ilove manchester media pack

Media Pack 2011

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Media Pack for iLove Media Collective's first edition of iLove Manchester


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Media Pack 2011

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All You Need is Love...

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In 2010 Manchester & Greater Manchester were visited by nearly98 million people!! 8.2 million of these lovely people were stayingguests and tourists. The other 89.7 million visited the city andsurrounding areas just for a day… hmmmm wonder what they did?

AND… with a population of over 2.5 million in Manchester andGreater Manchester that’s a lot of people that you could be talkingto.

Did you get your fair share of business last year?

Would you like a way to reach more people living in and visitingManchester? Plus get involved in a concept to bring a communityspirit back to the UK...

‘I Love Manchester’ is a FREE town & city guide available for thegeneral public. It tells them, what’s on, what’s hot and not, whereto go, who to see, what to see and how to get there...

…It’s many things, to many people and available as a cute ‘you justgotta have it’ book, an informative and fabulous online directoryand planner. Plus, in early 2012 we will launch our rathermarvellous and useful Smart-phone app.

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200+ pages of things to do in Manchester

40,000 copies distributed across Manchester & Greater Manchester

10% of all book profits go to Manchester charities

Online directory of what’s on, what to do, what to see...

Member sign-up & profile, allowing them to create individual trip planners that they can share with friends.

Marketing tool for you, the advertiser!

Find things to do and the best offers wherever, whenever.

See your results on a map.

Share your location with friends.‘I love Manchester’ will be promotedon Smooth Radio - on air, online, viacompetitions and by the SmoothRadio Street Team

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200+ pages of things to do in Manchester

40,000 copies distributed across Manchester & Greater Manchester

10% of all book profits go to Manchester charities

Online directory of what’s on, what to do, what to see...

Member sign-up & profile, allowing them to create individual trip planners that they can share with friends.

Marketing tool for you, the advertiser!

Find things to do and the best offers wherever, whenever.

See your results on a map.

Share your location with friends.‘I love Manchester’ will be promotedon Smooth Radio - on air, online, viacompetitions and by the SmoothRadio Street Team

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The books, website & phone app will be a community facility forvisitors and residents of Manchester. A trusted and single sourceof information to plan their leisure time and spend their hardearned cash!

The books will be released quarterly with the content focused onwhat is available throughout each season.

The online directory is available all day, everyday (as all websitesare!) and the iPhone & Android app will be ready and willingwhenever visitors are on the move.

The I Love Manchester online experience is unique and allowsvisitors to not only explore all Manchester has to offer, but theycan also create a member profile to enable our unique tripplanner, find the latest deals & offers, plus review places theyhave been and recommend them to others. Here’s the good bit, asan advertiser you will be able to login to collect a marketingreport, showing you useful statistics of what kind of people areadding you to their planners and clicking through to yourwebsite.

What’s more – this concept is on trial in Manchester and is set tolaunch in more major UK cities in 2012… just in time for theOlympics!

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What’s in the book and online?

The books and online service will be categorised into manageablechunks which are easy to navigate and find exactly what youwant, such as:

I love foodA section dedicated to food (surprisingly) – deli’s, specialist foodshops, cookery courses and recipes.

I love shoppingA guide to both independent and high street stores.

I love days outIdeas and offers for family’s to enjoy spending ‘quality’ time in thecity and surrounding areas.

I love football & sportsA season plan of football in Manchester, so the fans can plan daysout, the non-fans can plan to go out and have some me time orshopping and residents will know when to avoid the stadiums atfull time!

For a full list of sections please visit our website at

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What do I get for advertising?

1. Mass exposure to residents and visitors of Manchester andGreater Manchester.

2. Connect and communicate with your target audience via ourunique online experience. You can offer exclusive andnon-exclusive offers to potential customers, take part in ourSmooth Radio quarterly competition and open up a two wayconversation with the people you want to reach.

3. Find your voice; you will have the chance to reply to any goodor even bad reviews of your business.

4. Marketing and ROI – our website will have a dedicated memberaccount just for you, which will enable you to view how many clickthroughs to your site from our site users, investigate leads andcheck reviews and ratings.

5. Network – every quarter you will be able to meet otheradvertisers, service providers and other human beings at ourbook events!

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So who is ‘I love Manchester’ for?

We like to think, that there will be something for everyone, bothmale and female and of all ages.

We are set to target: • 16-60+ year olds –(well, anyone who is young at heart)• ABC1 households with time and money to spend• Single, couple or family (pretty much everyone)• People living in the city and in Greater Manchester• People living in the North West of England• International Tourists• UK visitors to the city

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Who are the ‘I Love’ Media Team?

We call ourselves ‘the collective’ as we are a diverse range ofindividuals and businesses all working together to achievesomething amazing!

The Heart of the Operation:

Sarah Mitchell - Creative Director & Co-founderJanet McKillop - Sales/Managing Director & Co-founderShaun Rowe - Technical Genius from 15 WattsMatt Richards - Web Wizard Extraordinaires from 15 WattsCat Jones - Design & Illustration GoddessMichelle, David & Paul – from Two Sugars Production – AmazingTeam! You’ll love ‘em.Andrea Hall – Interiors, Property & Home Features EditorLisa Yiatrou – Inspiration & Promotion from Smooth RadioJon Sorensen – Graphic Design Whizz KidDave O’Brien – Mr Organised – I Love Production Manager

We also have a sales and marketing team who are second tonone. They will most probably be giving you a call again verysoon, so please be nice to them.

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Where will the books be available from?

As an advertiser you will be given a box of books to offer to yourcustomers. Free of charge. You will also be given the opportunityto purchase point of sale to display the books in if you’d like to!

The Smooth Radio street team will be distributing the books in thecentre of Manchester on the first weekend of every book launch.The books will be distributed to other local amenities and servicesthat are not advertising business such as tourist information,schools and leisure centres.

Plus, every entrant to the Smooth Radio competition will receivea free copy in the post.

The distribution of the books will be 40,000 copies.

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Where will people hear about the book,website and app?

Smooth Radio is the perfect platform to spread the word andwe’ll be running six 30” ads a day on Smooth during the firstand fourth week of each new book launch.

“I Love Manchester” will reach up to860,000 Smooth listeners across theNorth West EVERY WEEK.

A major feature will be competitions that you can provideprizes for on Smooth Radio’s website and I love Manchester’scompetition micro-site, giving your business more exposurevia this fantastic promotion network. Each entrant to thecompetition will receive a free copy of the directory andlinks to the full website.

We will also be included in the Smooth Radio newsletter, whichgoes out to over 26,000 subscribers every twoweeks.

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The Smooth Radio website receives over 330,000 page impressionsper month with up to 37,000 unique visitors, plus their new mobileapp is averaging 17,000 page impressions per month. My math isn’tbrilliant, but I’d say that’s pretty good exposure to the rightaudience?!

Through the data collection from Smooth Radio competitions, Ilove Manchester will be able to send out monthly newsletters tosubscribers of offers, discounts and reviews on places to go andsee in Manchester. If you, as a business, have a promotion thatyou want to present to the public, as one of our advertisers, wewill be more than happy to include your promotion as part of ournewsletter.

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Why are we doing this?

‘We’ are a collective of fun, excitable & like-minded businesses whowant to get the community feeling back into large cities andtowns. Where businesses work together for a common goal… morecustom. Where visitors and residents of Manchester can use atrusted and single source of information to plan their leisuretime, get great discounts and spend their hard earned cash!

We want less fortunate people to benefit from the directory bygiving different local charities on each launch, 10% of all profitsmade on the ‘I Love Manchester’ books.

We want you to get to know your customer, giving them unrivalledservice so they return again and again. We want you get to knowother businesses in your area, so you can create your ownnetwork, helping each other and making a small community in alarge city.

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Why is ‘I love Manchester’ different fromother directories?

We have a heart! We love what we do and it shows in the people wework with and for. This isn’t about a corporate publishing companymaking money from advertising, this is a joint project with somefantastic people and businesses to increase tourism toManchester and increase custom for you! As a bonus, we all getto donate to charity while still advertising our businesses to thegeneral public. You can’t say fairer than that.

As part of the ‘I Love Manchester’ brand we offer you and yourbusiness mass exposure with the right people, in the right place,at the right time! We have a great team of marketers on board toget the ‘I Love’ brand noticed all over the North West. Watch thisspace...(and check the website for details!).

The Launch… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1……

For each book, we will host a launch event. They will be a mixtureof day time and evening events for you to meet us and have adrink (or two, maybe even a slice of cake….mmmmmm) and collectyour books.The launch events will give you a chance to meet up with otherManchester businesses, share contacts and services and get toknow the people behind the businesses local to you.

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How much is it?

Coming Soon - 2012 we will be launching the I LoveManchester Smart-Phone app

The Book - One Issue

Double Page Spread (300mm x 150mm)Single Page (150mm x 150mm)Quarter Page* (70mm x 75mm)

£800 + VAT£600 + VAT£200 + VAT

* Please note that there are only 4 quarter page adverts per category withinthe book. Dave, our production manager likes to keep the layout neat and tidy!

For more information on what the web listings look like, please check out the examples on our media pack website:

Online Directory - 6 months

Premium ListingStandard ListingBasic Listing

£295 + VAT£200 + VAT£100 + VAT

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Special Deals & Offers - How to save up to£100 on advertising with I Love Manchester...

Double Page Spread + Premium Web ListingDouble Page Spread + Standard Web ListingDouble Page Spread + Basic Web Listing

£1095 - now £995 save £100£1000 - now £900 save £100£900 - now £800 save £100

Single Page + Premium Web ListingSingle Page + Standard Web ListingSingle Page + Basic Web Listing

All prices above are exclusive of VAT @ 20%

£895 - now £820 save £75£800 - now £725 save £75£700 - now £625 save £75

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How do I get involved?

Give one of our friendly, I Love Media team a call or drop them ane-mail with the subject ‘I’m interested’ and we’ll give you a callback.

Here are the details:

Sales Team:call them on: 0845 095 1097email them at: [email protected]

Have a question or two?

Speak to Sarah Mitchell our Creative Director and know-it-all...

call: 0845 095 1093email: [email protected]

More information can be found at