improving discussion ability by using numbered heads

2 nd International Seminar on Education 2017 Empowering Local Wisdom on Education for Global Issue Batusangkar, September 05-06-2017 135 IMPROVING DISCUSSION ABILITY BY USING NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER METHOD FOR SECOND SEMESTER STUDENTS OF INDONESIAAND ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAMOF STKIP YDB LUBUK ALUNG Dwi Mutia Chan Lecturer STKIP YDB Lubuk ALung Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT The research was distributed by several factors as follows. (1) students often trembling voice in conveying the contents of talks; (2) at the time of sitting the discussion students discuss issues outside the discussion; (3) activities discuss monopolized by active students only; (4) at the time the lecturer asked students embarrassed answer for fear of wrong. This study aims to describe the process of improving the ability of students semester II discuss Prodi Indonesia language and literature Education using learning methods of type Numbered Heads Together. The subject of this study are students semester II Prodi Indonesia language and literature Education amounted to 27 people. Data collection is carried out through two main tools, namely test and nontes. The test is used to collect the data the ability to peacefully, while data nontes used to collect usage data learning method of type Numbered Heads Together in the study discussion. Penganalisisan data descriptive-analistis made in accordance with the application of the concept of research action class. The results showed that the method of learning type Numbered Heads Together on the mean values of prasiklus ability of students are discussing 53.90. On cycle I increased to 63.62, and in cycle II also experience increased 76.62. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is an increased ability of discussing students semester II Prodi Indonesia language and literature Education STKIP YDB Bottom Alung using learning methods of type Numbered Heads Together. Key Words: Improved, The Ability Discuss, Learning Methods Of Type Numbered Heads Together, Student STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung INTRODUCTION alking is one of a very important language skills. It is very important, due to the talk with someone can be seen in bernalarnya proficiency assessed. Many types of talk one is discussing. Activities discuss also one kind of speaking skills. This is due to the presence of a discussion process in the activities of the delivery agreement, Disclaimer, and denial of opinion. Process submission of the agreement, the disclaimers, and denial of opinion in discussion can also describe the students ' speaking skills. Because basically, the purpose of the discussion is done to gain an understanding, agreement, and a joint decision on an issue. The problems found in the field as a cause of the onset of the incapacity of speaking skills especially in student learning berdiksusi is as follows. First, at a time when students were invited to speak in a trembling voice often conveys the ideas, so that the contents of the talks are not clear and the message was not read by appropriately. Secondly, the discussions during these activities carried out by professors there are still shortcomings, among others, have been sitting in a group of college students no longer discuss what will be discussed in classical but they told stories with fellow. Need for methods that are carried out, in order for a good T

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2nd International Seminar on Education 2017Empowering Local Wisdom on Education for Global Issue

Batusangkar, September 05-06-2017




Dwi Mutia Chan

Lecturer STKIP YDB Lubuk ALungEmail: [email protected]


The research was distributed by several factors as follows. (1) students often trembling voice inconveying the contents of talks; (2) at the time of sitting the discussion students discuss issues

outside the discussion; (3) activities discuss monopolized by active students only; (4) at the timethe lecturer asked students embarrassed answer for fear of wrong. This study aims to describe

the process of improving the ability of students semester II discuss Prodi Indonesia language andliterature Education using learning methods of type Numbered Heads Together. The subject of

this study are students semester II Prodi Indonesia language and literature Education amountedto 27 people. Data collection is carried out through two main tools, namely test and nontes. Thetest is used to collect the data the ability to peacefully, while data nontes used to collect usage

data learning method of type Numbered Heads Together in the study discussion. Penganalisisandata descriptive-analistis made in accordance with the application of the concept of research

action class. The results showed that the method of learning type Numbered Heads Together onthe mean values of prasiklus ability of students are discussing 53.90. On cycle I increased to

63.62, and in cycle II also experience increased 76.62. Based on the results of the study it can beconcluded that there is an increased ability of discussing students semester II Prodi Indonesialanguage and literature Education STKIP YDB Bottom Alung using learning methods of type

Numbered Heads Together.

Key Words: Improved, The Ability Discuss, Learning Methods Of Type Numbered HeadsTogether, Student STKIP YDB Lubuk Alung


alking is one of a very important languageskills. It is very important, due to the talk

with someone can be seen in bernalarnyaproficiency assessed. Many types of talk one isdiscussing. Activities discuss also one kind ofspeaking skills. This is due to the presence of adiscussion process in the activities of thedelivery agreement, Disclaimer, and denial ofopinion. Process submission of the agreement,the disclaimers, and denial of opinion indiscussion can also describe the students 'speaking skills. Because basically, the purposeof the discussion is done to gain an

understanding, agreement, and a joint decisionon an issue.

The problems found in the field as acause of the onset of the incapacity ofspeaking skills especially in student learningberdiksusi is as follows. First, at a time whenstudents were invited to speak in a tremblingvoice often conveys the ideas, so that thecontents of the talks are not clear and themessage was not read by appropriately.Secondly, the discussions during theseactivities carried out by professors there arestill shortcomings, among others, have beensitting in a group of college students no longerdiscuss what will be discussed in classical butthey told stories with fellow. Need for methodsthat are carried out, in order for a good



2nd International Seminar on Education 2017Empowering Local Wisdom on Education for Global Issue

Batusangkar, September 05-06-2017


discussion of learning achieved and true.Third, means either a media the less noted assupporting the achievement of learningobjectives.

Based on the description of theproblems presented above, the need forrenewal as well as improvements to improvespeaking skills particularly in learningdiscussion. To overcome these problems, theneed for a method that is innovative, creative,and markedly as one of the driving factors ofthe students in improving speaking skillsparticularly in learning discussion. One of themethods of learning that can be applied toimprove student learning is discussingcooperative type Numbered Heads Together.Learning steps or procedures are carried outusing the methods Numbered Heads Togetherbeginning with the numbering, but before thatthe lecturer has divided the students intoseveral groups. Because in the study of thesubject as many as 32 students. Then thestudents were divided into 8 groups. Eachgroup consisted of 4 people. After that anynumbering is done. Each student in each grouphave the callback number 1-4. The next step,professors summoned students who have thesame number of each group to present theresults of the discussion group. Other groupstake notice of the submission of the results ofthe discussion groups were given theopportunity in advance to convey the results ofthe discussion group. At the time of thediscussion takes place it is expected studentscan convey approval, rejection, and thedisclaimer of opinion in discussionsaccompanied by evidence and reason.


The discussion comes from the latindiscutio or discusium which meansexchanging thoughts. But not necessarily eachswapped a mind can be said to have had adiscussion. Soemiati and Jusuf (1985:7) States,discussion groups are an important part in thetradition of discussion and seems to be a stepfurther can not be circumvented in thedevelopment or evolution of a discussiongroup as a field of study, research, and appliedin oral communication.

Azies and Alwasilah (1996:95) statedthat the discussion include the easiestcommunication activity is held. They are not

limited by certain topics. All useful topics forthought and basis for discussion can be used asingredients of this communicative activity.Arsjad and Mukti (1991:37) stated that thediscussion is primarily a form of brainstormingthat regular and directional, either in smallgroups or large, with the aim of gaining anunderstanding, agreement, and a joint decisionon an issue. Is said to be discussing if: a thereis a problem) that talked about, b) there is aperson who acts as the leader of thediscussion, c) is a member of the discussionparticipants, d) each Member of a fringeopinion with regular, and e) if there is aconclusion or decision it approved all of itsmembers.

According to Hendrikus (1991:96), thediscussion means giving answers to questionsor talk seriously about a problem or objective.In this process the person find a starting pointfor his opinions, explain the reason with therelationship antarmasalah. Wiyanto (2000:2 −3) States that the activities of a discussiontinged; a between participants. This gives theopportunity to the participants to convey theexistence of opinions, adding evidence andreason, rejected an idea, give your feedbackand suggestions.

Abdurahman and Ellya Ratna,(2003:24), evaluation in the learning activity isto obtain information about the learningoutcome, process, and interpret theinformation using specific reference. Sudijono(2011:1-2) stated that the evaluation showedan action or process to determine the value ofsomething, while an evaluation of the abilityof a discussion is a process of data collection(information) about a students ability inspeaking.

According to Abdurahman and EllyaRatna (2003:112-117), in assessing the abilityof speaking there are three aspects that will beassessed, that is: a) aspects of spoken languagethat is used, the charge indicators will is (1)pronunciation and intonation, (2) vocabularyand word choice, (3) the structure of thelanguage, (4) the style of language. b) aspectsof the content of the talks, the chargeindicators will is (1) the relationship betweenthe topic of pembicaran with the contents, (2)Organization, (3) content of the quality of thecontents, (4) contents. c) aspects of techniqueand appearance, the charge indicators will is


2nd International Seminar on Education 2017Empowering Local Wisdom on Education for Global Issue

Batusangkar, September 05-06-2017


(1) gestures and facial, (2) relationship withthe listeners, (3) sound volume, and (4) thecourse of the story.

Based on the above assessment of theindicator, then in a review of this research islimited in five indicators: (a) a pronunciation;namely, how a person or a group of people in acommunity language to pronounce the soundsof language. He spells it means utter the wordslanguage of Indonesia. b) language structure;strukur kebahasan which corresponds to thevariety of languages spoken. The structure isthe way how a compiled or built. The structureof the language as a component of thebenchmark skills discussions is the benchmarkarrangement of spoken language of thespeaker. (c) may be asked; someone in theactivities talking specifically discuss showedhow a sense of keingin tahuannya against theissue discussed. Someone asked the livelinesscan also be marked or become a benchmarklevel of understanding of a person or student.(d) the relationship between the topic ofconversation with the contents; could beexplained if the person speaking has moreknowledge, against the problems discussed, sothat one can easily explain the relationshipbetween the topic of conversation with thecontents. e) course of the talks; the course oftalks or marked a person can be seen from howdo I penyampain the message of the talk. Whatis the course of the talks presented in a goodway, like a kesistematisan way of delivery andthe nature of serenity ways of delivery. So thecourse of talks concluded well and themessage can be easily understood by thelistener.

According to Nur (2005:78) States,"Numbered Heads Together is essentially avariant of the Discussion Group; his trademarkis the teacher just appoint a student whorepresents the group, without informing inadvance who will represent the group that. Inthis way guarantees the total involvement ofall students. This way is a very good attempt toincrease individual responsibility in thediscussion groups.

It can be concluded that the NumberedHeads Together is a method of learning thatmore emphasis to students ' activity in search,process, and report information from a varietyof sources that are finally presented to theclass. This learning method is usually

preceded by dividing the class into severalgroups. Each student in the group deliberatelyare numbered to facilitate the performance ofgroup work, change the position of the group,compiled the material, presented, and gotresponses from other groups.


This research is a classroom actionresearch. Arikunto (2010: 57) states thatclassroom action research (PTK) is a researchconducted by the teacher, in collaboration withthe researcher or conducted by the teacherhimself who acts as a researcher in theclassroom or at the school where he teacheswith emphasis and refinement or improvementof processes and Practical learning.

Classroom action research includesqualitative research although it is assisted byquantitative data. In the description ofresearchers using descriptive method, thisstudy aims to describe the increase in theability of students discussion semester II ProdiEducation Language and Indonesian LiteratureSTKIP YDB LUBUK ALUNG withmenggunalan cooperative learning methodtype Numbered Heads Together. Arikunto(2010: 16), classroom action research consistsof four elements, namely (1) planning orplanning, (2) action or action, (3) observationor observer, and (4) reflection.This research isfocused on the ability of discussion conductedBy defining the theme and giving the tek thendiscussed. The ability to discuss must meetseveral things: pronunciation, languagestructure, the topic of conversation with thecontent, and the course of the conversation.

Testing instruments in the form ofperformance tests are used to measure studentdiscussion skills at the end of each learning orend of cycle. Prepared assessment guidelinesfor assessing students' discussion skills duringa discussion test with the use of the NumberedHeads Together method of cooperative co-operation. This test is used to reinforce theobservational data that occurs within theclassroom.

Activities in qualitative data collectionof this study using observation sheets,questionnaires, and field notes. First, theobservation sheet is used to determine thesuitability of the implementation of the action


2nd International Seminar on Education 2017Empowering Local Wisdom on Education for Global Issue

Batusangkar, September 05-06-2017


with the pre-prepared plan. This activity isconducted to observe the classroombackground which is the place of the learningprocess based on the observation sheet.Second, Questionnaire is used to know theperception of students about the method ofcooperative learning type Numbered HeadsTogether. Third, field notes are used to recordthe learning that has been implemented withreference to the observation sheet. Theresearcher acts as a classroom learningimplementer, and is assisted by an Indonesianlanguage teacher as a collaborator as well as aplanner. In addition, researchers use digitalcameras as a documentation tool.

Quantitative data collection in this studywas obtained from the results of the test cycleI and cycle II. This is done to obtain accuratedata on student group discussion skills withthe use of cooperative type cooperativelearning method Numbered Heads Together.In the discussion process, if cycle I has notseen improvement, then cycle 2 is done.

Data analysis will be done with thefollowing stages: First, grouping the type ofresearch data. The types of data are groupedinto two, namely qualitative data andquantitative data. Quantitative data includescore, score, and classification of students'discussion ability using cooperative learningmethod of Numbered Heads Together type,both in cycle I and cycle II. Qualitative datainclude data from observation sheet,questionnaire, and field notes in theimplementation of classroom action research.Second, scoring. Scoring of student groupdiscussion skills with the use of cooperativelearning method type Numbered HeadsTogether, the results of discussions of groupsthat have been recorded are analyzed inaccordance with the guidance of theassessment that has been determined. Third,the scores for the highest answers are given ascore of 5 and for the lowest one is given ascore of 1. Fourth, the scores obtained areconverted into values. To determine the valueof each student is processed by using theformula percentage. Fifth, determine theaverage ability to discuss students with the useof cooperative learning method typeNumbered Heads Together. Sixth, groupingquantitative data in the form of performancetest student discussion ability and

questionnaire tabulation based on this scale.Seventh, analyze the data collected. Analyzingis done through comparison, that iscomparison of ability of student discussion onprasiklus, cycle I, and cycle II. Eighth,interpreting or concluding the results of thediscussion.


1. The Use of Cooperative Learning MethodNumbered Heads Together in LearningDiscussion

Based on data processing conductedwith nontest instrument to see theeffectiveness of cooperative learning methodtype Numbered Heads Together in order toimprove the ability of discussion, found thefinding that there is increasing ability todiscuss student learning outcomes. Theobservation sheet filled by the collaboratorshows that in the first cycle, the student'sactivity average has not undergone anysignificant changes. This is because thestudents are not fully and unfamiliar with theway of learning that is, in groups. In addition,students have not been active in givingapproval, refutation, and rejection withappropriate evidence and reason in discussion,while in cycle II student activity in activityincreased significantly become very good.

From field notes that in the first cycle atthe first meeting, at this time the student hasnot seen active in following the learning.Student activities that have not been active canbe seen from the process at the time oflearning is implemented. This can be seenfrom some student activities that are not inaccordance with the PBM, such as chatting,scratching, daydreaming, and doing otherwork. For more details can be seen observationsheet student activities. In addition, thestudents also still seem shy in expressing theiropinions for fear of being wrong and beinglaughed at by their friends. Some of thesethings that affect student learning outcomesthat have not directed to a good direction andit turns out other things or other factors causeis that students still can not adapt to themethod of learning Numbered Heads Togethertype practiced in the classroom.

He field notes from cycle II change in avery good direction. Students have mastered


2nd International Seminar on Education 2017Empowering Local Wisdom on Education for Global Issue

Batusangkar, September 05-06-2017


the learning by using the method of learningNumbered Heads Together type practicedlecturers in the class as a whole. Increasedability to discuss visible when students beganto enjoy and excited to follow the discussion.This can be seen from the large number ofstudents who play an active role in askingquestions to the group of presenters or groupsthat appear.

Heterogengroupings also enhance thecohesiveness of fellow members in groupswith different backgrounds and skills. At thetime of learning activities using the method oflearning Numbered Heads Together type,students look enthusiastic in following thelearning process. Indeed, initially high-abilitystudents assume that friends who do not have agood ability in speaking skills will influencetheir group's assessment. However, thisbecomes meaningless because the researchertries to instill a thought to the students that bytraining themselves to be able to work togetherand share, it is very useful useful to be appliedalso to everyday life. However, it remains in apositive corridor that is competing in a healthyway.

2. Improving Student Discussion Ability byUsing Cooperative Learning MethodNumbered Heads Together Type

The results of data processing that hasbeen processed by researchers, found thatthere is an increase in the ability of studentdiscussions. The results of qualitative dataprocessing on prasiklus found that the averageability of student discussion is in thequalification is almost enough. In the firstcycle the student's discussion ability is insufficient qualification. In the second cycle,students' discussion ability has improved withgood qualification.

At the time of prasiklus and cycle I,students still look stiff at the time of thediscussion such as asking, commenting,approving, and rejection of the statement in thediscussion. During the discussion, some of thestudents still use local language pronunciation.There are also students who still use the wayof delivering the conversation as it is reading.However, after the method of learningNumbered Heads Together applied in cycle Iand cycle II into the class there is an increasein the ability of student discussions. In

addition to routine group discussions andexercises, the improvement of discussion skillsis also influenced by the presence of highly-skilled lecturers and students who becomemodels that can be imitated for students withless or less ability.

The improvement of students'discussion ability can be seen from thefollowing points. (1) pronunciation; How tosound pronunciation of students who are closeto the standard of Indonesian pronunciation.(2) the activity of questioning that can be seenat the time of PBM. Each student already hassome questions asked to the presenter group.(3) the structure of language; When speakingis correct and no longer influenced by thestructure of the mother tongue. (4) the courseof the conversation; Already close to thestandard way of speaking Indonesian. This isseen when discussing, the students have beenfluent to set the path of the conversation sothat it no longer looks rushed and notintermittent. (5) content relationships withdiscussion topics; The content of thediscussion is in accordance with the questionsraised during the discussion of the discussionparticipants.

Increased ability to discuss with the useof cooperative learning method typeNumbered Heads Together directly have beenable to motivate students to have the ability todiscuss. The result of the research usingcooperative learning method type NumberedHeads Together also can grow cooperation,have self awareness of personal responsibilityin the group, students are also moreenthusiastic in following PBM. The method ofcooperative learning type Numbered HeadsTogether mengedapan to student activities insearching, processing, and reportinginformation from various sources relatedissues discussed. This is because the lotnumber calling is done randomly by theteacher. So that students have a highawareness of the importance of mastery of thematerial in order to be able to present theresults of observations and answer questionsfrom other members or discussion groups,without burdening the responsibility of thegroup to only one person.

It is clear from the use of cooperativelearning method type Numbered HeadsTogether is enthusiastic students in following


2nd International Seminar on Education 2017Empowering Local Wisdom on Education for Global Issue

Batusangkar, September 05-06-2017


the discussion learning activities by displayinga very good group presentation. Each groupcompetes to the best possible in order to havethe ability to discuss as a point of adding valueto the group. Discussions made by studentsrepeatedly increasing students' confidence, inimproving speaking skills, especiallydiscussion lessons. This can not be separatedfrom the role of lecturer into a model that canbe imitated by students about how should theprocess and things to note at the time ofdiscussion. The process of discussion here is toexplain how the ways of delivering oursentences when refuting, agreeing, andresponding to opinions in discussions well andcorrectly, while the thing to note is how theprocedures are considered in order to make aconducive discussion.

Activities discussed with the use of themethod of learning type Numbered HeadsTogether dilakukaan by students alsodemanded the activity of students in providingquestions, criticisms, and suggestions on theskills of his friend's discussion. So thatstudents can improve their overall discussionskills. Furthermore, the improvement ofstudents' discussion ability is also influencedby the researcher's activities which alwayscontrol, give input, and positive feedback tothe students when they do the discussion withthe use of cooperative learning method of typeNumbered Heads Together.

The results of quantitative dataprocessing showed that after the use of themethod of learning Numbered Heads Togethertype implemented, the ability of studentdiscussions on every aspect that is assessed,namely pronunciation, language structure,liveliness question, the way of conversation,and the relationship content with the topic hasincreased.


Based on the results of data processingresearch, students' discussion abilityimprovement in the second semester with theuse of cooperative learning method ofNumbered Heads Together can be summarizedas follows. First, the use of cooperativelearning method type Numbered HeadsTogether can improve students' discussionability. This can be seen from the student'slearning activities in following the learning in

the classroom. Positive learning activities suchas student cohesiveness during discussionactivities take place. Student enthusiasm canalso be viewed with a calm attitude whenasking questions, agreeing with other friends'opinions, expressing objections, and rejectingin discussions.

Second, the discussion skill showsimprovement after following the learning byusing cooperative learning method NumberedHeads Together type. The increase ofdiscussion ability is seen from the change ofmean value from prasiklus, to cycle I, andfrom cycle I to cycle II. In prasiklus, theaverage score the student earns is 53.90 whichis only in near enough qualification. After thelearning with the use of cooperative learningmethod type Numbered Heads Togetherapplied in learning to discuss the value of thestudents to become well qualified that is 76.62.The ability of student discussion to reachqualification well after cycle II executed. Itcan be concluded that with the use ofcooperative learning method type NumberedHeads Together can improve studentdiscussion ability.


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