i’m the hero!

I’m the Hero! Sup dude? I’m Alfred F. Jones also known as the United States of America and I’m here to tell you how my government works, it’s gunna be awesome!

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Post on 03-Oct-2015




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A fun way to learn US govenment


Im the Hero!

Im the Hero!Sup dude? Im Alfred F. Jones also known as the United States of America and Im here to tell you how my government works, its gunna be awesome!

Lets start with the beginning!

This was me back in the day! Wasnt I cute? This was when I was still Englands colony. Everything was really scary back then because even if I didnt know it I would one day span from coast to coast and I could feel other nations on my land.

Fast forward Time!Anyway I grew pretty quick, and soon I met the guy that would be my first boss. Thats him right there

He was a badass dude! He got his ass kicked all over the place but he still helped me become an independent country and he didnt want to be a King.

How badass is that?

Government Time!So Dad George left and eventually I ended up with this government system that all of my other bosses have impacted. Lets start with easy stuff. My government has three parts. This is to make sure that no one can take over, cuz Im totally free and one dude ruling isnt cool, bro. Here are the branches. Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative BranchExecutive Branch The President (My Boss), His or Her Cabinet and stuff. This is my current boss: Barack Obama hes number 44.The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term. (From my Consitiution) As president he is the commander and chief of my military, hes the head of state (AKA MY BOSS) and leader of the executive branch (Boss of all the federal agencies and stuff).

More About My BossSo my Boss is a pretty cool dude, I mean anyone who is POTUS has to be awesome right? He can do some pretty kick ass things too! Boss Man can enter me into treaties with other countries (Thats me and some of the others in the corner) and he can appoint his cabinet. The executive cabinet is pretty cool, cuz those guys or girls do a lot for me but Ill get into that more later. Oh yeah! Hes also got the Presidential Veto!

Even More About My BossPOTUS is elected every 4 years and can serve 2 terms. Except Franklin D. Roosevelt he served 4 terms. Back in the day these terms didnt have to be consecutive (*Cough* Grover Cleveland *Cough*) but now days they are. Pres. Obama gets his powers from Article II of my Constitution and it also talks about my Vice President. Joe Biden is the current VP, hes a Funny guy.

Vice President VP is the 2nd most powerful dude, cuz if something happened to my Boss he gets to take over. VPOTUS also has another title: President of the United States Senate which means he can vote to break a tie in the Senate. Arent my Boss and Vice Boss super cool?

Executive CabinetNow were going to cover my Bosss cabinet. The Cabinet is made up of the most senior guys of the executive branch. There are like 15 secretaries and 8 or so cabinet-level offices including VP Joe Biden.

There is a picture of my former Boss Ronald Reagan and his cabinet

A French Interlude

HonhonhonI am France!The country of LOVE!

France, dude, get out of my powerpoint!Big Brother France!Bonjour! I am the French Republic orRpublique Franaise. Like America my government has three branches but mine is better. That is my Boss, Franois Hollande. Unlike the brutish Americans, I also have a Prime Minister.

GTFO my powerpoint dude!

No One Cares France!Back to me! Im the hero!

Judicial BranchNext branch! Now we get to talk about my totally kick ass judicial system!

My Super Awesome Supreme Court!SCOTUS is made up of 9 justices (Judges) and they are the highest court in the land.

The leader of SCOTUS is John Roberts hes the chief justice.

John Roberts is the guy in the middle.Super Awesome SCOTUSSCOTUS was created by Article III of my Constitution. You can take a case to the Supreme Court if you are appealing a ruling made by a lower court or if you have a federal question. Federal questions are about my Constitution, cases that involve people from separate states or lots of money. (Like more than 75K)