image analysis


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Upload: catereidy

Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Image Analysis

The Q magazine gives a medium close up of Adele, to allow the front cover to focus on her. She is placed to the right hand side of the page, with a white background behind her, to make her stand out. Adele stands to the side with her face turned towards the camera, with her hair flowing in a light breeze; this adds an effect of making her stand out. The shot has her placing her hand to her face to add attitude to the image, with the her nails and top both being a shade of purple, to add continuity.

The Cheryl Cole magazine front cover for ELLE is similar to the other, but has a colour theme of black and white, allowing the masthead to stand out in front of the image at the top of the page. It also adds class and simplicity to the front cover. Cheryl's hair is also being blown behind her, to make her look imperfect and she places both of her arms around her face to add character to the image.

Front Covers

Page 2: Image Analysis

This Elle magazine front cover dresses Blake Lively in a simplistic white dress to make it blend in with the background slightly, with her face standing out amongst it all. She is turned to a 90 degree angle with her face turning towards the camera, this creates a different effect and image to others. The simplistic white colour theme also allows the cover lines around her to stand out. The only bold piece of colour placed on Blake are her two rings she wears and her nail varnish, she was placed to turn that way to allow that arm to be central and show off these bold colours which add colour to the cover.

Front Covers

Page 3: Image Analysis

This contents page has the main image of Cheryl Cole in black and white to allow the red text to stand out around it. It also includes to other images, one of them being placed as if a DPS, overlapping onto the image of Cheryl. There is another image which is placed above the row of text and is sized to fit in.


Page 4: Image Analysis

This DPS shows an image of Florence that is shown as the whole background. She is shown perched on a table that is covered in a striped red and white cloth, this stands out against the black text and the black clothes and shoes she wears, it also matches her hair colour.