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  • 8/7/2019 IM SOOK Restaurant and Art Gallery



  • 8/7/2019 IM SOOK Restaurant and Art Gallery



    Group Member

    Healthy foods & Art Gallery

    (Buffalo head)

    1. Miss Waraporn Pumpuang ID: 4931203094 BA

    2. Miss Ruethairat Na Muangyong ID: 4931207088 HIM

    3. Mr. Salun saksophon ID: 5031207064 HIM

    4. Miss Kamontip Pinij ID:5131207035 HIM


    Miss Chanita Junket ID:5131207045 HIM6. Miss Ratha Panichayanon ID: 5031205092 Tour

  • 8/7/2019 IM SOOK Restaurant and Art Gallery




    We would like to express my sincere thanks to my teacher, Aj. Chaiyawat Thongintr for

    him invaluable help and constant assist throughout the course of this project. We are most

    grateful for him teaching and advice, not only the project methodologies but also many other

    methodologies in life. We would not have achieved this far and this project would not have been

    completed without all the support that we have always received from him.

    In addition, we are grateful for the teachers of Project Feasibility Study and Evaluation

    course, Aj. Chaiyawat Thongintr and others teacher for suggestions and all them help.

    Finally, we most gratefully acknowledge our friends for all their support throughout the

    period of this project.

    Buffalo Head Group

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    Table of Contents


    1.1 Background and Significance of the Project .. 8

    1.2 Project Objective 9

    1.3 Benefits of Project.. 9

    1.4 Activities/Time Frame 10

    Chapter 2

    Industry Profile 2.1 Nature of Industry 11

    2.1.1 History of Health Food Agriculture11-14

    2.1.2 History of art galleries. 15 Types of galleries 16 History of Art museums and galleries in Thailand ... 17-19 History of Art museums and galleries in the word 20-272.2 Nature and situation of Industry 28-29

    2.3 Market trend. 30

    2.3.1 Market share.31

    2.4 Product/Service (in General) 32

    2.4.1 Healthy Food Menu....32-33

    2.4.2 Service..34

    2.5 Vision of the organization 35

    2.6 Mission. 35

    2.7 Business Strategy35

    2.7.1 Corporate Level35

    2.7.2 Business Level..36

    2.7.3 Functional level................................................................................36

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    Chapter 3

    Market Feasibility Study 3.1 Market Analysis 37

    3.1.1 General Environment Analysis3.1.2 Politic & Legal

    3.1.3 Economic Factor38

    3.1.4 Social & Cultural Factor ..39-42

    3.2 Competitor Analysis ... 42

    3.2.1 Direct competitor 42

    3.2.2 Indirect competitors 43-45

    3.2.3 Table compares type of class of restaurant45

    3.3 Customer analysis..46

    3.4 Company Analysis 47

    3.4.1 Product positioning.....48

    3.5 STP analysis 49

    3.5.1 Segment 49 Geographic Segmentation .49 Psychographic Segmentation .513.5.1.3 Behavioral and Benefit Segmentation 52

    3.5.2 Target.... 53-53 The main target group. 54 The second target group . 54

    3.5.3 Positioning. 55

    3.6 Marketing Mix Strategy.. 57

    3.6.1 Product ..573.6.2 Price . 58

    3.6.3 Place...58

    3.6.4 Promotion. 58

    3.6.5 People ....59

    3.6.6 Process ..59

    3.6.7 Physical (evidence) .. ....59

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    3.7 Market Forecast...60

    3.7.1 Figure1: year 1..61

    3.7.2 Figure1: year 2..62

    3.7.3 Figure1: year 3 63

    3.7.4 Figure1: year 4 64

    3.7.5 Figure1: year 5 65

    3.8 Sale Forecast/ Profit Estimation 66

    Chapter 4

    Technical Feasibility Study

    4.1 Product characteristics.71

    4.1.1. Eat according to blood type.71 Group O blood Set.72 Group A blood Set74 Group B blood Set.76 Group AB blood Set..79

    4.2 The Location and Building 83

    4.2.1 Land 83 Map 83

    4.2.2 Building84

    4.3 Dimension of Restaurant. 85

    4.3.1 Restaurant.88

    4.3.2 Office91

    4.3.3 Kitchen.93

    4.3.4 Relax Zone..103

    4.3.5 Storeroom...104

    4.3.6 Art gallery 106

    4.3.7 Toilet..106

    4.3.8 Cleaning Room 108

    4.4 Pre Operating Cost....110

    4.4.1 Cost of request electric..110

    4.4.2 Cost of Commercial Registration..110

    4.5 Cost of investment...110

    4.5.1 Pre operating expense111

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    4.5.2 Cost of Raw Materials112

    4.5.3 Direct labor cost .112

    4.6 Depreciation.. 112-112

    4.7 Administration analysis.

    4.7.1 Human resource

    4.7.2 Job Description

    4.8 Supplier

    4.8.1 Product of the Royal Project Foundation Vegetables Annual

    Chapter 5

    Financial Analysis

    5.1 Income statement

    5.2 Balance sheet

    5.3 Cash flow

    5.4 Loan


    Risk Management

    6.1 Strategic

    6.2 Operational

    6.2.1 Risk of buying process

    6.2.2 Risk of Transportation of material 6.2.3 Risk of damage of material Rotten Storage of Raw Materials Hygiene 6.2.4 Risk of service

    6.3 Compliance

    6.3.1 Risk of health and safety of employee

    6.4 External risk

    6.4.1 Environmental of fire Risk of earthquake

    6.4.2 Economic

    6.4.3 Competitive

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    6.5 Financial Risk

    6.5.1 Financial risk in our business

    Chapter 7


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    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Healthy foods & Art Gallery

    1.1 Background and Significance of the Project

    Our project business is restaurant style art gallery that blends together. It focus on

    healthy, nutritious and art which is provide unique of store. Our store will be located in Chiang

    Rai, North of Thailand which is the travel province. So, we forecast that can make our

    business growth and more profit from local people and tourists in every season.

    According to Chiang Rai is the province of tourism, in each year has a group of tourist,

    Thai people and foreigners to visit especially in the winter season. It has a nice place to visit

    and it popular about art because many famous artists are from Chiang Rai. And the way to mix

    restaurant and art gallery together is high unique and never has before. We realize that in

    Chiang Rai have a few healthy foods and the famous healthy foods is faraway from the city.

    From now the tourism situation in Chiang Rai are poised for growth decreased slightly of 8

    percent. Anyway, amount of tourist and people in area need to consume foods so we forecast

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    the business about restaurant will growth up in high season. And nowadays most people turn

    to a more self-interested health, according to the rapid growth sales of food supplements. From

    statistics from the Ministry of Health found that the Thai people with chronic illnesses, more

    chronic diseases commonly found in Thailand, including heart disease, high blood pressure,

    diabetes and cancer. The data from year 2546 to year 2551 will see that the attack rate of the

    Thai people caused by such diseases increases in every year (

    book/mapaunutin/index.html#Topic6 ). And Chiang Rai has plenty of air, soil or water

    resources and favorable for growing organic vegetables. Therefore, our project focuses on

    healthy foods for local people and tourists, both Thais and foreigners. Combined with the art

    gallery atmosphere to customers in addition to healthy foods, there is mental health also.

    1.2 Project Objective

    1. To study the market demand of healthy food restaurant that consumption will be

    increase or decrease in the future.

    2. To study feasible of the project that mix and match restaurant and art gallery together

    in Chiang Rai.

    3. To know customer behavior who interest and care about healthy.

    4. To analysis the market and budget for establish this project. And profit of this project.

    1.3 Benefits of Project

    1. Understand how to do and develop our plan for use in the future.

    2. Understand the restaurants market in Chiang Rai and analyze the target group of


    3. Know the possibility of investment business restaurant mix art gallery in Chiang Rai.

    4. Know the way to solve a problem or avoid when bad situation occur.

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    1.4 Activities/Time Frame

    This is summarizes the project planning with respect to scheduling of activities, project

    milestone meetings, deliverables, and project reports. The project has started in November 2010

    and it will go on for 4 months.


    4 -

    1 0 / 1 1 / 1 0

    1 1

    - 1 7 / 1 1 / 1 0

    1 8

    - 2 4 / 1 1 / 1 0

    2 5 / 1 1

    - 1 / 1 2 / 1 0

    2 -

    8 / 1 2 / 1 0

    9 -

    1 5 / 1 2 / 1 0

    1 6 / 1 2 / 1 0


    6 -

    1 2 / 0 1 / 1 1

    1 3

    - 1 9 / 0 1 / 1 1

    2 0

    - 2 6 / 0 1 / 1 1

    2 7 / 0 1

    - 2 / 0 2 / 1 1

    3 -

    9 / 0 2 / 1 1

    1 0

    - 1 7 / 0 2 / 1 1

    -Group Matching for Project oriented- Based

    Learning (PoPBL)

    - Introduction to studying by project oriented.- project Feasibility study and Evaluation


    -Group Establishing

    Identify Stated of Project

    Introduction to Market


    -4P-5 Cs for E- marketing

    -Marketing Activities

    -Investment Analysis

    -Types of Business

    -Operations Analysis

    -Administration and Analysis

    - Cost StructureProfit Loss Statement

    Balance Sheet



    Risk from Management /Operations

    Clean Up Project

    Project Evaluation TechniqueGroup Presentation

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    Chapter 2

    Industry Profile

    2.1 Nature of Industry

    2.1.1 History of Health Food Agriculture

    During recent years, health scares, rampant obesity, and the spread of disease throughout the

    world have prompted a growing interest in the organic farming industry. While certainly no true

    competitor to conventional agriculture (total U.S. sales of organic food in 2003 amounted to only

    a third of the advertising money spent by conventional food firms in the same year), organically

    grown health food has created a solid niche for itself in the food market (Fromartz 2006). Indeed,

    with the growth of farmers markets and an increased concern over the effects of artificial

    fertilizers and pesticides, organic food is beginning to make a serious bid for control of the food

    industry. However, in its early years, organically grown health food was only a fairly obscure,

    radical segment of the market.

    From Agrarianism to Industrialization

    Organic farming and the production of all-natural health food are not new phenomena. For

    millennia, before the invention of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, farmers produced crops for

    sustenance and profit using only natural means. To enrich the soil, farmers used a combination

    of animal manure and crop variation. In America, it was the vision of early president Thomas

    Jefferson that this pastoral, agrarian type of lifestyle would last forever, with every citizen

    owning his own small piece of land to work and till (Fromartz 2006). However, as the number of

    small, agrarian farms declined and large-scale commercial farming became increasingly more

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    ubiquitous in the late nineteenth century, farmers found that it was no longer lucrative to produce

    food using entirely natural means. Aggressive farming had exhausted the soil throughout the

    eastern region of the United States, and the westward expansion was rapidly eating up viable

    chunks of land on the frontier. Consequently, commercial farmers were forced to consider other

    means of fertilizing the soil for adequate crop production. This need naturally led to the advent

    of chemical fertilizers.

    Chemical fertilizers were first suggested by the German chemist Justus von Liebig in

    1840. Liebig argued that it was only the minerals in animal manure that were fertilizing the soil;

    thus, chemical substitutes of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous could perform the function

    just as well (Fromartz, 2006). By the twentieth century, Liebigs ideas had caught on, enabling

    farmers to plant the same crops on the same soil year after year, and with less labor. Synthetic

    fertilizers were so successful at maximizing profits and decreasing costs that it was only a matter

    of time before farmers turned to chemical treatments for pest control as well. During the early

    decades of the century, commercial farming and synthetic chemicals had entered into a love

    affair that has yet to be broken.

    Organic Farmers React

    It was not long after the introduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that health-

    conscious farmers and ecologists began to react to this new method of agriculture. By the 1920s,

    a strong organic farming movement had begun in Great Britain, and it quickly spread throughout

    several countries in the world. The organic farming movement was first conceived of by the

    British agricultural scientist Sir Albert Howard, commonly known as the father of organic

    farming (Fromartz, 2006). Howard had spent several years in India, studying the agricultural

    methods of the local population, and was aghast at the heavy use of chemical fertilizers in his

    native England. While in India, he noticed that the local farmers were able to produce a surplus

    of food every year by using natural animal compost, and the animals fed with this food were

    much healthier than those he observed in England. Based upon his observations in both India

    and Britain, Howard postulated that healthy soil, nurtured with natural compost, would bring

    about healthier, more vigorous plants, stronger animals, and more nutritious food for everyone

    involved. His theory would later become the basis of the organic farming and health food


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    Howards ideas of more naturalistic farming quickly spread throughout Europe in the early

    1920s. In Germany, Rudolph Steiner built upon Howards theories to create the first

    comprehensive organic farming method, biodynamic agriculture. Biodynamic agriculture

    emphasized the cyclical nature of healthy farming, wherein healthy animals relied upon healthy

    food, healthy food relied upon healthy soil, and healthy soil relied upon healthy animals (for

    nutritious compost) (Fromartz 2006). According to Steiner, it was the farmers role to guide and

    balance this cyclical process. The movement gradually took off among organic farmers and

    began to develop its own cosmology. Biodynamic farmers looked toward lunar and planetary

    calendars to determine the most auspicious time for planting and used a variety of superstitious

    methods in the preparation of their compost. While many modern biodynamic farmers do not

    always follow the methods cosmology religiously, they do continue to use careful observation

    of ecological systems, along with properly prepared compost, to promote healthy plants and


    In the years prior to World War II, organic farming also found proponents in the United

    States. In 1907, Franklin H. King, a retired government worker in the Department of

    Agriculture, traveled throughout China to observe the agricultural methods of the local

    population (Fromartz, 2006). Disgusted by the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in

    America, King found that Chinese peasants had been able to maintain fertile soil for thousandsof years by using natural manure compost and rotating crops regularly. By 1938, even the U.S.

    government had been forced to take some notice of the problematic nature of conventional

    farming methods when topsoil began to blow off farms throughout the Great Plains region,

    leaving thousands of farmers destitute without the ability to plant their crops. In the early 1940s,

    J. I. Rodale, a Pennsylvanian farmer and magazine publisher, had also begun to notice the

    depleted nutrition of American agriculture. Building upon Howards work, Rodale began

    experimenting with organic farming methods on his own farm. He then outlined his methods andbegan publishing them in his magazine Organic Gardening , which served to spark an organic

    farming movement throughout the United States during the 1940s and 1950s (Fromartz 2006).

    Post-World War II Organic Farming

    At the end of World War II, wartime technological advances in chemicals brought about

    even more widespread use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. Ammonium

    nitrate, a chemical used to create munitions during the war, became an inexpensive source of nitrogen for fertilizers, while the newly developed pesticide DDT was widely used throughout

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    American farms (Dunn-Georgiou 2002). This rise in chemical treatments greatly worried organic

    farmers in the post-war era. Rodale continued to spread the word about the benefits of organic

    farming and health food in his magazine, and his theories began to catch on with the baby

    boomer generation in the 1960s. The publication of Rachel Carsons influential book Silent

    Spring in 1962 also served to spark more interest in organic food production, as the harmful

    results of DDT became ever more evident (Dunn-Georgiou 2002). By the late 1960s, the

    counterculture in the United States had embraced organic farming, and small, cooperative farms

    had sprung up all across the country.

    As the organic farming movement entered the 1970s, greater overall concern about the

    environment generated even more interest in healthy farming methods. The differences between

    organically grown and conventionally grown food had become clearer, and proponents of

    organic health food focused their attention on purchasing only locally grown crops. This

    movement engendered a huge increase in local farmers markets during the 1970s. Worldwide

    interest in organic farming also led to the creation of the International Federation of Organic

    Agriculture Movements in 1972, which served to increase the distribution and exchange of

    information about organic farming methods throughout the world (Fromartz 2006). More and

    more interest in organic farming and the food produced from it in the 1980s also led to the

    Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. This act, the first law to create any sort of governmentregulation for organic agriculture, defines which food items may be labeled organic, based

    upon the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    Today, the retail market for organically produced food is growing at a rate of 20% annually

    (Fromartz 2006). Increased concern about the link between chemical food treatments and a

    number of health problems has been largely responsible for this rapid growth. While organic

    food producers are certainly ecstatic about the growth of the industry, increased consumer

    demand for organic food creates somewhat of a dissonance between the small-scale farming

    ideals of the original organic farmers and the large-scale production needs of modern organic

    farmers. As consumers continue to demand the more healthful food products of organic

    agriculture, only time will tell how the organic farming movement will respond. In the end,

    organic farming will likely succeed only if it stays true to its founders original ideals of healthy

    soil, healthy animals, and healthy food. ( )

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    2.1.2 History of art galleries

    An art gallery is usually a building where artworks can be viewed. Such artworks

    include sculpture, illustration, ceramic art and paintings. Sometimes artworks are also sold in art


    The first art gallery was the Lourve, which is actually an art museum. The Lourve was

    established in Paris, France, in 1793. It was there that, after the French Revolution, the people

    were finally able to view the royal national treasures. Thus began the practice of allowing

    common people to view fine art as a part of their education in culture. Sir John Soane designed

    the architectural art gallery form when in 1817; he created the Dulwich Picture Gallery. The

    building Soane designed was created large quantities of wall space and specialized lighting, to

    show off artworks to their best advantage. The late 19th century saw a boom in the building of

    public art galleries in Europe an America, being an essential cultural feature of larger cities. Art

    galleries were built alongside museums and public libraries as part of the municipal drive for

    literacy and public education. Twentieth century art galleries, like the Guggenheim, are art forms

    architecturally in themselves. This creates a controversy over whether the buildings are in

    competition with the art inside them. Some of the great museums of the world include the

    Louvre, Metropolitan Museum, and MoMA, Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, Atlanta: High Museum

    of Art, Art Institute of Chicago, Edinburgh: National Gallery of Scotland, London: National

    Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, Tate Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, British Museum,

    Dulwich Picture Gallery, Museo del Prado in Madrid, and in New York The Guggenheim,

    Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Museum of Modern Art.

    About Art Gallery

    An art gallery or art museum is a building or space for the exhibition of art, usually

    visual art. Museums can be public or private, but what distinguishes a museum is the ownership

    of a collection. Paintings are the most commonly displayed art objects; however, sculpture,

    decorative arts, furniture, textiles, costume, drawings, pastels, watercolors, collages, prints,

    artists' books, photographs, and installation art are also regularly shown. Although primarily

    concerned with providing a space to show works of visual art, art galleries are sometimes used to

    host other artistic activities, such as performance art, music concerts, or poetry readings.

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    17 Types of galleries

    Galleries in museums

    The rooms in museums where art is displayed for the public

    are often referred to as galleries as well, with a room dedicated to

    Ancient Egyptian art often being called the Egyptian Gallery, for


    Contemporary art gallery

    The term contemporary art gallery refers usually to a

    privately owned for-profit commercial gallery. These

    galleries are often found clustered together in large urban

    centers. Smaller cities are usually home to at least one

    gallery, but they may also be found in towns or villages, and

    remote areas where artists congregate, e.g. the Taos art

    colony and St Ives, Cornwall. Contemporary art galleries are usually open to the general

    public without charge;

    However, some are semi-private. They usually profit by taking a portion of art sales; from 25%

    to 50% is typical. There are also many non-profit or collective galleries. Some galleries in cities

    like Tokyo charge the artists a flat rate per day, though this is considered distasteful in some

    international art markets. Galleries often hang solo shows. Curators often create group shows

    that say something about a certain theme, trend in art, or group of associated artists. Galleries

    sometimes choose to represent artists exclusively, giving them the opportunity to show regularly.

    Online galleries

    For people who want to offer your art for other people to see that you do not find a place to

    present your work and you can spread throughout the world.

    Vanity galleries

    A vanity gallery is an art gallery that charges fees from artists

    in order to show their work, much like a vanity press does for

    authors. The shows are not legitimately curated and will

    frequently or usually include as many artists as possible. Most

    art professionals are able to identify them on an artist's resume

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    2.1.3 History of Art museums and galleries in Thailand

    Bangkok Art and Culture Centre

    The idea of having an art centre for the general public has been under consideration for

    sometime amidst the lack of support for the arts from the state. Successive governments have

    been blind to the importance of intellectual development and creativity in the national

    development policy. This need became a rallying cry for the Thai Artists Network in their

    campaign for the building a contemporary art centre, to be current with international trends and

    fulfilling the national pride, and to provide a place for art and cultural learning in the context of

    the advancing material culture. The art centre for people should be supported by government as a

    non-profit public entity. Building an art centre is akin to building an infrastructure for the brain

    In other words, it is providing the 'software' development to match that of the 'hardware'.

    Building an art centre at the chosen area of the Pathumwan Junction makes sense: it is an area

    much frequented by youths, and the art centre has the potential to attract young people to

    participate in art and cultural activities, to learn and express themselves, at the same time

    becoming part of their recreational pursuits

    The art centre project began in 1995 when Dr.Bhichit Rattakul, the Bangkok

    Governor agreed to the Jubilee Art Celebration Committee that the Bangkok Metropolitan

    Administration would build the Bangkok Contemporary Art Centre at the Pathumwan junction

    with the cooperation of both parties. However, the project was suspended when Bangkok elected

    a new governor in 2001. The project was reconsidered to become a commercial retail space with

    the investment coming from private investors. Artists and many cultural organizations, and the

    press protested against the change.

    ( )

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    The National Museum Bangkok

    The history of the National Museum Bangkok dates back to 1874 when His Majesty,

    King Rama V opened the first public "museum" to exhibit the royal collection of King Rama IV,

    and other objects of general interest, at the Concordia Pavilion inside the Brand Palace. Later,the Museum was transferred to its present site, the "Wang Na", or "Palace to the Front" which

    had been the palace of the Prince Successor. In 1926, it was named the "Bangkok Museum" and

    subsequently developed into the National Museum Bangkok, when it came under the direction of

    the Department of Fine Arts in 1934. His Majesty the King Presided over the opening ceremony

    of the South Wing Buiding (The Mahasurasinghanat Building) and the North Wing Building

    (The Praphatphiphitaphan Building) on 25 May,1967. His majesty King Prajadhidpok (Rama

    VII) presides over the opening ceremony of the National Museum Bangkok in 1926.

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    The Exhibition Galleries in the National Museum Bangkok

    The National Museum Bangkok currently houses three permanent exhibition galleries:

    1. The Thai History Gallery : located in the front of the Siwamokhaphiman Hall, a

    Ceremonial building

    2. The Archaeological and Art History Collections: which are divided in two


    (i) The Prehistory Gallery, located in the back of the Siwanmokhaphiman Hall, and

    Gallery No. S6 on the upper floor of the South Wing Building.

    (ii) The Art History Gallery, located in the North Wing Building, which displays

    sculptures and exhibits from the Dvaravati, Srivijaya and Lopburi periods, (before 1257 AD) up

    to the Bangkok period (1782)

    3. The Decorative Arts and Ethnological Collection: This is displayed in the old central

    palace buildings. This collection contains a variety of artistic, cultural and ethnographic exhibits

    such as gold treasures and precious stones, mother of pearl inlay, royal emblems and insignia,

    costumes and textiles, ceramics, carved ivory, old royal transportation, old weapons and musical


    ( )

    Thai Human Imagery Museum

    The born from the inspiration of a group of artists that by Aj. Doungkong Pittayakornsin

    plan to create Thai wax model follow wax of Madame Tussauds in England, but not good and

    have many problems because Thailand is tropical and humid, so it make problem for create wax.

    Therefore, Aj. Doungkong and partisans thinks and modify that bring many materials to use.

    Finally, they find that use of fiberglass can solve many problems that arise with the wax, because

    fiberglass is an enduring feature, feel soft and beautiful, and then they created a wax fiberglass

    of Luang Poo Toh Wat Pradu Chimpli as the first of wax sculpture. Later, they create many wax

    sculpture onward to in 2533 is open for visit officially.

    The Thai Human Imagery Museum is a wax museum located in Nakhon Pathom

    Province, Thailand. Due to the tropical climate of Thailand the figures are made of fibreglass

    instead of the traditional wax. Exhibits include Thai historical figures, including kings of the

    Chakri Dynasty, displays of Thai culture and traditions, and famous fictional characters,including those from Sunthorn Phu's epic poem, Phra Abhai Mani

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    ( )

    2.1.4 History of Art museums and galleries in the word

    In Asia

    National Museum of the Philippines

    The building was originally designed as the public

    library by Ralph Harrington Doane, the American consulting

    architect of the Bureau of Public Works, and his assistant

    Antonio Toledo. Construction began in 1918 but was

    suspended several times because of lack of funds. When it

    was decided that the building should be used by the

    Legislature, the revisions of the plans was entrusted to Juan Arellano, then supervising architect

    of the Bureau. The building was inaugurated on 16 July 1926 , and by then had cost four million

    pesos. The building was part of Daniel Burnham's plan for the development of Manila. Upon its

    completion, the second, third, and fourth floors were occupied by the Senate and House of

    Representatives while the ground floor was occupied by the National Library. The 1934

    Constitutional Convention was held in this building. On its front steps Manuel L. Quezon was

    sworn in as President of the Commonwealth.

    The Legislative Building was a casualty during the bombing and shelling of Manila in

    1945. It was reconstructed in 1946 following the original plans but with some revisions, such as

    the replacement of flat pilasters of the stately rounded engaged columns. In mid- 1996 , the Senate

    of the Philippines moved out of the building. In 2003 , renovation started to transform it into

    National Art Gallery of the national Museum.

    ( 20Museum/National% 20Art% 20Gallery% 20History.html )

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    Tokyo National Museum

    The museum came into being in 1872, when the

    first exhibition was held by the Museum Department of

    the Ministry of Education at the Taiseiden Hall. This

    marked the inauguration of the first museum in Japan.

    Soon after the opening, the museum moved to

    Uchiyamashita-cho (present Uchisaiwai-cho), then in

    1882 moved again to the Ueno Park, where it stands today. Since its establishment, the museum

    has experienced major challenges such as the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, and a temporary

    closing in 1945, during World War II. In more than the 120 years of its history, the museum has

    gone under much evolution and transformation through organizational reforms and

    administrative change. The museum went through several name changes, being called the

    Imperial Museum in 1886 and the Tokyo Imperial Household Museum in 1900, until it was

    given its present title in 1947.

    ( 00&processId= 00)

    In EuropeAcropolis Museum

    The first museum was on the Acropolis; it was

    completed in 1874 and underwent a moderate

    expansion in the 1950 s. However, successive

    excavations on the Acropolis uncovered many new

    artifacts which significantly exceeded its original

    capacity. An additional motivation for the

    construction of a new museum was that in the past,

    when Greece made requests for the return of the Parthenon Marbles from the United Kingdom,

    to which they had been carried away, it was suggested by some British officials that Greece had

    no suitable location where they could be displayed. Creation of a gallery for the display of the

    Parthenon Marbles has been key to all recent proposals for the design of a new museum.

    ( )

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    National Museum of Rome

    The National Museum of Rome (Museo

    Nazionale Romano in Italian) is a set of museums in

    Rome, Italy, split among various branches across the

    city. It was founded in 1889 and inaugurated in 1890 ,

    with the aim of collecting antiquities from between the

    5th century BC to the 3rd century AD.Its first

    collection was formed from the archeological collections of the Museo Kircheriano, a collection

    assembled by the antiquarian Athanasius Kircher, soon supplemented by the numerous new

    discoveries in Rome during the expansive city-planning after it became the capital of the new

    Kingdom of Italy. This was initially meant to be displayed in a 'Museo Tiberino' (never realised),

    but in 1901 the State granted the institution the Villa Ludovisi and the important national

    collection of ancient sculptures. Its base was established in the 16th century cloister built by

    Michelangelo off the baths of Diocletian, still its main base. These buildings' adaptation to their

    new purpose began for the 1911 Exposition and completed in the 1930 s.

    ( )

    In United State

    National Gallery of Art

    The National Gallery of Art was created in 1937 for the people of the United States of

    America by a joint resolution of Congress, accepting the gift of financier and art collector

    Andrew W. Mellon. During the 1920s, Mr. Mellon began collecting with the intention of

    forming a gallery of art for the nation in Washington. In 1937, the year of his death, he promised

    his collection to the United States. Funds for the construction of the West Building were

    provided by The A. W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust. On March 17, 1941, President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt accepted the completed building and the collections on behalf of the

    people of the United States of America. The paintings and works of sculpture given by Andrew

    Mellon have formed a nucleus of high quality around which the collections have grown. Mr.

    Mellon's hope that the newly created National Gallery would attract gifts from other collectors

    was soon realized in the form of major donations of art from Samuel H. Kress, Rush H. Kress,

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    Joseph Widener, Chester Dale, Ailsa Mellon Bruce, Lessing J. Rosenwald, and Edgar William

    and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch as well as individual gifts from hundreds of other donors.

    The Gallery's East Building, located on land set aside in the original Congressional

    resolution, was opened in 1978. It accommodates the Gallery's growing collections and

    expanded exhibition schedule and houses an advanced research center, administrative offices, a

    great library, and a burgeoning collection of drawings and prints. The building was accepted for

    the nation on June 1, 1978, by President Jimmy Carter. Funds for construction were given by

    Paul Mellon and the late Ailsa Mellon Bruce, the son and daughter of the founder, and by The

    Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. On May 23, 1999 the Gallery opened an outdoor sculpture

    garden designed to offer year-round enjoyment to the public. Located in the 6.1-acre block

    adjacent to the West Building at 7th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., the garden provides

    an informal, yet elegant setting for works of modern and contemporary sculpture.

    The Collectors Committee, an advisory group of private citizens, has made it possible to

    acquire paintings and sculpture of the twentieth century. Key works of art have also come to the

    Gallery through the Patrons' Permanent Fund. In addition, members of the Circle of the National

    Gallery of Art have provided funds for many special programs and projects. The Sculpture

    Garden is a gift to the nation from The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation.

    ( )

    ( )

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    as it was in the summer of 1853/54 ' is still at the heart of the Gallery's collection. The Gallery

    holds an exceptional collection, built up lovingly, intelligently and often with inspiration over

    120 years. An important factor in the growth was the George Crouch Prize for contemporary art,

    which ran from 1927 till the 1970 s. Established by Federal MP Richard Crouch, a native of

    Ballarat and son of an early pioneer, as an acquisitive art prize in memory of his father, the

    Crouch Prize was for many years one of the most prestigious art prizes in the country. It ensured

    that the Gallery continued to build its collection of Australian art at a time when any other

    regional galleries were suffering from a lack of energy and investment. Crouch also established a

    prize for watercolours in memory of his sister Minnie and gave the Gallery his remarkable

    collection of medieval manuscripts and early printed books, the only Australian holding of such

    items outside the capital cities.

    In 1979 , the Gallery Association gave the building and collection to the Ballaarat City

    Council, which undertook to operate the Gallery for the benefit of the Ballarat community and

    visitors. The Association kept a stake in the ownership of the collection and has continued to

    have close involvement many aspects of the life of the Gallery. The period of the early 1970 s

    also saw the Gallery start to take seriously its custodianship of the original flag from the 1854

    Eureka Stockade. This unique and beautiful relic, which had been held by the Gallery since

    1895 , underwent conservation works and was put on permanent display in 1973. Serious

    attention has been given to the acquisition of works of art that help to interpret the story of

    Eureka. The focus of the Collection is to present the history of Australian Art to the current time

    through paintings and works on paper with selections of sculpture and decorative arts, also

    looking closely at the work of regional artists and works depicting the growth of Ballarat. Recent

    purchases and donations have expanded on the holdings of modern Australian sculpture and

    opened up a new vista of collecting - the art of the indigenous peoples of Australia's Top End.

    The Gallery building has changed and evolved in response over the years to the

    expansion of the collection and reflecting the place the gallery has had in Ballarat's cultural life.

    The first addition to the 1890 building came in the 1920 s, with the addition of two large gallery

    rooms on the upper level. In 1987 the City of Ballaarat expanded the Gallery into the Bones

    Building, a group of shops adjoining the existing building in Lydiard Street. The latest expansion

    came as part of the 2001 Centenary of Federation, when the Gallery building was extended

    through to Camp Street as part of the Camp Street arts precinct, which also includes the

    University of Ballarat Arts Academy and Alfred Deakin Place. The Art Gallery of Ballarat is one

    of Australia's great art galleries. It remains at the heart of Ballarat's cultural life and offers

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    residents and visitors a vigorous and exciting program of exhibitions, as well as providing an

    opportunity to walk through the entire span of Australia's art history.

    ( )

    ( )

    Art Gallery of Western Australia

    The Art Gallery, founded on 31 July 1895 , was opened by Sir Alexander Onslow. The

    foundation stone for the Beaufort Street wing of the Museum and Gallery was laid on 24 July

    1908 by HRH the Duke of Cornwall and York (later King George V). The Art Gallery Act 1959

    gave control of the Western Australian Art Gallery to a Board of Trustees appointed by the

    Governor of Western Australia. This ended a joint institution known collectively as the Public

    Gallery, Museum and Art Gallery. In 1978 the Gallery was renamed the Art Gallery of Western

    Australia and a new building, designed by architect Charles Sierakowski, opened on 2 October


    The main gallery is a unique modernist building, designed around 120 degree angles and

    modular wall lengths of 7, 14 and 21 metres. Its central features are a cast concrete spiral

    staircase and vistas between and across the nine gallery spaces that use the 120 degree angles to

    stimulate peripheral vision. The building was inspired by the pavilions and courtyards of the

    Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.

    The Centenary Galleries

    Formerly the Perth Police Courts, the building was restored and opened in 1995 to house

    historical art, featuring displays of many of the State Art Collections 19th and 20th century

    paintings and decorative arts. Built during the Gold Rush, the building it reflects a late

    nineteenth century interpretation of the French Regency style, incorporating a mansard roof,

    which was unusual in Perth architecture of the period. Western Australian materials were used

    extensively during the building's original construction. The faades of this Heritage listedbuilding feature Donnybrook stone; all flooring and interior furnishings highlight the use of local

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    jarrah and locally manufactured stained glass feature panels together with the retained pressed

    metal ceilings combine to create an ambience of a by-gone era. A court room and its holding

    cells have been retained, and can be viewed by visitors to the Gallery.

    ( )

    ( )

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    2.2 Nature and situation of Industry

    Nowadays most Thai people are weaker than before as, because they eat unhealthy food

    including any junk food such as Hamburger, Donut which full of fat and Thai Government are

    interested in the healthy food and promoted it as advertising on television or notice board but it

    is not interesting for them. They sill addict these unhealthy foods and make them are unhealthy

    previously. Our company thinks to solve this problem so we think to produce a product which

    everybody likes to test it and love it especially people who are love healthy. It is healthy food

    and those are made by Thai herbs such as ginger, galingale, lemongrass, mint etc. They are easy

    to find in Thailand.

    According to Chiang Rai vision, Chiang Rai capital of Lanna it is a central of travel

    country. There is increase percentage of visitors 12.5% per year, income from tourist increase

    7.5% per year and number of tourist sites have been developed and get a standardized 5 places

    per year.

    Indicator Objective 2010 -


    2010 2011 2012 2013

    percentage of visitors 12.5% / year 5 10 15 20

    Percentage of income from tourist 7.5% / year 3 6 9 12

    number of tourist sites have been

    developed and get a standardized

    5 places / year 5 5 5 5

    Figure: percentage of indicators of Chiang Rai

    (Source: )


    2006 2007 2008 2009

    Thai people 1,043,161 1,135,659 1,339,190 1,430,375

    Foreigner 289,357 300,776 402,056 249,873

    Total 1,332,518 1,436,435 1,741,246 1,680,248

    Figure: Number of visitors in Chiang Rai

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    Income (Baht )

    2006 2007 2008 2009

    Thai people 7,012.43 7,462.35 7,770.31 6,603.43

    Foreigner 2,361.77 2,356.60 2,863.61 2,801.21Total 9,374.20 9,818.95 10,633.92 9,404.64

    Figure: Income from tourist in Chiang Rai

    And our business relates with healthy food, we have to

    concern about people healthy that is the most importance of the

    eating. From public health agencies find this year 2010 in

    Thailand has people die from diabetes around 7,019 or 19person per day and for the least 10 years Thai people were

    staying in the hospital under the Ministry of Health with diabetes to 558,156 times, or 1,529

    times a day. The second survey of health status of Thai people, found prevalence rates of

    diabetes in adults increased from 4.4 percent to 6.9 percent expected over 15 years of age not

    less than 3 million people are faced with diabetes. From the data of Chiang Rai Health Office the

    year 2010 found the death rate of diabetes was 6.59 per hundred thousand populations.2692.63

    diabetes rates per hundred thousand populations.

    ( )

    For those of us that struggle with a few extra pounds, there is really good news: healthy food

    menu, vegetable and herbs juice and fruit smoothies are good for customers this is true on many


    1. Low Glycerin Index

    2. Minerals, calcium, beta-carotene and vitamins in vegetable juice and fruit smoothies

    3. Usefulness from the herbs.

    4. Protect your health from disease by Herbs menu.

    5. Maintain your skin by vegetable and fruit.

    Moreover, Meal Spa Company, name of us, consists of Spa and Food. Meal means food

    and Spa means health land because the local serve about health. In term of hospitality the

    word is a town in Belgium which signifies a health resort associated with a mineral water spring.

    So when we combine Meal and Spa that it is healthy food menu.

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    2.3 Market trend

    Preparations of study data from the direction of the global healthy food market by the

    Food Institute, found that the total market value of the trend likely continued growing. If looking

    backward growth since 2549 through the year 2556 as the market growth rate is as high as

    200.50%. Thailand's market from study of the Food Institute, Indicate that the market value in

    the past of Thailand only 2,000 million due to the health food market is a new issue of most

    consumers. And much of consumer behavior has focused on the delicious taste over health

    issues. However, the trend of increased awareness in Thai society began to focus on looks,

    influence consumers want to have good looking to gain social acceptance. Then looking for a

    product that allows itself always looks good. Even in this life time with a rush, so there is no

    chance to complete the dietary needs of the body. Including the less time to exercise, so healthyfood rely on the added role more importance as with the current world market.

    ( )

    Fast Food market size is around 12,000 million with a market in the field more than 300

    stores. Although, home buying package food or delivery food are increases rapidly growing

    market includes a variety of food available to choose from. The expected market size estimates

    from Par this business was a market size of approximately million Baht. Marketing Self

    Services include food center. The market sizes are interest annual value of not less than 3,500million Baht. For, street food by market is expectations that the size distribution is the equivalent

    of 55,000 million baht per year. The expectations measure by the sales of each company in food

    market, and expectations of consumers in each type of food. In another hand, restaurant are

    considered to a generally restaurants. There is market size up to 500,000 million baht per year.

    To measured by observing the type of restaurant there. Such as; Suki Yaki restaurants, their

    markets can achieve their gold more than 2,000 million baht per year. Addition to; Thai

    restaurant within high standards level, there totaling are 1,000 million baht per year. Thepotential to investment of Thai food market are growing very fast. However, Supermarket

    market size are 900,000 million baht, And including to non-food market are less than 50,000

    million baht per year.

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    2.3.1 Market share

    Food Mark

    Fast foodTake away home

    Self Services

    Street Food






    Tends direction in hea

    problems political, pressure

    people starting to take care of

    and, more health care. To ma

    hand, healthy food restaurant

    healthy food and want to save

    food to serving them. It is a b


    t Year








    lthy food in Thailand are will growing annua

    r stress of work and, environmental pollutio

    them self. And more attention to food, exerc

    e people be healthy, happy, active and good

    are more convenience for anyone, who are in

    the time. The restaurants can provide good

    st way for customer.





    Market share

    Fast food

    Take away

    Self Servic

    Street Foo






    l year, because

    n. That is making

    ise, and natural diet

    looking. To another

    teresting attentions on

    nd best quality of





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    2.4 Product/Service (in General)

    We have main product is healthy food menu that there are make from herbal, vegetable,

    and fruit that also have vegetable juice, fruit smoothies & fruit dessert.

    2.4.1 Healthy Food Menu

    Shrimp, Mango, and Avocado Salad

    with Sweet Chili-Ginger Vinaigrette.

    Cucumber-Cabbage Salad with

    Tamarind Dressing .

    Vegetable "Spaghetti" Spinach Soup. Chickpea and Lentil Stew. Herb Salad with Feta, Roasted Red

    Peppers, and Toasted Nuts.

    Vegetarian Mushroom Soup. Spicy Squash Soup. Tomatoes with pesto crumbs .

    Carrots with honey, cumin andcoriander.

    Brown rice and vegetable bake Crispy bacon and rosemary potato



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    Vegetable juice

    Vegetable Mix without Carrot Vegetable Mix without Carrot

    Carrot Juice Carrot & Apple Juice Carrot & Orange Juice Carrot & Apple & Spinach Juice Carrot & Apple & Celery Juice Carrot & Apple & Parsley Juice Carrot & Beet & Apple Juice

    Carrot & Kale & Parsley Juice Carrot & Beet & Celery Juice Carrot & Beet & Cucumber Juice Carrot & Beet & Spinach Juice Wheat Grass

    Fruit smoothiesSuch as;

    Mixed Berry Strawberry Mango Cherry Slush Apricot Pineapple Smoothie

    Banana-Strawberry Fruit Smoothie Tropical Fruit Shake Banana-Berry Fruit Smoothie Banana-Orange-Strawberry Fruit

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    Fruit dessert

    Strawberry and pineapple pops

    Tropical smoothie ice-blocks Melon berry pops

    Blackcurrant berry ices Apple-Yogurt Parfaits Blackberry, Honey and Yogurt Pops Yoghurt berry rice pudding Raspberry and almond cake Kiwifruit trifle Choc-orange parfaits

    ( )


    recipes?sort_on=issue_date&sort_order=reverse&pagenumber=5&pagesize=10 )

    2.4.2 Service

    The important of service is service mind because customers always want to take care.

    It can make them to customer loyally and give word of mouse to other people which by the way

    to promote our restaurant. Then we provide another service such as Art Gallery Zone. Moreover

    the customers get knowledge about healthy food from our employees when they check bill.

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    Figure: Our business level position

    Source :(

    ss%20Strategy/Generic%20Business-Level%20Strategies.html )

    2.7.3 Functional level

    Our restaurant provides a unique that has high competitive advantage from competitors.

    Our management team will be update and develop plan every season for customers can discover

    the diversity and differences of each season. And we adjust ourselves toward the customer

    satisfy about the production quality, we have managed to produce a system to achieve customer

    needs more effectively

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    Chapter 3

    Market Feasibility Study

    3.1 Market Analysis

    3.1.1 General Environment Analysis

    In order for a firm to effectively compete in an industry, an analysis of its specific

    industry must be undertaken. This analysis done to provide the firm with a description of the

    elements in society that directly affect the company and the managers must take appropriate

    strategies to manage and solve problem in the company. The general environmental analysis

    consists of six primary factors, which are political/legal, economic, socio-cultural, demographic,

    and technological. These five sections describe the external environmental factors a firm must

    understand to effectively compete in a specific market.

    3.1.2 Politic & Legal

    15.5 Million Foreign Tourists Visiting Thailand in 2010: Likely Rising 5% in 2011. The

    domestic political unrest in Thailand in recent years has affected with foreign tourists

    confidence toward safety of travelling in Thailand and apparently dampened increases in foreign

    tourists during 2008-2010.

    After the political situation returned to normalcy due to cooperation by relevant parties, the

    tourists confidence has resumed quite fast, as seen from the return of normal foreign tourist

    growth during 2H10. However, the massive flooding in many parts of Thailand has decelerated

    the growth slightly.

    From research expects that the foreign tourist market throughout 2010 will grow around 10

    percent, with 15.55 million foreign tourists visiting the country, which would generate tourism

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    income of around THB536 billion. Barring further negative factors, foreign tourism in Thailand

    may expand further in 2011, although growth may be only 5 percent. It is expected that there

    may be around 16.33 million foreign tourists visiting Thailand next year, generating income of

    around THB555 billion. However, tourism industry success will largely depend on cooperation

    between relevant parties to achieve political stability that may result in a return to contentment

    and help build solidarity within the country. In doing so, foreign tourists will have greater

    confidence toward travelling to Thailand which may help boost foreign tourist market growth

    and generate tourism income of around THB500 billion a year.


    Econ%20Analysis/Pages/ViewSummary.aspx?docid=26098 )

    3.1.3 Economic Factor

    Although in 2011 the Thai economy will likely decelerate from relatively high growth in

    2010, there are some factors that may help reduce concern toward economic risks in 2011, such

    as Thai and global economic figures for the remainder of 2010 that were better than expected

    and the way that Thai government has launched Pracha Wiwat program , a new economic

    action plan, to increase spending and news of a decision to proceed with general elections this


    Due to this more positive point of view toward the economy, KResearch expects that our

    growth in 2011 will be more satisfactory than the former forecast, so we have decided to

    increase our forecast to 4.0-5.0 percent, from our previous 3.5-4.5 percent estimate. Although

    the economic situation seems better than expected, there are some remaining challenges that

    should be closely monitored, such as a need for greater stability in global economic growth.

    Although the US economic recovery is looking healthier, the speed of their recovery there has

    not been fast enough to help reduce unemployment and the Eurozone debt crisis is still a threat.

    Meanwhile, inflation may pressure the Bank of Thailand to increase their key policy rate and the

    domestic political situation will likely be a determining factor affecting government economic

    policies and private sector confidence.

    Looking toward the future business environment, challenges to Thai businesses include

    higher costs, such as in labor and interest rates, as well as raw materials and fuel prices. It is

    expected that we may see another surge in global crude oil prices over the level of USD100/bbl.

    Moreover, fore rates will likely remain volatile, as seen from recent Baht appreciation.

    Therefore, businesses should brace for any risks that may arise in the future.

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    econ%20analysis/pages/ViewSummary.aspx?docid=26339 )

    3.1.4 Social & Cultural Factor

    The food intake is critical to the health status of study in the past, it was found that fruits

    and vegetables. For the effective in the protection factors of Ischemic heart disease with

    coronary artery disease in the brain and lung cancer and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. The

    results of a systematic review of research and do meta-analysis study of disease burden of the

    World Health Organization. Although, the analysis of the risk of various diseases was found that

    the consumption of fruits and vegetables increased by a set threshold will reduce the disease

    burden of ischemic heart disease. Vascular disease in the brain constricted approximately 31 and

    19% respectively; reduce sickness and death from stomach cancer, Gastric cancer 19 percent,

    esophageal cancer by 20 percent, lung cancer 12 percent and 2 percent of colorectal cancers.

    The criterion of the intake of fruits and vegetables per day are obtained by reviewing

    research related to the relationship between consumption of fruits and vegetables per day with

    various diseases. Found that the proper amount is between 400-600 grams per day, excluding

    many other vegetables such as; sweet potato starch, or if the idea is standard cup (size 150 cc.) 1

    standard cup contains 80 grams of fruit and vegetables, it will be. 5 to 7.5 cups per day standard

    for the comparative study of risk factors for disease (comparative risk assessment) the minimum

    consumption of fruits and vegetables per day by age shown in Table 1.

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    Table 1: minimum (theoretical-minimum-risk) and it standard deviation of the consumption of

    fruits and vegetables by age group.

    Age (years) Consumption of fruits and vegetables. (g / person / day)

    0-4 330 +- 50

    5-14 480 +- 50

    15-29 500 +- 50

    30-44 500 +- 50

    45-59 500 +- 50

    60-69 500 +- 50

    70-79 500 +- 50

    >=80 500 +- 50

    Source: Lock K, Pomerleau I, Causer L, McKee M. Low fruit and Vegetable consumption. In

    Ezzati M et al eds. Comparative Quantification of Health Risks, Global and Regional. Burden of

    Disease Attributable to Selected Major Risk Factors. Vol. 1 WHO Geneva 2004.

    From these results is study as part of data analysis to prepare reports. To survey of

    health status of Thai people by physical examination at third times in year 2546-2547 survey

    conducted by Office survey health status are under the Health Systems Research Institute. And

    the received financial support survey From the Office of Policy and Strategy, Ministry of Public


    The survey examined the health status by this time the three have any questions about

    consumption of fruits and vegetables. The frequency of consumption within a week and the

    amount consumed is the standard number of cups per day. They are have image plate of fruit,

    vegetables and different types standard cup and disc images as real people interviewed

    considered by And have questions about fruit and vegetable intake on a regular basis each day of

    the week. Then be compared if the standard input into the cup as shown by illustration, how

    many cups are standard; If it is a fruit have to think to eating that fruit regularly, How much

    volume per day. And have to adjust the standard per unit.

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    Table 2: The Percentage of population, who consuming vegetables and fruits in various amounts

    per person and per day by age and sex.

    Age (years)

    Male Female

    Less than

    5 cup

    5 cups or


    But less

    than 7.5


    7.5 cups

    or more

    Less than

    5 cup

    5 cups or


    But less

    than 7.5


    7.5 cups

    or more

    25-29 77.4 15.5 7.0 74.5 17.8 7.7

    30-44 80.0 14.6 5.4 75.1 17.8 7.2

    45-59 81.3 13.6 5.1 76.8 16.3 6.9

    60-69 84.1 11.4 4.6 82.8 12.8 4.7

    70-79 87.6 9.4 2.8 87.6 9.2 3.2

    80+ 89.1 7.6 3.4 89.7 8.2 2.1

    All ages 80.3 14.2 5.7 76.8 16.5 6.7

    The risk groups are consumed less fruit and vegetable standards. (In this analysis the

    criterion standard 400 gram or 5 cups per day) according to different areas of the country. To

    found that when broken down by population area, both men and women outside the municipality,

    the proportion are eating fruit and vegetables in low-standard than people in the city area (Figure

    1) on analysis by sector. Men and women in the Northeast with the prevalence of consumption

    of fruits and vegetables less than the standard higher than other regions (Percentage 84.3 percent

    in men and 83.3 percent of women), men and women in Bangkok, the proportion of

    consumption are lower standards than the population in all other sectors, only 68.5 percent were

    male and 65 percent in women (Figure 2).

    ( )

    In healthy food business, even Thai people consume healthy food less than the other

    countries but in Chiang Rai there is many favors brand of people such as Junkapuk restaurant,

    Ruen sangtean restaurant, Nuture food centre, etc, they create branches all around Chiang Rai.

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    Healthy food and art Gallery is the new trade of low cost investment, many inverters to invest to

    invest to making small brand to sell in each local area. From the research, tell that healthy food

    and Art Gallery cans preeminent people with the reason tasty, convenient and low price is one

    kind of healthy food restaurant. To launch healthy food and Art Gallery is easy to do because of

    Thai herb habituate for Thai people in the past sine now. Healthy food and Art Gallery not only

    attracts Thai people and it can create the novelty product for healthy people in Chiang Rai. In the

    state of healthy food of business, the manager should do marketing plan to make brand of

    product and create value. This method will help to run business well. Creating word of mouth,

    the manager must always develop products and enhance the quality with a proper price for

    accord to customer need.

    3.2 Competitor Analysis

    We define the competitor who provide service as same as us. Then, we divide

    competitors into two groups; direct competitors and indirect competitors.

    3.2.1 Direct competitor

    1. Jun Ka Puk healthy food restaurant

    Jun Ka Puk restaurant is popular healthy food restaurant in Chiang rai. There are project of

    Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn that Located at the northernmost part of Thailand on HighwayNo. 110, about 4 kilometers before reaching Mae Sai along the Thai border with Myanmar. This

    restaurant uses the raw materials from Prince Chakraband Pensiri Center for Plant Development

    such as Hydroponics and local vegetable.

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    3.2.2 Indirect competitors

    1) Tong Tueng Restaurant

    Distinctive point:

    This Restaurant has a good atmosphere within the extensive. Staffs in this restaurant are

    friendly. For food this here, it less expensive per head of about 100-200 baht and it has shown

    about Thai classical dance.

    Inferior point:

    This restaurant does not sell alcoholic beverages and the foods of this restaurant mostly

    have Lanna style, which some customer not like it and they cannot eat.

    2) Salungkham Restaurant

    Distinctive point:

    Description of the restaurant with traditional Lanna style. You can choose to sit by your

    own. Whether sitting in the shop. Upstairs terrace or you can sit in the garden

    Inferior point:

    This location is near the main road, so sometimes difficult to find parking.

    3) Sa Bun Nga Khan Tok

    Distinctive point:

    Saban Nga Restaurant is a restaurant with Identity in the form of Lanna and the local

    entertainment, listening folk songs. In addition, the restaurant held a set of food for foreigners

    and Thais.

    Inferior point:

    The food is more expensive than some other places and some food have small amount.

    4) Moom Mai

    Distinctive point:

    The Moom Mai building has Lanna style and it has cozy natural place. You will also find

    flowers, fountains, coloured umbrellas, soft lights and even a children playground. In the

    evenings there is live music

    Inferior point:

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    The location is deep in hard to find. For customers who visit Chiang Rai the first time

    and the foods are expensive

    5) Nam bouy loung Thai Restaurant Distinctive point:

    Nam bouy loung Thai Restaurant has an atmosphere natural. The restaurant that was built

    with wood and it has Thai style. The most vegetables of this restaurant that cook, Owner grown


    Inferior point:

    Sometime during the holidays, customers have to wait for food because the owner

    cooking slowly

    6) Leelavadee

    Distinctive point:

    Atmosphere in the restaurant is natural. Moreover, the restaurant has live music

    performed several songs to sing to play multiple styles rotate.

    Inferior point:

    The foods and beverage are expensive

    7) Khum Jaow Nang

    Distinctive point:

    Khum Jaow Nang Restaurant is a restaurant with good atmosphere, Surrounded by

    nature. The large lake, waterfalls and springs located in the heart of Chiang Rai and easy to


    Inferior point:

    Getting to the restaurant is difficult to find for who never been to this restaurant and

    menu of this restaurant have select less than other restaurant.

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    3.2.3 Table compares type of class of restaurant

    Highest Class Medium Class Normal Class

    Price High High-Normal Cheap

    popularity Specified Normal Everyone


    Atmosphere Very good Good Normal

    Quality/ taste Very good Good Normal

    Amount of Menu Several Middle Few

    1) Highest class

    This type of restaurant has a good location, atmosphere, good taste and diversity of

    menu. There are in the high standard quality, but also high price. So, it has a specific

    consumer such as Chan Ka Pak.

    2) Medium Class

    The information from survey it show that this type of restaurant has location, atmosphere, good

    taste and diversity of menu , but not similar with highest class. Price and level of popularity is

    good or normal standard.

    3) Public

    This type of restaurant has atmosphere , cheap price, location, taste s are not have standard

    quality. But has more popularity , everyone can consume.

    IM Sook we focus on new market channel for create differentiation and occupy between

    highest class and medium class market, we call high class. We focus on atmosphere andquality of food; we will preserve food in the standard of highest class, but price still

    normal because we can find out material around there. Our menu we has diversity of

    menu for accept customer from highest class and medium class. We emphasize to

    determine highest class market 70% and medium class 30% for get large market share in

    the future.

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    3.3 Customer analysis

    The reasons of customers co

    From a pie chart, that

    to our shop because they wan

    target for 4 groups such as;

    According to observe to the cthey consider is the feature of

    atmosphere inside shop secon

    many choices for customers t

    separate for four segmentatio

    1. Age group

    Nowadays, sen

    health. In at th

    target group is

    2. Occupation

    According to t

    target are stud

    student they re

    3. Salary

    2 %


    e to our restaurant.

    how about majority of customers have the r

    to have good healthy that is our segment an

    stomers when they choose to buy ice creamproduct including logo, brand, package, col

    thing they consider from the taste of produ

    buy and third consider from benefit and pri

    ; Age group, Occupation, Salary, and Life st

    ior customers increase to consume, because

    t time the junior customers decreases to con

    between 25-40 years old.

    e age target group is between 25-40 years ol

    nts, tourist and officers. Who have ability to

    eive money from their family.



    Good health

    Want to test

    Brand loyalt

    Enjoy with f

    View Art Gal


    ason when they come

    we can divide the

    the first thing thatr, location or

    t, so healthy food has

    e of product. We can


    hey concern their

    ume, so our age

    d, so the occupation

    pay including the


    new product


    iend and family


  • 8/7/2019 IM SOOK Restaurant and Art Gallery



    Healthy food is unnecessary product for the daily life of consumers. The people

    who get low income that have low demand, they pay carefully when they buy the

    product and those actions have effect for our product. As a result we created the

    variety feature of product that has low prices for the customers have many

    choices to satisfy, when they want to buy. The salary is important to the

    satisfaction of customers, so the salary target is the people who get income 8,500-

    50,000 bath per month.

    4. Life style

    Our restaurant is a new trend restaurant that has variety taste, more benefit from

    herbs and we used the ingredient form nature those appropriate with the people

    who concern about their health. Moreover, atmospheres in our restaurant is Art

    Gallery style that it make customer feel relax and enjoyment.

    3.4 Company Analysis

    Our company had separated the segment and target market as followings; Retailers

    Our company had reservation and observation from the simple customers and the results

    we found that the target markets are students and officers that have income between 8,500-

    50,000 baths per month. We considered from income per month and life style (like good taste,take care their health, and brand loyalty)

    3.4.1 Product positioning

    From the observation method, we found that the healthy food restaurant has variety of

    choice to select. Healthy food restaurant business are separated into many segment of ages

    except people that have the age less than 25 years old, they consumption less than other age

    because they arent concern about their health.Nowadays, society has more concern their life in term of healthy

    going together with using herbal to treat their health that help to happen

    the opportunities in the market.

    From the trends that our company presented, company had seen

    the healthy food and Art Gallery would to concern to become health

    foods and mind. Which from the observation from questionnaires, our

    company found the most factors that customers thinks and use to make

    the decision to buy the products are good taste and variety choice to select

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    the taste and our company use the experiment tasting and found customers has good feedback in

    good taste more than the other food.

    So we use the slogan under the healthy food and art gallery is

    Taste it, love it

    For customers who love your health. So the major

    target market is customers who have interested in your

    own health and the second target market is like the

    variety of product and good taste.

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    3.5 STP analysis

    STP is the marketings tools for accessing to the customer in common using,

    That including Segment market, Target market, and positioning. The overall market of Health

    food in Chiang Rai quite wide and have litter bit effective , Because it unconvinced to access to

    the whole market and have many goods for made Health foods so can safe cost and can specify

    the cost of our product to be appropriate marketing segment in Chiang Rai that we choose. But

    in Chiang Rai have a few Health food restaurant , So our restaurant will combine between

    Health food with Art Gallery to made differentiation for attract the group of people is keep

    good health and traveler. The effective way to access the Healthy foods & Art Gallery market in

    Chiang Rai are to divided the whole market in to segment and then target the one segment as the

    main market , and then position it self in the customer perception.

    3.5.1 Segment

    Figure 1 : segment of population and traveler in Chiang Rai We divide from Geographic Segmentation by

    Segment of our group is according to the population in Chiang Rai province in 2008

    Chiang Rai population have 1,227,317and all traveler are come to Chiang Rai in 2008 have

    1,741 ,246 by divide to 2 group that are people in Chiang Rai and traveler .So we will show the

    average people in Chiang Rai and traveler in to the pie chart follow these

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    Figure 2 : Average of population and traveler in Chiang Rai

    Reference by:

    Overall summary statistics estimate the number of visitors and revenue. Chiang Rai Province,


    Statistic of visitors come in-out Mae Sai frontier, 2010





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    Statistic of visitors come in-out Chiang Saen frontier, 2010

    Statistic of visitors come in-out Chiang Khong frontier, 2010

    ( )

    We use income of the people is the base because the base of income will affect with alternative

    behavior type of restaurants and purchasing power for foods. We estimate by divide is 3 group is

    - The people have income less than 8 ,500 Bath

    - The people have income more than 8,500-50,000 Bath- The people have income more than 50,000 Bath Psychographic Segmentation

    Life style is the base of divide by have 2 groups is

    - The group who would like to have meal outside.

    - The group who would like to cook by themselves.

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    53 Behavioral and Benefit Segmentation

    By divide are 2 groups

    1.) The group of Health Conscious

    - The first one this group they will focus on about health, and they can pay if theyfavorableness with product to health them self.

    2.) The group of Non Health Conscious

    -The first one this group maybe chooses from worthiness of the price, by not considers

    with health of them self.

    Then if we understand with our segment, so we can choose the target of our restaurant by

    3.5.2 Target

    From Nielsen Research, we understand with behavior of Thailand people about more than 50 %

    must to go outside for have meal with family or friends because it more comfortable than

    cooking by themselves and getting service. Then they will choose from lifestyle of eating and

    the price that reasonable with product. By 32 %of Thailand people they will choose from lifestyle

    of eating. And 21 %choose from reasonable of product. By 59 %of people is dinner time out side

    and 39 %is lunch time outside ,which match with the time of our restaurant opened. So from thisinformation that summary by the pie chart is.

    By have a meal out side can divide the restaurant from customer need like this

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    By divide from category of the food like this ,

    And the time of people to go have a meal out side like this





    Choose from Life style

    Choose from the price

    Near the home

    Want to test new restaurant



    healthy food

    Junk food

    Other food







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    Can summary our target by table is



    Income per


    1000 Bath

    buy a meal outside Cook by them self







    Local People

    More than

    50,000 Main


    Less than 8 ,500

    TouristsSecond target The main target group

    This group we choose from lifestyle of eating behavior with care of healthy and income so must

    along with reasonable price because the group of health conscious will focus on the health

    first .So they were willing to go healthy restaurant and purchase products that they want. The second target group

    1. Purchasing power: From statistics people in this group have enough money and

    freedom choice to choose the product. They have ability to buy the product and service for

    respond their want and need and they come to travel so they dont focus on price.

    2. Lifestyle: Now a day trend about healthy food is popular, So we realize if the traveler

    come to area of vegetable they will follow healthy food trend and our restaurant build in about

    art gallery modern style ,for a person who like to take a photograph and can walk to see about

    gallery in restaurant for relax.

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    3. Influencing Power to buy and consume the product and service: depend on their

    decision to buy the product and service. They will accept in the product that they buy. Our

    restaurant have interior decoration been be interesting. Customer will be talk about ourrestaurant by word of mouth after that our restaurant will become popular in traveler group.

    3.5.3 Positioning

    From information of competitor ,our restaurant have strange isGood location

    - when customer come the first time ,Our restaurant its easy to go and find

    - Because it is near the main road and have a lot a parking.


    - Our restaurant have a ship price if compare with competitor


    - We focus on customer so we seriously with service to the customer. And about service, this is the main strange of our restaurant.

    So we will summary by the chat for easy to understand like this ,

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    The positioning of the restaurant is having a good service by take care of customer first so a

    service is strange of restaurant. In the area that has many people arrive such as near the

    university or in the city because it near to the target group. We will know that the target group of

    our company is the Group of healthy conscious and we know that they want to have a good

    healthy and sometimes they want to hangout some where that has beautiful view. Then we will

    make them satisfy by build the Healthy foods & Art Gallery , near the main road in the city that it

    easy to find. So its good location, not far from many hotels in the city of Chiang Rai. Thestructure building of our restaurant is the modern style and inside the restaurant have space for

    who want to present about works gallery of them. We want to make customer feel relax when

    they eat and see our restaurants atmosphere.











    service quality price location

    Our restaurant

    F F


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    3.6 Marketing Mix Strategy

    3.6.1 Product

    We understand that there are many other companies and restaurants also produce healthy

    food in Thailand. To differentiate our restaurant and products from other competitors, we are

    creating a truly authentic Chiang Rai healthy food cuisine, made only from locals in Chiang Rai

    with our local flavors. We are also creating a local Chiang Rai ambience by incorporating our

    local art gallery, selling art paintings and local souvenirs within the restaurant.

    This is truly a one stop restaurant where customers can have their meals and do some shopping

    of local popular products. Customers who have had their meals can therefore stay in the

    restaurant longer and admire the art gallery within. However our restaurant has a modern style

    building to provide for customers who are like to taking photo at there. For the first time, we are

    creating an atmosphere that customers have not felt before. This is truly refreshing and different

    from our competitors.

    In addition, we plan to make our outlet more contemporary and also more modern theme. It will

    be the latest design and fashion trend in the market. This will draw customers to our outlet.

    We also intend to cater to businesses and companies who might want to organize seminars or

    company functions. We will arrange for such big group functions or gathering.

    3.6.2 Price

    Although healthy food is rather expensive to produce, our foods are produced locally in

    Chiang Rai. The weather is good to accommodate healthy growth of vegetables and fruits. The

    farmers are also locals there who are skilled in farming. This way we can keep our cost of

    production lower than other competitors. However, the process of making healthy food will

    require a lot of skill and technical expertise. Our company will emphasize on making our

    product that is of the highest quality. Through these we will aim to attract customers who aremore affluent and of middle to upper class to buy our quality healthy food.

    We will also be selling other products in our restaurant to increase our profits. We will be selling

    art paintings and souvenirs which are all made from local Chiang Rai people. These additional

    products will not only create a better local Chiang Rai ambience, but will also increase our

    sales and profits.

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