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  • 1. Assessment Record Book Advanced Diploma of Project ManagementBSB60707

2. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)ADVANCED DIPLOMAOF PROJECT MANAGEMENTASSESSMENT RECORD BOOK AQF 6 PARTICIPANT:ASSESSOR: Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 2 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 3. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)ACPM Project Management Assessment ProcessCandidateAssessor ACPMAttendConductAssessment Assessment Workshop WorkshopCollect Evidence of Project workComplete the ARB (using guidelines )Pass ARB AssessChecklist (pg 44) Contact ACPM for Allocate Assessor allocation of& Book AssessmentAssessment Interview Interview ACPM Assessment Attend Appeals process ConductAssessment applies. Assessment1. Discuss project experience Interview with Interview2. Go through evidence. evidence and ARB3. Take candidates ARBDetail Evidence Req Initial All OK Feedback?Yes Conduct Detailed Assessment ofPerformanceCriteria More evidencereqd? ProduceNoAssessmentReport Receiveconfirmation ofNotify Candidate assessmentcompletion Send TestamurRequest,Conduct QA/ AssessmentProcess CheckReport to ACPMEnter details into TSDBProduce Testamur Receive Testamur and Statement of & send to Results Candidate Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 3 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 4. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)AQF LEVEL 6 ASSESSMENT PROCESS You should have received a briefing on the assessment process during your ACPM training program or shortly after applying for a Recognition of Current Competency assessment. The following should guide you through the steps involved and the things you are required to do. The Assessment Readiness Checklist (provided on p.44) should be completed successfully before arranging for an assessment.Pre Assessment Interview: You need to have collected a range of evidence of how you have managed Programs of projects. You need to have completed and signed your Assessment Record Book. Contact your local ACPM Office and book in for an Assessment Interview. Assessment Interview: The assessment will normally be conducted through an assessment interview, it will go through any documentary evidence you have collected, and allow you to explain more about your projects and how you manage them. The assessment is competency based. This involves reviewing the things that you have done or can do tomanage projects. You will be advised of the outcome of the interview: Assessment completed, or Additional evidence required, Discuss a plan for you to collect the evidence, and Advised of any future meeting requirements Post Assessment Interview: After the Assessment Interview, assuming you were not asked to provide additional evidence, your assessorwill retain your Assessment Record Book and any notes that were made. The assessor will then go through the Assessment Performance Criteria in detail, considering the evidencereferences and interview notes to determine competence for each of the Performance Criteria. If the assessor identifies any gaps, he/ she will notify you promptly to discuss any additional requirements. Once the assessor is satisfied that you have met all of the requirements, he/ she will produce anAssessment report and notify you of the result by email or telephone. After the assessment report has been verified through ACPM quality processes, your Testamur will beposted to you along with a Statement of Results stating clearly the units of competency that you have beenassessed as competent against. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of this assessment you should: Discuss the nature of your complaint with the assigned assessor in the first instance, Contact the National Delivery Manager of ACPM if the issues are unresolved. Note that you may stop the process of this assessment at anytime. AIPMs RegPM Certification Program: If you are interested in ACPM conducting your RegPM assessment in conjunction with this assessment: You must have applied to and paid for both membership of the AIPM and the RegPM program prior to the completion of this assessment. You have the right to lodge an appeal against the assessment to the AIPMs RegPM Verifier if you are dissatisfied with the RegPM assessment. You will be asked to complete a separate assessment evaluation questionnaire administered by theAIPM. Please contact ACPM if you have any questions regarding this process. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 4 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 5. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) USING THE ASSESSMENT RECORD BOOK This book is designed to help you achieve your qualification through a systematic and simple process. It is strongly recommended that you take the time to read and understand thefollowing introductory pages. If you have any queries or concerns about anything on thefollowing pages you should contact the Australian College of Project Management as soon as possible so that your assessment can be completed in the most timely and effective way. Your Assessment The process you will be following is known as a competency-based assessment. The difference between this process and traditional forms of assessments is that evidence of your current skills and knowledge will be measured against national and international standards of best practice, not against the learning you have undertaken either recently or in the past. Furthermore, the assessment will be concerned with how you apply the skills and knowledge in your workplace, not in the training room, nor in a hypothetical case study.The standards used by the Australian College of Project Management are known as the National Competency Standards for Project Management and are endorsed by the industry groups and national bodies here and overseas. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) endorse the National Competency Standards for Project Management (AQF Levels 4-6). They are incorporated in the Business Services Training Package BSB07.When your assessment is successful against these standards, your skills and knowledge will be deemed to be equal to national and international best practice, and the qualification you gain will reflect this.Using the Assessment Record Book (ARB) The Competency Standards are divided into Units of Competence. Each of these Units are divided into Elements which have a number of Performance Criteria. To be assessed against the Unit, you must provide evidence that meets the Performance Criteria. The Performance Criteria by which you will be assessed are listed in this ARB, and has been grouped into the three broad phases of project performance- Planning, Execution and Closure.There are only two recommendations that will be made as a result of your assessment - the evidence you have brought forward shows that you are:competent against the national standards and need produce no more evidence, or you are not yet competent, in that the evidence you have provided doesnt yet show your skills andknowledge to be equivalent to the national standards - you will be asked to bring forward otherevidence. Please Note: You may find that as a result of your assessment you are competent in some areas but not yet competent in others. This is okay. Where you have been assessed as competent, these areas need not require any further production of evidence leaving you free to concentrate on the others. Your assessor will explain this to you further at the time of your assessment. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 5 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 6. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Evidence Evidence of competency can be shown in any one, or a number, of ways: Direct examination of evidence - written evidence that shows you have met the performance criteria, or by observation of you carrying out the task. Oral or written questions - these help the assessor get a better understanding of why you do, or have done, certain things in the manner shown. Supporting evidence - from workmates, current or former employers and supervisors, or others who have worked with you and know the quality and degree of skills and knowledge you possess. Historical evidence - such things as qualifications, certificates reports etc. These will show that you were capable of demonstrating the required level of competence in the past. In some cases historical evidence might have to be supported by direct evidence that shows your skill and knowledge is still current.Any of these can be presented as written evidence, video-taped performance or audio tapes of such things as interviews, counselling sessions etc, or supporting evidence given verbally by workmates.What is important is that your evidence satisfies your assessor as to the level and degree of your skills and knowledge when measured against the competency standards.It is important to note that completed and well maintained Program Management Plans, Project Plans, Change Management Processes, Progress Reports and Completion Reports (covering all the functions of project management) will satisfy most of the evidence requirements.The Rules of Evidence When making a judgment about your evidence, the assessor will be looking for: Validity - does your evidence relate to the standards you are seeking assessment against or are they more closely related to something else? Authenticity - does your evidence reflect something you have actually done either in full or in part? Currency - does your evidence show that you can perform this activity now or in the future, including your having up to date knowledge? Reliability - will your evidence be capable of showing the same outcomes no matter how many times it is assessed or how many assessors carry out the assessment? Sufficiency - is there sufficient evidence to show your competency or will there need to be more (or supporting) evidence brought forward? These are the questions the assessor will ask him or herself when assessing and judging your evidence. It will be very helpful to him or her if you ask yourself these questions before selecting and presenting the evidence - time, and a lot of frustration and heartache, may be saved if you do. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 6 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 7. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Notes on completing this book The smallest part of the standards for which you can gain a full qualification is the Unit. Each Unit has Elements against which Performance Criteria are listed. You will need to provide evidence against these Performance Criteria. The most likely evidence you will provide has been aligned to the Performance Criteria. If you provide evidence which is complete and detailed, it should meet the Performance Criteria.How was achievement of this element demonstrated? List the evidence in the List of Evidence Provided for Assessment and give it a Reference Number. Use this Reference Number to refer to that piece of evidence where-ever else it meets the Performance Criteria. You will find that the one piece of evidence (eg: a Project Plan) may meet several Performance Criteria in several Elements.What is the evidence and where can it be found? The ARB provides a record of what you have achieved. To maintain proof of this achievement it is important that you index your evidence accurately (in the column provided) against its location in your Portfolio of Evidence. Evidence may be provided by a whole variety of documents/reports etc, depending on your particular circumstances.Throughout your initial interview or training sessions you will have discussed what may or may not be useful or sufficient evidence of competency against the standards. You should refer to your notes for ideas on where to start collecting evidence or talk to your assessor.If you are still in doubt, talk to someone you know who understands competency-based assessment, and the standards against which you are being assessed - preferably someone who has experienced assessment either as a candidate or as an assessor.Evidence Retention by ACPM ACPM will not store your portfolio of evidence for longer than 12 months, you should request the evidence to be returned to you at the end of your assessment if you want to keep it for your records.It is recommended that you keep a spare copy of your evidence if you are sending your evidence to us by mail or courier. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 7 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 8. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Do you need to know more? For further information contact staff at the Australian College of Project Management on: MelbourneSydneyTel: (03) 8622 8722Tel: (02) 9263 8700 Fax: (03) 8622 8777Fax: (02) 9263 8777 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Canberra BrisbaneTel: 02 6248 8155Tel: (07) 3831 8900 Fax: 02 6248 0048Fax: (07) 3831 8922 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Services Team:Tel: 1300 138 225 Fax: 1300 138 226 Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 8 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 9. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) COMMON RANGE OF VARIABLES The Common Range of Variables relates to the context and conditions under which or through which the Element and Performance Criteria are to be performed for the purposes of the assessment.There are a number of Ranges that are common to all Units. To reduce unnecessary duplication, these are listed below:Higher project authorities may be:the program manager the client/customer other personnel within the project/organisation designated specific authority over certain aspects ofthe project higher management within the organisationStakeholders: may be from within the program, subordinate projects, other projects affected by this program, the client/customer, suppliers/contractors and/or the parent organisation.Client: the client is the authority, or authorities, for whom the project is being undertaken. The client may be internal or external to the organisation. The client may be the customer, the owner, the sponsoring authority in the case of projects where a contract does not exist, or it may be an authority specifically designated as the client.IMPORTANT NOTICEThis Assessment Record Book is based on the National Competency Standards for Project Management endorsed by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and are part of the Business Services Training Package (BSB07).For more information on the Competency Standards for Project Management, please visitthe National Training Information Service Website: code is: BSBPMG) Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 9 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 10. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)LIST OF EVIDENCE PROVIDED FOR ASSESSMENTRefEvidence DescriptionProject or Program Month &No Name Year12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 10 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 11. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Please provide an outline of the Programs and Projects that you have used as evidence and describe your program management experience in the initiation, planning, execution and closure of programs of projects. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 11 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 12. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) BSBPMG601A: DIRECT THE INTEGRATION OF PROJECTSUnit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage the integration of all functions of project management in a program or multiple project context. This covers managing conflicting priorities between projects, directing project managers in re aligning projects within the program, directing the internal environment with the needs and expectations of the external environment, and directing projects within the program throughout their life cycle.Application of the Competency A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager. Multiple projects (sometimes called a portfolio of projects) refers to a number of projects related in some way and managed by the same person as a program to achieve a common organisational objective/s. For the purposes of this unit someone who manages a suite of projects (a program) will be referred to as a program manager.The functions performed by a project manager to manage integration within individual projects are addressed in BSBPMG501A Manage application of project integrative processes. Elements This Unit comprises three (3) Elements: 1Direct integration of all functions of project management. 2Direct the internal project environment to meet external needs and expectations. 3Direct projects throughout project life cycles. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.Required skills high level leadership skills to gain confidence and trust from people working on all levels literacy skills to communicate decisions and to write quality reports high level prioritising, planning and organising skills innovation skills to develop new and better systems for managing in complex situations problem-solving skills to deal with project management issues.Required knowledge program planning methodologies, tools and techniques for project management leadership models relevant legislation, codes and national standards. RANGE STATEMENT The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 12 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 13. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Project management functions are: communications cost human resources procurement quality risk scope timeAchievable program objectives may include: client's objectives, for example maximum value for money or maximum performance at minimum cost end-user/s objectives, for example maximum performance as well as optional extras higher project authorities' objectives (that is, management/projects governance group), for example reputation, retention of market share, buying into market within the constraints of performance, time, cost, quality, resources and skills organisation's objectives, for example quantifiable benefits supplier's/contractor's objectives, for example minimum cost, minimum time and acceptable qualityInternal project working environment may include: computing support and integrated computer networks identity and differentiation of the program's projects within the larger environment personal working conditions (physical and emotional) physical location of program project managers, personnel and equipment physical location of projects within the organisation teams and interpersonal dynamicsExternal environmental influences may include: employee representative groups, such as unions, professional associations and lobby groups external stakeholder expectations parent organisation, enterprise and/or industry physical environment, for example geography, ecology and environmental sensitivity political, environmental and societal influences public and media interestFinalisation plans, procedures and activities may include: assessment of stakeholder satisfaction against expectations evaluation of projects completed in a reporting period evaluation of projects for benefits derived forwarding program progress report to higher governance authority for projects review of success/failure criteria for projects completed in a given reporting period settling of financial liabilities for projects completed in a consolidated budget context transition of responsibility/ownership of projects' deliverables/products for those projects that concluded in a reporting/management period (such as financial year) Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 13 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 14. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)BSBPMG602A: DIRECT THE SCOPE OF A PROJECT PROGRAMUnit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to direct the scope of projects within a program or multiple projects context. It covers the management of project authorisations and defining, planning and managing the program scope. Application of the Competency A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager. Multiple projects (sometimes called a portfolio of projects) refers to a number of projects related in some way and managed by the same person as a program to achieve a common organisational objective/s. For the purposes of this unit someone who manages a suite of projects (a program) will be referred to as a program manager.The functions performed by a project manager to manage scope within individual projects are addressed in BSBPMG502A Manage project scope. Elements This Unit comprises three (3) Elements: 1Authorise projects. 2Define and plan program scope. 3Manage program scope.REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.Required skills high level literacy skills to review and amend project plans, to communicate decisions and to write quality reports high level analysis, planning, organising, problem-solving and evaluating skills in relation to project scope management self management skills to prioritise actions for successful outcomes negotiation skills to control proposed changes in scope.Required knowledge scope management plans, methodologies, techniques and tools project life cycle and the significance of scope management typical challenges and issues encountered in project scope management and options for addressing these.RANGE STATEMENT The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 14 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 15. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)Needs may be: activity-oriented, for example to stage major sporting events improvement-oriented, for example to find better way/s of doing something outcome-oriented, for example to fulfil needs product-oriented, for example to acquire new computer systems or buildingsProject authorization recommendations may include: broad details of required project outcomes and objectives major projects phases, activities and milestones that will require timing coordination across the program (particularly as new approved projects enter the program) project managers' terms of reference, authorisations and limitations directed by the program manager relationship between multiple project objectives and the programs and strategic objectives of the organisationScope management may include: controlling program scope creep, that is incremental increases to scope, to accommodate wishes rather than needs determining that a scope change has occurred or is about to occur managing factors which influence changes to scope managing scope changes when they occur managing the effect of scope changes on other areas and on the achievement of multiple project objectives progressive refinement of scope throughout multiple project life cyclesProject performance may include: time and resources spent on the projects, as compared to baseline data projects' progress in terms of time and resourcesChange management system may include: change to control boards/committees configuration management documentation impact analysis risk analysisReviews of scope changes may include: formal agreements, that is contracts, sub-contracts and memoranda of understanding major elements of the program liable to change, for example deletion of a line of business endeavour, new projects prioritising program and deletion of poorly performing projects potential, perceived and actual changes program documentation, including plans, integrated schedules, integrated budgets and integrated (program) risk analysis Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 15 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 16. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) BSBPMG603A: DIRECT TIME MANAGEMENT OF A PROJECT PROGRAM Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to direct time management across projects so that key deliverables meet project and program schedules. Application of the Competency A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager. Multiple projects (sometimes called a portfolio of projects) refers to a number of projects related in some way and managed by the same person as a program to achieve a common organisational objective/s. For the purposes of this unit someone who manages a suite of projects (a program) will be referred to as a program manager.The functions performed by a project manager to manage time and scheduling within individual projects are addressed in BSBPMG503A Manage project time. Elements This Unit comprises three (3) Elements: 1Direct project schedules development. 2Manage program schedules. 3Analyse time management outcomes. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.Required skills high level leadership skills to inspire trust and confidence in all stakeholder groups literacy skills to communicate decisions and to write quality reports communication and interpersonal skills to convey expectations, negotiate, resolve conflict and motivate performance planning and organising skills to ensure that time lines are met across projects time management skills (of self and others) problem-solving skills to address time management issues.Required knowledge relationship between time, cost and resources to the project management framework time management and estimating methodologies, techniques and tools, their capabilities, limitations, applicability and outcomes. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 16 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 17. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) RANGE STATEMENT The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.Time management may: be conducted non-routinely to meet complex, changing circumstances be done by taking the lead in a team environment involve consultation with project managers and selective involvement of stakeholders involve the direction of the use of appropriate time management methods, processes, procedures, tools and techniques take into account the impact of organisational and environmental change on the program's projects and vice versaTechniques and tools may include: assessing and reporting the potential impact of multiple project timings and their potential for change on the program, and therefore the organisation collating and using the products of specialist time analysis to make program-wide time management decisions directing qualitative and/or quantitative time analysis, such as schedule simulation, decision analysis, contingency planning and alternative strategy development using personal experience and/or subject matter expertsTime management plans may include: alternative schedule management strategies and actions assigned schedule management responsibilities contingency plans formal arrangements important milestones and critical interdependencies between projects program consolidated schedule responsibility assignment sub-schedulesRecords may take the form of: diaries, incident logs, occurrence reports and other such documentation gantt, PERT and other scheduling charts lists of variances, trends and forecasts of potential schedule events program and/or organisation files and records records of analysis, evaluation of options and selection processes records of responses, results and lessons learned Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 17 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 18. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) BSBPMG604A: DIRECT COST MANAGEMENT OF A PROJECT PROGRAM Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to analyse, coordinate, and refine the budgets of multiple projects that contribute to an overall program budget. It covers directing project budget development, managing program costs and directing the financial completion of projects. Application of the Competency A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager. Multiple projects (sometimes called a portfolio of projects) refers to a number of projects related in some way and managed by the same person as a program to achieve a common organisational objective/s. For the purposes of this unit someone who manages a suite of projects (a program) will be referred to as a program manager.The functions performed by a project manager to manage costs within individual projects are addressed in BSBPMG504A Manage project costs. Elements This Unit comprises three (3) Elements: 1Direct project budget development. 2Manage program costs. 3Direct financial completion. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.Required skills technology skills to oversee project financial performance numeracy skills to develop and interpret project budgets and to provide financial information literacy skills to communicate decisions and to write quality reports leadership skills to inspire trust and confidence in teams, managers and stakeholders communication and interpersonal skills to convey expectations, resolve conflict and motivate performance planning skills to review project resource requirements and to cost estimates problem-solving skills to resolve costing issues.Required knowledge regulatory and legislative financial reporting requirements methods for costing and estimating project resources methods for monitoring and controlling project expenditure.RANGE STATEMENT The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 18 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 19. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Cost estimation may take account of: availability of information at the time contingencies to allow for identified risks and uncertainty government regulations, industry codes of practice and organisational influences overhead and profit margin stage in each project's life cycle Cost management plans and activities throughout program management may: be conducted non-routinely to meet complex and changing circumstances be done independently or by taking the lead in a team environment involve consultation with, and selective involvement of, appropriate project stakeholders involve the selection, modification and supervision of the use of appropriate cost management methods, processes, procedures, tools and techniques take into account the impact of organisational and environmental change on the project/program and vice versaManagement of project finances may include: approval processes audit and review communication, reports and briefs financial authorisations/delegations invoice proceduresDevelopment of cost management systems may involve: application of personal judgement authorising and revising financial delegations cost modelling and estimating financial analysis, for example benefit-cost analysis, cash flow analysis, earned value analysis modification of program methodologies and procedures program obligation, expenditure forecasting and long-term planning progress and financial change managementFinalisation activities may include: comparison of one project's cost management outcomes with success rates of other projects and with overall (organisation) budgetary expectations direction of project team managers in their: final audit/reconciliation close-out of account codes and other financial documentation settling of financial liabilities transfer of assets to the client or originating owner transition of responsibility/ownership of project deliverables/products warranty requirements resolution Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 19 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 20. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Records may take the form of: budgets, commitment and expenditure cost management lessons learned cost management plans financial charts and graphs financial summaries program and/or organisation files and records records of potential and actual costs reports to higher authority Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 20 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 21. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) BSBPMG605A: DIRECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF A PROJECT PROGRAM Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to direct quality management across multiple projects and within the overall program. It covers directing the development of quality requirements, directing quality assurance management, and reviewing and improving the quality of projects and the program. Application of the Competency A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager. Multiple projects (sometimes called a portfolio of projects) refers to a number of projects related in some way and managed by the same person as a program to achieve a common organisational objective/s. For the purposes of this unit someone who manages a suite of projects (a program) will be referred to as a program manager.The functions performed by a project manager to manage quality within individual projects are addressed in BSBPMG505A Manage project quality. Elements This Unit comprises three (3) Elements: 1Direct quality requirements development. 2Direct project quality assurance management. 3Improve program and projects quality. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.Required skills leadership, communication and interpersonal skills to foster compliance with quality benchmarks literacy skills to communicate decisions and to write quality reports skills in analysing, interpreting and reviewing data to assess performance against quality benchmarks problem-solving skills to address gaps in quality assurance.Required knowledge range of quality management methods, techniques, tools and systems and their various applications relevant Australian and international standards.RANGE STATEMENT The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 21 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 22. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Quality management may: be conducted non-routinely to meet complex and changing circumstances be done independently or by taking the lead in a team environment involve consultation with and direction to, project managers regarding their selective involvement of appropriate project stakeholders involve the overall direction to project managers for the selection, modification and supervision of the use of appropriate quality management methods, processes, procedures, tools and techniques take into account the impact of organisational and environmental change on the program and vice versa Quality management system may include: ISO 9000 series or as designed to meet the specific needs of the projectQuality improvements may include: formal practices, such as total quality management or continuous improvement less formal processes which improve both the product quality and processes of the project, for example client surveys to determine client satisfaction with project performance Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 22 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 23. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)BSBPMG606A: DIRECT HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT PROGRAMUnit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to direct human resource organisation and staffing across the program, to direct project managers in relation to staff performance and to provide leadership within the program. Application of the Competency A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager. Multiple projects (sometimes called a portfolio of projects) refers to a number of projects related in some way and managed by the same person as a program to achieve a common organisational objective/s. For the purposes of this unit someone who manages a suite of projects (a program) will be referred to as a program manager.The functions performed by a project manager to manage human resources within individual projects are addressed in BSBPMG506A Manage project human resources. Elements This Unit comprises four (4) Elements: 1Direct human resource management and responsibility assignment. 2Manage program organisation and staffing. 3Direct project staff performance management. 4Lead teams.REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.Required skills planning skills to identify human resource requirements across the program literacy skills to communicate decisions and to write quality reports high level leadership skills to inspire trust and confidence in teams, managers and stakeholders communication and interpersonal skills to convey expectations, negotiate, resolve conflict and motivate performance problem-solving skills to address HRM issues across the program coaching and mentoring skills.Required knowledge human resource management methods, techniques and tools relevant legislation models of performance management and performance development. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 23 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 24. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) RANGE STATEMENT The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.Project organisation and structure may be affected by external influences such as: accepted work practices legislation, including anti-discrimination, equal employment opportunity, affirmative action and occupational health and safety workplace bargainingStaff may: be external to the organisation, such as consultants, collaborative or alliance agencies and external authorities come from within the organisation, such as staff on loan from other programs/projectsHuman resources management methods, techniques and tools may include: conflict resolution HRM forecasts, staffing plans and job descriptions individual and group competency identification and development performance monitoring, assessment and reporting staff recruitment and reallocationDevelopment and training may be formal or informal, and may include: general management interpersonal communications project administration, for example computer applications, filing systems project management specialist/professional skills and career progression team building and group activities Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 24 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 25. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) BSBPMG607A: DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT OF A PROJECT PROGRAMUnit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide the critical link between people, ideas and information at all stages in the life cycles of multiple projects across a program. It covers directing project communications and information management, managing program communications and analysing communications management outcomes for projects and programs.. Application of the Competency A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager. Multiple projects (sometimes called a portfolio of projects) refers to a number of projects related in some way and managed by the same person as a program to achieve a common organisational objective/s. For the purposes of this unit someone who manages a suite of projects (a program) will be referred to as a program manager.The functions performed by a project manager to manage communications within individual projects are addressed in BSBPMG507A Manage project communications.. Elements This Unit comprises four (4) Elements: 1Direct planning of project communications. 2Direct management of project information. 3Manage program communications. 4Analyse communications management outcomes. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.Required skills technology skills to direct the management and flow of project information and communications planning skills to identify project and program information requirements literacy skills to communicate decisions and to write quality reports problem-solving skills to address communication management problems interpersonal skills to communicate with customers and to manage customer relationships and networks analytical skills to review and analyse project outcomes.Required knowledge PMIS structures and options information validation processes and their application to various contexts new technologies for communications and their relative strengths and weaknesses. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 25 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 26. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) RANGE STATEMENT The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.Communications management plans and activities may: be conducted non-routinely to meet complex, changing circumstances be done independently or by taking the lead in a multiple teams environment involve consultation with project managers and selective involvement of appropriate project stakeholders involve the selection, modification and supervision of appropriate communications management methods, processes, procedures and tools take into account the impact of organisational and environmental change on the program and vice versaLevels may include: organisation operations program projectsProject management information system may include: hierarchy of decision making responsibility/authority individual and group authority and responsibilities limitations and restrictions on subject matter and methods of communication network structures, processes and procedures for storage and communication of information types, responsibilities, distribution and regularity of reports, as well as follow-up proceduresInformation validation processes may be influenced by: age of the information changes to standards, regulations or limits since information was compiled cost of the validation process degree of exposure to misinformation and disinformation language (translated or converted data may need special attention) level of detail of information (too much or too little) potential impact of the information on the program outcome Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 26 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 27. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) BSBPMG608A: DIRECT RISK MANAGEMENT OF A PROJECT PROGRAM Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage factors that might adversely affect the project program and organisational outcomes. It covers directing the planning and management of project risks, managing risks to the overall program and assessing risk management outcomes for the program and the organisation. Application of the Competency A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager. Multiple projects (sometimes called a portfolio of projects) refers to a number of projects related in some way and managed by the same person as a program to achieve a common organisational objective/s. For the purposes of this unit someone who manages a suite of projects (a program) will be referred to as a program manager.The functions performed by a project manager to manage risk within individual projects are addressed in BSBPMG508A Manage project risk. Elements This Unit comprises three (3) Elements: 1Direct planning of project risk management. 2Direct management of project risk and manage program risk. 3Assess project and program risk management outcomes. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.Required skills analytical skills to plan and review risk management approaches literacy skills to communicate decisions and to write quality reports initiative to identify and address risks leading to negative consequences for projects problem-solving skills to initiate risk responses in changing environments.Required knowledge risk management tools, frameworks, systems, methodologies and standards.RANGE STATEMENT The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 27 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 28. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Risk management planning may: be conducted substantially non-routinely to meet complex and changing circumstances be done independently or by taking the lead in a multiple projects team environment involve consultation with project managers and with selective involvement of stakeholders within and external to the organisation involve the selection, modification and direction of the use of appropriate risk management methods processes, procedures, tools and techniques take into account the impact of organisational and environmental change on the program and vice versaRisk management methods, techniques and tools may involve: assessing and reporting the potential impact of multiple projects' risk on the organisation calling upon personal experience and/or subject matter experts collating and using the products of specialist risk analysis to make program-wide risk management decisions conducting or directing qualitative and/or quantitative risk analysis, such as schedule simulation, decision analysis, contingency planning and alternative strategy developmentRisk management plans may include: assigned risk responsibilities contingency plans formal arrangements occupational health and safety (OHS) risks potential risk events preferred and alternative risk management strategies and actions responsibility assignment Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 28 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 29. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) BSBPMG609A: DIRECT PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING FOR A PROJECT PROGRAM Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to direct the management of contracting and procurement activities across projects and programs. It covers setting up the contracting process, directing the management of contract and procurement processes and finalising contracts for projects across the program. Application of the Competency A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager. Multiple projects (sometimes called a portfolio of projects) refers to a number of projects related in some way and managed by the same person as a program to achieve a common organisational objective/s. For the purposes of this unit someone who manages a suite of projects (a program) will be referred to as a program manager.The functions performed by a project manager to manage procurement within individual projects are addressed in BSBPMG509A Manage project procurement. It should be noted that conflicting priorities between projects are managed with higher project authority support, in this case project governance committees or senior management. Elements This Unit comprises five (5) Elements: 1Direct planning for project contracting and procurement. 2Direct set up of contract and procurement process. 3Direct management of contract and procurement process. 4Direct management of contracts. 5Direct finalisation of contracts. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.Required skills literacy skills to communicate decisions, to comprehend complex contractual provisions and to write quality reports negotiation skills to set up contracts, to agree prices and terms, and to resolve disputes planning and organising skills to ensure procurement processes are properly established and sequenced analytical skills to review program performance and to recommend improvements.Required knowledge contract management and legal obligations of both parties procurement processes and options. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 29 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 30. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)RANGE STATEMENT The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. It allows for different work environments and situations that may affect performance. Bold italicised wording, if used in the performance criteria, is detailed below. Essential operating conditions that may be present with training and assessment (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) may also be included.Procurement strategies, methods and management plans may include: conflict resolution processes contract performance plans and an associated performance monitoring processes contractor and sub-contractor responsibilities, controls and reporting relationships explanatory information (for example background, restrictions or expectations) relating to special terms and conditions, planning for long lead-time items and critical program components, and transition plans procurement, test and acceptance procedures and payment schedulesProposals may take the form of: expressions of interest quotations submissions tendersRecords may take the form of: contract analysis, evaluation of options and strategy development contract discharge procedures and outcomes contract negotiation documentation, for example contract negotiation strategies, plans, team and individual directives contractor identification, evaluation and selection records development and management of contract change procedures procurement management lessons learned procurement management plans product specifications progress measurement and conflict resolution process records test and acceptance procedures Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 30 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 31. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)PERFORMANCE CRITERIA LOGThe Performance Criteria Log that follows is designed to assist you in compiling and tracking your evidence for assessment. The Performance Criteria is used to specify the level of performance required todemonstrate achievement of the Element. The Elements are outlined under each unit description (pages 12-29). The Performance Criteria Log has been categorised as Project Initiation and Planning, Project Execution and Project Closure. Therefore you need toprovide evidence that you have compiled during these project phases. Products that can be used as evidence are outlined under each unit description (pages 13-30). If the evidence contains the necessary information as detailed, then it should meet the identified Performance Criteria. If you are unsure aboutwhether or not your evidence will meet the performance criteria, contact yournearest ACPM office or Assessor to seek assistance. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 31 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 32. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) PROJECT INITIATION AND PLANNING YourAssessor Performance Criteria Evidence Ref Comments No Integration BSBPMG601A 1.1 Support project managers in project stakeholder analysis to determine the influence of others on project outcomesBSBPMG601A 1.2 Analyse, rationalise and integrate the requirements of all projects and the inter relationships of project management functions to determine agreed, achievable program objectives that align to organisational goals, strategies and objectives as stated in strategic planning documentation BSBPMG601A 1.3 Review, rationalise and, when approved, integrate project plans into a structured, cohesive program plan for ongoing program management BSBPMG601A 1.4 Derive integrated program control mechanisms from project plans, to establish program control requirementsBSBPMG601A 1.5 Use project plans to develop consolidated program budgets, schedules and interdependencies, and to identify program risks Scope BSBPMG602A 1.1 Analyse needs, in consultation with client and relevant stakeholders, to justify each project and to designate project managers BSBPMG602A 1.2 Conduct project selection and prioritisation within guidelines provided by, or under the direction of, a relevant (governance) authority BSBPMG602A 1.3 Make project authorisation recommendations to relevant authority as the basis for future project management activity, and commitment of resources and effort BSBPMG602A 2.1 Define projects' objectives, major deliverables and resource requirements at the project and program level, and confirm them with the governance group or relevant authority BSBPMG602A 2.2 Determine and agree measurable project outcomes and benefits to enable quantified evaluation of program performanceAdvanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 32 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 33. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) YourAssessor Performance Criteria Evidence Ref Comments No ScopeBSBPMG602A 2.3 Develop, agree on and communicate scope definition, scope management strategies and plansBSBPMG602A 2.4 Align program scope to business requirements and organisational strategyBSBPMG602A 3.2 Establish and maintain change management system to form the basis of ongoing scope management Time BSBPMG603A 1.1 Determine from individual project plans the duration, effort, sequence and interdependencies of major activities and milestones to form the basis of the program schedule BSBPMG603A 1.2 Direct project managers by the use of time management methods, techniques and tools, preferred schedules, time management plans, resource allocation and financial requirements to enable continuous updating and refining of the program schedule BSBPMG603A 1.3 Formalise and communicate project schedules, with agreement, to stakeholders as the basis for planning, implementation and review of progress BSBPMG603A 2.1 Develop, implement and modify mechanisms to monitor, control, record and report actual progress in relation to the agreed schedule and plans Cost BSBPMG604A 1.1 Direct project managers to determine resource requirements for individual tasks, in consultation with appropriate stakeholders, to develop a project budget which contributes to the program budget BSBPMG604A 1.2 Direct project cost estimation to enable budgets and cost management processes to be developed for the project life cycles BSBPMG604A 1.3 Direct and authorise cost strategies and cost management plans to ensure clarity of understanding and ongoing management of project finances and the program budget overall Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 33 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 34. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) YourAssessor Performance Criteria Evidence Ref Comments No CostBSBPMG604A 2.1 Develop and maintain cost management systems to direct monitoring of actual expenditure and to control costs throughout multiple project life cycles and for the program overall Quality BSBPMG605A 1.1 Direct reviews and consultation to ensure that the organisation's quality objectives, standards, levels and criteria are applied at the project level, in consultation with stakeholders BSBPMG605A 1.2 Modify quality management methods, techniques and tools to the requirements of the program, as necessaryBSBPMG605A 1.3 Identify and communicate program quality criteria to project managers for implementationBSBPMG605A 1.4 Direct project managers to develop and implement quality plans that will be used as the basis for performance measurement BSBPMG605A 2.4 Develop and maintain a quality management system to enable effective management and communication of quality issues and outcomes Human Resources BSBPMG606A 1.1 Direct human resource requirement analysis for projects to determine numbers and skill levels required for the overall program BSBPMG606A 1.2 Direct stakeholder assessment to establish a basis for stakeholder management within projects and the overall program BSBPMG606A 1.3 Direct responsibility assignment for project activities and tasks, and establish authorisation protocolsBSBPMG606A 2.1 Determine resource requirements for projects in consultation with project managers and appropriate stakeholders, to establish program staffing levels, allocation to projects and required competencies BSBPMG606A 2.2 Direct project organisation and structure to optimise alignment of individual and group competencies within projectsAdvanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 34 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 35. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)Your AssessorPerformance Criteria Evidence RefCommentsNo HR BSBPMG606A2.3 Direct recruitment of staff for allocation to projects orreallocation within the organisation, within agreed delegatedauthority, to meet competency requirements throughout theprogram CommunicationsBSBPMG607A1.1 Direct project information requirements in consultation withappropriate stakeholders as the basis for projects and programcommunications planningBSBPMG607A1.2 Direct communications management plans and activities toensure clarity of understanding and achievement of multipleproject objectives at all levelsBSBPMG607A1.3 Develop project management information system (PMIS),structure and procedures to maintain the quality, validity,timeliness and integrity of information and communicationacross the program and in regard to organisational strategicmanagementBSBPMG607A2.1 Direct the generation, gathering, storage, retrieval, analysisand dissemination of information by project staff andstakeholders to improve decision making processes andcommunications across the program and between the ProjectsBSBPMG607A2.2 Direct information validation processes for development,management and modification to ensure consistent quality andaccuracy of data across the program Risk RiskBSBPMG608A1.1 Direct potential, perceived and actual risk events foridentification, documentation and analysis, in consultation withproject managers and appropriate stakeholders, as the basisfor project risk management planningBSBPMG608A1.2 Select and modify project risk management methods,techniques and tools for project managers to analyseinformation, evaluate options and determine preferred riskapproaches within the overall program environmentBSBPMG608A1.3 Direct development, communication and implementation ofproject risk management plans and strategies to ensure clarityof understanding and achievement of project objectives acrossthe programBSBPMG608A1.4 Develop and maintain a project risk management system toenable effective management and communication of riskevents, responses and results to stakeholders across projectswithin the programAdvanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 35 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 36. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) YourAssessorPerformance CriteriaEvidence Ref Comments No Procurement and ContractsBSBPMG609A 1.1 Direct product specifications and procurement requirements for procurement and contract planning, in consultation with appropriate stakeholders BSBPMG609A 1.2 Direct development of procurement strategies, methods and management plans in line with project objectives across the programBSBPMG609A 2.1 Direct project managers to source organisations that meet procurement requirementsBSBPMG609A 2.2 Establish selection processes and selection criteria, in consultation with stakeholders, and arrange for communication to prospective contractors BSBPMG609A 2.3 Ensure contract and procurement actions accord with organisation and program objectivesBSBPMG609A 3.1 Provide direction for requirements of proposals and arrange communication to prospective contractorsBSBPMG609A 3.2 Ensure responses are evaluated and preferred contractors are selected in accordance with agreed selection processesBSBPMG609A 3.3 Direct negotiation of contract terms and conditions between client and preferred contractor Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 36 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 37. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) PROJECT EXECUTIONYour AssessorPerformance Criteria Evidence RefCommentsNo Integration BSBPMG601A 2.1 Direct the internal project working environment to ensure project managers' work is conducted effectively throughout multiple, aligned project life cycles BSBPMG601A 2.2 Establish and maintain links to direct the alignment between projects and organisational objectives within the Program BSBPMG601A 2.3 Evaluate project proposals (scope definitions) against the organisation's strategic objectivesBSBPMG601A 2.4 Coordinate and direct conflicting requirements of individual projects to achieve program objectivesBSBPMG601A 2.5 Modify, where necessary, individual project objectives to achieve overall program objectivesBSBPMG601A 2.6 Coordinate the impact of external environmental influences on individual projects to achieve program objectivesBSBPMG601A 3.1 Direct all project managers to provide project phases, approval points, review points and other milestones, to allow program integration BSBPMG601A 3.2 Establish project baselines and report progress in relation to these baselines, to measure program performance throughout the business reporting cycle BSBPMG601A 3.3 Progressively review project baselines to ensure nominated benefits are consistent with organisational expectations Scope BSBPMG602A 3.1 Conduct regular program reviews to measure project performance and to ensure that stated program and business/strategic objectives are met Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 37 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 38. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) YourAssessor Performance Criteria Evidence Ref Comments No ScopeBSBPMG602A 3.3 Conduct reviews of scope changes and take action to ensure that project and program objectives are achieved or modified Time BSBPMG603A 2.2 Conduct ongoing analysis to identify and forecast variances and trends, and to develop responses so that projects meet their schedules BSBPMG603A 2.3 Manage durations of key activities and interdependencies between projects to enable financial and resource rationalisation across the program, to meet strategic expectations within the management/reporting period of the program BSBPMG603A 2.4 Review progress and refine the schedule throughout the program life cycle to ensure consistency with changing scope, objectives and constraints related to time and resource availability BSBPMG603A 2.5 Ensure responses to perceived, potential or actual project schedule changes are authorised to achieve program objectives Cost BSBPMG604A 2.2 Conduct analysis, evaluate options and implement responses to project cost variations to maintain control over changing financial and overall program objectives BSBPMG604A 2.3 Monitor internal and external influences on program costs and, where necessary, seek approval from business management for changes to the approved program budget Quality BSBPMG605A 2.1 Analyse results of project activities and product performance to determine compliance with agreed quality standards throughout the project life cycles within the program BSBPMG605A 2.2 Identify causes of unsatisfactory results in consultation with project managers, clients and stakeholders, and initiate appropriate actions to enable continuous improvement in quality outcomes BSBPMG605A 2.3 Direct inspections of quality processes and analyse results to determine compliance with quality standards set for the overall program and the organisation Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 38 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 39. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)Your AssessorPerformance Criteria Evidence RefCommentsNo Human ResourcesBSBPMG606A 2.4 Develop and maintain a quality management system to enable effective management and communication of quality issues and outcomes BSBPMG606A 2.5 Utilise organisational HRM system and HRM processes across projectsBSBPMG606A 3.1 Obtain agreement of performance measurement criteria for clarity of roles and responsibilities and ongoing assessmentBSBPMG606A 3.2 Ensure systems for ongoing development and training of personnel across the program are established and implemented by project managers BSBPMG606A 3.3 Measure individuals' performance against agreed criteria and authorise actions to overcome shortfalls in performance and encourage career progression BSBPMG606A 4.1 Manage a system of continuous improvement of staff to enhance program effectivenessBSBPMG606A 4.2 Analyse individual and team performance and morale levels and take action where necessaryBSBPMG606A 4.3 Direct procedures for interpersonal communication, counselling and conflict resolution by project managers, and review results to maintain and promote a positive working environment BSBPMG606A 4.4 Identify and positively manage intra organisational and intra-project conflict to maximise achievement of program objectives Comms BSBPMG607A 3.1 Develop and manage formal and informal communication networks between the organisation's management structure, program, projects and key stakeholders to ensure effectiveness throughout the multiple life cycles of projects within the program Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 39 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 40. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) YourAssessor Performance Criteria Evidence Ref Comments No CommunicationsBSBPMG607A 3.2 Address potential, perceived and actual problems with communication and management information systems through project managers, and ensure remedial actions are authorised to ensure project, program and organisational objectives are met BSBPMG607A 3.3 Manage customer relationships beyond the delegated responsibility of project managers to ensure clarity of understanding of objectives and to minimise conflict across the program Risk BSBPMG608A 2.1 Manage the program in accordance with agreed project risk management plansBSBPMG608A 2.2 Review progress, analyse variance and initiate risk responses to achieve program and multiple project objectives in changing environments BSBPMG608A 2.3 Direct risks to multiple project outcomes for monitoring, and ensure remedial actions are authorised to achieve project objectives Procurement and Contracts BSBPMG609A 4.1 Direct management of contract and procurement activities in accordance with program contract and procurement management guidelines BSBPMG609A 4.2 Provide direction for regular reviews from available records and information, and ensure variances are analysed and changes are agreed for implementation BSBPMG609A 4.3 Ensure project managers work within the legal and organisational framework for contractsBSBPMG609A 4.4 Identify potential, perceived and actual contractual conflicts and approve remedial actions to minimise disruption Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 40 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 41. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)PROJECT CLOSURE YourAssessor Performance Criteria Evidence Ref Comments No Integration BSBPMG601A 3.4 Direct finalisation plans, procedures and activities to ensure final outcomes are met and that projects meet agreed program objectives BSBPMG601A 3.5 Review projects finalised in a program management reporting period to evaluate benefits to the businessBSBPMG601A 3.6 Pass on integration management lessons learned to higher project authority and provide feedback for application to other projects Scope BSBPMG602A 3.4 Measure project outcomes against defined program scope and aligned strategic objectivesBSBPMG602A 3.5 Communicate results of program outcomes to relevant authorityBSBPMG602A 3.6 Pass on scope management lessons earned to higher project authority for application in planning and implementation of later projects within the program Time BSBPMG603A 3.1 Review and analyse multiple project and program outcomes from available records and information to determine the effectiveness of the schedule and time management processes BSBPMG603A 3.2 Pass on lessons learned to higher project authority and provide feedback for application, planning and implementation of later projects within the program Cost BSBPMG604A 3.1 Provide direction for project finalisation activities to achieve integrated financial and physical project completion within program and therefore client and organisational expectations BSBPMG604A 3.2 Review project outcomes from available records at the finalisation of each project, and analyse information to determine the effectiveness of cost management systems Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 41 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 42. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) YourAssessorPerformance CriteriaEvidence Ref Comments No Cost BSBPMG604A3.3 File program lessons learned as a resource for futurereference and, where necessary, refer to higher projectauthority for application in planning strategic direction changesand business outcomes for future projects QualityBSBPMG605A3.1 Continually review and modify the quality managementsystem throughout project activities to ensure project teamcommitment to continuous improvement of quality processesand outcomesBSBPMG605A3.2 Direct project outcomes review and analysis againstperformance criteria to determine the effectiveness of thequality management systemBSBPMG605A3.3 Aggregate and use quality improvements and lessonslearned to benefit the business and, where appropriate, passon program initiatives/projects to organisational managementfor consideration in support of strategic planning and(re)direction HRBSBPMG606A4.5 Aggregate HRM lessons learned for application in planningand, where appropriate, pass on information to others forconsideration in strategic planning and direction CommunicationsBSBPMG607A4.1 Direct project finalisation activities to ensure ownership of,and responsibility for, information outcomes BSBPMG607A4.2 Review and analyse project outcomes to determine theeffectiveness of management information and communicationssystemsBSBPMG607A4.3 Aggregate and use lessons learned across multipleprojects for other applications in the program and theorganisation RiskBSBPMG608A3.1 Review and analyse project outcomes to assess theeffectiveness of the project risk management system forprojects, program and organisational outcomesBSBPMG608A3.2 Aggregate, analyse and structure lessons learned, forproject managers and senior management to undertakestrategic review and planning Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 42 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 43. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) YourAssessor Performance Criteria Evidence Ref Comments No Procurement and ContractsBSBPMG609A 5.1 Direct finalisation activities for management of contract deliverables in accordance with contractual project and program requirements BSBPMG609A 5.2 Direct review and analysis of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of contract and procurement processes and procedures BSBPMG609A 5.3 Aggregate and use lessons learned for application in planning and implementation of later projects within the program and, where appropriate, pass on to organisational management for use in strategic planningThe evidence listed above has been submittedby me as evidence for my assessment Signature of Candidate:Date: Signature of Assessor:Date: Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 43 Version 2009-01A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 44. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Assessment Readiness Checklist General Either I have written the Assessment Record Book contents in black or blue pen, not pencil; orI have produced a typed soft-copy of the Assessment Record Book, then printed and bound it. I have written my name on the front page of the ARB. I have entered my name (as I would like it printed on my certificate) and current contact details legibly into page 45.Evidence list (P.10) I clearly listed all of the evidence I want considered for this assessment. I have clearly identified what project each piece of evidence has come from. I have clearly identified what timeframe each piece of evidence was developed.Project Management Biography (P.11) I have provided an overview of each project I have used in evidence and a short history of how I have managed programs throughout my career.Competency Criteria (p.31-43) I have written the evidence reference numbers from the evidence list (p.10), against the performance criteria that they specifically relate to (at least 90% of Performance Criteria must have been referenced). I have considered how each piece of evidence demonstrates my competency against the criteria it is listed against. I have signed the last page of the Performance Criteria Log (p.43) to indicate that this is the evidence I have submitted for assessment. Either I have produced a full portfolio of the evidence I wish to submit, orI have all of the required evidence available for the Assessment Interview (either electronic or hardcopy).Note: All preceding check boxes must have been ticked before proceeding to the next step! Either I have contacted my ACPM regional office and arranged for an Assessment Interview, orI have sent my completed ARB and portfolio of evidence directly to the ACPM regional office. Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 44 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 45. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)ADVANCED DIPLOMAOF PROJECT MANAGEMENT Assessment Summary Candidates Name:Candidates Job Title: Candidates Organisation:Business Address: Contact number:Email:Mailing address forcertificate (if different tobusiness address)Evidence summary (to be completed by Assessor) Training Attended:Project Experience in years:Programs examined: Dates:Proportion of evidence addressed to/signed by candidate:Additional evidence requirements:Necessary assumptions: Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 45 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 46. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB)AIPM Certification requested? Yes AIPM Membership No:Competency established? Yes No(If candidates competency has not been established, outline further action to be undertaken:Unit Code Unit Name C/NYCBSBPMG601ADirect the integration of projectsBSBPMG602ADirect the scope of a project programBSBPMG603ADirect time management of a project programBSBPMG604ADirect cost management of a project programBSBPMG605ADirect quality management of a project programBSBPMG606ADirect human resources management of a project programBSBPMG607ADirect communications management of a project programBSBPMG608ADirect risk management of a project programBSBPMG609ADirect procurement and contracting for a project programAssessor nameAssessment Date Quality assurance/ verifier name QA Date Date to be printed on awardCommentsAssessors Signature:Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty Ltd Page 46 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd 47. Advanced Diploma of Project Management Assessment Record Book (ARB) Advanced Diploma ARB ACPM Pty LtdPage 47 Version 2009-01 A Division of Planpower Pty Ltd