ﻢﻴﺣﺮﻟا ﻪﻠﻟا ﺐﻗﺎﻨﳌا بﺎﺘﻛ ﺎﻬَْﻨﻋَ ﻪُﱠﻠﻟا...

اﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ اﻟﻠﻪ ﺑﺴﻢ اﳌﻨﺎﻗﺐ ﻛﺘﺎبَ ْ َ ُ اﻟﻠﱠﻪَ ِ َ رَ َ ِ ﺎﺋَ ِ ْ َ ﺎبَ - Before we learn about the merits of Aisha (r), we will discuss the merits of the wives of the Prophet (s). e merits of the wives of the Prophet e Mothers of the Ummah (6:اﻷﺣﺰاب) ۔۔۔۔۔۔ْ ُ ُ ﺎﺗَ ُ أُ ُ اﺟَ وْ زَ أَ وْ ِ ِ ُ ْ َ أْ ِ َ ِ ِ ْ ُ ْ ﺎﻟِ َ ْ وَ أِ اﻟﻨThe Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves, and his wives are [in the position of] their mothers. - We must love the Prophet (s) more than we love ourselves. Omar (r) was told that he must love the Prophet (s) even more than he loved himself. His right upon us is immense. What do you think about the rights of his wives, his daughters, his family upon us? Whoever is important, then whoever is related to them is also important. - e wives of the Prophet (s) are like our mothers. A mother is respectable: she deserves to be honoured, treated with respect. Dierent from other believing women ً ْ َ َ ُْ َ وٌ ضَ َ ِ ِ َْ ِ يِ اﻟﱠﺬَ َ ْ َ َ ِ لْ َ ْ ﺎﻟِ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ اﺗﱠﻘِ نِ إِ ﺎءَ اﻟﻨَ ِ ٍ َ َ َُ ْ َِ اﻟﻨَ ﺎءَ ِ َ (32 :اﻷﺣﺰاب) ً وﻓُ ْ َ O wives of the Prophet! you are not like anyone among women. If you fear Allah, then do not be soft in speech [to men], lest he in whose heart is disease should covet, but speak with appropriate speech. - You are not like ordinary women - ey were instructed to observe certain things given their great status, especially in how they should interact with the men, carry themselves. Also, because they are role models for us.

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Page 1: ﻢﻴﺣﺮﻟا ﻪﻠﻟا ﺐﻗﺎﻨﳌا بﺎﺘﻛ ﺎﻬَْﻨﻋَ ﻪُﱠﻠﻟا ﴈَِرَ …alhudamedia.com/Fh/Live-Sessions-Rec/Bukhari-Notes_English/11-Aisha... ·

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم كتاب املناقب

باب فضل عائشة ريض الله عنها - Before we learn about the merits of Aisha (r), we will discuss the merits of

the wives of the Prophet (s).

The merits of the wives of the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

The Mothers of the Ummahهاتهم ۔۔۔۔۔۔ (األحزاب:6) • النبي أوىل بالمؤمنني من أنفسهم وأزواجه أم

The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves, and his wives are [in the position of] their mothers. - We must love the Prophet (s) more than we love ourselves. Omar (r) was

told that he must love the Prophet (s) even more than he loved himself. His right upon us is immense. What do you think about the rights of his wives, his daughters, his family upon us? Whoever is important, then whoever is related to them is also important.

- The wives of the Prophet (s) are like our mothers. A mother is respectable: she deserves to be honoured, treated with respect.

Different from other believing womenيا نساء النبي لسنت كأحد من النساء إن اتقينت فال تخضعن بالقول فيطمع الذي يف قلبه مرض وقلن قوال

معروفا (األحزاب: 32) O wives of the Prophet! you are not like anyone among women. If you fear Allah, then do not be soft in speech [to men], lest he in whose heart is disease should covet, but speak with appropriate speech.- You are not like ordinary women - They were instructed to observe certain things given their great status,

especially in how they should interact with the men, carry themselves. Also, because they are role models for us.

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- So what should we do? Following their footsteps, when we are dealing with men we must not behave / talk with them the way we behave with/ talk to our friends. No need to laugh and giggle, especially if we are working in an Islamic Institute we have to be even more careful, since we are an example for others.

- Whether we are talking to them in person or in a chat, over text messaging, in writing or in person. Face to face in public or otherwise, speak that which is ma’roof. And ma’roof: No nonsense. Do not think, o he is a scholar, he is a righteous person… he is a man, so speak to him the way you should.

Dissociated from the ways of Ignoranceا يريد كاة وأطعن الله ورسوله إمن الة وآتني الز وقرن يف بيوتكن وال تربجن تربج الجاهلية األوىل وأقمن الصركم تطهريا () واذكرن ما يتىل يف بيوتكن من آيات الله الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطه

والحكمة إن الله كان لطيفا خبريا (األحزاب: 33-34) And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance. And establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin], O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification. And remember what is recited in your houses of the verses of Allah and wisdom. Indeed, Allah is ever Subtle and Acquainted [with all things].- The verses of Quran and the teachings of the Prophet (s) were mentioned in

the house of the Prophet (s). - The wives of the Prophet (s) were purified through these teachings and thus

made an excellent example for us.

Double reward for obedienceومن يقنت منكن لله ورسوله وتعمل صالحا نؤتها أجرها مرتني وأعتدنا لها رزقا كرميا (األحزاب:•

(31And whoever of you devoutly obeys Allah and His Messenger and does righteousness - We will give her her reward twice; and We have prepared for her a noble provision.

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Double punishment for disobedience يا نساء النبي من يأت منكن بفاحشة مبينة يضاعف لها العذاب ضعفني وكان ذلك عىل الله يسريا

(األحزاب:30) O wives of the Prophet! whoever of you should commit a clear immorality - for her the punishment would be doubled two fold, and ever is that, for Allah, easy.- Double reward / double punishment as their status was greater.

The Prophet (s)’s concern for his wives after his deathني بعدي ولن عن عائشة أم المؤمنني قالت إن رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم كان يقول لهن إن أمركن لمام يهم

ابرون . [مسند أحمد:24485] يصرب عليكن إال الصNarrated 'Aishah Umm Al Mo'mineen رضــــــــــی الــــــــــلہ عــــــــــنہا that the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) used to say to them: "Indeed, I am worried about the state of your affairs after me and only those who are patient will be able to have patience concerning your matters.

Their death; a great signعن عكرمة قال قيل البن عباس ماتت فالنة بعض أزواج النبى صىل الله عليه وسلم فخر ساجدا فقيل له أتسجد اعة فقال قال رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم إذا رأيتم آية فاسجدوا. وأى آية أعظم من ذهاب أزواج هذه الس

النبى صىل الله عليه وسلم [سنن أيب داود:1199] Narrated Ikrimah, he said: Ibn Abbas was informed by someone that so-and-so, a certain wife of the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص), had died. He fell down prostrating himself. He was questioned: Do you also prostrate yourself at this moment? He said: The Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: When you see a portent (an accident), prostrate yourselves. And which portent (accident) can be greater than the death of a wife of the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)?- They were not like ordinary women: Allah granted them a great status. Allah

chose them to be close to the Prophet (s), so it is our duty to respect them.

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عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا

Nameعائشة بنت أيب بكر عبدالله بن أيب قحافة  •

AbuBakr was her father, AbuQuhafah was his father

Nisbahالتيمية القرشية  •

From the tribe of Taym, Quraysh

Kunyahام عبد الله •

Brief Introductionثالث زوجات النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصوإحدى أمهات املؤمنني، وبنت الخليفة األول للنبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص أبو بكر بن أيب قحافة ، وقد

ة عىل اإلطالق. تزوجها النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص بعد غزوة بدر يف شوال سنة 2 هـ، کانت أفقه نساء األمShe was the third wife [After Khadijah and Sawdah] of the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) one of the Mothers of the believers. She is the daughter of Abu Bakr bin Abu Quhafa, the first Caliph of the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص). He (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) married her in the 2nd year of Hijra, after the battle of Badr in (the month of) Shawal. Among the women of the Ummah, she was the most Faqih.

، وكانت تقول: لم أعقل أبوي إال وهام يدينان ن ولد يف اإلسالم، وهي أصغر من فاطمة بثامين سنني وعائشة ممين. [سیر اعالم النبالء] الد

And `Aishah is among those who opened her eyes during the period of Islam [she was born when her father was already Muslim] and she was eight years younger than Fatimah. And she used to say that I saw my parents following the Deen while I was in my consciousness.- The main reason why she was ahead in deen, knowledge, understanding is

because she was blessed with the companionship of the Prophet (s) and took great benefit from that

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Most knowledgeable among womenاكتسبت أم املؤمنني - ريض الله عنها - علام غزيرا صافيا من نبع النبوة الذي ال ينضب، فكانت أفقه نساء املسلمني، وأعلمهن بالدين وأصوله وفروعه واألدب، وال يحدث لها أمر إال أنشدت فيه شعرا، وكان أكابر الصحابة يسألونها عن

الفقه والفرائض، فتجيبهم. UmmulMumineen Aisha (r) obtained a great amount of pure knowledge from the never drying fountain of Prophethood. So she is considered most knowledgeable among all muslim women, most familiar with the principles of the religion. She recited poetry, and many senior companions would ask her questions regarding Fiqh, Inheritance, etc. and she would always answer them.- Usually women think they are weak in terms of calculations/mathematics,

but look at her

The merits of `Aishah رضی اللہ عنہا يد عىل سائر الطعام فضل عائشة عىل النساء كفضل الرث

The superiority of `Aisha (r) to other women is like the superiority of Tharid to other kinds of food

Her mention in the Qur’an نيا واآلخرة ولهم عذاب عظيم • إن الذين يرمون المحصنات الغافالت المؤمنات لعنوا يف الد

(النور:23) Indeed, those who [falsely] accuse chaste, unaware and believing women are cursed in this world and the Hereafter; and they will have a great punishment.فأمهات املؤمنني أوىل بالدخول يف هذا من كل محصنة، وال سيام التي كانت سبب النزول، وهي عائشة بنت لصديق، ريض الله عنهام. وقد أجمع العلامء، رحمهم الله، قاطبة عىل أن من سبها بعد هذا ورماها مبا رماها به [بعد هذا الذي ذكر] يف هذه اآلية، فإنه كافر؛ ألنه معاند للقرآن.ويف بقية أمهات املؤمنني قوالن: أصحهام أنهن كهي، والله

أعلم. [ابن کثیر] The believing women are most deserving of this than any chaste woman of this Ummah, especially the one who was the reason why this verse was revealed and she was Aisha (r). All scholars unanimously agree that whoever accuses her of what she has not done then he is blameworthy as mentioned in this verse. And all the mothers of the believers are included in this.

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The Prophet’s beloved عن أنس قال قيل يا رسول الله من أحب الناس إليك قال عائشة [سنن الرتمذي:3890]

Narrated Anas, he said that the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) was asked: "Who is the most beloved of the people to you?" He said: “`Aishah".- The Prophet (s) loved her the most out of all his wives.

حبیبة رسول اللهملسو هيلع هللا ىلصيق , حبيبة رسول د يقة ابنة الص د ثتني المربأة الص ث عن عائشة قال :حد وق , أنه كان إذا حد عن مرس

الله صىل الله عليه وسلم "انتهى من " الرشيعة " (5/ 2404) . Masruq reported that whenever he would narrate hadith from Aisha (r) he would say, ‘The one who has been declared innocent’, ‘the truthful woman’, ‘the daughter of the truthful man’, the beloved of the Prophet (s) narrated to me…- When you love someone and respect them in your heart, you dont get tired

of using good words for them

The only young/virgin woman the Prophet (s) ever married

عن عائشة ريض الله عنها قالت قلت يا رسول الله أرأيت لو نزلت واديا وفيه شجرة قد أكل منها ووجدت شجرا لم ج بكرا غريها يؤكل منها يف أيها كنت ترتع بعريك قال يف الذي لم يرتع منها تعني أن رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص لم يتزو

[صحیح البخاری:5077] Narrated `Aisha رضــــــــــــــــــی الــــــــــــــــــلــہ عــــــــــــــــــنــہــا, she said that I said, "O Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)! Suppose you landed in a valley where there is a tree of which something has been eaten and then you found trees of which nothing has been eaten, of which tree would you let your camel graze?" He said, "(I will let my camel graze) of the one of which nothing has been eaten before." (The sub-narrator added: `Aisha meant that Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) had not married a virgin besides herself.) - Indirectly she is showing her superiority over other wives.

The Prophet (s) was informed in his dream about his marriage with her

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عن عائشة ريض الله عنها قالت قال يل رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص رأيتك يف المنام يجيء بك الملك يف رسقة من حرير فقال يل هذه امرأتك فكشفت عن وجهك الثوب فإذا أنت هي فقلت إن يك هذا من عند الله ميضه.[صحیح البخاری:5125]

Narrated `Aisha رضــــــــــی الــــــــــلہ عــــــــــنہا, she said: Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said (to me), "I saw you in a dream. An angel brought you to me, wrapped in a piece of silken cloth, and said to me, 'This is your wife.' I removed the piece of cloth from your face, and you were there. I said (to myself). 'If it is from Allah, then it will surely be.' - Even before marriage to her, she was shown to him. - Many people object at her young age and marriage to the Prophet (s). 1. This

was from Allah, 2. She was very happy in her marriage, 3. The Prophet (s) would never do something that is inappropriate and incorrect. We try to understand things of the past/ different cultures from our perspective / experience. If a girl reaches puberty she is able to bear children, and in Arabs, given the environment they lived in girls matured very early.

The wife of the Prophet (s) in this world and the next عن عائشة ريض الله عنها أن رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم ذكر فاطمة ريض الله عنها ، قالت : فتكلمت أنا ، فقال نيا واآلخرة. [السلسلة الصحيحة:2255] نيا واآلخرة؟ قلت : بىل . قال : فأنت زوجتى ىف الد : أما ترضني أن تكوين زوجتى ىف الدNarrated `Aisha رضــــــــــــــي اهلل عــــــــــــــنه: Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) spoke about Fatimah رضــــــــــــــي اهلل so I said something about her. (At this) he said: "Are you not pleased that you ,عــــــــــــــــــنـهـاwill be my wife in this world and the Hereafter? She said: why not! He said: you are my wife in this world and the Hereafter. “

Jibril (a)’s visit to her house and seeing her عن عائشة أن رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم لام فرغ من األحزاب دخل المغتسل ليغتسل فجاء جربيل عليه الح ما وضعنا أسلحتنا بعد انهد إىل بني قريظة فقالت عائشة كأين أنظر إىل جربيل الم فقال أوقد وضعتم الس الس

الم من خلل الباب قد عصب رأسه من الغبار [مسند احمد:24994] عليه السAisha (r) reported that when the Prophet (s) returned from Ahzab, he entered to take a bath, but Jibril came and said have you taken off your armour? We have not taken it off yet, let us go to BanuQuraydhah. Aisha (r) said, that scene is still present before my eyes when Jibril was visible in the middle of the door and there was dust on his head.- At these battles Allah (swt) sent angels to support His Messenger.

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- The angels can take human form, even jinn can. We cannot take angelic / jinn form. Jibril came in human form at many occasions. Once he came in the form of a man and asked the Prophet (s) questions, and when he left the Prophet (s) told the companions, that was Jibril who came to teach you your religion.

Only in Aisha’s company فإن الوحي لم يأتني وأنا يف ثوب امرأة إال عائشة [صحیح البخاری:2581]

The Divine Inspirations do not come to me on any of the beds except that of Aisha.- Why is this so? Some have said that because she observed cleanliness to a

great degree. this does not mean that other wives did not do that, but because every person has their own level / way of observing cleanliness. Some people will clean the house but ignore what is in the corners.

- In the winter we wear the same sweaters / jackets over and over and sometimes they become smelly. And if many women with such jackets and sweaters sit in one room what will happen? When we come to a gathering of knowledge, in a masjid let us make sure our clothes are clean. So ensure the cleanliness sof your body, clothes, children, home… this is what opens the doors to Iman, hikmah, ilm… angels do not come to dirty, smelly places. Angels descend on those who say we believe and then become upright / firm…. but if our houses, bodies are unclean, why would the angels come?

- Another reason why this happened is because, Aisha (r) was very eager to learn Ilm. So whatever you desire, seek, take interest in that will be facilitated for you.

Allah the exalted revealed her innocence in the Qur’an ثم تحولت عىل فرايش وأنا أرجو أن يربئني الله ولكن والله ما ظننت أن ينزل يف شأين وحيا وألنا أحقر يف نفيس من أن يتكلم بالقرآن يف أمري ولكني كنت أرجو أن يرى رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يف النوم رؤيا يربئني الله فوالله ما رام مجلسه

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ر منه مثل وال خرج أحد من أهل البيت حتى أنزل عليه الوحي فأخذه ما كان يأخذه من الربحاء حتى إنه ليتحدل كلمة تكلم بها أن قال يل يا الجامن من العرق يف يوم شات فلام رسي عن رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص وهو يضحك فكان أوعائشة احمدي الله فقد برأك الله فقالت يل أمي قومي إىل رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص فقلت ال والله ال أقوم إليه وال أحمد إال

الله فأنزل الله تعاىل [صحیح البخاری:2661] (At the incident of ifk, `Aisha رضــــــــــــــــي اهلل عــــــــــــــــنها said….) Then I turned to the other side of my bed hoping that Allah would prove my innocence. - This was at the incident of Ifk. On a journey she went to use the bathroom

and the people thought she was in her tent,s o they picked it up and put it on the camel and left. She came back to find that everyone had gone so she stayed there, later a companion came to see if anything had been left behind and found her, he brought her to Madina, and the hypocrite Abdullah b. Ubay said they had done something wrong. This rumour spread and was going around for an entire month. Aisha (r) did not know as she was unwell. When she found out she went to her parents house and when the Prophet (s) came to speak to her this happened:

But by Allah I never thought that Allah would reveal Divine Inspiration in my case, as I considered myself too inferior to be talked of in the Qur'an. Rather I had hoped that Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) might have a dream in which Allah would prove my innocence. By Allah, Allah's Messenger had not got up and nobody had left the house until the revelation came onto him. So, there overtook him the same state which used to overtake him. He was sweating so much so that the drops of the sweat were dropping like pearls though it was a (cold) wintry day. When that state of Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) was over, he was smiling and the first word he said to me, O `Aisha! Thank Allah, for Allah has declared your innocence.' My mother told me to go to Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص). I replied, 'By Allah I will not go to him and will not thank but Allah.' So Allah revealed (this Ayah).

Allah (swt) protected her and prepared a great reward for her

قال ابن كثري: فغار الله لها وأنزل براءتها يف عرش آيات تتىل عىل الزمان، فسام ذكرها، وعال شأنها؛ لتسمع عفافها وهي يف صباها، فشهد الله لها بأنها من الطيبات، ووعدها مبغفرة ورزق كريم

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IbnKathir said: Allah protected her and revealed 10 verses in her defence that will be recited until the end of time, so her good mention was elevated, her status was raised, while she was still very young. Allah testified to her innocence that she is of the pure chaste women, and promised her a noble provision.

The people pleased the Prophet (s) by sending gifts to him while he was with her

ون بهداياهم يوم عائشة يبتغون بها أو يبتغون بذلك مرضاة رسول عن عائشة ريض الله عنها أن الناس كانوا يتحرالله صىل الله عليه وسلم [صحیح البخاري:2574]

Narrated `Aisha رضــي اهلل عــنها: The people used to look forward for the days of `Aisha's turn to send gifts to Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) in order to please him.

The Prophet (s) passed away in her house and he was buried there also

ر يف مرضه أين أنا اليوم أين أنا غدا استبطاء ليوم عن عائشة قالت إن كان رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم ليتعذعائشة فلام كان يومي قبضه الله بني سحري ونحري ودفن يف بيتي [صحيح البخاری:1389]

Narrated `Aisha, she said: During his sickness, Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) was asking repeatedly, "Where am I today? Where will I be tomorrow?" Thinking, that the turn of 'A'isha was not very near. Eventually, when my turn came, Allah took his soul away (in my lap) between my chest and arms and he was buried in my house.

The merits of Khadija and Aisha سئل شيخ اإلسالم ابن تيمية عن خديجة وعائشة : أمي املؤمنني ريض الله عنهام أيهام أفضل؟ قال رحمه الله تعاىل (سبق خديجة ، وتأثريها يف أول اإلسالم، ونرصها، وقيامها يف الدين مل تشاركها فيه عائشة، وال غريها من أمهات املؤمنني وتأثري عائشة يف آخر اإلسالم، وحمل الدين، وتبليغه إىل األمة، وإدراكها من العلم ما مل تشاركها فيه خديجة ،

وال غريها مام متيزت به عن غريها [مجموع الفتاوى 4/393] ShaykhulIslam IbnTaymiyyah was asked about Khadijah and Aisha: Which of the two is greater in rank?So he said: Khadija (r) was the first to believe, and played a great role in the initial stages of ISlam, she supported, remained firm herself. THis was unique to her, and none compete with her in this.Aisha (r)played a great role in the later period and took a great responsibility of the deen towards the Ummah, and conveyed the knowledge she learnt, and in this

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Khadijah (r) did not have a share. And no other wife of the Prophet (s) shared this with her either. - So in earlier stages: Khadijah (r) - In later stages: Aisha (r) - She lived nearly half a century after the death of the Prophet (s), and passed

on what she learnt from him. - Both served the deen in their own way.

Titles of `Aisha ريض الله عنها ظفرت أم املؤمنني عائشة ريض الله عنها بألقاب مل تظفر بها غريها من أمهات املؤمنني - رضوان الله عليهن أجمعني -

منها: `Aisha عــــــــــــــــــنــهــا اهلل رضــــــــــــــــــي succeeded in achieving these titles which none of the other Mothers of the believers رضــــــــوان اهلل عــــــــليهن أجــــــــمعني have been successful in achieving: Of them are:

1- عائش:  كان رسول الله - صىل الله عليه وسلم - ينادي عائشة - ريض الله تعاىل عنها - بقوله: (يا عائش)  •

The Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) used to call `Aisha رضي اهلل عنها saying (يا عائش)

2- حمرياء:  وكذلك روى أن رسول الله  - صىل الله عليه وسلم -  نادى حبيبته عائشة - ريض الله عنها - بالحمرياء، تحببا إليها

ومالطفة لها ولفظ حمرياء معناه البيضاء، ألن أم املؤمنني كانت بيضاء ريض الله عنها. والعرب تطلق عىل األبيض أحمر لغلبة السمرة عىل لون العرب. والعرب تقول: امرأة حمراء أي بيضاء. وسئل ثعلب: مل خص األحمر دون األبيض؟ فقال: (ألن العرب ال تقول رجل أبيض من بياض اللون، إمنا األبيض عندهم الطاهر النقي من العيوب، فإذا أرادوا األبيض

من اللون قالوا أحمر Likewise it has been reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) would call his beloved wife Aisha (r) by ‘Humayraa’ lovingly. Humayra means fair skinned because her skin was such. She was a beautiful woman. The Arabs would call a ‘white’ person Ahmar. Some asked Tha’lab why would they not say ‘Abyad’? He said, near Arabs ‘Abyad’ is a person who is free of fault, and if they wished to describe a persons skin color with fairness they would say ‘Ahmar’

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3- ابنة الصديق: كثريا ما كان رسول الله - صىل الله عليه وسلم - يناديها بابنة الصديق تحببا وإكراما البنة الصديق ملا لها وأبيها من مكانة عظيمة يف قلبه وقلب كل مؤمن بالله ورسوله. من ذلك ما روته عائشة - أم املؤمنني ريض الله عنها - قالت: قلت يا رسول الله ﴿ والذين يؤتون ما آتوا وقلوبهم وجلة ﴾ [املؤمنون: 60] هوالذي يزين ويرشب الخمر ويرسق؟

قال: ال يا ابنة الصديق، ولكنه الرجل يصوم ويصيل ويتصدق، ويخاف أن ال يقبل منه The Prophet (s) frequently called her ‘Daughter of siddiq/Truthful one’ out of love and respect. Her father had a special place in the heart of the Prophet (s), and in the heart of every person who believes in Allah and His Messenger. Aisha (r) narrated about this, that I asked, O Messenger of Allah, ــــــــذيــــــــن يــــــــؤتــــــــون مـــــــــا آتــــــــوا والـ are these the people who commit sins? like they commit zina, drink وقــــــــــــــــــلــوبــــــــــــــــــهـــم وجــــــــــــــــــــلــةalcohol and commit theft? He said, no, O daughter of Siddiq, this is the person who fasts, prays, gives in charity and is afraid about the acceptance of these deeds. - Never become proud about the good you do, the knowledge you have.

Remain fearful of Allah.

4- املوفقة وأيضا كان رسول الله - صىل الله عليه وسلم - ينادي أم املؤمنني باملوفقة •

The Prophet (s) would also call her by this title: The one who has been given tawfiq (granted ability) to do righteous deeds

تي دخل الجنة فقالت عائشة بأيب فمن عن ابن عباس يقول سمعت رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يقول من كان له فرطان من أمتي لم يصابوا تك قال فأنا فرط أم كان له فرط فقال ومن كان له فرط يا موفقة قالت فمن لم يكن له فرط من أم

مبثيل [مسند احمد:3098] Narrated Ibn `Abbas, he said: I heard Allah’s Messenger saying: "Whoever has two children (in death) among my Ummah, he will enter Paradise.” So Aishah said to him: May my father be sacrificed for you "What about someone who has one child?" He said: ــــــقة And whoever has" (O woman granted the ability to do righteous deeds) يـــــــا مــــــــوفـone child!" So she said: "What about one who does not have a child from your Ummah?" He said: "I am the فــــــــرط for my Ummah (One who will go ahead of them and prepare for them): you will never suffer (in grief) for (the loss of) anyone similar to me.”- If someone has lost their child, that child will intercede for them on the day

of Judgment. For a woman, the loss of her child is a great grief

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5-أم عبد الله. عن عائشة رىض الله عنها أنها قالت يا رسول الله كل صواحبى لهن كنى. قال « فاكتنى بابنك عبد الله ». يعنى ابن

أختها قال ۔۔۔۔ قال فكانت تكنى بأم عبد الله. [سنن ابی داود:4972] Narrated Aisha رضــــــــــي اهلل عــــــــــنها she said, O the Messenger of Allah! All my fellow-wives/ friends have kunyahs [after their children]. He said: so give yourself the kunyah by your son Abdullah (bin Zubayr), - means her sister's son. (`Urwah) said: Thus, her kunyah was أم عبد اهلل.- Manqabah: virtue. Fadl: superiority - Everyones situation is different. Fatima took care of the Prophet (s) in her

way, and Aisha (r) took care of him in her way. Each one of us should see, what situation has Allah placed me in? What responsibilities has he put on me? What are my skills? Evaluate your situation, and see what you have to do. Jabir (r) married an older woman because he had 9 young sisters to care for. So if a woman is married to a man and has 9 sisters-in-law, should she live in anger and frustration? She should see, Allah gave her the opportunity to look after 9 orphan girls. If a woman marries a man who already has children, should she spend her life in anger? No. She should take this as an opportunity to look after children who do not have a mother. So if we accept Allah’s decree, we can make the best of our situations, and avail the opportunity, and earn ajr.

- Aisha (r0 liked poetry, what kind of poetry? Arabs were experts in poetry. Each tribe had their poet. They had competitions. So for a person to know poetry was a big deal. There were many famous poets, 10 poets were such that their poetry was written in gold and hung in the Ka’bah. There were annual festivals of poetry - they expressed their bravery, love, loyalty, friendship, enmity, etc. through poetry. They did not write much, they recited poetry. Quran was revealed, and their poetry was done with. When their famous poet Labeed read Surah Kawthar he resigned from saying poetry.

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- These women were mothers of the believers. They are like our mothers. How should we look up to them? Think of them? Feel about them? These amazing characters have been hidden away from us.

- Aisha (r) did not have children…. and if today someone does not have children, its as if their life is over. She became an excellent student of the Prophet (s) and then a great teacher of the later generations.

Her childhood and marriage Raised in an Islamic environment

ين ولم مير علينا يوم إال يأتينا أن عائشة زوج النبي صىل الله عليه وسلم قالت لم أعقل أبوي إال وهام يدينان الدفيه رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم طريف النهار بكرة وعشية ۔۔۔۔ [صحیح البخاری:476]

Narrated `Aisha: the wife of the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) I had seen my parents following Islam since my earliest memories. Not a day passed but the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) visited us, both in the mornings and evenings.…- Look at the relationship the Prophet (s) had with AbuBakr. So close to him.

Intelligent from a young age د صىل الله عليه وسلم مبكة وإين عن يوسف بن ماهك قال إين عند عائشة أم المؤمنني قالت لقد أنزل عىل محم

اعة أدهى وأمر } [صحيح البخاری: 4876] اعة موعدهم والس لجارية ألعب { بل السNarrated Yusuf bin Mahik, he said: I was in the house of `Aisha, the mother of the Believers. She said, "When this revelation was revealed: {اعـــة أدهـــى اعـــة مـــوعــــدهـــم والــس بــل الــس But the Hour is their appointment [for due punishment], and the Hour is more " {وأمــــــــــــــــــرdisastrous and more bitter." Muhammad (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) was at Mecca while I was a playful little girl.”- She was a young, little girl but learnt the ayah.

Appearance نى لدخوىل عىل رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم فلم أقبل عليها عن عائشة رىض الله عنها قالت أرادت أمى أن تسم

من. [سنن أيب داود:3905] ء مام تريد حتى أطعمتنى القثاء بالرطب فسمنت عليه كأحسن الس بىش

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Narrated Aisha رضــــــــــــــــي اهلل عــــــــــــــــنها that my mother intended to make me gain weight as to send me to the (house of) the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص). But nothing which she desired benefited me till she gave me cucumber with fresh dates to eat. Then I gained as much weight (as she desired).- The mother is feeding her so she is strong and healthy in her body.

Her marriageجني النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص وأنا بنت ست سنني فقدمنا المدينة فنزلنا يف بني الحارث بن عن عائشة ريض الله عنها قالت تزوخزرج فوعكت فتمرق شعري فوىف جميمة فأتتني أمي أم رومان وإين لفي أرجوحة ومعي صواحب يل فرصخت يب ار وإين ألنهج حتى سكن بعض نفيس ثم أخذت فأتيتها ال أدري ما تريد يب فأخذت بيدي حتى أوقفتني عىل باب الدار فإذا نسوة من األنصار يف البيت فقلن عىل الخري والربكة شيئا من ماء فمسحت به وجهي ورأيس ثم أدخلتني الدوعىل خري طائر فأسلمتني إليهن فأصلحن من شأين فلم يرعني إال رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ضحى فأسلمتني إليه وأنا يومئذ

بنت تسع سنني . (صحيح البخاري:3894) Narrated Aisha رضــي اهلل عــنها: I was a girl of six (years), when I was tied up in a relation with (Nikkah) the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص). We came (migrated) to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair started to fall. Later on my hair grew (again) till shoulder. Then one day my mother, Umm Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she intended to do with me. (At last) She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became alright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There were some women from Ansar in the house. Who said, عــــــــلى الـــــــخير والـــــــبركــــــــة وعــــــــلى خــــــــير طــــــائـــــــر "(You) have come with best wishes, Allah's Blessing and good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage, dressed her up, put on makeup for her). Unexpectedly Allah's Messenger came to me in the forenoon and she (my mother) handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.

The Prophet (s)’s relationship with Aisha- This was an exemplary relationship: ideal relationship that could exist

between husband and wife

Most beloved to the Prophet (s)

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السل فأتيته فقلت أي الناس أحب إليك عن عمرو بن العاص ريض الله عنه أن النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصبعثه عىل جيش ذات الس

قال عائشة فقلت من الرجال فقال أبوها قلت ثم من قال ثم عمر بن الخطاب فعد رجاال. [صحیح البخاری:3662]

'Amr bin 'As reported that the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) sent him in command of the army despatched to Dhat-as-Salasil. When he came back he said: Who amongst people are dearest to you? He (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: A'isha. He then said: Who amongst men? He said: Her father, and I said: And who next? He said: Umar bin Khattab. He then enumerated some other men. And then he wondered, why did I even ask this question?

The Sahabah knew and accepted this [that the Prophet (s) loved Aisha ]

عن عمر ريض الله عنهم دخل عىل حفصة فقال يا بنية ال يغرنك هذه التي أعجبها حسنها حب رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم إياها يريد عائشة [صحيح البخاری:5218]

Narrated `Umarرضــــــــــی الــــــــــلہ عــــــــــنہ that he entered upon Hafsa and said, "O my daughter! Do not be misled by the manners of her who likes her beauty because of the love of Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) for her." By 'her' he meant `Aisha.”- He was advising his daughter: accept the position of Aisha near the Prophet

(s). - There is natural jealousy in the hearts of people. Parents play a very

important role in this. Her father is advising her, to not do anything incorrect out of jealousy.

The way the Prophet (S) expressed his love for her عن عائشة قالت كنت أرشب وأنا حائض ثم أناوله النبى ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص فيضع فاه عىل موضع ىف فيرشب وأتعرق العرق وأنا

حائض ثم أناوله النبى ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص فيضع فاه عىل موضع ىف [صحيح البخاري:718] It was narrated that 'Aishah said: "I would drink while I was menstruating, then I would hand it to the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص), and he would put his mouth where mine had been and drink. And I would nibble at the bone while I was menstruating, then I would give it to the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) and he would put his mouth where my mouth had been (and eat).”- This proves that the body of a menstruating woman is not impure.

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Loving words عن عائشة قالت رجع رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص من البقيع فوجدين وأنا أجد صداعا يف رأيس وأنا أقول وا رأساه فقال بل أنا يا

نتك وصليت عليك ودفنتك [ابن ماجة: 1197] لتك وكف عائشة وا رأساه ثم قال ما رضك لو مت قبيل فقمت عليك فغسIt was narrated that ‘Aishah said: “The Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) came back from Baqi’ (graveyard) and I had a headache and was saying: ‘O my head!’ He said: ‘Rather, I should say, O my head, O ‘Aishah!’ Then he said: ‘It will be of no loss to you if you were to die before me, for I will take care of you, wash you, shroud you, offer the funeral prayer for you and bury you.’”- I would do everything for you myself! This shows how the Prophet (s) cared

for her. If he is willing to do so much for her after her death, how much do you think he would do for her when she was alive?

- We dont talk about death at all…. It is actually after death that it shows how much one really cares about another. While one is alive, before you, then you are sort of obliged to care for them… but when they have died.. you have no ‘social obligation’. Remembering someone after they have died, praying for them, …. only real true friends remember

Fulfilling her requests / wishes ة النبى صىل الله عليه وسلم أهلت بعمرة. ۔۔۔ وكان رسول عن جابر بن عبد الله أن عائشة رىض الله عنها ىف حجء تابعها عليه فأرسلها مع عبد الرحمن بن أىب بكر فأهلت بعمرة من التنعيم. الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصرجال سهال إذا هويت الىش

[صحيح مسلم:2998]

Jabir bin 'Abdullah reported that A'isha رضــــــــــــــــي اهلل عــــــــــــــــنها (entered into the state of Ihram (separately) for 'Umra while the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) was performing Hajj. (Narrator said): The Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) was a person of gentle disposition, so when she (A'isha) wished for a thing, he fulfilled it (provided it did not contravene the teachings of Islam). So he (in pursuance of her desire for a separate lhram for Umra) sent her with 'Abd al-Rahman b. Abu Bakr and she put on Ihram for 'Umra at Tan'im. - Aisha (r) began her menstruation during the journey of Hajj and was not

able to perform Umrah. Everyone else did. So she felt bad, and the Prophet (s) made the entire group of people that were travelling with him stop and wait for Aisha to go perform Umrah and come. After Hajj everyone is

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exhausted… and at that time if someone says I want to go do tawaf… how will they be treated? Everyone will get upset with them… No one became upset with Aisha (r).

Racing with herعن عائشة رىض الله عنها أنها كانت مع النبى صىل الله عليه وسلم ىف سفر قالت فسابقته فسبقته عىل رجىل فلام

بقة . [سنن أيب داود:2580] حملت اللحم سابقته فسبقنى فقال هذه بتلك السNarrated `Aisha عــــــــــــــــــنــــهــــا اهلل رضــــــــــــــــــي that while she was on a journey along with the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص): I had a race with him (the Prophet) and I outstripped him on my feet. When I became fleshy (gained weight), (again) I had a race with him and he outstripped me. He said: This is for the last outstripping. - Meaning, I won this time, and last time you won.

Allowed permissible entertainmentبان والنبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص متغش عن عائشة أن أبا بكر ريض الله عنه دخل عليها وعندها جاريتان يف أيام منى تدففان وترضبثوبه فانتهرهام أبو بكر فكشف النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص عن وجهه فقال دعهام يا أبا بكر فإنها أيام عيد وتلك األيام أيام منى .

[صحيح البخاري:987]

Narrated `Aisha that on the days of Mina, Abu Bakr came to her while two young girls were beating the tambourine and the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) was lying covered with his clothes. Abu Bakr scolded them and the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) uncovered his face and said to him, "O Abu Bakr leave them, for these days are the days of `Id and the days of Mina."

Sent her to play with her friendsعن عائشة ريض الله عنها قالت كنت ألعب بالبنات عند النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص وكان يل صواحب يلعنب معي فكان رسول الله

بهن إيل فيلعنب معي . [صحيح البخاري:6130] عن منه فيرس ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص إذا دخل يتقمNarrated `Aisha رضــــــي اهلل عــــــنها: I used to play with the dolls in the house of the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) and my friends also used to play with me. As soon as Allah's Messenger ,(ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but he would call them to join and play with me.

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- What a balanced personality: recreation and learning. When we start learning, we forget about recreation, play. Islam does not forbid us from this. As long as our obligations are not being affected, there is no harm in spending time in permissible recreation: exercise, walk, play, painting, etc. Whatever you enjoy doing.

- The Prophet (s) did not forbid them from playing

Took interest in her thingsعن عائشة رىض الله عنها قالت قدم رسول الله صىل الله عليه وسلم من غزوة تبوك أو خيرب وىف سهوتها سرت فهبت رت عن بنات لعائشة لعب فقال ما هذا يا عائشة. قالت بناىت ورأى بينهن فرسا له جناحان ريح فكشفت ناحية السمن رقاع فقال ما هذا الذى أرى وسطهن قالت فرس قال وما هذا الذى عليه قالت جناحان قال فرس له جناحان

قالت أما سمعت أن لسليامن خيال لها أجنحة قالت فضحك حتى رأيت نواجذه. [سنن أيب داود:4934] Narrated Aisha رضــــــــــــــي اهلل عــــــــــــــنها that when the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) arrived after the expedition to Tabuk or Khaybar - This was either after 10th or 7th year after Hijrah… she was around 17 years,

a teenager. (the narrator is doubtful), the draft raised an end of a curtain which was hung in front of her shelf, revealing some playing dolls which belonged to her. He asked: O `Aisha! What is this? She replied: My dolls. Among them he saw a horse with wings made of rags, and asked: What is this I see among them? She replied: A horse. He asked: What is this that it has on it? She replied: Two wings. He asked: A horse with two wings? She replied: Have you not heard that Solomon had horse with wings? She said: Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) laughed so heartily that I could see his molar teeth.- Sometimes you see children play with their toys, they have dolls, etc. Those

with faces should not be displayed openly, they should be covered. She had kept her dolls behind a curtain.

Hid her in his shawlعن عائشة ريض الله عنها قالت رأيت النبي صىل الله عليه وسلم يسرتين بردائه وأنا أنظر إىل الحبشة يلعبون يف

ن الحريصة عىل اللهو [صحيح البخاری:5236] المسجد حتى أكون أنا التي أسأم فاقدروا قدر الجارية الحديثة الس

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It was narrated that 'Aishah رضــــــــــــــــــي اهلل عــــــــــــــــــنـهـا said: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) covering me with his Rida' while I was watching the Ethiopians playing (performing battle tricks) in the masjid, until I got bored/tired.”

HE put his head in her lap and recited Quranثتها أن رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص كان يتكئ يف حجري وأنا حائض ثم يقرأ القرآن [مسند احمد:24862] أن عائشة حد

Narrated `Aisha: The Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) used to rest his head on my lap and recite Qur'an while I was in menses.

Cared for her comfort and rest and she cared for his comfort and rest also

قالت عائشة ... لام كانت ليلتى التى كان النبى صىل الله عليه وسلم فيها عندى انقلب فوضع رداءه وخلع نعليه فوضعهام عند رجليه وبسط طرف إزاره عىل فراشه فاضطجع فلم يلبث إال ريثام ظن أن قد رقدت فأخذ رداءه

رويدا وانتعل رويدا وفتح الباب فخرج ثم أجافه رويدا ... [صحیح مسلم:2301] 'A'isha said: ….. When it was my turn for the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) to spend the night with me, he turned his side, put on his mantle and took off his shoes and placed them near his feet, and spread the corner of his shawl on his bed and then lay down till he thought that I had gone to sleep. He took hold of his mantle slowly/ quietly and put on the shoes slowly / quietly, and opened the door and went out and then closed it lightly / quietly…..- Everything so quietly, why? so that her sleep is not disturbed.. and she was

awake watching him quietly. - Many times arguments break out between husband and wife over these


Took her with him to a feastعن أنس أن جارا لرسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصفارسيا كان طيب المرق فصنع لرسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصثم جاء يدعوه فقال « وهذه » لعائشة فقال ال. فقال رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ال فعاد يدعوه فقال رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص« وهذه »قال ال قال رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصال

ثم عاد يدعوه فقال رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص« وهذه » قال نعم ىف الثالثة. فقاما يتدافعان حتى أتيا منزله. [صحیح مسلم:5433] Anas reported that Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) had a neighbour who was Persian (by descent), and he was expert in the preparation of soup. He prepared (soup) for Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) and then came to him to invite him. He (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: Here is 'A'isha also? (pointing towards her, if she is invited too!). He said: No. Thereupon

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Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) also said: No (then I cannot join the feast). He returned inviting him, and Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: She is also invited? He said: No. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) also said: No (and declined his offer). He returned again to invite him and Allah's Messenger (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) again said: She is also invited? He (the host) said:" Yes" for the third time. Then they both stood up, set out together until they came to his house.

Cared about her feelingsعن أم سلمة أنها يعني أتت بطعام يف صحفة لها إىل رسول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص وأصحابه فجاءت عائشة متزرة بكساء ومعها كم مرتني ثم أخذ رسول الله حفة ويقول كلوا غارت أم حفة فجمع النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص بني فلقتي الص فهر ففلقت به الص

ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصصحفة عائشة فبعث بها إىل أم سلمة وأعطى صحفة أم سلمة عائشة [النسايئ،:3956] It was narrated from Umm Salamah that she brought some food in a dish of hers to the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) and his Companions, then 'Aishah came, wrapped up in a garment, with a stone pestle with which she broke the dish (of Umm Salamah). The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) gathered the broken pieces of the dish and said: "Eat; your mother got jealous," said twice. Then the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) took the dish of 'Aishah and sent it to Umm Salamah and he gave the dish of Umm Salamah (broken dish) to ‘Aishah.- The Prophet (s) defended what she did out of jealousy - He defended her natural anger, but was also just. He made her give her dish

to UmmSalamah because she broke UmmSalamahs dish. - He (s) calmed the situation down so beautifully, did not make a big deal at

all. He told the people, you eat, worry about what you have to do - Whoever Allah has placed in whatever position, and wherever Allah has

placed us where we are… then this is His decree and we should accept it.
