images to use for the magazine

Photos to use for my Magazine

Upload: hollyclaire

Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Images to use for the magazine

Photos to use for my Magazine

Page 2: Images to use for the magazine

Before After

Page 3: Images to use for the magazine


Personally I like the photo above because it simple

but mysterious. I feel it looks better in black and white

as it adds more drama to the image.

By cropping it, it helped to highlight the features on

her face. I highlighted her features such as her eyes

to make them stand out more against the darkness of

the photo.

The photo could also help me to name the interview

which is going into the magazine, or could be used on

the contents page, however, I don’t think I will use it

as the cover.

Page 4: Images to use for the magazine

Before After

Page 5: Images to use for the magazine


Personally I am not to keep on the image

above, because I don’t think it is crisp enough

and it doesn’t give the edge I want it to. I

probably won’t use this image on my actual

spread. I might use it on the contents page, but

that’s about it.

Page 6: Images to use for the magazine

Before after

Page 7: Images to use for the magazine


I like the image above, because it looks like

something you would find in a magazine. The

clothes she is wearing also match the colour of

theme of the rest of the photos.

I brightened the background, and also got rid of

the black floor. I did this because I feel that it

looks better, and more like a studio, and


Page 8: Images to use for the magazine

Before After

Page 9: Images to use for the magazine


This is one of my favorite images I took. I like it

because it looks natural but professional. I didn’t

do a great deal of editing to this photo. I enhance

the colours of her. I did this so that she looked

more radiant and healthy. I then brightened the

background and got rid of the lines on the wall.

Again I did this made the image as a whole look

more professional.

I may consider using this as my cover photo. If I

don’t it will defiantly be in the magazine.

Page 10: Images to use for the magazine



Page 11: Images to use for the magazine


This is my favorite image I have taken and

photographed. This is because I feel that it is a

really natural looking photo and it is edited really

well. Personally I think this will be my cover

image. As it is simple, but effective. The colour

contrast between the black and white also works


Page 12: Images to use for the magazine



Page 13: Images to use for the magazine


Personally, I am not keen on the image above

because it isn’t edited very well. However it

would fit a music magazine really well, because

she is clearly singing and obviously this is what a

music magazine is about.

If I were to use this image, I would only use it

small on the contents page, but I doubt I will use


Page 14: Images to use for the magazine



Page 15: Images to use for the magazine


I like this image above because it looks different,

and even though the background is busy, I feel

that the photo is simple looking. It also fits in to a

music magazine, because the background is

made up of all different access all area passes

for concerts and music tours.

I will use this photo in my magazine, but I don’t

feel that I will use it on the cover because the

background is too busy and I feel the cover will

look over crowded.

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Page 17: Images to use for the magazine


I didn’t do a great deal of editing on this

image, because I feel that it was a good image

as an original. I only enhanced the colours to

make the image as a whole look brighter.

I think I will use this image in my magazine, more

than likely on the interview page. This is because

the girl looks like she is deep in thought like she

would be answering a question.

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Page 19: Images to use for the magazine


Again there is little editing on this photo.

However I am not sure if I will use it or not. This

is because I feel that the expression on the face

is to weak and blank. I don’t think it is energetic

enough to be in a magazine.

I only enhanced the colours on the image, and

slightly retouched the face to make it more

floorless, and something it would look like in a


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Page 21: Images to use for the magazine


Again I really like this image, this is because I

feel that it is quirky and different. I also really like

the background, and I think it stands out more by

the colour of her hair.

I will more than likely use this image in my

magazine, because I feel that it is an effective

image and I think it will fit my magazine. I might

use it on the interview page or the contents page.

Like I stated earlier, I won’t use it on my

cover, because it will be to over powering.

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Page 23: Images to use for the magazine


I like the image of the girl on the drum kit,

however I don’t feel that it is a good photo

because it looks really amateur. I will probably

use it in my magazine though maybe on my

contents page. I don’t feel that it is a good

enough image to be on the interview page.

Page 24: Images to use for the magazine

Before After

Page 25: Images to use for the magazine


This image will defiantly be in my magazine, this

is again because I feel that it looks

professional, and something that you would find

in a magazine.

I just brightened the back ground, and enhanced

the colours, I don’t think I will use this image on

the cover of the magazine, but I do think that I

will use it on the interview page.