immortality - the inevitability of eternal life, rav berg

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  • 8/10/2019 Immortality - The Inevitability of Eternal Life, Rav Berg



  • 8/10/2019 Immortality - The Inevitability of Eternal Life, Rav Berg


    2007 Kabbalah Centre International, Inc. All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in

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    Kabbalah Publishing is a registered DBA ofKabbalah Centre International, Inc.

    For further information:

    The Kabbalah Centre155 E. 48th St., New York, NY 100171062 S. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035

    Third EditionNovember 2008Printed in CanadaISBN: 978-1-57189-570-7

    Design: HL Design (Hyun Min Lee)

  • 8/10/2019 Immortality - The Inevitability of Eternal Life, Rav Berg






  • 8/10/2019 Immortality - The Inevitability of Eternal Life, Rav Berg




    It is with great reverence that I introduce you to the complete manuscriptof Rav Bergs Immortality , available with this new edition for the very rsttime.

    The Rav began to channel and record this incredible book in 1996. Infact this was the last document that the Rav wrote longhand, a documentthat recorded the Ravs thoughts about spiritual awakening and how anew era was dawning in which the power of death would come to anend.

    At that time the Rav was very present in our daily lives, and we hadgrown accustomed to, and even in some ways complacent about, his

    brilliance. When the Rav decided that The Centre should self-publishImmortality as our rst book, those of us who were involved in suchdecisions believed that the original words might have been too powerfuland perhaps even too visionary for the average person. We, therefore,edited much of the Ravs original language and created from it the rstfoundational book for beginners on the wisdom of Kabbalah.

    What I understand today, in retrospect, is that by doing so we may haveundermined the Ravs prediction that the year 2000 would mark the arrivalof a worldwide consciousness of immortalityif the number of peoplewho received this wisdom should reach a critical mass.

    Today the Rav is more concealed and less present with us since hisstroke in the year 2003. Keenly aware of how much we all miss the Ravscertainty and unquestionable genius and warmth, we have beenarchiving all of the Ravs teachings from the last three decades. Duringthis process we stumbled upon the original manuscript of Immortality ,and as I read it, I realized with such considerable pain that perhaps,by dumbing down the Ravs words in the rst edition of this book, we


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    postponed the opportunity for immortality consciousness to take anascendant place in the world.

    It is, therefore, with the greatest of humility and excitement that I offer youthe Ravs original manuscript in its purest form. Other than very minorcopyediting, what you hold in your hands is the true essence of theRavthe conviction (which he shared with all of us) that immortality andthe removal of death are imminent.

    In this version of the book a true seeker of Kabbalah will nd the raw,uncomfortable reality of Satan, the negative force that plays havoc inour lives in this physical realm, as well as the counter-consciousness toght him. The reader also should be warned that a kabbalist has anobligation to conceal as he reveals because of the kabbalistic principlethat anything unearned cannot be kept. So as kabbalists do, the Ravtakes the readers consciousness on a journey. This is why some of thelanguage in this text seems abstruse and convoluted. But if you have atrue desire to understand and connect to the essence of a living kabbalist,reading and rereading difcult ideas will result in great illumination.

    According to Kabbalah, a persons writing is imbued with their essence,which means that reading the handwritten text of a kabbalist can imbuethe reader with the essence of the sage himself. This is our motivationfor including in this book a reproduction of a portion of the Ravs originalhandwritten text.

    I pray with all my heart that the Ravs words will penetrate your heart andconsciousness and that enough people will be changed by the power ofthose words that, as the Rav predicted, the promise of immortality willenter the landscape of all humanity.

    I apologize to the world that it took so long, and to the Rav for my hearingwithout truly listening.

    Yehuda Berg

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    For my wife, Karen. In the vastness of cosmic space and the innity of

    lifetimes, it is my bliss to be your soul mate and to share a lifetime with



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    Chapter 1

    Immortality! What's That?

    Chapter 2

    ImmortalityThe Experience

    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4

    The Origin of Mortality

    Chapter 5

    The Restoration and Aging Process

    Table of Contents







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  • 8/10/2019 Immortality - The Inevitability of Eternal Life, Rav Berg




    t all started one day back in June of 1962, the day I rst met my

    master. Little did I dream nor have the slightest inkling that this one

    day of my life would become the most eventful and most important

    one that I had ever experienced. Now one might wonder and certainlyask how one moment in a lifetime could stand out so signicantly when

    so many eventseven amongst unexcited individualshave made

    an important and lasting impression along the way, in the journey of

    human existence. However, that is exactly the way it was.

    By the time I met him, my master had become famous by publishing

    the only translation and commentary on the Tikkune Zohar , the

    mystical body of kabbalistic thought that ostensibly contained all of

    the secrets of the universe awaiting to be revealed in the Age of

    Aquarius. While the origin and rst work to contain these secrets, Sefer

    Yetzirah , also known as the Book of Abraham , was already recorded

    and written down some 4,000 years ago by the biblical Patriarch

    Abraham, it was unfortunately considered to be couched in

    incomprehensible wording and too abstruse to be understood.


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    Some two thousand years later, the grand master of kabbalistic

    information, Rav Shimon bar Yochai, formulated a more comprehensive

    edition than that of his predecessor, and he called his work the Zohar .

    The section referring to the mysteries that were to be revealed in the

    Age of Aquarius is known as the Tikkune Zohar edition. One giant step

    forward in assisting humanity to again achieve control over existence

    and life.

    However enlightening and informative, the Zohar was still limited and

    conned to a small segment of humankind. Its revelation and

    understanding would still have to wait for the twentieth century and my

    master, the now very famous Kabbalist, Rav Yehuda Brandwein and

    his teacher Rav Yehuda Ashlag. Their writings and discussions on

    topics pertinent to the ultimate removal of all the familiar forms of

    chaos that have ravaged humankind since time immemorial promptedthe technological explosion of the twentieth century.

    As we see with breakthroughs in areas such as relativity, space travel,

    medicine, and a host of others that have affected the well-being of

    humankind, as we share this moment together, we are beginning to

    witness, and indeed some of us are already participating in it, a

    peoples revolution of enlightenment.

    These two individuals, my master and his teacher, were responsible

    for the dramatic shift in human consciousness and thinking. They

    broke away from a 4,000-year tradition of sealing this vital

    information in an ancient vault. However, at that moment in time, the

    world paid little if any attention to their profound influence, and that

    included myself.

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    I was groomed, from early childhood, to be what my parents believed

    was appropriate to their own background, a conventional rabbi with a

    rabbis conventional status. This was tradition, and I was destined to

    carry it forth appropriately without any signicant change. And so my

    consciousness from the age of three remained programmed as one

    might have expected within the frame of a time-honored, sometimes

    antiquated, tradition that had not met the challenges of a modern-day,

    rapidly changing civilization.

    During this period of normal upbringing, life was extremely uneventful.

    Unlike the normal Judaic experience, my master along with his master

    were undergoing a very strong abusive, intolerant, and sometimes

    violent reaction from the conventional, organized system within

    Judaism. Now that I look back at what took place in their lives, I cannot

    help but ask, what was that all about?

    To set the record straight, the only crime of which they were accused

    and for which they were ostracized was their determination to make the

    wisdom of Kabbalah accessible to the layperson, to remove its secret

    contents from a vault that had its combination tossed away some

    4,000 years before. This was the violation for which they were being

    condemned. After all, who gave them the authorization to tamper with

    a teaching that no one over the past millennium had ventured to

    release to the public?

    However, this was not the rst time a kabbalist broke the conventional

    vow of secrecy surrounding this life-enhancing compendium of

    knowledge. Many kabbalists from the sixteenth century onward, the

    most famous of whom was Rav Moses Luzatto, were threatened with

    excommunication if they did not disavow and deny the truth of their


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    published manuscripts. Furthermore they were to be denied any of the

    usual rites at their death if they did not destroy their unpublished works.

    This was the background when Rav Yehuda Ashlag, founder of The

    Kabbalah Centre, received the divine instruction that he was chosen to

    channel the universal knowledge of our existence and its secrets to

    remove chaos, pain, and suffering from our midst. Ever since the sin

    of Adam 5,767 years ago, man has been helpless in the face of thereality that sooner or later Murphys Law would create some form of

    chaos in our world, albeit one of a temporary nature. For the truly

    irreversible conditions of the past and present brought on by Murphys

    Law, those individuals who suffered were classied the unlucky ones

    struck by random chaos.

    Who could be counted amongst the lucky ones? This luck we speakof is indeed relative. Absolutely no human being can be considered to

    be one of the fortunate ones, for if one is lucky enough to escape the

    wrath of illness, nancial or family chaos inevitably sets in. And of

    course this does not even take into consideration the ultimate chaos

    of all, the nal scenario of all humankind, the death of an individual, the

    mortality of the human body.

    Suddenly, after a peaceful and uneventful acceptance of our ultimate

    fate, along comes Rav Yehuda Ashlag and wants to change all this.

    The nerve of this radical pioneer, wanting to upset our snugly conned

    approach to the misfortunes and chaos in our daily lives, or better

    stated to change our attitude from lay down and die to ght back!

    Who gave him permission to reveal these jealously guarded secrets?

    If God was so desirous of relieving mankind of human bondage, then

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    the Creator would have intervened. It is quite obvious that, with all the

    pain and sickness that have aficted mankind down through the

    millenniums, people are not worthy to be the recipients of this

    knowledge that could resolve mankinds dilemma. These and similar

    remarks have been heard for centuries until the present time. It is

    Gods will. Do not tamper with it.

    The kabbalists were socially, mentally, and physically beaten by thekeepers of the faith. They were forced to leave Jerusalem or face

    daily harassment. They were threatened to be deprived of all social

    contracts with the established community if they continued in their

    sinful ways.

    I am reminded of the time when my master, Rav Yehuda Brandwein,

    was still a young man and lived a far distance from his master, Rav Yehuda Ashlag. He took an hour-long bus ride each day to study with

    his master. When the zealots found out about this sinful journey, the

    entire bus system and its drivers were alerted and instructed to refuse

    him entry onto the bus and thus Rav Yehuda Brandwein was forced to

    walk between two and three hours a day just to study with his master.

    In the past when science was on a collision course with the accepted

    doctrines of the church, scientists such as Galileo and Copernicus

    were encouraged and sometimes even coerced to abandon their

    newly revealed discoveries. However, in the case of Rav Ashlag and

    Rav Brandwein, their teachings originated in a source of wisdom and

    acceptable principles established long before there was any concept

    or formal tradition of religion of any kind. Why would or should there be

    opposition to or condemnation of revealing to the layperson these

    accepted universal laws and principles? After all, this wisdom answers


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    many of the gnawing questions people always raise concerning

    religion. The teachings and wisdom of Kabbalah would only lay to rest

    the arguments and open opposition to certain religious doctrines

    raised by Newtonian and quantum physics that seemed to directly

    contradict many church principles. The answers and responses

    traditionally given by established religion only tended to alienate the

    scientic establishment.

    The attitude of formal religion toward science has left scientists and

    open thinkers with no other alternative but to reject the teachings of

    religion as wholly unscientic and baseless. The gap this created

    merely hardened the positions of the church on one side and the

    skeptic and scientist on the other.

    Then along came Kabbalah with an attempt to bridge the differencein such a way that religion could live comfortably alongside science.

    Nothing wrong so far, except that Kabbalah proposes to address

    what science and religion have failed to address, namely the why

    of things.

    Kabbalah takes life that one step further by providing insight into why

    things are as they are, rather than merely understanding how they

    function. Rather than accept as fact the conclusions of science as to

    how these summations were arrived at, Kabbalah insistsno,

    demands!that a thinking person ask why the particular or peculiar

    condition exists in the rst place.

    A familiar supposition in physics is Maxwells Second Law of

    Thermodynamics, which states that everything in this universe must

    eventually undergo decay and entropy. Every human being and every

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    aspect of physical existence must eventually die. This is the final

    conclusion of this law, which has found no disagreement within the

    confines of science. What science, with its former and present tools

    of observation, has come to realize in its exploration of entropy is the

    hard-core fact of cemeteries and worn-out clothes and furniture. Its

    proof and hard evidence was the visual reality of things around us.

    Have we not discarded our old clothes and furniture and attended

    the funerals of friends and relatives? Let me state here and now thatthese findings and conclusions are in direct opposition to the

    teachings of Kabbalah and even some medical research that has

    never been taken seriously.

    However, with the entry of twentieth-century physics and quantum

    mechanics, our reliance on visual reality has also become suspect.

    The eye no longer is believed to be objective.

    Quantum theory dismisses as wholly unreliable the idea that what the

    eye sees, I believe. Science indeed is nally catching up with

    Kabbalah, which has always maintained that what I believe is what I


    But I am running ahead of myself. I shall return to a very important and

    intriguing concept, which will lead us to the entrance of that signicant

    and elusive understanding of immortality.

    Inasmuch as Kabbalah, its teaching and ndings, were not in

    opposition to religion or science, the burning question for centuries

    has remained unanswered, namely, why the informed and uninformed

    were so terried to approach its teachings.


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    Closer to home, I would like to mention some of the personal

    experiences that occurred for both Karen and me when we entered

    the world of Kabbalah, for me in 1962 and for Karen in 1965. The most

    virulent took place when a zealot came from behind Karen with a

    baseball bat, struck her, and sent her to the hospital with a brain

    concussion. Although we did le formal charges with the police, when

    we were told that this individual might face a ve-year prison sentence,

    we dropped the charges. We shall never know whether this display offorgiveness on our part was perhaps the trigger for much of the

    harassment that was to follow in the next thirty years. In truth, guiding

    The Centres activities was rough going, following the departure of Rav

    Ashlag and Rav Brandwein from this physical world.

    Rav Ashlag had broken with tradition. He provided the rst ever

    translation of a major section of the Zohar , the compendium ofkabbalistic knowledge written some 2,000 years ago by Rav Shimon

    bar Yochai. In addition, Rav Ashlag created a sixteen-volume textbook

    to permit the layperson to explore, in a systematic way, the discipline

    of this heretofore-concealed knowledge.

    The word spread like wildre: there is a heretic in our midst! Rav

    Ashlag was attacked and beaten in the synagogue. He was branded

    a sinner; no mercy was shown to his soul or his body. Nevertheless,

    he persevered and completed several introductory texts for students

    of Kabbalah, in order to facilitate their understanding.

    However, one concession that both Rav Ashlag and Rav Brandwein

    made to the establishment was in their agreement not to alter the

    status quo regarding who could and would receive this formal,

    newly designed education in Kabbalah. The restrictions and

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    requirements were many. To mention a few, only males over the age

    of 40 were permitted to attend classes. This select group was

    required to have a Talmudic education; they were required to be

    traditional Orthodox Jews in practice and observance. In addition,

    their knowledge of Jewish Law had to undergo extreme scrutiny to

    determine whether they were fully knowledgeable in every facet of

    Judaic laws and customs.

    Another requirement was their certainty of heart; students must feel

    that the lack in their life could only be fullled by the teachings of

    Kabbalah. How this determination was made is not quite known except

    that it was the master who made the decision. They were also

    compelled to maintain a distance from irreligious and atheistic

    individuals for fear of becoming polluted with strange or foreign ideas

    and concepts. To this very moment in time, many sects of Judaismstill exist that adhere to the traditional prohibition of mingling with

    foreigners to their way of belief and tradition.

    This last requirement placed on the student and practitioner of

    Kabbalah was breached by Rav Brandwein when he formally accepted

    the position of Chief Rabbi of the 1,000,000-strong labor organization

    known as the Histadrut. This organization was not only irreligious but

    was composed of conrmed anti-religionists. Their annual dinner and

    dance festival took place on the Holiest of Holy days, Yom Kippur, still

    revered by most Jews, religious and non-religious alike.

    This provocative action created an uproar in all traditional circles:

    Orthodox, Conservative, and Reformed Jewry. Here was a Rabbi

    garbed in traditional clothing, certainly not from the circle of non-

    believers, literally conrming and in a way condoning the sinful ways


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    of this atheistic Israeli organization. How dare he, Rav Brandwein,

    provide this heretic organization with a Rabbi, when traditionally there

    was an unwritten doctrine for Rabbis to maintain their distance from

    such groups?

    Even more alarming was the fact that he was a kabbalist, required

    to maintain the highest degree of purity and withdraw from any

    contact with the polluted world out there. I remember quite wellthe fears of his wife when she exclaimed that their children would

    never marry, as a result of his actions. No traditional family could

    even dream of entering their children into marriage with the children

    of a heretic Rabbi.

    Unbeknown to me at the time, was the true meaning behind my

    masters acceptance of this position and the resulting hostilerepercussions. My master was laying the groundwork for what would

    become, sometime in the future, the complete break with kabbalistic

    tradition. His teacher, Rav Ashlag, was destined to open the sealed

    vaults of kabbalistic tradition so as to make its teachings accessible to

    the masses. Rav Brandwein would become the rst kabbalist to

    fraternize with the people, albeit not within a formal educational

    structure. He did share at functions and conferences some of the basic

    principles of Kabbalah, although his sessions were not customarily

    billed as lectures or conferences on Kabbalah. He was moving in

    through the back door.

    However, what struck me as nothing short of a miracle was the

    interaction between my master and his ock. As I mentioned

    previously, his appearance dispelled any question that he was not fully

    immersed in the extreme Orthodox tradition of observance and dress.

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    Coming from a similar background, I asked myself how in the world

    these people could feel comfortable with his presence. Furthermore,

    the relationship took an astonishing turn. The same heretics and anti-

    religionists were actually embracing my master with a love I had never

    seen expressed before. What seemed to be emerging in the

    relationship was a complete tolerance and sensitivity of one individual

    toward another, with a complete disregard for what each represented

    socially, culturally, and otherwise.

    The lesson learned from this encounter has never left me. Little did I

    realize where this experience would lead me. At the time, I was

    mystied beyond any logical reasoning. Just think about relationships

    between people of different cultures, or even those within the same

    culture and socioeconomic climate. Rarely will we witness the uniting

    of people of different persuasions. Those moments are few far andbetween. In any one country where different political parties exist, it is

    an uphill battle to try to achieve agreement on an issue unless a

    common enemy has emerged that threatens their existence. This

    situation arises in the most democratic of countries where the political

    process has set one party against another.

    So here is Rav Brandwein, stemming from a background of legendary

    Rabbis, never having left the connes of his centuries-old environment,

    meeting up with a culture that represents the antithesis of his own, and

    yet he nevertheless nds himself at home and at one with these people.

    For Rav Brandweins colleagues and cultural environment, the people

    of the Histadrut were beyond salvation, the epitome of an enemy

    within. Which made it all the more confusing to observe these sinners

    not only feeling at home with this Rabbi, but on the contrary, displaying

    a deep love for him rarely seen among their own friends and neighbors.


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    On one occasion when my master was to meet with the Secretary

    General of the Histadrut, I asked if I could be taken along to this

    meeting. I was yearning for an answer as to why in heavens name this

    organization chose a Rabbi that had nothing in common with this

    heretic body of people nor any common ground for dialogue.

    Furthermore, there were certainly many other Rabbis more appropriate

    to fullling the task of its objectives and who represented a more liberal

    approach to the whole idea of religion and Judaic law.

    When I met with the leader of this labor organizationhimself coming

    from a long line of the ultra-religious right and now himself so alienated

    from his background that he literally despised the very existence of

    religion in general, I raised my question. To my surprise, his response

    to me was so far out that I simply did not comprehend what he was

    trying to say.

    His answer was matter-of-fact: Rav Brandwein was not a Rabbi, at

    least not for him; Rav Brandwein was a kabbalist. This was the very rst

    time I had even heard the distinction between Rabbi and kabbalist

    and this coming from a person where the very thought of mentioning

    the word Rabbi was foreign, if not evil. Sufce it to say, my curiosity of

    the meaning of this response was heightened to the highest level. I

    had never in all my years had one respond in such a cryptic manner.

    I asked for further explanation.

    His next response was again mystifying, coming from an individual so

    divorced from anything religious or spiritual. Why cant you

    understand what I am trying to say? Its so simple. This man

    symbolizes the perfect human being with extreme dignity, irrespective

    of his social status or religion. Jew or non-Jew, rich or poor, a person

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    of high position or low position, for Rav Brandwein they are all human

    beings and their souls are part of the Creator. He considers the precept

    of love thy neighbor unconditionally to be as strong as the

    observances of his religion.

    Amazing words coming from an individual who openly displayed his

    disgust with anything that smacked of religion. This is a lesson that I

    have never forgotten. His behavior toward my master was to be myguiding light in directing the path that The Centre would take. My own

    life and all my activities were to become guided by this

    uncompromising principle of unconditional love, sensitivity, and

    tolerance to everything that God brought into existence, whether it be

    owers, ants, ormore important, albeit more difculthuman beings.

    I gradually began to understand why these laborers had suchcompassion and good feeling for my masters presence. They felt the

    warm and compassionate light of my masters being and essence. It

    was indeed so wonderful.

    This experience brought back to me the inexplicable connection of my

    rst encounter with my master. Being a Leo and far from anything of a

    spiritual nature, I could not understand how I just melted away when I

    rst met him. It just wasnt my nature. Furthermore, when the question

    has been asked of me numerous times as to how I became involved

    in spirituality in general and Kabbalah in particular, my response is

    always unexpected, not at all tting the role that one expects of me

    today. It is this: I never desired spirituality because I never knew what

    it meant. Being drawn to Kabbalah for me was a matter so foreign it

    was as if I had suddenly developed a desire to be on the moon. In fact

    my background not only frowned on the study of Kabbalah, but I was


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    Laureate who nally declared that time and the real nature of existence

    are consciousness, and that the physical realm represents nothing

    more than an interference or blip on the screenstartling words

    coming from a man of science, which is the methodology of

    understanding the observable.

    This is what Rav Ashlag accomplished by unveiling the subconscious

    realm of the universe, by revealing the concealed wisdom of Kabbalahand thus turning on the Light. The wrappings, limitations and trappings

    over the conscious mind now began to disappear. The Light began to

    take its rightful place in our universe. This prompted the remarkable

    and wondrous theories, discoveries, and revelations of new

    technological achievements with which we have recently been

    blessed. The limitations of the physical worldnamely time, space,

    and motionbegan to be reduced and are continuing to be reduced.

    This may be somewhat difcult to understand or accept, but the facts

    speak for themselves. When the Light goes on, all heretofore

    unrealized and unseen objects become noticed. They were there all

    the time. We just couldnt see them.

    This is the lesson my master taught me. When the power of Kabbalah

    is unleashed into the universe, things we did not know existed

    suddenly appear before our very eyes. We do not trip over the furniture

    in a room once the light goes on. This is what we experience as we

    stumble through lifes journey; falling, becoming bedridden, and not

    knowing what to do, we can just switch on the light and the

    interference of this physical realm disappears. The furniture which

    once interfered with us as we made our way through the dark room,

    when the light goes on becomes a comfortable piece of physicality.

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    Too simple to be true. These are the famous last words of Murphy

    when he repeats in our consciousness that we should deny or reject

    outright anything that is too simple to be true. After all, once we realize

    that we are being unfortunately programmed to live our lives along the

    road of chaos, we can begin to reroute our journey onto a more joyous

    highway of living. It is our minds and consciousness that determine

    our fate. Turn the Light on and the curtain of darkness will move to the

    side, unveiling a wonderful, beautiful world out there.

    This was the power of Rav Ashlag and Rav Brandwein. They were

    jump-starters to turn on the Light of the universe. This rubbed Satan

    and Murphy the wrong way. Satan and Murphy responded by

    unleashing a barrage of unreasonable, illogical energies into the

    cosmos to be picked up and channeled by evil people of all sorts.

    The last thing these two emperors of the dark world would ever havewanted was to have their dark kingdom disappear when the Lights

    go on. This is what has taken place throughout the history of mankind.

    The forces of darkness were threatened by the Light infiltrating the

    dark domain.

    The one thing darkness feared most was the possibility of the Light

    removing the reigning glory of its power and dominion, the conditions

    of decay and mortality. The idea of immortality sent a shiver up the

    spine of darkness. It knew that, with the spread of Kabbalah, the

    people of the world would become enlightened.

    The cosmic struggle between good and evil found its way into our

    familiar world of existence. The battle lines were drawn. This was to

    be the nal play for empirical power. The kabbalists had red the rst

    salvo by making the wisdom of Kabbalah accessible to the people.


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    For they knew and understood that, without the participation of the

    people, Murphy would remain in control, as he had throughout the

    history of civilization.

    Murphy/Satan enlisted his best as well. He knew all too well that, for

    the most part, he could keep the worlds population under control

    with social, political, and economic systems such as feudalism and

    dictatorship, systems that throughout the millenniums createdchaos by leaving a trail of human suffering along the landscape of

    history. National pride, freedom, and other catch phrases were

    all that was necessary to keep the people from seeking real peace

    and contentment.

    Then, for good measure, Satan also threw in disease, plagues, oods,

    and earthquakes. This was his guarantee that peoples bodies wouldbe busy while their consciousness remained asleep. With so much

    chaos all around, how could anyone believe that the real source of all

    our problems was a dark force? No! For the faithful, chaos was Gods

    reply to the misbehavior of the evil ones. So the question remains:

    Why were the virtuous, the genuinely good people also subject to

    and responsible for the actions of the wicked? Well, it was said, God

    works in mysterious ways. Who are we to question God? Yes, the

    kabbalist asks, but who said this is His response?

    Why would a kind, compassionate God embody such an evil

    consciousness and desire to punish anyone, let alone innocent

    children, while permitting criminals to go free?

    And what about the non-believersthose who either reject the notion

    of an Almighty or simply pay no attention to a God? To what do they

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    attribute the suffering? Satan doesnt miss a step; he devised a cloak

    of deception for those people as well by infusing our consciousness

    with two words: lucky and unlucky. When one individual develops

    an illness and others around do not, the usual interpretation is that

    those that are healthy are lucky. When a young person dies, leaving a

    family behind, the familiar refrain is that it was an unlucky tragedy, while

    if an elderly retiree dies at age 120, we say he/she lived to a ripe old

    age. He or she was lucky.

    We can even justify the slaughter of over 6,000,000 people during

    World War II by declaring that it was all worth it to destroy that

    menacing dictator and rid the world once and for all of all dictators.

    This was the war to end all wars. It never happened. Not after World

    War II or for that matter anytime in history.

    Am I trying to make a point that we should approve of dictators or

    reject the idea of freedom? Of course not. My intention is to raise our

    awareness /consciousness to the fact that chaos, whether justied or

    not, remains just thatchaos. To not remove the chaos is precisely

    what Satan also has in mind. If there were no solutions to the problem

    of chaos, then the world would go out of existence and Satan, too,

    would be out of the business of creating and manifesting chaos. Even

    the clichs we use for accepting chaos under non-violent conditions

    are still part of Satans lexicon. Expressions we use for the justication

    of mortalityripe old age or lived a useful, long liferemain as

    strong as ever.

    In the twentieth century, Satan has been forced to change his strategy.

    Throughout civilization, including the time of the Exodus and Moses,

    Satan had his bag of tricks, which has worked for him around the


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    clock throughout the years. He had locked the consciousness of the

    people securely into believing that mortality, since the sin of Adam,

    had become a permanent fixture, never to be removed from our

    earthly premises.

    Suddenly, this all changed. A complacent Satan did not take notice

    that a certain young, unassuming kabbalist had provided for the

    layperson the necessary text of Kabbalah and that, by this action,Kabbalah had found its rightful home with the people. Without a

    peoples revolution, Satan had no reason to fear that he might be out

    of a job. This is precisely why the peoples study of Kabbalah became

    a requirement. Originally, the kabbalists believed that Kabbalah was

    too far-reaching for the layperson. With the arrival of the twentieth

    century, all this was to change.

    In the 16th century, Rav Abraham Azulai, had already declared that the

    prohibition against the study of Kabbalah would only last until the year

    1490, the approximate time of the Spanish Inquisition. And from the

    year 1540, the same year as Rav Isaac Lurias induction into the world

    of Kabbalah, there was a strong recommendation that everyone

    every man, woman, and childstudy Kabbalah, because only through

    the teaching and knowledge of the Zohar could humanity ever hope to

    achieve the elimination of chaos and mortality from this physical realm.

    Just a note to explain the word prohibition as it appears in kabbalistic

    texts. As understood from the kabbalistic perspective, the Big Bang,

    the origin of the universe, already included within its structure and

    design the program for free will. Consequently, the interpretation of

    scriptural prohibitions were always meant as a warning or word to the

    wise, that either one may be subject to negative energy or, as in the

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    case of Kabbalah, the learning pursuit would result in an exercise of

    futility because the time and environment were not ripe, nor were the

    cosmos sufciently open for revealment. The support apparatus and

    machinery were not yet in place, despite the declaration of Rav

    Abraham Azulai that the Age of Aquarius had begun with the year 1490.

    One might return to this signicant date, amongst the rst steps toward

    removing the anesthetic state of mind then prevailing over all of humanity.Things were very stable around the globe at that time. There was no need

    to prepare for the attack that Satan would suddenly unleash, which would

    be unlike any chaos known in the world since some 1500 years earlier

    when the Temple was destroyed. Whole nations of people were

    displaced, as was the case in the 1490s during the Spanish Inquisition

    and then again in the 1940s with World War II. If there is a preferred state

    that all of mankind has a desire to maintain, it is the state of motionlessexistence. Even when one may be on the go for a worthwhile purpose,

    nonetheless, the ultimate desire is for an inactive state.

    When the upheaval and displacement took place in 1490, the people

    began to question their ability to control their environment and their

    own lives. There is nothing like being forced to be on the move to set

    off a chaotic state of mind. The setting in motion of an ultimate change

    in consciousness has its roots in the displacement of people. Our

    consciousness then breaks out of its slumbering, bovine state of

    illusionary security and permits mankind to view our existence as one

    of chaos and mortality.

    The problem has always been that, within our chaotic experiences, we

    can still latch onto our physical place and nd some aspect that will

    convince us that we are still essentially in control. Being ill and


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    physical, material universe as the only living, workable vehicle by

    which man can achieve his objectives and, more importantly, govern

    his existence. To consider a replacement of this vehicle by a

    metaphysical, supernatural, immaterial entity such as the Lightforce

    would be difficult to accept, as illustrated by the Golden Calf incident.

    The Calf was to replace Moses, the superman of the generation. He

    could accomplish anything and everything and had complete

    dominion over the material world.

    It was Moses who restored the peoples consciousness of mankinds

    dominion over the material world. However, this incident was short-

    livedforty days to be exactafter which humanity reverted back to

    the former prevailing consciousness that the material, physical world

    has dominion over the consciousness of man. The idea that Moses

    shared with the people at the time of the Exodus was that there is aforce in this universe that supersedes and reigns over the material

    world and that, when the Lightforce of God is properly and

    harmoniously applied to the material world of our daily existence by

    the consciousness of man, then man becomes the equivalent of God

    and consequently assumes dominion over the physical realm in

    every aspect.

    However, so long as the consciousness of humankind remains locked

    into the paradoxical frame of the physical, retaining its dominion over

    man through the concepts of time, space, and motion, and the ego

    feeds us the illusion that we are in control, there is no hope for man to

    achieve an elevated state of consciousness over and above the visual,

    material world. And without the awareness and certainty that mankind

    can control the physical environment and all it contains, even the

    Lightforce of the Creator and the secret codes of Kabbalah will in no

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    way help the practitioner achieve dominion over chaos. As was the

    circumstances with Adam when he was removed from the Garden of

    Eden, it is unfortunately the displacement of people that creates the

    opportunity to elevate our consciousness to reign over physicality.

    Nothing else seems to work for us. Therefore, only because the Age

    of Aquarius made its entry into the cosmos did the opportunity,

    although at times tragic, creep its way into the daily lives of mankind.

    This displacement of human cargo was to continue until the middle

    of the nineteenth century. In the interim, during the sixteenth century,

    the revealment of the secrets of Kabbalah was beginning to take place

    in the cosmos as well as below in our familiar physical world. In the

    year 1528, a child was born who was destined to shed light on the

    mysteries of the Lightforce and bring about the rst comprehensive

    understanding of the Kabbalah. His name was Rav Isaac Luria. By theyear 1540 he was already investigating the secrets of the universe as

    a recluse on the river Nile. There is no doubt amongst the kabbalists

    that the Ari, Rav Isaac Luria, The Lion as he was characteristically

    called, was brought into this world to infuse the cosmos, with the

    assistance of the Age of Aquarius, to balance the holocaust and

    torment that was about to be unleashed on this terrestrial level of

    human existence.

    Hundreds of students gathered around The Lion and became imbued

    with the secrets of Kabbalah. While the study, knowledge, and practice

    brought about an increasing revealment of the Lightforce into the

    universe, the teachings were extremely difcult to understand and, as

    a result, the people were excluded from its benecial powers. However,

    until the twentieth century, the select few individuals of each generation

    who were able to study maintained some balance and harmony in the


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    world, so the universe did not blow itself up despite the extremity of

    mans intolerance and cruel behavior to his fellow man.

    So when Rav Ashlag came upon the scene, the cosmic balance was

    clearly in Satans favor. Satan was enjoying the human carnage of a

    senseless World War I, which he had brought about with no more effort

    than arranging for the assassination of a single person. It was truly

    remarkable how gullible and asleep the consciousness of mankindhad become. Without as much as a second thought, the entire world

    was drawn into a chaotic battle that brought about the maiming and

    death of millions of innocent people. This was the work of Satan

    destruction of life and property.

    With minimal effort to orchestrate the assassination, Satan reaped the

    rewards of millenniums of hard work. He did not even have to employthe usual imprints of his tradethe enormous resources of his army

    of evil entities. The usual forms of chaos brought on by earthquakes,

    plagues, landslides, volcanic eruptions, oods, drought, and a host of

    other forms of destruction were not necessary to cause a great deal of

    human suffering, economic hardship, and of course the steady use of

    the mortality factor.

    With World War I, Satan with a single stroke brought on devastation

    that involved the entire world, creating economic hardship that thrived

    on itself like a cancer. There was little doubt that Satans goal, the total

    mortality of all humankind as a never-ending sequence of destruction,

    would be realized sooner than expected. For the consciousness of

    humanity had approached the level of justied, legitimized murder.

    Satan furnished humanity the proper slogans so man would not have

    to ponder the decision for too long. Whether the cause was for the

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    sake of freedom or removing the despicable dictator, Satan would

    lead us toward chaos for the most noble and honorable reasons ever

    devised. Slaughtering the Name of God for the reason of removing the

    indels, Satan sadly wired mankind into assuming the role of God.

    Mankind, now, after millenniums of incompetence in mending daily

    chaos and mortality, suddenly became the protector, savior, and

    overseer over human esh. And the universal laws and principles of

    this universe were justiably and completely ignored.

    Things changed later in the twentieth century. We arrived at a moment

    in time that would usher in what appeared to be mankinds nal

    dominion over the material world. Centuries-old traditions would come

    tumbling down. The limitations of time, space, and motion no longer

    limited the scientic establishment as they did for millenniums. Man

    could now y in the sky and even walk in space. The boundaries ofcommunication no longer applied.

    The medical eld expanded its knowledge and scope by leaps and

    bounds, to the extent that mankind had now achieved its most

    explosive and far-reaching feat to date, an achievement that rocked

    the entire world and suggested even fartherreaching implications:

    the cloning of a living creature, a sheep. Not since the birth of Adam

    had such a feat been accomplished. It was the crowning glory of the

    super-human mind of man.

    With this scenario at hand, one might believe that mankind had indeed

    reached an incredibly high level of consciousness. The future had

    never looked brighter for achieving a stable and harmonious universe.

    Satan must have felt defeated.


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    necessarily now. Remain connected with the Tree of Life, and He

    shall assure immortality.

    This is exactly the game Satan plays with all of us, all the time. Hell

    toss a small dose of chaos at us and then permit us to remove chaos

    to lead our consciousness into believing we are in control of this

    physical reality. Near-death experiences are Satans most delightful

    tricks of the trade. An illusionary condence overcomes us and webecame totally oblivious to the reality of death. Our behavior toward

    our fellow man generally disregards the fact that we are here in this

    universe for a limited time. Were we to consider the glaring fact of

    mortality, our attitudes in disagreements, arguments, hatred, and

    intolerance would assume another character.

    As a beggar or someone who has lost identity, the mind is thoughtlesswith its bickering, wrongdoing, and confrontation. If mankind paid

    attention to the reality that the chaos of mortality could set in any time

    Satan had the desire, then I believe we no longer would be that

    concerned about whats wrong with others and pay more attention to

    what may be wrong with ourselves.

    Following World War I, Satan had positioned the world into a

    complacency that chaos could not strike again. What no one seemed

    to take notice of was the bickering between nations following the

    victory over the aggressors. When there is a common enemy, the

    thought of killing each other leaves us. The common enemy is another

    of Satans maneuvers. After the war, the common cause disappears as

    if it never existed. Satan is back at work again, intensifying the

    separation between once-allied nations. This is another trademark of

    Satans ingenuity. He can manipulate leaders of nations without their

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    even knowing who is really behind the sudden about-face of their

    former allies. Satan provides all the appropriate reasoning so that we

    never discover his most formidable opponent: unity and tolerance

    among people.

    Satan was preparing for the next big one , World War II and its

    holocaust. His strategy was always the same. Shower the entire world

    with as much chaos as possible without letting on that he is behind itall. Present the chaotic package in such a way that mankind does not

    attribute the chaos to its rightful source. Instead, we let it evolve and

    then attribute it to others and not ourselves. The moment we can come

    to grips with self-criticism and realize that we are directly responsible

    for the chaos around us because of the choices we make and the

    actions we take, then we have crossed a major bridge to immortality.

    However, at the time of World War II, Satan had blinded the entire world

    with isolationism and nancial catastrophe, with the culprit identied as

    the other person or other country. When I raised the question earlier

    as to why Satan did not take notice of Rav Ashlag and what he was

    destined to accomplish with his revelation of wisdom, the answer that

    I believe makes the most sense is that the entire world was so fully

    entrenched and engaged with the machinery of chaos that Satan

    permitted his own ego to get the better of him. He already foresaw, as

    did Rav Ashlag, the black cloud that would surround the entire world.

    By the time World War II ended, former companions and allies were

    enemies, to the amusement of Satan. Because he was so

    preoccupied, Satan did not notice the powerful wisdom being revealed

    about how to beat him at his own game.


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    Well, this is where his strategy changed. Satan realized he had lost an

    important battle and shifted into high gear by employing the same

    strategy that had worked for him in the eigtheenth century against the

    famous Kabbalist Rav Moses Luzatto. He enrolled scholars to ban for

    all the right reasons any kabbalistic texts so they did not fall into the

    hands of the indels or unlearned laymen. The word spread like

    wildre. To strengthen their positions, Satan impregnated the minds of

    the authorities with scare tactics, claiming things like:

    Anyone reading and studying Kabbalah will assuredly

    go crazy and wind up in a mental institution.

    The books were too holy for the average person to even

    touch them.

    Here were already other (non-kabbalistic) books that were far

    simpler and could better benet the reader.

    And because these so-called scholars spoke with such authority,

    the entire worldalready anesthetizedlistened intently and

    with subservience.

    However weighty their arguments may have been, however deeply

    they permeated throughout the ranks of people regardless of their

    personal background, the wisdom kept coming. There was no

    stopping it. This is not to say that the battle did not intensify. The

    ridiculousness of the criticism was so outlandish that it made me

    question what was going on. Where in academic history was the

    opposition so intense and factually so incorrect?

    I once served as a part-time chaplain in a very large mental hospital

    and, behold, I never found there a book on Kabbalah. I did come to the

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    conclusion (in jest) that since I observed all of the patients eating eggs

    for breakfast, there could be no doubt that the eggs contributed to

    their insanity. As for the argument that the books were too holy to

    touch, who is to determine who is or is not holy enough to study?

    This was the scenario for me, after the death of my master in 1969

    when I took over the helm of The Centre. The necessary material was

    already available for mankind to take control and go after the big prize,the removal of that ultimate in chaosmortality. I knew then that my

    mission was to spread and disseminate this knowledge to every

    human being in whatever language they could understand and read.

    This was the straw that broke the camels (or scholars) back. Like Rav

    Ashlag and my teacher, I was defying every accepted traditional

    dogmatic prohibition. The barrage of criticism and accusations ran thegamut from my operating houses of prostitution to owning castles all

    around the world. The presence of Kabbalah Centres around the world

    became the rallying point for the antagonists of Kabbalah. This

    onslaught brought on by Satan persevered over the past 28 years and

    continues to the present day.

    In my years as co-director of The Centre, I have been uncompromising

    in my mission that Kabbalah can bring about the removal of chaos

    from this universe with the ultimate objective of achieving immortality.

    However, I do have to admit that, when it came to the education of our

    children, Karen and I did compromise. When we were threatened that

    our children would be denied access to the proper educational

    facilities, we did somewhat compromise in our efforts to spread the

    knowledge of Kabbalah. Our strategy was one of maintaining a very

    low prole. Our Centres had a very unassuming presence and


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    appearance. In this way we were not too disrupted in our mission. We

    knew that education was essential to our childrens leadership abilities

    that they would need to administer the vast and varied programs of

    The Centre (if they so chose) when they came of age. The Light more

    than compensated for our compromise.

    When the time came, Kabbalah and The Centres made their presence

    known to the entire world. Our opposition was so overwhelmed withwhat they saw and read, they became lled with such anger, that a

    world conspiracy was organized to smear our efforts with whatever

    means and tools were available.

    We know this was Satans final offensive. He was really feeling

    threatened. What he saw infuriated him. He now took notice of all the

    participants involved in Kabbalah. No longer was his focus on justthe rabbinical scholar, the Sufi master, and the Christian kabbalist. He

    took notice of the simple, uneducated people plowing through the

    mysteries of Kabbalah. Professionals with absolutely no Talmudic

    education, with no connection to anything religious, were

    experiencing the joy and certainty of kabbalistic teachings. This was

    dangerous. If Satan permitted this to continue, it would bring down his

    entire kingdom of darkness, which he was committed to perpetuating

    at any cost.

    He red up the systems with all he had. Scholars who opposed

    Kabbalah were acting in an irrational way. There was no logic to what

    they had to say. They even wove half-truths and sometimes outright

    lies into their stories in order to spice up the case against the teaching

    of Kabbalah. They were forced to give up their previous with the

    arguments that students of Kabbalah were going crazy or that

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    Kabbalah was too holy to touch, too difcult, as these arguments were

    falling on deaf ears.

    The new line of attack was to discredit the people whose mission it

    was to spread the wisdom of Kabbalah, to spread rumors that the

    people were being brainwashed. Yet the teaching of Kabbalah dictated

    that no kabbalistic principle become accepted without questioning and

    careful scrutiny on the part of the student. Rav Shimon bar Yochai, thegreat master kabbalist and author of the most comprehensive work of

    Kabbalah, The Zohar , stated in his writings that the information offered

    in his work was never to be accepted simply because he was the

    author. The why of everything must be stated and the answers to

    every why must be forthcoming before one accepts or takes as truth

    any of its teachings.

    Pressure was mounting against supporters of The Centres around the

    world to discontinue their study, nancial support, and commitment.

    Friends of our students who had no idea what The Centre was about,

    who had no knowledge whatsoever of the wisdom of Kabbalah, who

    did not visit a Centre nor speak to any of the teachers, inexplicably

    became violent antagonists of Kabbalah and spent much time and a

    great deal of effort dissuading our students.

    This was absolutely the signature of Satan, for there was no rationale

    or logic to this behavior or action. The material, physical human was

    now acting in accordance with the consciousness perpetuated by

    fears and lies. There was no sense in his reasoning. It is certain that

    Satan has chosen Kabbalah as his battleground. Since the creation

    of man, he had never been as threatened as now with the awakening

    of human consciousness. However, the Lightforce of God, when


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    brought to bear on Satan, will make him disappear as easily as the ip

    of a switch turns on the light and removes the darkness.

    This is the nature of what the Lightforce is prepared to do at a

    moments notice. Just ip the switch, whispers the Lightforce. You

    need not concern yourself with the fears of chaos and mortality or how

    to rid your existence of the scourge of pain and suffering.

    Kabbalah teaches us how to turn on the Lightforce. Thats it in a

    nutshell. That is the purpose of Kabbalah, to live is the switch to say

    goodbye to chaos and mortality and hello to immortality.

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    strange thing happened to me along the journey of Kabbalah

    toward somewhere. Where the journey was to take me, I must

    confess, I didnt have the slightest idea. The notion or even

    the word immortality was foreign to me. Just ask a person on the streetif they believe anything about immortality. I am sure their response

    would be, Cant you nd someone else to bother? So what prompted

    me 31 years after my introduction to Kabbalah to accept this principle?

    Why was I so receptive to the idea of immortality when it presented

    itself? Do you believe I had never attended a funeral? Do you think I

    had never been to a cemetery? I lost many that were close and dear

    to me. I was unfortunately all too familiar with mortality and the pain

    and suffering that follows the death of someone you love. So I asked

    myself, when that moment of truth presented itself: Why am I taking

    the challenge? Am I not aware of the awful and nasty things that are

    constantly being thrown at me? This will be the icing on the pastry of

    never-ending abusive and virulent attacks that have come my way.

    Chapter 1: Immortality! Whats That?

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    Where did I get the nerve to present so far-out a concept as immortality

    without considering the consequences of another all-out barrage? How

    would our students take to an idea that literally seems to contradict

    lifes experience? The teachings of Kabbalah have always appealed to

    the rational thinking mind. Its wisdom has stimulated individuals into

    change. But when you begin to tamper with the very foundation of

    reality, that is quite another matter. You are now taking on the entire

    world. We have been taught that all aspects of the illusionary physicalreality are here today and gone tomorrow. Death follows the rules of

    entropy and Maxwells Second Law of Thermodynamics. Everything

    consisting of a physical, material nature must terminate in decay or

    death. Yet what emerges from the idea of immortality is that death is

    but an illusion.

    Lets begin from the earliest moment that the seed of immortality wasset in my mind. Before my entry into the world of Kabbalah in 1962, I

    was an Orthodox Jew, an adherent of Judaism. In the Orthodox

    program of observance, one Jewish holiday seems largely identical to

    the next aside from the customs distinguishing them. But the one

    holiday where we observed the giving of the Ten Commandments,

    known as Shavuot, stood out in particular from the rest. This holiday

    required that we study biblical or Talmudic text all night until sunrise,

    then we would pray the traditional holiday service and go to sleep. This

    was the way I performed the holiday from the time that I could affect

    my body to stay awake all night. What I understood then was that we

    observed this holiday in commemoration of the event on Mount Sinai.

    The reason for studying was to display our connection to the event. And

    that was all there was to it. It was an observance, a traditional ceremony

    for one who felt akin to his/her Judaism. Was there anything in it for me?

    No, other than registering brownie points with God.

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    So you can imagine the confusion I experienced when I shared my rst

    kabbalistic Shavuot with my master. It seemed by strictly practicing

    observation that we were practicing the holiday no differently than

    when I was a child. However, the why, the explanation of the

    Revelation event, and more importantly why it is relevant to any person

    today, 3,500 years later, was truly a revelation. I was amazed at what

    my master was telling me.

    He rst reminded me that anyone referring to this holiday as the giving

    of the Ten Commandments, as the start of a new religion, specically

    Judaism, was completely mistaken. Furthermore, he explained that

    the entire traditional practice omitted the most signicant aspect of the

    event. Those were strong words and certainly foreign to one who had

    been steeped in the religious and traditional practice of this event. I

    believed that I had been taught all there was to know about the TenCommandments.

    What had Jewry throughout the millenniums missed? Firstly, my

    teacher said, Never, ever, again refer to the event as the Creators Gift

    of the Ten Commandments. There was never a remark nor an event

    that signied commandments. If my master had not been such a

    great rabbi, scholar, and kabbalist, I might have said, Have a good

    day. I really do not want to hear any more, and departed for good

    from his presence.

    He began reciting from the Talmud a statement which I faintly recalled

    that what happened on Mount Sinai was the Revelation of the

    Ten Utterances. Now why would the Talmud make use of the word

    utterances when most of the world considered the Revelation on

    Mount Sinai the Revelation of the Ten Commandments?

    Chapter 1: Immortality! Whats That?

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    Every movie-goer is familiar with the spectacular movie by Cecile B. De

    Mille, The Ten Commandments . He literally immortalizedthis pun is

    intended, as reference to immortality is frequently used in the lmthe

    Revelation event. However, once I learned that the term

    commandments was incorrect, I asked my master how such a

    misunderstanding could take place and, furthermore, why this

    mistaken interpretation has been permitted to persist for millenniums.

    The answers to both questions were shockingly concealed but

    profoundly informative. After all my years in rabbinic study, my masters

    response came as a complete deviation from the existing

    methodology used in explaining the more important events of

    Scriptures. He replied that behind every misunderstanding of the

    signicant event of Revelation lay the sinister hand of Satan and it was

    his continued presence and effort that perpetuated this grossdistortion. Understandably so, continued my master, since Satan

    places great emphasis on maintaining this mistaken interpretation. His

    very essence is on the line. He knew the real meaning of Revelation

    and the Ten Utterances. The Thought of God and the purpose for

    revelation is Immortality, stated my master.

    I know, he continued, that this kind of explanation is a complete

    departure from what you, traditional Judaism, and all established

    religions have believed about this great, memorable event in history. It

    is radical and revolutionary. With that, he began to prepare me for the

    time in the very near future when I would be called upon to deliver this

    message to the entire world.

    What was more jolting and yet powerfully revealing was this new

    concept that attributed every evil act of mankind to the armada and

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    forces of Satan. As I mentioned earlier, for me and other adherents of

    religion, all religions, it was easy to believe that any act or event that

    embraced the forces of evil was actually an activity of Gods wrath

    upon the sinners. The tragic inclusion of good, honest people within

    the holocaust was a matter of the Creator, which we had no right to

    question. This way of thinking was something my master completely

    rejected. And further he explained the universal rule of holocaust: when

    Satan is given permission to unleash his violence upon mankind, hesweeps through in all areas without discrimination. Anyone in his path

    who does not know the secret of how to create a protective shield

    around themselves becomes a part of the group. It is here that another

    universal law applies, the law that Ignorance of the Law is no excuse.

    The recent holocaust that brought down the wrath of Satan upon six

    million Jews also saw Satans evil hand of destruction and deathswallow up fty million people of various religions and cultures. The

    culprit in this heinous massacre of human esh was the originator of

    death and violence, Satan.

    So what was the truthful, kabbalistic explanation of the Revelation

    event, I asked, if not to provide mankind with some moral and ethical

    guidelines? The idea of forming a religion or separation between

    people was the furthest idea from the nature of the Creator, my master

    explained. The theme of revelation is universal despite what we have

    traditionally been taught or led to believe.

    I asked my master what his words The theme was universal meant.

    My master then threw the ball back in my court: Dont you

    remember that the Talmud specifically made much of the fact that

    the entire Decalogue (Ten Utterances) was translated into every

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    language, seventy to be exact, so that every nation would participate

    in its revelation?

    Yes, I replied. However, I did not understand the point my master

    was making. So the Creator wanted all nations to be aware of what

    the Jewish people were receiving, I responded. What is so unusual

    about that?

    You still do not understand the Revelation aspect of Mount Sinai. You

    remain with your programmed education, he replied, becoming a little

    impatient with the delay in my grasping the point. Revelation was not

    about the Ten Utterances, it was about the revealment of the total

    embodiment of the Lightforce in our universe, he explained. It was a

    complete and universal communion with the Light which left no space

    where darkness could conceal itself. The result was the demise ofdeath, which had ruled and affected every universal entity including

    man since the sin of Adam. The world had achieved the most sought

    after gift mankind could ever have longed and hoped forimmortality.

    Then what was the Decalogue or Ten Utterances about? I wanted to

    know, now that I had discarded the remnants of a corrupted Ten

    Commandments. The Ten Utterances, stated my master, were

    nothing more than the instrument by which the Immaterial Lightforce

    of God became physically expressed in our universe. No different than

    a light bulb which reveals the concealed potential of electric current,

    or for that matter the physical body which reveals and makes manifest

    the immaterial, eternal soul.

    The Hebrew letters in the Utterances, the conguration of words made

    up of these letters, together with the verses, were nothing more than

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    a vehicle whereby the full impact of the Lightforce made its presence

    known and felt in the universe and more specically directed towards

    Satan/Murphys Law of Chaos and mortality.

    The Hebrew letters were no ordinary letters. They were the building

    blocks or blueprint for Lightforce expression. I understand this today

    as no less than the microscopic DNA with its varied sequences which

    channel, on a much lesser scale or degree, the life force of anindividual. The Hebrew letters were the building blocks of the entire

    universe, continued my master, citing a 4,000 year-old kabbalistic

    book, the Book of Formation or Sefer Yetzirah , that I was entirely

    unfamiliar with. I was dumbfounded. Is this what the Hebrew letters

    were all about?

    To the best of my knowledge, the Hebrew language was just that, alanguage for the Hebrews. However, when I was confronted with the

    Book of Formation authored by Abraham, the Patriarch of Bible fame

    who lived around 2000 BC, I immediately realized that this work existed

    almost 300 or 400 years prior to the Revelation of the Ten Utterances.

    Of course, I said to myself, this language existed long before there

    were Jews. Furthermore, continued my master, the Zohar gleans from

    the biblical text that prior to the Tower of Babel incident, the language

    spoken by all peoples around the globe was Hebrew. I then

    remembered the interesting fact I had come across that when the

    forefathers of the United States were considering revolution from

    British dominance, they wanted to sever their ties so completely that

    they preferred to no longer speak English. One of the languages

    considered for the new land was Hebrew. Today, most people,

    including myself, consider the Hebrew language to be Jewish

    because it is mostly Jews who presently speak Hebrew.

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    Let us now again return to the matter of Revelation. What seems to

    emerge from the Zoharic interpretation is that Revelation was about

    the Lightforce becoming fully and totally manifested and revealed.

    The instrument by which the realization of Revelation came to

    manifestation was the Scroll, or the Torah. This was indeed a very

    dramatic and beneficial moment in the history of human civilization

    which brought to an end the chaos and mortality that had afflicted

    mankind since the sin of Adam approximately 2200 yearspreviously. Death and chaos no longer remained a part of the

    human landscape.

    The full radiance and benecence of the Lightforce permeated every

    nook and cranny of the entire cosmos. There was no room left for

    darkness. Immortality had again been restored to its place within the

    world community. Therefore, to assume that Revelation was a Jewishtrip is an unfortunate missed opportunity. The benets accrued to all

    living beings including the kingdom of the inanimateclothing and

    physical items were no longer subject to the laws of entropy. The

    miracle of Revelation was the miracle that enabled the Israelites

    walking in the dessert to possess clothing that never wore away. Was

    that just a miracle that Moses was responsible for? Moses never lost

    his consciousness and consequently maintained full dominion over

    Satan/Murphys chaos-producing agents.

    As a result of his connection with certainty, with consciousness and

    the Lightforce, Moses never severed his relationship with the Tree of

    Life reality. This afnity and bond is the reason the Zohar remarks,

    Moses never died. This matter will be more fully explored later on.

    Therefore the awesome power of Moses described in Scriptures came

    as no surprise to the kabbalist. However in my early years studying

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    holiday? I queried my master. Yes, he replied, within this section

    of the Zohar , the Ari, Rav Isaac Luria, learned the secret of one

    aspect of immortality.

    Once Light is revealed within this universe, it remains forever. However,

    the Light stays in a potential state, like an electric current in the case

    of a wall socket or a switch. When the appropriate stimulation, in

    kabbalistic terminology a proper vessel, is applied to the Lightforce,then the Lightforce, as with electricity, is once again revealed.

    Inasmuch as the Lightforce of Immortality on Mount Sinai had once

    become revealed, continued my master, this energy of immortality can

    always be accessed again.

    Rav Luria, in his voluminous work Gates of Meditation , provided the

    necessary vessel or switch for revealing once again the state ofimmortality originally revealed on Mount Sinai. However, this process

    or procedure, Rav Luria reveals, can only accomplish the revelation of

    immortality when applied at the appropriate cosmic time, its original

    revelation. The guidelines were included within the biblical code as

    deciphered by the Zohar . Eternal events are as cosmically guided as

    the appearance of the sun, moon, and all other celestial entities. The

    constellation of Leo does not make its appearance in the heavens in

    the winter time any more than Capricorn appears in the heavens during

    the summer months.

    Glancing up into the sky with a high-powered telescope reveals each

    sign of the Zodiac congured by billions of stars appearing at their

    usual time of the year. Just as a TV guide is necessary for the viewer

    to know the exact time of a favorite program, so too does the Bible

    provide the exact calendar time when the cosmos is prepared to put

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    on its particular program of events. The moment for the immortality

    event is the 6th day of the Lunar month of Gemini, the opportunity for

    mankind to view and tap its energy.

    Similar to our TV sets, just turning on the set will not permit me to

    access prime time news at 7:00 PM Our sets have the potential ability

    to provide prime time news. However, if I turn the set on at 6:00 PM or

    8:00 PM, I will obviously not see the news. If I turn on the set on a daywhen this program does not appear, again the TV set, as good as it

    might be, cannot access the program.

    Therefore, explained my master, the Zohar states that the appropriate

    time to tune into the awesome energy of immortality is in the evening

    of the 6th day of Lunar Gemini. This is the incredible information that

    only the Zohar can furnish. The entire evening up to and including theearly morning after sunrise must be completely devoted to accessing

    this unbelievable energy. The body must undergo deprivation and go

    without any sleep whatsoever. That, together with the special codes

    for accessing immortality provided in detail by Rav Luria, guarantees

    that a person shall not die at least for the next 3 or 4 months until Rosh

    Hashanah, when we have a chance to rewrite our destiny.

    Frankly, I had never heard words or thoughts of this nature. This is

    too good to be true, I remarked to my master. Has this ever been

    proven or substantiated before in history? I asked.

    No, answered the master, but that will be your task.

    What, I muttered, do I have to do with this? How am I going to prove

    such an outlandish idea when everything around us stands as a

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    testimonial that death cannot be avoided, other than perhaps if a

    Governor stays a prisoners execution? In the case of a criminal, I can

    understand delaying or canceling an execution. That is a human

    construct. But how can one speak to the Angel of Death and tell him

    to get lost? I queried.

    Furthermore, who knows when someones time is up so that we can

    substantiate that it was this spiritual, immaterial, unheard-ofmethodology that performed the unthinkable feat of bringing about

    this immortality? I questioned. All my master said was that I had to

    wait and sometime in the near future the proof would appear.

    To be honest, if it had been anyone else but my master, I would have

    considered this reply a perfect cop-out. However, this was the master

    speaking and, as with all master kabbalists, the concepts of yesterday,today, and tomorrow simply do not exist. They were merely repeating

    what the automatic computer printout was showing. Everything was in

    the here and now.

    The master went on to teach me another important lesson concerning

    computer printouts. At the time, most people were still unfamiliar with

    this term. When you speak or listen to someone speaking, are either

    of you thinking or considering each word spoken? queried the master.

    We may have gathered the thoughts or concepts prior to the words

    leaving our mouth, but if it is not a prepared speech written on paper,

    how did these precise words come out without the person having

    uttered them or having them in their consciousness? The only

    explanation that I have ever heard for this phenomenon has been from

    my master.

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    The master kabbalists already knew that which would take science

    until the twentieth century to gure out: that tomorrow is already

    included in the past. After all, where did the tree come from if not from

    the seed? Most of us cannot look at the seed and see the tree. So,

    too, for the present, most of us cannot read the computer printout of

    tomorrow and are therefore subject to the difculties that emerge from

    tomorrows uncertainty. Science knows this, but unfortunately only in

    theory. On a practical level, scientists are like the rest of us, they cannotimplement their theory in their daily lives. Can you imagine if scientists

    had brought what they knew theoretically into a practical arena? They

    would all become very wealthy people. They could purchase certain

    stocks today knowing that prices would go up tomorrow. Unfortunately,

    as of the time of this writing, scientists cannot bridge the gap between

    that which has been conrmed to them in theory and the practical use

    of it in their daily lives. Science will have to wait for the kabbalist toreveal this information.

    Assuming with certainty that this incredible phenomenon of accepting

    and utilizing the secret to immortality will assuredly see the light of day,

    the master smilingly patted me on the shoulder and said, All it takes

    is the wisdom and a certainty consciousness to bring this

    phenomenon to fruition. I then and there made him a promise that I

    would never falter in my certainty consciousness and I would not let

    him down.

    Following on the heels of this new revelation, I recalled an amusing

    and yet strange illusion that had overcome all peoples of the western

    world. There is rarely an adult that has not been asked to purchase

    life insurance so as to provide for his/her dependent children in the

    event of his/her death. I chuckled to myself and said to my master,

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    Why do the insurance companies call this type of insurance life

    insurance, when its proper name should be death insurance,

    inasmuch as payment of this policy will only occur when the insured

    dies? Here, in the case of the Revelation on Mount Sinai, the insured

    will actually be acquiring life insurance, a guarantee that he will survive

    for the next three or four months.

    The Master smiled and nodded in agreement, adding, One dayyou shall share with the world the secrets of how to achieve

    permanent immortality.

    For the present, humankind will gradually accept this small dose of

    immortality, since it will take time for mankind to grasp and accept the

    challenges that immortality presents. The elevation of human

    consciousness will not take place overnight. Heightened awarenessmust undergo an evolutionary process. Being young to Kabbalah, I

    could not see why there would be objections to a good thing. Why

    would some even go so far as to reject the whole idea in its entirety?

    I would learn what it means to be patient and begin to listen to the

    music and strings of the universe.

    The universe has a beat and a rhythm, said the master. You will have

    to pay careful attention to its sound and only then will you become

    familiar with its printout and the information that is available to us all the

    time, if we only listened.

    A sweet tune to the distraught ear and yet the masters prediction had

    an ominous ring to it. Did he mean painful difculties along the spiritual

    path? Just what did the master have in mind about listening carefully

    to the musical strings of the universe? Little did I realize then the

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