ime senior project 2

Laser Safety Datasheets and Safety Labels with Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc. Design Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements Of the Course IME 4974, Senior Project II By Emily R. Williams At Indiana Institute of Technology Fort Wayne, Indiana 19 April 2016 Approved: Technical Advisor: _____________________________ _________

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Page 1: IME Senior Project 2

Laser Safety Datasheets and Safety Labels with Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc.

Design Report Submitted In

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Of the Course IME 4974, Senior Project II


Emily R. Williams


Indiana Institute of Technology

Fort Wayne, Indiana

19 April 2016


Technical Advisor: _____________________________ _________

Dr. Dusseau Date

Dean: ________________________________________ _________

Professor Dave Aschliman Date

Page 2: IME Senior Project 2


During the time at Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc, two projects were given by the bosses,

David Schiller and Daniel Thomas, and were expected to be completed. The first project was

updating the GHS secondary container labels to OSHA standards throughout the business as well

as updating the new information within their main database program Agile Product Lifecycle

Management. The second project is currently still being completed, which is producing and

completing a successful laser safety data sheet. Ultimately, the technical problem to be addressed

is to find the MPE (Maximum Permissible Exposure) and to create datasheets for the customers

of the lasers according to the safety regulations. There was warning before this project that it

may not be able to be finished within the short three month time period with Kaiser Optical,

however, working hard and efficiently will help to complete this project throughout the

following months.

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Prior to starting at Kaiser Optical Systems, it was clear that this company is an

affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. Within the first few days at Kaiser, training

and safety videos were completed including fire hazards, laser safety, machine safety, lifting

safety, chemical hazards and safety, lean manufacturing, etc. After that was completed, the

projects and responsibilities were assigned that would be worked on in time at Kaiser Optical


The first responsibility that was given was a large project that other employees and

interns had worked on in the past and was not completed in their time working on it. The project

involved determining and producing a plan for laser safety datasheets that customers can use to

determine the danger range and risk points for the lasers within the products sold. It was the job

and responsibility to put together a list of every type of spectrographic instrumentation product,

each individual piece within the product, the wavelengths for each product option, the probe

head options, the fiber cables, etc. From that point it needed to be determined where the product

can malfunction when the operator has control, where the laser beam light path can become

visible to the operator, and ultimately how far away the operator has to be from the laser before

damage becomes permanent.

To prepare for this project, the textbook American National Standard for Safe Use of

Lasers was to be read and understood and the risk points could be fully understood within the

products sold by Kaiser Optical Systems. A large section to be understood and what is working

towards being understood in the future is the MPE or Maximum Permissible Exposure. To

determine a laser’s potential for producing injury, the following has to be considered:

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1. Laser output irradiance or radiant exposure exceeds the MPE for the unaided eye,

2. A hazard would exist if the laser beam power/pulse energy were concentrated by

optics and confined to the area of the limiting aperture.

Furthermore, an overview of the many stages of lasers and what they have to offer was

needed, as well as an understanding of the three different equations and examples of laser range

for determining nominal hazard distances.

After understanding what was needed to start the project, the next step in the process was

to begin creating and designing block diagrams of each of the spectrographic instruments

included with the different views when necessary. The block diagrams need to be able to provide

the light paths and need to be able to provide a visual as to where exactly the risk points are

located so the operator of the customer that buys the spectrographic instrumentation will

understand and be able to adjust accordingly. Eventually with the completion of the laser safety

datasheet project, the customer will be provided with a spreadsheet engineering package with a

description of the instrument they have received, the potential risk points located within the

instrument, and the required safe distance for the operator. Currently, the furthering of

knowledge for safety and laser safety is needed so the completion of this project for Kaiser

Optical Systems, Inc. as well as for the senior project is a success. The completion of the laser

safety datasheets will most importantly help to protect the operator from any high risk points he

will be near that could injure him or others in the same work area.

The second project that was given was to update the GHS secondary container labels.

The responsibilities for the completion of this project was to read over the safety data sheets that

were already present for each chemical that production uses with the working floor plan. After

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the correct information was collected it was time to update all of the labels, not only in Microsoft

Word, but also in an organizational system called Agile Product Lifecycle Management. Agile is

how Kaiser Optical stores and manages all of their files within a database. It was not within the

job description to learn this software, but after a few short days of training and patience one is

able to access this database efficiently, upload new and updated files if necessary, and look up

different product parts if and when needed. Agile is ultimately a useful tool to have while

working on both projects because it is reliable with information and files regarding chemicals

and probe head components. This was important for Kaiser Optical and the employees so they

were updated with OSHA regulated safety labels as well as what the employees knew was

hazardous or could lead to future health risks. Ultimately, the completion of this project resulted

after removing and replacing all of the old labels on the OSHA regulated bottles with the correct

and standard labels.

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Literature Review

Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc. is a world leader in Raman Spectroscopy, spectrographic

instrumentation and applied holographic technology. Principle products include Raman products,

holographic components for spectroscopy, telecommunications, astronomy and ultra-fast

sciences. The products and services are now deployed throughout the world in such diverse

applications as pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing, nanotechnology,

telecommunications, education, energy, forensic science, deep-sea exploration, and astronomy.

From particles smaller than a human hair to objects as large as planets, the products are

providing the customers unique insights into both today’s, as well as “age-old” questions. As an

intern, Kaiser Optical expects the best from everyone as an employee and as a student. They

push their employees up and beyond levels that one did not think they could reach, and they let

one make the mistakes so that the employee will learn from it and grow as an engineer and as a


Initially, it is necessary to sit down with the bosses within the first week of employment

to get an understanding as to what is expected within the job responsibilities and with the

projects that were going to be worked on. Kaiser informed that one could tackle this project any

way that it was portrayed necessary to be successful, so they opened it up to take full control and

to direct the project however was desired. Multiple Microsoft Excel spreadsheets were received

that previous employees on this project had started with information that could be used and built

off of regarding the probe option information needed for each spectrographic instrument.

However, the continuation of information and data was as far as any previous employee had

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accomplished with the project, so it was portrayed that not many guidelines were needed in a

sense of “sink or swim” fashion. As stated previously, the textbook American National Standard

for Safe Use of Lasers was given to help form a further understanding for lasers and the high

standard that Kaiser Optical holds for their employees who work with the lasers they

manufacture and sell to retailers around the world.

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The approach to the job responsibilities and projects started with the training and safety

procedures and precautions that were needed to complete before beginning. Working around

machinery such as lasers, hot ovens, moving machines, light sensors, etc, and not having the past

experience that other employees had to be properly safe, it was known that it had to be taken

responsibly and that all of the safety training had to be taken seriously. The following are key

points within training for laser safety:

1.Lasers can operate in the ultraviolet (UV, <400nm), visible (400-700nm), and infrared

(IR, >700) ranges.

2. When a beam of light encounters a material:

a. The beam could be reflected.

b. The beam could pass through the material.

c. The beam could be absorbed by the material.

d. A combination of the above; most likely to happen.

3. Laser and System Classifications are based upon power output and wavelength. Class

1 lasers are exempt from control requirements because they are considered to be

incapable of producing damaging radiation levels during operation or maintenance.

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Class 2 lasers [2A and 2B] emit only in the visible portion of the spectrum (400-

700nm) and have a power output of less than 1mW. In the presence of bright light the

human eye will blink within one fourth of a second to protect itself. Class 3 lasers

[3A and 3B] emit maximum power output of 5mW for 3A lasers and 0.5W for 3B

lasers. Diffuse reflections from these lasers may still have enough energy to cause

biological damage. Class 4 lasers, which are high powered, include having a power

output of greater than 0.5W. Diffuse reflections from these lasers can cause injury.

Also, it can create air contaminants and collateral radiations such as X-ray, UV, and

blue light exposures that can also cause injury.

Kaiser Optical maintains all Class 3B and 4 laser operations and manufacturing in

controlled areas or rooms which include the clean-room, exposure rooms, Raman assembly and

Invictus assembly. Open areas and/or rooms are the nominal hazard zone for the laser being

used. Whenever possible, the beams of Class 3B and Class 4 lasers used at Kaiser are completely

enclosed. This is implemented by beam blocks being used when the beam is not being actively

engaged in the manufacturing process. The most common cause of later-induced tissue damage

is thermal in nature. This is where the tissue proteins are denatured due to the temperature rise

following absorption of the laser energy. Laser operation interruptions are not practical and

would cause product loss at Kaiser Optical. Therefore the following additional precautions are

taken to allow for the removal of entryway interlocks required for Class 4 laser operations:

1. Each controlled area at Kaiser has a blinking red light turned on when the laser is in


2. No beam is aligned such that the entryway to the area is exposed.

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3. Personnel are required to wear protective equipment wherever appropriate and


4. No spectators are allowed in controlled areas without specific authorization from the

laser safety officer (LSO).

After all of the training was completed, it was determined to begin by working on the

laser safety data sheet project first. The time that was needed to be taken to read through the

textbook American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers was done, and then writing down

information such as formulas and different definitions was necessary to comprehend this material

and to complete the project up to Kaiser Optical standard. This portion of the project took a

majority of the time due to the lack of laser and laser safety knowledge. This consisted of

learning about the basic key terms when working with lasers and the safety factors associated

with the lasers. Some of these keys factors include the following which is information pulled

from the textbook American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers:

1. Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) is to determine the laser’s potential for

producing injury, consider:

a. Laser output irradiance or radiant exposure exceeds the MPE for the

unaided eye.

b. A hazard would exist if the laser beam power/pulse energy were

concentrated by optics and confined to the area of the limiting aperture for

the applicable MPE for the unaided eye.

2. Maximum Accessible Emission Level (AEL) is the level permitting within a

particular laser hazard class.

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Next, the continuation of gathering information regarding the measurement for each piece

within the multiple spectrographic instruments that the customers can design and create

according to their personal company needs. This is what has consumed a majority of the time

and what will be continued for the next few months remaining before graduation. What would

continue next on the project plan would be to create block diagrams of each spectrographic

instrument that Kaiser Optical designs and manufactures. These block diagrams will be pictures

that will portray the different laser light paths. Next would be to identify the risk points in the

block diagram, which this is the main piece that customers want and ultimately what will keep

the operators safe during the use of the lasers. The risk points show exactly where the operator or

others around may be injured if the spectrographic instrument malfunctions of if the operator

misuses the instrument. After the risk points are identified in the block diagram, each

characteristic of the risk points would then have to be identified. Ultimately with the completion

of the laser safety data sheet project, the customer will be provided with a spreadsheet

engineering package with a description of the instrument they have received, a block diagram

with the potential risk points visible, and the required safety distance for the operator.

The GHS secondary container label project began by sifting through Agile and all of the

old chemical labels, then ultimately updating them with the required OSHA regulations. After

updating the information in Agile, the creation of new labels were results that then were printed

out. The project was completed after the removal of all of the old labels and the replacement with

the correct OSHA regulated labels on each of the chemical bottles used within the Kaiser Optical

manufacturing floor.

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1. Equipment Page

While working on the laser safety data sheet, one is working with Kaiser Optical’s

RamanRXN Systems. These instruments represent the state of the art in Raman analyzers and are

the choice for Raman spectroscopy, both in the laboratory and on the process line. All Kaiser’s

systems share common technology and allow easy transfer of protocols from R&D to

manufacturing. The instruments that were handled in this project and the measurements that were

taken from are as follows:

RamanRXN2 Analyzer: is a four-channel Raman system designed for use in

analytical laboratories for routine sample analysis or support of R&D projects, as

well as early process development and scale-up settings for in situ analysis.

Raman WorkStation Analyzer: is a highly versatile analyzer capable of micro and

macro measurements and includes Kaiser phAT technology. Options include

remote probes, Raman microscopy or imaging, and a transmission Raman


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PhAT System Analyzer: is a macro-Raman analyzer developed for solids analysis

utilizing Kaiser’s PhAT technology.

However, the laser safety data sheet that was fully completed, with the use of pages of research,

findings, and notes, is for the PhAT Probe and for the Mark II Probe:

NCO/IO for PhAT Probe: Kaiser offers several different noncontact sampling

lenses. These lenses control both the spot size at the surface of the sample and the

noncontact working distance. Other options include: removable lens, coater-

compatible, dryer-compatible, and sealed sampling optics.

NCO for MR & Mark II: Kaiser has a complete line of non-contact optics

(NCO’s) that are compatible with the MR Probe and Mark II probe filtered probe

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heads, and are designed for use in environments that could be damaging to optics

or where sample contamination is a concern.

2. Timeline Page

Start Date End Date Project

May 26th, 2015 May 29th, 2015 Safety Procedures/Precautions

June 1st, 2015 - Laser Safety Data Sheet

June 22nd, 2015 July 10th, 2015 GHS Secondary Container Labels

December 21st January 18th, 2016 Return to complete Laser Safety Data


January 21st April 16th, 2016 Analyze findings/ Complete Senior


3. Cost Page

*It was not necessary for any involvement in the component or instrument sales. This was not in

the job description when the internship/job was accepted.

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The problem desired to be solved was that there needed to be a portion of the safety

manual that would go to the customers that purchased the different products from Kaiser Optical.

To start out by solving this problem, there were a few different equations to solve the rate of the

Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (NOHD).

A few of the key points to determine the nominal ocular hazard distance are as followed:

Radiant power: total radiant power for continuous wave lasers or average radiant

power of a pulsed laser is measured in watts, and then the emergent beam divergence

is measured in radians.

Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE): is the minimum irradiance or radiant

exposure that may be incident upon the eye (or skin) without causing biological


Numerical aperture: is a dimensionless number that characterizes the range of angles

over which the system can accept or emit light.

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Laser Spot Size (diameter)(b0) Optic Focal Length (f0) NOHD Equation

1 mm 35 mm rNOHD = (f0/b0)(4Φ/πMPE)1/2

Φ = Laser Power output in Watts

MPE = Extract from Table 4.

1.2 mm (optional) 50 mm

3 mm 150 mm

6 mm (standard) 250 mm

Table 1: PhAT Probe Specifications

Table 1, located above, is a few of the findings for the required and specified PhAT Probe. For

the Mark II Probe calculations, the customer will need the focal length of the optic provided by

the manufacturer. Since the operator has the option of buying which ever type of optic they

prefer to connect to the microscope it is not possible to put all potential configurations in this

manual. The beam diameter (b0) exiting the Mark II Probe head before any optics is 1 mm and is


Base Unit used Fiber Core size and Mode NOHD Equation

RXN2 Standard 62.5 µm multi-mode (N.A. =.29) rNOHD = 1.7/NA (Φ/πMPE)1/2

multimode equation

MPE at 532nm continuous viewing - 1 x 10-3 W/cm2

MPE at 785nm continuous viewing - 1.479 W/cm2

Φ = Maximum Power in Watts (W)

Table 2: RXN2 Probe Specifications

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Table 2, located above, is a few of the findings for the required and specified RXN2 Probe.

Depending on the probe set utilized; the beam diameter, numerical opening of the fiber optical

cable to the probe head and focusing characteristics of the probe head, the nominal hazard zone

calculation will change dependent upon the potential exposure point.

It was determined and founded that in the event that the fiber optic probe cable is

removed and the interlock is overridden, the beam exiting the unit has a beam diameter of 62.5

micron and a numerical aperture (NA) of 0.29.

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As a result of the application process above, there was not exactly a result to be found as

much as there was a need to regulate safety requirements and to ultimately help each customer

that purchases Kaiser Optical products that could cause injury. Ultimately the findings were the

customer laser safety guidance, which an example is as follows:

6.1 Optical Safety – Replace entire section with the following;

The RamanWorkStation is outfitted with a Kaiser Invictus laser emitting a deep red and nearly invisible (785 nm) emission of less the 500 mW. This laser configuration is classified as Class 3B both under IEC 60825-1 and 21CFR1040. Always be aware of the initial direction of the beam and possible scattering paths of the laser.

Warning: RamanWorkStation lasers are classified as Class 3B laser products.

Serious damage or possible blindness could result from direct eye contact with the beam

emerging from the RamanWorkStation analyzer.

There are several potential emission points during normal or abnormal conditions that the operator should be aware of. The exposure risks differ at each of these points dependent upon the probe set used and the optics used. The unit could be set up utilizing a Mark II probe head, a PhAT probe head or both. During normal operation the beam is contained within the fiber optic cables with the exposure point being out of the workstation focusing optic pointed at the sample.

The magnitude of the potential optical hazards from the RamanWorkStation is determined by the maximum average optical power from the probe that could be transmitted through the iris and impinged on the retina. Therefore, the potential hazard varies with the optical distance between the probe and the eye.

For the PhAT probe head the following possible focusing optic configurations are available. Use the following dimensions to calculate the Nominal Hazard Zone. Note that even though the beam is pointing down at the sample, a specular reflection could be induced if the workstation shell is open, the interlock bypassed and a reflective material is placed in front of the beam. You will need to know what power the system is set at to effectively calculate the Nominal Hazard Zone.

Laser Spot Size (diameter)(b0) Optic Focal Length (f0) NOHD Equation

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b0 rNOHDf0



φ φ = beam divergence a = beam diameteraa

1 mm 35 mm rNOHD = (f0/b0)(4Φ/πMPE)1/2

Φ = Laser Power output in Watts

MPE = Extract from Table 4.

1.2 mm (optional) 50 mm

3 mm 150 mm

6 mm (standard) 250 mm

Table 2: PhAT Probe Specifications

For the Mark II probe calculations you will need the focal length of the optic provided by the manufacturer. Since the operator has the option of buying which ever type of optic they prefer to connect to the microscope it is not possible to put all potential configurations in this manual. The beam diameter (b0) exiting the Mark II probe head before any optics is 1 mm and is collimated. Utilize the same equation found in Table 1 inserting the appropriate optic focal length.

In the event that a fiber optic cable in the back of the unit is severed the exposure risk and nominal hazard zone would be calculated differently. In this instance you will need to know the size and mode of the fiber in order to properly calculate the Nominal Hazard Zone.

Base Unit used Fiber Core size and Mode NOHD Equation

RXN1 (λ = 785nm) 4.4 µm single mode (N.A. =.13) rNOHD = ω0/λ (πΦ/2MPE)1/2

single mode equation

RXN1 (PhAT probe) 200 µm multimode (N.A. = .28) rNOHD = 1.7/NA (Φ/πMPE)1/2

multimode equation

Table 3: Fiber Cable Specifications

In the event the a fiber cable is removed from the back of the base unit itself without shutting the system down or removing the interlock cable disabling the laser the following calculation should be used to determine Nominal Hazard Zone.

Base Unit used Beam diameter and divergence NOHD Equation

RXN1 a = 1mm

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φ = 17mradrNOHD = 1/φ [(4Φ/πMPE)-a2]1/2

Table 4: Base unit Nominal Hazard Zone data

To assist you with determining Nominal Hazard Zones the following information has been pulled from the ANSI Z136.1 standard.

Determining Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) for Point Source Ocular Exposure to a Laser Beam





Duration, t


MPE Calculation

MPE where

CA = 1.4791(J·cm-2) (W·cm-2)

0.785 10-13 to 10-11 1.5 CA x 10-8 2.2 x 10-8 (J·cm-2)

0.785 10-11 to 10-9 2.7 CA t0.75Insert time (t) and


0.785 10-9 to 18 x 10-6 5.0 CA x 10-7 7.40 x 10-7 (J·cm-2)

0.785 18 x 10-6 to 10 1.8 CA t0.75 x 10-3Insert time (t) and


0.785 10 to 3 x 104 CA x 10-3 1.4971 x 10-3 (W·cm-2)

Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) for Skin Exposure to a Laser Beam




Duration, t


MPE Calculation

MPE where

CA = 1.4791(J·cm-2) (W·cm-2)

0.785 10-9 to 10-7 2 CA x 10-2 2.9582 x 10-2 (J·cm-2)

0.785 10-7 to 10 1.1 CA t0.25Insert time (t) and


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0.785 10 to 3 x 104 0.2 CA 2.9582 x 10-1 (W·cm-2)

Table 5: Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

Laser light presents special safety hazards not associated with other light sources. All laser users and other present need to be aware of the special properties and dangers involved in laser radiation. Familiarity with the RamanWorkStation and the properties of intense laser radiation will aid in the safe operation of the RamanWorkStation.

Section 6.2 Electrical Safety – Good as it stands.

Section 6.3 – Replace withSection 6.3 Laser Safety Features and Compliance The RamanWorkStation attached to the RXN1 is registered with the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) under Accession Number 0920336 as meeting the applicable performance criteria specified in 21CFR Subpart J and IEC-60825-1. Any unauthorized modifications to the existing RamanWorkStation including extending the fiber optic cable, introducing non-Kaiser probes, using or adjusting controls or performing procedures other than those specified in the manual may result in hazardous radiation exposure. Such modifications may result in the RamanWorkStation being no longer in conformance the Federal or International requirements as manufactured by Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc.

Warning: The beam emerging from the RamanWorkStation is hazardous to the eye.

(See Section 6.1 for assistance in calculating nominal optical hazard distances.) Always

secure the probe so that it is pointing safely away from any personnel. Never handle the

probe freely when it is operating.

The RamanWorkStation incorporates the following safety features to conform to the United States Government requirements of 21CR Subpart J as administered by the CDRH and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard 60825-1.

Protective Housing: The RamanWorkStation is enclosed in a protective housing to prevent human access in excess of the limits of Class 1 radiation as specified in 21CFR1040.10(d) and IEC 60825-1 section 9. This housing is interlocked to shut off the laser when the doors are opened. The base unit section of the RamanWorkStation requires a tool to remove the protective housing and therefore, has no interlock.

Remote Interlock Connector: The connector jack (J1) on the back of the base unit, shown in Figure 6.3.1, is supplied for use as an external interlock connection. The terminals of the plug, supplied with the connector (J1), must be-connected to the interlock loop of the RamanWorkStation to provide laser power. The interlock is switched such that if the doors are opened, the laser will not operate unless the interlock override key is installed. If the doors are closed, the laser will operate as required. The interlock override key is located on the front of the RamanWorkStation and is shown in Figure 6.3.X. When the RamanWorkStation is used in macro mode, micro mode

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(optional), or transmission mode (optional) the interlock circuit from the RamanWorkStation must be connected.

Figure 6.3.1 Rear view of the base unit (Excitation/Collection Bulkheads)

Figure 6.3.2 Rear view of the base unit (electrical bulkhead)

Key Control: The laser radiation will not be accessible until the system key switch, shown in Figure XX , is in the ON position. The key cannot be removed when the switch is in the ON position.

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Figure 6.3.3 Front view of base unit

Laser Emission Indicators: Before laser emission can occur, the appropriately, labeled light on the RamanWorkStation base unit enclosure must turn on. Both indicators are visible without operator exposure to the laser emission, and are visible even when the operator is wearing laser safety glasses. The base unit indicators are shown in Figure 6.3.3. When the RamanWorkStation is used in macro, micro, or transmission mode indicator on the MVA housing will illuminate. It is shown in Figure XX.

6.3.1 Compliance LabelsThe RamanWorkStation meets the labeling requirements of both 21CFR Subpart J and IEC 60825-1. These include warning labels indicating removable fiber optic connectors, apertures through which laser radiation is emitted, and labels of certification and identification. A copy of each label is pictured below.

Figure 6.3.1 Interlock Defeated Label

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Figure 6.3.2 Aperture Label

Figure 6.3.3 Nameplate Label

Furthermore, an example of information from a GHS Secondary Container Label is as followed:

“Coating” X-59 Strip Coating

May be fatal if swallowed; May be fatal if inhaled; Harmful if inhaled; Harmful if absorbed through skin; Causes skin and eye burns;Flammable liquid and vapor; Extremely flammalbe

DOT Proper Shipping Name: Flammable Liquid

HMIS Rating: Health 2, Flammability 3, Reactivity 0, Personal Protection 0

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Conclusions and Recommendations

April 14, 2016Review for Emily Williams

Throughout the 2015 summer, Emily interned here at Kaiser under my supervision. As an engineering student we tried to provide Emily with a spectrum of events and involvement that would give her a sense of several engineering fields including product design, safety engineering, industrial engineering, and maintenance. To this end Emily was a regular participant at the weekly departmental meetings and contributed with progress reports on the projects that she attended to.

While Emily was with us, her prime task was to learn the prime concepts expressed in ANSI Z136.1American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers and relate that information to Kaiser Optical Systems’ product operational manuals. The end result would be to provide recommendations on improvements to these various product manuals. These improvements would provide better information to our customers, many of which are new to using lasers, so that those customers would have an easier time of calculating such things as the Nominal Ocular Hazard Zone and Optical Density for laser safety glasses associated with an operating Kaiser Raman Spectrograph. Emily completed this task successfully with minor exception based on the complexity of the task I asked her to undertake and my time to mentor her. Her work is well organized and easy to follow. Emily took a lot of notes as she reviewed the Standard.

Emily also assisted us with completing the transition of our secondary labeling of chemicals over to the recently adopted Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Handling of Chemicals system. Emily’s focus was to update the labels and attached them to the entity within our document control system.

I believe the leaders on my staff each had the opportunity to impact her growth in one way or another here at Kaiser. There are many fields that will be open to Emily should she decide to stay in the engineering field. I hope to see her continue her education in the field of engineering and wish her all possible success.

David Schiller, CSP, CHMMSr. Manager, Quality Assurance & QMSKaiser Optical Systems, Inc.

Letter of successful accomplishments from the Senior Manager at Kaiser Optical

In conclusion, the completion of this project was a success. Ultimately the fulfillment to

help guide the customer with an understandable and well written laser safety manual was the

problem to be solved, in which it was. A few new questions generated would be to find and test

if there is a way to collect this data in a more efficient way, instead of it taking a few months to

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complete one product piece. That would also be the only recommendation; to assign this project

to multiple employees so that the task is completed in a more efficient way for Kaiser Optical

and for the customer.

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Works Cited

American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers. Orlando, FL: Laser Institute of America,

2007. Print.

"Laser Reflected Angles - Google Search." Laser Reflected Angles - Google Search. Web. 18

Apr. 2016. < reflected angles>.

"Raman Analyzers." Raman Analyzers. Web. 16 Apr. 2016.

