implementing cryptographic pairings

Implementing Cryptographic Pairings Mike Scott

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Implementing Cryptographic Pairings. Mike Scott. TexPoint fonts used in EMF: A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A. Bilinear pairings. e(aP,bQ) = e(P,Q) ab – bilinearity! The Tate pairing seems best choice. Possible on ordinary elliptic curves of prime characteristic and on supersingular curves. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Implementing Cryptographic Pairings

Implementing Cryptographic Pairings

Mike Scott

Page 2: Implementing Cryptographic Pairings

Bilinear pairings

• e(aP,bQ) = e(P,Q)ab – bilinearity!• The Tate pairing seems best choice.• Possible on ordinary elliptic curves of prime

characteristic and on supersingular curves.• P (of prime order r), and Q are points on E(Fqk). • Embedding degree smallest k such that r |(qk-1)• Pairing evaluates as element in Fqk

• Here we concentrate on q=p, and non-supersingular.

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Miller’s algorithm

A lgorithm 1 e(P;Q) using M iller's algorithmInput: P 2 E (Fpk);Q 2 E (Fpk), P has order rOutput: e(P;Q)1: T à P , f à 12: for i à blg(r)c ¡ 1 downto 0 do3: f = f 2:lT;T (Q)=v2T (Q)4: T = 2T5: if ri = 1 then6: f = f :lT;P (Q)=vT+P (Q)7: T = T + P8: end if9: end for10: f à f (p

k¡ 1)=r

11: return f

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Elliptic Curves (point doubling case)


Line of slope λj


λj = (3xj2+A)/2yj

xj+1 = λj2-2xj

yj+1 = λj(xj-xj+1)-yj

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l(Q) = (yq-yj) – λj(xq-xj)

v(Q) =xq-xj+1

The Pairing AlgorithmQ(xq,yq)




Line of slope λj


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Miller’s algorithm

• As described, it may fail (the line may pass through Q!)

• Traditionally solved by introducing a random R, which doesn’t change value of the pairing. If algorithm fails, choose another R.

• Will not be needed later, so omitted here

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First optimizations

• Choose low Hamming weight r (if possible)

• If not possible (MNT curves?) windowing algorithms, also idea of Eisentrager et al.

• Choose P from E(Fp) (Solinas’s Miller Light), now use projective coordinates.

• NOT choose p of low Hamming weight! (Schirokauer)

• Restriction – k=2d is always even.

• Final exponentiation considered in 2 parts.

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First optimizations

A lgorithm 1 e(P;Q) with some optimizationsInput: P 2 E (Fp);Q 2 E (Fpk), P has order rOutput: e(P;Q)1: T à P , f à 12: for i à blg(r)c ¡ 1 downto 0 do3: f = f 2:lT;T (Q)=v2T (Q)4: T = 2T5: if r i = 1 then6: f = f :lT;P (Q)=vT+P (Q)7: T = T + P8: end if9: end for10: f à f p

d¡ 1

11: f à f (pd+1)=r

12: return f

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Extension field arithmetic

• Considered before for crypto use ( XTR, OEFs).

• k=2 case is the simplest

• Irreducible polynomial x2+1 for p=3 mod 4

• Element in Fp2 is (a+xb), where a and b are in Fp .

• Consider x=i as root of irreducible polynomial, so i=√-1

• Just like complex arithmetic!

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Extension field arithmetic

• Multiplication (Karatsuba)

• (a+ib)(c+id) = ac-bd +i[(a+b)(c+d)-ac-bd]

• 3 modmuls? But better to use lazy reduction, e.g. calculate (ac-bd) mod p (2 muls and one reduction)

• Cost ~ 2.5 modmuls

• Squaring

• (a+ib)(a+ib) = (a+b)(a-b)+i.2ab

• Cost ~ 2 Modmuls

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Cubic Extension?

• Irreducible polynomial x3+n• Karatsuba or Toom-Cook for multiplication

(6 or 5 Modmuls resp.). Toom-Cook has tricky divisions by constants…

• Final exponent has factor of p-1.. So divisions can be replaced by multiplications – thank you Fermat!

• Lazy reduction applies again.• Squaring – 4 Modsqrs and 1 Modmul

(Chung & Hasan) – recent result!

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Square roots

• For quadratic extension, irreducible x2+n

• Can you find simple solution for cubic extension?

pa+ ib=


(a §qa2+ nb2)=2+xb=(2


(a §qa2 + nb2)=2)

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A Tower of Extensions

• For a sextic extension field x6+n, could use a cubic extension on top of a quadratic extension – squaring requires only 11 modmuls using Chung-Hasan

• Always use pairing-friendly irreducible polynomials. For example for k=12, maybe use X6+(1+√-2) and a sextic extension on top of a quadratic, which uses x2+2 as the irreducible.

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• The Frobenius is very useful for extension field arithmetic

• (a+ib)p = (ap+ipbp) = (a-ib)

• When raising an extension field element to a power, you never have to use an exponent greater than p.

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Types of pairing-friendly curves

• #E=p+1-t

• |t| ≤ 2√p

• r|#E

• ρ = lg(p)/lg(r)

• ω = lg(r)/lg(t)

• In general small ρ is good (ρ = 1 is “ideal”)

• Large ω is also good.

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Example - BN Curves

• k=12• p(x) = 36x4+36x3+24x2+6x+1• #E(x) = 36x4+36x3+18x2+6x+1• t(x) = 6x2+1 • ρ = 1 (ideal!)• ω = 2 (not bad – but ω = 4 possible for k=12)• In general the smaller ρ the harder to find a low

hamming weight r.• For Cocks-Pinch curves ρ = 2, free choice for r.

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Where were we?

• k=2d so assume that Fpk is built as a quadratic extension on top of Fpd. So now consider an element of Fpk as (a+ib).

• So (a+ib)pd = (a-ib)

• → (1/(a+ib))pd-1 = (a-ib)pd-1

• Which means that following exponentiation to the power of pd-1, inversions cannot be distinguished from conjugates.

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Further optimizations

A lgorithm 1 e(P;Q) with further optimizationInput: P 2 E (Fp);Q 2 (Fpk), P has order rOutput: e(P;Q)1: T à P , f à 12: for i à blg(r)c ¡ 1 downto 0 do3: f = f 2:lT;T (Q):¹v2T (Q)4: T = 2T5: if ri = 1 then6: f = f :lT;P (Q):¹vT+P (Q)7: T = T + P8: end if9: end for10: f à f p

d¡ 1

11: f à f (pd+1)=r

12: return f

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What about Q?

• Choose Q to best advantage.

• Q is point (xQ,yQ), where xQ = (a+ib), yQ = (c+id)

• Now restrict to the case where b=c=0

• The vertical line functions are now in Fpd and so get wiped out - denominator elimination.

• If Q(a,id) is a point on E(Fpk), then Q(-a,d) is a point on the quadratic twist E’(Fpd).

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Denominator elimination

A lgorithm 1 e(P;Q) denominator eliminationInput: P 2 E (Fp);Q 2 E 0(Fpd), P has order rOutput: e(P;Q)1: T à P , f à 12: for i à blg(r)c ¡ 1 downto 0 do3: f = f 2:lT;T (Q)4: T = 2T5: if r i = 1 then6: f = f :lT;P (T;Q)7: T = T + P8: end if9: end for10: f à f p

d¡ 1

11: f à f (pd+1)=r

12: return f

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Yet more optimization

• The group order will always be odd, but the effect of the last line addition which takes T to the point-at-infinity will be wiped out by the final exponentiation.

• Final exponentiation can be further divided into 3 parts, – pd-1

– (pd+1)/Φk(p)

– Φk(p)/r

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Yet more optimization

• For example for k=6, Φ6(p)=p2-p+1

• p6-1 = (p3-1)(p+1)(p2-p+1)

• r|p2-p+1, from definition of the embedding degree.

• Exponentiation by p3-1 and p+1 will be easy using Frobenius and one extension field inversion

• Exponentiation by (p2-p+1)/r is the “hard part”

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Yet more optimization

A lgorithm 1 e(P;Q) yet more optimizationInput: P 2 E (Fp);Q 2 E 0(Fpd), P has order rOutput: e(P;Q)1: T à P , f à 12: s = r ¡ 13: for i à blg(s)c ¡ 1 downto 0 do4: f = f 2:lT;T (Q)5: T = 2T6: if si = 1 then7: f = f :lT;P (Q)8: T = T + P9: end if10: end for11: f à f (pd ¡ 1)12: f à f (p


13: f à f ©k(p)=r

14: return f

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Hard part of final exponentiation

• Express hard exponent to base p

• xe = xe0+e1.p+e2.p2… = xe0.(xp)e1.(xp2)e2 ….

• Now use Frobenius and multi-exponentiation.

• Exploit fact that inverses can be treated as conjugates for fast NAF-based exponentiation.

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• Alternatively for k≤8, use Lucas or XTR exponentiation, which uses the full sized exponent, but over smaller fields Fpk/2 and Fpk/3 respectively.

• Also compresses pairing to one half or one-third size

• Probably useful to compress the pairing anyway, even after multi-exponentiation.

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• In many cases the first parameter P may be fixed – it may be an IBE private key.

• In which case it makes sense to precompute the values of T which are multiples of P

• In this case use Affine coordinates

• Big speed-up for smaller k. For larger k extension field arithmetic dwarf’s elliptic curve point addition/doubling.

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Trick #1

• Often in a pairing-based protocol there is a requirement to further raise the value of the pairing to a power v<r

• If using multi-exponentiation, the value of r can be “folded into” the exponent at no extra cost.

• Powering for free!

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Curve dependent Optimizations

• There are families of curves for which ω >1. For the MNT curves ω=2.

• In these cases a “truncated loop” variant of the pairing is possible – the Ate pairing.

• Here P is chosen from E’(Fpd) and Q from E(Fp)

• Now we get a bilinear pairing with a much shorter loop!

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Ate pairing

A lgorithm 1 e(P;Q) Ate pairingInput: P 2 E 0(Fpd);Q 2 E (Fp), P has order rOutput: e(P;Q)1: T à P , f à 12: s = t ¡ 13: for i à blg(s)c ¡ 1 downto 0 do4: f = f 2:lT;T (Q)5: T = 2T6: if si = 1 then7: f = f :lT;P (Q)8: T = T + P9: end if10: end for11: f à f (pd ¡ 1)12: f à f (p


13: f à f ©k(p)=r

14: return f

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Low CM Discriminant curves

• For non-supersingular curves, must use Complex Multiplication (CM) method to find curve parameters.

• Many pairing-friendly curves have a CM discriminant of -1 or -3.

• In these cases quartic and sextic twists also exist.

• For BN curves, D=-3, k=12, and so curve over sextic twist E(Fpk/6) can be used.

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Low CM Discriminant curves

• So Q 2 E(Fpk/c) for c=4 or 6 is possible for Tate pairing….

• Or P 2 E(Fpk/c) for Ate pairing

• Works particularly well with Ate pairing

• For a k=6 D=-3 curves both P and Q can be on curves over Fp !

• (Unfortunately no such curves are known with ρ <2 ).

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Trick #2

• Consider MNT k=6 curve, r = #E a prime.

• Hard part of final exponentiation is to the power of (p2-p+1)/r = (p2-p+1)/(p+1-t) = p+ε, where ε ~ t

• So hard part of exponentiation is fp.fε

• Which is one Frobenius and one half-length exponentiation (not a multi-exponentiation).

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The Wider Context

• Pairings are not calculated in isolation

• They are part of a wider context.

• The protocol may also require variable point multiplications – faster if P and Q are over smaller fields.

• Or it may only also require fixed-point multiplications (B&F IBE), in which case the pairing will be the dominant computation.

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The Wider Context

• Compare (a) k=2, p=512 bits with (b) k=6, p=160 bits

• Similar security levels.

• But pairing for (a) is much faster (especially with precomputation)

• Variable point multiplication (over E(Fp)) much faster on (b).

• Short signature scheme must use (b).

• I could go on…

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Scaling security

• ..much debated…• Code for higher extensions is much

“fussier”. Spends more time hopping in and out of functions, function overhead an issue.

• Small instruction cache – more cache misses with fussier code.

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Scaling security

Symmetric key size Group size Extension ¯eld size Embedding degree80 160 960 { 1280 2{8128 256 3000 { 5000 12{18256 512 12000 { 18000 24{36

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Products of Pairings

• For example e(P,Q).e(R,S)

• Implicit multiplication of P and R take place in “lock-step”. Use affine coordinates and Montgomery’s trick.

• Share the Miller variable f between both pairings, and only square it once

• .. And of course share the final exponentiation.

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Some timings

• All code in C and assembly, P4 3GHz

• Compare with 1024-bit RSA decryption on the same platform.

• Group size of 160-bits, Field size of 1024-bit equivalent. Precomputation allowed.

• Three pairings – timings in milliseconds– ηT pairing E(F2379), k= 4

– Tate pairing E(Fp), 512 bit p, k=2

– Ate pairing E(Fp), 256 bit p, k=4, ω=2

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E (F2379) ´T pairing E (Fp) T ate pairing E (Fp) Ate pairing

Pairing 3.88 2.91 3.10

Point Mult. 1.82 3.08 1.17

F ield exp. 1.14 0.54 0.62

RSA decryption 1.92

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Questions ??

Full paper –

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