ﯽﺘﺴﯾز مﻮﻠﻋ و ﺖﺴﯾز ﻂﯿﺤﻣ ،يزروﺎﺸﮐ · international tables...

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net $Price ﮐﺸﺎورزي، ﻣﺤﯿﻂ زﯾﺴﺖ و ﻋﻠﻮم زﯾﺴﺘﯽ ﺗﺨﻔﯿﻒReferences Antigen Presenting Cells: From Mechanisms to Drug Development (Kropshofer) 9783527311088 2005 #3448-0 134.80 1 337.00 60% Apoptosis and Beyond: The Many Ways Cells Die, 2V Set (Radosevich) 9781119432425 2018 #0744-0 359.10 2 399.00 10% Applications of Vibrational Spectroscopy in Food Science, 2V Set (Li-Chan) 9780470742990 2010 #0863-0 170.00 3 425.00 60% Atlas of Clinically Important Fungi (Sciortino) 9781119069669 2017 #3733-0 170.00 4 199.95 15% Atlas of Structural Geological Interpretation from Seismic Images (Misra) 9781119158325 2018 #0428-0 121.50 5 135.00 10% Barley: Production, Improvement, and Uses (Ullrich) 9780813801230 2011 #0502-0 123.20 6 307.95 60% Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes: Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals, 2V Set (Lamberth) 9783527329939 2012 #1172-0 182.50 7 365.00 50% Bioinformatics: From Genomes to Therapies 3V Set (Lengauer) 9783527312788 2007 #3605-0 324.00 8 810.00 60% Biophysical Chemistry of Fractal Structures and Processes in Environmental Systems (Senesi) 9780470014745 2008 #0324-0 114.00 9 285.00 60% Blue Biotechnology: Production and Use of Marine Molecules (La Barre) 9783527341382 2018 #3484-0 400.50 10 445.00 10% Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis (Phillips) 9781119154044 2017 #0643-0 280.50 11 330.00 15% Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants, 10V Set (Kole) 9781405169240 2008 #0577-0 588.00 12 1,470.00 60% Concise Encyclopaedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,2e (Hancock) 9780470978719 2014 #3480-0 52.00 13 80.00 35% Dictionary of Flavors 3e (De Rovira) 9781118856413 2017 #3989-0 195.50 14 230.00 15% Dictionary of Human Geography,5e (Gregory) 9781405132886 2009 #0290-0 15.00 15 37.50 60% Dictionary of Physical Geography,3e (Thomas) 9780631204732 2000 #0433-0 34.40 16 85.95 60% Dictionary of Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Translational Medicine (Dye) 9781118867822 2017 #0756-0 127.50 17 149.95 15% Dictionary of Zoo Biology and Animal Management (Rees) 9780470671474 2013 #4991-0 39.00 18 65.00 40% Emerging Areas in Bioengineering, 2V Set (Chang) 9783527340880 2018 #3488-0 423.00 19 470.00 10% Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology, 4V Set (Begley) 9780471754770 2009 #3516-0 736.00 20 1,840.00 60% Encyclopedia of Drug Metabolism and Interactions, 6V Set (Lyubimov) 9780470450154 2012 #3633-0 982.50 21 1,965.00 50% Encyclopedia of Environmetrics,2e, 6V Set (El-Shaarawi) 9780470973882 2012 #1728-0 920.00 22 1,840.00 50% Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology: Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology, 7V Set (Flickinger) 9780471799306 2010 #3489-0 1,402.00 23 3,505.00 60% Encyclopedia of Marine Natural Products, 3V Set (Kornprobst) 9783527327034 2010 #3490-0 340.00 24 850.00 60% Encyclopedia of Social Theory, 5V Set (Turner) 9781118430866 2017 #5696-0 845.80 25 995.00 15% Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Handbook (Peri) 9781118460450 2014 #3938-0 117.00 26 180.00 35% Fish Canning Handbook (Bratt) 9781405180993 2010 #4057-0 80.00 27 200.00 60% Foldamers: Structure, Properties, and Applications (Hecht) 9783527315635 2007 #3519-0 124.00 28 310.00 60% Food Biochemistry and Food Processing,2e (Simpson) 9780813808741 2012 #4034-0 164.50 29 328.95 50% Food Processing Handbook (Brennan) 9783527307197 2005 #4043-0 102.00 30 255.00 60% Food Processing Handbook,2e, 2V Set (Brennan) 9783527324682 2011 #3999-0 152.00 31 380.00 60% Freshwater Prawns: Biology and Farming (New) 9781405148610 2009 #0657-0 110.00 32 275.00 60% Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Hormone Signaling (Mandal) 9783527322817 2017 #0737-0 323.00 33 380.00 15% Page 1 of 48 [email protected] 22893988 آوﻧﺪ داﻧﺶ. ﻗﯿﻤﺖ ﺑﺮ اﺳﺎس دﻻر ﻣﯽﺑﺎﺷﺪ* . ﺑﻪ ﻣﺪﯾﺮ ﮐﺘﺎﺑﺨﺎﻧﻪ ارﺳﺎل ﻧﻤﺎﯾﯿﺪ1398/01/25 ﻟﯿﺴﺖ اﻧﺘﺨﺎﺑﯽ را ﺗﺎ: ﺳﺎزﻣﺎن/ ﻧﺎم داﻧﺸﮕﺎه: ﻧﺎم راﺑﻂ: ﺷﻤﺎره ﺗﻠﻔﻦ

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

کشاورزي، محیط زیست و علوم زیستی



Antigen Presenting Cells: From Mechanisms to Drug Development (Kropshofer)9783527311088 2005 #3448-0 134.801 337.00 60%

Apoptosis and Beyond: The Many Ways Cells Die, 2V Set (Radosevich)9781119432425 2018 #0744-0 359.102 399.00 10%

Applications of Vibrational Spectroscopy in Food Science, 2V Set (Li-Chan)9780470742990 2010 #0863-0 170.003 425.00 60%

Atlas of Clinically Important Fungi (Sciortino)9781119069669 2017 #3733-0 170.004 199.95 15%

Atlas of Structural Geological Interpretation from Seismic Images (Misra)9781119158325 2018 #0428-0 121.505 135.00 10%

Barley: Production, Improvement, and Uses (Ullrich)9780813801230 2011 #0502-0 123.206 307.95 60%

Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes: Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals, 2V Set (Lamberth)

9783527329939 2012 #1172-0 182.507 365.00 50%

Bioinformatics: From Genomes to Therapies 3V Set (Lengauer)9783527312788 2007 #3605-0 324.008 810.00 60%

Biophysical Chemistry of Fractal Structures and Processes in Environmental Systems (Senesi)

9780470014745 2008 #0324-0 114.009 285.00 60%

Blue Biotechnology: Production and Use of Marine Molecules (La Barre)9783527341382 2018 #3484-0 400.5010 445.00 10%

Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis (Phillips)

9781119154044 2017 #0643-0 280.5011 330.00 15%

Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants, 10V Set (Kole)9781405169240 2008 #0577-0 588.0012 1,470.00 60%

Concise Encyclopaedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,2e (Hancock)

9780470978719 2014 #3480-0 52.0013 80.00 35%

Dictionary of Flavors 3e (De Rovira)9781118856413 2017 #3989-0 195.5014 230.00 15%

Dictionary of Human Geography,5e (Gregory)9781405132886 2009 #0290-0 15.0015 37.50 60%

Dictionary of Physical Geography,3e (Thomas)9780631204732 2000 #0433-0 34.4016 85.95 60%

Dictionary of Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Translational Medicine (Dye)

9781118867822 2017 #0756-0 127.5017 149.95 15%

Dictionary of Zoo Biology and Animal Management (Rees)9780470671474 2013 #4991-0 39.0018 65.00 40%

Emerging Areas in Bioengineering, 2V Set (Chang)9783527340880 2018 #3488-0 423.0019 470.00 10%

Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology, 4V Set (Begley)9780471754770 2009 #3516-0 736.0020 1,840.00 60%

Encyclopedia of Drug Metabolism and Interactions, 6V Set (Lyubimov)9780470450154 2012 #3633-0 982.5021 1,965.00 50%

Encyclopedia of Environmetrics,2e, 6V Set (El-Shaarawi)9780470973882 2012 #1728-0 920.0022 1,840.00 50%

Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology: Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology, 7V Set (Flickinger)

9780471799306 2010 #3489-0 1,402.0023 3,505.00 60%

Encyclopedia of Marine Natural Products, 3V Set (Kornprobst)9783527327034 2010 #3490-0 340.0024 850.00 60%

Encyclopedia of Social Theory, 5V Set (Turner)9781118430866 2017 #5696-0 845.8025 995.00 15%

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Handbook (Peri)9781118460450 2014 #3938-0 117.0026 180.00 35%

Fish Canning Handbook (Bratt)9781405180993 2010 #4057-0 80.0027 200.00 60%

Foldamers: Structure, Properties, and Applications (Hecht)9783527315635 2007 #3519-0 124.0028 310.00 60%

Food Biochemistry and Food Processing,2e (Simpson)9780813808741 2012 #4034-0 164.5029 328.95 50%

Food Processing Handbook (Brennan)9783527307197 2005 #4043-0 102.0030 255.00 60%

Food Processing Handbook,2e, 2V Set (Brennan)9783527324682 2011 #3999-0 152.0031 380.00 60%

Freshwater Prawns: Biology and Farming (New)9781405148610 2009 #0657-0 110.0032 275.00 60%

Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Hormone Signaling (Mandal)9783527322817 2017 #0737-0 323.0033 380.00 15%

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

کشاورزي، محیط زیست و علوم زیستی



Handbook of Biomineralization, 3V Set (Buerlein)9783527316410 2007 #3522-0 346.0034 865.00 60%

Handbook of Biomineralization: Biological Aspects and Structure Formation (Buerlein)

9783527318049 2009 #3523-0 124.0035 310.00 60%

Handbook of Biophotonics, 3V Set (Popp)9783527407286 2012 #3510-0 512.5036 1,025.00 50%

Handbook of Chemical and Biological Plant Analytical Methods,3V Set (Hostettmann)

9781119952756 2014 #3643-0 425.8037 655.00 35%

Handbook of Cyanobacterial Monitoring and Cyanotoxin Analysis (Meriluoto)9781119068686 2017 #0365-0 157.3038 185.00 15%

Handbook of Drying for Dairy Products (Anandharamakris)9781118930496 2017 #4070-0 148.8039 175.00 15%

Handbook of Environmental Engineering (Kutz)9781118712948 2018 #0215-0 175.5040 195.00 10%

Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry (Toldr)9780813814773 2007 #4059-0 111.6041 278.95 60%

Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry,2e (Toldrá)9781118522691 2014 #4060-0 136.5042 210.00 35%

Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing, 2V Set (Hui)9780470049648 2007 #4078-0 296.0043 740.00 60%

Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing: Health, Meat, Milk, Poultry, Seafood, and Vegetables (Hui)

9780470125250 2007 #3968-0 173.2044 432.95 60%

Handbook of Food Safety Engineering (Sun)9781444333343 2011 #3969-0 140.0045 350.00 60%

Handbook of Fruit and Vegetable Flavors (Hui)9780470227213 2010 #4082-0 141.6046 354.00 60%

Handbook of Knowledge Management for Sustainable Water Systems (Russ)9781119271635 2018 #0366-0 117.0047 130.00 10%

Handbook of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,2e (Cremers)9781119971122 2013 #0897-0 81.0048 135.00 40%

Handbook of Major Palm Pests: Biology and Management (Soroker)9781119057451 2017 #0525-0 170.0049 200.00 15%

Handbook of Mango Fruit: Production, Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Nutrition (Siddiq)

9781119014355 2017 #0526-0 148.8050 175.00 15%

Handbook of Metabolic Pathways of Xenobiotics, 5V Set (Lee)9780470749104 2014 #3645-0 851.5051 1,310.00 35%

Handbook of Metalloproteins,V 4 & 5 Set (Messerschmidt)9780470711996 2011 #3524-0 244.0052 610.00 60%

Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology, 2V Set (de Bruijn)9780470924181 2011 #3744-0 216.0053 540.00 60%

Handbook of Plant Food Phytochemicals: Sources, Stability and Extraction (Tiwari)

9781444338102 2013 #4006-0 111.0054 185.00 40%

Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping: Genetic and Physical Mapping (Meksem)9783527311163 2005 #3558-0 118.0055 295.00 60%

Handbook of Plant Mutation Screening: Mining of Natural and Induced Alleles (Meksem)

9783527326044 2010 #3559-0 100.0056 250.00 60%

Handbook of Plant Science, 2V Set (Roberts)9780470057230 2007 #0585-0 246.0057 615.00 60%

Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology, 2V Set (Guerrero-Legarreta)9780470185377 2010 #4061-0 177.6058 444.00 60%

Handbook of RNA Biochemistry, 2V Set,2e (Hartmann)9783527327645 2014 #1033-0 305.5059 470.00 35%

Handbook of Sustainability for the Food Sciences (Morawicki)9780813817354 2012 #4007-0 115.5060 230.95 50%

Handbook of Vanilla Science and Technology 2e (Havkin-Frenkel)9781119377276 2018 #4008-0 180.0061 200.00 10%

Handbook of Vegetables and Vegetable Processing 2V Set, 2e (Siddiq)9781119098928 2018 #0527-0 360.0062 400.00 10%

Horticultural Reviews, V32 (Janick)9780471732167 2006 #0528-0 142.8063 357.00 60%

Horticultural Reviews, V33 (Janick)9780471732143 2007 #0529-0 142.8064 357.00 60%

Improving Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress 2V Set (Tuteja)9783527328406 2012 #0591-0 322.5065 645.00 50%

Industrial Biotechnology: Microorganisms 2V Set (Wittmann)9783527341795 2017 #3494-0 378.3066 445.00 15%

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Industrial Chocolate Manufacture and Use 4e (Beckett)9781405139496 2008 #3970-0 132.0067 330.00 60%

Inflammation: From Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms to the Clinic, 4V Set (Cavaillon)

9783527338993 2017 #0777-0 743.8068 875.00 15%

International Encyclopedia of Anthropology 12V Set (Callan)9780470657225 2018 #5658-0 2,245.5069 2,495.00 10%

International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology 3V Set (Trevathan)9781118584422 2018 #5659-0 580.5070 645.00 10%

International Encyclopedia of Primatology, 3V Set (Fuentes)9780470673379 2017 #5660-0 505.8071 595.00 15%

International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. D, Physical Properties of Crystals (Authier)

9780470689097 2003 #0910-0 128.0072 320.00 60%

International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. F, Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules (Rossmann)

9780792368571 2001 #0911-0 170.0073 425.00 60%

Intracellular Calcium, 2V Set (Campbell)9780470695111 2014 #1047-0 185.3074 285.00 35%

Kirk-Othmer Food and Feed Technology, 2V Set (Wiley)9780470174487 2008 #3971-0 254.0075 635.00 60%

Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients: Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics ,3e (Khan)

9780471467434 2009 #4048-0 67.6076 169.00 60%

Marine Algae Extracts: Processes, Products, Applications, 2V Set (Kim)9783527337088 2015 #3497-0 363.8077 485.00 25%

Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling under Stress: A Functional Genomic Frontier, 2V Set (Pandey)

9781118888926 2017 #0594-0 297.5078 349.99 15%

Micropropagation of Orchids, 3V Set, 3e (Yam)9781119187059 2017 #0595-0 641.8079 755.00 15%

Mitochondrial Dysfunction Caused by Drugs and Environmental Toxicants, 2V Set (Will)

9781119329701 2018 #3665-0 337.5080 375.00 10%

Modern Crop Protection Compounds, 3V Set,2e (Krmer)9783527329656 2011 #0544-0 302.0081 755.00 60%

Modern Crop Protection Compounds, 3V Set,3e (Jeschke)9783527340897 2019 #0545-0 666.0082 740.00 10%

Modified Nucleosides: in Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Medicine (Herdewijn)9783527318209 2008 #3531-0 224.0083 560.00 60%

Molecular System Bioenergetics: Energy for Life (Saks)9783527317875 2007 #3532-0 144.0084 360.00 60%

Multilingual Dictionary of Fish and Fish Products (OECD)9781405157605 2009 #0665-0 64.0085 160.00 60%

Nanotechnology in Environmental Science, 2V Set (Hussain)9783527342945 2018 #0842-0 423.0086 470.00 10%

Nonthermal Processing Technologies for Food (Zhang)9780813816685 2011 #4052-0 136.0087 340.00 60%

Nutrition,2e Booklet Package (Smolin)9780470626740 2010 #3888-0 132.0088 330.00 60%

Odour Impact Assessment Handbook (Belgiorno)9781119969280 2013 #0382-0 99.0089 165.00 40%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V26 (Janick)9780471732150 2006 #0605-0 142.8090 357.00 60%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V27 (Janick)9780471732136 2006 #0606-0 142.8091 357.00 60%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V30 (Janick)9780470171523 2008 #0607-0 142.8092 357.00 60%

Plant Growth and Climate Change (Morison)9781405131926 2006 #0618-0 106.0093 265.00 60%

Polymer and Biopolymer Brushes: for Materials Science and Biotechnology 2V Set (Azzaroni)

9781119455011 2018 #1603-0 355.5094 395.00 10%

Principles and Practice of Travel Medicine (Zuckerman)9780471490791 2001 #3754-0 218.0095 545.00 60%

Professional Chef (CIA)9780470421352 2011 #3898-0 133.8096 334.40 60%

Protein Therapeutics, 2V Set (Vaughan)9783527340866 2017 #3699-0 323.0097 380.00 15%

Quantum Biochemistry 2V Set (Matta)9783527323227 2010 #3536-0 194.0098 485.00 60%

RNA Regulation, 2V Set (Meyers)9783527331567 2014 #0794-0 263.3099 405.00 35%

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Seafood Handbook: The Comprehensive Guide to Sourcing, Buying and Preparation,2e (Seafood Busines)

9780470404164 2009 #3913-0 96.80100 242.00 60%

Sex Control in Aquaculture,2V Set (Wang)9781119127260 2019 #0671-0 297.00101 330.00 10%

Stem Cells, 2V Set (Meyers)9783527329250 2013 #0797-0 201.00102 335.00 40%

Sugar Beet (Draycott)9781405119115 2006 #0556-0 128.00103 320.00 60%

Thematic Cartography, 3V Set (Cauvin)9781848211094 2010 #0313-0 274.00104 685.00 60%

Topographical and Pathotopographical Medical Atlas of the Head and Neck (Seagal)

9781119459736 2018 #3552-0 175.50105 195.00 10%

Transformation Products of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment: Analysis, Processes, Occurrence, Effects and Risks, 2V Set (Lambropoulou)

9781118339596 2014 #0410-0 211.30106 325.00 35%

Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding, 2V Set (Varshney)9781118760246 2014 #0561-0 241.80107 371.95 35%

Translational Medicine: Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (Meyers)9783527336593 2018 #0801-0 486.00108 540.00 10%

Ullmann's Agrochemicals, 2V Set (Wiley)9783527316045 2007 #0564-0 270.00109 675.00 60%

Upstream Industrial Biotechnology, 2V Set (Flickinger)9781118131237 2013 #3506-0 324.00110 540.00 40%

Water Properties in Food, Health, Pharmaceutical and Biological Systems: ISOPOW 10 (Reid)

9780813812731 2010 #4033-0 122.80111 306.95 60%

Wheat: Science and Trade (Carver)9780813820248 2009 #0566-0 127.20112 317.95 60%

Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution (Wood)9781118650998 2013 #5670-0 69.00113 115.00 40%

Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, 2V Set (Wood)9781405155106 2011 #5671-0 238.00114 595.00 60%

Agriculture, Aquaculture & Botanical Science

Advances in the Biology and Management of Modern Bed Bugs (Doggett)9781119171522 2018 #0498-0 175.50115 195.00 10%

Applied Tree Biology (Hirons)9781118296400 2018 #0499-0 81.00116 90.00 10%

Aqua Shock: The Water Crisis in America (Marks)9781576603321 2009 #0500-0 10.00117 24.95 60%

Aqua Shock: Water in Crisis, Revised and Updated (Marks)9780470918067 2011 #0501-0 6.80118 16.95 60%

Aquaculture and Behavior (Huntingford)9781405130899 2012 #0632-0 37.50119 75.00 50%

Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants 2e (Lucas)9781405188586 2012 #0635-0 57.50120 115.00 50%

Barley: Production, Improvement, and Uses (Ullrich)9780813801230 2011 #0502-0 123.20121 307.95 60%

Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound Classes: Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals, 2V Set (Lamberth)

9783527329939 2012 #1172-0 182.50122 365.00 50%

Bioactives in Fruit: Health Benefits and Functional Foods (Skinner)9780470674970 2013 #3984-0 108.00123 180.00 40%

Biodiversity and Insect Pests: Key Issues for Sustainable Management (Gurr)9780470656860 2012 #0503-0 60.00124 120.00 50%

Bioenergy and Land Use Change (Qin)9781119297345 2018 #0429-0 153.00125 169.95 10%

Bioenergy Feedstocks: Breeding and Genetics (Saha)9780470960332 2013 #0573-0 127.80126 212.95 40%

Biofilms in Plant and Soil Health (Ahmad)9781119246343 2017 #3735-0 182.80127 215.00 15%

Biofouling Methods (Dobretsov)9780470659854 2014 #0504-0 113.80128 175.00 35%

Biofuel Crop Sustainability (Singh)9780470963043 2013 #0574-0 127.80129 212.95 40%

Biorenewable Resources: Engineering New Products from Agriculture (Brown)9781118524954 2014 #0505-0 69.50130 106.95 35%

Botany For Dummies (Fester Kratz)9781118006726 2011 #0506-0 8.00131 19.99 60%

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Agriculture, Aquaculture & Botanical Science

Braconid and Ichneumonid Parasitoid Wasps: Biology, Systematics, Evolution and Ecology (Quicke)

9781118907054 2015 #0507-0 138.80132 185.00 25%

Building Chicken Coops For Dummies (Brock)9781119543923 2019 #0508-0 20.70133 22.99 10%

Carbon (Ervine)9781509501120 2018 #0509-0 18.00134 19.95 10%

Cocoa (Leissle)9781509513178 2017 #5972-0 17.00135 19.95 15%

Coltan (Nest)9780745649320 2011 #0510-0 10.80136 26.95 60%

Coltan (Nest)9780745649313 2011 #0511-0 20.00137 49.95 60%

Composite Materials for Food Packaging (Cirillo)9781119160205 2018 #3948-0 202.50138 225.00 10%

Crop Post-Harvest: Science and Technology, Perishables (Rees)9780632057252 2012 #0512-0 117.50139 235.00 50%

Crop Variety Trials: Data Management and Analysis (Yan)9781118688649 2014 #0513-0 100.70140 154.95 35%

Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology,2e (Wildi)9781118384039 2013 #0514-0 36.00141 60.00 40%

Dates: Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Health Benefits (Siddiq)

9781118292372 2013 #0515-0 108.00142 180.00 40%

Dried Fruits: Phytochemicals and Health Effects (Alasalvar)9780813811734 2013 #0516-0 132.00143 219.95 40%

Dry Beans and Pulses : Production, Processing and Nutrition (Siddiq)9780813823874 2012 #0517-0 110.00144 219.99 50%

Ecology and Evolution of Dung Beetles (Simmons)9781444333152 2011 #0518-0 46.00145 115.00 60%

Ecology of Invertebrate Diseases (Hajek)9781119256076 2017 #0519-0 110.50146 130.00 15%

Ecology of Lianas (Schnitzer)9781118392492 2014 #0698-0 87.80147 135.00 35%

Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms: Technology and Applications (Zied)9781119149415 2017 #3991-0 182.80148 215.00 15%

Environmental Pest Management: Challenges for Agronomists, Ecologists, Economists and Policymakers (Coll)

9781119255550 2017 #0520-0 136.00149 160.00 15%

Equine Color Genetics 4e (Sponenberg)9781119130581 2017 #4930-0 93.50150 109.99 15%

Equine Genomics (Chowdhary)9780813815633 2013 #0735-0 105.60151 176.00 40%

Food and Agricultural Wastewater Utilization and Treatment 2e (Liu)9781118353974 2014 #3960-0 113.80152 175.00 35%

Food Security and Climate Change (Yadav)9781119180647 2019 #4045-0 193.50153 215.00 10%

Forages, Volume 1: An Introduction to Grassland Agriculture,7e (Collins)9781119300649 2017 #0521-0 85.00154 99.95 15%

Forest Insect Population Dynamics, Outbreaks, And Global Warming Effects (Isaev)

9781119406464 2017 #0522-0 191.30155 225.00 15%

Forest Products and Wood Science: An Introduction 7e (Shmulsky)9781119426431 2019 #0523-0 99.00156 110.00 10%

Forest Structure, Function and Dynamics in Western Amazonia (Myster)9781119090663 2017 #0700-0 127.50157 150.00 15%

Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals: Chemistry, Nutritional Value and Stability (de la Rosa)

9780813803203 2009 #4081-0 101.20158 252.95 60%

Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements: Processing Effects and Health Benefits (Noomhorm)

9781118227879 2014 #4002-0 113.80159 175.00 35%

Global Climate Change and Terrestrial Invertebrates (Johnson)9781119070900 2017 #0524-0 97.80160 115.00 15%

Handbook of Major Palm Pests: Biology and Management (Soroker)9781119057451 2017 #0525-0 170.00161 200.00 15%

Handbook of Mango Fruit: Production, Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Nutrition (Siddiq)

9781119014355 2017 #0526-0 148.80162 175.00 15%

Handbook of Plant Food Phytochemicals: Sources, Stability and Extraction (Tiwari)

9781444338102 2013 #4006-0 111.00163 185.00 40%

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Agriculture, Aquaculture & Botanical Science

Handbook of Vegetables and Vegetable Processing 2V Set, 2e (Siddiq)9781119098928 2018 #0527-0 360.00164 400.00 10%

Horticultural Reviews, V32 (Janick)9780471732167 2006 #0528-0 142.80165 357.00 60%

Horticultural Reviews, V33 (Janick)9780471732143 2007 #0529-0 142.80166 357.00 60%

Horticultural Reviews, V35 (Janick)9780470386422 2009 #0530-0 100.00167 250.00 60%

Horticultural Reviews, V36 (Janick)9780470505205 2009 #0531-0 118.80168 297.00 60%

Horticultural Reviews, V37 (Janick)9780470537169 2010 #0532-0 98.00169 245.00 60%

Horticultural Reviews, V38 (Janick)9780470644706 2011 #0533-0 109.60170 274.00 60%

Horticultural Reviews, V41 (Janick)9781118707371 2014 #0587-0 155.30171 239.00 35%

Horticultural Reviews, V42 (Janick)9781118916797 2014 #0588-0 146.30172 225.00 35%

Horticultural Reviews, V45 (Warrington)9781119430957 2018 #0589-0 225.00173 250.00 10%

Horticultural Reviews, V46 (Warrington)9781119521068 2018 #0590-0 225.00174 250.00 10%

Immunoassays in Agricultural Biotechnology (Shan)9780470289525 2011 #0534-0 58.80175 147.00 60%

Improving Water and Nutrient-Use Efficiency in Food Production Systems (Rengel)

9780813819891 2013 #0592-0 132.00176 219.95 40%

Induced Resistance for Plant Defense: A Sustainable Approach to Crop Protection,2e (Walters)

9781118371831 2014 #0535-0 126.80177 195.00 35%

Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society V2 (Foottit)9781118945575 2018 #0536-0 117.00178 130.00 10%

Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society,V1 2e (Foottit)9781118945537 2017 #0537-0 110.50179 130.00 15%

Insect Morphology: Evolutionary Approach (Gordh)9780471516675 2019 #0538-0 54.00180 59.95 10%

Insect Outbreaks Revisited (Barbosa)9781444337594 2012 #0539-0 52.50181 105.00 50%

Insect-Plant Interactions (Voelckel)9780470670361 2014 #0593-0 113.80182 175.00 35%

Insects and Wildlife (Capinera)9781444333008 2010 #0540-0 34.00183 85.00 60%

Insects: An Outline of Entomology 4e (Gullan)9781444330366 2010 #0541-0 45.60184 113.95 60%

Interpretation of MS-MS Mass Spectra of Drugs and Pesticides (Niessen)9781118500187 2017 #0912-0 114.80185 135.00 15%

Introduction to Renewable Biomaterials: First Principles and Concepts (Ayoub)9781119962298 2017 #1053-0 80.80186 95.00 15%

Measurements for Terrestrial Vegetation,2e (Bonham)9780470972588 2013 #0542-0 42.00187 70.00 40%

Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling under Stress: A Functional Genomic Frontier, 2V Set (Pandey)

9781118888926 2017 #0594-0 297.50188 349.99 15%

Megatrends in Food and Agriculture: Technology, Water Use and Nutrition (Traitler)

9781119391142 2018 #3974-0 108.00189 120.00 10%

Microbes for Climate Resilient Agriculture (Kashyap)9781119275923 2018 #3747-0 180.00190 199.95 10%

Micropropagation of Orchids, 3V Set, 3e (Yam)9781119187059 2017 #0595-0 641.80191 755.00 15%

Mimicry, Crypsis, Masquerade and other Adaptive Resemblances (Quicke)9781118931530 2017 #0710-0 85.00192 100.00 15%

Mineral Nutrition of Plants Principles and Perspectives,2e (Epstein)9780471017837 2019 #0543-0 90.00193 100.00 10%

Modern Crop Protection Compounds, 3V Set,2e (Krmer)9783527329656 2011 #0544-0 302.00194 755.00 60%

Modern Crop Protection Compounds, 3V Set,3e (Jeschke)9783527340897 2019 #0545-0 666.00195 740.00 10%

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening (Seymour)9780813820392 2013 #0596-0 127.80196 212.95 40%

Molecular Research in Aquaculture (Overturf)9780813818511 2009 #0664-0 106.40197 266.00 60%

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Agriculture, Aquaculture & Botanical Science

Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Chains (Leslie)9780813820835 2014 #0601-0 133.90198 205.95 35%

New American Homestead: Sustainable, Self-Sufficient Living in the Country or in the City (Tullock)

9781118024171 2012 #0546-0 10.00199 19.99 50%

Oilseed Crops: Yield and Adaptations under Environmental Stress (Ahmad)9781119048770 2017 #0547-0 148.80200 175.00 15%

Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture 2004, V2 (Miranowski)9780813820316 2005 #0548-0 88.00201 219.95 60%

Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators (Fischer)9781118852521 2014 #0549-0 87.10202 133.95 35%

Phytonutritional Improvement of Crops (Benkeblia)9781119079941 2017 #0550-0 170.00203 200.00 15%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V37 (Janick)9781118497852 2013 #0612-0 148.20204 247.00 40%

Plant Breeding,2e (Brown)9780470658307 2014 #0551-0 45.50205 70.00 35%

Plant Breeding: The Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium (Lamkey)9780813828244 2006 #0552-0 95.60206 238.95 60%

Plant Gene Containment (Oliver)9780813803494 2012 #0617-0 82.50207 164.95 50%

Practical Lambing and Lamb Care: A Veterinary Guide (Sargison)9781119140665 2018 #4909-0 49.50208 55.00 10%

Practice of Silviculture (Ashton)9781119270959 2018 #0715-0 117.00209 130.00 10%

Raising Beef Cattle For Dummies (Royer)9780470930618 2012 #0553-0 10.00210 19.99 50%

Raising Chickens For Dummies,2e (Willis)9781118982785 2015 #0554-0 15.00211 19.99 25%

Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants: Boon Or Bane-Revisiting the Role of ROS (Singh)

9781119287292 2017 #0622-0 170.00212 200.00 15%

Recent Advances and New Species in Aquaculture (Fotedar)9781405176644 2011 #0668-0 78.00213 195.00 60%

Recovering Bioactive Compounds from Agricultural Wastes (Nguyen)9781119168829 2017 #0555-0 136.00214 160.00 15%

Science of Forensic Entomology (Rivers)9781119940371 2014 #5225-0 39.00215 60.00 35%

Selection Process of Biomass Materials for the Production of Bio-Fuels and Co-firing (Altawell)

9781118542668 2014 #2003-0 83.80216 129.00 35%

Statistics for Aquaculture (Bhujel)9780813815879 2009 #0674-0 48.80217 121.95 60%

Stevioside: Technology, Applications and Health (De)9781118350669 2013 #3980-0 108.00218 180.00 40%

Sugar Beet (Draycott)9781405119115 2006 #0556-0 128.00219 320.00 60%

Sugarcane: Physiology, Biochemistry & Functional Biology (Moore)9780813821214 2013 #0557-0 147.00220 244.95 40%

Sustainability Challenges in the Agrofood Sector (Bhat)9781119072768 2017 #0558-0 204.00221 240.00 15%

Sustaining Soil Productivity in Response to Global Climate Change: Science, Policy, and Ethics (Sauer)

9780470958575 2011 #0559-0 92.40222 230.95 60%

Techniques for Virtual Paleontology (Sutton)9781118591130 2014 #0494-0 65.00223 100.00 35%

Temperature and Plant Development (Franklin)9781118308202 2014 #0630-0 138.40224 212.95 35%

Timber (Dauvergne)9780745649283 2011 #0560-0 10.00225 24.95 60%

Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding, 2V Set (Varshney)9781118760246 2014 #0561-0 241.80226 371.95 35%

Treated Wastewater in Agriculture: Use and impacts on the soil environments and crops (Levy)

9781405148627 2010 #0562-0 80.00227 200.00 60%

Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Postharvest Physiology, Processing and Packaging (Siddiq)

9780813811420 2012 #0563-0 126.50228 253.00 50%

Tropical Forest Conservation and Industry Partnership: An Experience from the Congo Basin (Clark)

9780470673737 2012 #0723-0 62.50229 125.00 50%

Ullmann's Agrochemicals, 2V Set (Wiley)9783527316045 2007 #0564-0 270.00230 675.00 60%

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Agriculture, Aquaculture & Botanical Science

Vegetation Ecology,2e (van der Maarel)9781444338898 2012 #0565-0 35.00231 70.00 50%

Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Principles and Practices (Salam)9781119243137 2017 #0420-0 144.50232 169.95 15%

Wheat: Science and Trade (Carver)9780813820248 2009 #0566-0 127.20233 317.95 60%

World Food Economy,2e (Southgate)9780470593622 2010 #0567-0 21.00234 56.99 63%


Amyloid Fibrils and Prefibrillar Aggregates (Otzen)9783527332007 2013 #3512-0 135.00235 225.00 40%

Biological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth (Sun)9780470713907 2010 #3513-0 66.00236 165.00 60%

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry of Fluorine (Bégué)9780470278307 2008 #3514-0 62.00237 155.00 60%

Chemistry and Biology of Volatiles (Herrmann)9780470777787 2010 #3515-0 56.00238 140.00 60%

Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology, 4V Set (Begley)9780471754770 2009 #3516-0 736.00239 1,840.00 60%

Essential Fluid, Electrolyte and pH Homeostasis (Cockerill)9780470683064 2011 #3517-0 24.00240 60.00 60%

Fluorine in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology (Ojima)9781405167208 2009 #3518-0 88.00241 220.00 60%

Foldamers: Structure, Properties, and Applications (Hecht)9783527315635 2007 #3519-0 124.00242 310.00 60%

G Protein-Coupled Receptors : Essential Methods (Poyner)9780470749142 2010 #3520-0 44.00243 110.00 60%

Glutathione and Sulfur Amino Acids in Human Health and Disease (Masella)9780470170854 2009 #3521-0 75.20244 188.00 60%

Handbook of Biomineralization, 3V Set (Buerlein)9783527316410 2007 #3522-0 346.00245 865.00 60%

Handbook of Biomineralization: Biological Aspects and Structure Formation (Buerlein)

9783527318049 2009 #3523-0 124.00246 310.00 60%

Handbook of Metalloproteins,V 4 & 5 Set (Messerschmidt)9780470711996 2011 #3524-0 244.00247 610.00 60%

Hit and Lead Profiling: Identification and Optimization of Drug-like Molecules (Faller)

9783527323319 2009 #3525-0 120.00248 300.00 60%

In Vivo Glucose Sensing (Cunningham)9780470112960 2010 #3526-0 56.00249 140.00 60%

Introduction to Proteomics: Principles and Applications (Mishra)9780471754022 2010 #3527-0 46.40250 115.95 60%

Iron Metabolism: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Consequences ,3e (Crichton)

9780470010280 2009 #3528-0 93.60251 234.00 60%

Lipids and Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Agents (Thormar)9780470741788 2011 #3529-0 62.00252 155.00 60%

Metalloproteomics (Permyakov)9780470392485 2009 #3530-0 63.20253 158.00 60%

Modified Nucleosides: in Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Medicine (Herdewijn)9783527318209 2008 #3531-0 224.00254 560.00 60%

Molecular System Bioenergetics: Energy for Life (Saks)9783527317875 2007 #3532-0 144.00255 360.00 60%

Photosensitisers in Biomedicine (Wainwright)9780470510605 2009 #3533-0 54.00256 135.00 60%

Plant Phenolics and Human Health : Biochemistry, Nutrition and Pharmacology (Fraga)

9780470287217 2009 #3534-0 69.20257 173.00 60%

Protein Evolution,2e (Patthy)9781405151665 2007 #3535-0 38.00258 95.00 60%

Quantum Biochemistry 2V Set (Matta)9783527323227 2010 #3536-0 194.00259 485.00 60%

Rapid-Equilibrium Enzyme Kinetics: Applications of Mathematica (Alberty)9780470639320 2011 #3537-0 72.80260 182.00 60%

Reagents for Radical and Radical Ion Chemistry (Crich)9780470065365 2008 #3538-0 76.00261 190.00 60%

Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations 7e (Devlin)9780470281734 2010 #3539-0 21.00262 56.99 63%

Understanding Bioanalytical Chemistry: Principles and Applications (Gault)9780470029060 2009 #3540-0 70.00263 175.00 60%

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Applied Chemoinformatics: Achievements and Future Opportunities (Engel)9783527342013 2018 #0966-0 157.50264 175.00 10%

Basic Applied Bioinformatics (Mukhopadhyay)9781119244332 2017 #3479-0 110.50265 129.95 15%

Biomolecular Simulations in Structure-based Drug Discovery (Gervasio)9783527342655 2019 #3606-0 171.00266 190.00 10%

Chemoinformatics: Basic Concepts and Methods (Engel)9783527331093 2018 #0997-0 108.00267 120.00 10%

Chemometrics: Data Driven Extraction for Science 2e (Brereton)9781118904664 2018 #0874-0 99.00268 110.00 10%

Computational Toxicology: Risk Assessment for Chemicals (Ekins)9781119282563 2018 #3718-0 166.50269 185.00 10%

Concise Encyclopaedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,2e (Hancock)

9780470978719 2014 #3480-0 52.00270 80.00 35%

Fragmentation: Toward Accurate Calculations on Complex Molecular Systems (Gordon)

9781119129240 2017 #1017-0 136.00271 160.00 15%

Mathematics of Bioinformatics: Theory, Methods and Applications (He)9780470404430 2010 #2165-0 48.80272 122.00 60%

Principles of Computational Cell Biology 2e: From Protein Complexes to Cellular Networks (Helms)

9783527333585 2019 #0790-0 103.50273 115.00 10%

Statistical Diagnostics for Cancer: Analyzing High-Dimensional Data (Dehmer)9783527332625 2013 #3481-0 90.00274 150.00 40%

Systems Biology (Nielsen)9783527335589 2017 #3504-0 174.30275 205.00 15%

Theory and Applications of the Empirical Valence Bond Approach: From Physical Chemistry to Chemical Biology (Duarte)

9781119245391 2017 #1126-0 114.80276 135.00 15%

Tutorials in Chemoinformatics (Varnek)9781119137962 2017 #1132-0 85.00277 100.00 15%

Biological Sciences

Amyloid Fibrils and Prefibrillar Aggregates (Otzen)9783527332007 2013 #3512-0 135.00278 225.00 40%

Animal Models and Human Reproduction: Cell and Molecular Approaches with Reference to Human Reproduction (Schatten)

9781118881606 2017 #0743-0 170.00279 199.95 15%

Anticancer Therapeutics: From Drug Discovery to Clinical Applications (Todd)9781118622124 2018 #3600-0 162.00280 180.00 10%

Apoptosis and Beyond: The Many Ways Cells Die, 2V Set (Radosevich)9781119432425 2018 #0744-0 359.10281 399.00 10%

Applied Mathematics for the Analysis of Biomedical Data: Models, Methods, and MATLAB (Costa)

9781119269496 2017 #1707-0 106.30282 125.00 15%

Aptamers for Analytical Applications: Affinity Acquisition and Method Design (Dong)

9783527342679 2018 #0864-0 171.00283 190.00 10%

Arrow-Pushing in Organic Chemistry: An Easy Approach to Understanding Reaction Mechanisms 2e (Levy)

9781118991329 2017 #1170-0 51.00284 59.95 15%

Artificial Metalloenzymes and MetalloDNAzymes in Catalysis: From Design to Applications (Diéguez)

9783527341788 2018 #0969-0 171.00285 190.00 10%

Automation Solutions for Analytical Measurements: Concepts and Applications (Fleischer)

9783527342174 2017 #0865-0 114.80286 135.00 15%

Basic Applied Bioinformatics (Mukhopadhyay)9781119244332 2017 #3479-0 110.50287 129.95 15%

Basics of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Equilibria (Tissue)9780470592083 2013 #0866-0 45.60288 75.95 40%

Bioanalytics: Analytical Methods and Concepts in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Lottspeich)

9783527339198 2018 #0868-0 121.50289 135.00 10%

Bioinformatics: From Genomes to Therapies 3V Set (Lengauer)9783527312788 2007 #3605-0 324.00290 810.00 60%

Bio-inspired Materials for Biomedical Engineering (Brennan)9781118369364 2014 #3461-0 107.20291 164.95 35%

Biology of Parasites (Lucius)9783527328482 2017 #0745-0 93.50292 110.00 15%

Biomaterials Surface Science (Taubert)9783527330317 2013 #1439-0 129.00293 215.00 40%

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Biological Sciences

Bionanocomposites: Integrating Biological Processes for Bioinspired Nanotechnologies (Aimé)

9781118942222 2017 #0806-0 148.80294 175.00 15%

Biophotonics: Visions for Better Health Care (Popp)9783527406227 2006 #0746-0 92.00295 230.00 60%

Bioprocessing for Cell-Based Therapies (Connon)9781118743416 2017 #0747-0 131.80296 155.00 15%

Blood Science: Principles and Pathology (Blann)9781118351468 2014 #0748-0 45.50297 70.00 35%

Cancer and Inflammation Mechanisms: Chemical, Biological, and Clinical Aspects (Hiraku)

9781118160305 2014 #3714-0 83.80298 129.00 35%

Cannabinoids (Di Marzo)9781118451298 2014 #0749-0 84.50299 130.00 35%

Cell Biology,Global Edition (Karp)9781119454175 2018 #0750-0 56.70300 62.99 10%

Cell Biology: A Short Course,3e (Bolsover)9780470526996 2011 #0751-0 33.60301 83.95 60%

Cellular Domains (Nabi)9780470595442 2011 #0752-0 62.00302 154.95 60%

Charge and Energy Transfer Dynamics in Molecular Systems ,3e (May)9783527407323 2011 #1840-0 92.00303 230.00 60%

Chemical Ligation: Tools for Biomolecule Synthesis and Modification (D'Andrea)9781119044109 2017 #1182-0 165.80304 195.00 15%

Chemistry of Metalloproteins: Problems and Solutions in Bioinorganic Chemistry (Stephanos)

9781118470442 2014 #1141-0 83.80305 129.00 35%

Chemistry of the Carbonyl Group: A Step-by-Step Approach to Understanding Organic Reaction Mechanisms: Revised Edition (Dickens)

9781119459569 2018 #1190-0 45.00306 50.00 10%

Cholesterol Regulation of Ion Channels and Receptors (Levitan)9780470874325 2012 #1000-0 68.50307 137.00 50%

Clinical Microbiology for Diagnostic Laboratory Scientists (Pitt)9781118745854 2018 #3738-0 90.00308 100.00 10%

Clinical Reproductive Science (Carroll)9781118975954 2018 #4095-0 85.50309 95.00 10%

Cluster Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications (Mahoney)

9780470886052 2013 #0875-0 73.80310 123.00 40%

Compendium of Biophysics (Rubin)9781119160250 2017 #1842-0 211.70311 249.00 15%

Concise Encyclopaedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,2e (Hancock)

9780470978719 2014 #3480-0 52.00312 80.00 35%

Crumbling Genome: The Impact of Deleterious Mutations on Humans (Kondrashov)

9781118952115 2017 #0753-0 85.00313 99.95 15%

Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications 7e (Freshney)

9781118873656 2016 #0754-0 80.00314 99.95 20%

Developmental Genomics of Ascidians (Satoh)9781118656181 2014 #0755-0 89.70315 137.95 35%

Dictionary of Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Translational Medicine (Dye)

9781118867822 2017 #0756-0 127.50316 149.95 15%

Drug Selectivity: An Evolving Concept in Medicinal Chemistry (Handler)9783527335381 2018 #3628-0 207.00317 230.00 10%

Drug Transporters: Molecular Characterization and Role in Drug Disposition,2e (You)

9781118489932 2014 #3629-0 117.70318 181.00 35%

Effects of Genome Structure & Sequence on the Generation of Variation and Evolution (Caporale)

9781573318877 2012 #0757-0 69.50319 139.00 50%

Encyclopedia of Drug Metabolism and Interactions, 6V Set (Lyubimov)9780470450154 2012 #3633-0 982.50320 1,965.00 50%

Engineering Complex Phenotypes in Industrial Strains (Patnaik)9780470610756 2012 #1332-0 55.50321 110.95 50%

Enzyme Kinetics: Principles and Methods, 3e (Bisswanger)9783527342518 2017 #1015-0 161.50322 190.00 15%

Enzyme Regulation in Metabolic Pathways (Wolfinbarger Jr)9781119155386 2017 #0758-0 76.50323 89.95 15%

Epithelial Anion Transport in Health and Disease (Novartis)9780470016244 2006 #0759-0 76.00324 190.00 60%

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

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Biological Sciences

Essential Forensic Biology 3e (Gunn)9781119141402 2019 #0889-0 54.00325 60.00 10%

Essentials of Sports Nutrition,2e (Brouns)9780471497653 2002 #0760-0 42.00326 105.00 60%

Evidence-Based Evolutionary Medicine (Torday)9781118838372 2018 #4101-0 117.00327 129.95 10%

Evo-Devo of Child Growth: Treatise on Child Growth and Human Evolution (Hochberg)

9781118027165 2012 #0761-0 82.50328 164.95 50%

Evolutionary Dynamics and Information Hierarchies in Biological Systems (Braaten)

9781573319065 2014 #0762-0 90.30329 139.00 35%

Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with Maple (TM) (Shahin)9781118032114 2014 #0763-0 77.30330 119.00 35%

Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB (Shahin)9781118032121 2014 #0764-0 80.00331 123.00 35%

Exploring Immunology: Concepts and Evidence (MacPherson)9783527324125 2012 #0765-0 27.50332 55.00 50%

Extracellular Targeting of Cell Signaling in Cancer: Strategies Directed at MET and RON Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Pathways (Janetka)

9781119300182 2018 #4378-0 166.50333 185.00 10%

Ex-vivo and In-vivo Optical Molecular Pathology (Popp)9783527335138 2014 #0766-0 87.80334 135.00 35%

Fluorescence Microscopy: From Principles to Biological Applications 2e (Kubitscheck)

9783527338375 2017 #0891-0 174.30335 205.00 15%

Fundamentals of Intracellular Calcium (Campbell)9781118941874 2017 #1023-0 85.00336 100.00 15%

Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Hormone Signaling (Mandal)9783527322817 2017 #0737-0 323.00337 380.00 15%

Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Sexual Selection (Hunt)9780470671795 2014 #0767-0 74.80338 115.00 35%

Getting Published in the Life Sciences (Gladon)9781118017166 2011 #0768-0 12.80339 31.95 60%

Glial Physiology and Pathophysiology (Verkhratsky)9780470978535 2013 #5009-0 48.00340 80.00 40%

Global New Drug Development: An Introduction (Rosier)9781118414880 2014 #0769-0 52.00341 80.00 35%

Graptolite Paleobiology (Maletz)9781118515723 2017 #0457-0 51.00342 60.00 15%

Guide to Academia: Getting into and Surviving Grad School, Postdocs and a Research Job (Chakrabarty)

9780470960417 2012 #0770-0 15.50343 30.95 50%

Handbook of Biophotonics, 3V Set (Popp)9783527407286 2012 #3510-0 512.50344 1,025.00 50%

Handbook of RNA Biochemistry, 2V Set,2e (Hartmann)9783527327645 2014 #1033-0 305.50345 470.00 35%

Heart Failure: Molecules, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets (Novartis)9780470015971 2006 #0771-0 76.00346 190.00 60%

Hematopoietic Stem Cells VIII (Kanz)9781573318679 2012 #0772-0 69.50347 139.00 50%

High Value Fermentation Products, Volume 1: Human Health (Saran)9781119460015 2019 #1036-0 224.10348 249.00 10%

Human Bioarchaeology of the Transition to Agriculture (Pinhasi)9780470747308 2011 #0773-0 62.00349 155.00 60%

Human Pluripotent Stem Cells: A Practical Guide (Lakshmipathy)9781119394334 2018 #0774-0 90.00350 99.95 10%

Human Reproduction: Updates and New Horizons (Schatten)9781118849583 2017 #0775-0 170.00351 200.00 15%

Immunodominance: The Choice of the Immune System (Frelinger)9783527312740 2006 #0776-0 76.00352 190.00 60%

Immunotherapy in Translational Cancer Research (Cooper)9781118123225 2018 #4382-0 180.00353 199.99 10%

In Vivo Models for Drug Discovery (Vela)9783527333288 2014 #3649-0 136.50354 210.00 35%

In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy: Principles and Technique s 3e (de Graaf)9781119382546 2019 #0905-0 126.00355 140.00 10%

Inflammation: From Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms to the Clinic, 4V Set (Cavaillon)

9783527338993 2017 #0777-0 743.80356 875.00 15%

Inhalation Drug Delivery: Techniques and Products (Colombo)9781118354124 2013 #0778-0 48.00357 80.00 40%

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Biological Sciences

Inorganic Chemical Biology: Principles, Techniques and Applications (Gasser)9781118510025 2014 #1046-0 97.50358 150.00 35%

Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society V2 (Foottit)9781118945575 2018 #0536-0 117.00359 130.00 10%

Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society,V1 2e (Foottit)9781118945537 2017 #0537-0 110.50360 130.00 15%

Integrative Organismal Biology (Martin)9781118398784 2015 #0702-0 100.50361 133.95 25%

International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology 3V Set (Trevathan)9781118584422 2018 #5659-0 580.50362 645.00 10%

International Encyclopedia of Primatology, 3V Set (Fuentes)9780470673379 2017 #5660-0 505.80363 595.00 15%

Intracellular Calcium, 2V Set (Campbell)9780470695111 2014 #1047-0 185.30364 285.00 35%

Introduction to Bioethics 2e (Bryant)9781118719596 2018 #4111-0 49.50365 55.00 10%

Introduction to Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics (Curry)9781119261049 2017 #3654-0 59.50366 70.00 15%

Ionic Liquids in Biotransformations and Organocatalysis: Solvents and Beyond (Domínguez de María)

9780470569047 2012 #1226-0 82.50367 164.95 50%

Laboratory Exercises and Techniques in Cellular Biology (Contento)9780470631232 2013 #0779-0 163.00368 271.70 40%

Low Voltage Electron Microscopy: Principles and Applications (Bell)9781119971115 2013 #0917-0 66.00369 110.00 40%

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Tissue Engineering (Kotecha)9781119193357 2017 #0919-0 165.80370 195.00 15%

Mass Spectrometry in Structural Biology and Biophysics: Architecture, Dynamics, and Interaction of Biomolecules,2e (Kaltashov)

9780470937792 2012 #0923-0 77.50371 155.00 50%

Mechanobiology: Exploitation for Medical Benefit (Rawlinson)9781118966143 2017 #3473-0 127.50372 149.95 15%

Metalloprotein Active Site Assembly (Johnson)9781119159834 2017 #1159-0 170.00373 200.00 15%

Metals in Cells (Culotta)9781119953234 2013 #1160-0 126.00374 210.00 40%

Microarray Quality Control (Zhang)9780471453444 2004 #0780-0 57.20375 142.95 60%

Mimicry, Crypsis, Masquerade and other Adaptive Resemblances (Quicke)9781118931530 2017 #0710-0 85.00376 100.00 15%

Mitochondrial Dysfunction Caused by Drugs and Environmental Toxicants, 2V Set (Will)

9781119329701 2018 #3665-0 337.50377 375.00 10%

Molecular Fluorescence: Principles and Applications,2e (Valeur)9783527328376 2012 #1070-0 105.00378 210.00 50%

Molecular Immunotoxicology (Corsini)9783527335190 2014 #3725-0 126.80379 195.00 35%

Molecular Markers in Plants (Henry)9780470959510 2012 #0597-0 110.00380 219.95 50%

Molecular Technology: Life Innovation (Yamamoto)9783527341627 2018 #1071-0 171.00381 190.00 10%

Moonlighting Proteins: Novel Virulence Factors in Bacterial Infections (Henderson)

9781118951118 2017 #0781-0 144.50382 169.95 15%

Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity (Hoorn)9781119159872 2018 #0711-0 85.50383 95.00 10%

Natural Products Targeting Clinically Relevant Enzymes (Andrade)9783527342051 2017 #3668-0 161.50384 190.00 15%

Neurobiology of Motor Control: Fundamental Concepts and New Directions (Hooper)

9781118873403 2017 #5015-0 170.00385 199.95 15%

New Perspectives on Neurobehavioral Evolution (Johnson)9781573318075 2011 #0782-0 46.00386 115.00 60%

Novel Proteins for Food, Pharmaceuticals and Agriculture: Sources, Applications and Advances (Hayes)

9781119385301 2018 #0783-0 166.50387 185.00 10%

NYSCF Fifth Annual Translational Stem Cell Research Conference: Behavioral Epigenetics (Editorial)

9781573318372 2011 #0784-0 28.00388 70.00 60%

Oligonucleotide-Based Drugs and Therapeutics: Preclinical and Clinical Considerations for Development (Ferrari)

9781118537336 2018 #3671-0 202.50389 225.00 10%

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Biological Sciences

Pharmaceutical Analysis for Small Molecules (Davani)9781119121114 2017 #0938-0 106.30390 125.00 15%

Pharmaceutical Science to Improve the Human Condition: Prix Galien 2010 (Editorial)

9781573318358 2011 #0785-0 46.00391 115.00 60%

Photosynthetic Membrane: Molecular Mechanisms and Biophysics of Light Harvesting (Ruban)

9781119960539 2012 #1087-0 30.00392 60.00 50%

Plant Mitochondria,2e (Logan)9781118906576 2018 #0619-0 202.50393 225.00 10%

Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution (Fedoroff)9780470959947 2013 #0621-0 127.80394 212.95 40%

Polyurethane Immobilization of Cells and Biomolecules: Medical and Environmental Applications (Thomson)

9781119254690 2018 #3500-0 135.00395 150.00 10%

Practical Guide to the Histology of the Mouse (Scudamore)9781119941200 2014 #0786-0 74.80396 115.00 35%

Practical Guide to Toxicology and Human Health Risk Assessment (Robinson)9781118882023 2018 #3690-0 81.00397 89.95 10%

Preservation of Cells: A Practical Manual (Hubel)9781118989845 2018 #0787-0 90.00398 100.00 10%

Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism,8e (Rosen)

9781118453889 2013 #0788-0 82.80399 137.95 40%

Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism,9e (Bilezikian)

9781119266563 2018 #0789-0 153.00400 169.95 10%

Principles and Applications of Fermentation Technology (Kuila)9781119460268 2019 #1094-0 202.50401 225.00 10%

Principles of Computational Cell Biology 2e: From Protein Complexes to Cellular Networks (Helms)

9783527333585 2019 #0790-0 103.50402 115.00 10%

Protein Carbonylation: Principles, Analysis, and Biological Implications (Ros)9781119074915 2017 #0943-0 148.80403 175.00 15%

Protein Structure and Prediction (Barton)9780865427631 2019 #0791-0 22.50404 24.95 10%

Quantitative Biological and Clinical Mass Spectrometry: An Introduction (Mallet)9781119281207 2018 #0945-0 72.00405 80.00 10%

Recent Advances in Trace Elements (Chojnacka)9781119133773 2018 #0792-0 180.00406 200.00 10%

Reversible Ligand Binding: Theory and Experiment (Bellelli)9781119238485 2017 #1105-0 93.50407 110.00 15%

Ribosome-inactivating Proteins (Stirpe)9781118125656 2014 #0793-0 94.20408 144.95 35%

RNA Regulation, 2V Set (Meyers)9783527331567 2014 #0794-0 263.30409 405.00 35%

Science of Stem Cells (Slack)9781119235156 2018 #0795-0 94.50410 105.00 10%

Selective Glycosylations: Synthetic Methods and Catalysts (Bennett)9783527339877 2017 #1279-0 174.30411 205.00 15%

Sex Control in Aquaculture,2V Set (Wang)9781119127260 2019 #0671-0 297.00412 330.00 10%

Signalling Networks in Cell Shape and Motility (Novartis)9780470011904 2005 #0796-0 76.00413 190.00 60%

Spectroscopy: Principles and Instrumentation (Vitha)9781119436645 2018 #0950-0 99.00414 110.00 10%

Standard and Super-Resolution Bioimaging Data Analysis: A Primer (Wheeler)9781119096900 2017 #0952-0 80.80415 95.00 15%

Stem Cells in Birth Defects Research and Developmental Toxicology (Rasmussen)

9781119283218 2018 #3704-0 166.50416 185.00 10%

Stem Cells, 2V Set (Meyers)9783527329250 2013 #0797-0 201.00417 335.00 40%

Structure and Reactivity of Biomolecules: An Introduction into Organic Chemistry (Gossauer)

9783906390727 2018 #1116-0 216.00418 240.00 10%

Study Skills: A Student Survival Guide (Allen)9780470094853 2005 #0798-0 15.00419 37.50 60%

Success Factors for Fish Larval Production (Conceicao)9781119072164 2018 #0675-0 216.00420 240.00 10%

Super-Resolution Microscopy: A Practical Guide (Birk)9783527341337 2017 #0953-0 114.80421 135.00 15%

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Biological Sciences

Technology Platforms for 3D Cell Culture: A Users Guide (Przyborski)9781118851500 2017 #0742-0 127.50422 150.00 15%

Telomerases: Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Applications (Lue)9780470592045 2012 #1124-0 68.50423 137.00 50%

Topographical and Pathotopographical Medical Atlas of the Head and Neck (Seagal)

9781119459736 2018 #3552-0 175.50424 195.00 10%

Tortora's Principles of Anatomy and Physiology Set 15e Global Edition (Tortora)9781119400066 2017 #0799-0 59.50425 69.99 15%

Toxicology and Risk Assessment: A Comprehensive Introduction 2e (Greim)9781119135913 2018 #3709-0 144.00426 160.00 10%

Translational Gastroenterology: Organogenesis to Disease (Gumucio)9781118492871 2014 #0800-0 100.70427 154.95 35%

Translational Medicine: Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (Meyers)9783527336593 2018 #0801-0 486.00428 540.00 10%

Translational Toxicology and Therapeutics: Windows of Developmental Susceptibility in Reproduction and Cancer (Waters)

9781119023609 2018 #3729-0 202.50429 225.00 10%

Understanding Diabetes: A Biochemical Perspective (Dods)9781118350096 2013 #1133-0 64.20430 106.95 40%

Vertebrate Palaeontology 4e (Benton)9781118406847 2014 #0497-0 39.00431 60.00 35%

Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution (Wood)9781118650998 2013 #5670-0 69.00432 115.00 40%

Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, 2V Set (Wood)9781405155106 2011 #5671-0 238.00433 595.00 60%

Wnt Signaling in Development and Disease: Molecular Mechanisms and Biological Functions (Hoppler)

9781118444160 2014 #0802-0 114.40434 175.95 35%


Flexible and Stretchable Medical Devices (Takei)9783527341832 2018 #1462-0 193.50435 215.00 10%

Fundamentals of Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry: Solutions to the Exercises (Andreo)

9783527343522 2017 #3508-0 29.70436 34.95 15%

Fundamentals of Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry: Textbook and Solutions (Andreo)9783527343539 2017 #3509-0 195.50437 230.00 15%

Handbook of Biophotonics, 3V Set (Popp)9783527407286 2012 #3510-0 512.50438 1,025.00 50%

Physics of Living Processes: A Mesoscopic Approach (Waigh)9781118449943 2014 #3511-0 48.80439 75.00 35%


Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics (Lill)9781119053101 2017 #0862-0 165.80440 195.00 15%

Applied Bioengineering: Innovations and Future Directions (Yoshida)9783527340750 2017 #3482-0 208.30441 245.00 15%

Biofuels and Bioenergy (Love)9781118350560 2017 #3483-0 76.50442 90.00 15%

Biomedical Engineering Challenges: A Chemical Engineering Insight (Piemonte)9781119296041 2018 #1301-0 126.00443 140.00 10%

Biophysical Methods for Biotherapeutics: Discovery and Development Applications (Das)

9780470938430 2014 #3607-0 83.80444 129.00 35%

Bioprocessing of Renewable Resources to Commodity Bioproducts (Bisaria)9781118175835 2014 #1302-0 94.20445 144.95 35%

Biosimilars of Monoclonal Antibodies: A Practical Guide to Manufacturing, Preclinical, and Clinical Development (Liu)

9781118662311 2017 #3608-0 165.80446 195.00 15%

Blue Biotechnology: Production and Use of Marine Molecules (La Barre)9783527341382 2018 #3484-0 400.50447 445.00 10%

Charged Aerosol Detection for Liquid Chromatography and Related Separation Techniques (Gamache)

9780470937785 2017 #0872-0 114.80448 135.00 15%

Collaborative Innovation in Drug Discovery: Strategies for Public and Private Partnerships (Chaguturu)

9780470917374 2014 #3615-0 91.00449 140.00 35%

Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants, 10V Set (Kole)9781405169240 2008 #0577-0 588.00450 1,470.00 60%

Comprehensive Quality by Design for Pharmaceutical Product Development and Manufacture (Reklaitis)

9780470942376 2017 #1316-0 148.80451 175.00 15%

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Computational Approaches in Biomedical Nano-Engineering (Sohail)9783527344710 2018 #3485-0 171.00452 190.00 10%

Continuous Biomanufacturing: Innovative Technologies and Methods (Subramanian)

9783527340637 2017 #3486-0 208.30453 245.00 15%

Continuous Processing in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (Subramanian)9783527335954 2014 #3487-0 159.30454 245.00 35%

Crystallization: Basic Concepts and Industrial Applications (Beckmann)9783527327621 2013 #1321-0 117.00455 195.00 40%

Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications 7e (Freshney)

9781118873656 2016 #0754-0 80.00456 99.95 20%

Emerging Areas in Bioengineering, 2V Set (Chang)9783527340880 2018 #3488-0 423.00457 470.00 10%

Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology: Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology, 7V Set (Flickinger)

9780471799306 2010 #3489-0 1,402.00458 3,505.00 60%

Encyclopedia of Marine Natural Products, 3V Set (Kornprobst)9783527327034 2010 #3490-0 340.00459 850.00 60%

Engineering Principles in Biotechnology (Hu)9781119159025 2017 #1333-0 97.80460 115.00 15%

Enzyme Technologies: Pluripotent Players in Discovering Therapeutic Agent (Yang)

9780470286265 2014 #3491-0 104.00461 159.95 35%

Food Borne Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistance (Singh)9781119139157 2017 #3742-0 170.00462 199.95 15%

Fuels, Chemicals and Materials from the Oceans and Aquatic Sources (Kerton)9781119117162 2017 #1020-0 114.80463 135.00 15%

Human Reproduction: Updates and New Horizons (Schatten)9781118849583 2017 #0775-0 170.00464 200.00 15%

Hydrolases in Organic Synthesis: Regio- and Stereoselective Biotransformations,2e (Bornscheuer)

9783527310296 2005 #3492-0 90.00465 225.00 60%

Iminosugars: From Synthesis to Therapeutic Applications (Compain)9780470033913 2007 #3493-0 74.00466 185.00 60%

Industrial Biotechnology: Microorganisms 2V Set (Wittmann)9783527341795 2017 #3494-0 378.30467 445.00 15%

Industrial Scale Suspension Culture of Living Cells (Meyer)9783527335473 2014 #3495-0 139.80468 215.00 35%

Integration of Omics Approaches and Systems Biology for Clinical Applications (Vlahou)

9781119181149 2018 #0908-0 157.50469 175.00 10%

Intelligent Surfaces in Biotechnology: Scientific and Engineering Concepts, Enabling Technologies, and Translation to Bio-Oriented Applications (Grandin)

9780470536506 2012 #1489-0 66.50470 133.00 50%

Introduction to Bioreactor Hydrodynamics and Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer (Kadic)9781118104019 2014 #1369-0 66.90471 102.95 35%

Introduction to Chemicals from Biomass 2e (Clark)9781118714485 2015 #1049-0 67.50472 90.00 25%

Magnetic Nanomaterials: Fundamentals, Synthesis and Applications (Hou)9783527341344 2017 #1500-0 216.80473 255.00 15%

Managing Biotechnology: From Science to Market in the Digital Age (Simon)9781119216179 2017 #3496-0 42.50474 49.95 15%

Marine Algae Extracts: Processes, Products, Applications, 2V Set (Kim)9783527337088 2015 #3497-0 363.80475 485.00 25%

Marine Microbiology: Bioactive Compounds and Biotechnological Applications (Kim)

9783527333271 2013 #3498-0 150.00476 250.00 40%

Metallic Biomaterials: New Directions and Technologies (Zheng)9783527341269 2017 #1511-0 161.50477 190.00 15%

Microbes for Climate Resilient Agriculture (Kashyap)9781119275923 2018 #3747-0 180.00478 199.95 10%

Microbial Sensing in Fermentation (Brar)9781119247968 2018 #3748-0 166.50479 185.00 10%

Outstanding Marine Molecules (La Barre)9783527334650 2014 #3499-0 139.80480 215.00 35%

Polymer and Biopolymer Brushes: for Materials Science and Biotechnology 2V Set (Azzaroni)

9781119455011 2018 #1603-0 355.50481 395.00 10%

Polyurethane Immobilization of Cells and Biomolecules: Medical and Environmental Applications (Thomson)

9781119254690 2018 #3500-0 135.00482 150.00 10%

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کشاورزي، محیط زیست و علوم زیستی



Postharvest Biology and Nanotechnology (Paliyath)9781119289449 2019 #3501-0 180.00483 199.95 10%

Preparative Chromatography for Separation of Proteins (Staby)9781119031109 2017 #3693-0 165.80484 195.00 15%

Preservation of Cells: A Practical Manual (Hubel)9781118989845 2018 #0787-0 90.00485 100.00 10%

Probiotic Dairy Products,2e (Tamime)9781119214106 2018 #4077-0 157.50486 175.00 10%

Problem Solving in Enzyme Biocatalysis (Illanes)9781118341711 2013 #1402-0 54.00487 90.00 40%

Process Scale Purification of Antibodies 2e (Gottschalk)9781119126911 2017 #3698-0 191.30488 225.00 15%

Protein Therapeutics, 2V Set (Vaughan)9783527340866 2017 #3699-0 323.00489 380.00 15%

Signal-Switchable Electrochemical Systems: Materials, Methods, and Applications (Katz)

9783527345458 2018 #1112-0 171.00490 190.00 10%

Surface Plasmon Enhanced, Coupled and Controlled Fluorescence (Geddes)9781118027936 2017 #0954-0 165.80491 195.00 15%

Synthetic Biology: Industrial and Environmental Applications (Schmidt)9783527331833 2012 #3502-0 55.00492 110.00 50%

Synthetic Biology: Parts, Devices and Applications (Smolke)9783527330751 2018 #3503-0 184.50493 205.00 10%

Synthetic Methods for Biologically Active Molecules: Exploring the Potential of Bioreductions (Brenna)

9783527333875 2013 #1291-0 129.00494 215.00 40%

Systems Biology (Nielsen)9783527335589 2017 #3504-0 174.30495 205.00 15%

Targeted Biomarker Quantitation by LC-MS (Weng)9781119103066 2017 #0957-0 165.80496 195.00 15%

Technology Platforms for 3D Cell Culture: A Users Guide (Przyborski)9781118851500 2017 #0742-0 127.50497 150.00 15%

Therapeutic Fc-Fusion Proteins (Chamow)9783527333172 2014 #3505-0 113.80498 175.00 35%

Upstream Industrial Biotechnology, 2V Set (Flickinger)9781118131237 2013 #3506-0 324.00499 540.00 40%

Wound Healing: Stem Cells Repair and Restorations, Basic and Clinical Aspects (Turksen)

9781119282488 2018 #3507-0 162.00500 179.95 10%

Cell & Molecular Biology

Acetylsalicylic Acid (Schrr)9783527321094 2008 #3446-0 38.00501 95.00 60%

Analysis of Cardiac Development: From Embryo to Old Age (Beyar)9781573317474 2010 #3447-0 48.00502 120.00 60%

Antigen Presenting Cells: From Mechanisms to Drug Development (Kropshofer)9783527311088 2005 #3448-0 134.80503 337.00 60%

Autophagy in Immunity and Infection: A Novel Immune Effector (Deretic)9783527314508 2006 #3449-0 92.80504 232.00 60%

Cancer Risk Evaluation: Methods and Trends (Obe)9783527327539 2011 #3450-0 54.00505 135.00 60%

Cell Biology ,ISV,6e (Karp)9780470505762 2010 #3451-0 21.00506 84.99 75%

Clearance of Dying Cells in a Healthy and Diseased Immune System (Mevorach)

9781573317979 2011 #3452-0 48.00507 120.00 60%

Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications 6e (Freshney)

9780470528129 2010 #3453-0 42.80508 106.95 60%

Hematopoietic Stem Cells VII (Kanz)9781573317610 2009 #3454-0 50.00509 125.00 60%

Melanins and Melanosomes: Biosynthesis, Biogenesis, Physiological, and Pathological Functions (Riley)

9783527328925 2011 #3455-0 76.00510 190.00 60%

Mitochondria,2e (Scheffler)9780470040737 2007 #3456-0 86.80511 216.95 60%

Molecular and Integrative Physiology of the Musculoskeletal System (Mechanick)

9781573318310 2011 #3457-0 48.00512 120.00 60%

Skeletal Biology and Medicine, Part B (Zaidi)9781573317283 2008 #3458-0 60.00513 150.00 60%

Validation of Cell-Based Assays in the GLP Setting (Prabhakar)9780470028766 2008 #3459-0 64.00514 160.00 60%

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

کشاورزي، محیط زیست و علوم زیستی



100 Best Gluten-Free Recipes (Fenster)9780470475836 2010 #3836-0 6.80515 16.95 60%

7-Day Menu Planner For Dummies (Nicholson)9780470878576 2010 #3837-0 8.00516 19.99 60%

Art of Charcuterie (CIA)9780470197417 2010 #3838-0 120.10517 300.30 60%

Baker's Manual: 150 Master Formulas for Baking,5e (Amendola)9780471405252 2002 #3839-0 48.80518 122.10 60%

Baking Boot Camp:Five Days of Basic Training at The Culinary Institute of America (CIA)

9780764572791 2007 #3840-0 12.00519 29.95 60%

Baking Unplugged (Rees)9780470149119 2009 #3841-0 12.00520 29.95 60%

BBQ Sauces, Rubs and Marinades For Dummies (Cumbay)9780470199145 2008 #3842-0 6.00521 14.99 60%

Betty Crocker 30-Minute Meals for Diabetes (Crocker)9780470191170 2008 #3843-0 8.00522 19.95 60%

Betty Crocker Celebrate!:A Year-Round Guide to Holiday Food and Fun (Crocker)

9780764568480 2004 #3844-0 10.00523 24.95 60%

Betty Crocker Chicken Tonight:100 Recipes for the Way You Really Cook (Crocker)

9780470173510 2007 #3845-0 6.00524 14.95 60%

Betty Crocker Christmas Cookbook,2e (Betty Crocker)9780470874035 2010 #3846-0 8.00525 19.95 60%

Betty Crocker Cooking Calendar, Facsimile Edition (Crocker)9780470419632 2008 #3847-0 6.80526 16.95 60%

Betty Crocker Decorating Cakes and Cupcakes (Crocker)9780471753070 2006 #3848-0 8.00527 19.95 60%

Betty Crocker Dinner Made Easy with Rotisserie Chicken:Build a Meal Tonight! (Crocker)

9780764570889 2004 #3849-0 8.00528 19.95 60%

Betty Crocker Easy Slow Cooker Dinners:Delicious Dinners the Whole Family Will Love (Crocker)

9780764565311 2001 #3850-0 5.20529 12.95 60%

Betty Crocker Outdoor Cook Book (Crocker)9780470419649 2009 #3851-0 6.80530 16.95 60%

Betty Crocker Outdoor Food:100 Recipes for the Way You Really Cook (Crocker)

9780470278796 2008 #3852-0 6.00531 14.95 60%

Betty Crocker Party Cookbook, Facsimile Edition (Crocker)9780470386255 2009 #3853-0 6.80532 16.95 60%

Betty Crocker Vegetarian Cooking (Betty Crocker)9781118146088 2012 #3854-0 10.00533 19.99 50%

Bread (Hamelman)9780471168577 2004 #3855-0 58.80534 146.99 60%

Cake Decorating For Dummies (LoCicero)9780470099117 2007 #3856-0 8.00535 19.99 60%

Candy Making For Dummies (Jones)9780764597343 2005 #3857-0 8.00536 19.99 60%

Chocolate Chocolate (Yockelson)9780471428077 2005 #3858-0 18.00537 45.00 60%

Chocolates and Confections: Formula, Theory, and Technique for the Artisan Confectioner (Greweling)

9780764588440 2007 #3859-0 101.20538 253.00 60%

Comfort Food Fix: Feel-Good Favorites Made Healthy (Krieger)9780470603093 2011 #3860-0 12.00539 29.99 60%

Cookies For Dummies (Bloom)9780764553905 2001 #3861-0 8.00540 19.99 60%

Cooking With Chia For Dummies (Rogers)9781118867068 2014 #3862-0 13.00541 19.99 35%

Cooking with Quinoa For Dummies (Forberg)9781118447802 2013 #3863-0 11.40542 18.99 40%

Desserts For Dummies (Yosses)9780764550478 1997 #3864-0 8.00543 19.99 60%

Diabetes-Friendly Kitchen: 125 Recipes for Creating Healthy Meals (C.I.A)9780470587782 2012 #3865-0 15.00544 29.99 50%

Diabetic Gourmet Cookbook (Diabetic Gourme)9780471393269 2004 #3866-0 6.80545 16.95 60%

Diabetic Living Quick and Easy Meals (Diabetic Living)9780470872802 2010 #3867-0 8.00546 19.95 60%

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Falling Off the Bone (Anderson)9780470467138 2010 #3868-0 12.00547 29.95 60%

Fast Food Diet: Lose Weight and Feel Great Even If You're Too Busy to Eat Right (Sinatra)

9780471790471 2006 #3869-0 6.00548 14.95 60%

Frozen Desserts (CIA)9780470118665 2008 #3870-0 108.70549 271.70 60%

Garden Fresh Meals (Better Homes)9780470937501 2011 #3871-0 8.00550 19.95 60%

Gastrokid Cookbook: Feeding a Foodie Family in a Fast-Food World (Garvey)9780470286456 2009 #3872-0 9.20551 22.95 60%

Gifts from the Kitchen For Dummies (Swenson)9780764554520 2002 #3873-0 6.80552 16.99 60%

Gloriously Gluten-Free Cookbook: Spicing Up Life with Italian, Asian, and Mexican Recipes (Maltin)

9780470440889 2010 #3874-0 8.00553 19.95 60%

Green Smoothies For Dummies (Thompson)9781118871164 2014 #3875-0 11.70554 17.99 35%

Grilling For Dummies (Rama)9780764550768 1998 #3876-0 8.00555 19.99 60%

Hands-Off Cooking: Low-Supervision, High-Flavor Meals for Busy People (Rolke)

9780471756811 2007 #3877-0 7.20556 17.95 60%

Hot and Cheesy (Wright)9780470615355 2012 #3878-0 11.50557 22.99 50%

Kneadlessly Simple: Fabulous, Fuss-Free, No-Knead Breads (Baggett)9781118169438 2009 #3879-0 8.00558 19.99 60%

Leafy Greens: An A-to-Z Guide to 30 Types of Greens Plus More Than 120 Delicious Recipes (Bittman)

9781118093870 2012 #3880-0 9.50559 18.99 50%

Lowfat Cooking For Dummies (Fischer)9780764550355 1997 #3881-0 8.80560 21.99 60%

Lucinda's Rustic Italian Kitchen (Quinn)9780471793816 2007 #3882-0 7.20561 17.95 60%

Make it Super Simple with G. (Garvin)9780696238291 2008 #3883-0 8.00562 19.95 60%

Melissa's Everyday Cooking with Organic Produce: A Guide to Easy-to-Make Dishes with Fresh Organic Fruits and Vegetables (Thomas)

9780470371053 2010 #3884-0 12.00563 29.95 60%

minutemeals 3 Ways To Dinner:New Ideas for Favorite Main Dish Ingredients (Garron)

9780764566097 2002 #3885-0 5.60564 13.95 60%

Modern Buffets: Blueprint for Success (Leonard)9780470484661 2011 #3886-0 33.60565 83.95 60%

Mr. Sunday's Soups (Wallace)9780470640227 2011 #3887-0 8.00566 19.95 60%

Nutrition,2e Booklet Package (Smolin)9780470626740 2010 #3888-0 132.00567 330.00 60%

Paleo All-In-One For Dummies (Consumer Dummies)9781119022770 2015 #3889-0 20.20568 26.99 25%

Paleo Diet Cookbook: More than 150 recipes for Paleo Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, Snacks, and Beverages (Cordain)

9780470913048 2011 #3890-0 8.00569 19.95 60%

Party Vegan: Fabulous, Fun Food For Every Occasion (Robertson)9780470472231 2010 #3891-0 7.20570 17.95 60%

Pig: King of the Southern Table (Villas)9780470194010 2010 #3892-0 14.00571 34.95 60%

Pillsbury Best of the Bake-Off Cookies (Pillsbury Edtrs)9780470111383 2008 #3893-0 7.20572 17.95 60%

Pillsbury Easy as Pie: 140 Simple Recipes + 1 Readymade Pie Crust = Sweet Success (Pillsbury)

9780470485538 2010 #3894-0 8.00573 19.95 60%

Pillsbury Fast and Healthy Meals for Kids (Pillsbury)9780470647257 2010 #3895-0 8.00574 19.95 60%

Professional Bread Baking (Welker)9781118435878 2016 #3896-0 138.20575 172.70 20%

Professional Cake Decorating,2e (Garrett)9780470380093 2012 #3897-0 150.20576 300.30 50%

Professional Chef (CIA)9780470421352 2011 #3898-0 133.80577 334.40 60%

Recipe of the Week: Ice Cream (Sampson)9780470169452 2008 #3899-0 6.80578 16.95 60%

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Recipe of the Week: Kabobs: 52 Easy Recipes for Year-Round Grilling (Sampson)

9780471921400 2007 #3900-0 6.80579 16.95 60%

Sam the Cooking Guy: Just Grill This! (Zien)9780470467930 2011 #3901-0 8.00580 19.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade 20-minute Meals (Lee)9780696232633 2006 #3902-0 8.00581 19.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade 20-Minute Meals 2 (Lee)9780696238161 2007 #3903-0 8.00582 19.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Cooking (Lee)9780696226854 2005 #3904-0 8.00583 19.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Cooking 3 (Lee)9780696238147 2007 #3905-0 8.00584 19.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Cooking Made Light (Lee)9780696232664 2006 #3906-0 8.00585 19.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Cool Kids' Cooking (Lee)9780696232657 2006 #3907-0 6.80586 16.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Desserts (Lee)9780696226847 2005 #3908-0 8.00587 19.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Fast-Fix Family Favorites (Lee)9780696241826 2008 #3909-0 8.00588 19.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Grilling (Lee)9780696232213 2006 #3910-0 8.00589 19.95 60%

Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Grilling 2 (Lee)9780696238284 2008 #3911-0 8.00590 19.95 60%

Savory Sweets: From Ingredients to Plated Desserts (Felder)9780471740582 2007 #3912-0 55.20591 138.00 60%

Seafood Handbook: The Comprehensive Guide to Sourcing, Buying and Preparation,2e (Seafood Busines)

9780470404164 2009 #3913-0 96.80592 242.00 60%

Seafood Meals (Smith)9780471347019 1998 #3914-0 6.40593 15.95 60%

Semi-Homemade Comfort Food (Lee)9780470645949 2010 #3915-0 8.00594 19.95 60%

Semi-Homemade Slow Cooker 2 (Lee)9780696238154 2007 #3916-0 8.00595 19.95 60%

Simpler the Better:Sensational One-Dish Meals (Revsin)9780471482338 2005 #3917-0 7.20596 17.95 60%

Simply Done, Well Done (McCargo)9780470615331 2011 #3918-0 8.00597 19.95 60%

So Easy (Krieger)9780470423547 2009 #3919-0 12.00598 29.95 60%

Student's Vegetarian Cookbook For Dummies (Sarros)9780470942918 2011 #3920-0 6.80599 16.99 60%

Study Guide to Accompany Baking and Pastry: Mastering the Art and Craft,2e (CIA)

9780470258682 2009 #3921-0 15.60600 39.00 60%

Supermarket Shortcuts:Shop Smart! 365 Recipes to Save Time and Money (Better Homes)

9780470500682 2009 #3922-0 8.00601 19.95 60%

Tea Basics (Rasmussen)9780471185185 1999 #3923-0 8.40602 20.95 60%

Wedding Cake Art and Design: A Professional Approach (Garrett)9780470381335 2010 #3924-0 85.80603 214.50 60%

Wedding Cake Book (Wilson)9780028612348 1997 #3925-0 16.00604 39.95 60%

Whole Grain Breads by Machine or Hand (Ojakangas)9780764538254 1998 #3926-0 8.00605 19.95 60%

Wings:More Than 50 High-Flying Recipes for America's Favorite Snack (Moose)9780470283479 2009 #3927-0 6.80606 16.95 60%

You Can Can!: A Visual Step-by-Step Guide to Canning, Preserving, and Pickling, with 100 Recipes (Better Homes)

9780470607565 2010 #3928-0 7.20607 17.95 60%

Ecology & Evolution

Alternative Ecological Risk Assessment: An Innovative Approach to Understanding Ecological Assessments for Contaminated Sites (Tannenbaum)

9780470673041 2013 #0677-0 42.00608 70.00 40%

Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World (Rogers)9781405198400 2012 #0678-0 75.00609 150.00 50%

Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment (Keen)9780470905425 2012 #0679-0 77.50610 154.95 50%

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

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Ecology & Evolution

Applied Landscape Ecology (Rego)9781119368205 2019 #0680-0 72.00611 80.00 10%

Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants 3e (Lucas)9781119230861 2019 #0636-0 99.00612 110.00 10%

Atlantic Cod: A Bio-Ecology (Rose)9781405119108 2019 #0638-0 180.00613 199.99 10%

Banggai Cardinalfish: Natural History, Conservation, and Culture of Pterapogon kauderni (Vagelli)

9780470654996 2011 #0681-0 68.00614 170.00 60%

Bats and Human Health: Ebola, SARS, Rabies and Beyond (Beltz)9781119150039 2017 #3734-0 153.00615 179.95 15%

Biodiversity and Insect Pests: Key Issues for Sustainable Management (Gurr)9780470656860 2012 #0503-0 60.00616 120.00 50%

Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Exploring the Evidence for a Link (Roe)

9780470674789 2012 #0682-0 37.50617 75.00 50%

Biofouling (Drr)9781405169264 2009 #0683-0 84.00618 210.00 60%

Biological Oceanography,2e (Miller)9781444333022 2012 #0684-0 35.00619 70.00 50%

Braconid and Ichneumonid Parasitoid Wasps: Biology, Systematics, Evolution and Ecology (Quicke)

9781118907054 2015 #0507-0 138.80620 185.00 25%

Brown Trout: Biology, Ecology and Management (Lobon-Cervia)9781119268314 2017 #0642-0 204.00621 240.00 15%

Bushmeat and Livelihoods: Wildlife Management and Poverty Reduction (Davies)

9781405167796 2007 #0685-0 42.00622 105.00 60%

Central European Stream Ecosystems: The Long Term Study of the Breitenbach (Wagner)

9783527329526 2011 #0686-0 102.00623 255.00 60%

Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis (Phillips)

9781119154044 2017 #0643-0 280.50624 330.00 15%

Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems (Kernan)9781405179133 2010 #0687-0 32.00625 80.00 60%

Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters: Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems and Societies (Goldman)

9781119968665 2012 #0330-0 60.00626 120.00 50%

Coming Authoritarian Ecology (Flipo)9781786302427 2018 #0688-0 139.50627 155.00 10%

Complex Biological Systems: Adaptation and Tolerance to Extreme Environments (Fomina)

9781119510406 2018 #0689-0 220.50628 245.00 10%

Condition and Health Indicators of Exploited Marine Fishes (Lloret)9780470670248 2014 #0644-0 117.00629 180.00 35%

Conservation Biogeography (Ladle)9781444335040 2011 #0690-0 26.00630 65.00 60%

Conservation Biology: Voices from the Tropics (Sodhi)9780470658635 2013 #0691-0 48.00631 80.00 40%

Conservation of Tropical Birds (Sodhi)9781444334821 2011 #0692-0 46.00632 115.00 60%

Conservation of Wildlife Populations: Demography, Genetics, and Management,2e (Mills)

9780470671498 2012 #0693-0 32.50633 65.00 50%

Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology,2e (Wildi)9781118384039 2013 #0514-0 36.00634 60.00 40%

Decision Making in Natural Resource Management (Conroy)9780470671740 2013 #0694-0 42.00635 70.00 40%

Desertification, Land Degradation and Sustainability (Imeson)9780470714492 2011 #0695-0 28.00636 70.00 60%

Dictionary of Zoo Biology and Animal Management (Rees)9780470671474 2013 #4991-0 39.00637 65.00 40%

Dynamics of Large Herbivore Populations in Changing Environments (Owen-Smith)

9781405198950 2010 #0696-0 28.00638 70.00 60%

Ecohydraulics: An Integrated Approach (Maddock)9780470976005 2013 #0435-0 72.00639 120.00 40%

Ecology of Freshwaters: Earth's Bloodstream, 5e (Moss)9781119239406 2018 #0697-0 72.00640 80.00 10%

Ecology of Invertebrate Diseases (Hajek)9781119256076 2017 #0519-0 110.50641 130.00 15%

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Ecology & Evolution

Ecology of Lianas (Schnitzer)9781118392492 2014 #0698-0 87.80642 135.00 35%

Ecosystem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes (Wratten)9781405170086 2013 #0699-0 51.00643 85.00 40%

Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with Maple (TM) (Shahin)9781118032114 2014 #0763-0 77.30644 119.00 35%

Explorations of Mathematical Models in Biology with MATLAB (Shahin)9781118032121 2014 #0764-0 80.00645 123.00 35%

Forest Structure, Function and Dynamics in Western Amazonia (Myster)9781119090663 2017 #0700-0 127.50646 150.00 15%

Fungi: Biology and Applications,3e (Kavanagh)9781119374329 2017 #3743-0 110.50647 129.95 15%

Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Sexual Selection (Hunt)9780470671795 2014 #0767-0 74.80648 115.00 35%

Geodiversity: Valuing and Conserving Abiotic Nature,2e (Gray)9780470742150 2013 #0701-0 36.00649 60.00 40%

Global Climate Change and Terrestrial Invertebrates (Johnson)9781119070900 2017 #0524-0 97.80650 115.00 15%

Handbook of Metabolic Pathways of Xenobiotics, 5V Set (Lee)9780470749104 2014 #3645-0 851.50651 1,310.00 35%

Imaging Marine Life: Macrophotography and Microscopy Approaches for Marine Biology (Reynaud)

9783527327447 2013 #0901-0 72.00652 120.00 40%

Insect Outbreaks Revisited (Barbosa)9781444337594 2012 #0539-0 52.50653 105.00 50%

Integrative Organismal Biology (Martin)9781118398784 2015 #0702-0 100.50654 133.95 25%

Introduction to Zoo Biology and Management (Rees)9781405193504 2011 #0703-0 26.00655 65.00 60%

Invasion Ecology (Lockwood)9781405114189 2006 #0704-0 36.00656 89.95 60%

Invasion Ecology,2e (Lockwood)9781444333657 2013 #0705-0 39.00657 65.00 40%

Laws Protecting Animals and Ecosystems (Rees)9781118876459 2017 #0706-0 110.50658 130.00 15%

Management of Marine Protected Areas: A Network Perspective (Goriup)9781119075776 2017 #0707-0 102.00659 120.00 15%

Marine Ecological Field Methods: A Guide for Marine Biologists and Fisheries Scientists (Gro Salvanes)

9781119184300 2018 #0663-0 81.00660 90.00 10%

Measurements for Terrestrial Vegetation,2e (Bonham)9780470972588 2013 #0542-0 42.00661 70.00 40%

Mediterranean Mountain Environments (Vogiatzakis)9780470686256 2012 #0708-0 30.00662 60.00 50%

Metabolic Ecology: A Scaling Approach (Sibly)9780470671528 2012 #0709-0 42.50663 85.00 50%

Microbial Ecology of the Oceans,3e (Gasol)9781119107187 2018 #0376-0 117.00664 129.95 10%

Mimicry, Crypsis, Masquerade and other Adaptive Resemblances (Quicke)9781118931530 2017 #0710-0 85.00665 100.00 15%

Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity (Hoorn)9781119159872 2018 #0711-0 85.50666 95.00 10%

NMR Spectroscopy: A Versatile Tool for Environmental Research (Simpson)9781118616475 2014 #0935-0 91.00667 140.00 35%

Novel Ecosystems: Intervening in the New Ecological World Order (Hobbs)9781118354223 2013 #0712-0 42.00668 70.00 40%

Outstanding Marine Molecules (La Barre)9783527334650 2014 #3499-0 139.80669 215.00 35%

Peace Ethology: Behavioral Processes and Systems of Peace (Verbeek)9781118922514 2018 #0713-0 90.00670 100.00 10%

Photosynthesis in the Marine Environment (Beer)9781119979579 2014 #0714-0 35.80671 55.00 35%

Practice of Silviculture (Ashton)9781119270959 2018 #0715-0 117.00672 130.00 10%

Protection and Conservation of Water Resources (Cook)9781119970040 2017 #0246-0 85.00673 100.00 15%

Reintroduction Biology: Integrating Science and Management (Ewen)9781405186742 2012 #0716-0 35.00674 70.00 50%

Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation: Butterflies in the British Landscape (Dennis)

9781405199452 2010 #0717-0 40.00675 100.00 60%

Restoration Ecology: The New Frontier,2e (van Andel)9781444336368 2012 #0718-0 35.00676 70.00 50%

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

کشاورزي، محیط زیست و علوم زیستی


Ecology & Evolution

Sea Ice, 2e (Thomas)9781405185806 2009 #0719-0 72.00677 180.00 60%

Seascape Ecology (Pittman)9781119084433 2017 #0720-0 93.50678 110.00 15%

Shaping Ecology: The Life of Arthur Tansley (Ayres)9780470671542 2012 #0721-0 15.00679 29.95 50%

Structured Decision Making: A Practical Guide to Environmental Management Choices (Gregory)

9781444333428 2012 #0722-0 32.50680 65.00 50%

Tropical Forest Conservation and Industry Partnership: An Experience from the Congo Basin (Clark)

9780470673737 2012 #0723-0 62.50681 125.00 50%

Tropical Island Recovery (Samways)9781444333091 2010 #0724-0 54.00682 135.00 60%

Tropical Rain Forests: An Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison (Primack)

9780632045136 2004 #0725-0 46.00683 114.95 60%

Tropical Rain Forests: An Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison,2e (Corlett)

9781444332551 2011 #0726-0 26.00684 65.00 60%

Urban Biodiversity and Design (Muller)9781444332674 2010 #0727-0 38.00685 95.00 60%

Wild Rangelands: Conserving Wildlife While Maintaining Livestock in Semi-Arid Ecosystems (du Toit)

9781405194884 2009 #0729-0 62.00686 155.00 60%

Wild Rangelands: Conserving Wildlife While Maintaining Livestock in Semi-Arid Ecosystems (du Toit)

9781405177856 2010 #0728-0 34.00687 85.00 60%

Wildland Recreation: Ecology and Management,3e (Hammitt)9781118397008 2015 #0730-0 48.80688 65.00 25%

Wildlife Search and Rescue: A Guide for First Responders (Dmytryk)9780470655115 2012 #0731-0 30.00689 60.00 50%

Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology 2008 (Ostfeld)9781573317252 2008 #0732-0 52.00690 130.00 60%

Environmental Sciences

3D Modeling of Nonlinear Wave Phenomena on Shallow Water Surfaces (Abbasov)

9781119487968 2018 #0153-0 175.50691 195.00 10%

Advances in Ceramics for Environmental, Functional , Structural, and Energy Applications (Mahmoud)

9781119543251 2018 #1568-0 225.00692 250.00 10%

Advances in High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites and Materials for Sustainable Development (Singh)

9781119406433 2017 #1569-0 212.50693 250.00 15%

Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Energy Technologies VI (Ohji)

9781119423768 2017 #1570-0 191.30694 225.00 15%

Aeolian Geomorphology: A new introduction (Livingstone)9781118945667 2019 #0426-0 67.50695 75.00 10%

Aeration Control System Design: A Practical Guide to Energy and Process Optimization (Jenkins)

9781118389980 2014 #0318-0 74.10696 114.00 35%

Age of Ecology (Radkau)9780745662169 2014 #0319-0 16.20697 24.95 35%

Alternative Ecological Risk Assessment: An Innovative Approach to Understanding Ecological Assessments for Contaminated Sites (Tannenbaum)

9780470673041 2013 #0677-0 42.00698 70.00 40%

Analytical Modeling of Solute Transport in Groundwater: Using Models to Understand the Effect of Natural Processes on Contaminant Fate and Transport (Goltz)

9780470242346 2017 #0320-0 85.00699 99.95 15%

Animal Advocacy and Environmentalism: Understanding and Bridging the Divide (Fitzgerald)

9780745679341 2018 #5676-0 20.70700 22.95 10%

Anticholinesterase Pesticides: Metabolism, Neurotoxicity, and Epidemiology (Satoh)

9780470410301 2011 #3713-0 72.80701 182.00 60%

Antimicrobial Resistance in Wastewater Treatment Processes (Keen)9781119192435 2017 #3730-0 148.70702 174.95 15%

Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants 3e (Lucas)9781119230861 2019 #0636-0 99.00703 110.00 10%

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Environmental Sciences

Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology (Nicosia)9781118941058 2017 #0427-0 114.80704 135.00 15%

Atmospheric Aerosols: Life Cycles and Effects on Air Quality and Climate (Tomasi)

9783527336456 2017 #0321-0 344.30705 405.00 15%

Atmospheric Radiation (Coakley Jr.)9783527410989 2014 #0322-0 55.30706 85.00 35%

Biodsulfurization in Petroleum Refining (El-Gendy)9781119223580 2018 #1299-0 265.50707 295.00 10%

Bioinformation (Parry)9781509505463 2017 #5958-0 17.00708 19.95 15%

Biological Oceanography,2e (Miller)9781444333022 2012 #0684-0 35.00709 70.00 50%

Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS): Unlocking Negative Emissions (Gough)

9781119237723 2018 #1921-0 99.00710 110.00 10%

Biomass Recalcitrance: Deconstructing the Plant Cell Wall for Bioenergy (Himmel)

9781405163606 2008 #0323-0 74.00711 185.00 60%

Biophysical Chemistry of Fractal Structures and Processes in Environmental Systems (Senesi)

9780470014745 2008 #0324-0 114.00712 285.00 60%

Can Democracy Handle Climate Change? (Fiorino)9781509523962 2018 #5961-0 11.70713 12.95 10%

Carbon (Ervine)9781509501120 2018 #0509-0 18.00714 19.95 10%

Carbonate Systems During the Olicocene-Miocene Climatic Transition (Mutti)9781444337914 2010 #0325-0 50.00715 125.00 60%

Changing Cold Environments: A Canadian Perspective (French)9780470699690 2011 #0326-0 24.00716 60.00 60%

Chemical Marine Monitoring: Policy Framework and Analytical Trends (Quevauviller)

9780470747650 2011 #0327-0 64.00717 160.00 60%

Chemostratigraphy Across Major Chronological Boundaries (Sial)9781119382485 2019 #0328-0 180.00718 199.95 10%

Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis (Phillips)

9781119154044 2017 #0643-0 280.50719 330.00 15%

Climate Forcing of Geological Hazards (McGuire)9780470658659 2013 #0329-0 78.00720 130.00 40%

Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters: Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems and Societies (Goldman)

9781119968665 2012 #0330-0 60.00721 120.00 50%

Cocoa (Leissle)9781509513178 2017 #5972-0 17.00722 19.95 15%

Coherent Flow Structures at Earth's Surface (Venditti)9781119962779 2013 #0430-0 81.00723 135.00 40%

Complex Biological Systems: Adaptation and Tolerance to Extreme Environments (Fomina)

9781119510406 2018 #0689-0 220.50724 245.00 10%

Constructed Wetlands for Industrial Wastewater Treatment (Stefanakis)9781119268345 2018 #0331-0 144.00725 160.00 10%

Cryosphere and Global Environmental Change (Slaymaker)9781405129763 2006 #0332-0 34.00726 85.00 60%

Cultural History of Climate (Behringer)9780745645292 2009 #0333-0 10.00727 24.95 60%

Dendroclimatic Studies: Tree Growth and Climate Change in Northern Forests (D'Arrigo)

9781118848722 2014 #0432-0 40.30728 61.95 35%

Development of Marine Resources (Monaco)9781848217058 2014 #0334-0 97.50729 150.00 35%

Disasters: A Sociological Approach (Tierney)9780745671024 2019 #5693-0 24.30730 26.95 10%

Down to Earth, Politics in the New Climatic Regime (Latour)9781509530571 2018 #5981-0 13.50731 14.95 10%

Drilling Engineering Problems and Solutions: A Field Guide for Engineers and Students (Hossain)

9781118998342 2018 #1327-0 202.50732 225.00 10%

Drought: Science and Policy (Iglesias)9781119017202 2018 #0335-0 121.50733 135.00 10%

Earth Observation for Land and Emergency Monitoring (Balzter)9781118793794 2017 #0293-0 85.00734 100.00 15%

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Environmental Sciences

Earth Resources and Environmental Impacts, 1st Edition (O'Hara)9780470564912 2014 #0336-0 118.00735 181.50 35%

Ecological Economics Reviews (Limburg)9781573317665 2010 #0337-0 48.00736 120.00 60%

Ecology of Freshwaters: Earth's Bloodstream, 5e (Moss)9781119239406 2018 #0697-0 72.00737 80.00 10%

Ecosystem Sustainability and Adaptation (Monaco)9781848217034 2014 #0338-0 97.50738 150.00 35%

Emergency Response Management of Offshore Oil Spills: Guidelines for Emergency Responders (Cheremisinoff)

9780470927120 2010 #0339-0 81.60739 204.00 60%

Emerging Pollutants: Origin, Structure, and Properties (Calvo-Flores)9783527338764 2017 #0340-0 195.50740 230.00 15%

Encyclopedia of Environmetrics,2e, 6V Set (El-Shaarawi)9780470973882 2012 #1728-0 920.00741 1,840.00 50%

Energy Balance Climate Models (North)9783527411320 2017 #0341-0 182.80742 215.00 15%

Energy Efficient Buildings with Solar and Geothermal Resources (Eicker)9781118352243 2014 #0342-0 68.30743 105.00 35%

Entropy Theory and its Application in Environmental and Water Engineering (Singh)

9781119976561 2013 #0343-0 84.00744 140.00 40%

Environment, ISV,8e (Raven)9781118092378 2012 #0344-0 21.00745 56.99 63%

Environmental Assessment on Energy and Sustainability by Data Envelopment Analysis (Sueyoshi)

9781118979341 2018 #1948-0 85.50746 95.00 10%

Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Mercury (Liu)9780470578728 2012 #0345-0 78.00747 156.00 50%

Environmental Chemistry: An Analytical Approach (Overway)9781118756973 2017 #0346-0 68.00748 79.95 15%

Environmental Scanning and Sustainable Development (Lesca)9781848212848 2011 #0347-0 55.60749 139.00 60%

Environmental Science For Dummies (Spooner)9781118167144 2012 #0348-0 10.00750 19.99 50%

Environmental Science, ISV,8e (Botkin)9780470646090 2011 #0349-0 21.00751 56.99 63%

Environmental Stressors in Biology and Medicine (Valacchi)9781573318709 2012 #0350-0 77.50752 155.00 50%

Estuaries: Monitoring and Modeling the Physical System (Hardisty)9781405146425 2007 #0351-0 34.00753 85.00 60%

Evolution of Earth's Climate (Robertson)9781119407065 2018 #0352-0 202.50754 225.00 10%

Evolution of Meteorology: A Look into the Past, Present, and Future of Weather Forecasting (Teague)

9781119136149 2017 #0296-0 89.30755 105.00 15%

Exploration and Monitoring of the Continental Shelf Underwater Environment (Abbasov)

9781119488033 2018 #0353-0 202.50756 225.00 10%

Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime (Latour)9780745684345 2017 #5834-0 22.90757 26.95 15%

Field Hydrogeology 4e (Brassington)9781118397367 2017 #0354-0 46.80758 55.00 15%

Flood Damage Survey and Assessment: New Insights from Research and Practice (Molinari)

9781119217923 2017 #0443-0 127.50759 149.95 15%

Fluid Dynamics of the Mid-Latitude Atmosphere (Hoskins)9780470795194 2014 #0355-0 35.80760 55.00 35%

Fluid Dynamics of the Mid-Latitude Atmosphere (Hoskins)9780470833698 2014 #0356-0 84.50761 130.00 35%

Fluvial meanders and their sedimentary products in the rock record (Ghinassi)9781119424468 2019 #0357-0 90.00762 100.00 10%

Food Security and Climate Change (Yadav)9781119180647 2019 #4045-0 193.50763 215.00 10%

Forecast Verification: A Practitioner's Guide in Atmospheric Science,2e (Jolliffe)9780470660713 2011 #0358-0 40.00764 100.00 60%

Forest Insect Population Dynamics, Outbreaks, And Global Warming Effects (Isaev)

9781119406464 2017 #0522-0 191.30765 225.00 15%

Framing Community Disaster Resilience: Resources, Capacities, Learning and Action (Deeming)

9781119165965 2019 #0359-0 85.50766 95.00 10%

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کشاورزي، محیط زیست و علوم زیستی


Environmental Sciences

Fuels, Chemicals and Materials from the Oceans and Aquatic Sources (Kerton)9781119117162 2017 #1020-0 114.80767 135.00 15%

Galapagos: A Natural Laboratory for Earth Sciences (Harpp)9781118852415 2014 #0446-0 100.70768 154.95 35%

Geochronology and Thermochronology (Reiners)9781118455784 2018 #0448-0 90.00769 100.00 10%

Geodiversity: Valuing and Conserving Abiotic Nature,2e (Gray)9780470742150 2013 #0701-0 36.00770 60.00 40%

Geologically Storing Carbon: Learning from the Otway Project Experience (Cook)

9781118986189 2014 #1345-0 74.80771 115.00 35%

Global Flood Hazard: Applications in Modeling, Mapping, and Forecasting (Schumann)

9781119217862 2018 #0456-0 153.00772 169.95 10%

Global Sustainability: The Impact of Local Cultures (Wilderer)9783527312368 2004 #0360-0 108.00773 270.00 60%

Glyphosate Resistance in Crops and Weeds: History, Development, and Management (Nandula)

9780470410318 2010 #0361-0 48.80774 122.00 60%

Gravel-Bed Rivers: Process and Disasters (Tsutsumi)9781118971406 2017 #0362-0 170.00775 200.00 15%

Green Utopias: Environmental Hope Before and After Nature (Garforth)9780745684741 2017 #5709-0 19.50776 22.95 15%

Groundwater Age (Kazemi)9780471718192 2006 #0363-0 64.00777 160.00 60%

Groundwater Remediation: A Practical Guide for Environmental Engineers and Scientists (Cheremisinoff)

9781119407577 2017 #0458-0 211.70778 249.00 15%

Groundwater Vulnerability: Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster (Faybishenko)9781118962190 2014 #0364-0 40.30779 61.95 35%

Guidelines for Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis (CCPS)9781119010166 2017 #1346-0 106.30780 125.00 15%

Handbook of Cyanobacterial Monitoring and Cyanotoxin Analysis (Meriluoto)9781119068686 2017 #0365-0 157.30781 185.00 15%

Handbook of Environmental Engineering (Kutz)9781118712948 2018 #0215-0 175.50782 195.00 10%

Handbook of Knowledge Management for Sustainable Water Systems (Russ)9781119271635 2018 #0366-0 117.00783 130.00 10%

Handbook of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,2e (Cremers)9781119971122 2013 #0897-0 81.00784 135.00 40%

Handbook of Metabolic Pathways of Xenobiotics, 5V Set (Lee)9780470749104 2014 #3645-0 851.50785 1,310.00 35%

Hawaiian Volcanoes: From Source to Surface (Carey)9781118872048 2015 #0459-0 147.00786 195.95 25%

Human Impact on the Natural Environment: Past, Present and Future 8e (Goudie)

9781119403555 2018 #0367-0 63.00787 70.00 10%

Hydrocarbons in Basement Formations (Islam)9781119294221 2018 #1357-0 224.10788 249.00 10%

Hydrodynamics and Water Quality: Modeling Rivers, Lakes, and Estuaries 2e (Ji)

9781118877159 2017 #0368-0 136.00789 160.00 15%

Hydrogeochemistry Fundamentals and Advances: V3, Environmental Analysis of Ground Water (Tikhomirov)

9781119160502 2018 #0369-0 202.50790 225.00 10%

Improving Natural Resource Management: Ecological and Political Models (Haas)

9780470661130 2011 #0370-0 34.00791 85.00 60%

Industrial Moisture and Humidity Measurement: A Practical Guide (Wernecke)9783527331772 2014 #1364-0 136.50792 210.00 35%

Industrial Water Resource Management: Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Water Stewardship (Sengupta)

9781119272502 2017 #0371-0 114.80793 135.00 15%

Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies: A Primer (Oberg)9781444336870 2010 #0372-0 22.00794 55.00 60%

Introduction to Thermogeology: Ground Source Heating and Cooling,2e (Banks)9780470670347 2012 #0231-0 62.50795 125.00 50%

Ion Exchange in Environmental Processes: Fundamentals, Applications and Sustainable Technology (SenGupta)

9781119157397 2017 #0232-0 148.80796 175.00 15%

Ionospheric Space Weather: Longitude Dependence and Lower Atmosphere Forcing (Fuller-Rowell)

9781118929209 2017 #0461-0 161.50797 189.95 15%

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Environmental Sciences

Is Racism an Environmental Threat? (Hage)9780745692272 2017 #5798-0 11.00798 12.95 15%

Life of Plants, A Metaphysics of Mixture (Coccia)9781509531530 2018 #5852-0 20.70799 22.95 10%

Management of the Effects of Coastal Storms: Policy, Scientific and Historical Perspectives (Quevauviller)

9781848217621 2017 #0373-0 102.00800 120.00 15%

Marine Ecological Field Methods: A Guide for Marine Biologists and Fisheries Scientists (Gro Salvanes)

9781119184300 2018 #0663-0 81.00801 90.00 10%

Marine Geochemistry,3e (Chester)9781405187343 2012 #0374-0 32.50802 65.00 50%

Mediterranean Sea: Temporal Variability and Spatial Patterns (Borzelli)9781118847343 2014 #0465-0 87.10803 133.95 35%

Membrane Processes: Pervaporation, Vapor Permeation and Membrane Distillation for Industrial Scale Separations (Sridhar)

9781119418221 2019 #1378-0 224.10804 249.00 10%

Meteorological Measurements and Instrumentation (Harrison)9781118745809 2014 #0375-0 52.00805 80.00 35%

Methods and Applications of Statistics in the Atmospheric and Earth Sciences (Balakrishnan)

9780470503447 2012 #1764-0 106.00806 212.00 50%

Microbial Ecology of the Oceans,3e (Gasol)9781119107187 2018 #0376-0 117.00807 129.95 10%

Microbiology of Aerosols (Delort)9781119132288 2017 #0377-0 153.00808 179.95 15%

Microbiology of Drinking Water Production and Distribution (Bitton)9781118743928 2014 #0378-0 87.10809 133.95 35%

Modern Diffraction Methods (Mittemeijer)9783527322794 2012 #0930-0 112.50810 225.00 50%

Molecular Tools for the Detection and Quantification of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria (Kurmayer)

9781119332107 2017 #0379-0 131.80811 155.00 15%

Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity (Hoorn)9781119159872 2018 #0711-0 85.50812 95.00 10%

Nanotechnology for Sustainable Water Resources (Mishra)9781119323594 2019 #0840-0 202.50813 225.00 10%

Nanotechnology in Environmental Science, 2V Set (Hussain)9783527342945 2018 #0842-0 423.00814 470.00 10%

Natural and Man-made Catastrophes: Theories, Economics, and Policy Designs (Seo)

9781119416791 2018 #0380-0 94.50815 105.00 10%

NMR Spectroscopy: A Versatile Tool for Environmental Research (Simpson)9781118616475 2014 #0935-0 91.00816 140.00 35%

Novel Ecosystems: Intervening in the New Ecological World Order (Hobbs)9781118354223 2013 #0712-0 42.00817 70.00 40%

Oceans and Human Health: Implications for Society and Well-Being (Bowen)9781119941316 2014 #0381-0 48.80818 75.00 35%

Odour Impact Assessment Handbook (Belgiorno)9781119969280 2013 #0382-0 99.00819 165.00 40%

Oil (Bridge)9780745649269 2012 #0383-0 10.00820 19.95 50%

Oil Spill Risk Management: Modeling Gulf of Mexico Circulation and Oil Dispersal (Dietrich)

9781118290385 2014 #0384-0 130.60821 200.95 35%

Operational Weather Forecasting (Inness)9780470711583 2013 #0385-0 42.00822 70.00 40%

Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth: for Meteorological Applications (Weng)

9783527336272 2017 #1885-0 182.80823 215.00 15%

Periglacial Environment,4e (French)9781119132783 2017 #0386-0 68.00824 80.00 15%

Periglacial Geomorphology (Ballantyne)9781405100069 2017 #0387-0 68.00825 80.00 15%

Persistent Organic Pollutants (Harrad)9781405169301 2009 #0388-0 70.00826 175.00 60%

Persistent Toxic Substances Monitoring: Nanoelectrochemical Methods (Huang)9783527344000 2018 #0937-0 229.50827 255.00 10%

Petroleum Accumulation Zones on Continental Margins (Grigorenko)9781118385074 2012 #1394-0 106.00828 212.00 50%

Pharma-Ecology: The Occurrence and Fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment 2e (Jjemba)

9781119312284 2018 #0389-0 175.50829 195.00 10%

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

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Environmental Sciences

Physical and Chemical Processes in the Aquatic Environment (Christensen)9781118111765 2014 #0390-0 74.10830 114.00 35%

Polymer Waste Management (Fink)9781119536086 2018 #1605-0 175.50831 195.00 10%

Practice of Silviculture (Ashton)9781119270959 2018 #0715-0 117.00832 130.00 10%

Pre-Earthquake Processes: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction Studies (Ouzounov)

9781119156932 2018 #0474-0 180.00833 199.95 10%

Principles and Modern Applications of Mass Transfer Operations 3e (Benitez)9781119042730 2017 #1401-0 106.30834 125.00 15%

Process Systems and Materials for CO2 Capture: Modelling, Design, Control and Integration (Papadopoulos)

9781119106449 2017 #1999-0 208.30835 245.00 15%

Processing, Properties, and Design of Advanced Ceramics and Composites II (Bansal)

9781119423805 2017 #1579-0 191.30836 225.00 15%

Protection and Conservation of Water Resources (Cook)9781119970040 2017 #0246-0 85.00837 100.00 15%

Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications (Ellis)9781405176682 2014 #0944-0 97.50838 150.00 35%

QGIS and Applications in Agriculture and Forest (Baghdadi)9781786301888 2018 #0391-0 139.50839 155.00 10%

QGIS and Applications in Territorial Planning (Baghdadi)9781786301895 2018 #0392-0 148.50840 165.00 10%

QGIS and Applications in Water and Risks (Baghdadi)9781786302717 2018 #0393-0 130.50841 145.00 10%

QGIS and Generic Tools (Baghdadi)9781786301871 2018 #0394-0 139.50842 155.00 10%

Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment, 2e (Haas)9781118145296 2014 #1098-0 87.10843 134.00 35%

Radionuclides in the Environment (Atwood)9780470714348 2010 #1163-0 84.00844 210.00 60%

Reactive Oxygen Species: Signaling Between Hierarchical Levels in Plants (Schmitt)

9781119184881 2017 #0623-0 165.80845 195.00 15%

Recent Advances in Trace Elements (Chojnacka)9781119133773 2018 #0792-0 180.00846 200.00 10%

Recent Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Glaciers (Pelto)9781119068112 2017 #0395-0 97.80847 115.00 15%

Reconstructing Archaeological Sites: Understanding the Geoarchaeological Matrix (Karkanas)

9781119016403 2018 #0478-0 90.00848 100.00 10%

Reconstructing Earth's Climate History: Inquiry-based Exercises for Lab and Class (St John)

9780470658055 2012 #0396-0 80.00849 160.00 50%

Regulation of Peace River: A Case Study for River Management (Church)9781118906149 2014 #0397-0 84.50850 130.00 35%

Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere (Tedesco)9781118368855 2015 #0312-0 75.00851 100.00 25%

Risk Assessment: Procedures and Protocols (McBean)9781119289067 2018 #0398-0 112.50852 125.00 10%

Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy (Kodama)9781118561287 2014 #0399-0 65.00853 100.00 35%

Role of Green Chemistry in Biomass Processing and Conversion (Xie)9780470644102 2013 #1108-0 82.20854 137.00 40%

Salt Systems of the Earth: Distribution, Tectonic and Kinematic History, Salt-Naphthids Interrelations, Discharge Foci, Recycling (Belenitskaya)

9781119479055 2018 #0481-0 202.50855 225.00 10%

Scientific Integrity and Ethics in the Geosciences (Gundersen)9781119067788 2018 #0482-0 90.00856 99.95 10%

Seascape Ecology (Pittman)9781119084433 2017 #0720-0 93.50857 110.00 15%

Sediments, Morphology and Sedimentary Processes on Continental Shelves: Advances in technologies, research and applications (Special Publication 44 of the IAS) (Li)

9781444350821 2012 #0400-0 70.00858 140.00 50%

Smart Water Technologies and Techniques: Data Capture and Analysis for Sustainable Water Management (Lloyd Owen)

9781119078647 2018 #0401-0 108.00859 120.00 10%

Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 4: Soils and Water Quality (Bourrié)

9781786303486 2018 #0402-0 121.50860 135.00 10%

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Environmental Sciences

Speleothem Science: From Process to Past Environments (Fairchild)9781405196208 2012 #0403-0 45.00861 90.00 50%

Statistical Analysis of Ecotoxicity Studies (Green)9781119088349 2018 #3702-0 126.00862 140.00 10%

Sustainable Environmental Engineering (Tang)9781119028376 2018 #0264-0 135.00863 150.00 10%

Sustainable Water Engineering: Theory and Practice (Chandrappa)9781118541043 2014 #0404-0 91.00864 140.00 35%

Terrestrial Hydrometeorology (Shuttleworth)9780470659373 2012 #0405-0 35.00865 70.00 50%

Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment 2e (Droste)9781119312369 2018 #0406-0 157.50866 175.00 10%

Theory of Atmospheric Radiative Transfer: A Comprehensive Introduction (Wendisch)

9783527408368 2012 #0407-0 57.50867 115.00 50%

Time to Shine: Applications of Solar Energy Technology (Grupp)9781118016213 2012 #2012-0 40.00868 79.95 50%

Timescales of Magmatic Processes: From Core to Atmosphere (Dosseto)9781444332612 2010 #0408-0 30.00869 75.00 60%

Tools for Green Chemistry,V 10 (Beach)9783527326457 2017 #1130-0 174.30870 205.00 15%

Transboundary Water Resources Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Ganoulis)

9783527330140 2011 #0409-0 84.00871 210.00 60%

Transformation Products of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment: Analysis, Processes, Occurrence, Effects and Risks, 2V Set (Lambropoulou)

9781118339596 2014 #0410-0 211.30872 325.00 35%

Understanding Sea-level Rise and Variability (Church)9781444334524 2010 #0411-0 30.00873 75.00 60%

Unit Operations in Environmental Engineering (Theodore)9781119283638 2017 #1424-0 208.30874 245.00 15%

Urban Pollution: Science and Management (Charlesworth)9781119260486 2018 #0412-0 117.00875 130.00 10%

Vulnerability of Land Systems in Asia (Braimoh)9781118854952 2014 #0413-0 84.50876 130.00 35%

Warming Papers (Archer)9781405196161 2010 #0414-0 26.00877 65.00 60%

Water and Sanitation Related Diseases and the Changing Environment: Challenges, Interventions and Preventive Measures 2e (Selendy)

9781119416210 2019 #0415-0 135.00878 149.95 10%

Water Harvesting for Groundwater Management: Issues, Perspectives, Scope and Challenges (Datta)

9781119471905 2019 #0416-0 108.00879 120.00 10%

Water Resources: A New Water Architecture (Lane)9781118793909 2017 #0417-0 114.80880 135.00 15%

Water Treatment: A Historical Perspective on Technological Development and Future Landscape (Roy)

9781119479987 2019 #0418-0 202.50881 225.00 10%

Water Wells and Boreholes 2e (Misstear)9781118951705 2017 #0419-0 76.50882 90.00 15%

Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Principles and Practices (Salam)9781119243137 2017 #0420-0 144.50883 169.95 15%

Weather and Society: Toward Integrated Approaches (Gruntfest)9780470669846 2018 #0421-0 81.00884 90.00 10%

Wildland Recreation: Ecology and Management,3e (Hammitt)9781118397008 2015 #0730-0 48.80885 65.00 25%

Will Big Business Destroy Our Planet? (Dauvergne)9781509524013 2018 #0422-0 11.70886 12.95 10%

Will China Save the Planet? (Finamore)9781509532643 2018 #0423-0 11.70887 12.95 10%

Wood (Radkau)9780745646886 2011 #0424-0 6.00888 14.95 60%


Aquaculture and Behavior (Huntingford)9781405130899 2012 #0632-0 37.50889 75.00 50%

Aquaculture Economics and Financing: Management and Analysis (Engle)9780813813011 2010 #0633-0 51.20890 127.95 60%

Aquaculture Engineering,2e (Lekang)9780470670859 2013 #0634-0 126.00891 210.00 40%

Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants 2e (Lucas)9781405188586 2012 #0635-0 57.50892 115.00 50%

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Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants 3e (Lucas)9781119230861 2019 #0636-0 99.00893 110.00 10%

Aquacutlure, Resource Use, and the Environment (Boyd)9780470959190 2015 #0637-0 100.50894 133.95 25%

Atlantic Cod: A Bio-Ecology (Rose)9781405119108 2019 #0638-0 180.00895 199.99 10%

Atlantic Salmon Ecology (Aas)9781405197694 2010 #0639-0 80.00896 200.00 60%

Behavior of Marine Fishes: Capture Processes and Conservation Challenges (He)

9780813815367 2010 #0640-0 101.20897 252.95 60%

Bioeconomics of Fisheries Management (Anderson)9780813817323 2010 #0641-0 57.60898 143.95 60%

Brown Trout: Biology, Ecology and Management (Lobon-Cervia)9781119268314 2017 #0642-0 204.00899 240.00 15%

Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis (Phillips)

9781119154044 2017 #0643-0 280.50900 330.00 15%

Condition and Health Indicators of Exploited Marine Fishes (Lloret)9780470670248 2014 #0644-0 117.00901 180.00 35%

Conservation and Management of Transnational Tuna Fisheries (Allen)9780813805672 2010 #0645-0 110.40902 275.95 60%

Economics of Salmon Aquaculture,2e (Asche)9780852382899 2011 #0646-0 60.00903 150.00 60%

Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management in the Western Pacific (Glazier)9780813821542 2011 #0647-0 96.40904 240.95 60%

Fish (DeSombre)9780745650203 2011 #0648-0 10.00905 24.95 60%

Fish Canning Handbook (Bratt)9781405180993 2010 #4057-0 80.00906 200.00 60%

Fish Cognition and Behavior,2e (Brown)9781444332216 2011 #0649-0 58.80907 147.00 60%

Fish Pheromones and Related Cues (Sorensen)9780813823867 2015 #0650-0 154.50908 205.95 25%

Fisheries Buybacks (Curtis)9780813825465 2007 #0651-0 88.00909 219.95 60%

Fisheries Management: A manual for still-water coarse fisheries (Wellby)9781405133326 2010 #0652-0 84.00910 210.00 60%

Fisheries Management: Progress toward Sustainability (McClanahan)9781405139328 2007 #0653-0 92.00911 230.00 60%

Fishery Manager's Guidebook,2e (Cochrane)9781405170857 2009 #0654-0 88.00912 220.00 60%

Fishes of the World 4e (Nelson)9780471250319 2006 #0655-0 66.00913 165.00 60%

Flatfishes: Biology and Exploitation 2e (Gibson)9781118501191 2015 #0656-0 157.50914 210.00 25%

Freshwater Prawns: Biology and Farming (New)9781405148610 2009 #0657-0 110.00915 275.00 60%

Global Challenges in Recreational Fisheries (Aas)9781405156578 2007 #0658-0 94.00916 235.00 60%

Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation: Interaction and Co-evolution (Garcia)

9781118392645 2014 #0659-0 130.00917 200.00 35%

History of Aquaculture (Nash)9780813821634 2011 #0660-0 44.40918 110.95 60%

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Moksness)9781405139502 2009 #0661-0 92.00919 230.00 60%

Life in the World's Oceans: Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance (McIntyre)9781405192972 2010 #0662-0 80.00920 200.00 60%

Management of Marine Protected Areas: A Network Perspective (Goriup)9781119075776 2017 #0707-0 102.00921 120.00 15%

Marine Ecological Field Methods: A Guide for Marine Biologists and Fisheries Scientists (Gro Salvanes)

9781119184300 2018 #0663-0 81.00922 90.00 10%

Molecular Research in Aquaculture (Overturf)9780813818511 2009 #0664-0 106.40923 266.00 60%

Multilingual Dictionary of Fish and Fish Products (OECD)9781405157605 2009 #0665-0 64.00924 160.00 60%

Next Generation Sequencing and Whole Genome Selection in Aquaculture (Liu)9780813806372 2011 #0666-0 96.00925 239.95 60%

Practical Flatfish Culture and Stock Enhancement (Daniels)9780813809427 2010 #0667-0 101.20926 252.95 60%

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Recent Advances and New Species in Aquaculture (Fotedar)9781405176644 2011 #0668-0 78.00927 195.00 60%

Salmon Lice: An Integrated Approach to Understanding Parasite Abundance and Distribution (Jones)

9780813813622 2011 #0669-0 92.40928 230.95 60%

Sea Trout: Biology, Conservation and Management (Harris)9781405129916 2007 #0670-0 94.00929 235.00 60%

Sex Control in Aquaculture,2V Set (Wang)9781119127260 2019 #0671-0 297.00930 330.00 10%

Sharks of the Open Ocean: Biology, Fisheries and Conservation (Camhi)9780632059959 2008 #0672-0 94.00931 235.00 60%

Sparidae: Biology and aquaculture of gilthead sea bream and other species (Pavlidis)

9781405197724 2011 #0673-0 80.00932 200.00 60%

Statistics for Aquaculture (Bhujel)9780813815879 2009 #0674-0 48.80933 121.95 60%

Success Factors for Fish Larval Production (Conceicao)9781119072164 2018 #0675-0 216.00934 240.00 10%

World Fisheries (Ommer)9781444334678 2011 #0676-0 82.00935 205.00 60%

Food Sciences - Dairy

Advances in Dairy Ingredients (Smithers)9780813823959 2013 #4066-0 132.00936 219.95 40%

Advances in Dairy Products (Conto)9781118906439 2017 #4067-0 157.30937 185.00 15%

From Milk By-Products to Milk Ingredients: Upgrading the Cycle (de Boer)9780470672228 2014 #4068-0 113.80938 175.00 35%

Global Cheesemaking Technology: Cheese Quality and Characteristics (Papademas)

9781119046158 2017 #4069-0 182.80939 215.00 15%

Handbook of Drying for Dairy Products (Anandharamakris)9781118930496 2017 #4070-0 148.80940 175.00 15%

High Temperature Processing of Milk and Milk Products (Deeth)9781118460504 2017 #4071-0 170.00941 200.00 15%

Manufacturing Yogurt and Fermented Milks,2e (Chandan)9781119967088 2013 #4072-0 132.00942 219.95 40%

Membrane Processing: Dairy and Beverage Applications (Tamime)9781444333374 2013 #4073-0 111.00943 185.00 40%

Microbiology in Dairy Processing: Challenges and Opportunities (Poltronieri)9781119114802 2017 #4074-0 182.80944 215.00 15%

Microstructure of Dairy Products (El-Bakry)9781118964224 2018 #4075-0 166.50945 185.00 10%

Milk and Dairy Products as Functional Foods (Kanekanian)9781444336832 2014 #4076-0 113.80946 175.00 35%

Probiotic Dairy Products,2e (Tamime)9781119214106 2018 #4077-0 157.50947 175.00 10%

Food Sciences - Fermentation & Chemistry

Adhesion in Foods: Fundamental Principles and Applications (Nussinovitch)9781118851616 2017 #3952-0 131.80948 155.00 15%

Bitterness: Perception, Chemistry and Food Processing (Aliani)9781118590294 2017 #3985-0 170.00949 199.95 15%

Crystallization of Lipids: Fundamentals and Applications in Food, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals (Sato)

9781118593929 2018 #3934-0 202.50950 225.00 10%

Flowering Plants: Structure and Industrial Products (Khan)9781119262770 2017 #0582-0 148.80951 175.00 15%

Food Biochemistry and Food Processing,2e (Simpson)9780813808741 2012 #4034-0 164.50952 328.95 50%

Food Frying: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Safety (Zeb)9781119468516 2019 #4035-0 193.50953 215.00 10%

Microstructure of Dairy Products (El-Bakry)9781118964224 2018 #4075-0 166.50954 185.00 10%

Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists (Popping)

9780470068090 2010 #4036-0 64.00955 160.00 60%

Statistics for Sensory and Consumer Science (Naes)9780470518212 2010 #4037-0 52.00956 130.00 60%

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Food Sciences - Fruit & Vegetables

Decontamination of Fresh and Minimally Processed Produce (Gomez-Lopez)9780813823843 2012 #4080-0 115.50957 230.95 50%

Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals: Chemistry, Nutritional Value and Stability (de la Rosa)

9780813803203 2009 #4081-0 101.20958 252.95 60%

Handbook of Fruit and Vegetable Flavors (Hui)9780470227213 2010 #4082-0 141.60959 354.00 60%

Microbial Hazard Identification in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (James)9780471670766 2006 #4083-0 62.00960 155.00 60%

Food Sciences - General

Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development,2e (Beckley)9781119149309 2017 #3982-0 182.80961 215.00 15%

Antioxidants and Functional Components in Aquatic Foods (Kristinsson)9780813813677 2014 #3983-0 133.90962 205.95 35%

Applications of Vibrational Spectroscopy in Food Science, 2V Set (Li-Chan)9780470742990 2010 #0863-0 170.00963 425.00 60%

Bioactives in Fruit: Health Benefits and Functional Foods (Skinner)9780470674970 2013 #3984-0 108.00964 180.00 40%

Bitterness: Perception, Chemistry and Food Processing (Aliani)9781118590294 2017 #3985-0 170.00965 199.95 15%

Cardiovascular Disease: Diet, Nutrition and Emerging Risk Factors, 2e (BNF)9781118829912 2019 #3986-0 72.00966 80.00 10%

Coffee: Emerging Health Effects and Disease Prevention (Chu)9780470958780 2012 #3987-0 115.50967 230.95 50%

Descriptive Analysis in Sensory Evaluation (Kemp)9780470671399 2018 #3988-0 193.50968 215.00 10%

Dictionary of Flavors 3e (De Rovira)9781118856413 2017 #3989-0 195.50969 230.00 15%

Dietary Fibre Functionality in Food and Nutraceuticals: From Plant to Gut (Hosseinian)

9781119138051 2017 #3990-0 148.80970 175.00 15%

Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms: Technology and Applications (Zied)9781119149415 2017 #3991-0 182.80971 215.00 15%

Essential Oils in Food Processing: Chemistry, Safety and Applications (Khaneghah)

9781119149347 2017 #3937-0 170.00972 200.00 15%

Extrusion-Cooking Techniques: Applications, Theory and Sustainability (Moscicki)

9783527328888 2011 #3992-0 52.00973 130.00 60%

Fermenting For Dummies (Wasserman)9781118615683 2013 #3993-0 13.80974 22.99 40%

Fish Oils (Rossell)9781905224630 2009 #3994-0 76.00975 190.00 60%

Food and Beverage Packaging Technology,2e (Coles)9781405189101 2011 #3995-0 80.00976 200.00 60%

Food and Drink: Good Manufacturing Practice: A Guide to its Responsible Management (GMP7),7e (Manning)

9781119388449 2018 #3962-0 121.50977 135.00 10%

Food Authentication: Management, Analysis and Regulation (Georgiou)9781118810262 2017 #4042-0 170.00978 200.00 15%

Food Hypersensitivity: Diagnosing and Managing Food Allergies and Intolerance (Skypala)

9781405170369 2009 #3996-0 30.00979 75.00 60%

Food Materials Science and Engineering (Bhandari)9781405199223 2012 #3997-0 92.50980 185.00 50%

Food Oligosaccharides: Production, Analysis and Bioactivity (Moreno)9781118426494 2014 #3998-0 154.00981 236.95 35%

Food Processing Handbook,2e, 2V Set (Brennan)9783527324682 2011 #3999-0 152.00982 380.00 60%

Food Safety: The Science of Keeping Food Safe,2e (Shaw)9781119133667 2018 #4044-0 63.00983 70.00 10%

Food Science and Technology (Campbell-Platt)9780632064212 2009 #4000-0 34.00984 85.00 60%

Functional Foods and Beverages: In vitro Assessment of Nutritional, Sensory and Safety Properties (Bordenave)

9781118733295 2018 #4001-0 180.00985 199.95 10%

Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements: Processing Effects and Health Benefits (Noomhorm)

9781118227879 2014 #4002-0 113.80986 175.00 35%

Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals and Degenerative Disease Prevention (Paliyath)

9780813824536 2011 #4003-0 92.40987 230.95 60%

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Food Sciences - General

Genetically Modified and non-Genetically Modified Food Supply Chains: Co-Existence and Traceability (Bertheau)

9781444337785 2012 #4004-0 107.50988 215.00 50%

Glucose Syrups: Technology and Applications (Hull)9781405175562 2010 #4005-0 84.00989 210.00 60%

Handbook of Mango Fruit: Production, Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Nutrition (Siddiq)

9781119014355 2017 #0526-0 148.80990 175.00 15%

Handbook of Plant Food Phytochemicals: Sources, Stability and Extraction (Tiwari)

9781444338102 2013 #4006-0 111.00991 185.00 40%

Handbook of Sustainability for the Food Sciences (Morawicki)9780813817354 2012 #4007-0 115.50992 230.95 50%

Handbook of Vanilla Science and Technology 2e (Havkin-Frenkel)9781119377276 2018 #4008-0 180.00993 200.00 10%

Innovative Technologies in Beverage Processing (Aguilo-Aguayo)9781118929377 2017 #4009-0 148.80994 175.00 15%

Intelligent Agrifood Chains and Networks (Bourlakis)9781405182997 2011 #4010-0 80.00995 200.00 60%

Lean Manufacturing in the Food Industry (Dudbridge)9781405183673 2011 #4011-0 32.00996 80.00 60%

Measurement of Antioxidant Activity and Capacity: Recent Trends and Applications (Apak)

9781119135357 2018 #4012-0 180.00997 200.00 10%

Megatrends in Food and Agriculture: Technology, Water Use and Nutrition (Traitler)

9781119391142 2018 #3974-0 108.00998 120.00 10%

Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods 2e (Hutkins)9781119027447 2018 #4013-0 117.00999 129.95 10%

Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables (Brody)9780813812748 2011 #4014-0 96.401000 240.95 60%

Multiphysics Simulation of Emerging Food Processing Technologies (Knoerzer)9780813817545 2011 #4015-0 109.601001 273.95 60%

Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Sector: Implications for the Future (Frewer)9783527330607 2011 #4016-0 66.001002 165.00 60%

Natural Food Flavors and Colorants 2e (Attokaran)9781119114765 2017 #4017-0 170.001003 200.00 15%

New Polymers for Encapsulation of Nutraceutical Compounds (Ruiz Ruiz)9781119228790 2017 #4018-0 148.801004 175.00 15%

Novel Proteins for Food, Pharmaceuticals and Agriculture: Sources, Applications and Advances (Hayes)

9781119385301 2018 #0783-0 166.501005 185.00 10%

Nutraceuticals and Human Blood Platelet Function: Applications in Cardiovascular Health (Duttaroy)

9781119376019 2018 #4019-0 144.001006 160.00 10%

Nutraceuticals and Natural Product Derivatives: Disease Prevention & Drug Discovery (Ullah)

9781119436676 2019 #4020-0 180.001007 199.95 10%

Olive Oil Sensory Science (Monteleone)9781118332528 2014 #4021-0 117.001008 180.00 35%

Olives and Olive Oil as Functional Foods: Bioactivity, Chemistry and Processing (Kiritsakis)

9781119135319 2017 #3945-0 170.001009 200.00 15%

Organic Production and Food Quality: A Down to Earth Analysis (Blair)9780813812175 2011 #4022-0 92.401010 230.95 60%

Perspectives in World Food and Agriculture 2004, V2 (Miranowski)9780813820316 2005 #0548-0 88.001011 219.95 60%

Quantitative Sensory Analysis: Psychophysics, Models and Intelligent Design (Lawless)

9780470673461 2013 #4023-0 108.001012 180.00 40%

Recovering Bioactive Compounds from Agricultural Wastes (Nguyen)9781119168829 2017 #0555-0 136.001013 160.00 15%

Resistant Starch (Shi)9780813809519 2013 #4024-0 127.801014 212.99 40%

Sanitation: Cleaning and Disinfection in the Food Industry (Stanga)9783527326853 2010 #4025-0 48.001015 120.00 60%

Sensory and Consumer Research in Food Product Design and Development,2e (Moskowitz)

9780813813660 2012 #4026-0 115.501016 230.95 50%

Simplified Diet Manual, 11e (Maher)9780813811963 2011 #4027-0 24.801017 61.99 60%

Sustainability Challenges in the Agrofood Sector (Bhat)9781119072768 2017 #0558-0 204.001018 240.00 15%

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Food Sciences - General

Teas, Cocoa and Coffee: Plant Secondary Metabolites and Health (Crozier)9781444334418 2011 #4028-0 76.001019 190.00 60%

Technology of Bottled Water ,3e (Dege)9781405199322 2011 #4029-0 80.001020 200.00 60%

Thermal Processing of Foods: Control and Automation (Sandeep)9780813810072 2011 #4030-0 88.001021 219.95 60%

Time-Dependent Measures of Perception in Sensory Evaluation (Kemp)9780470671382 2017 #4031-0 157.301022 185.00 15%

Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Postharvest Physiology, Processing and Packaging (Siddiq)

9780813811420 2012 #0563-0 126.501023 253.00 50%

Ultrasound: Food Applications (Villamiel)9781118964187 2017 #4032-0 170.001024 200.00 15%

Water Properties in Food, Health, Pharmaceutical and Biological Systems: ISOPOW 10 (Reid)

9780813812731 2010 #4033-0 122.801025 306.95 60%

Food Sciences - Management

Food Allergens Testing: Molecular, Immunochemical and Chromatographic Techniques (Siragakis)

9781118519202 2014 #4041-0 117.001026 180.00 35%

Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing, 2V Set (Hui)9780470049648 2007 #4078-0 296.001027 740.00 60%

World Food: Production and Use (Conklin)9780470043820 2007 #4079-0 48.001028 120.00 60%

Food Sciences - Meat

Butchery and Sausage-Making For Dummies (Harrison)9781118374948 2013 #4056-0 11.401029 18.99 40%

Fish Canning Handbook (Bratt)9781405180993 2010 #4057-0 80.001030 200.00 60%

Fish Processing: Sustainability and New Opportunities (Hall)9781405190473 2010 #4058-0 80.001031 200.00 60%

Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry (Toldr)9780813814773 2007 #4059-0 111.601032 278.95 60%

Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry,2e (Toldrá)9781118522691 2014 #4060-0 136.501033 210.00 35%

Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology, 2V Set (Guerrero-Legarreta)9780470185377 2010 #4061-0 177.601034 444.00 60%

Meat Inspection and Control in the Slaughterhouse (Ninios)9781118525869 2014 #4062-0 133.301035 205.00 35%

Science of Meat Quality (Kerth)9780813815435 2013 #4063-0 127.801036 212.95 40%

Seafood Processing: Technology, Quality and Safety (Boziaris)9781118346211 2014 #4064-0 117.001037 180.00 35%

Thermal Processing of Ready-to-Eat Meat Products (Knipe)9780813801483 2009 #4065-0 96.401038 240.95 60%

Food Sciences - Packaging

Composite Materials for Food Packaging (Cirillo)9781119160205 2018 #3948-0 202.501039 225.00 10%

Food and Package Engineering (Morris)9780813814797 2011 #3949-0 92.401040 230.95 60%

Packaging for Nonthermal Processing of Food (Han)9780813819440 2007 #3950-0 92.401041 230.95 60%

Packaging for Nonthermal Processing of Food, 2e (Pascall)9781119126850 2018 #3951-0 180.001042 200.00 10%

Food Sciences - Quality Control

BRC Global Standard for Food Safety: A Guide to a Successful Audit (Kill)9781405157964 2008 #4038-0 48.001043 119.95 60%

Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide: Food and Pharmaceutical Applications (Balaban)9780813806495 2012 #4039-0 110.001044 219.95 50%

Essential Oils in Food Processing: Chemistry, Safety and Applications (Khaneghah)

9781119149347 2017 #3937-0 170.001045 200.00 15%

Essentials of Thermal Processing (Tucker)9781405190589 2010 #4040-0 80.001046 200.00 60%

Food Allergens Testing: Molecular, Immunochemical and Chromatographic Techniques (Siragakis)

9781118519202 2014 #4041-0 117.001047 180.00 35%

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Food Sciences - Quality Control

Food and Drink: Good Manufacturing Practice: A Guide to its Responsible Management (GMP7),7e (Manning)

9781119388449 2018 #3962-0 121.501048 135.00 10%

Food Authentication: Management, Analysis and Regulation (Georgiou)9781118810262 2017 #4042-0 170.001049 200.00 15%

Food Borne Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistance (Singh)9781119139157 2017 #3742-0 170.001050 199.95 15%

Food Processing Handbook (Brennan)9783527307197 2005 #4043-0 102.001051 255.00 60%

Food Safety: The Science of Keeping Food Safe,2e (Shaw)9781119133667 2018 #4044-0 63.001052 70.00 10%

Food Science and Technology,2e (Campbell-Platt)9780470673423 2017 #3965-0 68.001053 80.00 15%

Food Security and Climate Change (Yadav)9781119180647 2019 #4045-0 193.501054 215.00 10%

Functional Foods and Beverages: In vitro Assessment of Nutritional, Sensory and Safety Properties (Bordenave)

9781118733295 2018 #4001-0 180.001055 199.95 10%

Global Food Legislation: An Overview (Kirchsteiger-Meier)9783527335558 2014 #4046-0 126.801056 195.00 35%

Global Food Security and Supply (Martindale)9781118699324 2014 #4047-0 45.501057 70.00 35%

High Temperature Processing of Milk and Milk Products (Deeth)9781118460504 2017 #4071-0 170.001058 200.00 15%

Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients: Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics ,3e (Khan)

9780471467434 2009 #4048-0 67.601059 169.00 60%

Management of Food Allergens (Coutts)9781405167581 2009 #4049-0 84.001060 210.00 60%

Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods 2e (Hutkins)9781119027447 2018 #4013-0 117.001061 129.95 10%

Microbiology in Dairy Processing: Challenges and Opportunities (Poltronieri)9781119114802 2017 #4074-0 182.801062 215.00 15%

Molecular Techniques in Food Biology: Safety, Biotechnology, Authenticity & Traceability (El Sheikha)

9781119374602 2018 #4050-0 180.001063 200.00 10%

Molecular Tools for the Detection and Quantification of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria (Kurmayer)

9781119332107 2017 #0379-0 131.801064 155.00 15%

Multivariate Data Analysis in Sensory and Consumer Science (Dijksterhuis)9780917678417 2008 #4051-0 60.401065 150.95 60%

Nonthermal Processing Technologies for Food (Zhang)9780813816685 2011 #4052-0 136.001066 340.00 60%

Packaging for Nonthermal Processing of Food, 2e (Pascall)9781119126850 2018 #3951-0 180.001067 200.00 10%

Practical Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions (Bhat)9781118474600 2014 #4053-0 133.301068 205.00 35%

Sustainable Food Processing (Tiwari)9780470672235 2013 #4054-0 132.001069 220.00 40%

Ultrasound: Food Applications (Villamiel)9781118964187 2017 #4032-0 170.001070 200.00 15%

Weight Control and Slimming Ingredients in Food Technology (Cho)9780813813233 2010 #4055-0 101.201071 252.95 60%

Food Sciences - Technology & Biotechnology

Adhesion in Foods: Fundamental Principles and Applications (Nussinovitch)9781118851616 2017 #3952-0 131.801072 155.00 15%

Advances in Dairy Products (Conto)9781118906439 2017 #4067-0 157.301073 185.00 15%

Biological Controls for Preventing Food Deterioration: Strategies for Pre- and Postharvest Management (Sharma)

9781118533062 2014 #3953-0 113.801074 175.00 35%

Bio-pigmentation and Biotechnological Implementations (Singh)9781119166146 2017 #3736-0 170.001075 199.95 15%

Bitterness: Perception, Chemistry and Food Processing (Aliani)9781118590294 2017 #3985-0 170.001076 199.95 15%

Calorimetry in Food Processing: Analysis and Design of Food Systems (Kaletun)

9780813814834 2009 #3954-0 101.201077 252.95 60%

Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives in the Food Industry: Fundamentals and Applications (Wuestenberg)

9783527337583 2014 #3955-0 139.801078 215.00 35%

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Food Sciences - Technology & Biotechnology

Confectionery and Chocolate Engineering: Principles and Applications 2e (Mohos)

9781118939772 2017 #3956-0 191.301079 225.00 15%

Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies (Bhattacharya)9781118406328 2014 #3957-0 133.301080 205.00 35%

Crystallization of Lipids: Fundamentals and Applications in Food, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals (Sato)

9781118593929 2018 #3934-0 202.501081 225.00 10%

Emulsion-based Systems for Delivery of Food Active Compounds: Formation, Application, Health and Safety (Roohinejad)

9781119247142 2018 #3958-0 180.001082 200.00 10%

Extrusion Processing Technology: Food and Non- Food Biomaterials (Bouvier)9781444338119 2014 #3959-0 117.001083 180.00 35%

Food and Agricultural Wastewater Utilization and Treatment 2e (Liu)9781118353974 2014 #3960-0 113.801084 175.00 35%

Food and Drink: Good Manufacturing Practice: A Guide to its Responsible Management (GMP6),6e (IFST)

9781118318201 2013 #3961-0 84.001085 140.00 40%

Food and Drink: Good Manufacturing Practice: A Guide to its Responsible Management (GMP7),7e (Manning)

9781119388449 2018 #3962-0 121.501086 135.00 10%

Food Chemical Hazard Detection: Development and Application of New Technologies (Wang)

9781118488591 2014 #3963-0 113.801087 175.00 35%

Food Processing: Principles and Applications,2e (Clark)9780470671146 2014 #3964-0 113.801088 175.00 35%

Food Science and Technology,2e (Campbell-Platt)9780470673423 2017 #3965-0 68.001089 80.00 15%

Food Texture Design and Optimization (Dar)9780470672426 2014 #3966-0 133.901090 205.95 35%

Formulation Engineering of Foods (Norton)9780470672907 2013 #3967-0 108.001091 180.00 40%

Global Cheesemaking Technology: Cheese Quality and Characteristics (Papademas)

9781119046158 2017 #4069-0 182.801092 215.00 15%

Handbook of Drying for Dairy Products (Anandharamakris)9781118930496 2017 #4070-0 148.801093 175.00 15%

Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing: Health, Meat, Milk, Poultry, Seafood, and Vegetables (Hui)

9780470125250 2007 #3968-0 173.201094 432.95 60%

Handbook of Food Safety Engineering (Sun)9781444333343 2011 #3969-0 140.001095 350.00 60%

Handbook of Vanilla Science and Technology 2e (Havkin-Frenkel)9781119377276 2018 #4008-0 180.001096 200.00 10%

Handbook of Vegetables and Vegetable Processing 2V Set, 2e (Siddiq)9781119098928 2018 #0527-0 360.001097 400.00 10%

High Temperature Processing of Milk and Milk Products (Deeth)9781118460504 2017 #4071-0 170.001098 200.00 15%

Industrial Chocolate Manufacture and Use 4e (Beckett)9781405139496 2008 #3970-0 132.001099 330.00 60%

Innovative Technologies in Beverage Processing (Aguilo-Aguayo)9781118929377 2017 #4009-0 148.801100 175.00 15%

Kirk-Othmer Food and Feed Technology, 2V Set (Wiley)9780470174487 2008 #3971-0 254.001101 635.00 60%

Kosher Food Production,2e (Blech)9780813820934 2008 #3972-0 98.001102 244.95 60%

Lactic Acid Bacteria: Biodiversity and Taxonomy (Holzapfel)9781444333831 2014 #3973-0 133.301103 205.00 35%

Megatrends in Food and Agriculture: Technology, Water Use and Nutrition (Traitler)

9781119391142 2018 #3974-0 108.001104 120.00 10%

Microbial Sensing in Fermentation (Brar)9781119247968 2018 #3748-0 166.501105 185.00 10%

Microstructure of Dairy Products (El-Bakry)9781118964224 2018 #4075-0 166.501106 185.00 10%

Nano- and Microencapsulation for Foods (Kwak)9781118292334 2014 #3975-0 113.801107 175.00 35%

Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Science (Axelos)9783527339891 2017 #0841-0 182.801108 215.00 15%

Nanotechnology Research Methods for Food and Bioproducts (Padua)9780813817316 2012 #3976-0 110.001109 219.95 50%

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Food Sciences - Technology & Biotechnology

Novel Plant Bioresources: Applications in Food, Medicine and Cosmetics (Gurib-Fakim)

9781118460610 2014 #3977-0 133.301110 205.00 35%

Packaging for Nonthermal Processing of Food, 2e (Pascall)9781119126850 2018 #3951-0 180.001111 200.00 10%

Perfect Meal: Multisensory Science of Food and Dining (Spence)9781118490822 2014 #3978-0 24.401112 37.50 35%

Phytonutritional Improvement of Crops (Benkeblia)9781119079941 2017 #0550-0 170.001113 200.00 15%

Progress in Food Preservation (Bhat)9780470655856 2012 #3979-0 112.501114 225.00 50%

Stevioside: Technology, Applications and Health (De)9781118350669 2013 #3980-0 108.001115 180.00 40%

Sustainability Challenges in the Agrofood Sector (Bhat)9781119072768 2017 #0558-0 204.001116 240.00 15%

Sustainability in the Food Industry (Baldwin)9780813808468 2009 #3981-0 101.201117 252.95 60%

Ultrasound: Food Applications (Villamiel)9781118964187 2017 #4032-0 170.001118 200.00 15%

Understanding Membrane Distillation and Osmotic Distillation (Johnson)9780470122167 2017 #0962-0 144.501119 170.00 15%


Gardening For Dummies (Fisher)9780470018439 2005 #0568-0 11.001120 27.50 60%

Low-Maintenance Gardens:10 simple steps to beautiful, easy and stylish outside spaces (Tilston)

9780470517512 2008 #0569-0 6.801121 16.95 60%

Micropropagation of Orchids, 3V Set, 3e (Yam)9781119187059 2017 #0595-0 641.801122 755.00 15%

Southern Lawns:Your Guide to to a Beautiful Yard (Scotts)9780696236655 2008 #0570-0 8.001123 19.95 60%

Storing and Preserving Garden Produce For Dummies, UK Edition (Riggs)9781119951568 2012 #0571-0 10.001124 19.99 50%

Urban Gardening For Dummies (NGA)9781118340356 2013 #0572-0 12.001125 19.99 40%


Annelids in Modern Biology (Shain)9780470344217 2009 #3553-0 70.401126 175.95 60%

Cytokine Therapies (Donnelly)9781573317832 2010 #3554-0 48.001127 120.00 60%

Emergence of Humans: An Exploration of the Evolutionary Timeline (Ash)9780470013151 2010 #3555-0 26.001128 65.00 60%

Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction,6e (Brown)9781405181730 2010 #3556-0 47.601129 119.00 60%

Genetics, ISV,6e (Snustad)9781118092422 2011 #3557-0 21.001130 62.99 67%

Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping: Genetic and Physical Mapping (Meksem)9783527311163 2005 #3558-0 118.001131 295.00 60%

Handbook of Plant Mutation Screening: Mining of Natural and Induced Alleles (Meksem)

9783527326044 2010 #3559-0 100.001132 250.00 60%

Nutritional Genomics: Impact on Health and Disease (Brigelius-Flohé)9783527312948 2006 #3560-0 70.001133 175.00 60%

Plant Proteomics (Agrawal)9780470069769 2008 #3561-0 80.801134 202.00 60%

Renal and Urinary Proteomics: Methods and Protocols (Thongboonkerd)9783527319749 2009 #3562-0 94.001135 235.00 60%

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Genes, Clinical Features and Therapeutics (Kwiatkowski)

9783527322015 2010 #3563-0 62.001136 155.00 60%

Year in Human and Medical Genetics (Casanova)9781573317894 2011 #3564-0 46.001137 115.00 60%

Genetics & Genomics & Protemics

AGT Cytogenetics Laboratory Manual 4e (Arsham)9781119061229 2017 #0733-0 199.701138 234.99 15%

Basic Applied Bioinformatics (Mukhopadhyay)9781119244332 2017 #3479-0 110.501139 129.95 15%

Biomedical Engineering Challenges: A Chemical Engineering Insight (Piemonte)9781119296041 2018 #1301-0 126.001140 140.00 10%

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Genetics & Genomics & Protemics

BSL3 and BSL4 Agents: Proteomics, Glycomics, and Antigenicity (Stulik)9783527327805 2011 #0734-0 66.001141 165.00 60%

Crumbling Genome: The Impact of Deleterious Mutations on Humans (Kondrashov)

9781118952115 2017 #0753-0 85.001142 99.95 15%

Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications 7e (Freshney)

9781118873656 2016 #0754-0 80.001143 99.95 20%

Developmental Genomics of Ascidians (Satoh)9781118656181 2014 #0755-0 89.701144 137.95 35%

Developmental Neuropathology (Adle-Biassette)9781119013082 2018 #5025-0 238.501145 265.00 10%

Epigenetic Drug Discovery (Sippl)9783527343140 2019 #3636-0 207.001146 230.00 10%

Equine Color Genetics 4e (Sponenberg)9781119130581 2017 #4930-0 93.501147 109.99 15%

Equine Genomics (Chowdhary)9780813815633 2013 #0735-0 105.601148 176.00 40%

Foodomics: Advanced Mass Spectrometry in Modern Food Science and Nutrition (Cifuentes)

9781118169452 2013 #0892-0 82.201149 137.00 40%

Forward-Time Population Genetics Simulations: Methods, Implementation, and Applications (Peng)

9780470503485 2012 #0736-0 55.501150 110.99 50%

Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Hormone Signaling (Mandal)9783527322817 2017 #0737-0 323.001151 380.00 15%

Genetic Ethics: An Introduction (Farrelly)9780745695044 2018 #0738-0 22.501152 24.95 10%

Genome Organization And Function In The Cell Nucleus (Rippe)9783527326983 2011 #0739-0 84.001153 210.00 60%

Handbook of RNA Biochemistry, 2V Set,2e (Hartmann)9783527327645 2014 #1033-0 305.501154 470.00 35%

Integration of Omics Approaches and Systems Biology for Clinical Applications (Vlahou)

9781119181149 2018 #0908-0 157.501155 175.00 10%

Introduction to Tissue Engineering: Applications and Challenges (Birla)9781118628645 2014 #0740-0 87.801156 135.00 35%

Lipidomics (Ekroos)9783527330980 2012 #1056-0 72.501157 145.00 50%

Microneedles for Drug and Vaccine Delivery and Patient Monitoring (Donnelly)9781119305149 2018 #3664-0 148.501158 165.00 10%

Model Animals in Neuroendocrinology: From Worm to Mouse to Man (Ludwig)9781119390947 2018 #5013-0 144.001159 160.00 10%

RNA Regulation, 2V Set (Meyers)9783527331567 2014 #0794-0 263.301160 405.00 35%

Stem Cells in Birth Defects Research and Developmental Toxicology (Rasmussen)

9781119283218 2018 #3704-0 166.501161 185.00 10%

Stem Cells, 2V Set (Meyers)9783527329250 2013 #0797-0 201.001162 335.00 40%

Tag-based Next Generation Sequencing (Harbers)9783527328192 2011 #0741-0 98.001163 245.00 60%

Technology Platforms for 3D Cell Culture: A Users Guide (Przyborski)9781118851500 2017 #0742-0 127.501164 150.00 15%

Telomerases: Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Applications (Lue)9780470592045 2012 #1124-0 68.501165 137.00 50%

Wnt Signaling in Development and Disease: Molecular Mechanisms and Biological Functions (Hoppler)

9781118444160 2014 #0802-0 114.401166 175.95 35%

Geography, GIS & Planning Studies

Adjustment Computations: Spatial Data Analysis,6e (Ghilani)9781119385981 2017 #0156-0 157.301167 185.00 15%

Aeolian Geomorphology: A new introduction (Livingstone)9781118945667 2019 #0426-0 67.501168 75.00 10%

Atmospheric Radiation (Coakley Jr.)9783527410989 2014 #0322-0 55.301169 85.00 35%

Cities in Global Capitalism (Rossi)9780745689678 2017 #0286-0 19.501170 22.95 15%

Cities in Relations: Trajectories of Urban Development in Hanoi and Ouagadougou (Sderstrm)

9781118632802 2014 #0287-0 17.901171 27.50 35%

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

کشاورزي، محیط زیست و علوم زیستی


Geography, GIS & Planning Studies

Classics in Cartography: Reflections on influential articles from Cartographica (Dodge)

9780470681749 2010 #0288-0 48.001172 120.00 60%

Commodity Chains and World Cities (Derudder)9781444335873 2010 #0289-0 11.001173 27.50 60%

Community as Urban Practice (Blokland)9781509504824 2017 #5687-0 19.501174 22.95 15%

Concise History of World Population 5e (Livi-Bacci)9780470673201 2012 #5589-0 20.001175 39.95 50%

Dictionary of Human Geography,5e (Gregory)9781405132886 2009 #0290-0 15.001176 37.50 60%

Disasters: A Sociological Approach (Tierney)9780745671024 2019 #5693-0 24.301177 26.95 10%

Discovering Physical Geography,3e (Arbogast)9781118526781 2014 #0291-0 195.201178 300.30 35%

Do States Have the Right to Exclude Immigrants? (Bertram)9781509521968 2018 #5980-0 11.701179 12.95 10%

Drought: Science and Policy (Iglesias)9781119017202 2018 #0335-0 121.501180 135.00 10%

Duffield, Post-Humanitarianism, Governing Precarity in the Digital World (Duffield)

9780745698595 2018 #5982-0 22.501181 24.95 10%

Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, Updated 5e (Skinner)9781118523018 2012 #0292-0 21.001182 56.99 63%

Earth Observation for Land and Emergency Monitoring (Balzter)9781118793794 2017 #0293-0 85.001183 100.00 15%

Economic Geography: A Critical Introduction (Barnes)9781118874325 2018 #0294-0 31.501184 34.95 10%

Encyclopedia of Social Theory, 5V Set (Turner)9781118430866 2017 #5696-0 845.801185 995.00 15%

End of American World Order,2e (Acharya)9781509517084 2018 #5984-0 20.701186 22.95 10%

Energy Balance Climate Models (North)9783527411320 2017 #0341-0 182.801187 215.00 15%

Environmental Applications of Digital Terrain Modeling (Wilson)9781118936214 2018 #0295-0 117.001188 130.00 10%

Evolution of Meteorology: A Look into the Past, Present, and Future of Weather Forecasting (Teague)

9781119136149 2017 #0296-0 89.301189 105.00 15%

Fluid Dynamics of the Mid-Latitude Atmosphere (Hoskins)9780470833698 2014 #0356-0 84.501190 130.00 35%

Fluid Dynamics of the Mid-Latitude Atmosphere (Hoskins)9780470795194 2014 #0355-0 35.801191 55.00 35%

Forecast Verification: A Practitioner's Guide in Atmospheric Science,2e (Jolliffe)9780470660713 2011 #0358-0 40.001192 100.00 60%

Framing Community Disaster Resilience: Resources, Capacities, Learning and Action (Deeming)

9781119165965 2019 #0359-0 85.501193 95.00 10%

Geography: Why It Matters (Murphy)9781509523016 2018 #0297-0 11.701194 12.95 10%

Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration,3e (Grewal)

9781118447000 2013 #2130-0 76.801195 128.00 40%

Globalization Reader 5e (Lechner)9781118733554 2014 #5706-0 22.701196 34.95 35%

Globalization: The Essentials 2e (Ritzer)9781119315209 2019 #5708-0 33.801197 37.50 10%

Globalizing Responsibility: The Political Rationalities of Ethical Consumption (Barnett)

9781405145572 2010 #0298-0 14.001198 34.95 60%

Health Geographies: A Critical Introduction (Brown)9781118739020 2017 #0299-0 38.201199 44.95 15%

Innovative Software Development in GIS (Bucher)9781848213647 2012 #0300-0 80.001200 159.95 50%

Interacting with Geospatial Technologies (Haklay)9780470998243 2010 #0301-0 44.001201 110.00 60%

International Encyclopedia of Anthropology 12V Set (Callan)9780470657225 2018 #5658-0 2,245.501202 2,495.00 10%

Introduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experience 2e (Chen)

9781119167716 2018 #5722-0 54.001203 59.95 10%

Labor (Herod)9780745663876 2017 #0302-0 17.001204 19.95 15%

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

کشاورزي، محیط زیست و علوم زیستی


Geography, GIS & Planning Studies

Laboratory Manual for Physical Geography,2e (Strahler)9780470952764 2012 #0303-0 21.001205 56.99 63%

Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation (Dodge)

9780470742839 2011 #0304-0 48.001206 120.00 60%

Mapping the Chemical Environment of Urban Areas (Johnson)9780470747247 2011 #0305-0 56.001207 140.00 60%

Metacolonial State: Pakistan, Critical Ontology, and the Biopolitical Horizons of Political Islam (Jan)

9781118979389 2019 #0306-0 31.501208 34.95 10%

Meteorological Measurements and Instrumentation (Harrison)9781118745809 2014 #0375-0 52.001209 80.00 35%

National Geographic EarthPulse,2e (NGS)9780470948316 2011 #0307-0 13.201210 32.99 60%

Natural and Man-made Catastrophes: Theories, Economics, and Policy Designs (Seo)

9781119416791 2018 #0380-0 94.501211 105.00 10%

New Carbon Economy: Constitution, Governance and Contestation (Newell)9781444350227 2012 #0308-0 13.801212 27.50 50%

Operational Weather Forecasting (Inness)9780470711583 2013 #0385-0 42.001213 70.00 40%

Other Geographies: The Influences of Michael Watts (Chari)9781119184775 2017 #0309-0 29.701214 34.95 15%

Our Shrinking Planet (Livi Bacci)9781509515844 2017 #0310-0 17.001215 19.95 15%

Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth: for Meteorological Applications (Weng)

9783527336272 2017 #1885-0 182.801216 215.00 15%

Periglacial Environment,4e (French)9781119132783 2017 #0386-0 68.001217 80.00 15%

Radar Meteorology: A First Course (Rauber)9781118432624 2018 #0311-0 72.001218 80.00 10%

Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere (Tedesco)9781118368855 2015 #0312-0 75.001219 100.00 25%

Rural People and Communities in the 21st Century Resilience and Transformation; 2e (Brown)

9781509529865 2018 #5753-0 27.001220 29.95 10%

Scale Issues in Remote Sensing (Weng)9781118305041 2014 #2219-0 91.001221 140.00 35%

Seascape Ecology (Pittman)9781119084433 2017 #0720-0 93.501222 110.00 15%

Simone, Improvised Lives, Rhythms of Endurance in an Urban South (Simone)9781509523368 2018 #5760-0 18.001223 19.95 10%

Statistical Analysis of Geographical Data: An Introduction (Dadson)9780470977040 2017 #0493-0 34.001224 39.95 15%

Thematic Cartography, 3V Set (Cauvin)9781848211094 2010 #0313-0 274.001225 685.00 60%

Thinking Sociologically 3e (Bauman)9781118959985 2019 #5774-0 45.001226 49.95 10%

Visualizing Physical Geography,2e (Foresman)9780470626153 2012 #0314-0 21.001227 56.99 63%

Water Politics: Governing Our Most Precious Resource (Feldman)9781509504626 2017 #6070-0 21.201228 24.95 15%

Weather and Society: Toward Integrated Approaches (Gruntfest)9780470669846 2018 #0421-0 81.001229 90.00 10%

Why Demography Matters (Dorling)9780745698410 2017 #5780-0 21.201230 24.95 15%

Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Economic Geography (Barnes)9781444336801 2012 #0315-0 90.001231 180.00 50%

Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Human Geography (Agnew)9781405189897 2011 #0316-0 74.001232 185.00 60%

Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Geography (Agnew)9781119107651 2017 #0317-0 42.501233 50.00 15%

Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Tourism (Lew)9781118474488 2014 #3110-0 110.501234 170.00 35%

Geology & Earth Sciences

Active Global Seismology: Neotectonics and Earthquake Potential of the Eastern Mediterranean Region (Cemen)

9781118944981 2017 #0425-0 170.001235 199.95 15%

Advances in Biofeedstocks and Biofuels, V 2: Production Technologies for Biofuels (Singh)

9781119117520 2017 #1296-0 191.301236 225.00 15%

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Geology & Earth Sciences

Aeolian Geomorphology: A new introduction (Livingstone)9781118945667 2019 #0426-0 67.501237 75.00 10%

Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology (Nicosia)9781118941058 2017 #0427-0 114.801238 135.00 15%

Atlas of Structural Geological Interpretation from Seismic Images (Misra)9781119158325 2018 #0428-0 121.501239 135.00 10%

Bioenergy and Land Use Change (Qin)9781119297345 2018 #0429-0 153.001240 169.95 10%

Carbonate Systems During the Olicocene-Miocene Climatic Transition (Mutti)9781444337914 2010 #0325-0 50.001241 125.00 60%

Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2013 (Hwang)9781118605646 2013 #1444-0 96.001242 159.95 40%

Chemostratigraphy Across Major Chronological Boundaries (Sial)9781119382485 2019 #0328-0 180.001243 199.95 10%

Climate Forcing of Geological Hazards (McGuire)9780470658659 2013 #0329-0 78.001244 130.00 40%

Coherent Flow Structures at Earth's Surface (Venditti)9781119962779 2013 #0430-0 81.001245 135.00 40%

Cold Region Hazards and Risks (Whiteman)9780470029282 2011 #0431-0 22.001246 55.00 60%

Cutting-Edge Technology for Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization (Ballerat-Busser)

9781119363484 2018 #1926-0 224.101247 249.00 10%

Dendroclimatic Studies: Tree Growth and Climate Change in Northern Forests (D'Arrigo)

9781118848722 2014 #0432-0 40.301248 61.95 35%

Dictionary of Physical Geography,3e (Thomas)9780631204732 2000 #0433-0 34.401249 85.95 60%

Drawing Geological Structures (Kruhl)9781405182324 2017 #0434-0 34.001250 39.95 15%

Drilling Engineering Problems and Solutions: A Field Guide for Engineers and Students (Hossain)

9781118998342 2018 #1327-0 202.501251 225.00 10%

Drought: Science and Policy (Iglesias)9781119017202 2018 #0335-0 121.501252 135.00 10%

Earthquake Occurrence: Short- and Long-term Models and their Validation (Console)

9781786301246 2017 #1643-0 97.801253 115.00 15%

Earthquake Statistical Analysis through Multi-state Modeling (Votsi)9781786301505 2019 #1726-0 108.001254 120.00 10%

Ecohydraulics: An Integrated Approach (Maddock)9780470976005 2013 #0435-0 72.001255 120.00 40%

Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond (Keiling)9781119324492 2018 #0436-0 225.001256 249.95 10%

Electrokinetics for Petroleum and Environmental Engineers (Chilingar)9781118842690 2015 #1330-0 150.701257 200.95 25%

Enhanced Oil Recovery: Resonance Macro- and Micro-Mechanics of Petroleum Reservoirs (Ganiev)

9781119293828 2017 #1334-0 165.801258 195.00 15%

Entropy Theory and its Application in Environmental and Water Engineering (Singh)

9781119976561 2013 #0343-0 84.001259 140.00 40%

Environmental Applications of Digital Terrain Modeling (Wilson)9781118936214 2018 #0295-0 117.001260 130.00 10%

Environmental Aspects of Oil and Gas Production (Robertson)9781119117377 2017 #1335-0 211.701261 249.00 15%

Environmental Geology Laboratory Manual,2e (Freeman)9780470136324 2011 #0437-0 21.001262 56.99 63%

Erosion in Geomechanics Applied to Dams and Levees (Bonelli)9781848214095 2013 #0438-0 115.201263 192.00 40%

Evolution of Island Mammals: Adaptation and Extinction of Placental Mammals on Islands (van der Geer)

9781405190091 2010 #0439-0 38.001264 95.00 60%

Exploring the Solar System (Bond)9781405134996 2012 #0440-0 35.001265 70.00 50%

Fault Zone Dynamic Processes: Evolution of Fault Properties During Seismic Rupture (Thomas)

9781119156888 2017 #0441-0 144.501266 169.95 15%

Field Geophysics 4e (Milsom)9780470749845 2011 #0442-0 14.001267 34.95 60%

Flood Damage Survey and Assessment: New Insights from Research and Practice (Molinari)

9781119217923 2017 #0443-0 127.501268 149.95 15%

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کشاورزي، محیط زیست و علوم زیستی


Geology & Earth Sciences

Formulas and Calculations for Drilling Operations 2e (Speight)9781119083627 2018 #1339-0 162.001269 180.00 10%

Fracking: Further Investigations into the Environmental Considerations and Operations of Hydraulic Fracturing,2e (Holloway)

9781119363422 2018 #1341-0 265.501270 295.00 10%

Framing Community Disaster Resilience: Resources, Capacities, Learning and Action (Deeming)

9781119165965 2019 #0359-0 85.501271 95.00 10%

Frontiers in Geofluids (Yardley)9781444333305 2010 #0444-0 44.001272 110.00 60%

Future Earth: Advancing Civic Understanding of the Anthropocene (Dalbotten)9781118854303 2014 #0445-0 66.901273 102.95 35%

Galapagos: A Natural Laboratory for Earth Sciences (Harpp)9781118852415 2014 #0446-0 100.701274 154.95 35%

Genomic Approaches in Earth and Environmental Sciences (Dick)9781118708248 2018 #0447-0 117.001275 130.00 10%

Geochronology and Thermochronology (Reiners)9781118455784 2018 #0448-0 90.001276 100.00 10%

Geoforensics (Ruffell)9780470057353 2008 #0449-0 26.001277 65.00 60%

Geological Carbon Storage: Subsurface Seals and Caprock Integrity (Vialle)9781119118640 2019 #0450-0 180.001278 199.95 10%

Geological History of Britain and Ireland,2e (Woodcock)9781405193818 2012 #0451-0 30.001279 60.00 50%

Geologically Storing Carbon: Learning from the Otway Project Experience (Cook)

9781118986189 2014 #1345-0 74.801280 115.00 35%

Geology For Dummies (Spooner)9781118021521 2011 #0452-0 8.801281 21.99 60%

Geology in the Field,2e (Compton)9780471152293 2019 #0453-0 83.201282 92.40 10%

Geology of the Alps (Pfiffner)9781118708125 2014 #0454-0 42.301283 65.00 35%

Geothermal Energy Systems: Exploration, Development, and Utilization (Huenges)

9783527408313 2010 #0455-0 66.001284 165.00 60%

Global Flood Hazard: Applications in Modeling, Mapping, and Forecasting (Schumann)

9781119217862 2018 #0456-0 153.001285 169.95 10%

Graptolite Paleobiology (Maletz)9781118515723 2017 #0457-0 51.001286 60.00 15%

Groundwater Remediation: A Practical Guide for Environmental Engineers and Scientists (Cheremisinoff)

9781119407577 2017 #0458-0 211.701287 249.00 15%

Groundwater Vulnerability: Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster (Faybishenko)9781118962190 2014 #0364-0 40.301288 61.95 35%

Hawaiian Volcanoes: From Source to Surface (Carey)9781118872048 2015 #0459-0 147.001289 195.95 25%

Historical Geology Lab Manual (Gore)9781118057520 2014 #0460-0 157.301290 242.00 35%

Human Impact on the Natural Environment: Past, Present and Future 8e (Goudie)

9781119403555 2018 #0367-0 63.001291 70.00 10%

Hydrocarbons in Basement Formations (Islam)9781119294221 2018 #1357-0 224.101292 249.00 10%

International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. D, Physical Properties of Crystals (Authier)

9780470689097 2003 #0910-0 128.001293 320.00 60%

International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. F, Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules (Rossmann)

9780792368571 2001 #0911-0 170.001294 425.00 60%

Ionospheric Space Weather: Longitude Dependence and Lower Atmosphere Forcing (Fuller-Rowell)

9781118929209 2017 #0461-0 161.501295 189.95 15%

Lithospheric Discontinuities (Yuan)9781119249719 2018 #0462-0 180.001296 199.95 10%

Living Dinosaurs: The Evolutionary History of Modern Birds (Dyke)9780470656662 2011 #0463-0 40.001297 100.00 60%

Marine Geochemistry,3e (Chester)9781405187343 2012 #0374-0 32.501298 65.00 50%

Mathematical Geoenergy: Discovery, Depletion and R enewal (Pukite)9781119434290 2019 #0464-0 180.001299 199.95 10%

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Geology & Earth Sciences

Mediterranean Sea: Temporal Variability and Spatial Patterns (Borzelli)9781118847343 2014 #0465-0 87.101300 133.95 35%

Microstructural Geochronology: Planetary Records Down to Atom Scale (Moser)9781119227243 2018 #0466-0 180.001301 199.95 10%

Modeling and Analysis of Compositional Data (Pawlowsky-Glahn)9781118443064 2015 #1766-0 71.301302 95.00 25%

Multiscales Geomechanics: From Soil to Engineering Projects (Hicher)9781848212466 2011 #0467-0 87.601303 219.00 60%

Oil and Gas Exploration: Methods and Application (Gaci)9781119227427 2017 #0468-0 110.501304 129.95 15%

Periglacial Environment,4e (French)9781119132783 2017 #0386-0 68.001305 80.00 15%

Periglacial Geomorphology (Ballantyne)9781405100069 2017 #0387-0 68.001306 80.00 15%

Petroleum Engineering: Principles, Calculations and Workflows (Sanni)9781119387947 2018 #0469-0 225.001307 249.95 10%

Phylogeny of Post-Palaeozoic Asteroidea (Gale)9781444350296 2011 #0470-0 40.001308 100.00 60%

Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth (Karato)9780470659144 2013 #0471-0 75.001309 125.00 40%

Practical Field Ecology: A Project Guide (Wheater)9780470694299 2011 #0472-0 22.001310 55.00 60%

Practical Finite Element Modeling in Earth Science using Matlab (Simpson)9781119248620 2017 #0473-0 85.001311 100.00 15%

Pre-Earthquake Processes: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction Studies (Ouzounov)

9781119156932 2018 #0474-0 180.001312 199.95 10%

Prehistoric Life: Evolution and the Fossil Record (Lieberman)9780632044726 2010 #0475-0 30.001313 75.00 60%

Quantifying Uncertainty in Subsurface Systems (Caers)9781119325833 2018 #0476-0 171.001314 189.95 10%

Reactive Oxygen Species: Signaling Between Hierarchical Levels in Plants (Schmitt)

9781119184881 2017 #0623-0 165.801315 195.00 15%

Reactive Transport Modeling: Applications in Subsurface Energy and Environmental Problems (Xiao)

9781119060000 2018 #0477-0 184.501316 205.00 10%

Reconstructing Archaeological Sites: Understanding the Geoarchaeological Matrix (Karkanas)

9781119016403 2018 #0478-0 90.001317 100.00 10%

Regulation of Peace River: A Case Study for River Management (Church)9781118906149 2014 #0397-0 84.501318 130.00 35%

Remote Sensing (Shepard)9780471163558 2019 #0479-0 54.001319 59.95 10%

Reservoir modelling: A Practical Guide (Cannon)9781119313465 2018 #0480-0 90.001320 100.00 10%

Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy (Kodama)9781118561287 2014 #0399-0 65.001321 100.00 35%

Salt Systems of the Earth: Distribution, Tectonic and Kinematic History, Salt-Naphthids Interrelations, Discharge Foci, Recycling (Belenitskaya)

9781119479055 2018 #0481-0 202.501322 225.00 10%

Scientific Integrity and Ethics in the Geosciences (Gundersen)9781119067788 2018 #0482-0 90.001323 99.95 10%

Sediment Cascades: An Integrated Approach (Burt)9780470849620 2010 #0483-0 62.001324 155.00 60%

Seismic Inverse Q Filtering (Wang)9781405185400 2008 #0484-0 66.001325 165.00 60%

Silurian Conodonts from the Yangtze Platform, South China (Wang)9781444338126 2010 #0485-0 30.001326 75.00 60%

Smithian (Early Triassic) ammonoid faunas from northwestern Guangxi (South China): Taxonomy and Biochronology (Brayard)

9781405186667 2008 #0486-0 28.001327 70.00 60%

Soil Carbon in Sensitive European Ecosystems: From Science to Land Management (Jandl)

9781119970019 2011 #0487-0 48.001328 120.00 60%

Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 1: Functions and Services (Berthelin)

9781786302151 2018 #0251-0 148.501329 165.00 10%

Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 2: Societal Issues (Dhérissard)9781786302168 2018 #0488-0 108.001330 120.00 10%

Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 3: Soils and Water Circulation (Bourrié)

9781786302175 2018 #0489-0 108.001331 120.00 10%

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Geology & Earth Sciences

Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 4: Soils and Water Quality (Bourrié)

9781786303486 2018 #0402-0 121.501332 135.00 10%

Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 5: Degradation and Rehabilitation (Valentin)

9781786302199 2018 #0490-0 130.501333 145.00 10%

Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 6: Ecology (Lemanceau)9781786302182 2018 #0491-0 108.001334 120.00 10%

Special Papers in Palaeontology, Number 81, Patterns and Processes in Early Vertebrate Evolution (Marcello)

9781405199209 2009 #0492-0 58.801335 147.00 60%

Statistical Analysis of Geographical Data: An Introduction (Dadson)9780470977040 2017 #0493-0 34.001336 39.95 15%

Sustaining Soil Productivity in Response to Global Climate Change: Science, Policy, and Ethics (Sauer)

9780470958575 2011 #0559-0 92.401337 230.95 60%

Techniques for Virtual Paleontology (Sutton)9781118591130 2014 #0494-0 65.001338 100.00 35%

Time Matters: Geology's Legacy to Scientific Thought (Leddra)9781405199094 2010 #0495-0 24.001339 60.00 60%

Transformation Products of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment: Analysis, Processes, Occurrence, Effects and Risks, 2V Set (Lambropoulou)

9781118339596 2014 #0410-0 211.301340 325.00 35%

Urban Pollution: Science and Management (Charlesworth)9781119260486 2018 #0412-0 117.001341 130.00 10%

Urban Stream Restoration (Riley)9780471128281 2019 #0496-0 54.001342 59.95 10%

Vertebrate Palaeontology 4e (Benton)9781118406847 2014 #0497-0 39.001343 60.00 35%


Advances in Dairy Products (Conto)9781118906439 2017 #4067-0 157.301344 185.00 15%

Antimicrobial Resistance in Wastewater Treatment Processes (Keen)9781119192435 2017 #3730-0 148.701345 174.95 15%

Antimicrobial Therapeutics Reviews: Antibiotics that target the ribosome (Bush)9781573318488 2012 #3731-0 57.501346 115.00 50%

Antimicrobial Therapeutics Reviews: The Bacterial Cell Wall as an Antibiotic Target (Bush)

9781573318792 2013 #3732-0 83.401347 139.00 40%

Atlas of Clinically Important Fungi (Sciortino)9781119069669 2017 #3733-0 170.001348 199.95 15%

Bats and Human Health: Ebola, SARS, Rabies and Beyond (Beltz)9781119150039 2017 #3734-0 153.001349 179.95 15%

Biofilms in Plant and Soil Health (Ahmad)9781119246343 2017 #3735-0 182.801350 215.00 15%

Bio-pigmentation and Biotechnological Implementations (Singh)9781119166146 2017 #3736-0 170.001351 199.95 15%

Bone and Joint Infections: From Microbiology to Diagnostics and Treatment (Zimmerli)

9781118581773 2015 #3737-0 154.501352 205.95 25%

Clinical Microbiology for Diagnostic Laboratory Scientists (Pitt)9781118745854 2018 #3738-0 90.001353 100.00 10%

Concise Manual of Pathogenic Microbiology (Mishra)9781118301197 2012 #3739-0 33.001354 65.95 50%

Diagnostics to Pathogenomics of Sexually Transmitted Infections (Singh)9781119380849 2018 #3740-0 180.001355 199.99 10%

Ecological Genomics of Fungi (Martin)9781119946106 2013 #3741-0 127.801356 212.95 40%

Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms: Technology and Applications (Zied)9781119149415 2017 #3991-0 182.801357 215.00 15%

Emerging Areas in Bioengineering, 2V Set (Chang)9783527340880 2018 #3488-0 423.001358 470.00 10%

Food Borne Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistance (Singh)9781119139157 2017 #3742-0 170.001359 199.95 15%

Forensic Microbiology (Carter)9781119062554 2017 #0895-0 110.501360 130.00 15%

Fungi: Biology and Applications,3e (Kavanagh)9781119374329 2017 #3743-0 110.501361 129.95 15%

Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology, 2V Set (de Bruijn)9780470924181 2011 #3744-0 216.001362 540.00 60%

Industrial Biotechnology: Microorganisms 2V Set (Wittmann)9783527341795 2017 #3494-0 378.301363 445.00 15%

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Lyme Borreliosis in Europe and North America: Epidemiology and Clinical Practice (Sood)

9780470647523 2011 #3745-0 62.001364 154.95 60%

MALDI-TOF and Tandem MS for Clinical Microbiology (Shah)9781118960257 2017 #0921-0 136.001365 160.00 15%

Mass Spectrometry for Microbial Proteomics (Shah)9780470681992 2010 #3746-0 46.001366 115.00 60%

Microbes for Climate Resilient Agriculture (Kashyap)9781119275923 2018 #3747-0 180.001367 199.95 10%

Microbial Sensing in Fermentation (Brar)9781119247968 2018 #3748-0 166.501368 185.00 10%

Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods 2e (Hutkins)9781119027447 2018 #4013-0 117.001369 129.95 10%

Microbiology in Dairy Processing: Challenges and Opportunities (Poltronieri)9781119114802 2017 #4074-0 182.801370 215.00 15%

Microbiology,ISV,8e (Black)9780470646212 2012 #3749-0 21.001371 66.99 69%

Microsporidia: Pathogens of Opportunity (Weiss)9781118395226 2014 #3750-0 133.901372 205.95 35%

Moonlighting Proteins: Novel Virulence Factors in Bacterial Infections (Henderson)

9781118951118 2017 #0781-0 144.501373 169.95 15%

Natural Products: Discourse, Diversity and Design (Osbourn)9781118298060 2014 #3751-0 138.401374 212.95 35%

New Strategies Combating Bacterial Infection (Ahmad)9783527322060 2008 #3752-0 88.001375 220.00 60%

New Treatment Strategies for Dengue and Other Flaviviral Diseases (Novartis)9780470016435 2006 #3753-0 76.001376 190.00 60%

Principles and Practice of Travel Medicine (Zuckerman)9780471490791 2001 #3754-0 218.001377 545.00 60%

Probiotic Dairy Products,2e (Tamime)9781119214106 2018 #4077-0 157.501378 175.00 10%

Understanding the Gut Microbiota (TANNOCK)9781118801420 2017 #3755-0 110.501379 129.95 15%

Viruses and the Nucleus (Hiscox)9780470851135 2006 #3756-0 42.001380 105.00 60%

Water and Sanitation Related Diseases and the Changing Environment: Challenges, Interventions and Preventive Measures 2e (Selendy)

9781119416210 2019 #0415-0 135.001381 149.95 10%

Water and Sanitation Related Diseases and the Environment: Challenges, Interventions and Preventive Measures (Selendy)

9780470527856 2011 #3757-0 66.001382 164.95 60%

Zika Virus and Diseases: From Molecular Biology to Epidemiology (Ramos da Silva)

9781119408642 2018 #3758-0 117.001383 129.95 10%

Nutrition & Dietetics

Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Nutrition Support (Hickson)9781118993859 2018 #3929-0 54.001384 60.00 10%

Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Obesity (Hankey)9780470670767 2018 #3930-0 54.001385 60.00 10%

Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies, Australian And New Zealand Edition (Hedge)

9781118641187 2014 #3931-0 16.301386 25.00 35%

Biomarkers for Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage (Aldini)9780813815350 2010 #3932-0 101.201387 252.95 60%

Clinical Nutrition For Dummies (Rovito)9781118665466 2014 #3933-0 14.301388 21.99 35%

Crystallization of Lipids: Fundamentals and Applications in Food, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals (Sato)

9781118593929 2018 #3934-0 202.501389 225.00 10%

Dietary Fibre Functionality in Food and Nutraceuticals: From Plant to Gut (Hosseinian)

9781119138051 2017 #3990-0 148.801390 175.00 15%

Early Years Nutrition and Healthy Weight (Stewart)9781118792445 2015 #3935-0 33.801391 45.00 25%

Edible Oil Processing,2e (Hamm)9781444336849 2013 #3936-0 108.001392 180.00 40%

Essential Oils in Food Processing: Chemistry, Safety and Applications (Khaneghah)

9781119149347 2017 #3937-0 170.001393 200.00 15%

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Handbook (Peri)9781118460450 2014 #3938-0 117.001394 180.00 35%

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Nutrition & Dietetics

Food Frying: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Safety (Zeb)9781119468516 2019 #4035-0 193.501395 215.00 10%

Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies,2e (Raffetto)9781119404439 2017 #3939-0 19.501396 22.99 15%

New Polymers for Encapsulation of Nutraceutical Compounds (Ruiz Ruiz)9781119228790 2017 #4018-0 148.801397 175.00 15%

No More Takeout: A Visual Do-It-Yourself Guide to Cookin (Hartigan)9780470169988 2009 #3940-0 10.001398 25.00 60%

Nutraceuticals and Human Blood Platelet Function: Applications in Cardiovascular Health (Duttaroy)

9781119376019 2018 #4019-0 144.001399 160.00 10%

Nutrition and HIV (Pribram)9781405182706 2010 #3941-0 28.001400 70.00 60%

Nutrition For Dummies, UK Edition, 2e (Denby)9780470972762 2010 #3942-0 10.801401 26.99 60%

Nutrition,2e Booklet Package (Smolin)9780470626740 2010 #3888-0 132.001402 330.00 60%

Oats Nutrition and Technology (Chu)9781118354117 2013 #3943-0 108.001403 180.00 40%

Obesogenic Environments (Lake)9781405182638 2010 #3944-0 30.001404 75.00 60%

Olives and Olive Oil as Functional Foods: Bioactivity, Chemistry and Processing (Kiritsakis)

9781119135319 2017 #3945-0 170.001405 200.00 15%

Quick Diabetic Recipes For Dummies (American Diabet)9781119363231 2018 #3946-0 20.701406 22.99 10%

Resveratrol and Health (Das)9781573318143 2011 #3947-0 46.001407 115.00 60%

Plant Science

Applied Tree Biology (Hirons)9781118296400 2018 #0499-0 81.001408 90.00 10%

Aqueous Pretreatment of Plant Biomass for Biological and Chemical Conversion to Fuels and Chemicals (Wyman)

9780470972021 2013 #0968-0 96.001409 160.00 40%

Bioenergy Feedstocks: Breeding and Genetics (Saha)9780470960332 2013 #0573-0 127.801410 212.95 40%

Biofuel Crop Sustainability (Singh)9780470963043 2013 #0574-0 127.801411 212.95 40%

Breeding for Fruit Quality (Jenks)9780813810720 2011 #0575-0 92.401412 230.95 60%

Cell Cycle Control and Plant Development (Inzé)9781405150439 2007 #0576-0 92.001413 230.00 60%

Cellulosic Energy Cropping Systems (Karlen)9781119991946 2014 #0987-0 87.801414 135.00 35%

Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants, 10V Set (Kole)9781405169240 2008 #0577-0 588.001415 1,470.00 60%

Crop Variety Trials: Data Management and Analysis (Yan)9781118688649 2014 #0513-0 100.701416 154.95 35%

Ecological Aspects of Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants (Polacco)9780813816494 2011 #0578-0 96.001417 239.95 60%

Ecological Biochemistry: Environmental and Interspecies Interactions (Krauss)9783527316502 2014 #0579-0 78.001418 120.00 35%

Ecological Genomics of Fungi (Martin)9781119946106 2013 #3741-0 127.801419 212.95 40%

Effectors in Plant-Microbe Interactions (Martin)9780470958223 2011 #0580-0 92.401420 230.95 60%

Ethnobotany: A Phytochemical Perspective (Schmidt)9781118961902 2017 #0581-0 136.001421 160.00 15%

Flowering Plants: Structure and Industrial Products (Khan)9781119262770 2017 #0582-0 148.801422 175.00 15%

Forensic Botany: A Practical Guide (Hall)9780470661239 2012 #5215-0 37.501423 75.00 50%

Forest Products and Wood Science: An Introduction 7e (Shmulsky)9781119426431 2019 #0523-0 99.001424 110.00 10%

Fruit Development and Seed Dispersal (Ostergaard)9781405189460 2009 #0583-0 84.001425 210.00 60%

Genes for Plant Abiotic Stress (Jenks)9780813815022 2009 #0584-0 101.201426 252.95 60%

Glyphosate Resistance in Crops and Weeds: History, Development, and Management (Nandula)

9780470410318 2010 #0361-0 48.801427 122.00 60%

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Plant Science

Handbook of Chemical and Biological Plant Analytical Methods,3V Set (Hostettmann)

9781119952756 2014 #3643-0 425.801428 655.00 35%

Handbook of Plant Mutation Screening: Mining of Natural and Induced Alleles (Meksem)

9783527326044 2010 #3559-0 100.001429 250.00 60%

Handbook of Plant Science, 2V Set (Roberts)9780470057230 2007 #0585-0 246.001430 615.00 60%

Horticultural Reviews, V39 (Janick)9781118096789 2012 #0586-0 132.001431 264.00 50%

Horticultural Reviews, V41 (Janick)9781118707371 2014 #0587-0 155.301432 239.00 35%

Horticultural Reviews, V42 (Janick)9781118916797 2014 #0588-0 146.301433 225.00 35%

Horticultural Reviews, V45 (Warrington)9781119430957 2018 #0589-0 225.001434 250.00 10%

Horticultural Reviews, V46 (Warrington)9781119521068 2018 #0590-0 225.001435 250.00 10%

Improving Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress 2V Set (Tuteja)9783527328406 2012 #0591-0 322.501436 645.00 50%

Improving Water and Nutrient-Use Efficiency in Food Production Systems (Rengel)

9780813819891 2013 #0592-0 132.001437 219.95 40%

Induced Resistance for Plant Defense: A Sustainable Approach to Crop Protection,2e (Walters)

9781118371831 2014 #0535-0 126.801438 195.00 35%

Insect-Plant Interactions (Voelckel)9780470670361 2014 #0593-0 113.801439 175.00 35%

Introduction to Renewable Biomaterials: First Principles and Concepts (Ayoub)9781119962298 2017 #1053-0 80.801440 95.00 15%

Measurements for Terrestrial Vegetation,2e (Bonham)9780470972588 2013 #0542-0 42.001441 70.00 40%

Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling under Stress: A Functional Genomic Frontier, 2V Set (Pandey)

9781118888926 2017 #0594-0 297.501442 349.99 15%

Micropropagation of Orchids, 3V Set, 3e (Yam)9781119187059 2017 #0595-0 641.801443 755.00 15%

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening (Seymour)9780813820392 2013 #0596-0 127.801444 212.95 40%

Molecular Markers in Plants (Henry)9780470959510 2012 #0597-0 110.001445 219.95 50%

Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis,2e (Blankenship)9781405189750 2014 #0598-0 39.001446 60.00 35%

Molecular Pharming: Applications, Challenges and Emerging Areas (Kermode)9781118801284 2018 #0599-0 202.501447 225.00 10%

Molecular Plant Immunity (Sessa)9780470959503 2012 #0600-0 82.501448 164.95 50%

Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Chains (Leslie)9780813820835 2014 #0601-0 133.901449 205.95 35%

Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants in the Post-genomic Era (Foyer)9781405162647 2010 #0602-0 80.001450 200.00 60%

Novel Plant Bioresources: Applications in Food, Medicine and Cosmetics (Gurib-Fakim)

9781118460610 2014 #3977-0 133.301451 205.00 35%

Oilseed Crops: Yield and Adaptations under Environmental Stress (Ahmad)9781119048770 2017 #0547-0 148.801452 175.00 15%

Omics in Plant Breeding (Borm)9781118820995 2014 #0603-0 66.901453 102.95 35%

Phloem: Molecular Cell Biology, Systemic Communication, Biotic Interactions (Thompson)

9780470958605 2012 #0604-0 110.001454 219.95 50%

Photosynthesis in the Marine Environment (Beer)9781119979579 2014 #0714-0 35.801455 55.00 35%

Phytonutritional Improvement of Crops (Benkeblia)9781119079941 2017 #0550-0 170.001456 200.00 15%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V26 (Janick)9780471732150 2006 #0605-0 142.801457 357.00 60%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V27 (Janick)9780471732136 2006 #0606-0 142.801458 357.00 60%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V30 (Janick)9780470171523 2008 #0607-0 142.801459 357.00 60%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V32 (Janick)9780470386743 2009 #0608-0 100.001460 250.00 60%

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Plant Science

Plant Breeding Reviews, V33 (Janick)9780470525852 2010 #0609-0 92.001461 230.00 60%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V34 (Janick)9780470875162 2011 #0610-0 109.601462 274.00 60%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V35 (Janick)9781118096796 2011 #0611-0 105.601463 264.00 60%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V37 (Janick)9781118497852 2013 #0612-0 148.201464 247.00 40%

Plant Breeding Reviews, V41 (Goldman)9781119414278 2018 #0613-0 202.501465 225.00 10%

Plant Breeding,2e (Brown)9780470658307 2014 #0551-0 45.501466 70.00 35%

Plant Cell Wall Patterning and Cell Shape (Fukuda)9781118647370 2014 #0614-0 133.901467 205.95 35%

Plant Cells and their Organelles (Dashek)9780470976869 2017 #0615-0 80.801468 95.00 15%

Plant Centromere Biology (Jiang)9781119949213 2013 #0616-0 127.801469 212.95 40%

Plant Gene Containment (Oliver)9780813803494 2012 #0617-0 82.501470 164.95 50%

Plant Growth and Climate Change (Morison)9781405131926 2006 #0618-0 106.001471 265.00 60%

Plant Mitochondria,2e (Logan)9781118906576 2018 #0619-0 202.501472 225.00 10%

Plant Nuclear Structure, Genome Architecture and Gene Regulation (Evans)9781118472453 2013 #0620-0 108.001473 180.00 40%

Plant Proteomics (Agrawal)9780470069769 2008 #3561-0 80.801474 202.00 60%

Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution (Fedoroff)9780470959947 2013 #0621-0 127.801475 212.95 40%

Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants: Boon Or Bane-Revisiting the Role of ROS (Singh)

9781119287292 2017 #0622-0 170.001476 200.00 15%

Reactive Oxygen Species: Signaling Between Hierarchical Levels in Plants (Schmitt)

9781119184881 2017 #0623-0 165.801477 195.00 15%

Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, V4 (Romani)9781118329672 2014 #0624-0 136.501478 210.00 35%

Ribosome-inactivating Proteins (Stirpe)9781118125656 2014 #0793-0 94.201479 144.95 35%

Root Development (Beeckman)9781405161503 2009 #0625-0 88.001480 220.00 60%

Root Genomics and Soil Interactions (Crespi)9780470960431 2012 #0626-0 110.001481 219.95 50%

Seed Genomics (Becraft)9780470960158 2013 #0627-0 127.801482 212.95 40%

Shaping Ecology: The Life of Arthur Tansley (Ayres)9780470671542 2012 #0721-0 15.001483 29.95 50%

Structure and Function of Plants (MacAdam)9780813827186 2009 #0628-0 30.401484 75.95 60%

Sugarcane: Physiology, Biochemistry & Functional Biology (Moore)9780813821214 2013 #0557-0 147.001485 244.95 40%

Tansley Review Collections II: Mycorrhizas: Structure and Function (Farrar)9780521978910 2010 #0629-0 15.001486 37.50 60%

Temperature and Plant Development (Franklin)9781118308202 2014 #0630-0 138.401487 212.95 35%

Weed Research: Expanding Horizons (Hatcher)9781119969143 2017 #0631-0 178.501488 210.00 15%

Water & Waste Water

Advanced Materials for Wastewater Treatment (Ul-Islam)9781119407768 2017 #1432-0 191.301489 225.00 15%

Groundwater Age (Kazemi)9780471718192 2006 #0363-0 64.001490 160.00 60%

Hydrodynamics and Water Quality: Modeling Rivers, Lakes, and Estuaries 2e (Ji)

9781118877159 2017 #0368-0 136.001491 160.00 15%

Smart Water Technologies and Techniques: Data Capture and Analysis for Sustainable Water Management (Lloyd Owen)

9781119078647 2018 #0401-0 108.001492 120.00 10%

Sustainable Water Engineering: Theory and Practice (Chandrappa)9781118541043 2014 #0404-0 91.001493 140.00 35%

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Water & Waste Water

Transboundary Water Resources Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Ganoulis)

9783527330140 2011 #0409-0 84.001494 210.00 60%

Water and Sanitation Related Diseases and the Changing Environment: Challenges, Interventions and Preventive Measures 2e (Selendy)

9781119416210 2019 #0415-0 135.001495 149.95 10%

Water Treatment: A Historical Perspective on Technological Development and Future Landscape (Roy)

9781119479987 2019 #0418-0 202.501496 225.00 10%

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