image captioning with captioning...

3.1. Convolutional Neural Network f (x)= Ax + b A A K f (x)= K X k=1 g k * x + b k . f x r(x) = max(0,x) h(x) = max 0, K X k=1 g k * x + b k ! .

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Page 1: Image Captioning with Captioning with Attention. Image Captioning with Attention. Blaine Rister (,

Image Captioning with Attention

Blaine Rister ([email protected]), Dieterich Lawson ([email protected])

1. Introduction

In the past few years, neural networks have fueleddramatic advances in image classi�cation. Embold-ened, researchers are looking for more challenging ap-plications for computer vision and arti�cial intelligencesystems. They seek not only to assign numerical la-bels to input data, but to describe the world in humanterms. Image and video captioning is among the mostpopular applications in this trend toward more intelli-gent computing systems.

For our course project, we designing an imagecap-tioning system using recurrent neural networks (RNNs)and attention models. Image captioning is the taskof generating text descriptions of images. This is aquickly-growing research area in computer vision, sug-gesting more �intelligence� of the machine than mereclassi�cation or detection.

RNNs are variants of the neural network paradigmthat make predictions over sequences of inputs. Foreach sequence element, outputs from previous elementsare used as inputs, in combination with new sequencedata. This gives the networks a sort of �memory� whichmight make captions more informative and context-aware.

RNNs tend to be computationally expensive to trainand evaluate, so in practice memory is limited to justa few elements. Attention models help address thisproblem by selecting the most relevant elements froma larger bank of input data. Such schemes are called�attention models� by analogy to the biological phe-nomenon of focusing attention on a small fraction ofthe visual scene.

In this work, we develop a system which extractsfeatures from images using a convolutional neural net-work (CNN), combines the features with an attentionmodel, and generates captions with an RNN.

2. Prior Work

There has been much prior work on attention mod-els and image captioning with neural networks. In thisclass alone, at least two of the instructors have writtenarticles on the topic. Karpathy and Li generated cap-tions for distinct locations with an image [2]. Yeung

et al. used attention models to classify human actionsfrom video sequences [10]. Many researchers, such asXu et al., have used attention models to visualize andinterpret which parts of the scene are most importantto a network's determination of words [9]. Even thiscursory examination reveals a wide range of attentionmodels and captioning architectures. Many other ar-chitectures can be found in the literature [7, 5, 8].

3. Architecture

Our model will has three main parts: a convolu-tional neural network (CNN) that extracts featuresfrom images, an attention mechanism that weights theimage features, and an RNN that generates captions todescribe the weighted image features. In the followingsections, we will describe each in turn.

3.1. Convolutional Neural Network

A convolutional neural network is a standard feed-forward neural network, except that instead of com-puting the a�ne function f(x) = Ax + b, we restrictA to be a Toeplitz matrix. This is the same as sayingthat A is a convolution. This basic idea generalizes toimages, where we have a 2D convolution over each ofthe K color channels. Each layer performs an a�neoperator consisting of convolutions and element-wisesummations:

f(x) =


gk ∗ x+ bk.

In the context of neural networks, we often follow thesea�ne �convolutional layers� with a �nonlinearitie.� Infact f is an a�ne operator on x, and nonlinear itself.The most commonly used nonlinearity is the recti�edlinear unit (ReLU), which is nothing more than thehinge loss

r(x) = max(0, x)

where the maximum is taken element-wise. Thus thetotal unit of a convolutional neural network is

h(x) = max



gk ∗ x+ bk

). (1)


Page 2: Image Captioning with Captioning with Attention. Image Captioning with Attention. Blaine Rister (,

In this work, we have chosen to use a pre-existing CNNmodel, called ResNet-50. This model consists of 50layers each performing a similar operation to 1. Thesubtle di�erences between ResNet-50 and other CNNsare beyond the scope of this paper.

3.2. Recurrent neural networks

While CNNs are adept at signal processing, theycannot easily express the idea of pattens in sequences.Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are similar to feed-forward neural networks, except their outputs are fedback into the input. The networks maintain a �hid-den state� that allows them to adjust their behaviorthroughout iterations of this feedback loop. RNNs areconsidered state of the art in machine translation andother tasks involving generating text, as they easilylearn the patterns of human grammar.

In this work, we leverage a powerful variant on theRNN idea called a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)unit. In this paper, we will simply state the equationsfor LSTMs, and not delve into their interpretation.Given a state at time t, the LSTM update equationsare





◦W (ht−1


)ct = f ◦ ct−1 + i ◦ ght = o ◦ tanh(ct)

where σ denotes the sigmoid function, and tanh de-notes the hyperbolic tangent. The vectors i, f, o, g arecalled �gates� of the LSTM for reasons that are beyondthe scope of this paper.

In image captioning, the input x is a vector repre-senting a speci�c n-gram, which is called an �embed-ding.� We learn the parameters of this embedding asan a�ne transfomation of 1-hot vectors. After pro-cessing, the hidden state h is transformed to vector ofclass scores, where each n-gram, which in our case isjust a word, corresponds to a distinct class. Thus, thepredicted word at time t wt is just

wt = argmaxi

(Aht + b)i

whereA, b are learned parameters. Note that we initial-ize the hidden state h0 with the image features. Fromhere, it is clear that this is just a standard classi�ca-tion problem, and can be trained with the softmax lossas in any other neural network. The whole networkarchitecture up to this point is shown in �gure 1 .































Embedding Attention

Without Attention

With Attention Figure 1. Captioning network without attention































Embedding Attention

Without Attention

With Attention

Figure 2. Captioning network with attention

3.3. Attention models

In the previous section, we assumed that the spatialdimensions of the CNN image features were averagedtogether. Now, we describe a method to weight thesespatial locations according to their perceived impor-tance. This is known as an �attention mechanism.�We accomplished this by adding an �attention gate� tothe LSTM architecture. The new �attention LSTM�equations are





◦WI ◦ at−1



where at represents the attention parameters at timet. We can see that the attention parameters de�ne alinear transformation of the input image. Furthermore,the softmax function ensures that for all elements wehave at > 0 and for the whole vector we have ‖at‖1 = 1.In other words, the attention weights are positive andsum to one. The new architecture with attention isshown in �gure 2.


Page 3: Image Captioning with Captioning with Attention. Image Captioning with Attention. Blaine Rister (,

4. Experiments

In this section, we evaluate the proposed networkarchitectures on a real image captioning dataset.

4.1. Dataset

There are many datasets for image captioning. Weoriginally planned to caption videos with the newly-released MVAD dataset [6]. However, due to computa-tional and algorithmic limitations, we decided to limitthe scope of our project to still images. We decided touse the Common Objects in Context (COCO) datasetfrom Microsoft, which is among the most widely-usedfor this task [4]. The dataset consists of about half amillion images, split into training, validation, and testsets, along with human annotations for the trainingand validation sets. Each annotation is a sentence ofaround 10-20 words, and there are 5-7 annotations perimage.

4.2. Metrics

Given the huge volume of our data, cannot possi-bly show the results for each image. Thus, we needa way to quantify the average accuracy of the systemon the whole dataset. There are several metrics bywhich to judge the quality of machine-produced text,and none without criticism. We chose to use the Bilin-gual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) metric, as it isone of the simplest and best known. Before describingthe BLEU score, we will describe a simpler and bet-ter known metric, called the �precision.� Let x be avector of machine-produced n-grams, and let y be avector of ground truth n-grams. For example, x couldbe the words in a sentence describing a movie frame,with xi representing an individual word, and y couldbe words from scripts describing the same scene. Weoften wish to have a ground truth y representing themany possible linguistic translations of the same idea.The precision is

p =1



1{xi ∈ y}.

The BLEU score is similar to the precision, except thateach occurrence of an n-gram in y can account for onlyone occurrence in x. For example, the statement �Thethe the the the the� would receive a perfect precisionif the reference translation contained the word �the,�but not necessarily a perfect BLEU score, as we arelimited to counting only as many occurrences of �the�as appear in y.

4.3. Results

The results in our experiments so far are encourag-ing. After trying our di�erent combinations of hyper-parameters, we trained the basic LSTM model from�gure 1 with two layers of LSTMs, a hidden state oflength 2048, and a word embedding of length 1536.The length of the generated sequence was 51 words,the maximum length of all sequences in the COCOdataset. Image features of length 2048 were extractedusing a pretrained ResNet-50 model [1]. To optimizethe LSTM model parameters, we used the Adam de-scent method in batches of 64 pairs of images and cap-tions [3].

To make the classi�cation problem feasible, the vo-cabulary was restricted to the 2,000 most commonwords from the COCO dataset. All other words werereplaced with a special �unknown� token. All tokensless than 51 words in length were padded with a special�null� token, signifying that no more words are neededto describe the image. Note that the 51 word limit in-cludes �start� and �end� tokens enclosing each caption.

After these modi�cations, the model was trained for10,000 batch iterations, or approximately 1.5 epochs,on the full COCO training dataset of approximately400,000 images. We used a pretrained Ca�e model forthe ResNet CNN, and implemented the LSTM modelin Torch.

The qualitative results of this model are quite inter-esting. For many images, the model generates informa-tive and grammatical captions. Figure 3 shows some ofthe most impressive results. While many captions areinformative, some describe a scene completely di�erentthan the one in the image, while others are completegibberish. Although we cannot rigorously separate thetwo tasks of the network, we might call the former typeof error a failure in image recognition, and the latter afailure in text generation. It should be noted that mostgibberish captions make liberal use of the �unknown�token. Figure 4 shows some examples of these kinds offailures.

To qualitatively assess the accuracy of our model, wereport the world-level BLEU score, as discussed in sec-tion 4.2. All start, end, null tokens are stripped fromboth the predicted and ground truth captions prior tocomputing BLEU. Note that we include the unknowntokens when computing BLEU, which is strongly toour disadvantage. A graph of the BLEU score overtime is shown in �gure 5. We can see that there isnot much improvement beyond the �rst few hundrediterations. It could be that the model has derived allpossible bene�t from our fast learning rate, and is un-able to descend steep valleys. Or, it could be that themodel bounces back and forth between local minima,


Page 4: Image Captioning with Captioning with Attention. Image Captioning with Attention. Blaine Rister (,

a man and a woman are

playing a video game a man in a white shirt and

black shirt playing tennis

a group of people on

skis in the snow a street sign on a pole

on a street a man and a woman are

sitting on a bench a <UNK> <UNK>



Figure 3. Successful captions generated by our neural net-


a man and a woman are

playing a video game a man in a white shirt and

black shirt playing tennis

a group of people on

skis in the snow a street sign on a pole

on a street a man and a woman are

sitting on a bench a <UNK> <UNK>



Figure 4. Failure cases from our neural network.

all of which are nearly as good. The good news is thatthe beak BLEU score of 0.572 at iteration 4000 is fairlyhigh. This can be interpreted as saying that 57% of thegenerated words correctly describe the input images.

Finally, we show an example output of the atten-tion network architecture from �gure 2. The paramterswere the same as before, except we used only one layerfor simplicity. At this time we do not have a full evalu-ation of the performance di�erences between that andthe prior LSTM architecture. However, we can see in�gure 6 that the caption is informative, and the atten-tion on the word �baseball� seems to be in the part ofthe image with the baseball player and glove.

iter validation training

250 0.566 0.556

500 0.573 0.572

1000 0.501 0.503

2000 0.507 0.509

3000 0.549 0.549

4000 0.571 0.572

5000 0.516 0.519

6000 0.475 0.477

7000 0.554 0.556

8000 0.45 0.452

9000 0.536 0.54

10000 0.54 0.542









0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000






validation training

Figure 5. Word-level BLEU score for the network without

the attention model. The training and validation accuracies

are nearly identical.

a man is standing

on a baseball field

Figure 6. Attention captioning example. White areas have

higher attention weights.

5. Conclusion

We have developed a neural network architecturefor image captioning and reported its accuracy on theCOCO dataset. We have also extended the architec-ture to use attention models, and showed some ini-tial results from this investigation. The current ex-periments are encouraging, giving a reasonably goodBLEU score with little training.


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