imp murali notes

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  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    Type of connecter extending from a Decision shape if it defines a decision tree Status Connector

    Type of connector extending from a Utility shape Always

    Type of connector extending from Assignment shape Flow Action

    Straight through processing A flow rule that does not include and user interaction

    Likelihood alues determine the presentation order in a !erform harness

    "outer rules# $ntegrator rules %used to call external systems Utility execute Actiities 'ut Flow rules# Fork

    D()S*(T execute actiities

    $f a ticket is raised the system will look in the current flow# actie flow and the su'+flows of the current

    flow, -ut will not look in the flow inheriting the current flow

    "eiew .arness displayed to used as read only and does not allow user input

    *ewDefaults Actiity that is automatically fired when a new /( is created

    Connector /i0ard created the rules re1uired to connect to an external system

    "ule $nspector

    o .T2L "ules

    o !roperty "ules

    o Declaratie "ules

    o Field 3alue "ules

    o Styles

    Standard attachment types in !"!C include

    o Files

    o U"Ls

    o Screen Shots

    o Scanned Documents

    "outer# *otify and Utility are all 'ased on "ule+('4+Actiity rule,

    $f a flow encounters a pro'lem5error condition that preents it from continuing then Current flow will 'e

    suspended and the Flow!ro'lems flow will 'e started,

    A fork is chosen instead of a decision shape if you want to test something a'out the /ork ('4ect or its


    A Flow Shape %shape used to inoke a su' flow& can 'e used to execute a flow on same /(# separate

    /( or an em'edded page of any class,

    Forward chaining6 The a'ility to automatically recalculate a target property alues each times any of the

    alue in an expression changes,

    -ackward Chaining6 The a'ility to detect and o'tain the missing data needed for automatic computations to

    occur, !roperty+Seek+3alue method is used to perform this,

    /hen "ule can return only a -oolean alue

    Circumstance property is defined 'y Circumstance !roperty and Circumstance 3alue

    !age+*ew methods will instantiate a new page in Clip'oard,

    Code+!ega+List is the class of the top leel Clip'oard page created 'y the ('4+List method,

    D t Ad i / k7 A i t f thi l t / k7

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    "ule+Access+/hen# Access7roup# "e1uestor Type are used to implement security,

    )xport "ules and Load "ules 'est way to moe ruleset from the deelopment enironment to the

    production enironment,

    Skim "ules -est way to create a ma4or ersion of the ruleset,

    Select the latest ruleset ersion and Sae As a new 3ersion -est way to create a minor or patch "uleset


    8S" 9:; $nterface Allows !"!C content to 'e implemented as a !ortlet,

    "e1uestor !ool $t is a set of "e1uester $Ds that !"!C creates and reseres for a specific Serice

    !ackage %Accessed from external systems&, This pool si0e can 'e shrinked and expanded 'y !"!C if


    Data+Admin+Serice!ackage Class of the rule type that defines the components of a serice

    User !ages The clip'oard pages that contain all the pages created 'y your application and normal


    "e1uester !age Clip'oard page that contains information a'out your Access "oles# "uleset list and

    .TT! protocol parameters,

    !rocess !age Clip'oard page that is created at startup and contains system+wide state and configuration

    information to !"!C,

    !age+*ew Actiity method that is used to create a clip'oard page,

    Show+!age used to iew the content of the step page in

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    Flow Action# Section and !roperty can reference .T2L !roperties,

    Access to a rule set can 'e granted

    o For the entire organi0ation

    o For a diision

    o -y 4o' function %3ia access 7roups&

    o -UT *(T for an (rgani0ation Unit

    A top leel class )xtends from 'aseclass

    $nstances of 'oth Data+ and )m'ed+ can 'e saed as pages inside the /(,

    AllCoered"esoled /hen all the coered /( are resoled then AllCoeredresoled ticket is raised

    2any+To+2any relationship 'etween the Folder and the items it contains,

    A Class 7roup causes the system to store the instances corresponding to two or more concrete classes

    that hae a common key format in a single data'ase ta'le

    !romptList 'est way to implement a list %drop down& that does not change fre1uently,

    "ule+.T2L+Section .arness sections are created as this type,

    "ule+.T2L+Fragment .T2L fragments are created as this type,

    Actiity !arameters can 'e used to set /( status and Assignment status

    "outer can 'e attached to Assignment shape,

    Actiity+)nd method used to end the current actiity and continue with the next actiity on the re1uestor?s

    actiity list,

    To create a /ork ('4ect from an actiity

    o Create a step page of the class of the work o'4ect


    Call the Add actiityo )nter the name of the starting harness

    Steps for creating a new /ork 7roup

    o Creating a new instance of Data+Admin+/ork7roup

    o Adding external and internal contacts

    o Specifying a default /ork'asket,

    Steps in creating a new Access group

    o Creating an access group name

    o Specifying a default portal

    o Specifying a default work pool

    An operator $D can 'elong on only (*) primary access group,

    Data+)mail+Account Class used to configure a user?s email account

    "ule+Serice+)mail Class used to process in'ound e+mail as a serice# to receie messages from other


    Serice Leel "ules define three time interals 7oal# Deadline# Late

    !erformance Analy0er6

    o !roides C!U usage for !"!C systems hosted on /indows (S

    o !roides elapsed time of an interaction 'y clicking Add "eading

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    Atomic Use Cases

    o (wned 'y a single user

    o Does not inole change of ownership during processing

    o Corresponds to Flow Actions# Flows or Utilities,

    /ork Type Can 'e instantiated into /ork ('4ects and has one or more Atomic Use cases associated with


    Support Type (ther categories of an atomic use cases that support the application?s function and /ork

    ('4ects cannot 'e created,

    Steps in creation of application

    o $nception Application profiler is used

    o )la'oration %)xpand the use cases& Application Accelerator is used

    o Construction %Configure and unit test& U$ design# actiities# all deelopment

    o Transition %System and User Test& A

    -locks in a !rocess

    o Su'+Flow -lue

    o $ntegration !oint "ed

    o Automated Action %Utility& @ellow

    o .uman Action 7reen

    o Alternate Step

    A'stract Classes

    o Cannot 'e used to create a work types

    o Used to define constraints in which re+usa'le rules are saed

    o *ame should end with hyphen %+&

    Class structure includes ALL the classes used 'y the application + classes created 'y the Application

    Accelerator# classes proided 'y the Framework and !"!C

    /ork Type should 'e a concrete class that directly or indirectly inherits from /ork+('4ect+ class

    !attern $nheritance is in $ntra Layer

    Directed $nheritance is in $nter layer

    $f !attern and Directed inheritance are there# then !attern $nheritance takes precedence,

    /ork+ This class contains

    o !roperties like py/orkStatus to get the status of a /(

    o 2odels like pyDefault used to initiali0e the alues used in the /(

    o Actiities like *ew used to create new /(# *ewDefaults used to perform some steps prior to

    creating a /(

    o "ule like Approe %Flow Action

    The Class 7roup Class %like $lend+F/+LendF/+/ork& should inherit %Directed& from /ork+

    All /( created from the classes of the same Class 7roup will 'e stored in the same D- ta'le, This ta'le 'y

    default would 'e pcwork# which can 'e changed# if needed

    !urpose of a Class 7roup

    Defines a collection of work types 5 work classes

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o Stores the namesE of the property that will 'ecome a /( uni1ue identifier %!rimary key of /( in D-&

    -y default this property will ne py$D# which is present in /ork+

    Framework layer creates a reusa'le class structure that can 'e extended for specific implementation, The

    main purpose of framework layer to define a common platform

    $mplementation Layer extends a reusa'le class structure for a specific implementation, The main purpose

    of implementation layer is to extend the common foundation,

    $n all !"!C applications

    o Data is mapped to properties on a Clip'oard page

    o !age is written to the Data'ase %creating a work item&

    o Users of !"!C manipulates the data pulling the /( out of the data'ase on to the clip'oard

    !roperty names conention

    o 2ust start with a letter

    o *o dashes# no dots

    o Cannot start with px# py or p0

    o Case sensitie

    Data Classes they are

    o Concrete classes

    o Supporting classes

    o Doesn?t 'elong to a class group

    All Data classes will directly or indirectly inherit from Data+

    !"!C $nternal properties

    o px read only

    o py read and write

    o p0 !ega internal

    .T2L !roperty this is an attri'ute of a property that controls the display of a property

    o )xamples

    Data+Calendar %adds a calendar control to the U$&

    !romptSelect %to display a drop down menu&

    Data 2odel (rgani0ation and structure of data is called Data 2odel

    !age 2ode !roperties !age# !age List# !age 7roup

    o Composed of multiple properties

    Create a Data Class + Create a new property %with Applies to data class name&,

    o This will make the property an element of the data class

    To make a Single 3alues property to a !age 2ode property Change the G!roperty 2odeH to !age# !age

    List or !age 7roup and then enter the !age Class,name to 'e referenced,

    Any page mode property like !age# !age List or !age 7roup should mandatorily refer to a !age Class

    )m'edded !age any of the !age 2ode properties like !age# !age List# !age 7roup

    Data classes can contain other rules# apart from the properties like single alue or !age mode properties,

    They include


  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o Constraints

    "eferencing a property in a data class

    o Single alue property + ,I!roperty*ame

    o )m'edded property + ,I)m'eded!age*ame,I!roperty*ame

    -est practice in Data Classes is to co+locate the properties and the rules that refer those properties,

    Data Ta'les Used to handle simple data structures

    o Use data ta'le only if your data class extends from Data+ and *(T from /ork+

    o The Data class should only contain all single alue properties

    o Use Data Ta'les if your class contains a single alue property that defines a uni1ue key

    Classes created using Data ta'le wi0ard are saed in prother ta'le in the !ega data 'ase, This can 'e

    changed if the data contains 9JJs of items# high turnoer and may eentually moe to another system

    2odels defines the initial alues of the properties,

    o Similar to a constructor in 8aa

    o pyDefault is thedefault model that is created

    o su'class models call super class model# if they hae the same name, The order of call goes from

    'ottom to top %reerse of the call order that happens in 8aa# where its from top to 'ottom i,e, super

    constructor then thisconstructor& and in pattern + directed fashion

    $n a Screen Flow each screen is a flow action, The flow action is associated to the Assignment shape

    rather than Connector

    (nly one path %connector& is allowed from an Assignment shape in Screen Flow

    pyStatus/ork + stores the status of a /(

    /ork ('4ect status can 'e changed from an Assignment shape 'y specifying the work status alue in the

    >Status/ork? field of the Assignment properties,

    A Use Case can correspond to a single step or complete Screen Flow or a Flow Action in the processing of

    the /(

    Audit *otes can 'e specified in a connector shape, /hen the /( goes through this connector the audit

    note is recorded

    2ain "ule Types in U$

    o .arness defines the top leel structure of the /( form and calls the section rules

    o Flow Action must reference a section or .T2L rule or contain no U$ at all,

    o Section contains U$ elements# properties# la'els# controlsK should 'e em'edded in either Flow

    actions or .arness

    .arness types

    o *ew %on Flow Start shape& supports creation of new /(

    o !erform %on Assignment shape& allows user to select a flow action and complete an assignment

    o "eiew %& presents /( in read+only mode# not allowing data entry

    o Confirm acknowledges the user on completion of an assignment# in read+only forn

    .arness structure .arness Container Section LayoutCells

    .arness has header# 'ody and footer, Container in present in the 'ody

    Flow Action cannot contain U$# must reference Sections or .T2L rules, They enforce reusa'ility of U$

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o Template Smart layout

    o "epeating aria'le num'er of rows# column or ta's,

    o Free form unformatted layout with specified num'er of rows and columns

    )dit modes %Tress# 7rid or Tree 7rid& +

    o "ead only

    o "ead write

    o $nline displays a non+edita'leK dou'le click the row to edit it in placeK Layout updates without


    o 2odal Dialog displays a non+edita'leK dou'le click the row to open a modal dialog for editing data

    "ules $nspector deeloper tool# that proides an easy way at run+time to identify and locate the rules

    present in U$

    "ule inspector can 'e used to identify

    o .T2L "ules %.arness# Sections&

    o !roperty "ules

    o Declaratie "ules

    o Field 3alue "ules

    o Styles

    )ery re1uestor %guest user or operator or process or a system& after authentication is allocated with its

    own Clip'oard,

    Clip'oard represents a memory on the serer that contains !ages, $t consists of property name5alue pairs

    py/ork!age Data page in the clip'oard corresponding to any open /(

    py/ork!age may contain em'edded pages# all of which are saed to the D-

    Decision "ules + Automates the 'usiness decisions# 'y remoing manual steps and user actions,

    o Decision Ta'le

    o Decision Tree

    o Decision 2ap

    o /hen "ule %This returns a true or false alue&

    Decision rules are often called from the flow and may also 'e called from other rules

    /hich Decision rule to use

    /hen "ule used to test one or multiple properties alues for one or more -oolean logical statements

    /hen rules in used in

    o Flow rules to direct /( processing

    o U$ rules to conditionally display or hide the fields and contents

    Decision Ta'le Decision Tree

    The tests are often 'ased on the same set

    of properties

    The tests tend to 'e for different properties

    Logic is easy to follow and can 'e exported

    to 2S )xcel file

    Flexi'le format# good for complex if5then and

    nested conditions

    !referred 'y -usiness Analysts Familiar to System Architects with software

    deelopment experience

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    )xpression -uilder can 'e used to create your own expression in the /hen rule

    Use the Adanced ta' for more complex conditions eg# %%A A*D -& (" C&

    o $f Adanced ta' is used to define the Conditions# then condition ta' can no longer 'e used to define

    any conditions

    Fork shape is used to reference a /hen rule in the Flow editor

    o Use /hen rule on the connectors emanating from Fork shape,

    o 2ultiple /hen connectors can emanate from a Fork shapeK are ealuated in the order of the likelihood

    and ealuation stops with the first true result

    o -est practice is to use an )lse connector with eery flow shape this is used if no /hen connector is

    ealuated to true,

    /hen rules in Flow Actions allows actions to 'e made aaila'le to the user conditionally /hen rule can

    'e specified in the Security ta' of the Flow Action

    /hen rules in Sections and .arness can 'e used to conditionally display a certain element of the section

    'ased on properties in the /(, )g, $f marital status E Single# then hide spouse information

    Actiity $ts an automated procedure# generally called from an utility shape or as a pre or post steps in a

    flow action, Actiities are primarily used for data manipulation

    Actiities are structured as a series of steps executed in se1uence,

    Actiities perform actions like

    o $nstantiating /(

    o Updating /( status

    o "outing /( to work 'asket or work list

    o !rocessing correspondence# like email# sms etc

    o Adding /( to a Coer or Folder

    o $noking Connector rules for 1uerying or updating D-# sending or receiing information from we'

    serice endpoint

    o Used with Serice rules

    o /riting de'ugging information to log files

    UpdateStatus Actiity can 'e used to update the status of the /(

    )ach Actiity Step can call an ((- method or execute custom 4aa code %mention >8aa? in method& or

    inoke another actiity %mention >call Iactiity name? in method&

    Actiity applies its methods to a page of data,

    o )ach actiity has a default data page# called the !rimary page,

    o )ach step of the page can specify a Step !ageK the method executes against this page for the

    duration of the step, Step page should mentioned in the !ages Classes ta' and mapped top the

    corresponding Class

    o Actiity manipulates the data on the page %it can 'e !rimary page or Step page&,

    o Actiity returns a result to whateer called the actiity# either manipulated data or success5failure


    An actiity can call another actiity The called actiity executes against the !age passed 'y the callingactiity %either its !rimary page or step page&

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o !age+*ew 6 creates a new page in memory to store data

    o !age+"emoe 6 remoes a page from memory if its no longer needed

    o !roperty+Set 6 Sets the alue of a property %multiple properties as well# in single step&

    A alue returned 'y a 4aa function can 'e set to the property, Function can 'e called +


    o ('4+(pen 6 (pens an o'4ect from the data'ase and loads it into a page in memory

    o Show+!age 6 displays the content of the page in

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    )ffectie start date

    Lock the ruleset with a password

    o Security ta' + contains

    )na'le check+in5check+out

    Default approal process is specified# which can 'e changed5replaced

    Can use passwords for Add a ruleset ersion# Update a ruleset ersion# Update the ruleset

    "uleset !rere1uisites used during deelopment to enforce rule dependencies which are re1uired at


    o )xample6 $f "ule A in First"uleset6J9+J9+J9 re1uires "ule - in Second"uleset6J9+J9+JM

    /hen saing "ule A# the prere1uisites erifies that Second"uleset6J9+J9+JM exists

    /hen migrating First"uleset6J9+J9+J9 the import file or the target system must contain


    "uleset !rere1uisites are Daisy Chained

    o "eferring the a'oe example a rule in Second"uleset6 J9+J9+JM refers to a rule in 'ase !ega

    ruleset, So !ega+!rocessCommander6 J:+J9+J9 should 'e in the prere1uisites of Second"uleset6J9+

    J9+JM, *ow any rule created in First"uleset6 J9+J9+J9 hae accesses to all the 'ase !ega rules#

    'ecause of the pre+re1uisite chaining,

    A ruleset can hae more than one prere1uisites

    A ruleset cannot 'e Locked# only "uleset ersions can 'e Locked

    $f a new "uleset ersion is created# then initially it will 'e empty, $f you want to migrate any rules from the

    preious ersion to this new ersion# 4ust do Sae As and select the new "uleset ersion as target,

    Skim 'ringing all the rules in a preious 2a4or ersion of a "uleset to the current 2a4or ersion

    !ersonal "uleset This is listed under the "ulesets in the (perator !rofile

    o $ts name is same as the (perator $D

    o Used for Check+in5Check+out operations

    (perators are granted access to "uleset 3ersions,

    (perator profile screen displays the "ulesets the operator has access to,

    "uleset Access can 'e granted up to and including the listed ersions,

    Filtering !icking the re1uired rules from the assigned "uleset ersions

    $f a ruleset of ersion xx+yy is assigned to an operator# then all the patches# including the that will 'e added

    later will 'e accessi'le to the operator

    (perator?s "uleset List uses the following

    o !ersonal "uleset %if checkin5checkout is ena'led&

    o !roduction "uleset %from Access 7roup&

    o "uleset listed in Application rules

    o !rocess Commander "uleset

    $f Access 7roup is not listed in the (perator $D %i,e, an operator is not part of any Access 7roup then the

    Access 7roup "ule sets or any other additional rulesets are searched for in

    o Diision 2em'ership

    o (rgani0ation 2em'ership

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    (perator can 'elong to one or more Access 7roups, (ne of them can 'e set as default Access group

    Application "ule defines an ordered set of "uleset that together identify the components of a !rocess

    Commander Application

    Class and "uleset mem'ership

    o A "ule form shows

    Class the rule is applied to

    "uleset the rule is a mem'er of

    "ule resolution steps

    o "ule Type and *ame

    o "uleset

    o Class $nheritance

    o Circumstance

    o )ffectie date and time

    o Security

    "ule Assem'ly Cache /hen an application is run for the first time# all the necessary rules are loaded into

    "ule Assem'ly Cache from the data'ase, This is a one time actiity,

    "ule Cache $f any rule is used for more than O times then its stored in "ule Cache# which ena'les 1uicker


    "ule Cache memory is less then "ule Assem'ly Cache

    "ule "esolution class hierarchy

    o At the starting class# trael to the end of pattern inheritance

    o 7o to the first directed inheritance of the starting class# and continue with the pattern inheritance,

    o "epeat until 'aseclass is reached

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    Approaches for 3alidating the user input

    o !roperty "ule we can specify the maximum lengthK if !roperty type is specified as Decimal then it

    does not accept StringK can specify the Ta'le Type as Local List# 'y which we can allow user to select

    one of the predefined list of alues from the drop down menu,

    o Section fields %Field alidation& 2ake any field as >"e1uired? to make sure that the field is not empty

    o 3alidate "ules can 'e defined on one !roperty %single alue !roperty or a property in a repeating

    group& and should 'e explicitly called from Flow Actions or Actiity, A custom message can 'e

    associated# which will 'e displayed if the alidation fails, The same 3alidation rule# defined on a

    property# can 'e reused in multiple locations, These rules are listed in !rocess category in the

    Application explorer# as they are inoked from a process and cannot 'e set directly on a property

    "eference a alidate rule in Flow Action 6 Action Ta' 3alidation "ule

    o )dit 3alidate "ules

    Uses 8aa code to test user input alues,

    Typically created 'y System Architect

    Can 'e used in !roperty %Adanced ta' + 3alidate& and 3alidate "ules

    This rule %the 4aa code& returns true %3alid& or false %$nalid&

    o (ther rule types typically created an maintained 'y System Architect

    )dit $nput

    Field 3alue


    Declaratie "ules automatic processing of !roperty alue

    o Don?t hae to explicitly call# are run when needed

    o System manages the re+ealuation when it detects any change

    Types of Declaratie "ules

    o Constraints restricts a property alue, They define and enforce comparison relationships among

    property alues

    o Declare )xpression automatically performs a calculation# if any property alue changes in the

    expression, Listed in Decision category

    o Declare !ages generates persistent read+only pages on a clip'oard on demand and refreshes them

    as specified

    o Declare $ndex automatically extracts a alue of the em'edded property# when its alue changes

    o Declare (nchange "uns an actiity when the alue of a specified property changes

    o Declare Trigger runs an actiity when the instances of specified class are created# updated or

    deleted from the data'ase

    Dynamic )xpression Calculation can 'e ena'led %)na'le )xpression Calculation& in

    o .arness

    o Flow Action

    Constraints !reents inalid data from 'eing entered and 7lo'al alidation occurs when a property?s

    alue changes

    o /hen rule is used to specify a constraint

    C t i t 3 lid ti

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o 3alidation rules must 'e told when to run# like on su'mission of form# prior to running a flow action,

    Client )ent )ditor

    o )ents

    (n Change

    (n -lur

    (n Click

    o Actions

    "efresh this !age

    Call actiity

    -uttons can 'e customi0ed to

    o "un an Actiity

    o !erform a local Action

    Local Action can 'e performed in a 2odel window %!op+up window&

    Smart$nfo Display a pop+up displayed when the user moes the mouse oer a specific point on the U$,

    o $t can 'e displayed as pop+up or em'edded

    o $t is clicka'le

    Pey'oard Shortcuts + can 'e applied to -uttons and La'el Controls

    o )na'led using character in the Caption field

    o Accessed using Alt Q Character

    o Caption 6 Add *ote Add *ote

    From a transition in an actiity we can?t redirect the control to a preious step# we can only specify 8ump

    to Later Step

    !ages %of an Actiity& Data structures that store data as name+alue pairs

    o -y default eery Actiity has the !age set to !rimary

    $f an actiity calls another actiity then the calling actiity oerrides the called actiity?s defined !rimary


    o $f the call occurs /$T.(UT specifying a step page# then the primary page of the calling actiity

    'ecomes the primary of the called actiity

    o $f the call occurs /$T. step+page mentioned# then the primary page of the called actiity is set to the

    step+page of the calling actiity

    $f a step page is specified in a step of the actiity# then a page 'y the name of the step page is created in

    the clip'oard, This page is maintained independently in the clip 'oard under User !ages

    Local aria'les of an actiity are stored directly in the 4aa class and not in the page in clip'oard

    o They are faster and more memory efficient

    Commonly used !age 2ethods

    o !age+*ew creates a new page on the clip 'oard %top leel or em'edded page&

    o !age+Copy copies the contents of one page into another on the clip'oard

    o !age+"ename renames a page on the clip'oard

    o !age+"emoe remoes a page from the clip'oard %contents of D- not affected&

    o Show+!age proides the 1uick iew of the content of the page %in

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o !roperty+Set used to set alues of one or more properties

    o !roperty+2ap+DecisionTa'le# !roperty+2ap+DecisionTree# !roperty+2ap+3alue5alueList calls a

    DecisionTree or DecisionTa'le or 2ap and sets the return alue to a property

    Commonly used ('4ect methods

    o ('4+(pen (pens a specified o'4ect from the data'ase and loads it onto the clip'oard,

    !arameter for this method will 'e the class name and the properties names and alues to

    make up the key in the data'ase

    o ('4+-rowse -rowses the data'ase for one or more instance of classes and loads them to clip'oard

    as an array of em'edded pages

    !arameters will 'e !age name %clip 'oard page used to capture the results ('4Class

    %('4ect class to search the D-& and the uery criteria %fields# conditions and aluesK like a

    >where? clause of SL 1uery&

    o ('4+Sae Updates the Data'ase with the information in the clip'oard

    o ('4+Delete deletes the o'4ect from the data'ase

    Tracer Tool %"un Tracer& Trace can 'e set on specific rulesets

    o the following things can 'e traced

    )ents %actiities# when rules# actiity steps# etc&

    -reak Conditions %)xceptions# fail status# warn status&

    Declare !ages they are dynamically created# read+only clip'oard pages

    o They are not called from any rule in application

    o )xecuted as a result of the Declaratie *etwork !rocessing

    o !age name must start with Declare

    o Located in Technical category

    Declare pages function in M scopes

    o Thread )na'les data sharing 'etween applications run 'y the same re1uestor

    o *ode )na'les data sharing 'etween re1uestors

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    From which rule can an actiity 'e calledB

    o Constraint

    o Actiity

    o Flow action

    o Flow

    /hat are the options aaila'le to refresh a declaratie pageB

    o /hen the time set on the declare page rule expires

    o /hen the when rule mentioned in the declaratie page result 'ecome false

    /hat type of actiity is called for refreshing a declaratie pageB

    o LoadDeclaratie!age type mentioned in the Security ta' of declare page rule,

    /hat type of actiity is called from an $ntegration shapeB

    o Connect

    $f any o'4ect in a coer is accessed in !erform mode then

    o the coer and the o'4ect accessed will 'e locked

    An integration shape always calls an actiity,

    o True

    o False

    S2A %System 2anagement Application# used during A5UAT& can monitor performance of multiple nodes

    in a cluster, True or False,

    o True

    "ule sets are referenced in Application# which is referenced in access group# which is referenced in

    operator $D ,

    /hich is the rule which can hold a string as su'scriptB

    o 8aa ('4ect

    o Single alue property

    o !age list

    o !age group

    /hich are the rules re1uired for 23CB


    Circumstance Templateo Circumstance Definition

    Decision rules are maintained separately from the flow,

    o True

    Class group is directly inherited from which of the following6 %Answer is /ork+&

    o ('4ect+

    o /ork+

    o 'aseclass

    o Data+

    Define properties wi0ard lets us to create multiple Single Value!roperties at once,

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    /hat is the tool used to look at the warnings during design time of the applicationB

    o !AL

    o !LA

    o !reflight

    o !rofile tool

    o 2y Alerts, B

    3alidate rule can 'e referenced from

    o An actiity

    o A Flow action

    /hat mechanism is used to return control 'ack to a Coer from a Coered $temB Ticket

    This 'utton indicates that the /( is a coer

    >/hen? condition is used in an actiity in + !recondition# Transition "ules like *otify# Utility# "oute 'elong + to >"ule+('4+Actiity?

    "uleset prere1uisites are configured

    o in "uleset ersion rules,

    o at deelopment time

    Class group and work class should reside under same ruleset or different rule setB

    /hich rule take more than one input and gie output as matrix su'stitutionB

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o 2ap 3alue

    o Decision Tree

    o Decision Ta'le

    o /hen

    The clip'oard page which contains information a'out your Access "oles# "uleSet list# and .TT!

    protocol parameters is the6

    o !rocess !age

    o "e1uestor !age

    o Thread !age

    o User !ages

    A o'4ect which is stored in a temporary memory

    o !age

    o clip'oard

    o tracer

    The assignment shape has a parameter where you can enter the /ork Status, This status takes effect6

    o /hen the assignment first appears in the worklist or work'asket BB

    o /hen the assignment is completed ia a Local Flow Action

    o (nly for the duration of the assignment

    An $ntegrator6

    o Can inoke any type of serice rule

    o Can inoke any type of connector rule

    o The tasks performed 'y the $ntegrator are always run in parallel with the flow

    o All of the a'oe

    -oth coer class and work o'4ect class should 'e in the same Class 7roup

    Through Application accelerator we can create

    o Top Leel class

    o Class groups

    o Access 7roup

    o 3alidationBBB

    o Constraints

    /here can we use the D-Tracer ToolB

    $n which rule can we use the .T2L propertyB

    o Flow action

    o Section

    o 3alidate

    o !roperty

    /hat are the possi'le fields we can gie in an assignment propertiesB

    o Flow name

    o Assign Actiity BBB

    o "outing Actiity

    o SLA

    o Local Action

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o decision tree

    o 2apalue

    o decision ta'le

    o when

    To connect to external data'ase and fetch data which !"!C rules we hae to use

    o data'ase#data'aseta'le#actiity and connect s1l

    o data'ase#actiity and connect s1l

    o data'ase#actiity only

    o data'ase#actiity and connect s1l only

    /hich of the following rules a connector wi0ard will generate while connecting to external data'ase BBB

    o property

    o class

    o flows

    o alidations

    $n a flow when a control reaches a flowshape, $t tranfers to su'flow and main flow will stop until the

    su'flow completes

    o assignment

    o spinoff

    o integrator

    o connector

    /hich Actiity is used to create /ork ('4ect $DB call Add

    /hich tool is used 'y the user to check for the !arameter alues in the flowB

    o !arameter !age

    o "ules $nspector

    o Tracer

    o Clip'oard

    /hich parameter is used in the router actiitiesB

    o AssignTo

    o SendTo

    o "outeTo

    Choose O options which can refer in 2odel as property alues

    o Actiity call#

    o function call#

    o property#

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o py/ork!age

    All rules are su'4ected to rule resolution,

    o True

    o False Data rules are not su'4ected to rule resolution

    U2L diagrams are mainly used for the purpose of

    o Deelop pro4ect plan and Class Structure,

    Auto generated html option aaila'le in the following rules %Choose M&

    o Section

    o .T2L fragment

    o Flow Action

    o .arness

    o !roperty

    o .T2L !roperty

    )m'edded pages can 'e incorporated in to a nested em'edded pages

    o True

    o False

    /ork !arties if 3() %3isi'le on )ntry& is selected for any particular /ork party# then that /ork party

    details will 'e directly displayed in the *ew harness, $f any of the work party is not selected as 3()#

    then that /ork party will appear in the >Add new /ork !arty? drop down, $f any work party is specified

    as >/ork party that may repeat?# then the work party name will appear in the >Add new /ork !arty? drop

    down# een if the /ork party is displayed in the *ew harness# 'ecause the same work party can 'eadded any num'er of times,

    "D- (pen Step method of an actiity is used to retriee a single row %record& of data from an external

    relational data'ase and add the retrieed data is stored into a specified clip'oard page as property

    names and alues,

    Split 8oin guarantee that Rsu' flowsR of your flow are completed 'efore continuing with the current flow,

    Show !age 2ethod is used in actiity for

    o de'ugging or to populate the alues in a select 'ox in .T2L dynamically,

    .ow to refer the decision treeB Decision tree can 'e referred from three other rules

    o From decision shape of f low rule

    o $n an actiity you can ealuate the decision tree using !roperty+2ap+DecisionTree, -y doing so#

    we can set a property alue with the return alue of the decision ta'le,

    o Decision tree can 'e referred from "ule+Declare+)xpression,

    flow shape can 'e used to process an eent drien oerride to a normal# se1uential processing

    of a flow,

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o Ticket, )xplanation6 Tickets support exception processing in a flow# proiding an eent+drien

    oerride to normal se1uential processing

    "ule+Application is the place where we specify the "uleSet lists so that this list can 'e shared across

    multiple user configurations,

    List !"!C predefined data classes that sere the purpose of work parties

    o Data+!arty+!erson

    o Data+!arty+(rg

    o Data+!arty+(perator

    o Data+party+Com

    o Data+party+7o

    The portal layout for group of users can 'e generally controlled from which of the flowing

    o (rgani0ation


    Diisiono Unit

    o Access 7roup

    o /orkgroup

    /hile you are using the page+*ew step method in an actiity# what does system do# if it finds already a

    page with same nameB

    o Deletes the original page and creates a new one,

    -y using which of the following ruleset list is prepared for a particular userB

    o Application rule

    o Access 7roup

    o (perator $D

    o "e1uestor

    /hat is a 'est practice for creating class group and work classB

    o -oth should hae their own rulesets

    Default !"!C users are %Choose O&

    o Administrator

    o (perator

    o System Architect

    o /ork 2anager

    o *ew User

    !urpose of Application rule is to define an ordered set of "ule Sets and ersions that together identify

    the parts of a !rocess Commander application

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    "ule can 'e Created with uick create %Choose M&

    o Decision Tree

    o 2ap 3alue

    o /hen

    o Decision Ta'le

    o !roperty

    /hat is the architecture in !"!C that supports the system# rather than the deeloper# controls when

    computations are processed where relationships 'etween property alues can 'e expressed directlyB

    o Declaratie processing

    o Dependency *etwork

    o !rocedural programming

    o Actiities

    An actiity checked out and modified throwing an exception 'ut not shown in the tracer# possi'le

    reasons could 'e %Choose M&

    o !ersonal "ule set is not selected in Tracer (ptions G"ule Set to traceH

    o )xception hae not 'een selected in Tracer (ptions G)ents to TraceH

    o )xception hae not 'een selected in Trace (ptions G-reak ConditionsH

    o Checked out rules are not traced in tracer tool,

    /hen Condition cannot 'e used in

    o Actiity

    o !roperty

    o Section

    o Flow action

    o .arness

    !roperties %aaila'ility @es& with same name can 'e created in %Choose O&

    o Same rule set in the same class

    o Same rule set in the different classes

    o Different rule sets in the same class

    o Different rule sets in the different classes

    7uardrails say6 G@our Flows must not contain more than 9N SmartShapes %)xcluding

    Connectors5"outers&H, $f use more than 9N smartshapes

    o $ncrease complexity and difficult to de'ug,

    o Decrease !erformance,

    o Decreases clarity

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    o All the a'oe + a# ' and c

    The -usiness 3alue Assessment# a stage of the !egasystems professional serices pro4ect

    implementation methodology# defines the success factors and expected return on inestment of the

    pro4ect, A 'usiness architect has a ma4or role in this stage,

    /hen using (rgani0ation set up wi0ard# $f A-C is entered as the (rgani0ation# what users will it 'e

    creatingB %Choose O&

    o AdminA-C,com

    o /orkUserA-C,com

    o 2anagerA-C,com

    o !rocessArchitectA-C,com

    o SystemArchitectA-C,com

    To ena'le model chaining BBB

    o !arent class should hae the model with the same name as child class,

    o $n Child class model GCall Super Class 2odelH Should 'e ena'led,

    o !attern inheritance should 'e ena'led

    o a and ' and c

    o ' only

    o a only

    o a and '

    /hat is true a'out G*ewDefaultsH standard actiityB


    %a& Used to set the initial static alues when a work o'4ect is created,o %'& $n !"!C product it is a place holder actiity %Dummy actiity&

    o %c& Can incorporate functionality that needs to 'e implemented 'efore displaying harness new,

    o A # - and C

    o - and C BBB

    SLA >s can 'e added to the following

    o process flow assignments

    o worko'4ect

    o 'oth

    o none

    All other classes except 'aseclass should hae direct inheritance

    o True

    o False

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    /orkuser fills all the fields of a harness and when he su'mits the harness#the following are used for

    the sake of alidating the harness,BBB

    o onAdd

    o 3alidate

    o 'oth

    which of the following are true a'out steppages

    o Step pages define the default pagecontext during the step execution

    o Step pages are remoed when the actiity ended

    o Steppage class is always e1ual to AppliesTo Pey

    o Step!age is not re1uired on each step of an actiity

    SLA can 'e added to Assignment and /ork ('4ect,

    /hat is used in forward chainingB

    o dependency network

    Coered work o'4ect is referenced 'y the user so which page is created,

    o py/orkCoer

    o py/ork!age

    /hich "ule has Dependency *etworkBBB

    "e+customi0ation of Architecture is done in BBB

    o $nception

    o )la'oration

    o Construction

    o Transition

    /hen configuring a ruleset profile for a user what is the recommended top to 'ottom ruleset orderB

    o From specific %contained speciali0ed rules& to general %contain generali0ed rules&

    "uleset prere1uisites are configured in

    o $n ruleset 3ersion rules

    o $n Application "ules

    o $n Access 7roup instances

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    Declare expressions can 'e used to %Choose M&

    o To restrict user from entering inalided alues

    o To get the out put of decision ta'le

    o To do a calculation when a new o'4ect is created

    o To execute an actiity when a property changes

    $f integrator shape is used within a flow# what type of actiity will it referB

    o "oute

    o Utility

    o Connect

    o Assign

    o Locate

    /hich is false a'out 2odel ChainingB

    o $t oerrides properties

    o $t doesn?t oerride properties

    o Calls super class model if super class modeling ena'led

    o Use identical names for the model

    /hat is the default page context for a Declaratie "uleB

    o py/ork!age

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    Declaratie expressions target only single property,

    Split for each re1uires a page list or page group as input, $t will process each work o'4ect in the page

    list5group and return when either one or all are processed depending on re1uirement

    .ow can you raise and remoe ticketsB

    o This is done with the out+of+the+'ox SetTicket actiity

    /hat are the different time interals aaila'le in a SLAB /hat can the SLA engine do when one of

    these time interals expiresB

    o The three time interals are6 goal# deadline# late,

    o Two actions are possi'le6 inoke an actiity and increase the work o'4ect urgency

    /hat are the out of the 'ox actiities that can 'e used in order to assign# using a router shape# a work

    o'4ect to a worklist or to a work'asketB

    o To/orklist# To/ork'asket

    /hat does an integrator shape 'asically doBo $t calls a connector actiity that implements the real integration with the external system

    /hat are the different kinds of shapes that can 'e used to inoke su'flowsB All = 'elow

    o Flow,

    o Split+(ff,

    o Split+8oin,

    o Split+For+)ach

    /hat is the main difference 'etween a flow shape and a spin+off shapeB

    o The flow shape is used to make synchronous calls to su'flows while spin+off shape works in

    asynchronous mode,

    Does the split+4oin shape resume the process after all the su'+processes completeB /hat a'out the


    o $t depends on the configuration6 it can wait for one or for all of them,

    o The split+for+each can 'e configured in the same way,

    .ow are "ulesets assem'led at runtimeB

    o from most speciali0ed to most genarali0ed


    !roduction %from Access 7roup&


    Foundation %!rocess commander "ulesets&

    /hat decision type is 'est suited when different properties need to 'e ealuated under different


    o Decision Tree

  • 8/13/2019 IMP Murali Notes


    Can you group different conditions in a Decision TreeB

    o *o# it can 'e done only in /hen rules

    /hat operation can 'e done from a Decision TreeB

    o "eturn a alue Q set a property alue

    The process of conerting U$ rules into .T2L is called B

    o Stream processing

    The U$ is defined 'y the following rule types6 .arness# Section# Container# and Fragment,

    o False There is no Container ruletype# though Container is inside a .arness, The four rule types

    that define the U$ are6 .arness# Section# Fragment# and .T2L !roperty&,

    Sections can only contain layouts and repeating layouts,

    o False, Sections can contain other sections# layouts# repeating layouts# and .T2L fragments,

    /hat kind%s& of data can an .T2L fragment holdB

    o HTML, CSS, or JavaScript

    Constraint rules are each made up of three parts or clauses, /hat are theyB

    o /hen# "e1uire# )lse

    Two standard 3alidate "ules are called 'y default onAdd and 3alidate, /hen do they runB

    o onAdd runs when a new work o'4ect is created, 3alidate runs wheneer there is a transition from

    one step to another in the 'usiness process,

    A portal is made up of a *aigation !anel# an Application )xplorer# and a workspace,

    o False, An application explorer is not a standard component of a portal

    The standard portals are the deeloper# sysadmin# work+user# and work+manager portals,

    o True,

    the users current layout can 'e seen in the User Details windowB

    o False# it can 'e seen in the operator profile window

    (rgani0ation5Diision5Unit and /orkgroup can 'e seen in the operator profile

    o True

    -y default# !"!C generates the .T2L for a work form each time a user re1uests itB

    o FALS) !"!C# 'y default# automatically generates the .T2L for a form the first time a user

    re1uests it# and then seres it from the cache on su'se1uent re1uests, This is to increaseperformance# as generating these pages can 'e a lengthy process