in vivo analysis of dnase i hypersensitive sites in the human cftr

Molecular Medicine 5: 211-223, 1999 Molecular Medicine C 1999 The Picower Institute Press Original Articles In Vivo Analysis of DNase I Hypersensitive Sites in the Human CFTR Gene Danielle S. Moulin,' Ania L. Manson" Hugh N. Nuthall,' David J. Smith,' Clare Huxley,2 and Ann Harris' 'Paediatric Molecular Genetics, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford University, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, U.K. 2Section of Molecular Genetics, Division of Biomedical Sciences, Imperial College School of Medicine, London, U.K. Communicated by D. Weatherall. Accepted March 1, 1999. Abstract Background: The cystic fibrosis transmembrane con- ductance regulator gene (CFTR) shows a complex pat- tern of expression. The regulatory elements conferring tissue-specific and temporal regulation are thought to lie mainly outside the promoter region. Previously, we identified DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHS) that may contain regulatory elements associated with the CFTR gene at -79.5 and at -20.5 kb with respect to the ATG and at 10 kb into the first intron. Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate these regulatory elements in vivo we examined these DHS in a human CFTR gene that was introduced on a yeast arti- ficial chromosome (YAC) into transgenic mice. The 310 kb human CFTR YAC was shown to restore the pheno- type of CF-null mice and so is likely to contain most of the regulatory elements required for tissue-specific ex- pression of CFTR. Results: We found that the YAC does not include the -79.5 kb region. The DHS at -20.5 kb is present in the chromatin of most tissues of the transgenic mice, sup- porting its non-tissue-specific nature. The DHS in the first intron is present in a more restricted set of tissues in the mice, although its presence does not show complete concordance with CFTR expression. The intron 1 DHS may be important for the higher levels of expression found in human pancreatic ducts and in lung submuco- sal glands. Conclusion: These data support the in vivo importance of these regulatory elements. Introduction Transcription of the cystic fibrosis transmem- brane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene (1) is tightly regulated both spatially and temporally. Its expression is limited primarily to specific ep- ithelial cell types within the respiratory system, Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Dr. Ann Harris, Paediatric Molecular Genetics, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford University, John Radcliffe Hospital, Ox- ford, OX3 9DS, U.K. Phone: 44-1865-222341; Fax: 44- 1865-222626; E-mail: [email protected] the small intestine and colon, pancreas and gall bladder, kidney, genital ducts, and sweat glands (2-6). In the postnatal airway, highest levels of CFTR mRNA are detected in the serous portion of submucosal glands with low levels in the surface epithelium (6). In the intestine, CFTR mRNA is seen primarily in the crypt cells with gradients of expression decreasing along the crypt-villus axis and from the small intestine to the large intestine (5). CFTR mRNA and protein are found in the ductal epithelium of the pancreas and gall blad-

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Page 1: In vivo analysis of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the human CFTR

Molecular Medicine 5: 211-223, 1999Molecular MedicineC 1999 The Picower Institute Press

Original Articles

In Vivo Analysis of DNase I Hypersensitive Sitesin the Human CFTR Gene

Danielle S. Moulin,' Ania L. Manson" Hugh N. Nuthall,'David J. Smith,' Clare Huxley,2 and Ann Harris'

'Paediatric Molecular Genetics, Institute of Molecular Medicine,Oxford University, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, U.K.2Section of Molecular Genetics, Division of Biomedical Sciences,Imperial College School of Medicine, London, U.K.Communicated by D. Weatherall. Accepted March 1, 1999.


Background: The cystic fibrosis transmembrane con-ductance regulator gene (CFTR) shows a complex pat-tern of expression. The regulatory elements conferringtissue-specific and temporal regulation are thought to liemainly outside the promoter region. Previously, weidentified DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHS) that maycontain regulatory elements associated with the CFTRgene at -79.5 and at -20.5 kb with respect to the ATGand at 10 kb into the first intron.Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate theseregulatory elements in vivo we examined these DHS in ahuman CFTR gene that was introduced on a yeast arti-ficial chromosome (YAC) into transgenic mice. The 310kb human CFTR YAC was shown to restore the pheno-type of CF-null mice and so is likely to contain most of

the regulatory elements required for tissue-specific ex-pression of CFTR.Results: We found that the YAC does not include the-79.5 kb region. The DHS at -20.5 kb is present in thechromatin of most tissues of the transgenic mice, sup-porting its non-tissue-specific nature. The DHS in thefirst intron is present in a more restricted set of tissues inthe mice, although its presence does not show completeconcordance with CFTR expression. The intron 1 DHSmay be important for the higher levels of expressionfound in human pancreatic ducts and in lung submuco-sal glands.Conclusion: These data support the in vivo importanceof these regulatory elements.

IntroductionTranscription of the cystic fibrosis transmem-brane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene (1) istightly regulated both spatially and temporally.Its expression is limited primarily to specific ep-ithelial cell types within the respiratory system,

Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Dr. AnnHarris, Paediatric Molecular Genetics, Institute of MolecularMedicine, Oxford University, John Radcliffe Hospital, Ox-ford, OX3 9DS, U.K. Phone: 44-1865-222341; Fax: 44-1865-222626; E-mail: [email protected]

the small intestine and colon, pancreas and gallbladder, kidney, genital ducts, and sweat glands(2-6). In the postnatal airway, highest levels ofCFTR mRNA are detected in the serous portion ofsubmucosal glands with low levels in the surfaceepithelium (6). In the intestine, CFTR mRNA isseen primarily in the crypt cells with gradients ofexpression decreasing along the crypt-villus axisand from the small intestine to the large intestine(5). CFTR mRNA and protein are found in theductal epithelium of the pancreas and gall blad-

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212 Molecular Medicine, Volume 5, Number 4, April 1999

der and possibly also in pancreatic acini (4).Temporal regulation of CFTR transcription is seenin the airway where abundant CFTR transcrip-tion throughout the epithelium of the fetus de-creases substantially after birth (7,8). CFTR ex-pression in the reproductive tract is also cyclicalin some species (9,10).

Relatively little is known of the mechanismsunderlying this strict cellular control of CFTRexpression, and there is no consistent evidencefor tissue-specific control elements in the pro-moter (11-13). We searched for regulatory ele-ments in the CFTR genomic DNA outside theimmediate promoter region by looking for DNaseI hypersensitive sites (DHS) that are often asso-ciated with sequence elements involved in theregulation of transcription. We identified threeDHS in the CFTR gene, two in the 5' flankingsequence (-79.5 kb and -20.5 kb with respectto the CFTR ATG), and one in intron 1 (at 185 +10 kb, where 185 refers to the last base in exon1) (14,15). These DHS were identified in humancell lines and cultured primary human genitalduct cells that express endogenous CFTR. Thesites at -79.5 and -20.5 kb showed no correla-tion with CFTR expression in the cell types in-vestigated, although they may still play a role inthe complex series of events involved in the reg-ulation of CFTR transcription. The 185 + 10 kbDHS showed complete correlation with CFTR ex-pression only being evident in cells that expressCFTR and not in those that lacked CFTR expres-sion (15,16). In vitro analysis of binding of pro-teins to this region by electromobility shift assays(EMSA) and DNase I footprinting revealed thatsome proteins that are only present in CFTR-expressing cells bound to specific elements.When assayed by transient expression in a cellline expressing endogenous CFTR, the element at185 + 10 kb augmented reporter gene expres-sion under the control of the CFTR promoter buthad no effect in nonexpressing cells (1 5). In vitroevaluation of regulatory elements in a large com-plex gene such as CFTR can only generate limiteddata, primarily because chromatin-mediated ef-fects are difficult to reproduce. Our aim here wasto use transgenic mice carrying the human CFTRgene, on a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), toevaluate whether regulatory elements at the-79.5, -20.5, and 185 + 10 kb are important forCFTR expression in vivo.

A 310 kb YAC containing the intact humanCFTR gene [37AB12, (17)] has previously beenintroduced into transgenic mice (18). The trans-genic mice were bred with the "Cambridge" CF

null mice to produce mice that only express thehuman CFTR transgene (18). These mice had anormal phenotype, in contrast to the CF null mice,suggesting that the 37AB12 YAC contained regu-latory elements to direct CFTR expression in manyof the usual sites. Expression of the human trans-gene showed cell type-specific expression in thesemice equivalent to that of the endogenous mousegene in the intestine and salivary glands. However,in some tissues where human CFTR expressionwould be expected, it was not observed. In siteswhere there is a difference in CFTR expression pat-terns between mouse and humans, the transgeneexpression followed the mouse pattern. The YACcontains 310 kb of genomic DNA, including 200 kbspanning the coding region of the human CFTRgene and about 70 kb of upstream flanking se-quence. Hence, it is likely to contain at least the-20.5 kb and 185 + 10 kb regions, though prob-ably not the -79.5 kb region.

Here we show that the YAC does not extendas far 5' as the -79.5 kb region and hence thisDHS is not an absolute requirement for CFTRexpression. We have also evaluated the presenceof the DHS at -20.5 kb and 185 + 10 kb inchromatin extracted from the YAC transgenicmouse tissues and found that their appearanceoften correlates with CFTR expression.

Materials and MethodsCosmid Clones for YAC MappingProbes (Fig. 1) were derived from the cosmidcontig described in the original CFTR cloning pa-per (19) and were kindly donated by Dr. JoannaRommens.

Transgenic Mice

Details of generation of the mice carrying the37AB12 YAC and crosses with the "Cambridge"null mice have been described previously (18). Themice used in this study were homozygous for theYAC transgene and for the CF knockout. Mousetissues were collected immediately after death andplaced in liquid nitrogen for RNA extraction orprocessed directly for chromatin extraction. Onlydata from the T30 strain of transgenic mice arepresented here.

Chromatin ExtractionChromatin was extracted from transgenic mousetissues, normal mouse ileum, and Calu3 cells as

Page 3: In vivo analysis of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the human CFTR

D. S. Moulin et al.: Human CFTR Gene DHS Analysis In Vivo

A.pBl4E4.9 pBI4E5.3

4- *10cJ21 .-

-79.5kb DHS

E1.5 E1.6R RR R1 R RRRR

- 1.0 -7 1- .5 4 III 11

-80.3 -78.8 -75.5 -73.9 -69.9

H H H1 29 34 42

H H6.8 5.1

H1 .1H1 .5

H H H3.OHH H3.4 H H3.8 H

I I 11 I .B13.9

5' end of YAC

BtB B7.8


4 p1

11.8HH H


Exon I

H H4A7 IiIs


R R4.9 1

R RRRR R6.7 3.1 III 4.4

B21 .9B


185 + 10 kb DHS(Intron 1)

F4H H[--H4.0--I

+5.5 +9.5



Fig. 1. Map of the region from -80 kb to -40kb from the start of the CFTR gene (A) and ofthe region spanning the -20.5 and 185 + 10 kbDHS (B). (A) The extent of cosmids cJ21, phageR14.4, and plasmids pB14E4.9 and pB14E5.3 areshown (top). EcoRI sites (marked R) and fragmentsare also shown (middle). Fragments used as probesfor mapping the 5' end of the YAC are indicated bybold lines and type (not all data are shown), anddistances 5' of the ATG translation start site are indi-cated beneath the line. The -79.5 kb DHS is alsoindicated. The lower section shows HindIll sites andfragments above the line (marked H) and BamHI

described previously (14,15,20). For most tissues,chromatin was extracted from the whole organ.For the small intestine, the samples were enriched

sites and fragments below it (marked B). The proba-ble 5' end of the YAC is indicated by an arrow be-low the line. (B) The extent of the cosmid cW44 isshown (top). The middle section shows HindIlI sites(marked H), with HindIII fragments used as probesindicated by bold lines and labeled in bold type. Thelocations of the -20.5 kb and 185 + 10 kb DHS,and exon are also shown. The position of the ATGtranslation start site and distances from it are indi-cated below the line. The lower section shows EcoRIsites (marked R) and sizes of EcoRI fragments abovethe line and BamHI sites (marked B) and fragmentsbelow it.

for epithelial cells by washing the contents fromthe intestine, opening it by cutting along its length,and scraping the surface with a microscope slide.



E1 .0R RE4.9 R E5.3

-63.3 -58.4


-53 -52



B21 .7 B




-20.5 kb DHS

HI1HlIsF- 7

-20.8 -19.7


. I I

. . * . * . .-~~~~~~I'L.. ur %W. -T -T. A- %.F %d W. .

, I-W -r. I I 1.%Jl -t. I om- - -

W. I I - . W.1-


Page 4: In vivo analysis of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the human CFTR

214 Molecular Medicine, Volume 5, Number 4, April 1999

Table 1. Primers used for PCR

Annealing Extension ProductTemperature Time Size

Primer Primer Sequence (5' to 3') Locationa (OC) (min) (bp)





aLocation denotes map position with respect to CFTR ATG.

RNA Extraction sion by RT-PCR (14). The locations of primersTotal RNA was extracted from transgenic mouse used for RT-PCR are shown in Table 2 andtissues, normal mouse ileum, and Calu3 cells by described in detail elsewhere (22,23). The ,B-ac-standard methods (21). tin primers were 033'ATGCCATCCTGCGTCTG-

GACCTGGC and f5'AGCAl1TrlGCGGTGCGA-Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) CATGGAGGG, producing a 607 bp fragmentAgarose plugs containing 37AB12 YAC DNA from mouse RNA and a 581 bp fragment fromwere treated with f-agarase to release template human RNA.DNA for PCR reactions. The primers used to am- .


plify genomic and YAC DNA are shown in DTable 1. Southern blot analyses of YACs were Chromatin from transgenic mouse tissues wascarried out by standard methods. probed for DNase I hypersensitive regions by

standard methods (24). Each batch of chromatinReverse Transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) was tested with the RA2.2 probe that detects aAll tissues studied were evaluated for transcrip- constitutive DHS in the human and mousetion of human and mouse CFTR mRNA expres- a-globin gene cluster (25). The DHS at -20.5 kb

Table 2. Comparison of human and mouse RT-PCR primer sequences'

Primer Exon Size (bp) Human Sequence Mouse Sequence




aBases that differ between human and mouse sequences are indicated in bold type.

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D. S. Moulin et al.: Human CFTR Gene DHS Analysis In Vivo 215


-79.5 kb -20.5 kb 185 + 10 kb



B. C.


1.6kb --

.L .. .


1 2 3

was detected with the Hi .1 probe and that at185 + 10 kb with the H4.0 probe (see Fig. IB).The DHS at 185 + 10 kb was previously referredto as the 181 + 10 kb DHS (15).

ResultsMapping of the 5' End of the CFTR YAC

Long-range mapping had previously shown thatthe YAC contained about 70 kb of upstreamgenomic DNA as well as the intact CFTR gene(18). PCR assays were carried out to determinewhether the DHS at -79.5 kb, -20.5 kb and185 + 10 kb were in fact present in the YAC(Table 1 shows the primers and expected prod-ucts). The YAC DNA and genomic DNA were

amplified in parallel for each DHS (Fig. 2A). EachPCR reaction also contained a control pair ofprimers that amplified a 438 bp fragment span-ning exon 4 which was known to be present inthe intact YAC. The PCR assays for the DHS at-20.5 and 185 + 10 kb gave the expected prod-uct with the YAC as well as the genomic DNA,indicating that these sites are present in the YAC.The PCR assay for the DHS at -79.5 kb did notgive the expected product from the YAC even

though the fragment was generated from thegenomic DNA and the control exon 4 assay was

efficient. Therefore, the CFTR YAC probably doesnot contain the DHS at -79.5 kb.

Fig. 2. Mapping of the 5' end of the CFTRYAC. (A) PCR amplification of 37AB12 YACDNA and human genomic DNA with primersspecific for the -79.5 kb region (214 bp prod-uct, primers MOU4-Ava and MOU8-Eco), the-20.5 kb region (274 bp product, primersHUG20C and HUG20D), and the 185 + 10 kbregion (199 bp product, primers TSR7-PacI andTSR8-SacII). Each PCR reaction also containsprimers for exon 4 (438 bp product, primers4i-5 and 4i-3). For each set of three reactions,lane C contains the product of the no-DNA con-trol, lane G contains the PCR products obtainedusing human genomic template DNA, and laneY contains those using 37AB12 YAC templateDNA. (B, C) Southern blots of 37AB12 DNAcleaved with HindIII and probed with pB 14E4.9(B) and pB 14E 5.3 (C). In both panels lane 1contains 37AB12 YAC DNA; lane 2, a controlYAC from outside the CFTR locus also cleavedwith HindIII; and lane 3, probe DNA. In (B)lane 4 is a 1 kb ladder (Gibco BRL). The multi-ple bands in the two YAC lanes are probablydue to cross-hybridization to repetitive elementsin the human DNA.

Final mapping data for the 5' end of the YACwere provided by hybridization of various probesto Southern blots of YAC DNA. The pB14E4.9probe (Fig. IA) did not hybridize to HindIll-di-gested YAC DNA (Fig. 2B), whereas thepB14E5.3 probe (Fig. LA) hybridized to the ex-pected HindIII fragments of 1.1, 1.5, and 3 kb(Fig. 2C). (There are additional bands on the geldue to cross-hybridization with repetitive humanDNA as shown by the bands also present in thelane with DNA from an unrelated YAC.) Sincethe YAC library was generated by partial EcoRldigestion of human genomic DNA, the end of thegenomic DNA within the YAC would be ex-pected to lie at an EcoRI site. Thus the CFTR YACprobably extends to the EcoRI site at 58.4 kb 5' tothe CFTR ATG (Fig. IA) and the YAC does notinclude the DHS at -79.5 kb.

Analysis of Transgene ExpressionRT-PCR was used to detect CFTR mRNA fromtransgenic mouse duodenum, ileum, kidney,liver, lung, pancreas, spleen, and testis and gen-ital ducts combined (Fig. 3). In addition, theRT-PCR was carried out on RNA from normalmouse ileum and from Calu3 cells (Calu3 is ahuman airway adenocarcinoma cell line that ex-presses endogenous CFTR). The positive Calu3reactions verified the efficiency of the primers toamplify human CFTR cDNA (lanes labeled Cal in

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216 Molecular Medicine, Volume 5, Number 4, April 1999

A. B.

C67bp -*


667bp -_


812bp -812bp-

E. F.

877bp --*877bp -


607 bp_--a

Fig. 3. RT-PCR products generated using hu-man CFTR-specific primers. (A, C, E) RT-PCRproducts generated from template RNA extractedfrom transgenic mouse duodenum (D), ileum (I),kidney (K), liver (Li), lung (Lu), pancreas (P), spleen(Sp), testis and genital ducts (T), Calu3 cells (Cal),and normal mouse ileum (NM). (B, D, F) A no-RNAcontrol and no-reverse transcriptase controls foreach tissue. Panels A and B show RT-PCR products

generated using the primers AIR and 6SIL; C and Dshow products using the primers C1R and C2L; Eand F show products using primers FiR and F2L.RT-PCR products were electrophoresed in a 1% aga-rose gel. Molecular weight (MW) is the 1 kb DNAladder (Gibco BRL). (G) The 607 bp RT-PCR prod-ucts generated from the same transgenic mouse RNAsamples using the 13-actin primers f-3' and ,3-5'.

Fig. 3A, C, and E). The normal mouse ileumnegative control reactions showed that the prim-ers were specific for human CFTR mRNA (laneslabeled NM in Fig. 3A, C, and E). All RT-PCRreactions were accompanied by no-RNA and no-reverse transcriptase controls (Fig. 3B, D, and F).Mouse ,3-actin primers were used to check thatRNA in each sample could be amplified by RT-PCR (Fig. 3G).

Three sets of human CFTR-specific primerswere used for RT-PCR, AIR/6SIL, CIR/C2L, andFIR/F2L (Table 2). The primers were derivedfrom the human CFTR cDNA sequence but havestrong homology to the equivalent mouse se-

quence (see Table 2). However, none of themgenerated a product from normal mouse ileum

RNA. All products obtained using the human-specific primers on transgenic mouse RNA were

therefore amplified from the human transgene.This was further validated by complete digestionof the RT-PCR products using enzymes with rec-

ognition sites only in the human and not therelevant mouse fragment.

The primers AIR and 6S1L, located in exons

1 and 6, respectively, amplified a product of theexpected size in samples from transgenic duode-num, ileum, lung, and pancreas whereas no

product was seen in samples from kidney, liver,spleen, and testis and genital ducts (Fig. 3A). Theprimers C IR and C2L, located in exons II and13, respectively, amplified a product of the ex-

pected size in samples from transgenic duode-



- = s- w r2 . __ - D .1. .

Page 7: In vivo analysis of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the human CFTR

D. S. Moulin et al.: Human CFTR Gene DHS Analysis In Vivo 217

Table 3. Summary of RT-PCR and DHS resultsa

In Situ Adult Adult185 + 10 kb -20.5 kb RT-PCR Hybridization Human Mouse

DHS DHS mRNA (18) Expressionc Expressionc

Small intestine + + + +++ ++++ ++++

Colon NA + NA + ++ + +

Stomach NA + NA - + +

Kidney + + - NA ++ ++

Lung (+) + - + +Liver + + - NA + +

Pancreas (+) + - +

Testis - + b NA + + +

Genital ducts - - ++ ++

Spleen NA - - NA NA NA

a+, presence and-, absence of DHS or CFTR mRNA, respectively. NA, not analysed.bCombined testis and genital duct RNA were used for RT-PCR analysis (these data are for primer sets CI/CIL and F1R/F2L, notAIR/6S1L).cFrom previously published data.

num, ileum, lung, pancreas, and testis and gen-ital ducts whereas no product was seen insamples from kidney, liver, or spleen (Fig. 3C).The primers FIR and F2L, located in exons 19and 24, respectively, amplified a product of theexpected size in samples from transgenic duode-num, ileum, lung, pancreas, and testis and gen-ital ducts whereas no product was seen in sam-ples from kidney, liver, or spleen (Fig. 3E).

These results are summarized in Table 3 andshow that the human CFTR transgene is ex-pressed in duodenum, ileum, lung, and pancreasbut not in kidney, liver, and spleen. Expressionin the testis and genital ducts was observed withthe primers CIR/C2L and FIR/F2L but not withprimers A1R/6S1L.

Detection of the DNase I Hypersensitive Site at-20.5 kbThe same tissues that had been analyzed by RT-PCR for CFTR RNA expression were also ana-lyzed by DNase I digestion of chromatin to detectDHS. The efficiency of the DNase I digestion wasconfirmed by hybridizing filters carrying BamHI-cleaved DNA from each tissue with the RA2.2probe (25) which recognizes a constitutive DHSin the mouse a-globin gene cluster.

The DHS at -20.5 kb was detected with thecW44H 1.1 probe (Fig. 1 B) as shown previously

with chromatin extracted from human primarycells and cell lines (14). This probe hybridizes toan EcoRI restriction fragment of 4.9 kb in intactchromatin and detects a subfragment of 3.5 kb,and occasionally another subfragment of 3 kb, inchromatin treated with DNase I (14). Chromatinfrom transgenic mouse tissues was examined forthe presence of the -20.5 kb DHS (Fig. 4). Theintact 4.9 kb EcoRI restriction fragment was seenin all tissues. A 3.5 kb subfragment appeared inchromatin from kidney (Fig. 4A), colon(Fig. 4D), small intestine (Fig. 4E), and stomach(Fig. 4F). Two subfragments, of about 3.5 kb and2.8 kb, were seen in liver (Fig. 4B). The 2.8 kbfragment could indicate the presence of anotherDHS in this area. A faint 3.5 kb subfragment wasseen in lung (Fig. 4C) and pancreas (Fig. 4G),although its intensity did not fully correlate withthe degree of DNase I digestion of the chromatin.No DHS was seen in chromatin from testis(Fig. 4H) or genital ducts (Fig. 4I) or spleen (notshown).

Detection of the DNase I Hypersensitive Site at185 + 10 kb

The DHS in intron 1 at 185 + 10 kb was detectedwith the cW44 H4.0 probe (Fig. 1B). This probedetects a 22 kb BamHI restriction fragment inintact chromatin. It detects an intense 8 kb sub-

Page 8: In vivo analysis of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the human CFTR

218 Molecular Medicine, Volume 5, Number 4, April 1999

B. Lver C. Lung

I It '2 C

4.kb -


. Smal ItIneI e v2A e

F. StomchI I I A C

4.9kb -*

3.5kb -.

H . Tesis I . Genital Ducts

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

4.9kb -

1 2 3 4 5

439kb -l

Fig. 4. In vivo evaluation of the -20.5 KbDHS. (A-I) Chromatin extracted from transgenicmouse tissues, digested with DNase I, cleaved withEcoRI, separated on 1% agarose gels, Southern blot-ted, and probed with cW44 Hi.l to detect the DHSat -20.5 kb. For each tissue, lane 1 shows DNA pre-

fragment and fainter 10 kb and 12 kb subfrag-ments in chromatin from CFTR-expressing hu-man primary cells and cell lines that have beentreated with DNase I (15). Chromatin from kid-ney, liver, lung, small intestine, pancreas, andtestis was examined for the presence of the185 + 10 kb DHS (Fig. 5). Two BamHI fragmentsof 22 kb and 13 kb were seen in all tissues. Theextra 13 kb BamHI fragment could arise from a

partial copy of the YAC that had integrated intothe genome of the T30 mice in addition to theintact YAC. This was supported by Southernblotting data showing that the transgenic micehad more copies of the 5' than the 3' end of theCFTR gene, even though there were definitelyintact copies of the YAC present (18). A subfrag-ment of 8 kb was seen in kidney (Fig. 5A), liver(Fig. 5B), and small intestine (Fig. SD). The pres-ence of this 8 kb fragment in intestinal chromatinthat had not been treated with DNase I (Fig. 5D,lane 1) was due to the presence of endogenous

pared from nuclei that had not been treated withDNase I and lanes 2-5 show DNA treated with in-creasing amounts of DNase I: lane 2, 15 units; lane3, 30 units; lane 4, 60 units; lane 5, 120 units. Mo-lecular weights were estimated with respect to a 1

kb DNA ladder (Gibco BRL).

DNase in this tissue sample; it was not seen inother intestinal chromatin samples (not shown).An additional subfragment of 10 kb was seen inkidney and small intestine. Small intestine alsoexhibited another subfragment of 4.8 kb. Theseextra subfragments suggest that there are addi-tional DHS in intron 1 at 185 + 12 kb (indicatedby the 10 kb subfragment) and 185 + 6.8 kb(indicated by the 4.8 kb subfragment). No DHSwere observed in lung (Fig. 5C), pancreas(Fig. SE), or testis (Fig. SF). A summary of theDHS results is presented in Table 3.

DiscussionThe data presented here provide the first in vivoanalysis of potential regulatory elements locatedat -20.5 kb with respect to the ATG and at 10 kbinto the first intron of the human CFTR gene. Byusing a YAC carrying the intact human CFTR

A . Kidney

1 2

4.9kb -O

3.kb -0

4.9kb -1

3.5kb -*

23kb -_

D. Colon

1 I 1 A 4

43k -.

3.5kb -,

4.9kb -,

3.5kb -,

G. PancreaS

49kb A

3.5kb -

Page 9: In vivo analysis of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the human CFTR

D. S. Moulin et al.: Human CFTR Gene DHS Analysis In Vivo

B. Liver

. Lung1 2 3 A

D. Small Intestine1 2 A A C

22kb -13kb -_lOkb _..8kb -


E. PancremI 1 2 .4 C

F. TestisI 1) 2 A

Fig. 5. In vivo evaluation of the 185 +10 kb DHS. (A-F) Chromatin extracted from

e tr!nnceTpnirII e t;cceriAc AIiTmcbtmA v^Z;th T1UTea,Lra115sg11ticUbmoue isues, aigsCteU witni NasedI, cleaved with BamHI, electrophoresed on a1% agarose gel, Southern blotted, and probedwith cW44 H4.0 to detect the DHS in intron1 of the CFTR gene, at 185 + 10 kb. For eachtissue, lane 1 shows DNA prepared from nu-clei that had not been treated with DNase Iand lanes 2-5 show DNA treated with in-creasing amounts of DNase I: lane 2, 15 units;lane 3, 30 units; lane 4, 60 units; lane 5, 120units. Molecular weights were estimated withrespect to a 1 kb DNA ladder (Gibco BRL).

gene, introduced into CF knockout mice, we

were able to evaluate the involvement of theseregulatory elements in CFTR gene expression. Ifregulatory elements at these sites are involved indriving CFTR gene expression, then the DHSwould be expected to appear in chromatin ex-

tracted from tissues of these transgenic mice thatexpress the CFTR gene. The absence of the DHSwould indicate that they are not needed for ex-

pression in these tissues. However, the DHSmight still appear even if they are not importantin expression. The fact that two independenttransgenes with the YAC carrying the intact hu-man CFTR gene (T30 and T57) were both able tocomplement the null mice and gave roughly thesame expression in all tissues examined (18) ar-

gues against position effects of neighboring chro-matin playing a significant role in CFTR expres-sion and the DHS in these mice.

The DHS that was previously detected at-79.5 kb was not present on the YAC. As theYAC expresses well in the small intestine andsalivary glands of transgenic mice, this indicatesthat the -79.5 kb DHS is not important for ex-pression in these tissues. However, it could beimportant for expression in such tissues as thekidney, and Brunner's glands (18), where ex-pression of the gene from the YAC is not found.The two regions at -20.5 kb and 185 + 10 kb inthe YAC were both able to form DHS in sometissues in the transgenic mice. This indicates thatthe mouse transcriptional machinery is able to

A. Kidneyfte2 Aa


13kb -


8kb -


8kb -


22kb _

13kb - *

22kb --

13kb -_ 22kb -

13kb -


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220 Molecular Medicine, Volume 5, Number 4, April 1999

interact with these sites and that they are prob-ably important for CFTR gene expression.

An initial investigation of human CFTRtransgene expression in the CF knockout mice bymRNA in situ hybridization (18) showed abun-dant expression in the crypts of the small intes-tine with a decreasing gradient from the duode-num to the colon, as well as in salivary glandswithin the ductal epithelium and mucous acini.No CFTR transgene expression was seen in thepancreas, lung, or Brunner's glands. In thepresent study human CFTR mRNA was detectedby RT-PCR in the small intestine, lung, pancreas,testis and genital ducts but not in the kidney,liver, or spleen. The results for the lung andpancreas are of interest as it was not clear fromthe in situ hybridization data whether there was

any expression of the human transgene in thesetissues. The positive results for the lung and pan-

creas by RT-PCR could be due to the increasedsensitivity of RT-PCR over mRNA in situ hybrid-ization (18).

We consistently detected human CFTRmRNA in testis and genital ducts using primersfor exons 11 to 13 and exons 19 to 24 of thetransgene, but no product was obtained usingprimers in exons 1 and 6. This could be becausemRNA transcribed from the transgene in testisand genital ducts lacks the sequence for primerbinding in exon 1, exon 6, or both. Testis-specificalternative splicing of CFTR mRNA and the use oftestis-specific transcription start sites have beenreported in mice and humans (26-29). To date,only events that insert novel sequences into theCFTR mRNA have been reported, and none thatresult in deletion of exons. However, alternativesplicing causing exon loss from the human CFTRtranscript has been reported in nasal epithelialcells, among other cell types (22). Such testis-specific alternative splicing of the human CFTRgene might be relevant to the male infertilityassociated with CF in humans, although CF miceare fertile. However, the defect is generallythought to be within the genital duct epitheliumrather than the testis itself.

The -20.5 kb DHS has been previously seen

in a wide variety of human epithelial cell linesand primary cells irrespective of their CFTR ex-

pression status (14), hence we predict that itmight contain a regulatory element involved inbasal CFTR expression. As such, it would be ex-

pected to appear in a wide variety of tissues inthe YAC transgenic mice. Our results confirmthis prediction, as the -20.5 kb DHS was seen tosome extent in chromatin extracted from all the

transgenic mice tissues analyzed, with the excep-tion of the testis, genital ducts, and spleen. Theintensity of the appearance of the DHS cannot becorrelated with CFTR expression levels in theseanalyses since chromatin has been extractedfrom whole tissue (or in the case of the smallintestine, enriched for surface epithelial cells),but we have no information on what percentageof cells within a tissue express the CFTR gene.

The presence of the 185 + 10 kb DHS waspreviously shown to correlate completely withCFTR expression in a range of human cell linesand primary cells (15), hence it might be pre-dicted to show a more restricted pattern of ap-pearance in the transgenic mice. This is indeedthe case, with this DHS being evident only inchromatin extracted from small intestine, kid-ney, and liver, and not seen in lung, pancreas, ortestis. The presence of the 185 + 10 kb DHS insmall intestine is consistent with its involvementin CFTR expression in the Caco2 colon carcinomacell line, as shown by transient reporter geneassays (1 5).

The 185 + 10 kb DHS is not present in chro-matin extracted from transgenic mouse pan-creas. In humans, CFTR expression levels arevery high in pancreatic duct cells (2,4,5) and the185 + 10 kb DHS has been observed in a humanpancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line (Capanl)that expressed low levels of CFTR (15). However,mice show very low levels of pancreatic CFTRexpression (9) and the transgenic mice show lowlevels of human transgene expression in the pan-creas (undetectable by mRNA in situ hybridiza-tion). It is possible that only a small percentage ofcells (for example, certain ductal epithelial cells)in the transgenic mouse pancreas express thehuman CFTR gene at a high level and that theycontribute too small a fraction to the total tissuechromatin for the DHS to be detected. Alterna-tively, the -20.5 kb DHS, which is present inpancreatic chromatin from the transgenic mice,might be involved in the low-level expressiondetected in the transgenic mouse pancreas byRT-PCR, while the 185 + 10 kb site might con-tain a regulatory element involved in the highlevels of CFTR gene expression normally seen inhuman pancreatic duct cells. The lack of the185 + 10 kb site in the mouse chromatin (prob-ably due to the lack of appropriate transcriptionfactors) would then explain the lack of high-levelexpression in the mouse pancreas.

Similarly, the 185 + 10 kb DHS is notpresent in chromatin extracted from transgenicmouse lung. The CFTR gene is normally ex-

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pressed at low levels in the surface epithelium ofthe adult human lung, with higher levels in theserous portion of submucosal glands (6). Miceexpress low levels of CFTR mRNA in the surfaceepithelium and have very few submucosal glandsrestricted to the tracheal submucosa (9). Lowlevels of human CFTR mRNA were detected byRT-PCR in lungs from the transgenic mice. Thepresence of the -20.5 kb DHS, but not the 185 +10 kb DHS, in chromatin extracted from thetransgenic lung tissue might be accounted for bythe -20.5 kb DHS being responsible for the lowlevel of expression in the epithelial cells, whilethe 185 + 10 kb DHS is important for higherexpression levels in the human submucosalglands.

It is not clear why the 185 + 10 kb DHS isseen in chromatin extracted from liver, sinceneither mouse nor human CFTR genes are ex-pressed at significant levels in liver and no hu-man transgene CFTR mRNA is detected in liverRNA. CFTR expression is seen at high levels ingall bladder epithelium but gall bladders wereremoved from the transgenic mouse tissues priorto extraction of mRNA and chromatin. Similarly,the 185 + 10 kb DHS was present in chromatinextracted from transgenic mouse kidney but nohuman CFTR mRNA was detected in the trans-genic mouse kidney by RT-PCR. However, en-dogenous CFTR mRNA is expressed in the nor-mal human and mouse kidneys. These datasuggest that, although the 185 + 10 kb DHSappears, the human CFTR transgene is unable torespond to some of the mouse transcription fac-tors that regulate CFTR expression in the kidney.

The results from the testis and genital ducts,in which the human YAC CFTR transgene wasexpressed but neither the -20.5 kb or 185 + 10kb DHS were evident, suggest that neither ofthese regions is important in testis or genital ductexpression. Human testis exhibits low and dif-fuse levels of CFTR expression, which does notappear to be associated with any specific cell type(30). In contrast, CFTR is expressed at higherlevels in the epithelium of the seminiferous tu-bules of mouse testis at all stages of spermato-genesis (9). CFTR is also known to show specifictemporal regulation of expression in the maleand female reproductive systems in rodents (10).Control of expression in these tissues may beoperating through different regulatory elements.

In conclusion, the data provide evidence forthe in vivo importance of the DHS at -20.5 kb asthis site is present in chromatin from most of thetransgenic mouse tissues. The 185 + 10 kb DHS

has a more restricted distribution and is notfound in lung or pancreatic tissues of the trans-genic mice. The lack of formation of this DHSmight be responsible for the very low levels ofCFTR expression in the mouse lung and pan-creas, which would indicate that the 185 + 10 kbDHS is important for the higher levels of expres-sion in these human tissues. Finally, neither DHSis present in chromatin from testis or genitalducts, and expression in these tissues may beoperating through other regulatory elementsthat have not been identified but that are presenton the YAC.

However, the results also illustrate the prob-lems of using the mouse as a model for investi-gation of the subtleties of human CFTR tissue-specific regulation. The CFTR gene shows adivergent pattern of expression in rodents (9)and humans (2-6). The data presented hereshow that the murine transcriptional machinerycan interact with the -20.5 and 185 + 10 kbDHS and give adequate levels of CFTR mRNAexpression in many tissues. However, lack oftransgene expression in certain other sites, suchas the kidney and Brunner's glands, might resultfrom the incompatibilities between the mouseand human transcriptional control mechanismsfor CFTR. Analysis of the promoter regions of thehuman, mouse, and rat CFTR genes has shownthem to be highly divergent (31,32). Althoughsome putative regulatory elements are looselyconserved, most of them are species-specific. Amore extensive cross-species comparison of theCFTR promoter region (33) from eight mamma-lian species including human, monkey, cow, rab-bit, mouse, and rat suggests that the cow andrabbit might be more suitable models in which toanalyze human CFTR gene regulation in vivo.Recent advances in cloning technology (34-36)will enable this type of analysis to be carried outin ovine models, which are known to show apattern of CFTR gene expression and regulationthat is very similar to that of the human gene(37,38).

AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to Johanna Rommens for cos-mids and plasmids pB 14E.9 and pB 14E5.3 and toErick Denamur for helpful discussions. This workwas supported by the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, theWellcome Trust, and AFLM. D.S.M. was a recip-ient of a Wellcome Trust prize studentship,H.N.N. of a Cystic Fibrosis Trust studentship.

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