importance of food

Patrick Smith – SmithWebCreations – Is Food Preparation And Presentation??? Important So, Exactly How

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Page 1: Importance of food

Patrick Smith – SmithWebCreations –

Is Food Preparation And Presentation???


So, Exactly How

Page 2: Importance of food

Wonderful food starts at preparation and ends with customer approval

Poorly prepared food can give your customer the sense that you just don't care about their opinion.

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While properly prepared and cooked food can have your customers coming back every time.

Not only can you get excellent response from a restaurant, you can also get a standing ovation from your family with a properly prepared and presented


No matter what your taste is, you can be sure that no one will know if your food is tasty if you do not present

it correctly.

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Professionalism in food preparation is mandatory for success. How much you put into it will determine what

you get out.

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When taken seriously, the food industry is an excellent choice for a career. A successful planner and presentator

can make a party or dinner anytime.

I will leave you hoping that this has helped influence the presentation of your food and allows you to be more

serious about what you put onto the plate.

Page 6: Importance of food

The Importance of the Visual Appeal of Food

First Impressions are Visual

The visual appearance of food is one of the first mental stimuli received before the flavour of the food is even tasted.

Therefore, how the food appears can greatly influence the perception and consequent enjoyment of the food.

Indicator of Edibility

Whether the food is fit to eat can be instantly judged by its colour and textural appearance. At a basic level, this is an essential survival mechanism as poor quality or rotten food could cause sickness. Decisions to not consume a particular food item are often made simply because 'it doesn't look right'.

Indicator of Palatability

The appearance of the food can also give an indication of whether it is going to be flavoursome and enjoyable. For example, a mealy fleshed peach isn't as enjoyable as a juicy one and the brain registers this just by the appearance of the peach flesh.

Reflection of Inner Values

Food is an essential requirement for survival and it is food that provides live giving energy. Therefore what an individual consumes has a direct correlation with their health and well being. We literally become what we eat.

The way that food is prepared and presented is a good indicator of inner values. If an individual practises self love and appreciation then they are more inclined to take care and effort over the quality of the food that they eat and the way that it is presented.

If they have become disconnected from themselves they tend to 'make do' with their food and don't give a second thought to what they are eating or what it looks like. They might even eat straight from the tin or pan. Food just becomes a habit - it is time to eat so they eat.

In the same way, with food that is prepared for others, the value placed on them is shown in the food that is served to them. Slapdash presentation reflects a 'couldn't care less attitude' of both the individual preparing the food and towards those around them.

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Design by Patrick SmithThe Importance of the Visual Appeal of Food '11

ref. Food and Youaut. Gladis Young

pub. 2009