services to the common man-financial inclusion. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin, 60(1),Jan 2006. p.73-77.

Financial inclusion;Banking services

82 Mahakud, Jitendra.;Bhole, L.M. Bank as a source of finance : Evidence from Indian corporate sector. Prajnan,34(3),Oct-Dec 2005. p.221-233. Bibliog:p.232-233.

Bank financing;Public limited companies;Corporate sector

83 Micro credit movement in India. The Asian Economic Review, 47(3),Dec 2005. p.516-518.


84 Mohan, Rakesh. Reforms, productivity and efficiency in banking : The Indian experience. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin, 60(3),Mar 2006. p.279-293. Bibliog:p.293.

Banking productivity;Banking sector reforms;Interest rate;Banking profitability

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85 Mohan, Rakesh. Some apparent puzzles for contemporary monetary policy. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,59(12),Dec 2005. p.1109-1122.

Monetary policy;Economic growth;Interest rate;Exchange rate;Prices

86 Nachane, D.M.;Ghosh, Saibal.;Ray, Partha. Basel II and bank lending behaviour : Some likely implications for monetary policy. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1053-1058. Bibliog:p.1058.

Monetary policy;Basel Accord;Mathematical model

87 Rakshit, Mihir. Banking under the emerging economic environment. ICRA Bulletin Money & Finance,2(22-23),Jul-Dec 2005. p.73-93.

Banking sector reforms;Risk management;Bank lending

88 Ramasastri, A.S.;Unnikrishnan, N.K. Is the role of banks as financial intermediaries decreasing? A helicopter tour. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1063-1068. Bibliog:p.1068.

Financial intermediation;Corporate finance;Corporate sector;Financial structure

89 Rao, Dinkar. Human resource issues at regional rural banks. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.955-959. Bibliog:p.959.

Regional rural banks;Human resources;Wage structure

90 Rao, K.S. Ramachandra.;Das, Abhiman.;Singh, Arvind Kumar. Commercial bank lending to small-scale industry. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1025-1033. Bibliog:p.1033.

Bank credit;Small scale industry;Econometric analysis

91 Reddy, A. Amarender. Banking sector deregulation and productivity change decomposition of Indian banks. Finance India,19(3),Sep 2005. p.983-1001. Bibliog:p.997-998.

Banking sector reforms;Factor productivity;Mathematical model

92 Reddy, A. Amarender. Productivity growth in regional rural banks. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1079-1086. Bibliog:p.1086.

Banking productivity;Regional rural banks;Public sector banks

93 Reserve Bank of India. International banking statistics of India : June 2005. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(2),Feb 2006. p.179-199.

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International banking statistics

94 Reserve Bank of India. Monthly seasonal factors of economic time series. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,59(12),Dec 2005. p.1067-1087.

Seasonal factors;price indices;Industrial production;Trade

95 Roy, Mohua. A review of bank lending to priority and retail sectors. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1035-1040. Bibliog:p.1040.

Priority sector lending;Retail banking;Credit growth

96 Saggar, Mridul. Monetary policy and operations in countries with surplus liquidity. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11), Mar 18, 2006. p.1041-1052. Bibliog:p.1052.

Monetary policy;Liquidity;Foreign investment;Pakistan;Russia

97 Sant, Atul K. Credit cards : Emerging trends and prospects. Bank Quest,76(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.27-29.

Credit cards

98 Sathye, Milind. Privatization, performance, and efficiency : A study of Indian banks. Vikalpa,30(1),Jan-Mar 2005. p.7-16. Bibliog:p.15-16.

Bank privatization;Indian banking;Banking performance

99 Shanbhag, A.N. Interest rate policy - Robbing David to pay Goliath. Monthly Economic Digest Maharashtra,35(3),Jan 2006. p.21-22.

Interest rate

100 Sharma, Meena. Problem of NPAs and its impact on strategic banking variables. Finance India,19(3),Sep 2005. p.953-963. Bibliog:p.966-967.

Strategic banking variables;Non-performing assets;Banking profitability

101 Sisodia, N.S. et al. Rural finance in contemporary times : Interface with microfinance. Vikalpa,30(3),Apr-Jun 2005. p.81-112.

Microfinance;Financial services;Self-help groups

102 Sriram, M.S. Information asymmetry and trust : A framework for studying microfinance in India. Vikalpa,30(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.77-85.

Microfinance;Information asymmetry;Transaction

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cost;Financial services;Intermediation

103 Thorat, Usha. Financial inclusion and millennium development goals. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(2),Feb 2006. p.239-243.

Milleniam Development Goals;Self-help groups

104 Vasam, Anand Kumar. Trend in net NP as in banking industry 1996-2005. Southern Economist,44(19),Feb 1, 2006. p.13-16. Bibliog:p.16.

Non-performing assets

105 Viswanathan, A. An independent federal RBI : Agathopian dream? Economic and Political Weekly,41(2),Jan 14, 2006. p.166-167.

Independent bank;Reserve Bank of India


106 Gupta, Krishna K. Evolution of cooperative credit institutions in India : A viewpoint. National Bank News Review,21(2), Apr-Jun 2005. p.1-8.

Cooperative credit;Agricultural credit societies

107 Sarkar, Debnarayan. Targeting the poor, increase in income and social implication under SHG-led microcredit programme in West Bengal. The Asian Economic Review,47(3),Dec 2005. p.421-434. Bibliog:p.433-434.

Microcredit;Self-help groups;West Bengal;Poverty reduction

108 Sriram, M.S. Reviving cooperative credit institutions : Implementation issues. Economic and Political Weekly,41(4), Jan 28, 2006. p.298-300.

Credit, rural;Co-operatives;Agricultural Credit


109 Arun Kumar. Will it help growth? Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.18-22.

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110 Bhattacharjee, Subhomoy. Striking a middle path. Yojana,50(3), Mar 2006. p.14-17.

111 Chakraborty, Shouvik. Three budgets of UPA government : Where is the human face? Mainstream,44(13),Mar 18, 2006. p.7-13.

Employment;Agriculture;Education;Foreign investment;Fiscal deficit;Taxation

112 D'Souza, Errol. Budget 2006 : Outlays, inequality and growth. Economic and Political Weekly,41(10),Mar 11, 2006. p.857-861. Bibliog:p.861.

Fiscal deficit;Capital expenditure

113 Homage to deficit reduction (Editorial). Economic and Political Weekly,41(9),Mar 4, 2006. p.767.

Deficit reduction

114 Kapoor, Ravi Shankar. Time to scrutinize welfare state. Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.26-28.

Welfare schemes

115 Mitra, Amit. Some reflections. Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.5-11.

116 Palit, Amitendu. The external sector. Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.38-40.

117 Rao, C.H. Hanumantha. Agriculture in union budget 2006-07. Mainstream,44(13),Mar 18, 2006. p.5-6.

Agricultural research;Irrigation;Agricultural credit;Agricultural subsidy

118 Singh, Nagesh. Rural development. Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.29-34.

Rural development

119 Sud, Surinder. Budget and agriculture. Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.23-25.


120 Sudhaman, K.R. Tax reforms. Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.35-37.

Tax reforms

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121 Gragnolati, Michele. et al. ICDS and persistent undernutrition : Strategies to enhance the impact. Economic and Political Weekly,41(12),Mar 25, 2006. p.1193-1201. Bibliog:p.1201.

Integrated child development scheme;Undernutrition;Community participation;Decentralisation

122 Kulkarni, Manu N. Child survival programmes revisited. Economic and Political Weekly,41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.28-30.

UNICEF;Child survival;Immunisation


123 Bhole, L.M. The role of co-operatives in socio-economic development in India : A review. IASSI Quarterly,23(3), Jan-Mar 2005. p.107-126. Bibliog:p.124-126.

Economic development;Cooperative movement

124 Calara, Maria Socorro. Benchmarking the effeciency of small, medium, and large sclae bulacan cooperatives. Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics,19(1-2),2004. p.9-27. Bibliog:p.27.

Philippines;Co-operation movement


125 Balasubramaniam, C.S.;Pradhan, Rudra Prakash. Corporate governance and its role in banking sector. Finance India, 19(4),Dec 2005. p.1393-1404. Bibliog:p.1403-1404.

Corporate governance;Banking sector

126 Chojer, Ruchi. The market for corporate control. SEBI Bulletin,3(12),Dec 2005. p.5-16.

Corporate control;Ownership pattern;Mergers and acquisitions;Corporate takeovers

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127 Finances of large public companies : 2004-05. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(3),Mar 2006. p.249-278.

Financial ratios

128 Irani, J.J.;Raha, Subir.;Prabhu, Suresh. Corporate governance : Three views. Vikalpa,30(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.1-10.

Corporate governance;Values;Business ethics;Corporate social responsibility;Bureaucracy;Corporate mangement

129 Performance of private corporate business sector during the first half of 2005-06. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(1), Jan 2006. p.1-11.

Private corporate sector;Profitability ratio;Non-government finance companies

130 Reddy, Y.V. Corporate governance in banks in India. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(1),Jan 2006. p.61-64.

Corporate governance


131 Andvig, Jens Chr. Corruption and past change. World Development,34(2),Feb 2006. p.328-340. Bibliog:p.340.

Social changes;Transitional economies

132 Bardhan, Pranab. The economist's approach to the problem of corruption. World Development,34(2),Feb 2006. p.341-348. Bibliog:p.347-348.


133 Gill, Rajesh. Corruption in goveranance : Is there a way out? Prashasnika,32(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.75-83. Bibliog:p.82-83.


134 Miller, Willam L. Corruption and corruptibility. World Development,34(2),Feb 2006. p.371-380. Bibliog:p.380.

Values;Empirical analysis;Bahaviour

135 Mishra, Ajit. Persistence of corruption : Some theoretical perspectives. World Development,34(2),Feb 2006. p.349-358.


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136 Mandal, Ram Krishna. Trend and growth of population in Arunachal Pradesh. Southern Economist,44(18),Jan 15, 2006. p.26-30. Bibliog:p.30.

Arunachal Pradesh;Population growth

137 Visaria, Leela.;Acharya, Akash.;Raj, Francis. Two-child norm : Victimising the vulnerable? Economic and Political Weekly, 41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.41-48. Bibliog:p.48.

Two child norm;Human rights;Panchayati Raj Institutions;Politics


138 AHN, Pong-Sul. Prospects and challenges of out-migration from South Asia and its neighbouring countries. Labour and Development,11(1),Jun 2005. p.1-33. Bibliog:p.31-33.

South Asia;Out migration;Occupational category;Economic impact;Foreign remittance;Household economy


139 Akhtar, Aasim Sajjad. Making of a disaster. Economic and Political Weekly,41(6),Feb 11, 2006. p.479-480.

Natural disaster


140 Agarwal, Aman.;Penm, J.H.W.;Terrell, Deane. VECMX forgetting factor modelling for improving the understanding of aluminium market behaviour. Finance India,19(3),Sep 2005. p.859-869. Bibliog:p.868-869.

Economic forecasting;Aluminium industry;VECMX forgetting;Factor Modelling

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141 Narayana, N.S.S.;Ghosh, Probal P. Macro economic simulation results for India based on VECVAR models. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics,60(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.577-616. Bibliog:p.615-616.

VAR model;Macroeconomic simulation;Agricultural investment


142 Chaubey, P.K. Teaching of economics in India : challenges for orienting the praxiology. IASSI Quarterly,23(3),Jan-Mar 2005. p.27-69. Bibliog:p.66-69.

Economics teaching

143 Correa, Romar. Stock-flow norms and systemic stability. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1059-1062. Bibliog:p.1062.

Stock flow;Economic stability

144 Liew, Khim-Sen Venus. New evidence on the output-inflation trade-off from ASEAN-5 economies. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics,5(2),Mar 2006. p.16-25. Bibliog:p.25.

Asean;Inflation;Output-inflation;Trade off

145 Tandon, Rameshwar. Tribute : Hans Singer (1910-2006) : Doyen of development economics. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(12),Mar 25, 2006. p.1176-1178.

Development economics;Hans Singer


146 Bezborah, Pranjal. Knowledge economy and India. Yojana,50(2), Feb 2006. p.11-13.

Knowledge economy

147 Bhushan, Sudhanshu. Knowledge economy and higher education. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.869-880. Bibliog:p.879-880.

Knowledge economy;Higher education

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148 Chakravarty, P.K. Posied for growth. Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.51-54.

149 Chandrasekhar, C.P. Who needs a "Knowledge Economy" : Information, knowledge and flexible labour. Social Scientist, 34(1-2),Jan-Feb 2006. p.70-87. Bibliog:p.86-87.

Knowledge economy;Information technology;R&D expenditure;Labour force

150 Chang, Ha-Joon. Policy space in historical perspective with special reference to trade and industrial policies. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.627-633. Bibliog:p.633.

Trade policy;Industrial policy;Policy space

151 Economic assessment and outlook. ICRA Bulletin Money & Finance, 2(22-23),Jul-Dec 2005. p.1-30.

World economy;Economic growth;Trade;Prices;Government finances

152 Global and Indian economic scenario 2005. The Asian Economic Review,47(3),Dec 2005. p.339-342.

World economy;Economic growth

153 Guruswamy, Mohan.;Mohanty, Jeevan Prakash.;Abraham, Ronald Joseph. Will India catch-up with China? Seminar,557,Jan 2006. p.69-74.

India-China comparison;Social indicators;Economic indicators

154 Huang, Yasheng. The microeconomic rise of India. Far Eastern Economic Review,169(2),Mar 2006. p.31-33.

India-China comparison;Economic growth

155 Kar, Saibal.;Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb. Economic reform, skill formation and foreign capital. The World Economy,29(1),Jan 2006. p.79-94. Bibliog:p.92-94.

Economic reforms;Skill upgradation;Foreign investment;Mathematical model

156 Kujur, Rajat Kumar. Underdevelopment and naxal movement. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.557-559.

Under development;Naxal movement;Displacement;Socio-economic aspects

157 Mallick, M.;Lenka, J. Globalisation and development : Disaggregate dynamics. Southern Economist,44(18),Jan 15, 2006. p.12-14. Bibliog:p.14.

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158 Mohanty, S.K.;Chaturvedi, Sachin. Rising tiger and leaping dragon : Emerging global dynamics and space for developing countries and least developed countries. IDS Bulletin,37(1), Jan 2006. p.62-70. Bibliog:p.70.

India-China trade;Developing countries;Market access;Technology transfer

159 Murty, G.R.K. 'Job reservations' in a globalized economy : Challenges and inadequacies. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics,5(2),Mar 2006. p.47-61. Bibliog:p.60-61.

Globalisation;Job reservation;Reservation policy

160 Ninan, T.N. Big growth, bigger debates. Seminar,557,Jan 2006. p.24-29.

GDP growth;Investment

161 Reddy, Y.V. Implication of global financial imbalances for the emerging market economies. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin, 59(12),Dec 2005. p.1101-1107.

Global finance;Emerging market economies;Banking sector

162 Restall, Hugo. India's coming eclipse of China. Far Eastern Economic Review,169(2),Mar 2006. p.12-17.

Foreign investment;India-China comparison

163 Rudolph, Matthew C.J. Dragon as exemplar? Beware convenient uses of China model. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.655-659.

China;Foreign investment

164 Sharma, R. An Indian perspective. Yojana,50(2),Feb 2006. p.21-26.

Knowledge economy;Intellectual property rights;Patents;Knowledge management

165 Singh, Balwant. A forecasting and policy simulation oriented small macro-model for the Indian economy. Journal of Policy Modeling,27(9),Dec 2005. p.1025-1049. Bibliog:p.1049.

Macro model;Error-correction mechanism;Policy simulations;Time varying parameters;Economic forecasting

166 Singh, Surjit. India and the knowledge economy : Overview and global context. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4), Oct-Dec 2005. p.803-820. Bibliog:p.819-820.

Knowledge economy;Globalisation;Information technology;Knowledge process outsourcing

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167 Think innovation, think India. Yojana,50(2),Feb 2006. p.27-35.

Knowledge management;R&D investment;S&T manpower;Industrial clusters

168 Varshney, Ashutosh. A new triangle : India, China and the US. Seminar,557,Jan 2006. P.65-68.

Economic indicators;India-China comparison


169 SAARC - The Dhaka declaration. The Asian Economic Review,47(3), Dec 2005. p.343-347.

SAARC declaration


170 Chitlangi, B.M. UN millennium development goals and decentralization. Prashasnika,32(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.69-74.

Millennium Development Goals;Decentralisation


171 Dasgupta, Sukti.;Singh, Ajit. Will services be the new engine of Indian economic growth? Development and Change,36(6),Nov 2005. p.1035-1057. Bibliog:p.1056-1057.

Services growth;Manufacturing sector;Informal sector;Blance of payments;Employment

172 Shome, Parathasarathi. At the threshold of 10 percent economic growth? Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.943-947.

Savings;Investment;Sectoral GDP growth;Institutional reforms

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173 Wilson, Kalpana. Who are the 'community'? The World Bank and agrarian power in Bihar. Economic and Political Weekly,41(1), Jan 7, 2006. p.23-27. Bibliog:p.27.

Agrarian structure;Governance;World Bank programmes;Agricultual workers


174 Bharwada, Charul.;Mahajan, Vinay. Gujarat : Quiet transfer of commons. Economic and Political Weekly,41(4),Jan 28, 2006. p.313-315. Bibliog:p.315.

Wastelands transfor;Corporate sector;Livelihood


175 Subrahmanian, K.K. Economic growth in the regime of reforms : Kerala's experience. Economic and Political Weekly,41(10), Mar 11, 2006. p.885-890.

Economic reforms;Structural reforms;Growth rate;GDP growth

Madhya Pradesh

176 Banerjee, Rahul. Madhya Pradesh : Socio-economic base of political dynamics. Economic and Political Weekly,41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.78-79.


West Bengal

177 Sarkar, Abhirup. Political economy of West Bengal : A puzzle and a hypothesis. Economic and Political Weekly,41(4),Jan 28, 2006. p.341-348. Bibliog:p.348.

Economic development;Political economy;Agricultural growth;Industrial growth;Redistribution


178 The global economic environment and the Indian financial market. ICRA Bulletin Money & Finance,2(22-23),Jul-Dec 2005. p.132-165.

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Financial market;World economic development;Debt market;Capital market


179 Carcanholo, Marcelo Dias. Orthodox economic policies of the Lula administration. Economic and Political Weekly,41(8),Feb 25, 2006. p.679-681.

Economic policy;Economic growth

180 David, Maria Betriz de Albuquerque.;Rollo, Paula de Andrade. Rural sector under the Lula government. Economic and Political Weekly,41(8),Feb 25, 2006. p.683-685.

Rural areas;Exports;Land reforms;Agricultural growth

181 Palma, Gabriel. The 1999 Brazilian financial crisis : 'Macho-monetarism' in action. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(8),Feb 25, 2006. p.727-737. Bibliog:p.737.

Financial crises;Monetarism;Economic reforms

182 Viswanathan, R. Brazil's External policy. Economic and Political Weekly,41(8),Feb 25, 2006. p.685-686.

Trade policy;Free trade agreement;WTO


183 Bhargava, Pradeep. Looking at China : emerging corporate compulsions. Vikalpa,30(3),Apr-Jun 2005. p.65-70.

Economic growth;China;Entrepreneurship;Information technology;Infrastructure

184 Srivastava, R.K. China's economic performance : Lessons for India. Southern Economist,44(19),Feb 1, 2006. p.23-26. Bibliog:p.26.

India-China comparison;Infrastructure;Labour reforms


185 Annapoorani, R.;Rani, P. Jansi. Determination of demand for female education. The Asian Economic Review,47(3),Dec 2005. p.379-390.

Female literacy

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186 Ghosh, Sudeshna. Education to empowerment : The voids and the bridges. The Asian Economic Review,47(3),Dec 2005. p.367-378. Bibliog:p.375.

Empowerment;Empowerment index;Female literacy

187 Jain, Maina. Universal elementary education for the poor : The Indian experience for backward HRD linkage. Prashasnika, 32(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.45-55. Bibliog:p.55.

Primary education;ICDS programme;Elementary education

188 Kohli, Anju.;Samra, Alka.;Samra, Anju. Gender educational development index and its impact on women status. The Asian Economic Review,47(3),Dec 2005. p.391-402. Bibliog:p.400.

Women's empowerment;Gender development index

189 Kothari, Rajesh. Subsidizing higher education in India : At what cost. Prashasnika,32(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.56-68.

Higher education;Education subsidy

190 Kukherjee, Dipa. Educational attainment in India : Trends, patterns and policy issues. Journal of Educational Planning and Administration,19(4),Oct 2005. p.523-541. Bibliog:p.541.

Literacy trends;Enrollment ratio;Dropout rates

191 Majumdar, Manabi. Primary education : Debating quality and quantity. Economic and Political Weekly,41(9),Mar 4, 2006. p.785-788.

Primary education;Local initiatives;Quality of education

192 Narayanana, M.R. Public education expenditure in Karnataka : Alternative databases and empirical evidences. Journal of Educational Planning and Administration,19(4),Oct 2005. p.511-522. Bibliog:p.421-522.

Education expenditure;Karnataka

193 Ramachandran, Vimala. Urban schooling : Mired in apathy and prejudice. Economic and Political Weekly,41(5),Feb 4, 2006. p.383-384.

Elementary education;Urban areas

194 Rao, D. Pulla. Status of primary education among scheduled tribes in Andhra Pradesh. IASSI Quarterly,23(2),Oct-Dec 2004. p.97-112. Bibliog:p.112.

Primary education;Scheduled tribes;Andhra Pradesh;Enrollment rate

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195 Rout, Sarit Kumar. Finaning elementary education : An analysis of Orissa budget - 1977-78 to 2004-2005. Vision,25(3-4), Oct-Dec 2005. p.34-43. Bibliog:p.43.

Elementary education;Education financing;Orissa

196 Tilak, Jandhyala B.G. Autonomy in higher education in India : Old wine fails to attract a review of growth, problems and prospects of autonomous colleges. IASSI Quarterly,23(2), Oct-Dec 2004. p.129-157. Bibliog:p.156-157.

Higher education;Autonomous colleges

197 Tilak, Jandhyala B.G. On allocating 6 per cent of GDP to education. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.613-618. Bibliog:p.618.

Education expenditure;Plan allocation


198 Gulekar, Aparna. Non-conventional energy - The hope for future. Monthly Economic Digest Maharashtra,35(3),Jan 2006. p.5-11.

Non-conventional energy sources;Biomass;Wind energy;Ocean energy;Solar energy

199 Jayaraman, T. Indo-US nuclear accord : Implications for peace and security in South Asia. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(12),Mar 25, 2006. p.1167-1169.

Indo-US nuclear accord;Energy security

200 Pandey, Rahul. How can India achieve energy security? Economic and Political Weekly,41(4),Jan 28, 2006. p.303-306. Bibliog:p.306.

Energy security;Renewable energy sources


201 Das, Bikash Chandra. Reviewing the performance of Orissa power sector : Before and after reforms. Vision,25(3-4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.109-117.

Power sector reforms;Orissa

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202 Dash, Bikash Chandra. Governance of power sector : Orissa's experiment with village electricity committees. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.195-197.

Power sector reforms;Orissa;Village electricity committees

203 Kaul, Ajay. India-US clinch nuclear deal. PTI Economic Service,32(6),Mar 15, 2006. p.30-33.

Indo-US nuclear accord;Nuclear energy

204 Mathrani, Sunil. China's power sector : Shortages complicate reforms. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.193-195.

China;Power sector reforms

205 Power sector : Surging ahead for brighter. Fortune India, 24(10),Mar 31, 2006. p.20-25.

Power generation;Installed capacity

206 Upadhyaya, Sumit. Power reforms fail to gather momentum in 2005. PTI Economic Service,32(1),Jan 1, 2006. p.23-26.

Power sector reforms


207 Pant, Devendra Kumar.;Jaiswal, Rajesh.;Shekhar, Shishir. Household kerosene consumption patterns. Margin,38(1), Oct-Dec 2005. p.41-58. Bibliog:p.58.

Kerosene consumption;Household consumption;Subsidy;Public distribution system;Demand for kerosene


208 Bhardwaj, Anshu.;Tongia, Rahul.;Arunachalam, V.S. Whither nuclear power? Economic and Political Weekly,41(12),Mar 25, 2006. p.1203-1212. Bibliog:p.1211-1212.

Nuclear energy;Coal;Natural gas;Power requirement;Wind energy;Biomass;R&D

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209 Chhikara, M.S.;Sahey, A. New vistas in entrepreneurship development. Anvesak,35(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.85-105. Bibliog:p.93-94.

Entrepreneurship development;Social aspects


210 Clarke, Matthew. The climate change and development nexus. The ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics,4(1),Feb 2006. p.21-37. Bibliog:p.36-37.

Climate change;Developing countries;Energy consumption

211 Kaur, Inder Pal.;Sharma, Shveta. Environment and population growth in India : An analysis. Anvesak,35(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.55-63.

Economic growth;Population growth

212 Menon, Ajit. Environmental policy, legislation and construction of social nature. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.188-193.

Environmental policy;Community rights;Forest rights bill

213 Ramanjaneyulu, M. Environmental threat for developing economies. The ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics,4(1), Feb 2006. p.7-20. Bibliog:p.20.

Environmental degradation;Developing countries;Energy consumption;Air pollution

214 Von Mdeazza, Gregor Meerganz. Desalination in Chennai : What about the poor and the environment? Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.949-952.

Desalination;Dirinking water;Environmental impact

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215 Beegam, S.Resia. Private sector mutual funds gaining prominance in India. Southern Economist,44(18),Jan 15, 2006. p.23-25. Bibliog:p.25.

Mutual funds

216 Rao, K.Chandra Sekhara.;Radha Krishnan, S. Does Indian mutual funds industry pose a revolutionary shift? Facts for You, 26(4),Jan 2006. p.25-33.

Mutual funds

Financial Market

217 Ahmad, Khan Masood.;Ashraf, Shahid.;Ahmed, Shahid. Testing weak form efficiency for Indian stock markets. Economic and Political Weekly,41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.49-56. Bibliog:p.56.

Stock market;Stock indices;Unit Root Test;Empirical analysis

218 Bahng, Joshua S. The response of the Indian stock market to movement of Asia's emerging markets ; From isolation toward integrtion? Finance India,19(3),Sep 2005. p.937-951. Bibliog:p.951.

Stock market integration;Asian stock markets;VAR model

219 Basu, Santonu. Structural problems in financing development : Issues relating to India. International Review of Applied Economics,20(1),Jan 2006. p.85-101. Bibliog:p.99-101.

Financial sector reforms;Credit standard;Economic development

220 Chakraborty, Madhumita. Market efficiency for the Pakistan stock market : Evidence from the Karachi stock exchange. South Asia Economic Journal,7(1),Jan-Jun 2006. p.67-81. Bibliog:p.80-81.

Efficient market hypothesis;Random walk hypothesis;ARIMA model;Variance ratio test;Pakistan;Stock market

221 Dash, Ranjan Kumar.;Sumanjeet. Impact of stock market reforms on liquidity : Evidence from Bombay stock exchange. Journal of Indian School of Political Economy,17(1&2),Jan-Jun, 2005. p.45-58. Bibliog:p.56-57.

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Stock market reforms;Bombay stock exchange;Liquidity

222 Dhankar, R.S. Dependences in stock markets of South Asia : India, Sri LAnka and Pakistan. Prajnan,34(3),Oct-Dec 2005. p.205-220. Bibliog:p.218-220.

Stock market;South Asia;Variance Ratio Test

223 Ghosh, Saurabh. Boom and slump periods in the Indian IOP market. Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers,25(1,2,3), 2004. p.39-56. Bibliog:p.56.

Under pricing;Initital public offering;Capital market

224 Karmaker, Madhusudan. Modeling conditional volatility of the Indian stock markets. Vikalpa,30(3),Jul-Sep 2005. p.21-37. Bibliog:p.36-37.

Hetroskedastivity;Clustering;Leverage effect;GARCH model

225 Nath, Golaka C. Liquidity cost in Indian government securities market. Rakshitra,Jan 2006. p.5-16.

Liquidity cost;Capital market;Government securities

226 Pandey, Ajay. Volatility models and their performance in Indian capital markets. Vikalpa,30(3),Apr-Jun 2005. p.11-25.

Volatility estimation;Forecasting;Volatility models

227 Patil, R.H. Current state of the Indian capital market. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1001-1011.

Capital market;Stock market;Futures market

228 Roy, Siddhartha. India's experiment with new settlement system for its domestic foreign exchange market. Rakshitra,Feb 2006. p.5-14.

Inter-bank trade settlement;Settlement system


229 Sunny, Yemuna. Analysing current practices in geography education. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.270-278. Bibliog:p.277-278.

Geography education

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230 Hari Ram. Neither public-private nor a private public. Economic and Political Weekly,41(4),Jan 28, 2006. p.366-367.

Bangalore Agenda Task Force;Private public partnership

231 Porattoor, Philip Varughese. E-governance problems and prospects. Southern Economist,44(19),Feb 1, 2006. p.27-30. Bibliog:p.30.



232 Kumar, S.;Bhawani, L. Managing child malnutrition in a drought affected district of Rajasthan - A case study. Indian Journal of Public Health,49(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.198-206.

Malnutrition;Drought affected areas

233 Mehrotra, Santosh. Child malnutrition and gender discrimination in South Asia. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(10),Mar 11, 2006. p.912-918. Bibliog:p.918.

Malnutrition;Child nutrition;South Asia;Sanitation

234 Ray, C.K. Action for tackling malnutrition : Growth monitoring or surveillance? Indian Journal of Public Health,49(4), Oct-Dec 2005. p.214-217. Bibliog:p.217.

Malnutrition;Growth monitoring

235 Viswanathan, Brinda. Access to nutritious meal programmes : Evidence from 1999-2000 NSS data. Economic and Political Weekly,41(6),Feb 11, 2006. p.497-506. Bibliog:p.506.

Access to nutrition;Child nutrition;Mid-day meal scheme;Educational attainment

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236 Bhat, Ramesh.;Jain, Nishant. Analysis of public and private health care expenditures. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.57-68. Bibliog:p.67-68.

Health care expenditure;Private sector;Public sector enterprises;Unit Root Test

237 Bhatia, M.R. et al. Demand side financing for reproductive and child health services in India. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.279-284. Bibliog:p.284.

Reproductive health;Health care financing;Demand side financing;Supply side financing

238 Gopinathreddy, M.;Jayalakshmi, K.;Goetz, Anne-Marie. Politics of pro-poor reform in the health sector : Primary healthcare in tribal areas of Visakhapatnam. Economic and Political Weekly,41(5),Feb 4, 2006. p.419-426. Bibliog:p.426.

Tribal areas;Andhra Pradesh;Primary health centres;Family planning;Health sector reforms

239 Meguire, James W. Basic health care provision and under 5 mortality : A cross-national study of developing countries. World Development,34(3),Mar 2006. p.405-425. Bibliog:p.422-425.

Mortality;Health care expenditure;Developing countries;Cross-national study

240 Mishra, Satyabrata.;Pattnaik, Satyanarayana. Gender dimensions of HIVAIDS. Kurukshetra,54(4),Feb 2006. p.30-34. Bibliog:p.34.

HIVAIDS;Women;Women's empowerment

241 Moodie, Rob.;Rathun, Kate. Partnerships for promoting health : How to Tango. Health for the Millions,31(4&5),Nov-Dec 2005. p.24-27. Bibliog:p.27.

Private public partnership

242 Reddy, K.Srinath. Public health needs healthy public policy. Health for the Millions,31(4&5),Nov-Dec 2005. p.21-23.

Public health;Public policy

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243 Holvoet, Nathalie. Credit and women's group membership in South India : Testing models of intrahousehold allocative behaviour. Feminist Economics,11(3),Nov 2005. p.27-62. Bibliog:p.57-60.

Intrahousehold allocation;Health;Credit;Gender


244 Chatterjee, Shoutir Kishore. Measurement of human development : An alternative approach. Journal of Human Development,6(1), Mar 2005. p.31-53.

Human development measurement;Quality of life;Human development index;Distribution

245 Dhillon, Sharanjit S.;Kaur, Jaspreet. Human development : An inter-state analysis. Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics,19(1-2),2004. p.111-125. Bibliog:p.125.

Human development;Inter-state analysis

246 Foster, James E.;Lopez-Calva, Luis F.;Szekely, Miguel. Measuring the distribution of human development : Methodology and an application to Mexico. Journal of Human Development, 6(1),Mar 2005. p.5-29.

Human development measurement;Mexico;Inequality

247 Mitra, P.K. Human capital formation in the 2Ist century : Towards a new paradigm. PNB Monthly Review,28(2),Feb 2006. p.3-11.

Human capital;Banking

248 Mohan, Rakesh. Human development and state finances. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,59(12),Dec 2005. p.1123-1129.

Human development index;State government finances;Social sector expenditure

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249 Heshmati, Almas. Continental and subcontinental income inequality. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics,5(1),Jan 2006. p.7-52. Bibliog:p.47-52.

Income inequality;Inter-regional income inequality

250 Reddy, A. Amarender.;Kumar, Praduman. Occupational choice and income distribution of households in rural Andhra Pradesh. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics,5(1),Jan 2006. p.98-109. Bibliog:p.108-109.

Andhra Pradesh;Occupational distribution;Households


251 Ahmed, Shahid.;Mathur, Somesh K. Industrial sector growth accounting of some Indian states and union territories : A data envelopment analysis. Foreign Trade Review,40(4), Jan-Mar 2006. p.25-48. Bibliog:p.47-48.

Data envelopment analysis;Industrial growth

252 Chakrabarti, Manali.;Chatterjee, Biswajit. Business conduct in late colonial India : European business in Kanpur 1900-1939. Economic and Political Weekly,41(10),Mar 11, 2006. p.904-911. Bibliog:p.911.

Colonial India;Kanpur;Economic history;European business community

253 Kataria, Parveen. Ethical issues and dilemmas in business organizations. Prajnan,34(3),Oct-Dec 2005. p.245-253. Bibliog:p.253.

Ethical issues;Business ethics

254 Radhamma, S. Industrial estate : A boon for unemployment youth. Southern Economist,44(21),Mar 1, 2006. p.25-26.

Industrial estates

255 Reserve Bank of India. Finances of private limited companies : 2003-04. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(1),Jan 2006. p.13-17.

Non-government finance companies;Asset structure

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256 Verma, Smita. Estimation of productive efficiency : A basic approach. Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics,19(1-2), 2004. p.99-109. Bibliog:p.107-109.

Productive efficiency;Technical efficiency


257 Arya, Anita. Agro-processing in Gujarat : Role of contract farming and co-operatives. Anvesak,35(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.17-28. Bibliog:p.28.

Agro-processing;Gujarat;Contract farming


258 Gandhi, G.P. Export of cashews and cashew-based product. Facts for You,26(4),Jan 2006. p.21-24.

Cashew production;Cashew exports


259 Satya Sundaram, I. Coffee consumption boosting. Facts for You, 26(4),Jan 2006. p.7-9.

Coffee production;Coffee exports


260 Satya Sundaram, I. Coir products in demand. Facts for You, 26(5),Feb 2006. p.22-24.

Coir products export

Marine Products

261 Bose, Shekhar.;Redkar, Soumil B. Modelling the US import demand for Indian seafood products. Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics,19(1-2),2004. p.1-8. Bibliog:p.8.

Import demand;Mathematical model


262 Joseph, Joby.;George, Tharian.;Joseph, Toms. Trends in India's external trade in rubber products : An inter temporal analysis. Foreign Trade Review,40(4),Jan-Mar 2006. p.3-24. Bibliog:p.20-24.

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Rubber products export;WTO;Regional trade agreement


263 Umesh, K.B.;Chandrappa, D. Sustenance of sericulture industry in Karnataka. Agricultural Situation in India,61(10),Jan 2005. p.673-678. Bibliog:p.676.



264 Will the sweet taste linger? Fortune India,24(8),Feb 28, 2006. p.23-28.

Sugar production;Sugar supply


265 Sriram, T.V. Indian tea rustling : Output and exports poised for growth. PTI Economic Service,32(6),Mar 15, 2006. p.49-53.

Tea exports;Tea production


266 Illiyan, Asherf. Progress and prospects of Indian engineering goods exports(1956-2005). Foreign Trade Review,40(4),Jan-Mar 2006. p.64-84. Bibliog:p.84.

Engineering exports

Auto Components

267 Gandhi, G.P. Auto parts and components : A sunrise industry. Facts for You,26(5),Feb 2006. p.13-19.

Auto components export


268 Sisodiya, Amit Singh.;Mannava, Sailaja. Automobile sector : Speeding ahead. Chartered Financial Analyst,12(2),Feb 2006. p.52-53.

Market share

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269 Rastogi, Rajiv. Indian electronics and IT industry production profile 2004. Electronics Information and Planning,32(9&10), Jun & Jul 2005. p.203-260.

Consumer electronics;IT industry;Software industry


270 Satya Sundaram, I. Two-wheelers : Power, style and mileage. Facts for You,26(4),Jan 2006. p.17-20.

Two-wheelers production



271 Rao, B.H. Venkateswara.;Rao, B.K.S. Prakash. Cement industry : Good times ahead. Facts for You,26(6),Mar 2006. p.13-16.

Cement production;Cement consumption;Cement export

Cosumer Durables

272 Manickavasagam, R.;Vethirajan, C. Sales of white goods in India. Facts for You,26(5),Feb 2006. p.26-28.

Refrigerators sales;Washing machines sales


273 Chinoy, Merzi.;Mahal, Nahar S. Tax credit system and VAT implications on the pharma sector. Monthly Economic Digest Maharashtra,35(4),Feb 2006. p.31-135.

Tax credit system;Value added tax

274 Rao, N.Janardhan.;Zaheer, Feroz. Indian pharma : Globalizing via China. Chartered Financial Analyst,12(1),Jan 2006. p.22-27.

China;Drug production

275 Rao, N.;Janardhan.;Zaheer, Feroz. Pharmaceutical industry : A new beginning. Chartered Financial Analyst,12(2),Feb 2006. p.47-50.


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276 Sridhar, C.R. 'Holy grail' of giant pharma. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.952-954.

Generic drugs;Patents;Multinational drug companies


277 Agarwal, Vijay. Perspectives on India's garment exports industry. Textile Times,2(9),Jan 2006. p.4-6.

Garment exports


278 Satya Narayan, I. Paints towards a rosy phase. Facts for You, 26(6),Mar 2006. p.10-13.

Paint production;Paint prices


279 Meera, S.N. Development of Indian shipping during five year plans. Finance India,19(4),Dec 2005. p.1337-1364. Bibliog:p.1358.

Shipping tonnage;Shipping history


280 Hamsalakshmi, R.;Manicham, M. Financial performance analysis of selected software companies. Finance India,19(3),Sep 2005. p.915-935. Bibliog:p.932.

Financial performance analysis;IT market;Software exports


281 Mishra, Nripendra K.;Srivastava, Ravi S. Technological choice in textile industry revisited : The handloom-powerloom controversy. Artha Vijnana,46(3-4),Sep-Dec 2004. p.373-388. Bibliog:p.388.

Technological choice;Handloom sector;Powerloom sector

282 Rameshan, P. India's textile & clothing trade : Moving from big hopes &small gains to big hopes & big gains. Foreign Trade Review,40(3),Oct-Dec 2005. p.45-71. Bibliog:p.70-71.

Textile exports;Post-MFA exports;Textile trade

283 Reddy, V.K.;Sarma, I.R.S. Productivity in Indian textile industry : Trends and determinants. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics,5(1),Jan 2006. p.80-88. Bibliog:p.88.

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284 Tandon, G.L. Black coal needs healing touch. Facts for You, 26(5),Feb 2006. p.9-12.


285 Kaul, Reeta. A story of gold. PNB Monthly Review,28(2),Feb 2006. p.12-18.

Gold demand;Gold prices

286 Patel, I.G.;Chandavarkar, Anand. India's elasticity of demand for gold. Economic and Political Weekly,41(6),Feb 11, 2006. p.507-516. Bibliog:p.509.

Demand for gold;Price elasticity;Statistical analysis


287 Asher, Manshi. Steel not enough? Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.555-556.

Orissa;Posco project;Environment

288 Bhattacharya, Subir. Pattern of steel demand in India and policy issues : Lessons from Chinese experience. Steel Scenario,15(3),Jan-Mar 2006. p.57-63.

China;Steel demand;Steel production;Economic growth

289 Li-I, Wei. Present status and outlook of iron and steel industry in south East Asia. Steel Scenario,15(3),Jan-Mar 2006. p.5-7.

South East Asia;Steel consumption;Steel production

290 Moitra, M.K. Use and demand of steel in rural areas. Steel Scenario,15(3),Jan-Mar 2006. p.41-44.

Steel demand;Rural areas

291 Rao, N.Janardhan.;Adusumilli, Ravi Babu. Steel industry : Steely performance. Chartered Financial Analyst,12(2),Feb 2006. p.55-58.

Steel consumption

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292 Saluja, S.K.;Verma, O.P.;Sengupta, Suchita. Macro-economic determinants of steel consumption : A cross-country analysis of India and selected countries. Steel Scenario,15(3), Jan-Mar 2006. p.25-35.

Steel consumption;Cross-country analysis

Small Scale

293 Gohil, D.C. Growth and development of SSI in Gujarat : A study. Southern Economist,44(17),Jan 1, 2006. p.10-12. Bibliog:p.12.

Small scale industry growth;Small scale industry employment;Gujarat

294 Kantor, Paula. Determinants of women's microenterprise success in Ahmedabad, India : Empowerment and economics. Feminist Economics,11(3),Nov 2005. p.63-83. Bibliog:p.80-83.

Microenterprise development;Women empowerment;Gujarat

295 Sharma, Manoranjan. Financing of SMEs : Emerging issues and key strategies. Bank Quest,76(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.30-36. Bibliog:p.36.

SME financing;Credit flow;Credit rating

296 Vellaichamy, R. Globalisation and challenges for small-scale industries. Southern Economist,44(19),Feb 1, 2006. p.7-9.

Globalisation;Post-reform period


297 Pattnaik, R.K.;Samantaraya, Amresh. Indian experience of inflation : A review of the evolving process. Economic and Political Weekly,41(4),Jan 28, 2006. p.349-357. Bibliog:p.357.

Inflation management;Post-reform period;Inflation measurement;Core inflation

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298 Kejriwal, O.P. Right to information act : Loopholes and road ahead. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.940-942.

Right to information Act;Access to information


299 Agarwal, Ranjana. Women in the digital era : A case study of career patterns of women professionals in information technology. Review of Development and Change,10(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.152-166. Bibliog:p.165-166.

Women's participation;Socio-economic status

300 Chakravarty, Paula. Who speaks for the governed? : World summit on information society, civil society and the limits of 'Multistakeholderism'. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.250-257. Bibliog:p.257.

Civil society;Stakeholders;Information society

301 Fuller, C.J.;Narasimhan, Haripriya. engineering colleges, 'exposure' and information technology : Professionals in Tamil Nadu. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.258-262. Bibliog:p.262.

Engineering education;Tamil Nadu

302 Ganatra, Rachna G. An evaluation of EDI : A trade facilitating measure in India's international trade. Review of Development and Change,10(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.185-198. Bibliog:p.198.

Electronic data interchange;Trade facilitation

303 Hashmi, Mobina. Outsourcing the American dream? : Representing the stakes of IT globalisation. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.242-249. Bibliog:p.249.

Business process outsourcing

304 Lal, Meera. Information technology initiatives : Impact of self groups in India. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.881-893. Bibliog:p.893.

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Self-help groups;Social capital

305 McMillin, Divya C. Outsourcing identities : Call centres and cultural transformation in India. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.235-241. Bibliog:p.241.

Business process outsourcing;Call centres;Cultural transformation

306 Mishra, Vinod. Size, age and firm growth : The computer industry in India. Review of Development and Change,10(2), Jul-Dec 2005. p.167-184. Bibliog:p.183-184.

Computer industry;Mathematical model

307 Muthappan, P.K. E-CRM for zero customer defection. Southern Economist,44(19),Feb 1, 2006. p.21-22.

Customer relations menagement

308 Rajan, Nalini. New technologies and the constitution of theft. Review of Development and Change,10(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.141-151. Bibliog:p.151.

Intellectual Property Rights

309 Rao, Ch.Sambasiva. Information and communication. Margin , 38(1),Oct-Dec 2005. p.59-80. Bibliog:p.79-80.

Poverty eradication;ICT;Rural areas;Community information centres

310 Roy, Sikhanwita.;Chakraborty, Debesh. Information sector and tenth five year plan of India. Review of Development and Change,10(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.119-139. Bibliog:p.139.

Economic development;Mathematical model;Technological change

311 Singh, Parminder Jeet.;Gurumurthy, Anita. Framing a global information society discourse. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(10),Mar 11, 2006. p.876-878.

Digital divide;Global information society

312 Srinivasan, Aravindan. Diffusion of information and communication technologies in India : A case for e-governance. Review of Development and Change,10(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.199-220. Bibliog:p.217-220.


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313 Das, Keshab. Underdevelopment by design? : Undermining vital infrastructure in Orissa. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.642-648. Bibliog:p.648.

Underdevelopment;Orissa;Port development;Rail infrastructure


314 Godse, Vasant. Bancassurance : Convenience of convergence. Bank Quest,76(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.9-17.


315 Krishnamurthy, S. Insurance industry in India : Structure, performance, and future challenges. Vikalpa,30(3),Jul-Sep 2005. p.93-119.

Bancassurance;Consumer education;Product competition;Global markets

316 Rao, M.B.N. Bancassurance in India : Challenges and opportunities. Bank Quest,76(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.5.8.

Bancassurance;Product pricing;Market segementation

317 Sadhak, H. Life insurance and the macroeconomy : Indian experience. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1108-1112. Bibliog:p.1112.

Macroeconomics;Life insurance;Savings, household

318 Shanmukham, P.S. Bancassurance : An international perspective. Bank Quest,76(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.18-26. Bibliog:p.26.

Bancassurance;Market size;Insurance products

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319 Addison, Tony.;Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb.;Mavrotas, George. Introduction and overview. The World Economy,29(1),Jan 2006. p. 1-8. Bibliog:p.8.

Foreign investment;ICT

320 Chakraborty, Indrani. Capital inflows during the post-liberalisation period. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(2),Jan 14, 2006. p.143-150. Bibliog:p.150.

Capital flow;Economic reforms;Foreign investment;Exchange rate

321 Chandrasekhar, C.P. Courting risk : Policy manoeuvres on FII inflows. Economic and Political Weekly,41(2),Jan 14, 2006. p.92-95.

Foreign institutional investors;Monetary policy;Capital flow;Foreign investment

322 Chattopadhyay, Suhas. A rejoinder to 'rent-a-womb economics'. Economic and Political Weekly,41(6),Feb 11, 2006. p.526-527.

Foreign investment;West Bengal

323 Gholami, Roghieh.;Lee, Sang-Yong Tom.;Heshmati, Almas. The causal relationship between information and communication technology and foreign direct investment. The World Economy, 29(1),Jan 2006. p.43-62. Bibliog:p.60-62.

Foreign investment;ICT;Developing countries;Economic growth

324 Ghosh, D.N. Revisiting FDI in china. Economic and Political Weekly,41(12),Mar 25, 2006. p.1213-1215.

China;Foreign investment

325 Hansen, Henrick.;Rand, John. On the causal link between FDI and growth in developing countries. The World Economy,29(1), Jan 2006. p.21-41. Bibliog:p.40-41.

Foreign investment;Economic growth;Developing countries;Granger causality

326 Jha, Rajiv. A model of exports and investment in an open developing economy. Economic and Political Weekly,41(9),Mar 4, 2006. p.820-825. Bibliog:p.825.

Exports;Developing countries;Export model;Capacity

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327 Pradhan, Rudra Prakash. Globalisation and its impact on foreign investment in India. Labour and Development,11(1), Jun 2005. p.45-64. Bibliog:p.61-64.

Foreign investment;Globalisation

328 Rakshit, Mihir. On liberalising foreign institutional investments. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.991-1000. Bibliog:p.1000.

Capital market;Foreign institutional investors;Capital formation

329 Ram Mohan, T.T. Neither dread nor encourage them. Economic and Political Weekly,41(2),Jan 14, 2006. p.95-99.

Foreign institutional investors;Participatory notes;Foreign investment;Capital market

330 Sen, Partha. Flawed analytics. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(2),Jan 14, 2006. p.99-100.

Foreign institutional investors;Foreign investment

331 Some states lagging behind in attracting FDI are they shedding their Bimaru imege. Monthly Commentary on Indian Economic Conditions,48(7),Feb 2006. p.23-30.

Foreign investment

332 Vasudevan, A. A note on portfolio flows into India. Economic and Political Weekly,41(2),Jan 14, 2006. p.90-92.

Foreign institutional investors;Stock prices


333 Dharmadhikary, Shripad. Unravelling Bhakra. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.285-287. Bibliog:p.287.

Groundwater estimates;Water use;Bhakra project

334 Kanagaaraj, M.;Rao, D.V. Subba.;Shailaja, D. Performance of irrigation tanks in Tamil Nadu. Agricultural Situation in India,61(10),Jan 2005. p.699-702. Bibliog:p.701.

Tamil Nadu;Tank irrigation

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335 Khurana, Indira. Transboundary disputes : Politics and litigation play havoc. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7), Feb 18, 2006. p.608-611.

Water disputes;Sutlej-Yamuna link canal

336 Lele, S.N.;Patil, R.K. Equity, access and allocation : Discrimination in an irrigation project. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.583-585.

Participatory irrigation management;Godavari irrigation project

337 Paranjape, Suhas.;Joy, K.J. Dams and displacement : Alternative restructuring of the Sardar Sarovar, breaking the deadlock. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.601-602.

Displacement;Sardar Sarovar project;Small dams

338 Ram Mohan, R.V. Dams and displacement : Major loss, minor gains. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.604-606.

Polavaram project;Displacement;Andhra Pradesh

339 Rehmat.;Dharmadhikary, Shripad. Dams and displacement ; When multiple conflicts overlap. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.603-604.

Small dams;Madhya Pradesh;Haribad project

340 Singh, Nandita.;Sinha, Chandan. Micro-level disputes : Forest officials who missed the wood for the trees. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.594-595.

Small dams

341 Ummiti, Hemantha Kumar. Capacity building for enhanced women's participation in watershed development : some empirical observations. Afro-Asian Journal of Rural Development,38(2), Jul-Dec 2005. p.65-82.

Women's participation;Capacity building;Watershed development


342 Bhartesh, K.R.;Bandyopadhyay, A.K. Intellectual capital : Concept and its measurement. Finance India,19(4),Dec 2005. p.1365-1374. Bibliog:p.1373-1374.

Intellectual capital;Intellectual capital measurement

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343 Abraham, Vinoj.;Sharma, R.K. New technology and the emerging labour market : A study of Indian IT industry. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.789-802. Bibliog:p.802.

Labour market;Information Technology;Technical education

344 Aiyar, Yamini.;Samji, Salimah. Improving the effectiveness of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. Economic and Political Weekly,41(4),Jan 28, 2006. p.320-326. Bibliog:p.326.

NREG Act;Panchayati Raj Institutions;Accountability;Monitoring;Information technology Use

345 Bagchi, Amiya Kumar.;Das, Panchanan. Changing pattern of employment under neo-liberal reforms : A comparative study of West Bengal and Gujarat. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.945-958. Bibliog:p.958.

West Bengal;Gujarat;Comparative study;Economic reforms;Neo-liberalism;Unemployment

346 Banerjee, Debdas. Knowledge workers and information technology : Re-living early english industrial revolution. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.777-787. Bibliog:p.787.

Knowledge economy;Information technology;Industrial revolution;Knowledge workers

347 Basu, Moushumi. Unorganised labour : Delhi's twin tragedies. Economic and Political Weekly,41(9),Mar 4, 2006. p.784-785.

Unorganised sector;Delhi

348 Biradar, R.R. Structure of employment in ICT sector in India : Emerging issues and prospects. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.837-852.

Information technology;Employment;Business process outsourcing

349 Chandrasekhar, C.P. Who needs a 'knowledge economy'? Information, knowledge and flexible labour. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.763-776. Bibliog:p.775-776.

Knowledge economy;Education level;R&D expenditure

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350 D'Souza, Errol. Are retrenchment laws inefficient? The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.939-944. Bibliog:p.944.

Retrenchment;Labour market;Efficiency wages

351 Damodaran, Sumangala. State policy, export orientation and labour : An analysis of the links in the leather and leather products industry. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.981-996. Bibliog:p.996.

Leather industry;Government policy;Export promotion

352 Date, Vidyadhar. Harsh reality of workers today. Economic and Political Weekly,41(12),Mar 25, 2006. p.1169-1172.

Industrial relations;Working conditions

353 Ghosal, Ratan Kumar. State and transformation of rural workforce structure in West Bengal, 1961-2001. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.959-980. Bibliog:p.973-974.

Workforce, rural;West Bengal;State intervention;Employment

354 Ghosh, Dilip Kumar. Guaranteeing employment : Experience from government sponsored programmes. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.745-759. Bibliog:p.759.

West Bengal;Wage employment;NREP;People's participation

355 Ghosh, Jayati. The "right to work" and recent legislation in India. Social Scientist,34(1-2),Jan-Feb 2006. p.88-102. Bibliog:p.102.

Right to work;Employment;Employment guarantee scheme;NREG Act

356 Ghosh, Jayati. The right to work and recent legislation in India. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.689-699. Bibliog:p.699.

Right to work;NREG Act;Employment guarantee scheme

357 Goyal, Ashima. New technology and labour markets : Entrants, outsourcing and matching. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.853-868.

Technology;Labour market;Business process outsourcing;Education level

358 Gupta, Smita. The potential and challenge of India's rural employment guarantee act. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.717-731. Bibliog:p.730-731.

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NREG Act;Right to workNREGA financing;Wages

359 Hirway, Indira. Enhancing livelihood security through the National Employment Guarantee Act : Towards effective operationalisation of the act. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.701-715. Bibliog:p.715.

NREG Act;Livelihood;Right to work;Employment guarantee scheme

360 Jacob, K.K. Grievance redressal procedure and labour management relations in state lavel public enterprises. Labour and Development,11(1),Jun 2005. p.34-44. Bibliog:p.44.

Public sector enterprises;Labour relations;Grievance redressal

361 Jha, Praveen. State's growing intolerance towards labour in India : A note based on some recent developments. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.897-916. Bibliog:p.916.

Labour movements;Labour relations;Agricultural workers;Labour unions

362 Kambhampati, Uma S.;Rajan, Raji. Economic growth : A panacea for child labor? World Development,34(3),Mar 2006. p.426-445. Bibliog:p.441-442.

Child labour;Schooling;Economic growth;Kuznet's curve;South Asia;Pro-poor growth

363 Krishnamurty, J. Employment guarantee and crisis response. Economic and Political Weekly,41(9),Mar 4, 2006. p.789-790.

NREG Act;Monitoring and evaluation

364 Kundu, Amit. Outcomes of unionization of the agricultural labourers in an agriculturally developed region. Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics,19(1-2),2004. p.29-37. Bibliog:p.37.

Agricultural workers;Worker's union

365 Lieten, G.K. Child labour : What happened to the worst forms? Economic and Political Weekly,41(2),Jan 14, 2006. p.103-108. Bibliog:p.108.

Child labour

366 Mitra, Sophie.;Sambamoorthi, Usha. Employment of persons with disabilities : Evidence from the National Sample Survey. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.199-203. Bibliog:p.203.

Disabled population;Employment;Disabled population

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367 Mukhopadhyay, Asish. Colonial state, capital, labour and industrialisation : Coal mining and coal miners on colonial India, 1919-1939. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.1015-1027. Bibliog:p.1026-1027.

Industrialisation;Colonial period;CapitalCoal miners

368 Patnaik, Prabhat. The labour market under capitalism. Social Scientist,34(1-2),Jan-Feb 2006. p.9-20. Bibliog:p.20.

Labour market;Capitalism

369 Rajasekhar, D.;Madheswaran, S. Statutory benefits to beedi workers in Karnataka. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.997-1013. Bibliog:p.1013.

Karnataka;Beedi workers;Socio-economic benefits

370 Saini, Debi S. Imperatives of globalization and vocational training framework in India. Prajnan,34(3),Oct-Dec 2005. p.235-244. Bibliog:p.243-244.

Globalisation;Vocational training;Skill upgradation

371 Saini, Debi S. Some issues in working of social security laws in India. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4), Oct-Dec 2005. p.1029-1037. Bibliog:p.1037.

Social security laws

372 Sharma, Nishi.;Singh, Ummed.;Jhamtani, Anita. Agricultural labourers' knowledge and opinion about the welfare schemes and their condition. Labour and Development,11(1),Jun 2005. p.99-116. Bibliog:p.116.

Agricultural workers;Welfare schemes

373 Shyam sunder, K.R. State in industrial relations system in India : From corporatist to neo-liberal? The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.917-937. Bibliog:p.934-937.

Labour relations;State intervention;Neo-liberalism

374 Thomas, Jayan Jose. Labour in the new economy : An Indian perspective. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4), Oct-Dec 2005. p.821-835. Bibliog:p.834-835.

Information technology;Business Process Outsourcing;Globalisation;Knowledge economy

375 Unni, Jeemol. The right to work for the self-employment in India. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics,48(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.733-744. Bibliog:p.743.

Right to work;Self-employed;Livelihood

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376 Singh, Alka. Trends and structure of employment and earnings of rural women in the changed economic scenario. The Asian Economic Review,47(3),Dec 2005. p.403-410. Bibliog:p.410.

Women's employment;Women's wages;Rural areas

377 Venkateswarlu, A. Rural non-farm employment in Andhra Pradesh : 1961-2001. Journal of Rural Development,24(4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.459-480. Bibliog:p.478-480.

Non-farm employment;Andhra Pradesh;Household industry


378 Ahuja, Manoj.;Singh, A.P. Evaluation of computerisation of land records in Karnataka : A study from Gulbarga district. Economic and Political Weekly,41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.69-77.

Land records computerisation;Karnataka;Dispute reduction


379 Sharma, H.R. Liberalising the lease market. Economic and Political Weekly,41(8),Feb 25, 2006. p.696-698.

Lease market;Tenancy


380 Bardhan, Pranab.;Mookherjee, Dilip. Decentralisation and accountability in infrastructure delivery in developing countries. The Economic Journal,116(508),Jan 2006. p.101-127. Bibliog:p.126-127.

Decentralisation;Accountability;Infrastructure delivery;Developing countries;Bureaucracy

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381 Pethe, Abhay.;Lalvani, Mala. Towards economic empowerment of urban local bodies in Maharashtra. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.635-641. Bibliog:p.641.

Empowerment;Urban local bodies;Maharashtra;Capital market

382 Rajbir Singh. Democratic decentralization : Zila Parishad as the apex body in Haryana. Prashasnika,32(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.34-44.

Decentralisation;Panchayati Raj Institutions;Haryana


383 Afza, Mainuddin. Superior-subordinate relationships and satisfaction in Indian small business enterprises. Vikalpa, 30(3),Jul-Sep 2005. p.11-19. Bibliog:p.18-19.

Leader power;Job satisfaction;Organizational commitment;SMEs


384 Govt. opens door for single brassed retail. PTI Economic Service,32(3),Feb 1, 2006. p.13-16.

Retailing;Foreign investment

385 Mishra, Arvind Kumar. Agricultural marketing - An overview. Kurukshetra,54(3),Jan 2006. p.25-27.

Rural market


386 Abbas, Kalbe.;Husain, Fazal. Money, income and prices in Pakistan : A bi-variate and causality. South Asia Economic Journal,7(1),Jan-Jun 2006. p.55-65. Bibliog:p.65.


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387 Adhikary, Maniklal.;Mazumder, Ritwik. Money, output and prices in India during 1970-2002 : A macro-econometric analysis. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics,5(1),Jan 2006. p.69-79. Bibliog:p.79.

Money demend;Prices

388 Bhanumurthy, N.R. Macroeconomic fundamentals and exchange rate dynamics in India : Some survey results. Economic and Political Weekly,41(11),Mar 18, 2006. p.1101-1107. Bibliog:p.1107.

Exchange rate;Foreign exchange market

389 Clearing Corporation of India Limited. Money and forex market developments : Impact of IMD redemption. Economic and Political Weekly,41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.9.

Indian Millennium Deposits;Liquidity

390 EPW Research Foundation. Blurring of development goals in refinancing. Economic and Political Weekly,41(12),Mar 25, 2006. p.1154-1160.

Money market;Liquidity;Capital market

391 EPW Research Foundation. Movements in the exchange rate : Trends in new indices of nominal and effective rates. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.178-184.

Exchange rate;Forex market;Money market

392 EPW Research Foundation. Need to rethink fiscal strategy. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.544-550.

Fiscal policy;Money market;Forex market

393 Gopinath, Shyamala. Foreign exchange regulations - A review. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(1),Jan 2006. p.79-82.

Foreign exchange regulation

394 Joshi, Vijay. Real exchange rate, fiscal deficits and capital flows : Refutation again. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(5),Feb 4, 2006. p.446-447. Bibliog:p.447.

Exchange rate;Fiscal deficit;Capital flow;Economic growth

395 Money and forex markets : Persistent liquidity shortage. Economic and Political Weekly,41(10),Mar 11, 2006. p.850.

Money market

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396 Narayan, Paresh Kumar. Are bilateral exchange rates stationary? Evidence from Lagrange multiplier unit root tests for India. Applied Economics,38(1),Jan 20, 2006. p.63-70. Bibliog:p.69-70.

Exchange rate;Unit root test;Purchasing power parity

397 Reserve Bank of India. Revision of nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) and real effective exchange rate (REER) indices. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,59(12),Dec 2005. p.1061-1067.

Exchange rate;Prices;REER;NEER

398 Roy, Sunando. Liquidity adjustment in value at risk (VAR) model : Evidence from the Indian debt market. Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers,25(1,2,3),2004. p.1-16. Bibliog:p.15-16.

Liquidity risk;Volatility;Value at risk;Turnover liquidity adjustment facility;Debt market

399 Singh, Charan. Should India use foreign exchange reserves to finance infrastrusture? Economic and Political Weekly,41(6), Feb 11, 2006. p.517-525. Bibliog:p.525.

Infrastructure financing;Foreign exchange reserves;Interest rate

400 Sudhaman, K.S. Full convertibility of rupee. PTI Economic Service,32(7),Apr 1, 2006. p.2-5.

Rupee convertibility;Capital account convertibility


402 Anitha, V.;Muraleedharan, P.K.;Binil Kumar, A.S. Human-related constraints in protected area management : Manifestations and causatives. Economic and Political Weekly,41(10),Mar 11, 2006. p.919-924. Bibliog:p.924.

Wild life conservation;Protected area management;Local communities;Case study

403 D'Cruz, Sharon.;Raikar, Avinash. Democratic management of common property in Goa : From 'Gaonkarias' and 'Communidades' to Gram Sabha. Economic and Political Weekly,41(5),Feb 4, 2006. p.439-445. Bibliog:p.445.

Common property resources;Goa;Colonial period;Local administration

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404 Kondaiah, Chukka. Linking entrepreneurial development and natural resource management : An Indian experience. Afro-Asian Journal of Rural Development,38(1),Jan-Jun 2005. p.31-47. Bibliog:p.47.

Entrepreneurship development;Natural resource management

405 Thomas, Manoj T. Delineating the discipline of natural resource management : Domain approaches. Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development,15(1),Jul 2005. p.95-106.

Natural resource management;Sustainable development

Water Resources

406 Chauhan, Malavika. Contending water uses : Biodiversity vs irrigation, case of Keoladeo National Park. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.575-577. Bibliog:p.577.

Biodiversity;Irrigation;Water disputes

407 Das, Binayak.;Pangare, Ganesh. Privatisation : In Chhattisgarh, a river becomes private property. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.611-612.


408 Gujja, Biksham et al. 'Million revolts' in the making. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.570-574.

Water disputes;Water use

409 Jagannathan, N. Vijay. Story of a hiss : Water scarcity and the need for reform. Economic and Political Weekly,41(10), Mar 11, 2006. p.925-927.

Water scarcity;Private public partnership

410 Kashwan, Prakash. Micro-level disputes : Traditional water harvesting structure. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7), Feb 18, 2006. p.596-598. Bibliog:p.598.

Water harvesting;Community participation

411 Lal, Pankaj.;Singh, Kamaldeo.;Prasad, Kapildeo. Micro-level disputes : Failure of community institutions. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.598-599.

Jharkhand;Slapin river basin;Water disputes

412 Mahanta, Chandan.;Mahanta, Anjana. Contending water uses : Bridge over the Brahmaputra. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.579-581.

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Water disputes

413 Mudrakartha, Srinivas.;Sheth, Jatin.;Srinath, J. Water quality : Unclogging the Khari river, stakeholders come together to halt pollution. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.587-590. Bibliog:p.590.

Water quality;Khari river;Water disputes

414 Prakash, Anjal.;Sama, R.K. Contending water uses : Social undercurrents in a water-scarce village. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.577-579.

Water disputes;Gujarat;Caste differences

415 Rajgopal, A.;Jayakumar, N. Equity, access and allocation : Conflict in the Bhavani. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7), Feb 18, 2006. p.581-582.

Water disputes;Tamil Nadu;Bhavani River

416 Rao, J. Rama.;Jairath, Jasveen.;Umesh, P. Water quality : Pollution through Aqua culture, Kolleru wildlife sanctuary. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.585-587.

Water quality

417 Rao, M. Chandrasekhara. Sand mining : Groundwater depletion in Papagani catchment. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.593-594.

Groundwater depletion;Sand mining

418 Sharma, Shyam Sunder Prasad. Managing water scarcity and rual conflicts in India. Anvesak,35(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.29-53. Bibliog:p.51-53.

Water scarcity;Water use;Water demand;Irrigation management

419 Singh, Nandita.;Sinha, Chandan. Micro-level disputes : Gravity dam in trouble. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.594-595.

Small dams

420 Sinha, Archana. Gender dynamics in water security : A study in Rajasthan state of India. Afro-Asian Journal of Rural Development,38(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.23-50. Bibliog:p.42-43.

Water quality;Access to water;Women's participation

421 Sinha, Rajesh. Transboundary disputes : Two neighbours and a treaty, Baglihar project in hot waters. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.606-608.

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Water disputes


422 Gupta, Ankur. IPR issues in outsourcing. Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.69-72.

Intellectual property rights;Business process outsourcing

423 Mohanty, Subhransubala. Intellectual property rights : Issues and challenges. Vision,25(3-4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.55-66. Bibliog:p.64-66.

Intellectual Property Rights;TRIPs

424 Rangnekar, Dwijen. No pills for poor people? Understanding the disembowelment of India's patent regime. Economic and Political Weekly,41(5),Feb 4, 2006. p.409-417. Bibliog:p.416-417.

Patent Act;Intellectual Property Rights;Pharmaceutical industry


425 Krishna, Anirudh. Pathways out of and into poverty in 36 villages of Andhra Pradesh, India. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(2),Feb 2006. p.271-288. Bibliog:p.287-288.

Health;Education;South Asia;Andhra Pradesh

426 Mitra, Subhashis. New initiatives in urban poverty alleviation. PTI Economic Service,38(3),Feb 1, 2006. p.36-38.

Poverty, urban;Urban renewal mission

427 Rigg, Jonathan. Land, farming, livelihoods and poverty : Rethinking the links in the rural South. World Development, 34(1),Jan 2006. p.180-202. Bibliog:p.199-202.

South Asia;Livelihood;Agrarian change;Rural areas

428 Sidhu, M.S.;Toor, M.S.;Dhadli, T.K. Urban poverty in India : Some issues. Southern Economist,44(21),Mar 1, 2006. p.7-11. Bibliog:p.11.

Poverty, urban;Poverty, states

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429 Zeller, Manfred.;Sharma, Manohar.;Henry, Carla. An operational method for assessing the poverty outreach performance of development policies and projects : Results of case studies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. World Development,34(3), Mar 2006. p.446-464. Bibliog:p.463-464.

Poverty assessment;Evaluation;Case study;Asia;Africa;Latin America;Poverty targeting


430 Reddy, Y.V. Importance of productivity in India. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(1),Jan 2006. p.65-72. Bibliog:p.72.

Information and communication technology;Total factor productivity


431 Chokkar, Jagdeep S. Civil society and good governance. Prashasnika,32(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.15-33.

Civil society;Good governance


432 Gadage, R.S. Performance of public distribution system in India. Southern Economist,44(19),Feb 1, 2006. p.10-12. Bibliog:p.12.

Foodgrains off-take;Foodgrains availability


433 Oommen, M.A. Fiscal decentralisation to the sub-state level governments. Economic and Political Weekly,41(10),Mar 11, 2006. p.897-903. Bibliog:p.903.

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Decentralisation;Fiscal decentralisation;Local governments;Finance Commissions

434 Paul, Samuel. Public spending, outcomes and accountability : Citizen report card as a catalyst for public action. Economic and Political Weekly,41(4),Jan 28, 2006. p.333-340. Bibliog:p.340.

Public expenditure;Corruption;Accountability;Citizens Report;Bangalore Agenda Task Force

435 Reserve Bank of India. Finances of state governments 2005-06 : Highlights Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(2),Feb 2006. p.153-177.

State government finances


436 Jagota, Mukesh. BRPSE makes the job of revival of PSU seem easier. PTI Economic Service,32(1),Jan 1, 2006. p.27-30.

Public sector revival

437 Patnaik, Ila. PSU disinvestment. Seminar,557,Jan 2006. p.80-85.



438 Ananat, T.C.A.;Singh, Jaivir. Structuring regulation : Constitutional and legal frame in India. Economic and Political Weekly,41(2),Jan 14, 2006. p.121-127. Bibliog:p.127.

Competition law;Regulatory authority;Competition commission

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439 Hussain, Monirul. Internally displaced persons in India's North-East. Economic and Political Weekly,41(5),Feb 4, 2006. p.391-393.


440 Jena, Manipadma. Orissa : Draft resettlement and rebabilitation policy, 2006. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(5),Feb 4, 2006. p.384-387.

Orissa;Resettlement policy;Displacement


441 Kumaran, D.P.;Bidari, D. Community based rural development in Mizoram : A case study. IASSI Quarterly,23(2),Oct-Dec 2004. p.83-96.

Mizoram;Community based rural development;Resource mobilisation


442 Abraham, Itty. The contradictory spaces of postcolonial techno-science. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.210-217. Bibliog:p.217.

Science studies;Post-colonial Science

443 De Greiff, A. Alexis. Abdus Salam : A migrant scientist in post-imperial times. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.228-234.

444 Prasad, Amit. Beyond modern vs alternative science debate : Analysis of magnetic resonance imaging research. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3),Jan 21, 2006. p.219-227. Bibliog:p.227.

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445 Gill, Kaveri. Deprived castes and privileged politics : An urban informal market in contemporary India. Economic and Political Weekly,41(2),Jan 14, 2006. p.133-141. Bibliog:p.141.

Caste identity;Informal market;Recycling industry;Plastic Industry;Political mobilisation

446 Nirmala Devi, T. Role of the state in social sector : Some reflections. Anvesak,35(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.71-84. Bibliog:p.81-82.

Social sector expenditure;Social development index

447 Robeyns, Ingrid. The capacity approach : A theoretical survey. Journal of Human Development,6(1),Mar 2005. p.93-114. Bibliog:p.111-114.

Capability approach;Development;Wellbeing

448 Weisskopf, Thomas E. Is positive discrimination a good way to aid disadvantaged ethnic communities? Economic and Political Weekly,41(8),Feb 25, 2006. p.717-726. Bibliog:p.726.

Ethnic communities;Job reservation;Positive discrimination;Backward classes


449 Joshi, Seema. Impact of economic reforms on social sector expenditure in India. Economic and Political Weekly,41(4), Jan 28, 2006. p.358-365. Bibliog:p.365.

Social sector expenditure;Economic reforms;Health care expenditure;Education expenditure


450 Asher, Mukul.;Vasudevan, Deepa. The role of pension regulators. Margin ,38(1),Oct-Dec 2005. p.1-14. Bibliog:p.12.

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Pension fund management;PFRDA;Pension fund management

451 Hirway, Indira. Unorganised sector workers' social security bill, 2005 : Let us not go backwards. Economic and Political Weekly,41(5),Feb 4, 2006. p.379-382.

Unorganised Sector Worker's Bill;Non-governmental organisations

452 Hu, Yu-Wei. Private (Occupational) pensions in China. Margin, 38(1),Oct-Dec 2005. p.15-24. Bibliog:p.23-24.

Pension funds;China


453 Bhanushali, Kishor. Defining disabilities : NSSO vs census. Anvesak,35(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.65-71. Bibliog:p.71.

Disabled population;Disability statistics


454 Ramesh Kumar, D.R. VAT scenario in India : An analysis. Southern Economist,44(18),Jan 15, 2006. p.19-20. Bibliog:p.20.

Value added tax


455 Arunachalam, V.S. Technology and economic growth : Quo Vadis, India? Vikalpa,30(1),Jan-Mar 2005. p.1-5.

Economic growth;Business process outsourcing;Education

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456 Chowdary, T.H. Rural tele-density. Economic and Political Weekly,41(5),Feb 4, 2006. p.393-395.

Teledensity;Rural areas

457 Jain, Sunil. The war for the regulator's heart. Margin,38(1), Oct-Dec 2005. p.31-40.

TRAI;Telecom regulation

458 Purkayastha, Prabir. Maran's one India plan : Attacking rural telephony the wrong way. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(10),Mar 11, 2006. p.861-863.

Rural telephony;Teledensity

459 Satish, D.;Deshpande, Smitha. Telecome industry : Good times come calling in. Chartered Financial Analyst,12(2),Feb 2006. p.43-46.

Mobile phone industry

460 Sivamurugan, C.;Anbumani, V. FDI inflows in telecom sector. Kurukshetra,54(4),Feb 2006. p.36-40.

Foregin investment;Rural telephony

461 Sudarsan, P.K. Telecom pricing in India : A study on tariff packages and calling options of BSNL. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics,5(2),Mar 2006. p.37-46. Bibliog:p.44.

Telecom pricing;Tariffs;BSNL


462 Kubendran, V. Medical tourism : Advantage India. Facts for You,26(4),Jan 2006. p.11-14.

Medical tourism

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463 Reserve Bank of India. Freight and insurance components in Indian exports during 2000-2005 : A survey. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(2),Feb 2006. p.201-211.

Merchandise export;Freight charges;Insurance charges

International Trade

464 Bathla, Seema. Trade policy reforms and openness of Indian agriculture : Analysis at the commodity level. South Asia Economic Journal,7(1),Jan-Jun 2006. p.19-53. Bibliog:p.52-53.

Trade liberalisation;Agreement on agriculture;WTO;Non-tariff barriers;Protection;Agriculture

465 Dhar, Biswajit. Hong Kong meet. Yojana,50(2),Feb 2006. p.55-58.

Hong Kong Ministerial;WTO;Non-agricultural market access

466 Drope, Jeffrey M.;Hansen, Wendy L. Anti-dumping's happy birthday. The World Economy,29(1),Apr 2006. p.459-472.


401 Dubey, Muchkund. WTO's Hong Kong conference : An appraisal. Economic and Political Weekly,41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.15-19.

Hong Kong Ministerial;Export subsidy;Non-agricultural market access;Trade in services;Developing countries

467 Ganewatta, Gaminda et al. Impact of protection on domestic processing of primary commodities for export markets : An example from the Sri Lankan tea industry. South Asia Economic Journal,7(1),Jan-Jun 2006. p.1-18. Bibliog:p.17-18.

Protection;Tea industry;Sri Lanka;Value added tax;Tea exports

468 Gaur, Achal Kumar.;Pandey, Alok Kumar. India's export performance during post-WTO era : An empirical investigation. Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics,19(1-2),2004. p.65-97. Bibliog:p.77-78.

Empirical analysis;WTO;Exports

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469 Jha, Veena. India and the Hong Kong ministerial talk. Focus WTO,7(4),Nov-Dec 2005. p.1-4.

Hong Kong Ministerial;Trade in services;Non-agricultural market access

470 Kaplinsky, Raphael. China and the global terms of trade. IDS Bulletin,37(1),Jan 2006. p.43-53. Bibliog:p.53.

China;Commodity prices;Employment;Consumption

471 Katti, Vijay. The road to Hong Kong. Chartered Financial Analyst,12(1),Jan 2006. p.59-63.

Hong Kong Ministerialmeet;Industrial tariff;Trade facilitation

472 Kaundal, R.K. Impact of economic reforms on external sector. Foreign Trade Review,40(3),Oct-Dec 2005. p.72-100. Bibliog:p.98-100.

Trade policy reforms;Economic reforms;Export structure;Foreign investment

473 Lee, Jong-Wha.;McKibbin, J.;Park, Young Chul. Transpacific trade imbalances : Causes and curve. Foreign Trade Review, 40(4),Jan-Mar 2006. p.281-303. Bibliog:p.302-303.

Trade imbalance;East Asia;Trade policy

474 Mehta, Pradeep S.;Praveen Kumar. The post-Hong Kong trade scenario. Margin,38(1),Oct-Dec 2005. p.25-30.

Hong Kong Ministerial;Non-agricultural market access;WTO

475 Mehta, Ruchira. Agreement reached at Hong Kong and its impact on India. Monthly Economic Digest Maharashtra,35(3),Jan 2006. p.23-24.

Market access;WTO;Hong Kong Ministerial;Export subsidy;TRIPs;Non-agricultural market access

476 Mukherjee, Chandan. India's new approach on the trade of environmental goods and services. The ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics,4(1),Feb 2006. p.81-86. Bibliog:p.86.

Environmental goods trade

477 Mukherji, Indra Nath. Indo-Bangladesh trade : Analyzing impact of trade preference on growth and structure of bilateral trade. Artha Vijnana,46(3-4),Sep-Dec 2004. p.197-222.

Indo-Bangladesh trade;Bilateral trade;Duty free imports

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478 Nag, Biswajit.;Nandi, Anisha. Analysing India's trade dynamics vis-a-vis SAARC members using the gravity. South Asia Economic Journal,7(1),Jan-Jun 2006. p.83-98. Bibliog:p.97-98.

Gravity model;SAARC countries;Trade cooperation;India-SAARC trade

479 Nanda, Paramjit.;Raikhy, P.S. Complementarities in production and trade among Asian countries : Prospects of Asian Economic Union. Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics,19(1-2), 2004. p.39-63. Bibliog:p.63.

Asian Economic Union;Trade Cooperation;Regional trade blocks

480 Narasaiah, M. Lakshmi. The trade related intellectual property rights (TRIPS) agreement and the developing countries. Anvesak,35(2),Jul-Dec 2005. p.107-111.

TRIPs;Geographical indications;Trade marks

481 Rao, C. Niranjan. Para 6 of WTO Doha decleration : Non-solution of TRIPs problem. Economic and Political Weekly, 41(4),Jan 28, 2006. p.301-303. Bibliog:p.303.

TRIPs;WTO;Least developed countries

482 Rao, N.;Janardhan.;Adusumilli, Ravi Babu. SEZs : Future hot spots. Chartered Financial Analyst,12(1),Jan 2006. p.40-42.

Special Economic Zone

483 Reserve Bank of India. India foreign trde : 2005-06 (April-December). Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(2),Feb 2006. p.213-224.

Exports;Imports;Trade deficit;Indo-US trade

484 Reserve Bank of India. India's foreign trade : 2005-06 (April-October). Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,59(12),Dec 2005. p.1089-1099.

Exports;Imports;Petroleum import

485 Reserve Bank of India. India's foreign trade : 05-06 (April-November). Reserve Bank of India Bulletin,60(1),Jan 2006. p.49-53.

Foreig trade statistics;Trade deficit

486 SAFTA : Uncertain gains (Editorial). Economic and Political Weekly,41(1),Jan 7, 2006. p.4.

SAFTA;SAARC countries

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487 Satapathy, C. Review of WTO rules on antidumping and countervailing measures. Economic and Political Weekly,41(3), Jan 21, 2006. p.263-269. Bibliog:p.269.

Anti-dumping;WTO rulesMultilateral trade

488 Sen, Sunanda. International trade theory and policy what is left of trade paradigm? Development and Change,36(6),Nov 2005. p.1011-1029. Bibliog:p.1027-1029.

Free trade;Economic growth;New trade theory

489 Shafaeddin, S.M. Towards an alternative perspective on trade and industrial policies. Development and Change,36(6),Nov 2005. p.1143-1162. Bibliog:p.1159-1161.

Industrial policy;Trade policy reforms;Foreign investment

490 Sikarwar, Deepshikha. Hong Kong alters balance of power as developing world gets Closer. PTI Economic Service,32(1),Jan 1, 2006. p.6-9.

Hong Kong Ministerial;Developing countries

491 Singhal, L.B. Evolution and performance of Indian EPZsSEZs. Foreign Trade Review,40(3),Oct-Dec 2005. p.3-28.

Export Processing Zones;Special Economic Zone;Technology transfer

492 Stiglitz, Joseph. Social justice and global trade. Far Eastern Economic Review,169(2),Mar 2006. p.18-22.

Social justice

493 Tharakan, P.K.M.;Van Beveren, Ilke.;Ourti, Tom Van. Determinants of India's software exports and goods exports. The Review of Economics and Statistics,87(4),Nov 2005. p.776-780. Bibliog:p.779-780.

Trade determinants;Software exports;Services export;Empirical model

494 The text of the general agreement on tariffs and trade, Geneva, July 1986. Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, 17(1&2),Jan-Jun, 2005. p.75-125.

GATT agreement

495 Trivedi, Pushpa.;Sharma, Pritee. Multilateralism, regionalism, and trade dispute settlement in WTO : Implications for developing countries with special reference to India. Journal of Indian School of Political Economy,17(1&2), Jan-Jun, 2005. p.1-44. Bibliog:p.42.

Trade dispute settlement;WTO;Multilateralism;Regional trade blocks

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496 World trade agreement 1994 (establishing the WTO and including GATT, Uruguay, 1994). Journal of Indian School of Political Economy,17(1&2),Jan-Jun, 2005. p.128-395.

Agreement on agriculture;Agreement on textileTRIPs;WTO;Subsidy;Rules of Orign


497 Chaudhury, Prosenjit Dey. Model split between rail and road modes of transport in India. Vikalpa,30(1),Jan-Mar 2005. p.17-33. Bibliog:p.33.

User cost;Model split;Vehicle operating cost;Value of passenger time;Rail transport;Road transport

498 Mitra, Siddhartha. City transport in India : Impending disaster. Economic and Political Weekly,41(6),Feb 11, 2006. p.473-475. Bibliog:p.475.

City transport;Public transport


499 Bose, Ashish. Empowering Soliga tribes : 'Sudarshan model' of Karnataka. Economic and Political Weekly,41(7),Feb 18, 2006. p.564-566.

Community health;Tribal education

500 Lalrinliana, Joseph.;Kanagaraj, Easwaran. SHGs and tribal development in Mizoram. Kurukshetra,54(3),Jan 2006. p.37-48.

Self-help groups;Mizoram

501 Vasudevachary, A.K. Tribal development in Andhra Pradesh. Kurukshetra,54(3),Jan 2006. p.33-36.

Tribal education;Andhra Pradesh

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502 Ghosh, Asha. Banking on the Bangalore dream. Economic and Political Weekly,41(8),Feb 25, 2006. p.689-692. Bibliog:p.692.

IT industry;Bangalore development;Private public partnership

503 Maharashtra Economic Development Council. Urban governance in China. Monthly Economic Digest Maharashtra,35(4),Feb 2006. p.9-12.

Urban governance;China;Local government

504 Mohan, Rakesh. Managing metros. Seminar,557,Jan 2006. p.86-92.

Urbanisation;Urban services;Metro cities

505 Mukhopadhyay, Partha. Whither urban renewal? Economic and Political Weekly,41(10),Mar 11, 2006. p.879-884.

Urban renewal;Urban development

506 Pathe, Abhay. On urban governance : The case of Mumbai. Monthly Economic Digest Maharashtra,35(4),Feb 2006. p.5-8.

Urban governance;Mumbai

507 Prabhu, Chandrashekhar. Revitalisation of Mumbai : Urban governance? Monthly Economic Digest Maharashtra,35(4),Feb 2006. p.21-23.

Urban governance;Mumbai

508 Raj, Solomon D. Industrialization paving the way for urbanization : An economic study. Southern Economist,44(17), Jan 1, 2006. p.20-22. Bibliog:p.22.


509 Singh, Simpreet. On repealing the urban land ceiling act. Economic and Political Weekly,41(8),Feb 25, 2006. p.698-699.

Urban Land Ceiling Act

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Page 73: Index to Indian Economic Research


510 Antony, Valsamma. Education and employment : The key to women empowerment Kurukshetra,54(4),Feb 2006. p.27-29.

Women's empowerment;Women's education;Women's employment

511 Arabi, U. Empowerment of women in information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled services : Opportunities and challenges. The Asian Economic Review, 47(3),Dec 2005. p.465-484. Bibliog:p.483.

Information and communication Technology;Women empowerment

512 Ashraf, Shahid.;Aeon, Aditi. Reproductive health and empowerment : Expectations and experience of married women. Labour and Development,11(1),Jun 2005. p.117-135. Bibliog:p.133-135.

Reproductive health;Women's empowerment

513 Ashrit, Radha R. Health status of working women. Yojana,50(3), Mar 2006. p.75-77.

Women's health care

514 Gupta, M.L.;Gupta, Namita. Economic empowerment of women through SHGs. Kurukshetra,54(4),Feb 2006. p.23-26.

Women's empowerment;Self-help groups

515 Haque, Serajul. Micro-credit and empowerment of women : Evidence from Bangladesh. The Asian Economic Review,47(3), Dec 2005. p.411-420. Bibliog:p.419-420.

Women's empowerment;Bangladesh;Microcredit

516 Kachroo, Jyoti. Rural farm women's contribution to family income in Jammu district. Journal of Rural Development,24(4), Oct-Dec 2005. p.481-499. Bibliog:p.497-498.

Women's contribution;Agricultural income;Jammu and Kashmir;Non-farm income

517 Kacker, Loveleen. SHGs and women. Yojana,50(3),Mar 2006. p.73-74.

Self-help groups

518 Kumar, Anil. Obstacles faced by women in business : A factor analytical study. The Asian Economic Review,47(3),Dec 2005. p.457-464. Bibliog:p.463.

- 70 -

Page 74: Index to Indian Economic Research

Women entrepreneurs

519 Mitra, Tushar Kanti.;Sinha, Gouranga. Women empowerment and human development in India. The Asian Economic Review,47(3), Dec 2005. p.351-366.

Women's empowerment;Human development

520 Singh, Baij Nath. Undervaluation of work and status of rural women : A study. Southern Economist,44(21),Mar 1, 2006. p.23-24.

Women's work;Rural women

521 Sudarshan, Ratna M. Vocational training for women in informal employment. Journal of Educational Planning and Administration,19(4),Oct 2005. p.543-550. Bibliog:p.550.

Vocational training;Informal sector;Employment

522 Swain, Mamata.;Swain, Mrutyunjay. Impact of super cyclone on life and livelihood of women : A micro level study of two coastal districts in Orissa. The Asian Economic Review,47(3), Dec 2005. p.485-515. Bibliog:p.502.

Orissa;Livelihood;Cyclones;Disaster management;Socio-economic impact

523 Swapna, Kole.;Kumar, Arya. Facilitating entrepreneurship amongst Indian rural women : Issues and challenges. The Asian Economic Review,47(3),Dec 2005. p.445-454. Bibliog:p.455.

Women entrepreneurs;Rural areas

524 Warlu, M. Veinkates. Women empowerment : A perspective. Vision,25(3-4),Oct-Dec 2005. p.80-84. Bibliog:p.84.

Women's empowerment

- 71 -

Page 75: Index to Indian Economic Research


Access to information 298

Access to nutrition 235

Access to water 420

Accountability 344, 380, 434

Africa 429

Agrarian change 427

Agrarian structure 173

Agreement on agriculture 464, 496

Agreement on textile 496

Agribusiness 19

Agricultual workers 173

Agricultural commodities 51

Agricultural credit 29, 108, 117

Agricultural credit societies 106

Agricultural development 8

Agricultural employment 13, 18, 23

Agricultural Exports 23, 24

Agricultural growth 3, 9, 13, 19,177, 180

Agricultural income

18, 516

Agricultural infrastructure 56

Agricultural investment 11, 23, 28, 141

Agricultural policy 8

Agricultural production 24, 29

Agricultural productivity 6, 18

Agricultural reforms 11

Agricultural research 5, 117

Agricultural subsidy 11, 18, 117

Agricultural workers 361, 364, 372

Agriculture 111, 119, 464

Agro-climatic zones 9

Agro-processing 257

Air pollution 213

Aluminium industry 140

Andhra Pradesh 194, 238, 250, 338, 377,425, 501

Anti-dumping 466, 487

Architectural plans 65

ARIMA model 220

Page 76: Index to Indian Economic Research

Arunachal Pradesh 136

Asean 144

Asia 429

Asian Economic Union 479

Asian stock markets 218

Asset reconstruction 75

Asset structure 255

Auto components export 267

Autonomous colleges 196

Backward classes 448

Bahaviour 134

Bancassurance 314, 315, 316, 318

Bangalore Agenda Task Force 230, 434

Bangalore development 502

Bangladesh 45, 515

Bank credit 90

Bank efficiency analysis 62

Bank financing 82

Bank privatization 98

Banking 247

Banking performance


Banking productivity 84, 92

Banking profitability 84, 100

Banking sector 125, 161

Banking sector reforms 62, 84, 91

Banking services 81

Banking statistics 67

Basel Accord 86

Beedi workers 369

Bhakra project 333

Bhavani River 415

Bilateral trade 477

Biodiversity 406

Biomass 198, 208

Biosafety 35, 36

Biotechnology 4

Blance of payments 171

Bombay stock exchange 221

BSNL 461

BT Cotton 4, 36

Bt-Cotton 35

Page 77: Index to Indian Economic Research

Bureaucracy 128, 380

Business ethics 128, 253

Business process outsourcing 303, 305, 348, 357,374, 422, 455

Call centres 305

Call money market rate 74

Capability approach 447

Capacity building 341

Capacity utilisation 326

Capital 367

Capital account convertibility 400

Capital adequecy norms 61

Capital expenditure 112

Capital flow 320, 321, 394

Capital Formation 23, 328

Capital market 178, 223, 225, 227,328, 329, 381, 390

Capitalism 368

Case study 30, 402, 429

Cashew exports 258

Cashew production 258

Caste differences


Caste identity 445

Causality 386

Cement consumption 271

Cement export 271

Cement production 271

Chhattisgarh 407

Child labour 362, 365

Child nutrition 233, 235

Child survival 122

China 5, 163, 183, 204, 274,288, 324, 452, 470, 503

Citizens Report 434

City transport 498

Civil society 300, 431

Climate change 210

Clustering 224

Co-operation movement 124

Co-operatives 108

Coal 208

Coconut production 34

Coffee exports

Page 78: Index to Indian Economic Research


Coffee production 58, 259

Coir products export 260

Cold storages 56

Colonial India 252

Colonial period 367, 403

Commodity prices 470

Common property resources 403

Community based ruraldevelopment 441

Community health 499

Community information centres 309

Community participation 121, 410

Community rights 212

Comparative study 345

Competition 79

Competition commission 438

Competition law 438

Computer industry 306

Conditional variance 74

Conservation 52

Consumer education


Consumer electronics 269

Consumption 470

Contract farming 21, 37, 257

Cooperative credit 106

Cooperative movement 123

Core inflation 297

Corporate control 126

Corporate finance 88

Corporate governance 73, 79, 80, 125, 128,130

Corporate leverage 69

Corporate mangement 128

Corporate sector 82, 88, 174

Corporate social responsibility 128

Corporate takeovers 126

Corruption 434

Cost of cultivation 38

Costs 132

Cotton cooperatives 40

Cotton marketing 40

Cotton seed production

Page 79: Index to Indian Economic Research


Credit 243

Credit cards 97

Credit concentration 66

Credit deposit ratio 27

Credit flow 295

Credit growth 95

Credit rating 73, 78, 295

Credit standard 219

Credit, rural 108

Cropping pattern 48

Cross-country analysis 292

Cross-national study 239

Cultural transformation 305

Customer relations menagement 307

Cyclones 522

Dairy farmers 33

Data envelopment analysis 62, 251

Debt market 178, 398

Decentralisation 121, 170, 380, 382,433

Deficit reduction


Delhi 347

Demand for gold 286

Demand for kerosene 207

Demand side financing 237

Desalination 214

Developing countries 10, 158, 210, 213, 239,323, 325, 326, 380, 401,490

Development 447

Development banking 64

Development economics 145

Digital divide 311

Dirinking water 214

Disability statistics 453

Disabled population 366, 453

Disaster management 522

Disinvestment 437

Displacement 156, 337, 338, 439, 440

Dispute reduction 378

Distribution 244

Dropout rates 190

Page 80: Index to Indian Economic Research

Drought affected areas 232

Drug production 274

Duty free imports 477

E-governance 231, 312

Econometric analysis 47, 90

Economic development 123, 177, 219, 310

Economic efficiency 41

Economic forecasting 140, 165

Economic growth 85, 151, 152, 154,179, 183, 211, 288, 323,325, 362, 394, 455, 488

Economic history 252

Economic impact 138

Economic indicators 153, 168

Economic policy 179

Economic reforms 11, 155, 175, 181,320, 345, 449, 472

Economic stability 143

Economic sustainability 55

Economics teaching 142

Education 111, 425, 455

Education expenditure 192, 197, 449

Education financing


Education level 349, 357

Education subsidy 189

Educational attainment 235

Efficiency wages 350

Efficient market hypothesis 220

Electronic data interchange 302

Elementary education 187, 193, 195

Emerging market economies 161

Empirical analysis 16, 70, 134, 217, 468

Empirical model 493

Employment 53, 111, 171, 348, 353,355, 366, 470, 521

Employment guarantee scheme 355, 356, 359

Empowerment 186, 381

Empowerment index 186

Energy consumption 210, 213

Energy security 199, 200

Engineering education 301

Engineering exports 266

Enrollment rate 194

Enrollment ratio

Page 81: Index to Indian Economic Research


Entrepreneurship 183

Entrepreneurship development 209, 404

Environment 52, 54, 287, 508

Environmental degradation 213

Environmental goods trade 476

Environmental impact 214

Environmental policy 212

Equilibria 132, 135

Error-correction mechanism 165

Ethical issues 253

Ethnic communities 448

European business community 252

Evaluation 429

Exchange rate 85, 320, 388, 391,394, 396, 397

Exchange rate management 64

Export model 326

Export Processing Zones 491

Export promotion 351

Export structure 472

Export subsidy

401, 475

Exports 180, 326, 468, 483, 484

Factor Modelling 140

Factor productivity 1, 91

Family planning 238

Farmer households 14

Female literacy 185, 186

Female-headed households 6

Finance Commissions 433

Financial crises 181

Financial inclusion 81

Financial intermediation 88

Financial market 178

Financial performance analysis 280

Financial ratios 127

Financial sector reforms 64, 219

Financial services 101, 102

Financial structure 88

Finanical institutions 60

Fiscal decentralisation 433

Fiscal deficit 64, 111, 112, 394

Page 82: Index to Indian Economic Research

Fiscal policy 392

Flower farming 41

Flower marketing 41

Fodder production 32

Food processing industry 56

Food safety 24

Food security 13, 20

Foodgrains availability 432

Foodgrains off-take 432

Foodgrains production 20

Foodgrains trade 24

Forecasting 226

Foregin investment 460

Foreig trade statistics 485

Foreign exchange market 388

Foreign exchange regulation 393

Foreign exchange reserves 399

Foreign institutional investors 64, 321, 328, 329,330, 332

Foreign investment 96, 111, 155, 162,163, 319, 320, 321, 322,323, 324, 325, 327, 329,330, 331, 384, 472, 489

Foreign remittance 138

Forest area 53, 54

Forest extraction 55

Forest rights bill 212

Forex market 391, 392

Free trade 488

Free trade agreement 182

Freight charges 463

Futures market 37, 40, 227

GARCH model 224

Garment exports 277

GATT agreement 494

GDP growth 160, 175

Gender 52, 243

Gender development index 188

Generic drugs 276

Genetically modified crops 2

Geographical indications 480

Geography education 229

Global finance 161

Page 83: Index to Indian Economic Research

Global information society 311

Global markets 315

Globalisation 80, 157, 159, 166,296, 327, 370, 374

Goa 403

Godavari irrigation project 336

Gold demand 285

Gold prices 285

Good governance 431

Governance 133, 173

Government finances 151

Government policy 2, 351

Government securities 225

Granger causality 325

Gravity model 478

Grievance redressal 360

Groundnut production 43

Groundwater depletion 417

Groundwater estimates 333

Growth monitoring 234

Growth rate 175

Gujarat 257, 293, 294, 345, 414

Handloom sector 281

Hans Singer 145

Haribad project 339

Haryana 382

Health 243, 425

Health care expenditure 236, 239, 449

Health care financing 237

Health sector reforms 238

Hetroskedastivity 224

High finance 68

Higher education 147, 189, 196

Himachal Pradesh 6

Himalayan region 52

HIV 240

Hong Kong Ministerial 401, 465, 469, 474, 475,490

Hong Kong Ministerialmeet 471

Horticultural crops 56

Horticulture 8

Household consumption 207

Page 84: Index to Indian Economic Research

Household economy 138

Household industry 377

Households 250

Human capital 247

Human development 245, 519

Human development index 244, 248

Human development measurement 244, 246

Human resources 89

Human rights 137

ICDS programme 187

ICT 309, 319, 323

Immunisation 122

Impact assessment 5

Import demand 261

Imports 483, 484

Incentives 135

Income 386

Indebtedness 14

Independent bank 105

India-China comparison 153, 154, 162, 168,184

India-China trade 158

India-SAARC trade 478

Indian banking 98

Indian Millennium Deposits 389

Indo-Bangladesh trade 477

Indo-US nuclear accord 199, 203

Indo-US trade 483

Industrial clusters 167

Industrial estates 254

Industrial growth 177, 251

Industrial policy 150, 489

Industrial production 94

Industrial relations 352

Industrial revolution 346

Industrial tariff 471

Industrialisation 367, 508

Inequality 246

Inflation 144

Inflation management 297

Inflation measurement 297

Informal market

Page 85: Index to Indian Economic Research


Informal sector 171, 521

Information and communicationtechnology 430, 511

Information asymmetry 102

Information society 300

Information technology 149, 166, 183, 343,346, 348, 374

Information technology Use 344

Infrastructure 183, 184

Infrastructure delivery 380

Infrastructure financing 399

Initital public offering 223

Input demand 51

Installed capacity 205

Institutional credit 27

Institutional reforms 172

Insurance charges 463

Insurance products 318

Integrated child developmentscheme 121

Intellectual capital 342

Intellectual capital measurement 342

Intellectual property rights 164, 308, 422, 423, 424

Inter-bank trade settlement 228

Inter-state analysis 245

Interest rate 84, 85, 99, 399

Intermediation 102

International accounting standards 80

International banking statistics 93

Intrahousehold allocation 243

Investment 160, 172

Investment credit 28

Irrigated area 47

Irrigation 117, 406

Irrigation management 418

Islamic banking 76

IT industry 269, 502

IT market 280

Italy 68

Jammu and Kashmir 516

Jharkhand 411

Job reservation 159, 448

Page 86: Index to Indian Economic Research

Job satisfaction 383

Kanpur 252

Karnataka 20, 192, 263, 369,378

Kerosene consumption 207

Khari river 413

Knowledge economy 146, 147, 149, 164,166, 346, 349, 374

Knowledge management 164, 167

Knowledge process outsourcing 166

Knowledge workers 346

Kuznet's curve 362

Labour force 149

Labour market 343, 350, 357, 368

Labour movements 361

Labour reforms 184

Labour relations 360, 361, 373

Labour unions 361

Land records computerisation 378

Land reforms 180

Land use 16, 53

Latin America 429

Leader power 383

Lease market 25, 379

Least developed countries 481

Leather industry 351

Leverage effect 224

Lexicographic goal programming 17

Life insurance 317

Liquidity 96, 221, 389, 390

Liquidity adjustment facility 74

Liquidity cost 225

Liquidity risk 60, 398

Literacy trends 190

Livelihood 174, 359, 375, 427, 522

Livestock production 57

Livestock trade 57

Local administration 403

Local communities 402

Local government 503

Local governments 433

Local initiatives 191

Page 87: Index to Indian Economic Research

Local institutions 52

Macro model 165

Macroeconomic simulation 141

Macroeconomics 317

Madhya Pradesh 8, 339

Maharashtra 54, 381

Malaysia 55

Malnutrition 232, 233, 234

Manufacturing sector 171

Marginal farms 26

Market access 158, 475

Market segementation 316

Market share 268

Market size 318

Markov probability model 48

Mathematical analysis 49

Mathematical model 51, 86, 91, 155,261, 306, 310

Medical tourism 462

Medici Bank 68

Medicinal plants 22

Merchandise export 463

Mergers and acquisitions 126

Methodology 132

Metro cities 504

Mexico 246

Microcredit 107, 515

Microenterprise development 294

Microfinance 63, 65, 71, 72, 83,101, 102

Mid-day meal scheme 235

Milk procurement 33

Milk production 31, 32

Milleniam Development Goals 103

Millennium Development Goals 170

Minimum support price 43

Mizoram 441, 500

Mobile phone industry 459

Model split 497

Monetarism 181

Monetary policy 70, 85, 86, 96, 321

Money 386

Page 88: Index to Indian Economic Research

Money demend 387

Money market 390, 391, 392, 395

Monitoring 344

Monitoring and evaluation 363

Mortality 239

Multilateralism 495

Multinational drug companies 276

Mumbai 506, 507

Mutual funds 215, 216

Natural disaster 139

Natural gas 208

Natural resource management 404, 405

Naxal movement 156

NEER 397

Neo-liberalism 345, 373

New trade theory 488

Non-agricultural market access 401, 465, 469, 474,475

Non-conventional energy sources 198

Non-farm employment 377

Non-farm income 516

Non-government finance companies 129, 255

Non-governmental organisations 451

Non-performing assets 29, 69, 75, 100, 104

Non-tariff barriers 464

NREG Act 344, 355, 356, 358, 359,363

NREP 354

NSSO survey 14

Nuclear energy 203, 208

Occupational category 138

Occupational distribution 250

Ocean energy 198

Onion export 44

Organizational commitment 383

Orissa 27, 195, 201, 202, 287,313, 440, 522

Out migration 138

Output-inflation 144

Ownership pattern 126

Paint prices 278

Paint production 278

Pakistan 96, 220, 386

Page 89: Index to Indian Economic Research

Panchayati Raj Institutions 137, 344, 382

Participatory irrigationmanagement 336

Participatory notes 329

Patent Act 424

Patents 164, 275, 276

Peasant migration 25

Pension fund management 450

Pension funds 452

People's participation 52, 354

Persistence 135

Petroleum import 484


Pharmaceutical industry 424

Philippines 124

Plan allocation 197

Plastic Industry 445

Polavaram project 338

Policy matrix 8

Policy simulations 165

Policy space 150

Political economy 177

Political mobilisation 445

Politics 137, 176

Pollution 508

Pondicherry 32, 47

Population growth 136, 211

Port development 313

Posco project 287

Positive discrimination 448

Post-colonial Science 442

Post-MFA exports 282

Post-reform period 296, 297

Potato production 45

Poverty 5, 7

Poverty assessment 429

Poverty eradication 309

Poverty reduction 72, 107

Poverty targeting 429

Poverty, states 428

Poverty, urban 426, 428

Page 90: Index to Indian Economic Research

Power generation 205

Power requirement 208

Power sector reforms 201, 202, 204, 206

Powerloom sector 281

Price elasticity 286

Price incentives 10

Price indices 94

Prices 85, 151, 386, 387,397

Primary education 187, 191, 194

Primary health centres 238

Priority sector lending 95

Private corporate sector 129

Private public partnership 21, 230, 241, 409,502

Private sector 236

Privatisation 407, 437

Pro-poor growth 362

Product competition 315

Product pricing 316

Production function 51

Productive efficiency 256

Productivity 34, 283

Profitability ratio 129

Protected area management 402

Protection 464, 467

Public distribution system 207

Public expenditure 434

Public health 242

Public limited companies 82

Public policy 242

Public sector banks 92

Public sector enterprises 236, 360

Public sector revival 436

Public transport 498

Pulses exports 46

Pulses production 46

Punjab 18

Purchasing power parity 396

Quality of education 191

Quality of life 244

R&D 208, 275

Page 91: Index to Indian Economic Research

R&D expenditure 149, 349

R&D investment 167

Rail infrastructure 313

Rail transport 497

Random walk hypothesis 220

Recycling industry 445

Redistribution 177

REER 397

Refrigerators sales 272

Regional disparities 27, 67

Regional distribution 29

Regional rural banks 67, 89, 92

Regional trade agreement 262

Regional trade blocks 479, 495

Regulatory authority 438

Regulatory challenges 77

Renewable energy sources 200

Reproductive health 237, 512

Reservation policy 159

Reserve Bank of India 105

Resettlement policy


Resource depletion 55

Resource governance 52

Resource mobilisation 441

Retail banking 67, 95

Retailing 384

Retrenchment 350

Returns in investment 1

Rice cultivation 1

Rice production 47

Right to information Act 298

Right to work 355, 356, 358, 359, 375

Risk management 60, 61

Road transport 497

Rubber consumption 59

Rubber import 59

Rubber prices 59

Rubber production 59

Rubber products export 262

Rupee convertibility 400

Rural areas

Page 92: Index to Indian Economic Research

180, 290, 309, 376,427, 456, 523

Rural banks 30

Rural development 118

Rural market 385

Rural telephony 458, 460

Rural women 520

Russia 96

S&T manpower 167

SAARC countries 478, 486

SAARC declaration 169


Sand mining 417

Sanitation 233

Sardar Sarovar project 337

Savings 172

Savings, household 317

Scheduled tribes 194

Schooling 362

Science studies 442

Seasonal factors 94

Sectoral GDP growth


Securitization 78

Self-employed 375

Self-help groups 63, 101, 103, 107, 304,500, 514, 517

Sericulture 263

Services export 493

Services growth 171

Settlement system 228

Shipping history 279

Shipping tonnage 279

Skill upgradation 155, 370

Slapin river basin 411

Small dams 337, 339, 340, 419

Small farmers 26

Small scale industry 90

Small scale industry employment 293

Small scale industry growth 293

SME financing 295

SMEs 383

Social aspects 209

Social capital

Page 93: Index to Indian Economic Research


Social changes 131

Social development index 446

Social indicators 153

Social justice 492

Social sector expenditure 248, 446, 449

Social security laws 371

Socio-economic aspects 156

Socio-economic benefits 369

Socio-economic impact 522

Socio-economic status 299

Soft loan scheme 56

Software exports 280, 493

Software industry 269

Solar energy 198

South Asia 138, 222, 233, 362,425, 427

South East Asia 289

Special Economic Zone 482, 491

Sri Lanka 467

Stakeholders 300

State government finances

248, 435

State intervention 353, 373

Statistical analysis 286

Steel consumption 289, 291, 292

Steel demand 288, 290

Steel production 288, 289

Stock flow 143

Stock indices 217

Stock market 217, 220, 222, 227

Stock market integration 218

Stock market reforms 221

Stock prices 332

Strategic banking variables 100

Structural reforms 175

Subsidy 207

Sugar production 264

Sugar supply 264

Sugarcane production 49

Supply response 10

Supply shifters 10

Supply side financing 237

Page 94: Index to Indian Economic Research

Sustainable agriculture 7, 15, 17

Sustainable development 405

Sutlej-Yamuna link canal 335

SWOT analysis 8

Tamil Nadu 9, 16, 301, 334,415

Tank irrigation 334

Tariffs 461

Tax credit system 273

Tax reforms 120

Taxation 111

Tea exports 265, 467

Tea industry 467

Tea production 265

Technical education 343

Technical efficiency 256

Technological change 310

Technological choice 281

Technology 79, 357

Technology transfer 158, 491

Telecom pricing 461

Telecom regulation 457

Teledensity 456, 458

Tenancy 379

Textile exports 282

Textile trade 282

Time varying parameters 165

Total factor productivity 430

Trade 94, 151, 157

Trade cooperation 478, 479

Trade deficit 483, 485

Trade determinants 493

Trade dispute settlement 495

Trade facilitation 302, 471

Trade in services 401, 469

Trade liberalisation 31, 464

Trade marks 480

Trade off 144

Trade policy 150, 182

Trade policy reforms 472, 489

TRAI 457

Page 95: Index to Indian Economic Research

Transaction cost 102

Transitional economies 131

Transportation 56

Tribal areas 238

Tribal education 499, 501

TRIPs 11, 275, 423, 475,480, 481

Turnover liquidity adjustmentfacility 398

Two child norm 137

Two-wheelers production 270

Under development 156

Under pricing 223

Underdevelopment 313

Undernutrition 121

Unemployment 345


Unit Root Test 217, 236, 396

Universal banking 77

Unorganised sector 347

Unorganised Sector Worker's Bill 451

Urban areas 193

Urban development 505

Urban governance 503, 506, 507

Urban Land Ceiling Act 509

Urban local bodies 381

Urban renewal 505

Urban renewal mission 426

Urban services 504

Urbanisation 504

User cost 497

Uttar Pradesh 17

Value added tax 273, 454, 467

Value at risk 61, 398

Value of passenger time 497

Values 128, 134

VAR model 141, 218

Variance ratio test 220, 222

VECMX forgetting 140

Vegetable exports 42

Vegetable production 42

Vehicle operating cost 497

Page 96: Index to Indian Economic Research

Village electricity committees 202

Vocational training 370, 521

Volatility 398

Volatility estimation 226

Volatility models 226

Wage employment 354

Wage goods 10

Wage structure 89

Washing machines sales 272

Wastelands transfor 174

Water demand 418

Water disputes 335, 406, 408, 411,412, 413, 414, 415, 421

Water harvesting 410

Water quality 413, 416, 420

Water resources 13

Water scarcity 409, 418

Water use 333, 408, 418

Watershed development 7, 15, 341

Welfare schemes 114, 372

Wellbeing 447

West Bengal 41, 107, 322, 345, 353,354

Wheat import 50

Wheat prices 50

Wild life conservation 402

Wind energy 198, 208

Women empowerment 294, 511

Women entrepreneurs 518, 523

Women's contribution 516

Women's education 510

Women's employment 376, 510

Women's empowerment 63, 188, 510, 512, 514,515, 519, 524

Women's health care 513

Women's participation 299, 341, 420

Women's wages 376

Women's work 520

Worker's union 364

Workforce, rural 353

Working conditions 352

World Bank programmes 173

World economic development 178

Page 97: Index to Indian Economic Research

World economy 151, 152

WTO 31, 182, 262, 464,465, 468, 474, 475, 481,495

WTO rules 487

Page 98: Index to Indian Economic Research

AUTHOR INDEXAbbas, Kalbe. 386

Abraham, Itty. 442

Abraham, Ronald Joseph. 153

Abraham, Vinoj. 343

Acharya, Akash. 137

Acharya, Viral V. 60

Achoth, Lalita. 1, 47

Addison, Tony. 319

Adhikary, Maniklal. 387

Adusumilli, Ravi Babu. 291, 482

Aeon, Aditi. 512

Afza, Mainuddin. 383

Agarwal, Aman. 140

Agarwal, Ranjana. 299

Agarwal, Vijay. 277

Agrawal, Arun. 52

Ahmad, Khan Masood. 217

Ahmed, Shahid. 217, 251

AHN, Pong-Sul. 138

Ahuja, Manoj. 378

Aiyar, Yamini. 344

Ajith Kumar, C.E. 34

Akhtar, Aasim Sajjad. 139

Alagh, Yoginder K. 53

Ananat, T.C.A. 438

Ananth, G.S. 1

Anbumani, V. 460

Andvig, Jens Chr. 131

Anitha, V. 402

Annapoorani, R. 185

Antony, Valsamma. 510

Arabi, U. 511

Arun Kumar 109

Arunachalam, V.S. 208, 455

Arya, Anita. 257

Asher, Manshi. 287

Asher, Mukul. 450

Ashraf, Shahid. 217, 512

Ashrit, Radha R. 513

Page 99: Index to Indian Economic Research

Atibudhi, H.N. 27

Bagchi, Amiya Kumar. 345

Baghamar, Manju. 24

Bahng, Joshua S. 218

Balasubramaniam, C.S. 125

Balasubramanian, R. 16

Bandyopadhyay, A.K. 342

Banerjee, Debdas. 346

Banerjee, Rahul. 176

Banerjee, Sikha. 31

Bardhan, Pranab. 132, 380

Barman, S.C. 45

Basu, Moushumi. 347

Basu, Santonu. 219

Basu, Udayan Kumar. 61

Bathla, Seema. 464

Beegam, S.Resia. 215

Berg,Ernst. 51

Bezborah, Pranjal. 146

Bhanumurthy, N.R. 388

Bhanushali, Kishor. 453

Bhardwaj, Anshu. 208

Bhargava, Pradeep. 183

Bhartesh, K.R. 342

Bharwada, Charul. 174

Bhat, Ramesh. 236

Bhatia, M.R. et al. 237

Bhattacharjee, Subhomoy. 110

Bhattacharya, Subir. 288

Bhawani, L. 232

Bhogal, T.S. 20

Bhole, L.M. 82, 123

Bhullar, A.S. 18

Bhushan, Sudhanshu. 147

Bidari, D. 441

Binil Kumar, A.S. 402

Biradar, R.R. 348

Bose, Ashish. 499

Bose, Shekhar. 261

Calara, Maria Socorro. 124

Carcanholo, Marcelo Dias. 179

Chakrabarti, Manali. 252

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Chakraborty, Debesh. 310

Chakraborty, Indrani. 320

Chakraborty, Madhumita. 220

Chakraborty, Shouvik. 111

Chakravarti, Rajkesh. 62

Chakravarty, P.K. 148

Chakravarty, Paula. 300

Chandavarkar, Anand. 286

Chandrakavate, M.S. 63

Chandrappa, D. 263

Chandrasekhar, C.P. 64, 149, 321, 349

Chang, Ha-Joon. 150

Changappa, P.G. 1

Chatre, Ashwini. 52

Chatterjee, Biswajit. 252

Chatterjee, Shoutir Kishore. 244

Chattopadhyay, Suhas. 322

Chaturvedi, Sachin. 158

Chaubey, P.K. 142

Chaudhury, Prosenjit Dey. 497

Chauhan, Malavika. 406

Chawla, Gaurav. 62

Chhikara, M.S. 209

Chinoy, Merzi. 273

Chitlangi, B.M. 170

Chkravorty, Sanjukta. 41

Chojer, Ruchi. 126

Chokkar, Jagdeep S. 431

Chowdary, T.H. 456

Clarke, Matthew. 210

Correa, Romar. 143

D'Cruz, Sharon. 403

D'Souza, Errol. 112, 350

Damodaran, Sumangala. 351

Das, Abhiman. 90

Das, Bikash Chandra. 201

Das, Binayak. 407

Das, Kasturi. 2

Das, Keshab. 313

Das, Panchanan. 345

Dasgupta, R. 65

Dasgupta, Sukti. 171

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Dash, Bikash Chandra. 202

Dash, Ranjan Kumar. 221

Date, Vidyadhar. 352

David, Maria Betriz deAlbuquerque. 180

De Greiff, A. Alexis. 443

Deene, Shivkumar. 78

Desai, Bhupat M. 28

Deshpande, Smitha. 459

Dhadli, T.K. 428

Dhankar, R.S. 222

Dhar, Biswajit. 465

Dharmadhikary, Shripad. 333, 339

Dhillon, Sharanjit S. 245

Dhote, Sonali. 40

Dilip Babu, J. 15

Drope, Jeffrey M. 466

Dubey, Muchkund. 401

Dutta, Ratanajyoti. 3

Dutta, Ratnajyoti. 4, 50

Dutta, S.K. 66

Fan, Shenggen. 5

Foster, James E. 246

Fuller, C.J. 301

Gadage, R.S. 432

Ganatra, Rachna G. 302

Gandhi, G.P. 46, 258, 267

Ganewatta, Gaminda et al. 467

Gaur, Achal Kumar. 468

George, Tharian. 262

Gholami, Roghieh. 323

Ghosal, Ratan Kumar. 353

Ghosh, Asha. 502

Ghosh, D.N. 68, 324

Ghosh, Dilip Kumar. 354

Ghosh, Jayati. 355, 356

Ghosh, Probal P. 141

Ghosh, Saibal. 69, 70, 86

Ghosh, Saurabh. 223

Ghosh, Sudeshna. 186

Giehler, Thorsten. 71

Gill, Kaveri. 445

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Gill, Rajesh. 133

Godse, Vasant. 314

Goetz, Anne-Marie. 238

Gohil, D.C. 293

Gopinath, Shyamala. 393

Gopinathreddy, M. 238

Goyal, Ashima. 357

Goyal, S.K. 51

Gragnolati, Michele. et al. 121

Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb. 155, 319

Gujja, Biksham et al. 408

Gulekar, Aparna. 54, 198

Gupta, Ankur. 422

Gupta, Krishna K. 106

Gupta, M.L. 514

Gupta, Namita. 514

Gupta, Smita. 358

Gupta, Sonika. 6

Gurumurthy, Anita. 311

Guruswamy, Mohan. 153

Hamsalakshmi, R. 280

Hansen, Henrick. 325

Hansen, Wendy L. 466

Haque, Serajul. 515

Hari Ram. 230

Hashmi, Mobina. 303

Haupt, Ulrike. 72

Henry, Carla. 429

Heshmati, Almas. 249, 323

Hirway, Indira. 359, 451

Holvoet, Nathalie. 243

Hu, Yu-Wei. 452

Huang, Yasheng. 154

Husain, Fazal. 386

Hussain, Monirul. 439

IIyas, S.M. 7

Illiyan, Asherf. 266

Irani, J.J. 128

Islam, Nazrul Mohd. 45

Jacob, K.K. 360

Jagannathan, N. Vijay. 409

Jagota, Mukesh. 436

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Jahanmohan, K.R. et al. 9

Jain, Maina. 187

Jain, Nishant. 236

Jain, Sunil. 457

Jairath, Jasveen. 416

Jaiswal, Rajesh. 207

Janardhan. 275, 482

Jayadev, M. 73

Jayakumar, N. 415

Jayalakshmi, K. 238

Jayaraman, T. 199

Jena, Manipadma. 440

Jha, Praveen. 361

Jha, Rajiv. 326

Jha, Veena. 469

Jhamtani, Anita. 372

Joseph, Joby. 262

Joseph, Toms. 262

Joshi, A.S. 18

Joshi, Himanshu. 74

Joshi, Seema. 449

Joshi, Vijay. 394

Joy, K.J. 337

Jyothi, S. Hyma. 57

Kachroo, Jyoti. 516

Kacker, Loveleen. 517

Kakker, Rajendra. 75

Kambhampati, Uma S. 362

Kanagaaraj, M. 334

Kanagaraj, Easwaran. 500

Kantor, Paula. 294

Kanwar, Sunil. 10

Kaplinsky, Raphael. 470

Kapoor, Ravi Shankar. 114

Kar, Saibal. 155

Karmaker, K.G. 11

Karmaker, Madhusudan. 224

Karthikeyan, K. 57

Kashwan, Prakash. 410

Kataria, Neela. 76

Kataria, Parveen. 253

Katti, Vijay. 471

Page 104: Index to Indian Economic Research

Kaul, Ajay. 203

Kaul, Reeta. 285

Kaundal, R.K. 472

Kaur, Inder Pal. 211

Kaur, Jaspreet. 245

Kejriwal, O.P. 298

Khandelwal, A.K. 77

Khurana, Indira. 335

Kohli, Anju. 188

Kondaiah, Chukka. 404

Kothari, Rajesh. 189

Koulagi, A.K. 26

Kranthi, K.R. et al. 35

Krishna, Anirudh. 425

Krishnamurthy, S. 315

Krishnamurty, J. 363

Kshirsagar, G.K. 56

Kubendran, V. 462

Kujur, Rajat Kumar. 156

Kukherjee, Dipa. 190

Kukkudi, Jagannath B. 78

Kulkarni, Manu N. 122

Kumar, Anil. 518

Kumar, Arya. 523

Kumar, Praduman. 250

Kumar, S. 232

Kumaran, D.P. 441

Kumaravelu, P. 47

Kundu, Amit. 364

Kuruganti, Kavitha. 36

Lal, Meera. 304

Lal, Pankaj. 411

Lalrinliana, Joseph. 500

Lalvani, Mala. 381

Lathika, M. 34

Lee, Jong-Wha. 473

Lee, Sang-Yong Tom. 323

Leeladhar, V. 79, 80, 81

Lele, S.N. 336

Lenka, J. 157

Li-I, Wei. 289

Lieten, G.K. 365

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Liew, Khim-Sen Venus. 144

Lopez-Calva, Luis F. 246

Madheswaran, S. 369

Mahajan, Vinay. 174

Mahakud, Jitendra. 82

Mahal, Nahar S. 273

Mahanta, Anjana. 412

Mahanta, Chandan. 412

Majumdar, Manabi. 191

Mallick, M. 157

Mandal, Ram Krishna. 136

Manicham, M. 280

Manickavasagam, R. 272

Mannava, Sailaja. 268

Mathrani, Sunil. 204

Mathur, Somesh K. 251

Mavrotas, George. 319

Mazumder, Ritwik. 387

McKibbin, J. 473

McMillin, Divya C. 305

Meera, S.N. 279

Meguire, James W. 239

Mehrotra, Santosh. 233

Mehta, Pradeep S. 474

Mehta, Ruchira. 475

Menon, Ajit. 212

Menon, T.G.K. 12

Miller, Willam L. 134

Mishra, Ajit. 135

Mishra, Arvind Kumar. 385

Mishra, Nripendra K. 281

Mishra, Satyabrata. 240

Mishra, Vinod. 306

Mitra, Amit. 115

Mitra, P.K. 247

Mitra, Siddhartha. 498

Mitra, Sophie. 366

Mitra, Subhashis. 426

Mitra, Tushar Kanti. 519

Mohan, Rakesh. 29, 84, 85, 248, 504

Mohanty, Jeevan Prakash. 153

Mohanty, S.K. 158

Page 106: Index to Indian Economic Research

Mohanty, Subhransubala. 423

Moitra, M.K. 290

Moodie, Rob. 241

Mookherjee, Dilip. 380

Mudrakartha, Srinivas. 413

Mujumdar, N.A. 13

Mukherjee, Chandan. 476

Mukherji, Indra Nath. 477

Mukhopadhyay, Asish. 367

Mukhopadhyay, Partha. 505

Muraleedharan, P.K. 402

Murty, G.R.K. 159

Mustain Billah, A.H.M. 55

Muthappan, P.K. 307

Nachane, D.M. 86

Nag, Biswajit. 478

Nanda, Paramjit. 479

Nandi, Anisha. 478

Narasaiah, M. Lakshmi. 480

Narasimhan, Haripriya. 301

Narayan, Paresh Kumar. 396

Narayana, N.S.S. 141

Narayanamoorthy, A. 14

Narayanana, M.R. 192

Natchimuthu, K. 32

Nath, Golaka C. 225

Ninan, T.N. 160

Nirmala Devi, T. 446

Oommen, M.A. 433

Ourti, Tom Van. 493

Pal, Parthapratim. 64

Palit, Amitendu. 116

Palma, Gabriel. 181

Pandey, Ajay. 226

Pandey, Alok Kumar. 468

Pandey, Rahul. 200

Pangare, Ganesh. 407

Pant, Devendra Kumar. 207

Paranjape, Suhas. 337

Park, Young Chul. 473

Parwez, Shahid. 48

Patel, I.G. 286

Page 107: Index to Indian Economic Research

Pathe, Abhay. 506

Patil, R.H. 227

Patil, R.K. 336

Patnaik, Ila. 437

Patnaik, Prabhat. 368

Pattnaik, R.K. 297

Pattnaik, Satyanarayana. 240

Paul, Samuel. 434

Penm, J.H.W. 140

Pethe, Abhay. 381

Porattoor, Philip Varughese. 231

Pouchepparadjou, A. 47

Prabhu, Chandrashekhar. 507

Prabhu, Suresh. 128

Pradhan, Rudra Prakash. 125, 327

Prakash, Anjal. 414

Pramod, Kumar. et al. 44

Prasad, Amit. 444

Prasad, Kapildeo. 411

Praveen Kumar. 474

Purkayastha, Prabir. 458

Radha Krishnan, S. 216

Radhamma, S. 254

Raha, Subir. 128

Raikar, Avinash. 403

Raikhy, P.S. 479

Raj, Francis. 137

Raj, Solomon D. 508

Rajan, Nalini. 308

Rajan, Raji. 362

Rajasekhar, D. 369

Rajbir Singh. 382

Rajgopal, A. 415

Raju, K. Atchuta. 15

Rakshit, Mihir. 87, 328

Ram Mohan, R.V. 338

Ram Mohan, T.T. 329

Ramachandran, Vimala. 193

Ramanjaneyulu, G.V. 36

Ramanjaneyulu, M. 213

Ramasastri, A.S. 88

Ramasundaram, P. 40

Page 108: Index to Indian Economic Research

Ramasundaram, P. et al. 37, 38, 39

Ramaswamy, C. 16

Ramesh Kumar, D.R. 454

Rameshan, P. 282

Ramkumar, S. 32

Rand, John. 325

Rangnekar, Dwijen. 424

Rani, P. Jansi. 185

Rao, B. Dayakar. 57

Rao, B.H. Venkateswara. 271

Rao, B.K.S. Prakash. 271

Rao, C. Niranjan. 481

Rao, C.H. Hanumantha. 117

Rao, Ch.Sambasiva. 309

Rao, D. Pulla. 194

Rao, D.V. Subba. 334

Rao, Dayakar. 48

Rao, Dinkar. 89

Rao, J. Rama. 416

Rao, K.Chandra Sekhara. 216

Rao, K.S. Ramachandra. 90

Rao, M. Chandrasekhara. 417

Rao, M.B.N. 316

Rao, N. 275, 482

Rao, N.Janardhan. 274, 291

Rao, S.V.N. 32

Rastogi, Rajiv. 269

Rathun, Kate. 241

Ray, C.K. 234

Ray, Partha. 86

Reddy, A. Amarender. 91, 92, 250

Reddy, K.Srinath. 242

Reddy, M. Sudershan. 15

Reddy, V.K. 283

Reddy, Y.V. 130, 161, 430

Redkar, Soumil B. 261

Rehmat. 339

Restall, Hugo. 162

Rigg, Jonathan. 427

Robeyns, Ingrid. 447

Rollo, Paula de Andrade. 180

Rout, Sarit Kumar. 195

Page 109: Index to Indian Economic Research

Roy, Mohua. 95

Roy, Siddhartha. 228

Roy, Sikhanwita. 310

Roy, Sunando. 398

Rudolph, Matthew C.J. 163

Sadhak, H. 317

Saggar, Mridul. 96

Sahey, A. 209

Saini, Debi S. 370, 371

Saluja, S.K. 292

Sama, R.K. 414

Samantaraya, Amresh. 297

Sambamoorthi, Usha. 366

Samji, Salimah. 344

Samra, Alka. 188

Samra, Anju. 188

Sandeep Kumar. 49

Sant, Atul K. 97

Saradana, Vijay. 24

Sarkar, Abhirup. 177

Sarkar, Debnarayan. 41, 107

Sarma, I.R.S. 283

Satapathy, C. 487

Sathye, Milind. 98

Satish, D. 459

Satya Narayan, I. 278

Satya Sundaram, I. 43, 59, 259, 260, 270

Sen, Partha. 330

Sen, Sunanda. 488

Sengupta, Suchita. 292

Shafaeddin, S.M. 489

Shailaja, D. 334

Shalendra. 17

Shanbhag, A.N. 99

Shanmukham, P.S. 318

Sharma, H.R. 379

Sharma, J.K. 19

Sharma, Manohar. 429

Sharma, Manoranjan. 295

Sharma, Meena. 100

Sharma, Nishi. 372

Sharma, Pritee. 495

Page 110: Index to Indian Economic Research

Sharma, R. 164

Sharma, R.K. 6, 343

Sharma, Shveta. 211

Sharma, Shyam Sunder Prasad. 418

Shekhar, Shishir. 207

Sheth, Jatin. 413

Shome, Parathasarathi. 172

Shyam sunder, K.R. 373

Sidhu, M.S. 428

Sidhu, R.S. 18, 49

Sikarwar, Deepshikha. 490

Singh, A.P. 378

Singh, Ajit. 171

Singh, Alka. 376

Singh, Amarendra P. 19

Singh, Arvind Kumar. 90

Singh, Baij Nath. 520

Singh, Balwant. 165

Singh, Charan. 399

Singh, Gajendra. 20

Singh, H.P. 42

Singh, Jaivir. 438

Singh, Kamaldeo. 411

Singh, Nagesh. 118

Singh, Nandita. 340, 419

Singh, Parminder Jeet. 311

Singh, Phundan. 40

Singh, Simpreet. 509

Singh, Surjit. 166

Singh, Ummed. 372

Singhal, L.B. 491

Sinha, Archana. 420

Sinha, Chandan. 340, 419

Sinha, Gouranga. 519

Sinha, Rajesh. 421

Sisodia, N.S. et al. 101

Sisodiya, Amit Singh. 268

Sivakumar, S.D. 16

Sivamurugan, C. 460

Sridhar, C.R. 276

Srinath, J. 413

Srinivasan, Aravindan. 312

Page 111: Index to Indian Economic Research

Sriram, M.S. 102, 108

Sriram, T.V. 3, 21, 265

Srivastava, R.K. 184

Srivastava, Ravi S. 281

Stiglitz, Joseph. 492

Subbaiah, A. 30

Subrahmanian, K.K. 175

Sud, Surinder. 119

Sudarsan, P.K. 461

Sudarshan, Ratna M. 521

Sudeepkumar, N.K. 33

Sudhaman, K.R. 120

Sudhaman, K.S. 400

Sumanjeet. 221

Sundararaj, R. 30

Sunny, Yemuna. 229

Swain, Mamata. 522

Swain, Mrutyunjay. 522

Swapna, Kole. 523

Szekely, Miguel. 246

Tandon, G.L. 284

Tandon, Rameshwar. 145

Tannan, Komal. 22

Tannan, S.K. 22

Terrell, Deane. 140

Tewari, S.K. 17

Tharakan, P.K.M. 493

Thimmarayappa, R. 58

Thirunavukkarasu, D. 33

Thomas, Jayan Jose. 374

Thomas, Manoj T. 405

Thorat, Usha. 103

Tilak, Jandhyala B.G. 196, 197

Tongia, Rahul. 208

Toor, M.S. 428

Trivedi, Pushpa. 495

Umesh, K.B. 263

Umesh, P. 416

Ummiti, Hemantha Kumar. 341

Unni, Jeemol. 375

Unnikrishnan, N.K. 88

Upadhyaya, Sumit. 206

Page 112: Index to Indian Economic Research

Van Beveren, Ilke. 493

Varshney, Ashutosh. 168

Vasam, Anand Kumar. 104

Vasudevachary, A.K. 23, 501

Vasudevan, A. 332

Vasudevan, Deepa. 450

Vellaichamy, R. 296

Venkateswarlu, A. 377

Verma, B.L. 24

Verma, O.P. 292

Verma, Smita. 256

Vethirajan, C. 272

Vijay, R. 25

Visaria, Leela. 137

Viswanathan, A. 105

Viswanathan, Brinda. 235

Viswanathan, R. 182

Von Mdeazza, Gregor Meerganz. 214

Wader, L.K. 26

Warlu, M. Veinkates. 524

Weisskopf, Thomas E. 448

Wilson, Kalpana. 173

Zaheer, Feroz. 274, 275

Zeller, Manfred. 429

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Clearing Corporation of India Limited


EPW Research Foundation

390, 391, 392, 67

J.N.K.V.V. Agro-Economic Research


Maharashtra Economic Development Council


Reserve Bank of India

255, 397, 435, 463, 483, 484, 485, 93, 94

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Afro-Asian Journal of RuralDevelopmentAgricultural EconomicsAgricultural Situation in IndiaAgriculture and Rural DevelopmentAnvesakApplied Economic LettersApplied EconomicsArtha VijnanaAsia-Pacific Journal of RuralDevelopmentBank QuestChartered Financial AnalystDevelopment and ChangeEconomic and Political WeeklyElectronics Information and PlanningFacts for YouFar Eastern Economic ReviewFeminist EconomicsFinance IndiaFinancing AgricultureFocus WTOForeign Trade ReviewFortune IndiaHealth for the MillionsIASSI QuarterlyICRA Bulletin Money & FinanceIDS BulletinIndian Journal of AgriculturalEconomicsIndian Journal of Public HealthIndian Journal of QuantitativeEconomicsInternational Review of AppliedEconomicsJournal of Educational Planning andAdministrationJournal of Human DevelopmentJournal of Indian School of PoliticalEconomyJournal of Policy ModelingJournal of Rural DevelopmentKurukshetraLabour and DevelopmentMainstreamMarginMonthly Commentary on Indian EconomicConditionsMonthly Economic Digest MaharashtraNational Bank News ReviewPNB Monthly ReviewPrajnanPrashasnikaPTI Economic ServiceRakshitraReserve Bank of India Bulletin

Reserve Bank of India OccasionalPapersReview of Development and ChangeSEBI BulletinSeminarSocial ScientistSouth Asia Economic JournalSouthern EconomistSteel ScenarioTextile TimesThe Asian Economic ReviewThe Economic JournalThe ICFAI Journal of AppliedEconomicsThe ICFAI Journal of EnvironmentalEconomicsThe Indian Journal of LabourEconomicsThe Review of Economics andStatisticsThe World EconomyVikalpaVisionWorld DevelopmentYojana