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  • 8/12/2019 In the Company of Monsters Supplement

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    Compatibility with the Pathnder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathnder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathnder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guar-

    antee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

    In the Company of Monsters Copyright 2010 Steven D. Russell, Open Gaming License Copyright 2007Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathnder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathnder Roleplay-

    ing Game and the Pathnder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used underthe Pathnder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more informationon the compatibility license. This edition is printed and distributed, under license, by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Limited of RiversideHouse, Osney Mead, Oxford, OX2 0ES, UK. For further information about other Cubicle 7 Entertainment games please check out

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    Rite Publishing Presents:

    In the Company of Monsters:Compilation

    Our Demonic Elves are Better (Designers):Jonathan McAnulty, T. H. Gulliver,

    and Steven D. Russell

    Our Giants are Bigger (Editors):Robert Emerson, Jonathan McAnulty,and Steven D. Russell

    Our Revenants are Angrier (Cover Artist):Jason Rainville

    Our Constructs are Non-Standard (Interior Artists): Arthur Rackham, Frank Wall, DarrenM. A. Calvert, Hugo Solis, Joe Calkins, Mark Hyzer, Ryan Barger, and Tomas Morten

    Our Gargoyles Rock (Interior Layout)by Marie Small

    Our Minotaurs are Bully (Cover Layout)by James Devin Night Hazelett

    Our Monsters are Different (Development and Publisher):Steven D. Russell

    Dedication:To Sylvia RussellUntil we meet again.

    Fantasy, abandoned by reason, produces impossible monsters; united with it, she isthe mother of the arts and the origin of marvels.-Francisco de Goya #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Table of ContentsIn the Company of... 1Designer:T. H. Gulliver 13Designer: Steven D. Russell 29Designer: Steven D. Russell 44Designers:Jonathan McAnulty and Steven D. Russell

    Restless 61Designer:Steven D. Russell 74Designer:Steven D. Russell #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Owain Northway,

    If you want to learn about our race, look up. Although

    you eldom see us, we are always there. As you scurry abouton crowded city streets eyes focused downward, avoiding

    the muck and dung, we guard the skies above. As you gazeout on the rooftops at sunset, imagining yourself safe inside,

    we hunt the beasts that stalk the night. We are always there.We are always watching.

    That you need to ask about our race, Owain, shows howmuch your kind has forgotten. You have forgotten your ownhistory when you forget ours. You forget that we are yourcreationliving weapons, hunters, guardiansdiscarded

    when no longer needed. You forget your promises and yourbetrayals. We fear what your kind will do when you re-


    Kivus the Stonewarden,Child of Atal of the line of Kavu

    P.S. You have been followed home by two men for the lastthree nights. I advise changing your route.

    IntroductionWhen the human mountain clans rst crawled from

    tunnels deep, they trembled at the waiting world. Thingslong left hungry stalked the night. Great wyrms thrashedin the valleys below. Orcish bands pushed the pale ones

    out from their subterranean caves. The slumbering worldawakened, and its thin-skinned children knew fear. This iswritten in stone and not forgotten.

    The mountain clans forged fragile truces with eachother and created us from their strongest warriors. Wewere their guardians, their stonewardens. Our visage wasmade frightening so that the clans enemies would fear us.Our bodies were made like stone so that crude weaponscould not hurt us. We watched over the clans caves atnight. When the beasts came, we protected the clans. Weew down upon the camps of the clans enemies nearingtorches, burnt their tents, and left no survivors. Soon, allthe races feared the clans and their guardians. This, too, is

    written in stone and not forgotten.

    We bred and grew numerous, as did the children ofthe clans. For three generations, no one stood against theclans. But, when peace is plentiful, it is found less pre-cious. The truces collapsed and the clans sought out eachothers strongholds; we ended the slaughter. We punishedthose who broke the truce. Then, we debated among our-selves. This is remembered and told to us in the nest.

    The clans created us to protect them, to keep theirpromises, Apaxut, our mightiest, argued. They createdus from the strongest amongst them. Is it not right that

    the strongest would choose to rule rather than serve? Onlythen can we keep the peace and fulll our oath.

    We belong to the law, Kavu, our wisest, argued back,the law does not belong to us. We serve the truce, evenwhen the clans break it.

    Divided, we became weak. When Apaxut and the be-trayers demanded obedience from the clansobediencenecessary for the clans protectionthe clans renouncedall of us. They hunted us, for they had grown clever in theways of war. This too is remembered and told to us in thenest.

    Kavu and those who would save the clans from them-selves hid. We hid in deepest caves and unreachablepeaks. We waited for the clans to forget us. To hide, webecame the stone and, like most stone, we slumbered. Weslumbered while the thin-skinned races grew numerous.

    Apaxut and his childrens children did not sleep. Likethe humans, they mated and multiplied. When they found

    any of the faithful stonewardens sleeping, they sang tothem songs of distrust and despair. Those followers ofKavu awoke in anguish, their nightmares bringing themto madness. After many short generations, the childrenof Apaxut became like beasts. When your kind had for-gotten them, they crawled back into your cities, hiding onrooftops and parapets, culling your growing numbers. Weslumbered while the children of Apaxut grew numerous.

    We slumbered until the stone itself called our namesand told us to prepare. It is time to remember your baths,came the whispers from the stone. There are many of usremaining. More awaken daily now. More children hatcheach day. Our numbers swell. Our nests are overowing.It is two hundred years since the awakening began.

    These are the truths of the gargoylestruths everystonewarden knows and few humans ever hear: We havelived on walls and cliffs above your caves, and camps, andkeeps. We have been with you since before you learnt thesecrets of the forge. Before you could turn stones intoweapons, you turned your warriors into stone. We slum-bered long when you renounced us. Still now, despite yourbetrayals, we protect you, children of the clans. But, wefear for you. The stone whispers that soon we will be need-ed and we are not yet ready.

    Physical DescriptionOur appearances vary widely, yet not only from one

    stonewarden to another. Gargoyles appearances changeslowly but constantly throughout our lives.All stonewardens appear to be some form of winged

    statue. The most obvious differences in form between hu-mans and stonewardens are those that made us effectivehunters and guardians. Forward pointing horns protrudefrom our heads, allowing us to gore our enemies. Our lon-ger clawed hands and feet also make effective weapons.Our wings grow more powerful as we gain practice, allow-ing us the advantage of ight.

    Some differences are more subtle. Our upper bodies re-

    Gargoyles #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    semble those of the humans we once were, but over timeour legs have grown more powerful, giving us longer, moremuscular thighs. Also, we bite. Even on those of us with ahuman-like visage, our lower jaws are usually larger andextended. Our noses are often much longer than those ofmost humans.

    The above description, however, only describes the ap-

    pearance of the majority of gargoyles at birth. As we age,our appearance changes drastically depending on wherewe choose to roost. The statuary and stone closest toour perches has a profound effect on us. Stonewardensperched in temples maintained by cat worshipping cultssoon grow more feline in their appearance. Those whoperch on black slate rooftops gradually darken to blendin with their environments. These changes are slow andsubtle, often taking hundreds of years. They happen be-neath the surface of our consciousness, often while werest. Some stonewardens seek out environments with par-ticularly attractive stones and statuary hoping to becomemore beautiful in turn.

    Stonewarden gargoyles also undergo more drastic

    changes in appearance, gaining new limbs, longer talons,or sharper horns. These changes occur as we explore ourabilities and powers more deeply through exercising them.Unlike the subtle changes in appearance, this is more ofa conscious choice as we envision the creature we wouldlike to become and ask the stone in our body to adapt toour needs.

    SocietyThe ability to sleep, without aging, for hundreds of

    years at a time shapes the structure and culture our soci-ety more than any other factor. These long sleeps do notallow us to rely on the memories of individuals who maybe roosting on the other side of the world when we needthem most. Instead, we carefully record those things thatare most important to us. This record keeping is entrust-ed to the Society of Stonewardens, as is the declaring ofoaths fullled or unfullled and the approval of matings

    between the sexes.The Society of Stonewardens maintains the rst nest,

    wherein are written the original oaths and the recordsof the descendents of the rstborn. All stonewardens arerepresented at meetings of the society through the eldestof each of the six faithful lines. The seventh chair, that ofApaxut, is granted to a stonewarden chosen by the eldest

    several days in advance of any meeting. Despite Apaxutsbetrayal, it remains a seat of honor and all stonewardensaspire to sit there during a meeting of council. The annualmeeting of the stonewardens draws ights of stonewar-dens from across the land, some to argue their cases be-fore the elders, others to gather news from afar.

    Mating between stonewardens is strictly monitored.We have seen the feral gargoyles grow savage and bestial,their worst instincts reinforced and their intellect dimin-ished as they bred with only their fellow children of Apaxutor those few stonewardens who awoke from the long sleepmad and hungry. We know the importance of selectingmates who will produce suitable offspring and avoidingmating within our own lines. The Society of Stonewardens

    carefully records all known children and the line to whichthey belong. At birth, the parents declare to which of thelines a child belongs on the basis of his or her strongestfeatures.

    The shamans of the mountain clans gave stonewardensgreat powers, but extracted from them a solemn oath:We exist to serve and protect the clans, their children,and their childrens children until the stone of our bodiesis worn away. The making and keeping of oaths separatesus from the feral children of Apaxut and is fundamental toour culture. There are three levels of oaths: that which iswritten in stone and still remembered, a most sacred oathwhich binds all stonewardens and can only be promisedby a meeting of a seven or more stonewardens, including

    at least one from each living line; that which is remem-bered and told to us in the nest, an oath which binds astonewarden and all of his or her descendents until it isfullled or invalidated by the Society of Stonewardens;and that which we promise on our own names, an oathwe individually swear and which we individually can fulllor revoke.

    Our society is equally shaped by the knowledge that weage more rapidly than most races when we are awake. Weare taught in the nest to remain circumspect about ourundertakings. We are taught patience and restraint. Im-petuous youths are soon older than their ancestors, ourelders scold. Still, the fulllment of oaths requires us tobe vigilant and active in the world and, sadly, our mostaltruistic kin soon crumble. The most valued among usthe elders of each lineare required to slumber much ofthe year, only awakening in the weeks before the meetingof the Society of Stonewardens.

    RelationsWe are alone. In fulllment of our oaths we spread

    across the human cities and inhabitations. We post watch-es in ruins where dangers to humanity lurk. There are somany of you and so few of us. We are soon spread thin and

    Feral, Stonewarden, and WatchersWe designed the stonewardens to be a playable gar-

    goyle race and the stonewarden paragon class to be bal-anced with other classes. At the same time, we recognizethat gargoyles already exist in the game. In Questhaven,the gargoyles described in the Pathnder RPG Bestiaryare known as feral gargoyles. Those few gargoyles thatstrive to protect humanity are known as stonewardens.Feral gargoyles are generally less intelligent but morehardy than most stonewarden gargoyles. Stonewardengargoyles, however, can advance in their stonewardenparagon class to develop abilities far exceeding those offeral gargoyles.

    Watchers are half-dwarf, half-gargoyle stonewar-dens and have the same racial traits as stonewardens.They vary in appearance, however, resembling wingeddwarves with much more prominent hair and beardsthan stonewardens. #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Alabast the Huntress, Child of Tituk of the line of Tu #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    lose contact with our kin.As for the thin-skinned races, we live above you. During

    our long lives, we watch your keeps become castles andyour towns become cities. We see your rise and decline.We learn your languages and your secrets. But, we are notyour friends.

    Stonewardens are torn between two contradictory in-

    clinations: an innate desire for companionship and anoverriding expectation of betrayal and rejection. Yourkind created us to inspire fear and, as a result, has alwaysfeared us and pushed us out. These two competing emo-tions explain much of the stonewardens behavior. We de-sire companionship, and so seek out crowded cities. Wedistrust others, and so remain far above the crowds. Wehide in plain sight because we want to be recognized andunderstood. We adopt a gruesome appearance to frightenothers away before they reject us.

    There are exceptions. I am one. Most of Questhavenknows the mage Le-al. I know her better. I knew her whenshe was a child, protected her as a teen, and watched overher when her power attracted rivals. I sensed in her a great

    power, a great potential, and told her my name so that shecould rouse me from the long sleep when needed. And,has she not done good things? In protecting her, have Inot fullled my oath? She does not call upon me anymore.I sit outside her window as her aging body slowly sur-renders as all esh must. We age together, but she will gorst. Perhaps, when that time comes, I will allow myselfto sleep.

    I have met other stonewardens like myself. Although itis difcult for gargoyles to trust, the protective instinctsare strong and some do learn to love. There are otherstonewardens in Evocative City who watch over one mor-tal year after year; it is usually someone fragile, abused,deformed, or maligned but with an indomitable spirit and

    creative energy. I know of one gargoyle who has watchedover the children of a single family for four generations.He sneaks into their bedrooms at night and teaches themthe dead languages, tells them the history of cities, showsthem the correct quantities of various poisons and meth-

    ods of administrationmuch as a father should do. Whocan say this is not love? When they reach the age of ten,he allows himself to sleep. When they grow to adulthood,they convince themselves he was only a dream until theyhear his name again on the lips of their own children.

    With feral gargoyles, there can be no friendship, noreven tolerance. The children of Apaxut are far too danger-

    ous to be allowed to live. We hunt them when we can.With the watchers thoughthose strange half-gar-

    goyle, half-dwarf creatures that resemble us in so manywayswe are permitted to share secrets. The dwarves, wewere told, having found the caves containing the incan-tations that turned humans into gargoyles, created theirown stonewardens, whom they call The Watchers. Sincea watcher came before the Society of Stonewardens andpledged to keep the incantations from those who would doevil, we allow a few of these watchers to learn our secrets.

    Le-Al is dying now. I fear she has only days remaining.Soon, I will be alone.

    Alignment and ReligionStonewarden gargoyles understand that the oath to act

    as guardians over humanity binds us still, notwithstand-ing the failure of the human clans to respect us. We wouldbe called lawful for we obey and swear oaths. Most of usprotect the good in humanity, but as more and more hu-mans turn to evil, some stonewardens become protectorsof those with questionable morals. Furthermore, there aremany gargoyles who have awakened from the long sleepmad or confused. Some simply grow tired of the oaths andquietly abandon our ways.

    Stonewarden gargoyles themselves vary widely in theirreligious inclinations. Regarding religion, stonewardengargoyles tend to practice the religion venerated in thecommunities that we protect. For example in Questhaven

    the majority are secretly members of the Great Church ofthe Pantheon, and we adorn many of the great cathedrals.Quite often, though, our devotions are in a style from theearly days of the churches and are not easily recognized bymodern followers. Many stonewardens make obeisance tostatues of deities but show less interest in the divine beingthe statue represents.

    When stonewardens spend long periods of time in tem-ples or churches with stone statuary representing a par-ticular deity, their appearance often shifts to resemble asimilar creature. As a result, they are occasionally takento be messengers or avatars of that deity and are able tocommand obedience and respect among the devout. TheSociety of Stonewardens discourages this but on occasion

    selsh gargoyles do encourage the cults that have sprungup venerating them.

    AdventurersStonewardens often join adventuring parties when the

    goal of the party aligns with their own goals or oaths. Onoccasion, a stonewarden gargoyle forms an emotionalbond with members of an adventuring party and contin-ues to travel with them in order to protect or assist them.Such stonewardens are great companions as they show an


    Visage of StoneA stonewarden gargoyles stony appearance mimics

    that of the stones most commonly found in the city, ru-ins, or mountains in which they nest. If a stonewardenmoves to a new roost, its appearance slowly changes tomatch that new terrain. Such changes occur naturallyas a stonewarden explores its territory and attunes it-self to the energy of the stones in this region.

    In game terms, the effect of a stonewardens roost onits appearance is represented by the stealth bonus thata stonewarden paragon gains while in their huntinggrounds. Any time a stonewarden paragon advances alevel, it may choose to change its hunting ground. Thereis no other mechanical advantage to these changes inappearance.

    More drastic changes in appearance are representedthrough the selection of enticements at each level. #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    unnaturally strong sense of loyalty and honor to their fel-lows. Due to this sense of duty they are quietly recruitedby the Questors Society of the Evocative City.

    Stonewardens tend towards lightly-armored classesthat emphasize combat and stealth, such as rogues, rang-ers, barbarians, and gargoyle paragons. Heavy armor in-terferes with gargoyles ight and gargoyles natural at-

    tacks make weapons unnecessary, so ghters are often apoor choice for stonewardens. Stonewarden spellcastersare usually sorcerers as neither study nor worship is wide-spread given our short lives.

    NamesGargoyles are given a single, personal name at birth.

    The names of the rst gargoylesItaxur, Kurvik, Apaxut,Otuvar, Poxi, Kavu, and Tuare the seven most common.The names are used equally for male and female gar-goyles. Stonewarden gargoyles also identify themselves bythe name of one parentthe one they most resembleandthat parents line of descent.

    It is quite common for a gargoyle (stonewarden orferal) to take a new name or add a name to her existingnames. These names are often in the language of the cityshe inhabits. Gargoyles often take names that reect theirappearance, such as Coalface, Waterspitter, Greyeck,Twisthorn, or Grinning. They append these names to theirexisting names to form longer names like Vikuous the Wa-terspitter or Grinning Purta. During a gargoyles long life,her appearance changes, sometimes drastically, and sothese names also change.

    Racial TraitsStonewarden Racial Traits

    +2 Strength or +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, 2Charisma:Stonewardens are either strong or both agileand tough, but also a bit aloof.Medium:Stonewardens are Medium creatures and haveno bonuses or penalties due to their size.Normal Speed: Stonewardens have a base speed of 30feet.Darkvision:Stonewardens can see in the dark up to 60feet.Freeze:A stonewarden can hold itself so still it appearsto be a statue. A stonewarden that uses freeze can take20 on its Stealth check to hide in plain sight as a stonestatue.Long Sleep:Stonewardens do not age while they sleep.

    They can sleep for long periods of timemonths, years,or even centuries. Most stonewardens prefer to slumberonly when perched high on sturdy and familiar buildings.They are able to determine the conditions under whichthey wake from this sleep, such as being called by nameor when threatened. During this sleep, they appear to be astone statue (seeFreezeabove).

    Stonewardens do not need to sleep regularly, but manychoose to do so to avoid aging more rapidly. They are notimmune to sleep effects. Stonewarden spellcasters need tomeditate for 4 hours before preparing spells, and can only

    achieve the state of mind needed to do so once per day.Natural Armor:Stonewardens stony hides grant thema +2 natural armor bonus.Recognize Gargoyle: Stonewardens get +4 on theirperception checks to detect a gargoyle using the freezeability to resemble a statue.Stonewarden Stubbornness: Stonewarden get a +2

    racial bonus on saving throws to resist enchantment spellsbut, when affected, suffer the effects of the enchantmentfor double the normal duration. Stonewardens must rolla save to resist enchantment spells that are harmless orbenecial such as heroism and rage regardless of their in-tentions.Languages:Stonewardens begin play speaking Commonand Terran. Stonewardens with high Intelligence scorescan choose from the following: Dwarven, Giant, Gnome,Goblin, Orc, and Undercommon.

    Age, Height, and WeightStonewardens do not age in the same way as the thin-

    skinned races do. A stonewarden is able to slumber forhundreds of years without aging. Stonewardens age morequickly than many other races do when they are not sleep-ing.

    A player can choose any starting age she wishes forher character but, when in doubt, assume a stonewardencharacter starts adventuring at 1st level about halfway tomiddle age (13 years old). This represents the number ofactive years of the stonewardens life. The player may add1d10x100 additional years of inactivity throughout theircharacters life.

    When a character becomes venerable, the DM secretlydetermines her maximum age. When the character reach-es her personal maximum age, she dies of old age at sometime during the following year, as determined by the DM.Aging effects are cumulative.

    Each player should choose an appropriate height andweight for her characters size and record it. To determineheight and weight randomly, use the Stonewarden Heightand Weight table below. Roll the height modier and addthat many inches to the base height to get the charactersheight. Take that same height modier result and multiplyit by the weight modier. Add that many pounds to thebase weight to get the characters weight.

    Stonewarden Age TableMiddle Age Old Venerable Maximum Age

    25 years 40 years 55 years 55+1d10 years

    Stonewarden Height and Weight Table

    Size Base Ht Ht Mod Base Wt Wt Mod

    Medium 45 +2d12 150 lbs. x7 lbs. #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Kivus the Stonewarden, Child of Atal of the line of Kavu #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Paragon ClassIn most campaigns, the ideas of class and race are sepa-

    rate concepts. But, with racial paragon classes, the linebetween the two becomes blurred. Racial paragons are, asthe name suggests, nearly ideal examples of the strengthsand abilities of the characters race. Unlike members of

    other classes, however, racial paragons are more thanmerely powerful individuals. They are strong in all theways that their race is strong, while still vulnerable in theways that their race is vulnerable. Beyond that, they pos-sess powers and capabilities that supersede those of nor-mal members of their race.

    Racial paragons rarely undergo the rigorous training orstudy that members of other classes commonly undertakebetween levels. Their experience, wisdom, and heroic abil-ities simply manifest in the form of superior innate racialabilities. Despite this strong association with race, racialparagons need not have specic views or special dedica-tion to their races beliefs or typical attitudes (althoughmany do). Obviously, a character can only take levels in

    the racial paragon class associated with his race.

    A human cannot take levels in the stonewarden para-gon classonly stonewardens are capable of becomingso attuned to the stones around them to make changes inadvance in this class. Like the ghter, wizard, and otherstandard character classes, racial paragon classes have noprerequisites (other than being a member of the appro-priate race). A stonewarden gargoyle can multiclass freely

    between standard character classes, prestige classes forwhich he or she qualies, and the paragon class unless theother class has restrictions that prevent multiclassing.

    Levels in racial paragon classes are always consideredto be advancing in a favored class.

    Stonewarden ParagonStonewardens can take up to twenty levels in stone-

    warden paragon. Each level represents the characterdeepening her connection with the stone both within andaround her. Most stonewarden gargoyles choose to takeat least some paragon levels in order to fully develop theiright and stealth. Feral gargoyles, the creatures in thePathnder Bestiary, cannot take any stonewarden para-

    gon levels.

    Table: Stonewarden Paragon ClassLevel Base Attack




    Claws/Bite& Gore


    1st +1 +2 +0 +2 1d4 / ---- Climb, glide down, hunting ground +2,natural attacks

    2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 1d4 / ---- Stonesleep, enticement

    3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 1d4 / ---- Glide, tremorsense, bonus feat

    4th +4 +4 +1 +4 1d6 / 1d4 Bite, enticement

    5th +5 +4 +1 +4 1d6 / 1d4 Hunting ground +4, y

    6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 1d6 / 1d4 Frightful Presence, stonetracker,enticement

    7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 1d6 / 1d4 Improved y, bonus feat

    8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 1d8 / 1d6 Deeper stonesleep, enticement

    9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 1d8 / 1d6 Gore, hunting ground +6, cityfriend

    10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 1d8 / 1d6 Frightening shadow, enticement

    11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +7 1d8 / 1d6 Bonus feat

    12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 2d6 / 1d8 Forced stonesleep, enticement

    13th +13/+8/+3 +8+ +4 +8+ 2d6 / 1d8 Hunting ground +8

    14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +9 2d6 / 1d8 Terrifying cry, enticement

    15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +9 2d6 / 1d8 Bonus feat

    16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +10 2d6 / 1d8 Enticement

    17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 2d8 / 2d6 Hunting ground +10

    18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 2d8 / 2d6 The rocks tremble, enticement

    19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 2d8 / 2d6 Bonus feat

    20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 4d6 / 2d8 Stoneseer, enticement #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Stonewarden Paragon ClassAlignment:AnyHit Die:d10Class Skills: The stonewarden paragons class skills areAcrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), In-timidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Linguistics (Int),Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis)

    Skill Ranks per Level:4 + Int modier

    Class FeaturesAll of the following are class features of the stonewar-

    den paragon.Weapon and Armor Profciency: A stonewarden

    paragon is procient with all simple weapons, but not ar-mor or shields.

    Climb (Ex):You gain a climb speed equal to your basespeed. You do not gain any additional ranks in climb as aracial bonus.

    Glide Down (Ex):At 1st level, you are just learninghow to use your wings to slow your descent. A stonewar-den paragon takes damage when leaping or falling as if

    the distance of the fall were 40 feet shorter than it actuallywas.

    Hunting Ground (Ex): As a stonewarden paragonyou become connected to the stones of your huntingground. Your hide becomes more similar to those stonesin appearance and your senses are heightened while nearyour roost. The hunting ground can be one city, mountainrange, set of ruins, or other stony environment. You gain a+2 bonus on Stealth, Perception, Knowledge (geography),and Survival checks when in this territory. These bonusesrise to +4 when you reach 5th level, to +6 when you reach9th level, to +8 when you reach 13th level, and to +10 at17th level. You may change your hunting ground when-ever you gain a level, but you may only have one hunting

    ground at a time.Natural Attacks (Ex): At 1st level, a stonewarden

    paragon gets two claw attacks. At 1st level, your claw at-tacks do 1d4 points of damage plus strength bonus. Yourattacks become progressively more powerful as you gainexperience in combat with damage increasing at 4th leveland every 4 levels thereafter. These attacks are consideredprimary attacks and are made using your full base attackbonus.

    If you hold a weapon in one of your hands, you lose aclaw attack for that hand. You can attack with the weaponnormally using your BAB. If your BAB allows you iterativeattacks, you can make those attacks with your weapon aswell. During any round in which the stonewarden paragon

    makes any attack with a weapon, all your natural attacksare treated as secondary attacks and made at base attackbonus 5 with only 1/2 of your strength bonus being add-ed.

    Stonesleep (Sp):Once per day, you can cast a stat-ue spell on yourself or another gargoyle, with a durationof 8 hours. If the gargoyle remains in statue form for afull 8 hours the gargoyle gains the benets of a cure lightwounds spell. The caster level is equal to your class level.

    Enticements: The powers that enticed the originalwarriors to sacrice their humanity and become gargoyles

    are still available to stonewarden paragons thousandsof years later. Stonewarden paragons draw the power ofstone into their bodies giving them new abilities. Somestonewarden paragons even learn to manipulate stone.Rather than drawing the power of the stone into their ownbodies, they use their connection to the stone to control itat an elemental level.

    At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, stonewar-den paragons can choose to harden or alter their bodies inways that improve their effectiveness in combat.

    Acid Resistance (Ex):You gain resist acid (equal to 4+ your paragon class level). Also, you become immune todamage from your own acid and are able to select spewacid, increased acid damage and vitriolic tail, and as en-ticements. If you possess at lease 10 levels of StonewardenParagon this enticement grants immunity to acid.

    Adamantine Claws (Ex):At 6th level your claws hard-en becoming adamantine. Your attacks with these clawsignore hardness of less than 20. This enticement can betaken multiple times only if you have additional arms.Each time it is taken it applies to a different set of claws.

    Additional Arms (Ex): At 6th level, you can grow anadditional pair of arms, each of which can make claw at-tacks for the same potential damage as your regular clawattacks. The attacks made by these additional arms aresecondary attacks and are made at your BAB 5 with only1/2 your strength score being added. This enticement canbe taken multiple times; each time you take this entice-ment you grow an additional set of arms.

    Burrow (Ex):At 6th level, you can gain a burrow speedequal to half your y speed.

    Extended Claws (Ex):Your claws become longer andsharper doing +2 points of damage. This enticement canbe taken multiple times only if you have additional arms.Each time it is taken it applies to a different set of claws.

    Hardness of Stone (Ex): At 6th level, you can make yourbody harder and more resistant to damage. You gaindamage resistance 5/magic. This enticement can be takenmultiple times each time it increases the damage reduc-tion by 5 to a maximum of 15/magic.

    Increased Acid Damage (Ex): You must possess theacid resistance enticement to take select this ability. Youdouble the amount of damage done by all of your acid at -tacks.You can make your attacks two additional times per day.

    Manipulate Stone (Sp):You gain the ability to cast asingle spell as a spell like abilitiy, this spell must have theearth descriptor and its spell level must be equal to or lessthan half your stonewarden paragon class level. You mustchoose this spell when you take this ability, this choice ispermanent and cannot be changed.

    These spells can be cast a number of times per dayequal to your Charisma modier (minimum of 1) as aspell-like ability. The caster level for this spells is equalto your stonewarden paragon level. The save DC for thisspell is equal to 10 + the level of the spell plus your cha -risma modier.

    You may take this enticement multiple times. Each timeit applies to a different spell.

    Natural Armor (Ex): Your stony hide thickens and #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    protects you better. Increase your natural armor bonus bytwo. This enticement can be taken multiple times.

    Powerful Arms (Ex):You grow more comfortable usingyour additional arms. The claw attacks made with yourarms are treated as primary attacks and are no longermade at your BAB 5. You add your full strength scoreto these attacks. This enticement can be taken multiple

    times; each time you take this enticement it applies to adifferent set of additional arms.

    Powerful Tail (Ex): You grow more comfortable us-ing your tail. Your tail slap is treated as a primary attackand is no longer made at your BAB 5. You add your fullstrength score to this attack. You must have already se-lected tail as an enticement.

    Razor-sharp Fangs (Ex): Your teeth become moredeadly. For bite attacks, use the same damage die as yourclaw attacks.

    Spew Acid (Ex):You must possess the acid resistanceenticement to take select this ability. You gain the abilityto spew acid in a 10 ft. line + 10 ft. for every stonewardenparagon class level you possess doing 1d6 points of dam-

    age per two stonewarden paragon glass levels you posses.This attack is a standard action. Targets are allowed aReex save for half damage (DC 10 + 1/2 your stonewar -den paragon level + your Con modier). You can use thisattack once every 1d4 rounds a number of times per dayequal to half your stonewarden paragon level. You musthave acid resistance to take this enticement.

    Tail (Ex):You grow a long tail that can be used to makeattacks. Your tail slap uses the same damage die your biteor gore attacks. The attack made by your tail is a second-ary attack and is made at your BAB 5 with only 1/2 yourstrength score being added. You can make trip attackswith your tail in place of a tail slap. This enticement canbe taken multiple times, each time you grow an additional

    tail.Tail Spikes (Ex):The potential damage of your tail slapincreases. Use the same damage die as you use for yourclaw attacks.

    Vitriolic Tail (Ex):You must possess the acid resistanceenticement to take select this ability. Your tail spikes oozeacid. You do an additional 1d6 points of acid damage witha successful hit. You can select this enticement multipletimes each time adding an additional 1d6 of acid damageto a maximum of 5d6.

    Glide (Ex):You are more procient with your wings.Your wings allow you to glide up to 100 feet if you launchyourself from a height of at least 20 feet. When gliding,you move at a speed of 30 feet. When you are wearing me-dium or heavy armor you cannot glide.

    Bonus Feats:At 3rd level and every 4 levels there -after, a stonewarden paragon may select a bonus feat.These feats must be taken from the following list: AbilityFocus, Acrobatic, Aerial Maneuvers, Aerial Mobility, Fleet(applied to Fly speed only), Flyby Attack, Hover, GreaterFrightful Presence, Improved Frightful Presence, PreciseDrop, Throw Anything, Weapon Finesse, and Wingover.Flyby Attack, Hover, and Wingover are described in thePathnder RPG Bestiary. Aerial Maneuvers, Aerial Mobil-ity, Improved Maneuverability, Precise drop, and Swoop

    are described below.Tremorsense (Ex):At 3rd level, you gain tremors-

    ense 60 ft.Bite (Ex):At 4th level, your jaws become long enough

    to add a bite attack to your natural attacks. Your bite at-tack does less damage than your claw attacks. This attackis also considered a primary attack and is made using your

    full base attack bonus.Fly (Ex):At 5th level, you can use your wings to y at

    a speed of 40 ft. with average maneuverability. You caneasily take ight if you launch yourself from a height of10 ft. Launching yourself from the ground requires a run-ning start of 10 ft. and a DC 10 Fly check with penalties forstrong winds.

    Frightful Presence (Su):At 6th level, a stonewardenparagons appearance resonates deeply with most crea-tures. It takes effect automatically when you surprise op-ponents. Opponents within 30 ft. who witness the actionare inicted with the shaken condition for 5d6 rounds.This ability affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice orlevels than you. An affected opponent can resist the effects

    with a successful Will save (DC 10 + your stonewardenparagon class level + your Charima modier). An oppo-nent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to thatsame creatures frightful presence for 24 hours. This abil-ity is a mind-affecting fear effect.

    Stonetracker (Su):At 6th level, a stonewarden para-gons connection with stone attunes her to vibrations inthe stone undetectable by ordinary senses. By touching astony surface such as a gravel covered city street or moun-tain path, you can sense who has passed by. You gain a +4bonus to your Survival and Perception checks in any stonyterritory when in contact with the ground. Your survivalchecks ignore penalties due to hardness. This bonus stackswith any bonuses for being in your hunting ground.

    Improved Fly (Ex):At 7th level, you no longer needto launch yourself from a height of 10 ft. to y. You nolonger need to take a running start and make a DC 10 Flycheck to launch from the ground.

    Deeper Stonesleep (Sp):At 8th level, Once per day,you can cast a statue spell on yourself or another gargoyle,with a duration of 8 hours. If the gargoyle remains in stat-ue form for a full 8 hours the gargoyle gains the benets ofa heal spell. The caster level is equal to your stonewardenparagon class level. You are still able to cast or benetfrom the stonesleep ability gained at 2nd level.

    Gore (Ex): At 9th level, your horns become longenough to add a gore attack to your natural attacks. Yourgore attack does the same damage as your bite attack. Thisattack is also considered a primary attack and is made us-ing your full base attack bonus.

    Cityfriend (Su): At 9th level, your connection tostone allows you to treat stone or brick buildings as if theywere sentient creatures. You can make Diplomacy checksto talk to buildings that you come in contact with. If abuilding can be made helpful, it may do some small ser-vice for you.

    Frightening Shadow (Su):At 10th level, you are sointimidating that ying over your opponents automati-cally triggers your frightful presence ability #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Forced Stonesleep (Su):At 12th level, once per day,you are able to force other gargoyles into statue form for 8hours. Once in statue form, this gargoyle is helpless. Slap-ping or wounding awakens the gargoyle, but normal noisedoes not. Awakening the gargoyle is a standard action. Thegargoyle is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your stone-warden paragon level + your Charisma modier). You can

    choose whether the affected gargoyle also gains the curelight wounds benet of the 2nd level stonesleep ability.You are still able to cast or benet from the stonesleep anddeeper stonesleep abilities.

    Terrifying Cry (Su):At 14th level, you are so intimi-dating that now your battle cry automatically triggers yourfrightful presence ability. In addition it now inicts theFrightened condition upon a failed save.

    The Rocks Tremble (Su):At 18th level, your fright-ful presence is channeled through earth and rocks. Youare so intimidating that now simply touching the groundautomatically triggers your frightful presence ability andits range increase to a 120 radius.

    Stoneseer (Su): At 20th level, the stones become

    your eyes and ears. At will as a standard action you canchoose any stone that you have previously touched at anydistance to see, feel, and hear through. You retain yourown senses, including darkvision, tremorsense, and Per-ception ranks, when using the stone to sense through.

    Stonewarden FeatsThe following feats are designed specically for winge-

    d creatures and with stonewardens, in particular, in mind.They draw on these creatures ying ability to grant themexpanded abilities.

    Aerial Maneuvers (Combat)Your experience in the air and quick reexes allow you to

    react swiftly to avoid an opponents attacks.Prerequisites:Dex 13; Ranks in Fly.Beneft:You gain a +2 dodge bonus to your AC while y-ing. A condition that makes you lose your Dex bonus to ACalso makes you lose the benets of this feat.

    Aerial Mobility (Combat)You can easily y through a dangerous melee.Prerequisites:Dex 13, Aerial Maneuvers.Beneft:You get a +8 dodge bonus to Armor Class againstattacks of opportunity caused when you y out of or with-in a threatened area. A condition that makes you lose yourDexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes youlose dodge bonuses.

    Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most typesof bonuses.

    Improved Maneuverability (Combat)You are better than most of your kind at ying.Prerequisite:Dex 13; Ranks in Fly.Beneft:For the purposes of making Fly checks, your ma-neuverability increases. If your maneuverability is Aver-age, it becomes Good, granting a +4 bonus on Fly checks.If your maneuverability is Good, it becomes Perfect, grant-ing an additional +4 on Fly checks.

    Special:This feat may be taken more than once but ma-neuverability cannot become better than Perfect.

    Greater Frightful Presence (Monstrous)You are extremely skilled at causing fear.Prerequisite:Cha 13; Frightful Presence, Ability Focus(Frightful Presence), Improved Frightful Presence, Intim-

    idate 11 ranks.Beneft: Your frightful presence ability can now inictyour choice of the cowering or panicked conditions, andthose that successfully save against you Frightful Presencesuffer the shaken condition for 1 round.

    Improved Frightful Presence (Monstrous)You are better than most of your kind at creating fear.Prerequisite:Cha 13; Frightful Presence, Ability Focus(Frightful Presence) Intimidate 7 ranks.Beneft:You can now affect creatures whose Hit Dice ex-ceeds your own.

    Swoop (Combat)

    You do a tremendous amount of damage when swoopingdown on prey.Prerequisites:Ranks in Fly; natural attacks.Beneft:When ying and using the charge action, you arenot limited to making only one of your natural attacks.Normal: You only get to make one attack during acharge.

    Precise Drop (Combat)While ying, you drop thrown weapons with great preci-sion.Prerequisite:Ranks in Fly.Beneft:While ying over a target, you are able to qua-druple the range increment of any thrown weapon.


    Abandoned PebbleSchool: Conjuration (Creation) [Earth]; Level:Drd 0Casting Time:Standard actionRange:Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)Target:One creature or objectDuration:InstantaneousSaving Throw:None Spell Resistance:NoUpon casting this spell, you conjure a stone above yourtarget if you succeed at a ranged touch attack to hit. Uponfalling and striking the target, the stone deals 1d3 pointsof bludgeoning damage.

    AftershockSchool: Evocation [Earth]; Level:Drd 1Casting Time:1 standard actionComponents:V, SRange:Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)Targets:Ground bound creatures in rangeDuration:1 roundSaving Throw:Reex negates; Spell Resistance:YesYou cause the ground around you to shake. All ground #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    bound creatures who fail the saving throw fall prone.Ground bound creatures that do not fall prone suffer a 1circumstance penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, andchecks during that round.

    Mire of Stone and EarthSchool: Transmutation [Earth]; Level:Drd 2, Rgr 2

    Casting Time:1 standard actionComponents:V, S, DFRange:Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)

    Area:Earth or stone in a 40-ft.-radius spreadDuration:1 min./level (D)Saving Throw:Reex partial; see text;Spell Resistance:NoThe very earth twists and writhes, creatures that fail theirsave gain the entangled condition. Creatures that maketheir save move at only half their base speed in the area.Those that remain in the area must save again at the endof your turn. Creatures that move into the area must saveimmediately. Those that fail must end their movementand gain the entangled condition. Entangled creatures canattempt to break free as a move action, making a strengthor Escape Artist check. The DC for this check is equal tothe DC of the spell. The entire area of effect is considereddifcult terrain while the effect lasts.

    Creatures with burrow speeds are immune to the ef-fects of mire of stone and earth.

    Rolling ShockwaveSchool:Evocation [Earth]; Level:Drd 4, Sor/wiz 3Casting Time:1 standard actionComponents:V, SRange:10 ft.

    Area:10-ft.-radius burst centered on youDuration:InstantaneousSaving Throw:None; Spell Resistance:Yes

    A powerful shockwave radiates along the ground outwardfrom you, blasting all creatures in the area for 1d6 pointsof damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6).

    In addition, all creatures on the ground in the area aresubject to a bull rush attack from the spell. The CMB forthis spell is equal to your caster level + your relevant cast-er ability modier + 2.

    Stone ArmSchool:Transmutation [Earth]; Level:Sor/Wiz 4Casting Time:Standard actionRange:Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)Target:One creatureDuration:Permanent

    Saving Throw:Fortitude negatesSpell Resistance:YesYou petrify one arm of a foe. The arm becomes unusable.If the arm was holding something, that object is now heldfast, requiring a strength check (DC 25) to remove it. Thecreature is unable to perform any action that requires twohands and suffers a -4 penalty to all dexterity and strengthbased skill and ability checks due to the unbalancingweight.

    Stone SnareSchool:Conjuration (Teleportation) [Earth];Level:Clr 5, Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 5Casting Time:1 standard actionComponents:V, SRange:Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)Target:one creatureDuration:Instantaneous, see textSave:Reex negates; Spell resistance:NoYou conjure a small planar trap that opens beneath thetarget creature that creates a burst of suction pulling thetarget creature into a spherical containment cell of thesame height and width as the longest dimension of thetrapped creature. A successful Reex save avoids the trapcompletely. Rogues may add their trap sense modier tothis save. A trapped creature can attempt to break the wallsof their enclosure to force the spell to end early (hardness8, hp equal to caster); otherwise they must simply waitfor the spell to end. Once the spell ends the victim is vio-lently ejected from the earth taking 8d6 points of physicaldamage and ending up prone in the spot they originally

    occupied. If the space they were in is occupied, they areshunted in a random direction to the closest open square.

    As a magical, quasi-planar opening; spells such as ethe-real jaunt, teleport, dimension door, or related spells dontfunction. The stone snarecan be dispelled normally fromeither the inside or outside ending the spell as above.

    Stones SheathSchool:Transmutation [Earth]; Level:Drd 6Casting time:1 standard actionComponents:V, S, DFEffect:one stone sheathDuration:1 min./level (D)Saving Throw:Reex partial; Spell Resistance:YesThis spell envelops one of your weapons or natural weap-ons in elemental earth. This weapon now strikes with a +3bonus to attack but not to damage. This dull gray sheathdeals +3d6 points of bludgeoning damage to any oppo-nent in contact with solid ground. In addition, an oppo-nent struck by this weapon must succeed on a Fortitudesave or suffer from the petried condition. Each round onits turn, the subject may attempt a new saving throw tonegate the condition. (This is a full round action and doesnot provoke attacks of opportunity.) If the creature doesnot succeed at a saving throw, they lose the condition atthe end of the spells duration.

    Stony GazeSchool:Transmutation [Earth]; Level:drd 7,Casting Time:1 Standard actionComponents:V, S, M ( a basilisks eyeball)Range:0 feet

    Area:PersonalDuration:1 round/two levels (D)You gain a petrifying gaze attack (See Pathnder Bestiary)

    the DC of the Fortitude save is equal to the spells DC. #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Towering HandsSchool:Evocation [Earth]; Level:Drd 8,Casting Time: 1 standard actionRange:Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)Effect:two 15-foot-wide handsDuration:1 round/level (D)Saving Throw:None; Spell Resistance:No

    You create 2 huge stone hands that rises up out of theground where you wish (including under a foe). Thesehands can grapple one opponent each or one opponent to-gether that you select. The stone hands each get one grap-pling attack per round. Its attack bonus to make contactand its CMB is equal to your caster level + your relevantcaster ability modier +3. If they cooperate on a singularopponent add +2 to the touch attack roll and CMB. Youcan have each of the hands deal 3d6 points of damage plusyour relevant caster ability modier each round it main-tains its grapple or execute a pin maneuver.

    Each hand can interpose itself between you and an op-ponent. Interposing provides you with improved cover(+8 bonus to AC, +4 Reex Save) against that opponent.You can make the both hands or just one hand move by

    spending a swift-equivalent action to direct them. Theymove along the ground, limited to traveling atop the earth(it cannot, for example, cross water or a pit) at a speed of10 feet. Its movement causes a wakelike disturbance in theground that immediately repairs itself.

    Each of the towering hands is 15 feet long and aboutthat wide with its ngers outstretched with a 15 reach.

    It has as many hit points as you have when undamaged,and its armor class is 20 (1 size, +11 natural).It suffers damage as a normal creature, but most magicaleffects that dont cause damage (like fear or confusion) donot affect it. The hand makes saving throws as if it wereyou.

    You must cast towering hand while standing upon theground, underground, or upon a stony or earthen sur-face.

    Wreck HavocSchool:Evocation [Earth]; Level:Drd 9Components:V, S, DF, XP (2,500)Casting Time:1 roundRange:Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)Effect:moving 100-ft.-radius cloud of falling stoneDuration:1 round/level (D)Saving Throw:Special, see text Spell Resistance:NoYou call down a rain of boulders, leaving debris in its wake.The area of effect moves at a speed of 100 ft./round in adirection of your choice. Objects and structures in the areaof effect automatically suffer half their hit points in dam-age (thus gaining the broken condition) and are buried.Creatures in the area of effect suffer 1d6 points of blud-geoning damage per caster level and are buried (Reexsave negates the buried condition and reduces the damageby half). Creatures with the Animal type that see the cloudapproaching ee at their top rate of speed.

    Magic ItemsTentacle Bomb

    Aurafaint conjuration (creation); CL4thSlot; Price400 gp;Weight1/2 poundDescriptionThese large dried bign squids burst into a 20 radius eldof rubbery black tentacles as per the spell when droppedfrom a height of 40 or higher. Used as a thrown weapon,they have a range increment of 10 feet. Once used, thebomb becomes a normal dried squid but remains edible.ConstructionRequirementsCraft Magic Arms and Armor, black ten-tacles; Cost400 gp

    Girdles of Unencumbered FlightAurafaint evocation; CL3rdSlotbelt; Price2,000 gp;Weight0 lb.DescriptionWorn around the waist and over the shoulders, this ad-justable girdle allows leather straps to hang below a yingcreature. The girdle reduces the weight of anything sus-pended in the straps by 90% allowing the creature to carryheavy loads without interfering with its ability to y.ConstructionRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, oating disk;Cost1,000 gp

    Anklet of Soft LandingsAurafaint transmutation; CL2ndSlotfeet; Price1,500 gp;Weight0 lb.DescriptionEngraved with the faces of laughing imps, this ankletprotects ying creatures from falls and collisions bytransforming stone or earth surfaces into soft mud up toa depth of 20 feet immediately upon contact. The ankletonly activates when the creature loses control of their abil-ity to y and plunges to the ground or into a stony surface.The anklet does not work on dressed or worked stone. In-tentionally running at full speed into a hard surface willnot activate the anklet. Whenever the anklet is activated,it also releases a loud chorus of mocking laughter. The an-klet can only be used once per day. The soft mud elimi-nates 40 feet of falling damage.ConstructionRequirementsCraft Wondrous Items, soften stone andearth; Cost750 gp

    Oathkeeper GauntletAuramoderate evocation; CL7thSlothand or feet; Price8,302 gp;Weight1 lb.DescriptionWorn around the wrist or calf, this gauntlet makes thewearers natural attack lawful-aligned, thus bypassing anycorresponding damage reduction. Any natural attack withthat limb deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against cha-otic creatures. This gauntlet is an axiomatic weapon and,thus, bestows a negative level on any chaotic creature at-tempting to wield it. Attacks with weapons in that hand donot deal the extra damage. Costs and prices given are for asingle gauntlet although they may be found in pairs.ConstructionRequirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, orderswrath, creator must be lawful. Cost4,302 gp. #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Owain Northway,

    You have asked for a description of my people, the Jotun-

    nar, but this is a saga to be told by skald over a fortnight, notsome small brevity to be put down on the impermanence ofparchment. However, we have shared the giants brew to-gether, you have given me the tale of your need, and you haveshown Vird to my people. So I, a Jotun of the KingdomColossal, shall attempt to convey too short a story.

    -Aevarr Grinsaga Valisson

    You name usNephilim, Anakim, Brobdingnagian, Co-moran Emim, and Rephaim though we name ourselveswith exultation theJotunnar. The Jotunnar are kith andkin to what you christen giants. We are to them in thesame manner that the giants of the hills are relations of

    the giants of the storms; we nd both joy and humor inthese familial relations, dysfunctional though they maybe.

    My people are newer to this world than our fellow gi-ants, we were not here during our kiths war with thedragons, which shattered the Colossal Empire. We werenot here when Cynmark the Dark Emperor made slavesof the giants of hill, stone, frost, re, cloud, and storm. Itwas during the two thousand years of slavery, under therst and last emperor of the Cynmark Dynasty, that wewere created through the Imperiums mystical theurgiesand our own lustful breeding. We became an exemplar ofthe elemental forces and the emergent might found withinall giants. We, the Jotunnar, served as the shock troops of

    the Dynasty, often led by our bastard kin the Wyrd. Yetmy ancestors, being lled with bravado, chafed under thetight reign of Cynmark. Finally, when his rule would haveforced us to descend into Osoem, we found hope. Insteadof slaughtering the last remnant of the Kingdom Colossalat Mount Jotunheim, we rebelled. In our rebellion we se-cured the hope of ascending into the Vird.

    Many were the battles, deserving of much longer tell-ing than these few words you require me to convey, yetknow that many of us joined the Questors Society while

    others reunited with the giants of the Kingdom Colossal.Eventually The High King of the Giants ascended by Virdfrom amongst the Jotunnar to rule all the Kingdom Colos-sal from his high seat at Mount Jotunheim and joined the

    Protectorate of Questhaven, The Evocative City.Today many of us still live in the city of Questhaven, en-

    joying the Questors Society life of battle, alcoholic brews,and the living and telling of still greater legends.

    Physical DescriptionMy people, the Jotunnar, at the conclusion of our rst

    step in development are usually about 7 feet tall. Thereare four additional development steps, though a rare fewof my kind choose not to move up along these additionalfour steps and are often referred to in a derogatory fashionas Stunted Ones. Those who do advance often chooseto embrace their elemental might, tying into their lineage

    and taking on the physical traits of a giant of the ogres,trolls, ettins, hills, stones, frosts, res, clouds, or storms tosuch a point that even I cannot tell the difference betweena jotun and say a storm giant. Of those who do not take onthe aspect of another giant, those amongst my kin allowtheir hair to grow long, with women wearing their hair intwo long braids, males tend to grow long beards.

    It can be said that we are a vain people, especially those,such as myself, who follow the way of Vird, for we wanteveryone to give thought only to the magnicence of ourpresence, more so if there are potential mates in atten-dance! You will not nd what you humans call a gentle-mans discretion or modesty in our approach to our ap-pearance, we tend to express our sexuality, vigor, and

    might in lavish, even somewhat savage displays. Thosewho have embraced the Osoem, however, are so debasedin appearance that brushes, let alone a bath, are thoughtof. Their noses grow overly large and their ears growpointed, some even grow a second head embracing theaspect of the ettins.

    When it comes to attire some adopt the clothing ofthe aspect we embrace, while others enjoy loud colorsmarking them out as followers of Vird. While those whoembrace our baser natures in following Osoemoften wearonly animal skins.

    SocietyThe concepts of Virdand Osoemare what hold Jotun-

    heim the Kingdom Colossal together, so in order for youto understand our society you must rst understand Vird,for you will nd customs that seem strange to you. A fewexamples include: our women formed their own soldiersociety known as the Choosers of the Slain, we have notaboo against nudity, and we also stress the importanceof size.

    Vird starts with the proper veneration of the giant-ish gods, in Questhaven and in Jotunheim, this meansboth Our Pantheon of the Great Church and Our Lord


    Designers NotesThe Jotun race and the Jotun Paragon class are de-

    signed to give players a chance to bring classical giantsinto the Pathnder Roleplaying game without unbal-ancing it, yet still remaining a fun and rewarding ex-perience.

    We do include the ability for jotun paragons tochange their size to facilitate adventuring, allowing forhim to travel into dwarven halls or kobold warrens,drawing our inspiration from the rbolg and spriggangiants, along with a little bit of Henry Pym thrown inwith the Quickened Growth feat. #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Jotunnar Aevarr Grinsaga Valisson and his wife Dyrfinna Brightlaugh Ymirdottirspeaking with the human Owain Northway #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    of Laughter. Proper veneration means more than simpleworship, it also means respect for the gods humans woulddeem evil or against what humans would consider ourprinciples. For example I am known to thank Our DarkBrother of Gluttony, for allowing me to sate my hungers,and I would give praise to a worthy foe who venerated OurDark Brother of Gluttony by seeing to his proper burial

    and asking the gods forgiveness as battle forced me to de-stroy parts of his temple. Additionally, I would avoid do-ing more destruction to the temple than was necessary tocomplete my mission.

    Virdalso embraces Joy, Bravery, and Bravado, as we ofthe Jotunnar seek to always express joy even when con-fronted with the greatest of tragedies. In the same waythat a frightened jotun overcomes fear to meet his ene-my bravely, a jotun faced with despair will meet it witha broad grin, a jest and laughter. For example, when Iwas confronted by a foul villain who preyed upon help-less children, I exclaimed Verily, it is time for RighteousSmiting! When I was confronted with a foe that was sureto slay me; I exclaimed This will be a great challenge to

    sings songs of, now if only one of us was going to live so theskalds could learn of it. My father, after being stabbed inthe heart by a spear head, pulled the spear out, looked atthe newly crafted spear head and exclaimed with laughter,they made them broad this year and then died. Braveryfor a jotun, means that you do not act based on fear, thatyou do not leave a comrade behind and you be willing toface up to personal challenges that you have a chance ofovercoming. Failure is not disgraceful, but an unwilling-ness to try for fear of failure is. Bravado also expands itselfinto both praise and insults to ones enemies and, to othergiants, not giving proper praise and insults to a foe is con-sider on par with failure to give praise to your own god.

    Another aspect of Virdis showing courtesy, mercy, and

    charity to other giants, even one who is a sworn enemy.Giants may ght, but those that extend mercy often earnthe loyalty and fealty of a giant they have defeated. How-ever, remember this only extends between giants, a jotunwho follows the Vird would show no mercy to the mosthonorable dwarf, gnome, or dragon. Courtesies betweengiants are often long and drawn out processes, which in-volve rituals and a formal exchanging of names: rst namethe name of your father or mother with a son or dottirsufx denoting relationship, the name of your clan, tribe,and to what ruler you owe allegiance. For example I wouldintroduce myself as Aevarr Valisson, Clan Aesgir, of theJotun Tribe, Legate of High King Ymir of Jotunheim tothe Council of Heroes in Questhaven. Other courtesies in-clude an exchange of tales, and the sacred relationship ofguest and host with even the poorest of giants will offer hislast crumb to a giantish guest.

    When it comes to the Virdof our society we hold, in theorder of standing, that the King stands taller than Tribe,Tribe stands taller than Clan, Clan stands taller than Fam-ily, Family stands taller than Friend, Friend stands tallerthan Foe, and Foes stand taller than Strangers. In this waymy companions in the fellowship of adventurers in theQuestors society have a higher standing than does a regiant who is unknown to me. Yet, if I had embraced my

    re giant lineage and joined the Fire Giant Tribes then anunknown Fire Giant would have a greater standing thanwould my closest non- re giant friend. This has causedmany a rift with non-giants who do not understand theVirdand even amongst giants who do not embrace it.

    The nal and, perhaps, most important aspect of theVird is its domain. A giant is expected to never give up

    in the defense of its home, even if it ees only so that itcan regroup and renew its assault. A follower of the Virdwho drives a giant from its home has debased himself intoOsoem.

    Osoemis an even more difcult concept for non-giantsto understand. It could be best summarized as a giant ig-noring his mystical connections and embracing his basernature, though it is far more complex than that. Thesetraits are most closely related to what humans term asgluttony, avarice, and pride. Osoemis a part of being a gi-ant, acting on it, while shameful, is not disgraceful, it is ex-pected. But, followers of the Virdsimply seek to rise aboveit while followers of Osoemseek to embrace it. Followersof Osoemdont simply perform blasphemies against a de-

    ity they deny the gods and take pride only in their ownpower. They dont just raid another giants home; they killthe host in his sleep after being invited in as a guest. Theydont simply disobey the king, but seek to subvert his work.They ignore courtesies, stealing and murdering membersof their own tribe, clan and family. They keep silent whenit comes time to boast of their accomplishments, and holdtheir tongues, yet again, when it is time to mock or praisea foe. They would exile a giant from his home, rather thangive him a glorious death and proper burial. They wouldspill any secret given to them in condence.

    For the purposes of Virdand Osoemit is important tonote that killing a giantish foe in battle from ambush oreven under the crushing weight of a rock dropped upon

    his head and then taking the spoils of war from his bodyis a Virdact, unless he was from the same tribe, then itwould be an Osoemact. Yet, refusing to grant quarter tothis giant when the option is possible would be an Osoemact; if he was a gnome, dwarf or dragon then it would bea Virdact not to grant quarter. Afterwards, if an attackcame from the same giantish foe, after you spared him,which would be an Osoemact, unless you tried to drivehim from his home. Such are the complexities of VirdandOsoem.

    RelationsVirdand Osoemguide our relations with other races.

    We prize friendship with others and we even have a spe-

    cial relationship with our hereditary foes. For all otherswe tend to have a general apathy, we do not place any val-ue on the opinion of a non-giant who has not become ourfriend or foe, deeming them unworthy and inferior in thesame way that you humans view gnats. Gnomes, lurkers,dwarves and watchers put forth their small claims thatthey are our hereditary enemies; this is blatantly false,trust them not, for they and their abodes are far too smallfor us. We view gnomes and lurkers as thieving rats whowill cheat you at everything. While dwarves and watchers #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    Many jotunar come to admire Mr Northway. #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    are looked upon like scavengers, forever grumbling likesmall clouds of depression, for what can a dwarf do thata giant cannot do more mightily? This is not say that jo-tun do not become friends with dwarves or gnomes, for weshare much in common with a love of good craftsmanship,drinking, eating and the telling of tales. It is just that theyseem to have a distrust and dislike of us and that we view

    their distrust and dislike with disdain, rather than hatingthe dwarves or gnomes themselves.

    Our true foes are dragons. Nothing in the entire worldis as glorious an enemy to a giant, and no spectacle asgreat as a giant grappling with these fell serpents and nosport as enjoyable as bringing a ying wyrm crashing tothe earth with a well placed boulder.

    One aspect in regard to giants of different clans, if Iwere to engage in battle with a giant of a different clanand I offered him quarter and he later betrayed the Virdby attacking me or my companions, he would be invokingOsoem for what allows for long feuds between differentthe whole of his clan, not just for himself. This is giant-ish clans and for a giantish adventurer not to always offer

    quarter to every giant he comes across.

    Alignment and ReligionThe majority of my kindred in the magical language of

    alignment are what you humans name Lawful Neutral,caring only for Virdand Osoemrather than good or evil.However, those who embrace a specic aspect of their gi-antish nature often adopt the outlook of that lineage. For

    example, a jotun who embraced the aspect of storm wouldmost likely become chaotic good in the same manner anaspect of the troll might become chaotic evil. Yet these arethe standard bearers and there are always glorious rebelsseeking to make their own path.

    The Jotun worship the gods as a pantheon, each onecontrolling an aspect of reality and each one worthy of thesame level of devotion. We truly worship them as a poly-theistic group, we may have a god we favor over others,but we dont exclude any deity from our piety. Favoreddeities tend to be gods of feasting, drinking (wine and ale),adventure, laughter, joy, hedonism, avarice, gluttony,pride, battle, glory, and gods of the elements, and godsof the earth, sea, and sky. In Questhaven, as well as in theKingdom Colossal, the Great Church of the Pantheon isthe most highly venerated followed by that of Our Lordof Laughter.

    AdventurersWe Jotunnar nd great joy in the lifestyle of the adven-

    turer. The drinking, feasting, and the chance to becomepart of a great tale are a sirens call to our nature. Furtherappeal comes from the chance of challenging ourselvesfrom wrestling with dragons, to tossing boulders withthe Titians of the earth; we consider every battle to be thegreatest of sport. Many also use this as a chance to exploreour elemental nature, while others see it as a chance todefend the principles of the Virdand Jotunheim itself.

    The few stunted ones that peruse a different pathoften choose the life of an adventurer so as to avoid thestigma of giantish society. However, they can nd prestigein the service of the Churches of the Great Pantheon, theserunecasters and shamans of the giants often send jotunon quests in the service of the giant tribes leading to yetanother path to adventure or my people.

    Names Outside of formal introductions between giants, we Jo-tunnar only use personal names with a byname, if need.Nicknames are often frequent amongst my people, for theyare also a form of story to be told. But patronymics, more

    so: son meaning Son of or dottir meaning Daughterof was added after the genitive case of the fathers per -sonal name for males and the mothers personal name forfemales. For instance my daughters name is Bera Eyjis-dottier while my sons name is Gellir Aevarrson.

    For formal introductions, include the name of your clanand the name of the tribe you now belong to, along withyour current profession and location. For example mydaughters formal name is different than my own, havingmarried into another clan and having embraced a differ-The jotun paragon Aevarr Grinsaga Valisson telling a tale #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    A jotun paragon defends the passes into his homeland. #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    ent aspect: Bera Eyjisdottier, Clan Torrathr of the CloudTribe.

    Male personal names: Asgeirr, Bjorn, Einarr,Grimr, Helgi, Ketill, Ragnar, Svertingr, Thrainn, Ulfr,Vestarr

    Female personal names: Anddisi, Bothaeirthr,

    Dyrnna, Fjorleif, Guthrun, Halldis, Jorunn, Svana,Thora, Ulfrun, Valdis

    Nicknames: Alestalker, Fireforge, Graniteanger,Grimbreath, Hapst, Icewife, Keenwright, Lovinghavoc,Oreprince, Stonesage,

    Clans: Avoer, Bot, Dyrdis, Finna, Grima, Herdis,Ingrithr, Odifrithr, Rannlaug, Svanlaug, Tofa, Yrr

    Tribes:Cloud, Ettin, Fire, Frost, Jotun, Ogre, Stone,Storm, Troll

    Jotun Racial TraitsThe Jotunnars massive physique grants them prodi-

    gious Strength and Constitution. They enjoy choosing to

    focus on their physique granting a single +2 racial bonusto Strength; or focusing on physical and mental fortitudegranting a +2 racial bonus to Constitution, a +2 racial bo-nus to Wisdom, and a -2 penalty to Intelligence.

    Jotun base speed is 30 feetJotunnar are use to lording their size over those around

    them and possess a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate andSense Motive skill checks.

    Jotunnar enjoy a +2 racial bonus to all Craft skillchecks.

    Jotunnar are humanoids with the giant subtype.

    Medium:As Medium creatures, Jotunnar have no spe-cial bonuses or penalties due to their size. Jotunnar cangrow to even greater size.

    Low-Light Vision:Jotunnar can see twice as far as hu-mans in conditions of dim light.

    Automatic Languages:Common and Giant.Bonus Languages:Any.

    Age, Height, and WeightCharacters age, and with age comes change. Characters

    become feebler and yet grow wise from their experiences.A player can choose any starting age she wishes for hercharacter but, when in doubt, assume a jotun characterstarts adventuring at 1st level about halfway to middle

    age (75 years old). When a character becomes venerable,the DM secretly determines her maximum age. When thecharacter reaches her personal maximum age, she dies ofold age at some time during the following year, as deter-mined by the DM. Aging effects are cumulative.

    Each player should choose an appropriate height andweight for his characters size and record it. To determineheight and weight randomly, use the Jotun Height andWeight table below. Roll the height modier and addthat many inches to the base height to get the charactersheight. Take that same height modier result and multiplyit by the weight modier result. Add that many pounds tothe base weight to get the characters weight.

    Paragon ClassIn most campaigns, the ideas of class and race are sepa-

    rate concepts. But, with racial paragon classes, the linebetween the two becomes blurred. Racial paragons are, asthe name suggests, nearly ideal examples of the strengthsand abilities of the characters race. Unlike members ofother classes, however, racial paragons are more thanmerely powerful individuals. They are strong in all theways that their race is strong, while still vulnerable in theways that their race is vulnerable. Beyond that, they pos-sess powers and capabilities that supersede those of nor-mal members of their race. While any jotun might rise inpower, prestige, and (in game terms) level, few do so bygaining levels in the standard character classesthe ma-

    jority are so in tune with their heritage and racial abilitiesthat they become racial paragons.

    Racial paragons rarely undergo the rigorous trainingor study that members of other classes commonly under-take between levels. Their experience, wisdom, and heroicabilities simply manifest in the form of superior innateracial abilities. Despite this strong association with race,racial paragons need not have specic views or specialdedication to their races beliefs or typical attitudes (al-though many do).

    Obviously, a character can only take levels in the racialparagon class associated with his race. A human cannottake levels in jotun paragononly jotun are capable of re-ecting the highest virtues of jotunhood by gaining levels

    in the jotun paragon class. Like the ghter, wizard, andother standard character classes, racial paragon classeshave no prerequisites (other than being a member of theappropriate race). Unlike normal paragon classes the jo-tun paragon class levels can only be taken at 1st level, asthis is the point in their growth cycle when it is possibleotherwise their elemental and giantish power is stunted.You either decide, at the start to become a paragon andadvance to at least 6th level or you progress in somethingelse entirely. A jotun cannot multiclass freely between

    Jotun Age TableMiddle Age Old Venerable Maximum Age

    150 450 700 +3d100

    Jotun Height and Weight TableSize Base


    ModBase Wt Wt Mod

    Mediusm 65 +2d6 250 lbs 2d6 lbs.

    Large 93 +2d8 900 lbs 2d12 lbs.

    Huge 201 +2d10 11,800 lbs x 3d8 lbs.

    Gargantuan 384 +3d12 24,700 lbs x 4d8 lbs.

    Colossal 586 +4d8 49,500 lbs x 3d20 lbs #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013 #2555897, nicholas sexton , Sep 23, 2013

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    standard character classes, prestige classes for which heor she qualies, unil the jotun reaches at least 6th level inthe jotun paragon class due to this life cycle.

    Levels in racial paragon classes are always consideredto be advancing in a favored class.

    Jotun ParagonJotun can take up to twenty levels in jotun paragon,each level represents the character growing in elementaland giantish might and reaching a growth cycle of her gi-antish heritage. Still not all jotun choose to take paragonlevels instead becoming one of the stunted.

    Jotun Paragon ClassAlignment:AnyHit Die:d8Class SkillsThe giant paragons class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int),Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), SenseMotive (Wis), Stealth (Dex) and Swim (Str).

    Skill Ranks per Level:4 + Int modier

    Class FeaturesWeapon and Armor Profciency: A jotun paragon

    is procient with all simple weapons and no armor, orshields.

    Elemental Power:At 1st level, a jotun paragon mustselect one of the 4 elements (energy descriptor), Air (elec-tricity), Earth (acid), Fire, or Water (cold), this choice ispermanent and cannot be undone as it ties into your verynature and essence. This also prevents the jotun paragonfrom taking any other class levels. Until you are at least6th level, if you do you will be destroyed within a 12 daystime by your own unchecked power (GM rolls 2d6 secretly

    to determine the exact number of days). The jotuns el-emental might manifests in the form of abilities chosenfrom the list below gained at 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th,and 18th level.

    Armtwist (Ex):You must have established a grapplinghold to use this ability. You utilize this particular grapplecombat maneuver to inhibit strong opponents by twistingthe victims arm behind his back and pulling it up towardhis neck. Using this ability does normal slam damage plusyour Strength Modier, plus 1 point of Strength damagewith a successful combat maneuver check as an attack ac-tion. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + half your jotun paragonlevel + your Strength modier) negates the Strength dam-age. This ability is only effective against creatures within

    one size category of you.Backbreaker (Ex):You must have established a grap-

    pling hold to use this ability. You opt for this grapplecombat maneuver to restrict the movement of dexterousadversaries by positioning the foe atop your shouldersand contorting the victims body around your neck. Usingthis ability does normal slam damage plus your StrengthModier, plus 1 point of Dexterity damage with a success-ful combat maneuver check as an attack action. A Forti-tude save (DC 10 + half your jotun paragon level + your

    Strength modier) negates the Dexterity damage. Thisability is only effective against creatures within one sizecategory of you.

    Call Lightning (Sp): You must possess the Aspect ofAir (storm giant) feat and be at least 5th level to gain thisability. 1/day you can use call lightning as a spell like abil-ity, your caster level is equal to your jotun paragon class

    level.Chain Lightning (Sp):You must possess the Aspect of

    Air (storm giant) feat and be at least 11th level to gain thisability. 1/day you can use chain lightning as a spell likeability, your caster level is equal to your jotun paragonclass level.

    Control Weather (Sp):You must possess the Aspect ofAir (storm giant) feat and be at least 13th level to gain thisability. 2/day you can use control weather as a spell likeability, your caster level is equal to your jotun paragonclass level.

    Crush (Ex):You can only use this ability if you are sizeHuge or greater, When charging or jumping can fall or landon foes as a standard action or as part of the charge, using

    your whole body to crush them. Crush attacks are effec-tive only against opponents three or more size categoriessmaller than you. A crush attack affects as many creaturesas t in your space. Creatures in the affected area mustsucceed on a Reex save (DC equal to 10 + your jotunparagon class level + your Constitution modier) or bepinned, automatically taking bludgeoning damage duringthe next round unless you move off them. If you choose tomaintain the pin, you must succeed at a combat maneu-ver check as normal. Pinned foes take damage from thecrush each round if they dont escape. A crush attack dealsdouble your slam damage plus 1-1/2 times your Strengthbonus.

    Darkvision (Ex):You must possess the Aspect of Earth

    (stone or ogre) or the Aspect of Water (troll) feat to gainthis ability. You now possess darkvision 60 ft.Elemental Arc (Sp):As a standard action, you can un-

    leash an arc of energy targeting any foe within 30 feet asa ranged touch attack. This arc of energy deals 1d6 pointsof energy damage + 1 point for every two jotun paragonlevels you possess. This energy is the same type as youchose for your elemental power. You can use this abilitya number of times per day equal to 3 + your Constitutionmodier.

    Elemental Aura (Su): You can use this ability as a freeaction for a number of rounds equal to your jotun paragonclass level. This energy is the same type as you chose foryour elemental power. You generate an energy aura in a5 radius that deals energy damage to any non-ally withinrange the amount depending on your jotun paragon classlevel. You can use this ability a number of times per dayequal to 3 + your Constitution modier.

    Class Level Energy Damage

    1st 1d4

    9th d16

    15th 1d8 #25