implementing effective online teaching and learning

Implementing Effective Online Learning and Teaching

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Post on 17-Nov-2014




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A collaborative presentation by three digital media students. Sharing their ideas on implementing effective online teaching and learning.


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Implementing Effective Online

Learning and Teaching

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“The use of the Net is seen by many as a very significant change in educational practice and structure.”

Weller, M. (2002) Delivering Learning on the Net. Routledge

Google Books - Delivering Learning on the Net [Accessed 17.1.09]

Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Flickr image by wok

Student C

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How are we going

to learn?

Student C

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Student C

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We are learning to speak.By speaking

Student C

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By sharing

Student C

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and listening

Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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Student C

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and here

Student C

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Are we locked in to our virtual learning environment for the benefit of the student or the

benefit of the educational establishment ?

Student C

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or out because

of language,

cultural context or

cost ?

Student C

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Can we all join in?Student C

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Student C

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your name

Wendy's ‘Discussion’


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your name

What makes a good CMC• 1. Means of enabling personalisation

of objects and environments, using a master room, which can be 'variable' customised.

• 2. Ways of distributing the objects database

• 3. Ways to achieve integration of CMC tools in a VE.

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Framework for CMC Discussion Environment

• Introduction period – Getting to know the environment, peers and you.

• I would need to understand the structure of the discussion and the framework I am expected to work in.

• Information exchange & Knowledge Construction usable & accessible.

• Feedback – from tutor and peers.

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Wendy's CMC Discussion Environment




Module/tasks & content.



Digital Repository.Resources


Tutor, guides& supports

the students.

Student, takes

control of ownlearning.










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your name

CMC v Face-to-Face

• 24 hour class

• Student control over learning

• Text based communication

• Increased interaction

• Restricted times

• Teacher control over learning

• Timetable

• Controlled interaction

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your name

Clear Structure of Course and Materials.

Tools need to be usable, accessible with clear structure.

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Skype is a multimedia communication tool integrating

voice-over-IP (VoIP) instant messaging (IM) and video.

I have used Skype within school to support real-time-collaboration (RTC) with another school in Leeds, which motivated and

enhanced learning.

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Skype & Face-to-Face

Skype is not identical to a traditional telephone

service, but it's free--that is, if one Skype user is

calling another.

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TokBoxTokBox is a web-based video communication service. Link to Youtube video,, SlideShare and set up video chat channels.

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AudacityAudacity is a free, cross-

platform sound editor. You can record live audio.

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Gadwin Printscreen

Create a screenshot. Enhance documents and embed captures into presentations.

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Merlin v EbridgeBoth have a

home page withLinks.

Both have forums' etc

Merlin had personalChat, whereas

Ebridge has open.

Merlin worked 99%of the time.

Ebridge has hiccups.

At first I did prefer Merlin but do find myself warming to Ebridge, it does the job!

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CMC & Face-to-Face

• Emotion is present

in CMC• Emoticons

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Thanks for watching.(Guess I enjoy the personal touch!)


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Guide to Online Teaching

Image :

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‘Teaching through ICT not only offers the chance to become proficient in the skills needed in the world of work. It enhances and enriches the curriculum, raising standards and making learning more attractive. The best educational software is not an alternative to books or class teachers - it is a new chapter of opportunity.

The national grid for learning, DfEE, 1997

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Teachers online are able to share and discuss best practice with each other and with experts while remaining in their schools.

The national grid for learning, DfEE, 1997

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Materials and advice are available on-line - when learners want them - to help develop their literacy and numeracy skills, including in their own time.

The national grid for learning, DfEE, 1997

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Children in isolated schools can link up with their counterparts' curriculum, to help them to work together and gain the stimulus they need.

The national grid for learning, DfEE, 1997

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Language learners can communicate directly with speakers of the target language.

The national grid for learning, DfEE, 1997

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All teaching online can be tailored to the interests and abilities of the individual.

The national grid for learning, DfEE, 1997.

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Technology should not be used to replace teachers or teaching. It should be used as a supplement to teaching, or as a replacement for the absence of teaching, i.e. by making material available if a course is not currently being run, or to remote/life-long learners who do not enjoy the privileges of being linked to an Education institution.

Prof. G.Diment.

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The success of online teaching rests on several factors: motivation of the students; the use of scholarly sound material and supportHowever, when it comes to support, a category that is often disastrously overlooked, success rests on all of the following: * academic support * administrative support * technical support

• Prof. G.Diment

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The most important role of the instructor in online classes is to ensure that there is a high degree of interactivity and participation.

Prof. G.Diment

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One factor that strongly affects the amount of student interaction and participation is the level of instructor involvement. If the instructor regularly posts messages in the discussion forum or provides comments to students via email, this increases student involvement and participation in a course. So a cardinal rule of good online teaching is that the instructor must participate a lot to get students to do likewise.

Greg Kearsley

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A primary task of the teacher is to provide feedback. Ideally individual feedback is provided to each student, as well as group feedback. Group feedback can take the form of messages posted in a discussion forum or conference which summarize/synthesize the individual responses made on a given topic or activity.

Greg Kearsley

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Teaching is a noble undertaking fraught with weighty responsibilities, (Berkowitz, 2007)

Teachers need all the help they can get in order to continue doing an excellent job. While at times the challenges may seem overwhelming, there is hope: Things are slated to get better as technology continues to improve and as we learn how to teach better online. ( Sorin Gudea, 2008)