impact of the enlightenment 10-3. impact of the enlightenment philosophes believed in order to...

Impact of the Enlightenment 10-3

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Impact of the



Impact of the Enlightenment

Philosophes believed in order to reform society based on Enlightenment ideals, people should be governed by Enlightenment rulers

Should nurture arts, sciences, and education

Should obey laws and enforce fairly

Enlightened Absolutism—rulers governed by Enlightened principles but maintained royal powers

Natural Rights

Equality before law

Freedom of religion

Freedom of speech

Freedom of press

Right to assemble

Right to hold property

Right to pursue happiness

Prussia: Army and Bureaucracy

Frederick William I and Frederick II—made Prussia a major power in the 18th c.

Obedience, honor, service to king

FWI army size doubled (1740), 4th largest

FII (Frederick the Great) educated/cultured

Friends w/ Voltaire

Abolished torture (except treason/murder)

Allowed limited freedom of speech/press/religion

Kept rigid social structure

Austrian Empire

Many nationalities, languages, religions, cultures

Empress Maria Theresa (1740) centralize/strengthen state

Worked to improve conditions of serfs

Son: Joseph II reason

Reforms: abolished serfdom and death penalty, established principle or equality before law, religious toleration

Austrian Empire (con’t)

Joseph’s reforms mostly failed

Alienated nobles and the Catholic Church

Serfs upset about drastic change

Catherine the Great


After Peter the Great 6 weak successors

Catherine the Great German wife

Listened to Denis Diderot’s ideas

Considered reformed, but didn’t want to upset nobles

Catherine the Great (con’t)

Peasant revolt

Yemelyah Pugachov (illiterate Cossack)

Catherine put down revolt and stopped considering reforms increased serfdom

Increased Russian territory

Enlightened Absolutism?

Only Joseph II actually changed things

Most were too concerned with maintaining power/expanding empire