inday’s sore thumb english 1 – philippine literature in english/grammar task sheet

Inday’s Sore Thumb English 1 – Philippine Literature in English/Grammar Task Sheet

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Inday’s Sore Thumb English 1 – Philippine Literature in English/Grammar Task Sheet. 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Inday’s  Sore Thumb English 1 – Philippine Literature in English/Grammar Task Sheet

Inday’s Sore Thumb

English 1 – Philippine Literature in English/Grammar Task Sheet

Page 2: Inday’s  Sore Thumb English 1 – Philippine Literature in English/Grammar Task Sheet

Inday received a letter from her friend abroad

informing her on the approval of her

employment application in that country. She felt

ecstatic about the good news. But she felt anxious when she learned that she

needed to write one paragraph on why she

wants to work abroad, as part of the requirement for her VISA. On the next slide

is the paragraph Inday wrote.

Name: ____________

Year & Section_____

Teacher: __________

Date: _____________

Page 3: Inday’s  Sore Thumb English 1 – Philippine Literature in English/Grammar Task Sheet

I were a house helper in the Philippines and I always dreams

of working in another country. My family are very poor and I wants

to give them a better life by working abroad. My sisters and I

works very hard for our other siblings in the province. In the

province, our life are very difficult that is why we decided to

work in the city. Most people in our province is not able to go to

school because of financial problems. I wants to work

abroad for my family and for myself. It are a great opportunity for me to improve the life of my


Page 4: Inday’s  Sore Thumb English 1 – Philippine Literature in English/Grammar Task Sheet

Ooopps!!!Do you see any Subject-

Verb agreement errors in Inday’s paragraph?

Work with a partner and complete the questions

in the next slide.

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2. Were you able to identify all the errors in the paragraph? Was it difficult to check these errors? Why?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________3. What error/s were you not able to check? Why?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Why is it important to follow correct agreement of subject and verb in sentences?


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Were you able to identify all the errors in Inday’s paragraph? If not, don’t be anxious, because the following websites will help you brush-up on your Subject-Verb Agreement Rules.

Click on each website and carefully study SV-Agreement Rules and heal your way out of the sore thumb of grammar – the agreement of subjects and verbs.

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1.Why do subjects and verbs have to agree?(This PowerPoint presentation reviews common errors on why subjects and verbs do not agree. It also includes a prescription on how to check the errors.)

2. (This website presents twelve (12) rules on subject-verb

agreement itemized by types of subjects. It also includes hyperlinks for each type of subject given.)

3. (Twelve rules on SUBJECT-VERB Agreement)

4. website with exercise Links)

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Let’s check on how much you have picked up from the sites you visited. Form a group of four members, and try completing the table on the next page. Don’t hesitate to check the websites again if you need to. Prepare to discuss and share your answers with the class later.

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Subject Verb (Number)

Formula(Verb Form)


Basic Rule Singular Subject and Third Person Singular

Singular Verb Verb + s Marie dances.

Plural Subject Plural Verb Verb – s

1. Indefinite Pronoun (Example: Each, Every,

everyone, etc)

2. Indefinite Pronoun (Example: Both and



3. Subjects Joined by OR or NOR

4. Subjects Joined by AND

SPECIAL CASE NOUNS5. Nouns that end in –s

such as civics and politics6. Nouns that come in pair

such as pants, pliers etc

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(Verb Form)Example

7. Collective Nouns

8. Amounts and Measurements

9. Subjects with A number

10. Subjects with The number11. Pronouns I and You

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Were you able to complete the table? You must have learned a lot of things on the appropriate verbs for each subject from the websites you checked, and from the discussion you had with your classmates. So you’re now ready to get those brain cells working. Click on the interactive website and move your way out of the grammar sore you’re in:

Were you able to complete the table? You must have learned a lot of things on the appropriate verbs for each subject from the websites you checked, and from the discussion you had with your classmates. So you’re now ready to get those brain cells working. Click on the interactive website and move your way out of the grammar sore you’re in: Exercise Applying the Rules on Subject-Verb Agreement)

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Now it’s time to go on treasure hunt. Click on the following website and enter an exciting adventure with Subject-Verb Agreement. The site has activities with ten (10) items each. Use the questions

on the next page for your guide.

Were you able to find treasure located in the map? How were you able to get these treasures?________________________________________________________

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What 1. Were you able to identify all the subjects correctly?


2. How would you rate the second activity? Why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What items were you unable to identify the subject? What made the identification of the subjects difficult?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Were you able to identify all the appropriate verb for each subject in the sentence? How many items were you able to answer correctly? And the items you were unable to get correctly?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Were you able to rewrite the sentences accurately? Why or why not?

_______________________________________________________________2. What made the activity easy or difficult?


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Did you have fun looking for treasure? If you did, then you must have answered a lot of the items correctly.

Now it’s time to test your skill in Subject-Verb Agreement to the test.1. Choose a partner for the activity.2. Click on the following interactive site.3. Once you have entered the site, click on worksheet 3. The worksheet

will appear in a new window. 4. You will read another paragraph from a website. Spot all the errors

in the paragraph. Rewrite the paragraph afterwards by checking all the errors.

5. Have another pair check your work. Be ready to share your work to the class.

6. If they have suggestions, try improving your work. Your teacher will also go around to check your progress. Again, be ready to share your work with the class.

(This website presents a paragraph with subject-verb agreement errors)

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Here’s another opportunity for you to check your progress on how much you have learned on SUBJECT-VERB Agreement with all the activities you did. Click on the quiz and answer the following questions afterwards.

1. What was your score? ___________________2. Which items were you unable to answer correctly?

____________________ Why?_________________________________________________3. What should you remember to be able to answer these

items correctly? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Try taking the quiz again and write your score here _______.

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It’s time to put to practice everything you have learned on SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT.

This means you will be writing a two-paragraph essay on any of the following writing

tasks below.1. Choose one of four writing topics below.

2. Write a two-paragraph composition on the topic you selected.

3. Check the rubric on the next slide to guide you in your writing.

4. Try rating your own work first. Then choose a partner to rate your work.

4. Write a composition

explaining why you want to go


2. Write a composition on how

to keep your job. Give three suggestions on

how to be able to keep one’s job.

1. Write a composition on why

you should an employer hire you for

a job. Give three reasons and

examples for each.

3. Write a composition on what you consider as the

most interesting job. Give three reasons and examples on

what makes it interesting.

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CRITERIA Excellent Satisfactory Developing

Agreement (30 Points) Writing applies all the SV Agreement Rules accurately. (25-30 points)

Composition showed some errors in the SV Agreement. (15 – 24)

Composition showed a lot of errors in the SV Agreement.(1-14 Points)

Content (20 Points) Writing is focused, original and clearComposition is fully developed (17-20 Points)

Writing has some focus but no clarity.Composition develops only a portion of the topic (9-16 Points)

Writing lacks focus, original and clear.Composition lacks full development of the topic(1-8 Points)

Mechanics (10 Points) Few or no errors occur in spelling, punctuation and margins(9-10 Points)

Some errors occur in spelling, punctuation and margins, but does not interfere with meaning. (5 – 8 Points)

Some error in spelling, punctuation seriously interfere with meaning. (1-4 Points)

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Directions: It’s time to share your thoughts on the module you went through. Answer the following reflection questions honestly. This is an opportunity for you to reflect on the tasks and experience you had on the entire activity.1. How did you find the module? Why? _______________________________________________________________

___________________________________2.Do you find the lesson useful? Why or why not?_______________________________________________________________

___________________________________3. Which part/section of the module needs to be

improved? Why?_______________________________________________________________

___________________________________4. Give suggestions on how the module can be

