imaging of diseases of the cranial nerves: tips and...

3 MAGNETOM Flash · 2/2012 · How-I-do-it Imaging of Diseases of the Cranial Nerves: Tips and Tricks Bernd F. Tomandl 1 ; Norbert Sommer 2 ; Patrick J. Egan 1 ; Tibor C. Mitrovics 1 1 Dpt. of Radiology and Neuroradiology, Christophsbad Hospital, Göppingen, Germany 2 Dpt. of Neurology, Christophsbad Hospital, Göppingen, Germany Introduction The intention of this article is to alert readers to common problems and pit- falls concerning magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for pathologies of cranial nerves. It also provides an introduction to helpful sequences and post process- ing techniques. There are numerous reports about imaging of the cranial nerves that show the capabilities of sub- millimeter heavily T2-weighted images, like the CISS or balanced FFE-sequences for the visualisation of the anatomy of the cranial nerves in the living body [1]. However, these sequences will only show the course of the cranial nerves within the basal cisterns, and whilst this is helpful in clinically-suspected cases of neurovascular compression symptoms [2, 3], in most other cases more infor- mation is needed to find the cause of cranial nerve palsy. To familiarise the reader with cranial nerve imaging, examples of the normal anatomy as well as typical pathological cases are shown in this article. Most images were acquired with a 1.5T MAGNETOM Avanto (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Ger- many). All cited references are available online for free. Anatomy and MR sequences Imaging of diseases of the cranial nerves requires good knowledge of the course 1 Frontal (1A) and rear (1B) view of the brain stem show the origin of the cranial nerves and their relation to surrounding arteries. The pictures were created from MR data. Figure courtesy of K. E. W. Eberhardt, Werneck, Germany and Peter Hastreiter, Erlangen, Germany. 1A 1B

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Imaging of Diseases of the Cranial Nerves: Tips and TricksBernd F. Tomandl1; Norbert Sommer2; Patrick J. Egan1; Tibor C. Mitrovics1

1Dpt. of Radiology and Neuroradiology, Christophsbad Hospital, Göppingen, Germany2Dpt. of Neurology, Christophsbad Hospital, Göppingen, Germany

IntroductionThe intention of this article is to alert readers to common problems and pit-falls concerning magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for pathologies of cranial nerves. It also provides an introduction to helpful sequences and post process-ing techniques. There are numerous reports about imaging of the cranial nerves that show the capabilities of sub-millimeter heavily T2-weighted images, like the CISS or balanced FFE-sequences

for the visualisation of the anatomy of the cranial nerves in the living body [1]. However, these sequences will only show the course of the cranial nerves within the basal cisterns, and whilst this is helpful in clinically-suspected cases of neurovascular compression symptoms [2, 3], in most other cases more infor-mation is needed to find the cause of cranial nerve palsy. To familiarise the reader with cranial nerve imaging,

examples of the normal anatomy as well as typical pathological cases are shown in this article. Most images were acquired with a 1.5T MAGNETOM Avanto (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Ger-many). All cited references are available online for free.

Anatomy and MR sequencesImaging of diseases of the cranial nerves requires good knowledge of the course

1 Frontal (1A) and rear (1B) view of the brain stem show the origin of the cranial nerves and their relation to surrounding arteries. The pictures were created from MR data. Figure courtesy of K. E. W. Eberhardt, Werneck, Germany and Peter Hastreiter, Erlangen, Germany.

1A 1B

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Table 1: Course and function of the cranial nerves (CN).

CN Name Course and Function

I Olfactory nervesPart of the brain. Responsible for the sense of smell. They run in the anterior base of the skull; their fibres exit the skull through the cribriform plate. These nerves are frequently injured in skull-base fractures.

II Optic nervesPart of the brain; surrounded by CSF and the dura. Responsible for the sense of vision. Fre-quent diseases affecting the optic nerves include multiple sclerosis and pituitary adenomas, as well as meningiomas and gliomas of the optic nerves.


Oculomotor nervesTrochlear nervesAbducens nerves

Responsible for eye movement. The relatively large oculomotor nerves also control pupillary constriction. While CN III and VI are easily identified on CISS images, the trochlear nerve – being the only one of the cranial nerves to leave the brain stem at its back below the quadri-geminal plate – is often difficult to find due to its tiny size [11]. The course of the abducens nerves is interesting. They leave the brain stem below the pons, enter a duplication of the dura at the clivus (Dorello's canal), and finally enter the cavernous sinus after crossing the petrosphenoidal ligament (Gruber's ligament). Imaging of an affliction of an abducens nerve should therefore include contrast-enhanced T1w images of the clivus with fat saturation. Acute palsy of the oculomotor nerve is frequently (15%) related to an intracranial aneurysm of the internal carotid artery at the origin of the Pcom.

V Trigeminal nerves

They divide into three branches: the V1 (ophthalmic), V2 (maxillary) and V3 (mandibular) branch. They leave the skull through the superior orbital fissure (V1), the foramen rotundum (V2) and the foramen ovale (V3). They transmit sensations from the face, scalp and teeth, including chewing. Neurovascular compression of the nerve at the entrance zone to the brain stem may result in trigeminal neuralgia.


Facial nervesVestibulocochlear nerves

The facial and vestibulocochlear nerves both enter the internal auditory meatus. The facial nerves are responsible for the sensation of taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue as well as the motoric innervation of face muscles. Acoustic schwannomas and meningeomas are frequent pathologic findings affecting these nerves.


Glossopharyngeal nervesVagus nervesAccessory nerves

The glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves leave the skull through the jugular fora-men. CN IX is also responsible for involuntary blood-pressure reflexes, cardiac and respira-tory sensing, contraction of the pharynx and the swallowing reflex. Some of these signals overlap with CN X, which is more involved in reflexes and vital functions. They can be involved in skull-base tumors or dissections of the carotid artery.

XII Hypoglossal nervesThe hypoglossal nerves exit the skull through the hypoglossal foramen. They control the movement of the tongue by innervating three of the four muscles. The fourth muscle is under the control of CN X.

Parts of table 1 are courtesy of Alicia Mae Prater,

of the particular involved cranial nerve. An overview of the cranial nerves is given in table 1 and figure 1. A more interactive and entertaining introduction to cranial nerve anatomy and function is given by Barbara Liang on the wisc-online site ( cranial nerves are visible even on standard MR-images: The ophthalmic, optical, trigeminal, oculomotoric as well

as the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves can be readily identified on 4 mm T2w images (Fig. 2). The smaller nerves are more difficult to see and thin section images are required. As an example how the anatomic course of a cranial nerve influences the choice of MR sequences, the course of the sixth cranial nerves (abducens nerves) is as follows: The nerves leave the brain stem below the pons, enter a duplication of the dura at

the clivus (Dorello's canal), and finally enter the cavernous sinus after crossing the petrosphenoidal ligament (Gruber's ligament) [4]. While CISS-images will only show the intracisternal course of the nerve (Fig. 3), other sequences are needed to exclude an infarction in the pons or a tumor along the course of the nerve. Imaging of an acute affliction of an abducens nerve should therefore always include diffusion-weighted

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2 4 mm T2w TSE MRI. Some cranial nerves are always visible: (2A) T2w TSE with fat saturation in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Hyperin-tense right optic nerve indicating optic neuritis (white arrow). The left optic nerve is normal (arrowhead). In addition the olfactory nerves are visible (red arrows). (2B) The oculomotor nerves (arrows) crossing the space between the posterior cerebral artery and the superior cerebellar artery. (2C) The trigeminal nerves at their origin (red arrows) and the facial and vestibulocchlear nerves within the internal acoustic canal are clearly visible (white arrows).

2A 2B 2C

3 Multiplanar reformations from 0.7 mm CISS images in oblique sagittal and coro-nal planes show the intracisternal course of the abducens nerves (yellow arrows) and the origin of Dorello´s canal (red arrows).

images (DWI) of the pons and (if no infarction is visible) contrast-enhanced T1w images of the clivus (sagittal plane) and cavernous sinus (coronal plane) with fat saturation [5]. Time-of-Flight (TOF) MR angiography (MRA) can be helpful to detect aneurysms in the cav-ernous sinus. Always remember that this technique is not sufficient to exclude intracranial aneurysms [6].Often T1-weighted 3D-sequences after

administration of gadolinium (e.g. Mag-netization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo (MPRAGE)) are very helpful as they allow for intensive post processing of the data (Fig. 4) [7].

Post processingUsually the cranial nerves follow an oblique course through the basal cis-terns. Therefore 3D post processing with multiplanar reconstructions (MPR) and/

or volume rendering is often helpful to get a clearer delineation of the course of a specific cranial nerve and its vicinity. The following case report will make that more clear:A 46-year-old woman attended her phy-sician after she developed acute ptosis and double vision especially when look-ing to the left side (Fig. 5). Clinical examination revealed an oculomotor palsy. The normal anatomy of the third


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4 T1w MPRAGE after intra-venous administration of Gado-linium-DTPA in a patient with multiple meningiomas and an assumed acoustic schwan-noma. (4A) MPR in three orthogonal planes allows for optimal delineation of the tumor within the internal acoustic canal. In addition a volume rendered image shows the brain surface. (4B) Thin section MIP images (15 mm) and low opacity volume ren-dering allow good delineation of both the large intracranial arteries and veins.

5 Acute right oculomotor palsy in a 46-year-old woman.

6 Intracisternal course of the left oculomotor nerve (black arrow) demonstrated on a vol-ume rendered image (6A) of the brainstem and an oblique sagittal view from 0.7 mm CISS data (6B). The nerve (black arrow) leaves the midbrain (*) between the posterior cerebral artery (white arrow) and the superior cerebellar artery (white arrowhead). After cross-ing the basal cisterns it enters the cavernous sinus.


6A 6B



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cranial nerve is shown in figure 6. MRI was performed including DWI and TOF-MRA without result. As the oculomotor palsy did not improve within 4 weeks the patient was sent to our hospital. She brought her images on a CD and we reviewed the images including post pro-cessing of the TOF-MRA that was done on a Siemens MultiModality workplace (Leonardo). While it was very difficult to see the lesion on the initially produced maximum intensity projection (MIP) reconstructions that included the whole volume data (Fig. 7) it was rather easy to detect the aneurysm on 15 mm thin MIP images in 3 planes and even easier on volume rendered images (Fig. 8). This is a good example why whole- volume MIP imaging is not very helpful if we want to see more than just the big arteries [8]. Of course it is mandatory to review the source images before any kind of 3D-imaging is done [9]. In our hospital we use routinely thin section MIPs of 15 mm section thickness in sagittal axial and oblique coronal planes where the coronal plane is reconstructed parallel to the basilar artery to get a clear visualization of the 2 vertebral arteries and the basilar artery and its branches (Fig. 9). Using this type of reconstruction makes it easy to delin-eate aneurysms in the vicinity of the cranial nerves. It is important to know that about 15% of acute oculomotor palsy cases are caused by intracranial aneurysms that are usually located at the distal intracranial internal carotid artery at the origin of the posterior com-municating artery [10]. The course of the nerve roughly parallels the course of the posterior communicating artery (Fig. 6). It is very important to perform the MRA with high quality in these patients. We must be aware that TOF-MRA cannot exclude an aneurysm because slow flow within the aneurysm may lead to non-visualisation within the flow sensitive sequences so that other imaging modalities like contrast-enhanced MRA, CTA or even DSA are sometimes necessary.

7 180° MIP of the whole volume of TOF-MRA. It is very difficult to detect the small aneurysm of the internal carotid artery (arrow).


8 Thin section (15 mm) MIP images in three orthogonal and a volume- rendered image from a right rear lateral view clearly shows the 3 mm aneurysm of the intracranial internal carotid artery at the origin of the posterior commu-nicating artery.


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References1 Sheth, S., Branstetter, B.F.t., and Escott, E.J.:

‘Appearance of normal cranial nerves on steady-state free precession MR images’, Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc, 2009, 29, (4), pp. 1045-1055.

2 Gaul, C., Hastreiter, P., Duncker, A., and Naraghi, R.: ‘Diagnosis and neurosurgical treatment of glossopharyngeal neuralgia: clinical findings and 3-D visualization of neurovascular compression in 19 consecutive patients’, The journal of head-ache and pain, 2011, 12, (5), pp. 527-534.

3 Lang, E., Naraghi, R., Tanrikulu, L., Hastreiter, P., Fahlbusch, R., Neundorfer, B., and Troscher-We-ber, R.: ‘Neurovascular relationship at the tri-geminal root entry zone in persistent idiopathic facial pain: findings from MRI 3D visualisation’, Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychia-try, 2005, 76, (11), pp. 1506-1509.

4 Ono, K., Arai, H., Endo, T., Tsunoda, A., Sato, K., Sakai, T., and Makita, J.: ‘Detailed MR imaging anatomy of the abducent nerve: evagination of CSF into Dorello canal’, AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 2004, 25, (4), pp. 623-626.

5 Mitsuya, K., Nakasu, Y., Horiguchi, S., Harada, H., Nishimura, T., Yuen, S., Asakura, K., and Endo, M.: ‘Metastatic skull tumors: MRI features and a new conventional classification’, Journal of neuro-oncology, 2011, 104, (1), pp. 239-245.

6 Tomycz, L., Bansal, N.K., Hawley, C.R., Goddard, T.L., Ayad, M.J., and Mericle, R.A.: ‘"Real-world" comparison of non-invasive imaging to conven-tional catheter angiography in the diagnosis of cerebral aneurysms’, Surgical neurology interna-tional, 2011, 2, pp. 134.

7 Lettau, M., Sartor, K., Heiland, S., and Hahnel, S.: ‘3T high-spatial-resolution contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the intracranial venous sys-tem with parallel imaging’, AJNR. American jour-nal of neuroradiology, 2009, 30, (1), pp. 185-187.

8 Runck, F., Steiner, R.P., Bautz, W.A., and Lell, M.M.: ‘MR imaging: influence of imaging tech-nique and postprocessing on measurement of internal carotid artery stenosis’, AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 2008, 29, (9), pp. 1736-1742.

9 Tomandl, B.F., Kostner, N.C., Schempershofe, M., Huk, W.J., Strauss, C., Anker, L., and Hastreit-er, P.: ‘CT angiography of intracranial aneurysms: a focus on postprocessing’, Radiographics : a re-view publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc, 2004, 24, (3), pp. 637-655.

10 Nam, K.H., Choi, C.H., Lee, J.I., Ko, J.G., Lee, T.H., and Lee, S.W.: ‘Unruptured Intracranial An-eurysms with Oculomotor Nerve Palsy : Clinical Outcome between Surgical Clipping and Coil Embolization’, Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 2010, 48, (2), pp. 109-114.

11 Yousry, I., Moriggl, B., Dieterich, M., Naidich, T.P., Schmid, U.D., and Yousry, T.A.: ‘MR anatomy of the proximal cisternal segment of the trochle-ar nerve: neurovascular relationships and land-marks’, Radiology, 2002, 223, (1), pp. 31-38.

Contact Prof. Dr. Bernd F. Tomandl, M.D.Department of Radiology and NeuroradiologyChristophsbad HospitalFaurndauerstr. 6-2873033 GöppingenGermanyPhone: +49 7161 601 9389Fax: +49 7161 601 9332 [email protected]:


Before performing MRI of a patient with cranial nerve palsy make sure that you know the course of the particular cranial nerves. Use thin section CISS-sequences to see the intracisternal course of the nerves. Use fat suppressed T1w images after contrast administration to visualize pathology within the skull base. Use 3D MPRAGE for a variety of reconstructions. Don´t rely on whole-volume MIP images from TOF-MRA. Routinely use the excel-lent post-processing tools that come with all Siemens scanners, such as MPR, thin section MIPs and volume rendering. This will ensure that you will not miss important findings.

9 Oblique coronal thin MIP reformations (15 mm section thickness) are done parallel to the basilar artery to get a free view on the vertebral arteries and the basilar artery and its branches. The volume rendered image shows a small probably intracavernous aneurysm of the internal carotid artery (arrow).


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