in situ hybridization protocol

7/23/2019 In Situ Hybridization Protocol 1/5  Deparaffinization and rehydration of the specimens ( RT .) Xylenchanges10 min each. 100% ethanolchanges, mineach. 95% ethanol- min. 80% ethano l- min. 70% ethanolmin. 50% eth ano l- 2 min. \\ ) \ \  \ ", \ \ \ . ~~ ' , , - ; _ " " ' of  the proteins PF A fixative. , "  '\""" - dry. 'S~ Pre hybridization.  R inse 5 min in H20DDW,DEf> C. /~ ~~He at denatu re 30 minat 70 0 C in 2* S SC.  .- : : 7 \.. ~ !...R inse 5 minin H20DDWD'i P~" '\~~'\ \  ~ I   l  >  • • . • • • -  ~-t  Pr oteinase K digesti on  1 Q ... !: !!iJ .  370C ,-  ~s,  These steps dena tures  R  NA.  anpr obably also removesome ?-~~)  . t \ 1 ' \  to make  RNA  in sections mor e accessible thy  br idizat ion. ,\  Post-fix sp ec imens 20 minat RTin freshly prepare 4% J ; ; :f .  Rinse 5 minin 0,2% glycine at R T. ~.  ~ \_ "  '. < S ~  Rinse 10 min. 'n 0.25% acet ic an~ik ~~'-R T' ----.----- ))  ~ ins5minin H20DDW,DEPC. i:l' .  \ t < =  AiT "jdr y  specimens maki ng surspecimens are absolutely \ ' , '  I .,  \  \  \  H b  . .  t .  ..  \ ..  \ :;., . A \ "  ~ J- \ ' u ' : ' : :" \ > ~  y rl Iza Ion  ~\\ 0" ' \;'  \ ;' ~\" ' - \ ) " V- "" \ '  \, ~,\~~,),\\~\>\ l.n . ., , ~ "> \ - ~ ~ - ~ -.J - . t  r\.i.\:': ~'rl\'\ ' (. -"-~'<\ . . ~':..,,,,,\."'" Solution Hybr idi zati on  buff er. 50% Formami4*SSCDEPC 1*Denha rd' s 0,5 mg/ml salmon sperm 0,25 mg/ml yest-R  NA 10% dext ran sulfat \ \ \  ,, ' )\ .  ' \ MethoMi the labeled p robe witHybridizat ion buff er ( estima ting 50-100 III per 2222 mm coverslip ) heat to 850C for  5 >  min and coolon ice. Take slides after air-dryinand pipette 100 ~lover each gr ou  p of sections. Gently put parafilm oveeach group of sections and incu  bate ~night at 600 in se al ebocon taining paper towels saturated with 5x  sSC.~  -.. .--" ..y ~  ~\~~ \ .'  .~ )\ \~1 . \\ · ) \ · 0 . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~" )\ ' ~ ~  ~ \ ,  - - - : \ .' \ ' ~ ., J ~ In situ hybridization Protocol For paraffin sections

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Post on 18-Feb-2018




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Page 1: In Situ Hybridization Protocol

7/23/2019 In Situ Hybridization Protocol 1/5

 Depar a ffini zation and r ehydration of     t he s pecimens

(RT.)Xylen-   2   changes,   10 min.   each.

100%   ethanol-   2   changes, 2   min.   each.95%   ethanol- 2   min.

80% ethanol- 2   min.

70% ethanol-   2   min.

50%   ethanol- 2 min.

\\)\\   \r ",\\\.

~~', ,-

; _ " " " ' 7 '

of   the   proteins

PFA fixative.

: ,"   '\"""-

d r y. 'S~

Pre hybridization.\ r   R inse 5 min.   in H20DDW,DEf>C.

/~ ~~'   \   Heat denature 30 min.   at 700C in 2* S S C.   .- : :7

\..~ !...R inse5 min. in H20DDW D'iP~"-   '\~~'\\   ~ I   •   " l >   • • . • • •

-   ~-t   Pr oteinase K d igestion   1 Q ... ! :! ! i J .   370C   .   ,-   -   r 

-   ~s,   These steps denatures   R  NA.   and   pr obably   also   r emoves   some

?-~~)   . t \ 1 ' \   to make   RNA   in sections mor e accessible   to   hy br id ization.

, \   Post-fix specimens 20 min.   at RT.   in freshly prepared    4%

U J ; ; : f .   Rinse 5 min.   in 0,2% glycine at R T. ~.   ~ \_ 

"   '. < S ~   Rinse 10   min. 'n 0.25% acetic an~ik ~~'-R T'r  - ----.-----

))   ~ inse   5min.   in H20DDW,DEPC.

i:l' .   \ ' t < , \ =   AiT" jdr y   specimens,   making sur e   specimens ar e a bsolutely\ ','   I

.,   \   \ \    H b   .d   .   t .   ..   \ .. \ )   \    :;.,.A\"   ~J-\\ '

u':'::"\>~   y rl Iza Ion   ~\\0"'\;'   \;'~\"'-\)"V-""\'   \,

~,\~~,),\\~\>\. _   l.n..,,~

"> \   \~   -~ ~ -~

-.J -.t   r\.i'   .\:':


-"-~'<\   \. .


SolutionHybr idization   buff er .

50%   Formamid 


1*Denhar d' s

0,5 mg/ml salmon s perm

0,25 mg/ml yest   t-R  NA

10% dextr an sulfat

\\\   ,,')\.   '\


Mix   the labeled    probe with   Hy br id ization buff er ( estimating 50-100

III per 22*   22 mm cover sli p ) heat to 850C   f or   5 >   min   and   coolon ice.

Take slides after air-drying   and pipette   100   ~ lover each gr ou p of 

sections. Gently put parafilm over    each gr oup of sections and incu bate

~night at 600 in   sealed    box   containing paper towels   saturated with5x  sSC.~   . -.. .--"


~   ~\~~\.'   .~



.~~   ~~" )\ '~~   ~\,   ---:\.' \'~., J ~

In situ hybridization Protocol

For paraffin sections

Page 2: In Situ Hybridization Protocol

7/23/2019 In Situ Hybridization Protocol 2/5

Washing a f ter    the hybridization.1.   Wash   the slides in 5*  sse   until the   coverslips   were slide   off ..

2. Wash   in.2*SSC   +50%   f ormamide   at   650 e   f or 30 min, 300 ml f or 10-20

slid es.3.2*SSC   3 times f or   5   min, t 37   e~.~:~ashin,,"g   solution   + .   1   ~/ml RNAz~, t   37 C,   30   min..,..•.. -.J~C   I:JD~f urmamide   l~ ,   . ,   _   n

6.2*SSC   t   37   e   1-5--m iR    ~\   '" ~   -

t-   t~"f -.   7.~SC t37 C 15 min

1 < >   " "   \ ~

" \ " \  N

-\,~\o J  , , , , , - , , , , -

 I mmunological det ect ion of DIG-labeled hybr id sWash in\TBS   3   times   f or 3   min   each. / \~\

10 min   ill  O.JM HeL   in   TBS   (iHaeti\late-the endogeBoas enzyme ~tiv~

5   ffiiB:   iff    TES.   ~Q\   \ t ~~t" Blocking in 3% *"goat serum in   TBS,   at   least ~~ min at   R T.~;   ~\\~'" ~

R eplace the blocking   solution   by:   alkaline   phosphatase   conjugated anti-DIG

antibod y   d iluted    1:500   in   1%   goat serum ':CBS f or 60 min at   R T.

Wash 5-10 times in   TBS   f or    30 min.--)?::~~"e:\~   ! ( Q   \ ~ ~   r \ -   ~\l,I<~" i > -

To per f or m th~ col9.~~r eaction: add '''',  0 ~l NBT,   j i f .5   ~l X-phosphate solution

and 2.4 mg le~isole   to 10 ml   buffer containing O.IM Tris pH 9.5,   0.05M   . ; JMgC12   and O.lM NaCl.   4-~\   DOW1   o·S   •.•.•\   Tv-;<" A   ~. B.(   1~'O.w   f .$-\   11 M    :   " < J , . f 

\00M- ~   N • .•.,f   ~M

Incubate   in RT   f or    f ew hours or   in   40 e   f or    on or few'   days,   d e pend on the

 background and signal.

Pr e parat ion of RNA probe for in   sit u   hybridization

A.   R estr iction   d igest and purif  ication of the plasmid.

For anti-sense   pro bes (which hybrid ize to   the RNA), linear ize   the plasmid 

containing the cDNA insert by cutting   it   with a   r estr iction   enzyme   at   the

or iginal 5 -end of the   cDN  A insert   (or outsid e   at the   poly linker).   Use the

 _  polymerase going fr om   the   or iginal 3-end of the   insert   towards its   5-end .

Use the   same logic   f or the   sense probes   (Le.,   cut   at the sid e of the   3-end of  

the   insert and    use   the R  NA polymer ase going toward s   it).

a.   Extr acting once   with phenol-chlorof orm   (i.e.,   add an   equal volume of  

Tris   equilibr ated phenol-chloroform mixture,   vortex for 30 seconds   spin

for    5 min. and take the UPPER aqueous phase   f or    step   Itblt).

 b.   Ethanol   precipitation [add sod ium acetate   (3M   pH 5,2) to a final

concentration of 0,3M to the   a aqueous phase.   Incubate   at   -20oe   to 30   mID.

Alternatively   you can use   liquid nitrogen   f or    2   min.Spin   f or 10   min.].

c.   Wash   the pellet with 75% ethanol.

Page 3: In Situ Hybridization Protocol

7/23/2019 In Situ Hybridization Protocol 3/5

d. Re suspend    in H20   to yield 1 mg/ml.

e.   Ver if y digest by electrophoresis on an agarose gel   (usually   1%w/v

in 1 *TAE buffer ,   add Ethidium bromide (5 mg/ml) to a final concentration of 

0,5 mg/ml; i.e.   a dilution of the stock solution). Compare cut vs.   uncut plasmid vs.   marker    (for a marker I use the 1 Kb   ladder of "BRLft

).   For 

detection do not load more than 0,5 mg of the DNA and   1   mg of    the mar k er.

50 *T AE running buffer  

242 g Tris   base

57,1   ml   Acetic Acid Glacial

37,2 g Na2EDTA*2H20

H20   to 1 liter .

5 *   gel loading buf  f er 

50% v/v   Glycerol

0,2M EDTA   pH   8,0

0,05%   w/v   Br omphenol   Blue

B.   The LabelingAdd the   following   items in the order they   appear :   (note,

should be RIBOnucleotides   and NOT the deoxy   f orm)

1. D NA(   approx. 0,5   Jlg   to   1   Jlg)

2.   5* transcription buffer ( arr ives with the enzyme)3.   Dig R  NA Labeling mix, 10*conc.

4.   DTT   (100   r ru\t1   )

5.   RNase   inhibitor( like RNasin   )

.   6,   RNA polymerase(TI/TI/SP6   )

7.   Water 

Incu bate   2h   37   C.

 Next, add to the reaction the   f ollowing:

1.   RNase   inhibitor 

2. DNase

Incubate   10   min.   at   370C

1   III

2,5   III2,5   ). L l

2,5   III


1   III

14,5   III

Following   this   incubation add :

I.EDTA 0,5M ph 8.0   1,25   Jl1

2.LiC14M   3 ,1111

3.Ethanol( -20   C}   9 0 1 1 1

4.   Mix well and    store at   -20 C for    2h   or over night.

5.   Centr iguge   at 12000g at 4   C for 15 min.

6.   Wash the   pellet with 70% ethanol

Page 4: In Situ Hybridization Protocol

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 Reagents and    solutions

4 %   paraf ormaldehyd e in   PES.

To prepar e   100   ml of fixative:

Add    4 g of    par af ormaldehyde   to 50 ml water  .

Ad d   6-10 ~l   of    10  M   NaOH.

Ad d   10 ml   of   10*PBS.

Adjust the volume   to   100 ml with water .

Stir    at 650C untill the solution will become   clear .

Stor e at 40C   f or   up   to 2 4 h.


Add 500   ~l of    Diethyl   Pyr ocar  bonate   (DEPC,   SIGMA, D-   5758)   to 500 ml


Incu bate   flask    with H20DDW.DEPCin water    bath at   370C   f or overnight.

Sterilize   by autoclaving.

Store at r  oom temper ature   .~.

All the   solutions   which   used    f or    "I N   SITU"   prepared with   H20DDW,DEPC.

lO*TBS   t!)A   ~J~~Dissolve   1S'M   g   of NaCl   and   24.2   Tris   in 800 m1 of   water 

Adjust pH to 7,5   and   Ad  just volume·   to   1 liter. Dispense   into   aliquots.

Ster ilize by autoclaving.Store at r  oom tem peratur e.


Dissolve   175,3   g   of   NaCl and 88,2 g of sodium citrate   in 800   m1 of water 

~lrto   7~~ops of    JON NaeH.

Ad  just volume   to   1   liter .   Dispense   into aliquots .

.sterilize·   by   autoclaving.

Store at r  oom temperature.


D 1 S S o T v e '   NaCl-   80 g;   KCl-2   g;   KH2P04-   2 g; Na2HP04-11,34   g.   III liter and 

ad  just pH to   7,4.   Add    1   ml   DEPC and   stir for   1   h.

Dispense into   aliquots.   Ster ilize by autoclaving.

Store at   r oom temperature.

1M Tr is

Dissolve   121,1 g Tr  is   base   in   800 ml   of   H20DDW,DEPC'Ad  just pH   to   7,5 with 65

ml   of concentrated HCI.   Adjust   v olume to 1 liter .

f    I   )

J " )   y;!-' ....-

Page 5: In Situ Hybridization Protocol

7/23/2019 In Situ Hybridization Protocol 5/5

Q(~~f l1Dis pense   into aliquots.   Ster ilize by autoclaving.

Stor e at r  oom   temper ature.

O,5M   EDTA.Dissolve188,1   .g of    d isod ium ethylene d  iamine   tetra   acetate*2H20   in 800 ml

H20DDW,DEPC' Stir    vigorously on magnetic   stirrer .   Ad  just the   pH   to·   8,0 with

 NaOH ( _ 20   g o f NaOH pellets ). Adjust volume   to   1 liter.

Dispense into   aliquots and ster ilize by autociaving.

Store at   room tem per ature.

 proteInase   K    solution.   /~j;;L,i(   i'6f Mix   10 ml   1M Tr is   (   pH-   7,5 ), 5   ml   05M   EDTA,   35 ml H20DDW,DEPCand l00   ) . 1 . 1

10mg/ml pr oteinase   K .

Acetic anhydr  ide

For 500 ml:   dissolve

500 ml H20DDW,DEPC.

incu bation.


9.2 8 g tr iethanolamine hyd r ochlor id e and 4.5 g   NaCl   in

add   0.25% acetic anhydrid e (125 l.d/50 ml)   just   before

Washi lution.

Mix 233,8 g NaCl wit.~ 100 ml 1M   Tris   ( pH-7,5)   and 100 ml 0,5M EDTA.

Adjust the vol~me to   1   liter .   Sterilize by   f iltr ation., Stor e at RT.

solution of    R  Nase.

Mix 100 ml   R  Nase ( 10 mg/ml,   Sigma R  -5503,   type I-AS   f rom bovine

 pancreas) with 100 ml 1* washing solution   (final   concentration   10   mg/ml   ).