importance of giving sadaqah jariyah


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Page 1: Importance of giving sadaqah jariyah



Page 2: Importance of giving sadaqah jariyah

Poverty is the real cause for destroying economy of a country. In order to curb poverty, in Islamic religion there is a golden rule of donating food, money and clothes for needy people to live a better life. This act of charity is known as Sadaqah.

Sadaqah Jariyah is known as voluntary charity in the name of Allah. According to Sadaqah people need not only donate money but they can also give out love, compassion, generosity and friendship.

When a person does this charity he/she must not have bad intention or any expectations from other person. The charity is done to please Allah and also to follow his path of truth and righteousness.

Page 3: Importance of giving sadaqah jariyah

Donations to needy According to Quran giving out little wealth will

not make a person poor, so he must keep what is required for him and share the rest with people who are in real need. It is also believed that people who do such Islamic donation will yield reward and better living in the next life. People who are not capable of helping other must at least try to help one another and they must never try to hurt anyone. Making donations to others in cash and kind can help individuals yield a good life even after death and also in next life.

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Charity and donations in Islam

In Islamic religion, charity is given more preference and encouraged in comparison to other acts. There are many Islamic charity organizations set up in every city to facilitate people help individuals who are in real need. For example if a person is suffering from any health issue the charity contributes some amount for the treatment and help them pay for the treatment. The best way to make contributions is to make charity to the organizations that after collecting the amount help people in need. There are many people around the world who share 2% of their wealth every month or year thus contributing for the welfare of people and society as a whole.

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Different forms of Sadaqah Jariyah

People donate to poor people so that they can help each other for better living. In Islamic religion Sadaqah is promoted and is taught to every small child in the family. There are many forms of helping and it can be done in various forms as mentioned below;

· Help people who are building mosque, orphanages or any building. This need not be in the form of money but can also be a helping hand. For example to help people in transporting the brick and sand. If a person is wealthy he/she can donate for the construction material.

· Educate or preach the sayings in Quran. It can help people to know more about the positive living and can help eradicate negative thoughts from the society.

· Help people in hospitals by doing some voluntary service. One can also help them by donating money in treating the sick. 

· Dentations in terms of money and help can also be made in the construction of Islamic secondary school. This school can help students get good education and form the basis of building a good and strong society.

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