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To take the ILA, enter the passcode provided by your ILA partner here: About Certification Customers Global Partners FAQ Contact “Really enjoyed using the ILA with my direct reports and in our team building session. Surprising insights to learn about our creative thinking strengths, capabilities and areas of leadership development.” Gary G., Pharmaceutical Executive © 20112016 All rights reserved Contact: Paul Seroka (203) 2531981 [email protected] Try our free Creative Thinking quiz, then call for an ILA passcode. Page 4 of the 13 page custom ILA report Creative Thinking Quiz & Innovation Leadership Assessment

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“Really enjoyed using the ILA with my direct reports and in our team

building session.

Surprising insights to learn about our creative thinking strengths,

capabilities and areas of leadership development.”

Gary G., Pharmaceutical Executive

©  2011-­‐2016    All  rights  reserved                                                              Contact:    Paul  Seroka  (203)  253-­‐1981    [email protected]                                                      

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Creative Thinking Quiz & Innovation Leadership Assessment

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About  Innovation  Leadership  Associates  

We  are  a  global  network  of  ILA-­‐certified  training  partners  that  provide  executive  coaching  and  leadership  development  services  to  support  corporate  innovation  and  entrepreneurship.    We  focus  on  understanding  creative  thinking  and  leadership  capability.    We  work  with  clients  to  develop  the  skills  that  are  critical  to  the  generation  of  innovative  business  solutions  that  result  in  measurable  impact  on  the  organization.        The  mission  of  each  professional  in  the  network  is  to  help  executives  manage  change,  foster  new  thinking  and  develop  innovations.  The  trainers  have  extensive  research  in  understanding  how  people  learn  to  think  creatively,  effectively  manage  change  and  harness  their  inherent  leadership  capabilities  to  foster  innovation.      Our  work  is  based  on  over  21  years  of  research  to  understand  how  people  learn  to  think  creatively.  Our  proprietary  approach  incorporates  step-­‐by-­‐step,  skill-­‐based  creative  thinking  techniques  that  have  been  shown  to  significantly  improve  the  ability  to  generate  innovative  solutions.    Our  methodology  incorporates  aspects  of  emotional  intelligence  and  custom  ideation  skill-­‐based  techniques  to  engender  outside-­‐the-­‐box  thinking  leading  to  innovation.  We  provide  ILA  licensing  support  through  a  global  partner  training  program.        

To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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Innovation  Leadership  AssessmentTM  (ILA)  The  Innovation  Leadership  Assessment  (was  originally  developed  to  understand  an  individual’s  creative  thinking  ability  and  to  identify  leadership  capabilities,  strengths  and  areas  for  potential  development.  This  assessment  was  scientifically-­‐validated  and  has  predictive  value.  Individuals  are  using  the  ILA  today  to  increase  self-­‐awareness  and  determine  which  aspects  of  creative  thinking  and  leadership  that  they  want  to  develop  to  ensure  that  their  creativity  is  translated  into  innovation.      

Business  owners,  entrepreneurs  and  leading  corporations  are  benefiting  from  having  teams  of  executives  participate  in  the  Innovation  Leadership  Assessment  process.  The  process    begins  with  individual  use  of  the  ILA  online  tool,  followed  by  individual  executive  coaching  conversations,  preparation  of  a  group  report  and  post  assessment  group  coaching  sessions.      Group  ILA  reports  are  also  available.    All  Global  Partners  in  the  ILA  network  are  experienced  executive  coaches  certified  in  administration  of  the  Innovation  Leadership  Assessment.      


 Applications  include:

• Performance  Management  • Executive  Coaching  • Succession  Planning    • Ideation  Sessions  • M&A  Leadership  Evaluation  • Creative  Thinking  • Ideation  Sessions  

The  ILA  and  Group  instruments  are  used  as  an  initial  assessment  component  prior  to  the  launch  of  a  custom  corporate  education  program  designed  to  measure  and  enhance  individual  and  group  capability.  

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Group  Innovation  Leadership  Assessment  Individual  reports  and  coaching  analysis  are  conducted  first,  then  their  scores  are  combined  into  a  Group  ILA  report.  The  ILA  Group  assessment  tool,  when  analyzed  by  a  trained  professional,  can  help  them  understand  their  current  state  of  innovation  and  creative  thinking,  directed  into  areas  of  competency,  strength  and  development.  

Post  Assessment  Corporations  have  found  that  post  assessment  executive  coaching  sessions  make  it  possible  to  enhance  creative  thinking  and  innovation  within  an  organization.  That's  because  when  the  group  scores  are  analyzed  by  a  trained  coaching  professional,  additional  discussion  in  workgroup  sessions  often  lead  to  new  insights  and  custom  recommendations  that  can  drive  business  innovation.    Although  the  individual  report  scores  feature  clear  and  concise  narrative,  a  post  assessment  conversation  with  a  trained  ILA  executive  coach  often  creates  measurable  positive  benefits  for  the  individual  and  organization.    The  Group  coaching  conversation  often  reveals  blind  spots  and  areas  of  development  along  with  candid  comments  from  the  individual  feedback  sessions.

Personal  Action  Plan  Template      

The  individual  ILA  features  a  self-­‐  development  tool  to  facilitate  the  creation  of  proactive  strategies,  tactics  and  evaluation  criteria.    

Coaching  conversations  alleviate  any  individual  concerns,  and  provide  a  second  order  analysis  and  discussion  regarding  next  steps.  The  participant  generates  her  or  her  own  ideas  and  develops  a  leadership  development  plan  for  program  implementation.    

To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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History  -­‐  Innovation  Leadership  Assessment  The  product  is  a  software-­‐as-­‐a-­‐service  package  with  feedback  sessions.  Pat  Harmon  was  the  first  global  training  partner  and  the  product  was  featured  in  her  book,  “The  Mind  of  an  Innovator:  A  Guide  to  Seeing  Possibilities  Where  None  Existed  Before.”  Version  3.0  of  the  ILA  was  completed  in  August  2016  with  entirely  new  narrative  to  analyze  personal  and  group  results,  within  a  new  graphical  report  format.  Today,  other  companies  and  consultants  are  using  this  tool  to  assess  the  creativity  and  innovation  capabilities  of  their  corporate  clients  around  the  world.      The  instrument  generates  numerical  scores,  categorizes  results  according  to  the  ILA  scales,  and  proactive  action  plans  are  recommended  based  on  the  data.      To  ensure  the  accuracy  of  the  individual  and  group  reports,  the  ILA  and  custom  training  programs  are  only  administered  to  corporate  professionals.  The  tool  was  designed  for  executives,  managers  and  employees  interested  in  enhancing  their  creative  thinking  and  innovation  potential.

To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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ILA Customer #1 New Investment Ideas, Global Financial Services  

Challenge: A financial services client wanted to apply ILA creative thinking techniques to grow their business.   

Approach: Using a skill-based approach, they identified an investment opportunity that they would not have normally considered with traditional thinking. While market indicators discouraged this route, the client bought another company with significant upward potential.  

Result: Over $34 million in additional revenue.  

ILA Customer #2 Executive Development, Global PharmaceuticalChallenge: A pharmaceutical company wanted to develop their global high potential leaders during their strategic development program.  

Approach: They used the ILA to increase their individual and team self-awareness of strengths, capabilities and areas of development. The ILA helped them overcome the bottlenecks in their innovation process and simplify their product approval procedure to meet FDA criteria.  

Result: Earlier market entry of two new products worth $250 million.  


Confidentiality restrictions prevent us from listing by name the organizations that have used the ILA for creative ideation, team building, and leadership development.Some examples include:  • A Global 10 corporation, three times with

groups of more than 30 employees  • An Ivy league university for an executive

course program of 30 entrepreneurs  • A NASDAQ traded global manufacturing

company with over 100 employees based in three  

• locations,  • A global pharmaceutical company with a group

of eight scientists and second engagement with eight sales directors  

• A global pharmaceutical company for use in a team building program with sales directors  

References are available upon request. Hundreds of individual business executives around the world have also completed the ILA with feedback sessions from one of the global partners.

To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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ILA  Customer  #3   Merger  of  Two  Financial  Service  Firms  Challenge:  A  cultural  clash  resulted  from  the  merger  of  two  major  financial  institutions  and  this  significantly  impeded  their  joint  business  effort.

Approach:  A  facilitated  creative  thinking  session  helped  erase  cultural  barriers  and  harness  the  executive  talent  to  enhance  business  operations  in  the  new  organization.

Result:  The  executive  team's  enthusiasm  soared,  and  with  strengthened  internal  networking  channels,  a  new  organizational  culture  was  formed.  Retaining  an  ILA  trainer  as  the  critical  first  step  helped  the  organization  move  quickly  as  it  evolved  into  one  of  the  most  successful    firms  in  history.          

ILA  Customer  #4   New  Revenue  Sources,  Consumer  Products  Challenge:  A  consumer  products  client  used  a  creative  thinking  process  to  explore  new  avenues  for  their  business.

Approach:  They  identified  new  distribution  channels  and  expanded  their  product  line  through  strategic  acquisitions  while  capitalizing  in  the  value  of  their  existing  brands.  Result:  In  a  challenging  retail  environment,  the  company  steadily  increased  their  market    share  and  outperformed  their  earnings  forecasts.        

To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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ILA  Customer  #5   Team  Building,  Global  Pharmaceutical  Challenge:    The  Divisional  Sales  Leader  wanted  to  run  a  team  building  session  with  direct  reports  using  the  ILA  as  a  pre-­‐meeting  exercise  to  stimulate  communication  and  collaboration.

Approach:    A  half-­‐day  workshop  with  three  exercises  was  proposed  and  delivered  to  the  client  with  use  of  the  individual  and  group  reports.

Result:  The  client  was  pleased  with  the  outcome  of  the  meeting,  the  knowledge  gained  about  the  capabilities  of  the  entire  team,  cross  communication  and  follow-­‐up  actions.    

 ILA  Customer  #6   Creative  Thinking,  Cosmetics  Industry  Challenge:    The  CEO  wanted  to  create  a  culture  of  creativity  and  innovative  thinking  within  the  entire  organization.  The  leadership  used  the  ILA  as  a  pre-­‐meeting  exercise  to  stimulate  communication  and  collaboration  prior  to  the  first  day  of  the  engagement.

Approach:    A  half-­‐day  workshop  with  three  exercises  was  proposed  and  delivered  to  the  client  with  use  of  the  individual  and  group  reports.  The  data  revealed  several  areas  of  strength,  capabilities  and  development.    Ideation  sessions  focused  on  real  work  issues  in  relation  to  the  new  knowledge  gained  from  the  sessions.

Result:  The  knowledge  gained  about  the  capabilities  of  the  entire  team  led  to  cross  communication  and  follow-­‐up  actions  with  middle  managers  to  move  the  organization  forward  in  their  innovation  thinking.    

To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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Paul  Seroka    

Co-­‐founder,  Corporate  and  Product  Marketing  Director  for  Innovation  Leadership  Associates.  Global  Partner  for  the  Innovation  Leadership  Assessment.    

For  more  than  30  years,  Paul  has  served  as  a  board-­‐level  advisor  to  senior  executives,  private  investors  and  entrepreneurs.  He  provides  corporate  development,  strategic  marketing  and  leadership  development  services  for  early  stage  and  middle  market  companies.  Paul  utilizes  the  innovation  leadership  assessment  product  (ILA)  in  his  practice  areas  to  achieve  greater  levels  of  innovation  and  creativity.          On  a  project  basis,  Paul  completes  assessments,  prepares  plans  and  presentations,  and  implements  customized  programs  designed  to  meet  each  customer’s  unique  requirements.  His  expertise  involves  helping  customer’s  create  goals,  analyze  their  human  resource  and  change  management  offerings,  while  developing  cost-­‐effective  strategies  for  organizational  change  that  closes  the  gap  between  “their  current  state  and  desired  state.”      Paul  earned  an  M.A.  degree  in  Public  Affairs  from  Fordham  University,  after  receiving  a  B.S.  degree  in  Business  Administration  from  Oswego  State  University.  He  completed  the  TRIUM  EMBA  degree,  a  global  executive  management  program  conferred  by  the  NYU  Stern  School  of  Business,  the  London  School  of  Economics  and  Political  Science,  and  HEC  School  of  Management  in  Paris  in  2005.          Earlier  in  his  career,  he  was  the  Chief  Marketing  Officer  at  three  high-­‐growth  companies.    Since  then  he  has  provided  professional  services  to  corporate  and  individual  clients  while  earning  certificate  programs  from  New  York  University  in  e-­‐commerce,  executive  coaching  and  social  media  and  digital  marketing.  Contact:  (203)  253-­‐1981  or  [email protected]          



Global  Partners    


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Dr.  Patricia  Harmon    Developed  the  Innovation  Leadership  Assessment.    Co-­‐founder  and  Global  Partner  Training  Director  for  Innovation  Leadership  Associates.      For  the  past  22  years,  Pat    has  worked  in  the  practice  areas  of  innovation,  creativity  and  emotional  intelligence  on  behalf  of  leading  global  corporations  including:  Deutsche  Bank,  General  Electric,  Goldman  Sachs,  JP  MorganChase,  Motorola,  NY  Times  and  Jarden  Consumer  Products.  As  an  author,  keynote  speaker,  lecturer,  and  consultant,  Pat  has  designed  and  conducted  advanced  thinking  workshops  for  thousands  of  executives  and  managers  around  the  globe.      Pat  helps  organizations  in  their  efforts  to  bring  about  change  by  examining  business  trends,  extrapolating  from  them  and  helping  companies  create  value.      She  facilitates  an  Executive  Leadership  &  Development  process  through  Duke  Corporate  Education  and  the  Cornell  ILR,  Human  Capital  Management  Program.    This  advanced  assessment-­‐based  technology  helps  clients  assess  development  needs,  link  development  to  business  strategy,  implement  customized  training  solutions,  and  measure  the  results.  Included  in  her  practice  are  the  Innovation  Leadership  Assessment  (“ILA”),  a  proprietary  product,  and  she  has  served  as  a  Master  Trainer  for  the  Emotional  Quotient  Inventory  (“EQ-­‐i”)  assessment.      Pat  holds  an  MBA  from  the  University  of  Toronto  Executive  Program,  an  MA  in  Human  Development,  and  a  Ph.D.  in  Human  and  Organizational  Development  from  The  Fielding  Graduate  Institute.  She  serves  as  an  adjunct  professor  at  Cornell  University,  ILR  School  and  Duke  Corporate  Education.  Pat  is  the  author  of  The  Mind  of  an  Innovator:  A  Guide  to  Seeing  Possibilities  Where  None  Existed  Before.  

Contact:  (203)  276-­‐1432.    Email:    [email protected]      



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Frequently  Asked  Questions  –  ILA  Product  

How  long  does  it  take  for  the  ILA?  The  assessment  is  designed  to  take  approximately  8  minutes  to  complete.          What  happens  to  the  data?  All  data  is  kept  confidential,  safely  stored  on  our  secure  server,  and  will  never  be  resold  or  communicated  to  any  outside  organization.      What  are  the  technical  requirements  for  the  ILA?  This  online  survey  requires  an  Internet  browser  and  works  on  any  computer  or  mobile  device.  Just  enter  the  password  provided  by  your  ILA-­‐certified  trainer  into  the  web  portal,  and  a  valid  email  address  to  enable  receipt  of  the  ILA  report  as  a  PDF.        

To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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About            Certification              Customers            Global  Partners            FAQ                Contact

Frequently  Asked  Questions  -­‐  Customers  How  does  the  Innovation  Leadership  Assessment  Help  Employees  and  Companies?  The  ILA  is  a  scientifically-­‐validated  assessment  designed  to  measure  the  leadership  factors  that  are  needed  to  create  and  implement  successful  change.  The  assessment  measures  behavioral  and  psychological  dimension  of  creativity  and  innovation.      What  does  the  ILA  provide  to  corporate  customers?  •  An  easy  to  understand,  comprehensive  innovation  leadership  profile  •  An  understanding  of  how  emotional  intelligence  contributes  to  innovative  thinking  •  Predictive  profile  and  actionable  results  •  Development  strategies  for  individuals  and  groups      How  can  the  ILA  be  used  by  organizations?  •  To  create  self  awareness  and  development  for  the  individual  •  When  forming  teams  to  include  a  range  of  thinking  style  and  to  understand  the  group  culture  and  dynamics  •  To  assess  organizational  strengths  and  areas  for  development  in  change  management,  leadership  and  innovation      Why  are  companies  using  the  ILA  instrument?  Corporate  professionals  around  the  use  it  to  assess  and  develop  both  individual  and  organizational  capabilities  for  creativity  and  innovation.  Their  overall  goal  is  often  to  increase  productivity,  revenue  and  company  profitability.  

Once  you  have  an  ILA  profile,  what  do  you  do?  A  13  page  report  is  provided  for  each  executive  featuring  explanations  for  each  scale  and  suggestions  for  improvement.    Once  specific  leadership  capabilities  for  development  are  identified,  ILA  trainers  can  provide  specialized  services  designed  to  maximize  your  change  and  innovation  efforts.  

To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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Global Partner Certification and Innovation Leadership Training Services  

   Partners include consultants, higher education teachers, executive coaches and corporate learning facilitators.    

Each partner is required to join this global network and become certified in the instrument. The licensing fee allows access to training materials, tips, techniques and success stories for use in the classroom. These copyrighted materials are not sold separately and are only available once the organization is certified in the innovation methodology, and assessment instrument.  

To address your business requirements and unique questions about the Innovation Leadership Certification Program, including fees and scheduled dates for training sessions, write or call for more information.      


 Why Join Innovation Leadership Associates?

Innovation is necessary for sustainable competitiveness. Hence, there is high demand for skills that lead to new sources of revenue, enhanced productivity or reduced operational expenses.  

The ability to turn creativity into innovation is the key to making this happen.  These skills can also be offered to higher education professionals who deliver courses in executive MBA programs. Whether corporate professionals or entrepreneurs, the ILA provides an insightful analysis of their innovation capability.

About            Certification              Customers            Global  Partners            FAQ                Contact



To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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About            Certification              Customers            Global  Partners            FAQ                Contact

Frequently  Asked  Questions  –  Certification  Process  

Why  Get  Certified  in  the  ILA?  Give  yourself  a  unique  competitive  advantage  to  lead  a  corporate  team  in  creative  thinking  and  innovation.    You  will  receive  access  to  the  ILA,  an  instrument  that  is  well  respected  in  the  market  and  a  leading-­‐edge  assessment  to  add  to  your  toolkit  to  support  your  clients.    Grow  your  business  by  using  the  ILA  as  a  catalyst  for  building  your  client  development  action  plan.    Diversify  your  practice  by  using  the  ILA  in  a  variety  of  ways:  group  leadership  development,    executive  coaching  and  much,  much  more.      What  Does  Certification  Include?  Access  to  resources  on  the  ILA  and  an  online  portal  where  you  can  manage  your  customers  plus  the  ability  to  connect  with  other  ILA  certified  practitioners  like  you  to  share  best  practices  and  new  ideas.  You  will  receive  two  free  reports  to  use  after  you  earn  certification  status  and  an  online  account  where  you  administer  and  score  the  assessments.  You  also  get  to  take  the  assessment  yourself  and  receive  feedback  from  an  experienced  coach.          What  are  the  ILA  Certification  Program  Components?  A  blended  learning  solution  that  enables  you  to  do  parts  of  the  certification  online,  saving  you  time  and  travel  costs.      A  one-­‐day  interactive  in-­‐class  portion  focused  on  building  the  skills  you  need  in  order  to  use  the  ILA  with  confidence.    You  receive  an  80  page  training  manual  and  all  Suggestions  for  Development  for  all  scales.  Contact  us  for  more  information  about  the  complete  ILA  Certification  Agenda.      Where  Do  I  Get  ILA  Certified?  Stamford.  CT,  New  York  City  or  we  can  make  arrangements  to  bring  the  training  to  you  at  your  company  location.    Our  global  network  of  ILA  approved  trainers  is  growing.  Contact  us  to  learn  about  the  next  date  for  training.    

To  take  the  ILA,  enter  the  passcode  provided  by  your    ILA  partner  here:

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Contact  Paul  Seroka  for  more  information Paul  Seroka    (203)  253-­‐1981        [email protected]