implementing rules

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  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules



    Home Development Mutual Fund Law of 2009, otherwise

    known as Pa!"#"$ %Patutulunan sa kina&ukasan' "kaw,#anko, "ndustri(a at $o&(erno) Fund*

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    RULE I


    Section . Tit!e.+hese ules shall &e referred toas the ules and eulations "mplementinepu&li- .-t /o 919 or the Home DevelopmentMutual Fund Law of 2009, otherwise known asPa!"#"$ %Patutulunan sa 3ina&ukasan' "kaw,#anko, "ndustri(a at $o&(erno) Fund*

    Section ". Con#t$%ction..n( dou&t in theinterpretation of these ules shall &e resolved infavor of the mem&ers

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules




    Section . Dec!)$)tion o* St)te Po!ic+."t is thepoli-( of the 4tate to esta&lish, develop, promote, andinterate a nationwide sound and via&le ta5!e5emptmutual provident savins s(stem suita&le to the needsof the emplo(ed and other earnin roups, and tomotivate them to &etter plan and provide for their

    housin needs, &( mem&ership in the HomeDevelopment Mutual Fund, with mandator(-ontri&utor( support of the emplo(ers in the spirit ofso-ial 6usti-e and the pursuit of national development

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section ". St)te,ent o* F%n-'# O/ecti0e#. "n eneral, theo&6e-tives of the Fund are'

    "mprove the 7ualit( of life of its mem&ers &( developin andpromotin an interated nationwide, sound, and 0i)!e t)12e1e,3t ,%t%)! 3$o0i-ent #)0in4# s(stem suita&le to theneeds of the emplo(ed and other earnin roups8

    "mprove the 7ualit( of life of its mem&ers &( promotin 5o,eone$#5i3 t5$o%45 t5e e1ten#ion o* )o$-)!e 5o%#in4!o)n#8

    4timulate and )##i#t t5e #5e!te$ in-%#t$+ throuh the e5tensionof developmental and institutional nan-in8

    "nvest the provident savins of its mem&ers takin into-onsideration 3$ot)i!it+ )n- #)*et+ o* t5e *%n-# as a means

    of providin them provident &enets upon termination oftheir mem&ership in the Fund8

    Provide #,)!! )n- #5o$t te$, !o)n#: ot5e$ enet# )n-)##i#t)nce 3$o4$),#to its mem&ers, -onsistent with the Fund:sprovident -hara-ter8 and

    Desin and implement other prorams that shall further promoteand ,oi!i;e #)0in4# )n- 3$o0i-e )--ition)! $e#o%$ce# *o$t5e ,%t%)! enet of its mem&ers with appropriate returns onthe savins and investments

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    ;L< """


    Section . Denition o* Te$,#.For purposes of

    these ules and eulations, the followin termsshall, unless the -onte5t indi-ates otherwise, havethe followin meanins'

    I. F%n-.+he Home Development Mutual Fund, otherwise

    known as Pa!"#"$ %Patutulunan sa kina&ukasan' "kaw,

    #anko, "ndustri(a at $o&(erno) Fund, -reated under . 919,whi-h is a overnment nan-ial institution involved in

    mo&ili=in provident funds primaril( for shelter nan-e "t

    repla-es the Home Development Mutual Fund esta&lished

    under Presidential De-ree /o >?2

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    N. Me,e$2Bo$$oe$. . mem&er who has anoutstandin a--ount under an( of the Fund:s loanprorams

    O. Me,e$2S)0e$. . mem&er who has nooutstandin a--ount under an( of the Fund:s loan

    prorams P. Me,e$#5i3 Te$,. . period of twent( %20)

    (ears -ommen-in from the rst da( of the monthto whi-h the mem&er:s initial -ontri&ution to theFund applies' Provided, that the mem&er shall have

    -ontri&uted a total of two hundred fort( %2@0)monthl( -ontri&utions at the time of maturit( U.Tot)! Acc%,%!)te- V)!%e+he sum of the

    mem&er:s -ontri&utions and the emplo(er:sre7uired -ontri&utions, when appropriate, and the-orrespondin dividends -redited thereto

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    ;L< "A

    ORGANInon )# P)42IBIG ?P)4t%t%!%n4)n #) >in)%>)#)n@ I>):

    B)n4>o: In-%#t$i+) )t Go+e$no F%n-.+he Home

    Development Mutual Fund or the Pa!"#"$ Fund -reated under

    . 919 is a overnment nan-ial institution involved in

    mo&ili=in provident funds primaril( for shelter nan-e "t is a

    nationwide ta5!e5empt mutual provident savins s(stem for

    private and overnment emplo(ees and other earnin roups,

    supported &( mat-hin mandator( -ontri&utions of their

    respe-tive emplo(ers in the spirit of so-ial 6usti-e and the

    pursuit of national development, with housin as the primar(


  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section. ". P$o0i-ent C5)$)cte$.+he Fundshall &e 3$i0)te in c5)$)cte$: one- 5o!!++ t5e ,e,e$#: )-,ini#te$e- in t$%#t )n-)33!ie- e1c!%#i0e!+ *o$ t5ei$ enet. .ll the

    personal and emplo(er -ontri&utions shall &efull( -redited to ea-h mem&er, a--ounted forindividuall( and transfera&le in -ase of -hane

    of emplo(ment +he( shall earn dividends asprovided for in these ules +he said amounts

    shall -onstitute the provident fund of ea-hmem&er, to &e paid to him or her, his or her

    estate or &ene-iaries upon termination ofmem&ership, or from whi-h peripheral &enetsfor the mem&er ma( &e drawn

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section . Poe$# )n- F%nction# o*t5e F%n-."n addition to the usual-orporate powers under e5istin laws,the Fund shall have the followin

    spe-i- powers and fun-tions' +o formulate, adopt, amend andBor res-ind

    su-h rules and reulations as ma( &ene-essar( to -arr( out the provisions and

    purposes of . 919 & +o adopt or approvethe annual and supplemental &udet ofre-eipts and e5penditures in-ludin salariesand allowan-es of the Fund:s personnel8

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    +o su&mit annuall( to the President of thePhilippines not later than Mar-h >?, a reportof its a-tivities and the state of the Funddurin the pre-edin (ear, in-ludin

    information and re-ommendations for thedevelopment and improvement thereof8

    +o invest not less than sevent( per-ent%0C) of its investi&le funds to housin, ina--ordan-e with . 9198

    +o a-7uire, utili=e, or dispose of, in an(manner re-oni=ed &( law, real or personalproperties to -arr( out the purposes of .9198

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    +o have the power of su--ession8 to sue and &e sued8

    and to adopt and use a -orporate seal8

    +o &orrow funds from an( sour-e, private or

    overnment, forein or domesti-8

    +o invest, own or otherwise parti-ipate in e7uit( inan( esta&lishment, rm or entit(8 to form, orani=e,

    invest in or esta&lish and maintain a su&sidiar( or

    su&sidiaries in relation to an( of its purposes8

    +o maintain a provident fund, whi-h shall -onsists of

    -ontri&utions made &( &oth the Fund and its o-ers

    and emplo(ees and their earnins, for the pa(ment

    of &enets to su-h o-ials and emplo(ees or their

    heirs under su-h terms and -onditions as it ma(


  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section . Bo)$- o* T$%#tee#.+he -orporate powers and

    fun-tions of the Fund shall &e vested in and e5er-ised &( the

    #oard that shall &e -omposed of the followin'

    +he Ehairperson of the Housin and ;r&an Development

    Eoordinatin Eoun-il, as the e5 o-io Ehairman 8

    +he 4e-retar( of the Department of Finan-e, as the e5 o-io Ai-eEhairman

    +he 4e-retar( of the Department of La&or and

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    +he four %@) private se-tor representatives shall ea-h

    &e appointed &( the President of the Philippines for a

    term of two %2) (ears Provided, however, that of the

    rst to &e appointed, one %>) representative of the

    emplo(ers shall have a term of onl( one %>) (ear

    +he representative of the overnment emplo(ees

    shall &e appointed &( the President of the Philippines

    for a term of two %2) (ears

    +he Ehairman, Ai-e Ehairman and mem&ers of the

    #oard shall &e entitled to a reasona&le per diem forea-h meetin a-tuall( attended and other allowan-es

    at su-h amounts as ma( &e 5ed &( the #oard, in

    a--ordan-e with e5istin laws, rules and reulations

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section . Poe$# o* t5e Bo)$-.+he #oard shall have the

    followin powers'

    +o *o$,%!)te 3o!icie#: $%!e# )n- $e4%!)tion#to -arr( out

    eGe-tivel( the fun-tions of the Fund under . 9198

    +o 3$o,%!4)te #%c5 $%!e# )n- $e4%!)tion# )# ,)+ e

    nece##)$+ or proper for the eGe-tive e5er-ise of the powers andfun-tions, as well as the dis-hare of the duties and

    responsi&ilities of the Fund, its o-ers and emplo(ees8

    +o )%t5o$i;e e13en-it%$e# o* t5e F%n- in t5e inte$e#t o*

    eecti0e )-,ini#t$)tion and operations8 to adopt from time to

    time the &udets for said purposes8

    +o )33$o0e t5e )nn%)! )n- #%33!e,ent)! %-4et o* $ecei3t#

    )n- e13en-it%$e# in-ludin salaries and allowan-es of the

    Fund personnel8 to authori=e su-h -apital and operatin

    e5penditures and dis&ursements as ma( &e ne-essar( and proper

    for the eGe-tive manaement and operation of the Fund8

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    +o con-one: in 5o!e o$ in 3)$t: 3en)!tie# i,3o#e- on !o)n#

    of mem&ers and &orrowers who, for 6ustia&le reasons pres-ri&ed

    &( the #oard, failed to pa( on time an( o&liation due to the Fund8

    Provided, that su-h e5-lusive power to -ondone shall likewise appl(

    to penalties imposed on emplo(ers, who 6ustia&l( fail to remit

    when due the re7uired -ontri&utions of their emplo(ees8+o )33$o0e t5e F%n-'# o$4)ni;)tion)! )n- )-,ini#t$)ti0e

    #t$%ct%$e# and stan pattern, and to esta&lish, 5, review,

    revise and ad6ust the appropriate -ompensation pa-kae for the

    o-ers and emplo(ees of the Fund in a--ordan-e with 4e-tion ,

    ule "A hereof8

    +o )33$o0e o$ con$, )33oint,ent# o* oce$# and otherpersonnel of the Fund, as the -ase ma( &e8 and

    +o e1e$ci#e #%c5 3oe$# )# ,)+ e nece##)$+ to c)$$+ into

    eect the powers and a--omplish the purposes for whi-h the Fund

    is esta&lished

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section 6. R%!e2M)>in4 Poe$.+he #oard shall

    make and -hane needful rules and reulations,

    whi-h shall &e pu&lished in a--ordan-e with law or at

    least on-e in a newspaper of eneral -ir-ulation in the

    Philippines, to provide for, &ut not limited to, thefollowin matters'

    +he eGe-tive administration, -ustod(, development, utili=ation

    and disposition of the Fund or parts thereof, in-ludin pa(ment of

    amounts -redited to mem&ers or to their &ene-iaries or estates8

    $rounds for and eGe-ts of termination of mem&ership other than

    &( -ompletion of term8

    Fund earnins and their distri&ution, investment andBor plowin

    &a-k for the e5-lusive &enet of the mem&ers8

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    "nterim dis&ursements of a--umulated values to mem&ers of

    ameliorative and similar purposes8

    #enets, -ontri&utions in-ludin their rates, premium rates, and

    interest rates8

    Housin and other loan assistan-e prorams to mem&ers8

    .d6udi-ation and settlement of -laims and disputes and thepro-edures for the same on an( matters involvin the interests of

    mem&ers in the Fund8

    ptimi=e the eGe-tiveness of the Fund:s -overae8

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section 7. C5ie* E1ec%ti0e Oce$.+he Ehief

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section . O$4)ni;)tion)! )n- )-,ini#t$)ti0e #t$%ct%$e#

    )n- #t)n4 3)tte$n.+he orani=ational and administrative

    stru-tures and stan pattern of the Fund shall &e as

    determined &( the #oard .ll positions in the Fund shall &e

    overned &( a -ompensation and position -lassi-ation s(stem

    and 7uali-ation standards approved &( the #oard &ased on a-omprehensive 6o& anal(sis, wae -ompensation stud( and

    audit of a-tual duties and responsi&ilities8 Provided, that the

    -ompensation plan shall &e -ompara&le with prevailin

    -ompensation plans in the private se-tor and shall &e su&6e-t to

    the periodi- review of the #oard no more than on-e ever( four

    %@) (ears without pre6udi-e to (earl( merit reviews or in-reases

    &ased on produ-tivit( and prota&ilit( +he Fund shall,

    therefore, &e e5empt from an( laws, rules and reulations on

    salaries and -ompensations

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section 9. A-,ini#t$)tion Co#t#.+he Fund shall &ear the -osts

    of its administration and development, in su-h amounts andBor

    limits as the #oard of +rustees ma( deem appropriate, &ut not

    e5-eedin two %2C) per-ent of the /et Fund .ssets of the previous

    (ear, e5-ludin operatin -ost dire-tl( relatin to the lendin

    operations of the Fund

    Section . A%-it.+he Ehairman of the Eommission on .udit

    shall a-t as the e5!o-io auditor of the Fund and, a--ordinl(, is

    empowered to appoint a representative and other su&ordinate

    personnel to perform and report on su-h audit duties, responsi&le

    to and remova&le onl( &( the Eommission on .udit Ehairman,

    without pre6udi-e, however, to the power of the #oard of +rustees

    to -ontra-t for another mode of independent audit servi-e, in

    addition to that provided &( the Eommission on .udit as provided

    for under Presidential De-ree /o >@@?, otherwise known as the

    $overnment .uditin Eode of the Philippines

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section . E1e,3tion *$o, T)1: Le4)! P$oce## )n-

    Lien. .ll laws to the -ontrar( notwithstandin, the Fund and all

    its assets and properties, all -ontri&utions -olle-ted and all

    a--ruals thereto and in-ome or investment earnins there from,

    as well as all supplies, e7uipment, papers or do-uments shall &e

    e5empt from an( ta5, assessment, fee, -hare, or -ustoms or

    import dut(8 and all &enet pa(ments made &( the Pa!"#"$ Fund

    shall likewise &e e5empt from all kinds of ta5es, fees or -hares,

    and shall not &e lia&le to atta-hments, arnishments, lev( or

    sei=ure &( or under an( leal or e7uita&le pro-ess whatsoever,

    either &efore or after re-eipt &( the person or persons entitled

    thereto, e5-ept to pa( an( de&t of the mem&er to the Fund /ota5 measure of whatever nature ena-ted shall appl( to the Fund,

    unless it e5pressl( revokes the de-lared poli-( of the 4tate in

    4e-tion 2 of . 919 rantin ta5 e5emption to the Fund .n(

    ta5 assessment aainst the Fund shall &e null and void

  • 7/25/2019 Implementing Rules


    Section ". Mone+ In0e#t,ent#. .ll mone(s of the Fund

    not needed to meet -urrent administrative and operational

    re7uirements, shall &e invested with due and prudent

    reard for its safet(, rowth and li7uidit( needs Provided,

    that at least sevent( per-ent %0C) of the Fund:s investi&le

    funds shall &e invested in housin, in a--ordan-e with .


    Section . Vi#ito$i)! )n- En*o$ce,ent Poe$#.

    +he Fund or its dul( authori=ed representative is empowered to inspe-t

    the premises, &ooks of a--ounts and re-ords of an( person or entit(

    -overed &( . 9198 re7uire to su&mit its reports reularl(, and a-t

    on violations of an( provision of . 919

    Parti-ular aspe-ts of the Fund:s administration ma( &e su&6e-t to

    supervision, visitation or veri-ation &( appropriate aen-ies of the

    overnment as ma( &e desinated and authori=ed &( the President of

    the Philippines