
Inertial Measurement Unit The inertial measurement unit (IMU) device allows for a constant reading of orientation of the quadcopter. The IMU used for this purpose is the 3DM-GX1 by Microstrain, which contains gyros, accelerometers and magnometers providing orientation outputs in matrix, quaternion and Euler formats. Onboard filtering ensures accurate output results as well as gyro drift compensation. RS-232 is used as the communication format output, which, for the purposes of this project, is level shifted to ±3v, allowing for communication with the Arduino. The 3DM-GX1 has several commands for requesting data in the various formats, as well as for reading and writing to the internal EEPROM, which stores data such as sensor calibration coefficients and digital filter parameters. Each command is one byte in length, and the IMU responds with a fixed number of bytes constituting a data packet. All data packets start with a header byte, equal to the command byte issued, and end with a 16-bit checksum. The intermediate bytes consist of the requested data. A single command is used for the purposes of this project. This command returns an acceleration vector, a 3DM-GX1 Inertial Measurement Unit

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Page 1: IMU

Inertial Measurement Unit

The inertial measurement unit (IMU) device allows for a constant reading of orientation of the quadcopter. The IMU used for this purpose is the 3DM-GX1 by Microstrain, which contains gyros, accelerometers and magnometers providing orientation outputs in matrix, quaternion and Euler formats. Onboard filtering ensures accurate output results as well as gyro drift compensation. RS-232 is used as the communication format output, which, for the purposes of this project, is level shifted to ±3v, allowing for communication with the Arduino.

The 3DM-GX1 has several commands for requesting data in the various formats, as well as for reading and writing to the internal EEPROM, which stores data such as sensor calibration coefficients and digital filter parameters. Each command is one byte in length, and the IMU responds with a fixed number of bytes constituting a data packet. All data packets start with a header byte, equal to the command byte issued, and end with a 16-bit checksum. The intermediate bytes consist of the requested data.

A single command is used for the purposes of this project. This command returns an acceleration vector, a drift-compensated angular rate vector, and gyro-stabilized Euler angles. Sending a command byte equal to 0x31 from the Arduino to the IMU triggers this response.

The data returned consists of a packet of 23 bytes. The first byte is a mirrored response of the command byte. The remaining bytes are grouped into pairs, with each pair representing the MSB and LSB of the 16-bit requested data. There are six bytes corresponding to each of the acceleration, angular rate, and Euler angle data sets -- two for each axis. The remaining four bytes are the MSBs and LSBs of the timestamp and the checksum.

In order to process this data using the Arduino, each byte is read in at a time using the serial library. After verifying that the first byte matches the command

3DM-GX1 Inertial Measurement Unit

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byte, the remaining bytes are grouped into pairs. The MSB and LSB bytes of each pair are concatenated into a 16-bit word by using the arduino word command. The checksum is also accumulated at the same time, since it is computed by adding the command byte and all of the 16-bit words. A sample of this procedure is shown below.

//pitch MSB =; LSB =; MSBLSB = word(MSB,LSB); checks = checks + MSBLSB; r->pitch = ((float)MSBLSB)*EulerGainScale;

Due to the high resolution of the 3DM-GX1, the data elements need to be scaled down to real world values. This is the meaning of the last line of code above. The values for the scaling of each data set is obtained from reading the EEPROM. Since the values in the EEPROM do not change unless the device is recalibrated, these values only need to be determined once, and are then hard coded, as shown below.

float AccelGainScale = 3855.059; float GyroGainScale = 3276.8; float EulerGainScale = (float)360/(float)65536;

All of the data is read in, concatenated, and scaled as shown above, and then stored into a global structure. This allows for the Arduino to request IMU data and then store it for use during the current control loop iteration. This structure is shown below.

struct IMU { float roll; /* 16 bit signed Euler roll angle */ float pitch; /* 16 bit signed Euler pitch angle */ float yaw; /* 16 bit unsigned Euler yaw angle */ float accel_x; /* 16 bit signed acceleration - X axis */ float accel_y; /* 16 bit signed acceleration - Y axis */ float accel_z; /* 16 bit signed acceleration - Z axis */ float rate_x; /* 16 bit signed rotation rate - X axis */ float rate_y; /* 16 bit signed rotation rate - Y axis */ float rate_z; /* 16 bit signed rotation rate - Z axis */ float ticks; /* 16 bit 3DM-GX1 internal time stamp */ int chksum; /* checksum */


The information presented in this section is used to create a function that can be called to read the IMU as needed. This only parameter for this function is the address of the IMU structure. The function performs the sending of the command

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byte and the receiving of the data packet. The checksum is calculated and compared with the checksum transmitted by the IMU. If the checksum matches, the function returns a 1. If the checksum fails, a -2 is return to signify the error. The error code -1 is reserved for when the first byte in a response from the IMU does not equal the command byte.