in china vpn is your bff

visit us at tweet us @laowaicareer In China VPN is your BFF Do you use Facebook? Youtube? Gmail? Instgram? Snapchat? Tumblr? New York Times? In China THESE SITES ARE ALL BLOCKED . Don’t worry, your BFF, VPN is here. Click here to learn more!

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Post on 10-Jan-2017



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Page 1: In China VPN is your BFF

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In China VPN is your BFF Do you use Facebook? Youtube? Gmail? Instgram?

Snapchat? Tumblr? New York Times? In China THESE SITES ARE ALL BLOCKED. Don’t worry,

your BFF, VPN is here. Click here to learn more!

Page 2: In China VPN is your BFF

Internet restriction has always been a delicate issue for free-speech activists and

advocates of net neutrality. These problems center on the policies of China in actively

blocking websites, banning IP addresses, and examining online content that has critical

opinions against the government.

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Humorously known as the Great Firewall of China, Internet restriction policies were

highlighted during the 2008 Beijing Olympics when international journalists were not able to access websites blocked by Chinese authorities.

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Censorship is actively implemented in China through state-run Internet service providers with directives from local government units.

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These restrictions put a severe strain on the online experience of average Chinese users.

Unlike other users in the world, Chinese home users have limited access to international news websites, blogs, online message boards, chat

rooms, and instant messaging services.

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The Chinese government is especially sensitive to content that they respect

hazardous intentional exposure like against bullying and threatening to degradation

fights. Chinese powers are also cautious about online content that discusses Taiwanese and

Tibetan independence conclusions.

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There are trustworthy Internet services that permit people to avoid China firewall. These

courses of action have been made so clients can experience the firewall and access destinations

with full freedom. The most encouraging arrangement today is called VPN methods.

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VPN means for virtual private network. This innovation makes a passage over the limited public network. This tube

acts as a safeguard for totally anonymous Internet usage, helping users keep online activities private.

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VPN is similar to online proxies, but unlike online proxies, VPN connections are more

advanced. VPN connections can protect you even if you are using an unsecured Wi-Fi

system. It keeps your ISP from keeping logs of your online action, unblocks beforehand

difficult to reach sites, and gives clients access to different conventions.

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You can likewise utilize VPN connections for texting programs like Skype, Windows Live, or

Yahoo Messenger. VPN choices come at various month to month costs and bundles, yet you will rapidly find that having a protected association

that will help you sidestep China firewall, or whatever another firewall will give more

esteem to you.

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Another urgent application of VPN connections is access to VOIP in nations or districts where it is confined. VOIP or voice

over Internet convention is the least expensive strategy for making the neighborhood and universal calls.

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A few countries square VOIP programs at the solicitation of huge information transfers

organizations to compel the end client to pay high calling rates. With VPN, you can

permanently cut your phone bills, particularly on the off chance that you are a business that

necessities to call global trade contacts.

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VPN is simply the best solution against Internet restriction policies. China’s

police infrastructure to enforce Internet restriction in the country is the most aggressive and the most

organized in the world.

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However, a good VPN connection plan can get you through all these

restrictions and grant you the liberty to use the Internet just as it should be


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China has been called the “Great Internet Firewall of China” due to its

extreme censorship of the web. Some sites such as Google Docs, Google,

Picasa, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and even WordPress are among the 2600

plus blocked sites in China.

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Furthermore, do not try to access Wikipedia; it is blocked as well. Considered one of the

strictest countries for blocking internet access unless it is a Chinese government-run site, it

requires one of the best VPN to allow access to these locations. If you want to know more about this topic, you can read the tips and

guide below.

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China often cites blocking internet sites due to the violation of Chinese laws such as

pornographic and terrorist content, protecting the Chinese state of affairs from outside

intruders, political weakness of the internet providers of the Internet, and any information that includes content about the aristocracy.

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China has blocked many internet sites because of political motives. The Chinese

believe that information received and sent over the web can lead to government dissension. They have a fear that the information sent could result in state secrets being reveled to the world.

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Also, at the point when the edits block the internet destinations, numerous organizations discover it to a significant degree hard to lead even the least complex of day by day business.

China has dependably been a stable country when it relates to foreign relations, and with

the advent of the internet, their oversight has become significantly more tightly.

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With all the editing involving the great internet firewall in China, someone would wonder how he or she could even communicate with the outside world

while visiting or conducting business in China. You could use a proxy server, but many of the sensors

can decipher and close down the server, or, there is the best VPN that will empower you to access these blocked sites while going to or leading business in


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When you sign into the web access in China, your VPN will then scramble your data

utilizing a safe server situated as a part of a territory outside the Chinese Mainland, and

will empower your association with go about as though you were located in another nation where confinements don’t exist.

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While in China, on the off chance that you need to check your email,

converse with companions or partners over a system, you will require the best

VPN to be able to achieve this.

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On the off occasion that you don’t have the best VPN, every one of your correspondences and access an

excessive number of the sites you regularly use will be blocked.

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By having the best VPN, your internet IP location will appear like you are in the UK, the US, or another country

thus allowing you to circumnavigate the censorship of the Chinese


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You will then have the ability to access Google, g-mail, Google Maps, and

Picasa to name a few of the many sites they block.

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