iiblown up iwobi6cmls comparei....

9 IIBLOWN UP 8? SUBMARINE MI. f*rr' , 3 fr-m P.n?" 1. h*-d to t ' bottom of the hull, buried, as It pro! ably is, deep in m\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0d. The official* here !';'!r.*.a.t< that the discovery of p.«i'ea of turpi'io . not to be t ik« n Into «?... -. r- Ati": ?- api .of of it. i *?;. .or.. Tfcer was a good d»-al of t-ilk ftm>.t.f <1 <? of; ...... t:»< n<<d of s;>-;dy T -Jft x;i- ifcUitiß i;r tL< L< ( tit of th': fanti.l a ?f til* explosion victims. Under tae treasury ru«-< ti-.e a.ivtaaenta of portions ?f p-y to tn- inte;s of .< ;r f s made by the m-1» who perui.-d In the wr?k B'. 1 st *?op at o; e. j? Nt doub'ed tnat con,;re»s w;: : o ? v i sn t;.-* - >se of the m.oaß d: ; t-r, provide a y .irs pfjr to the fin s ' >\u25a0 iiorg wj»j di'd at th- ir po? ». The ulty, how- aver. is that a rr.- ; rt t ..-.not be p.isM-d at oiiiand «»? i;»t . it t. mo of the fanii.i>v <<t the -itud sailors may he I" gnat d.-ti. 1.ii ikui>'j .t nas taken up Ly Mr. and he has e.tliod a tii-1 .ir,x t r M juUy i,t initiate the movement. It liapf>< !i<« t:.,if, by the rare chance of " !l ur.' xp«- t? d of paymasters re- cently, very iittj** of ti.e >. lVuigs of the Maim * Mii >rs »? tus uin the vasaL At*out tiWu a "k', i-.iy r l..ttie- fi-. o! ih« .'>i ", A .1 | t-i; ed by i',»y- master Ray, Th t-:rm-r car..'- to Wash- ington ar.d li- ->'t:<? t ;it_. >unta of the* \u25a0hip up to the i.m- h left The r. ord sliua .-i th.it I* i> :i:.icier llay had Oil hand in h *,tfe only at-- ui 1 in cash, prob- ably li-ji l. ;i:. . ? K I >r p./\(0 wh.ch. of cour ?. is *af<i «t .? vi. his la- dorn«nient against Siriit the i hoj; '-ombustlon theory hae como » i pi'/inineatiy to the front aa a counting fur t.if dl.- i -'er, taa 011 l ais have be- n look:; a over the reeords to iind a parallel <;; ,js njr .is may , 'ii.e Ha,! *hip Nt w j! k "Wat discovered to be on lire Mar h i.->., Sm -k ? aa* issuing from h-r man. n :g.This w n clear- cd of powd- rr ifeiy and it aas f omd that tff'i a !a rk .ad l.< \u25a0;j charr d deeply. Ttie .att .i, vi «?. not «t iir*» perc» ptlble." but It ai ? j; "t ni! ovind t a' a. adjoin, g coal bunker a<s burning. \\ ).< n the bunk- er a - a* op* ied. tht; < - il on top ua.< not hot. but a - the m<-n dui; down it was found to in- redhot In-ide. There wno n ani- fe4 atton of hi at on top of the bunk* r, ror on any save the one next to ti;e maga- xlne. That s»artl- 1 naval <f! rs, and the constr a t >r- n ado a c»Ri o> rai.ie mr ?P". e between th< butik» rn a;ui tie maga- tine in tho designing of "the j, w battb - ?b.pa n.»w on »he docks, the lesson was kept In inlnd, arid t v«-r> t:iimc ponalble was done to Itisu!.»t«« the coa bunkers from tha u. iKaainsa. S«<jit.iiy I»rk his Klven orders that with the «?Xi ir.iti r> of this day th'i n,-. ,1 be o!' «r\ d no linger the ord-r to all ships and commands to display the na- H-'nal colors at half-mast. \\ hilM tt.e , r to the M ine has cr. a ted a temper in the h(ui>-t In f'tvor of libital appropriations for the navy, and wiille It Is utd 'iib;. <:>? true that tho hou-e in Ita t r. cut t-. ime of mind w.;uld not hesltata to Vote for two r , w b.ntl. - ?hlps. the temp.r is predtcatid upon th.-rv that t Matie «, - blo\. tup by exteina! oj?i > ,if the r. s ,'t of the olfe tal inquiry should drv ;c-» the fact U-yond peradve-itur. »| ; it tl > ship's mi«- ni> expl >?!' d fram lire or ot(i r cause wi \i!i ' f-r. ir u ' . , \ ,1 .4 In CO'SM« ss wdl I . s. ? ,-t- --twndltura of tv...i ? n ; . « xm9t r ;t; i of w ir»|||; s tl. .t may I w up at any time. It s< ."'tn# I. k\u25a0 |\ thai ?i c>\u25a0 ngr* il Vtstusi :\ wi.: r ><\u25a0 \u25a0 .> bonril of li,. A » , of the ? ? ? : i --e,. xo T tlon f * this ; has yet b . ~ .. d' ' - ' I:l tbe r A pre- ,r. t >\u25a0\u25a0 > . ? f ! . , ,j <s>ni.r.|ttiie m ',?>?. v . | When ha Ittnud that the Mun s coal bunker a ! mi t* c \z \u25a0 '*i v a Sb'n part its ?: »? . .<5. "\Vh«Tn I Searn.d of the flre tn the coal hi :»? - s of t the K- S n A . 1 . ? sln.i « re I." . * I '?? '.4 eour-\ th n ? « \u25a0 lty ~, , ilejw rt ?». t.f ,'.r ? . , as a .uld r.-t .... t .%t dar r ' 1 ttriir .1 of j «»r 5 ge ~ | ItWUiai'ne ttr";',| ' .. \u25a0 , v , 1 1, N' IV ' : ? , . . , c<>rr* ? * ! v ui ,\* f ? ? , - » :;" ' advl-.i t e t .. , The eastern, it ; : .. M entlreS> dis . :.>! . , t t V , T . w rk.M Ofti. ,a> ; , \u25a0 \u25a0 v I e c , , of t! " 1v < 1 ' . s ? bws* i ; a ' \u25a0 . - V ter \ ? ~ tl* ' - ?' ? c ? « « ': \u25a0 I. " k . ' * -> " v, f ? . , '.l y, 5 f>... - t - r .\u25a0 , reU' .. to t * ?' . ? v f- - \.. ff ral S r ! d 1 .? Key \\ e i «,* - ' ' \u25a0 S. ? -v f t' \i' - T' * 1! v With . \u25a0 . I for th* I Marti \\ . t. ,, , t* ;. - ? V n , ft- .' ? .S r- t \u25a0 \u25a0 ... w of - ? V.V . .it , m~- 4».-v . . t At t \u25a0 - work be conducted rapidly «e a finish, w th the as?;s:aa-e of Capt. Slgsbe* and the. information gathered by d.ver* from t-ie wreck. \u25a0 ? SI'AIX LOOKING FOR ALLIES. \ewapapera *asceat ? DtfraiiTS I alna With l.ufin Anerira. C pyriif ? >v». by the Associated Press. LONDON, F«?b. 13?There is a curious d ;**ton in the Spanish press as to the p-ty c? confederating the U&tin Re- pa'- <?* of South America with Spain *»t the Un «-d States. El Pais ooti- iei.';- ".at she Spanish republics are weak v. jfh :*o! ition. a?:d that Sf united In a military and diplomatic alliance they w ! r r t ? h fir»? power in the w<4rld in terr;- >ry. the in population. arid \u25a0 h»--r arm!. 5 and navies would have sufflf-U-nt power to injure respec* The { ;? nt out that the j«ak)usiei» of th* r-|j,.f .: s prevent them from taking the initiative: but S;>ain. it is claimed. ' to urge her laxy diplomats to ap- proa h the republics with the *ew of c .r; nir.g for the defense of laitln in- t* - endangered by the intrusion of th» Anglo-Saxons. . t! 'r«e Spain's advice would not , « i *regard..'d if she w.m»d Latin Amer- ?' '. **a!nst the United States, addlrg r vlTi? r U ** !! ko " w n that the greedy 7 I . ?P ct th * Pan -American canal Is ' ,h world i oommerc# will do ai! 7T h fr ;j h :i r r ", r: " 1) ' 0,1(1 »»*»«: to wrest a, ,h * countries of Central , .T"T' % " v , cn *.* En *** r '<l «««ad the Suez Tendln* In this direction Is the d»- ».of ,h«- Ameri .ma to ure Cul>a." In conclusion. El Pais says: "Tr>« of the United States in I,'" V»f. 'i. V rit! ' *»"?> r « Imlnary stej* in c ,' r a; '? < ' Jpatl *n of the future ' I'-rrlng to *l.e Eitin alliances, the > p»--.ator in a io:.< article poln's out that t .i r< : - r: d> ibt of the of special rr ations r-etween France and Spain, which lately been strengthened, and says, i; 7 rh rw'Y tr ' w*!l-»nformed people who l»e- --si..T - V in i Ui " *ut -"nn, tn*- United ,'1 U U, t" d ,:n a;moat collided the Uni- ten M it. found -,:ier- w,# a stiffness in f " n i' attitude which cottld only be ',' f', 1 4 ° r hy . ,f <e fact that e».,ain knew rot " . ar ; p **L to a P uw r could not r.t?i.rct her demands for help." T..e Saturday ll*view expresses the be- ll ? th.it Frame allowed the United Stati-s to understand indirectly that consldera- .ron.s o, importai e to her would riot *!- low her t j see- Spain treated in an un- fr.ejidly manner, and that a Spanish ap- f# il to I- ranee must Intervention. Th- Saturday Review be- this accounts for "the way the Uai- *' '? * S| shrunk fr ;n putting in practice U," treatment of Spain ,-ug K sted in the * protests of thfe Washington gov- ernment." The Spectator maintains that if France ri ' r t helped Spain, the latter would li iv- applied f .r admit- on to tho dreibund, with almost certainty of success. SH.MIIKK TELI.N OF T HE i:\PLOSION An Awe-Inaptriax ?ihook, Too Terri- for Worili. HAVANA Feb. ir» -Oapt. Klgsbee. in an If ?, -rv!t>w to. Jay with the correspondent of the A ? via; -j J'r.M, described in detail t;.-i i wiiich destroyed the ship: /on th- night of Ukj explosion," said ' ? ' "I had not retired. 1 wus wil.ing letters. 1 find it lm to <Jrt i.i<> toe «.;md or shock. hat the Im- i*r."«lii7i remains v f :-c>mfinliiic awe-insplr- tf n>l*« -rending. «i; p-. evading i'o.je la notitlng in trie rtiKr <** 4 «rie.v e A any i>no on txiard to Ui av.ro the exp|.*don by. Aner the tirsi at fhock. I cannot rn> f rt-. ali hen. ninny sharp detonations 1 heard not more than two or three-- I kit* v, my sjjip £. ne. In such a struc- ture the Ma:nt>, the elTecrs of an ex- p. -I : ar>» not ror a moment in douln "I made my way through she long pis- « (>? !:i the dork, groping frotn ride !?' r'.le in f.e naifiway and into the )h..>s. :,e,ng «uo«k the eiri:*st to reaoh ?.a »t. s < liMHi h 1 recogrdied th* «>rr 't i I ordered the big exploatve* to r>e n ? ! and I then dim led that tti«- boats * !Vil ,R " i'-werod :o lecsoue tUo wounJ- ed and drowning'. 1 1 .- ii'.iiitj tn rfei*t m<a;?ur« prevailed. " !? r.» w lb r: . n*e? infusion than a call i Ml Qi>arte: i* oibd produce nor it much. 1 soon saw by the light cf the flamM t \u25a0 a.i :;iy . !!i.> i - and crew left ullv- and trj .urrouuded me 1 c.tnnoi form ?i ,-X of th* time but It seermd ttv ? Ru ' '?* f" '-n »!:?? time I *»?*«.h«-.| the poop i.i;f.' I ieft. the la«t ma" it w.i« pofedl»io J' r *' avl.ec v>ten saved. I: must have ? '' limrtem ~f hour or mora, h w i r, from the i mount of work done. ' ' ? »? r t;i. i . .i a men work- ? ! together, lowrrln-: tne b «t«. ar.d that tf\u25a0\u25a0 <1 k » !lie tine to lower. I did not do- ? tr- raits of >!*brm ilrscr.M by 1 ut. ICandln and )ther«< w.io were on n at tfje time yf th<- e\p!»;Siyn. bvit 1 d i -»t.«-rv« ili * .-xpU'sWrn of the fixtd a r.- a i w- ndeie\l that more were !;? t :rt thereby. A ; ,\u25a0 {?» id the l!n: ts of v. " .! «'* pr«»|- i the harhor ~f friend- ly ???»>» »r 1 a e »\ - maintain pre. <;itl .im .j a. »t a: _ a k a'.! t!>« qmrter w.ttrh v «»:.! r«-d i.» aw orrmat \u25a0ti ? n for ths smcJl- e p b t' idy to \u25a0 u.d !?.» that in the ;rn- pr ! iS.e .v. ? ol e:i attack on th.' -hip .t v, \u25a0.? *. >,l id. It wa* th'» am- -1 \ exploded as tlie heat I. ; hed it." ? S'k,s nnd all th«> oifl -.>r« here \u25a0r> \ ? > a f, r :.ew > from the United ? v ~ - '?» -h> : ;M| opin. »n tt.ere y?.?» . n ha* i' 1 ell ran to ''»! m » *- ? : . t! t'r.-tt < i»tat and to in- < i> t-i to v ut for the result# *>f l xit >'\ :?'! \u25a0 \u25a0 fermlntc a fud^- i: tas to the cauw of the explosion. Itl |\» 111. U h A»« IIIATH. \t>l \«-«.tlae of White on the Om-e Proud ItMt Ilea tit t>. RA\ \\A, I'.h I? Ax the <Xlvr;te~n- t t tii? harbor »ar!y this m'frnirsr t K e ? -jjer* \u25a0 ? dto her uyper d»vk«, t.-» " the >e::-'W fort* and ion? Ilneji of w < n nn.i! 1 r ?oitlier*. the of ium crowned hM * and the thousand » « to mi: '. i-\n. Vl' Interest ntered In the flrit vie* of the wt' k 0 t .. ; ' ted bat'lMhip. sr.,! th* «;« 1; M 4 ? noufh when reached lo "'? \u25a0' a>i w i* et de*ir-wus of witn»-is- -1 e erok the central figure of *n «.? t»r!jrt.t ptctnre. and It .is ».i,i \u25a0« I* i* terrible. The hu«e tniiM of \u25a0* birr- d r<» fntwtml looks i< -a' (?-, r ???; ;»» from a r! if" of fused remer.t. * 1 !*' 1 Furth raf i* the tn whteh sath.rr.l the bund, a reat- p*" ' f' l ' 'he warfcuw Of the pre. wl lie whteh marks onr w.*r *cwil». not a %eati*e rewhia in !?* '\u25a0 \u25a0 ; ** k b.a k'ifof de*oUt n and »'i vy ui itt ui ii II » nr. hunk. 1 ra Xi lllon Oollnr* lUe ttntlleshtp « r n He It r-*f need WAS v V ? , ??-TVe-e te ro ' K f + \w* V ; ? r Maine Chief Cmmw w ! 'T V 4 r-~, . f ? rr #? »Amimt J. V'vi-.-i of the renrienH? the ahlpi t ? r*>- k -rs f o ea. .'a - k, e at. ; r? v-r * ? * s> jf t re *.» >, > 4 . * vn\e - - | « not re« even « - ng the "ill.fate,! < * t- ? ?' * \u25a0' ! . .. " ?' t*s« f|. *''?* 1d ti';an 13 as'w | thought to be the case. the hull Is act »r«*. beyond repair. and as much of t!>« material a.* ran be procured *".11 be brought home and p4ac*d :n a new Maine. "it 1* to be remembered that great ad- vances biv« been made in shipbuilding since the Maine was buiit. ar:d * finer ship to bear her name couM be built today, but it will take time, and if a r.»w ship is tu.lt with modem battery, etc.. a rr-agEiiS- cent vessel can be qulekiy secured." Chief Engineer Melville has decided views in favor of the proposition to rebuild the Maine. "Even supposing this cos's C.000.900." \u25a0aid he. "a n«w ship eoual to the Maine would f-o»t nearly 15 OMj.OOO. The repairs could be made and the ship put in ?e vice aga.n In a year at the furthest. To build a new ship Uke her would take at least three years. "Th«f Maine is in a shallow spot, as pro- tected as a miil and she is only a ?.i»i>-ton ship. The British armor-clad H<>we Of over i »? " ? ?*. wis rttsctf off Ferrol. Spain, and 11 M. 9. Sultan, of o<vr SOrtu tons, was raised and saved after she sank in the Comino channeL" STRAIGHT WHERE Dt'TY CALLED. After the Explosion Lleat. Jeakis* Harried Is Man His Gas. HAVANA, Feb. 19.?1t is known that Lieut. Jenkins, who is among the miss- ir.g, was alive after the explosion. A col- ored attendant, now at Key West, met Jenkins running forward. Ha evidently thought in the confusion that the Maine had been find upon, and he was rushing to the forecastle, where was located th« six-inch gun, of which he was in charge. EWLI9TMEXTS FOR THE XAVT. Three Hundred Men to Take the Plaeea of the Maine Victim*. WASHINGTON, Feb 19-Orders have been Issued for the enlistment of 300 men for the navy to fill the vacancies caused by the destruction of the battle#hip Maine, and to complete the legal quota. The new men will be sent to receiving ships, whence they will be sent to ships la commission wherever needed. Old Glory Floats on the Maine. HAVANA. Feb. 13.?The United States Ah< is rtuating at half-mast from the poop of the Malr.e today, and two divers, with six assistants, are at work about the wreck under the direction of ('apt. Sigsbee. Fond* for the Maine Kufferer*. NEWARK, N J . Feb. 19.-At a dinner given Attorney-General Griggs at New York tonight subscriptions of 11,150 were madeafor the Maine Sufferers. HEAVY KkI'LOSIOX IX HAYASA. Terrific Report* Heaird t»y a Pauen- «er on the Olivette. KEY WKBT. Feb. 19.- A paissenger on <lie steamer Olivette from Havana, which arrived here tonight, r.-ports that shortly af.e.r the vessel's departure from Havana, w lien she was about eight miles oft shore, two terrliio reports were heard. The sounds ri st mbled the discharge of heavy cannon or large explosions. MILLIONS ON LEITUK'S ACCOI'NT. lliff Uepuxlla < oiillriii Hrport* of Heiny WheHt !ialr». CHICAGO, Feb. 13.?'Tlie Journal says: It is pretty Weil established in ins.de elr- cits about the Board of Trade that within the. pant t«jn day? there has In-en turned Into two Chicago banks on I>aSalle street about Kwo.Ouo for Joseph liter's account. This Is confirmation of the sale of wheat. Within forty-eight hours ocean tonnage has been taken at a very low rate for Vooo,t*o bushels to leading Fn*!l>h ports. Favor.d people, who had th« tip on the heavy de- posits with the bank;, were gfttinp all the wheat possible on soft spots yesterday. I'l.l >1 lll.lts' LIW.MSG INVALID. Law Declared I iicouHtltntlonnl l»y Wlaeonsln Superior ( ourt. MILWAI'KKK. Feb. 19.?Judge Suther- land, of the superior court, today handed down a decision knocking out the plumb- ers' license law passed at the but s s#ion of the legislature. The decision Is a severe blow to many master plumbers, and to trad, s unions whi.h favored it. The case decided, a test one, was that of Jacob Wjr.kler ng -inst the board of public work* of Milwaukee. Winkler faibd to pass the examination held by the lioard of exam- iner*. and was consequently refused a li- cense Me brought suit on the yround that the law was Invalid. The case will doubt- less be carried to the supreane court. MnrU«)'i J»ou Kiiicitxed. NEW YORK. Feb. ID The Herald to- day *ays: Formal announcement has l>-v!» mad« « f trie engagement of Ml»s Katharine Puer, only daughter of Mr. «r ? Mrs V. -.nam A. l>uer. of New York, t.> Mr. «"lar. rue Hungerforci Mat-kay. only living son of Mr and Mrs. John VV. M i k- y 'l"he announcement was followed by many letters of congratulation. Sftfr* M»rm in .\e»* llrlrnim. NK\\ OKI,FANS. fVb, ID -A MTCTf -m of wild, lightning and wind struck New O/ \u25a0*a ?».1 tcnlay. Tti»' g.iio was s > heavy that tn the rear of th* city sheds Wi-re kS' l ' k«t down, chimneys t <tppta| over. tr»e» uprooted *nd fen.-es UUI low. < ? mill wa-1 -, rinti»!y injured ?>>- light- ' *»' \u25a0* rt; h anl t. »*pliore lines w<-rt; crippled In many quarters. A rough esti- mate of the ! >\u25a0=« is H"mi. Trntn« <ot!ld>. in n «aim "form. Rt'x'KFOßl). Hi.. Feb. I<> -TVtrinr a blinding anow ««nn thin afternoon two t<u«-s.-n* -r tn nm evil 1.-.1 t>e Ms:u ,y. kw "?»*.! n* ar her... k-.::ing Knglneer ft «* T:j -ii and s- r:. tsjy injurirg «* .n,!u : r Ke 'v an l K;re*n tn < ;eorge SrfVvr.«on an-1 V. T. Pa\ ies. ' Heprr*rl»t«tluii In I'nrta. !',tt of lUlMta a,>pcopr: u;ni; j: »». f r the repr«w< nta- tion at Fans jn ]««* On kin ml Karri. San kran.'ts.'o. Ft- it Wr^h fr it Oak!j-d fie. trark fa-.' Rr.ult,: St fur!-." . * l M *:inrt n »<>r, iu -ardo se. nd Alum;r. .m t! ?:?! T-me. l.ii " n'' n-.;,e ??ittfur?Dr Bvntttl won. Go 'Bed MN-ond. Unjoin 11. thsr l Ttrae 1 4 i r ' v Ma* ne It irr.ij- "> mx. id. ttair.irr thin! Tim<-. «v f- jr mi> v Thornton -»? A.- v.i' fi .<> J -'is-- lHmrv v. mi Mar; ;,.: J. Th* I'.Kfir ~r third *\ I 6 v t«r \u25a0 ;?)(> F.-r ««4v.mr.ah won. Imp. rl- »- -d The a t r: ; ;i. ? \ 'tifi s? <" »»»> % r m » n. H v sec- ond . third. Time, i u v ». J » Tr- ? n'« ad -n jwg«» 12. Special »a.« '? *' "* N * *? IH l] ipttaff ?h«w--s »a w.: utiws. I OMll \*l ll IIIM'VP lilA _ ngw. SIJ MltlnWl MSWty In s *? *rr.- » vr thr «»-«t r u To * : ; ? v : CT W anJ Wllßwo N i;<irr* dHki)tlß( teller ot ' "?* K ->? N ' '..r al ». r.k >?' I \u25a0rr Ih > ' ?' ' "5 * '\u25a0 S n-.. - -»r?..,i M;k , Hi j »;ui v\ ?r J. v . e. U ? ?r- Tt&' t^X. HK U-. i . r.sht a# K >imUm gold?- : " r . * favorita beverage. * 4 ( * ' : ' "?*' * ? d.nmrn" "C K Jt s*«ma ta im- a 6 U.«jr w... i . i tUwUteT. THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGEXCEB, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1898. IWOBI6CMLS COMPAREI. FICrRES RELATIVE TO CITICAGO DRAINAGE .UD NICARAGUA. Cooler and Crsiln Reward th« Cen- tral Aaserleaa l odertaklac a* En- tirely Feasible?Enffineerla* Dlf- Aealtle* Have Beea Exaggerattd. CHICAGO, Feb. 19.?1*. E. Cool'T and E. L. Cragin, who returned to Chicago last night friisn their trip to Central America, ere en?tiUfftastio over the possibiiirics of the Nioaraguan canai. Mr. Cooky ma le the following comi"arison. in cubic yard* be:we*>n the Chicago drainage canal and Mloaraguan ca^al Drainngg Nicaragua Canal. Canal. Rock excavation Uam'.'O) l«.ws'.i*o Earth exoavallon .. ..34.«»'.t«W H.W.'M) Masonry. \u2666?'>.ooo 1.250.< | ft) Dredging Slight From their Investigations Messrs. Cooley and Cragin hava coma to tiia following conclusions: "The Nicaragua canal on the line® of the general plans of the Warner Milkr Mari- time Comjjany, is entirely feasible. "Tha difficulties have been over-estkr.at- ed. "There no reaaon why contractors jo the ChiciuM Drainage Carwd shcuhikpot un- dertake the work of e**w»tru«-tion. "Finally, the harbors* of Greytown on the Atlantic side, and Brito, on the Pacific artde, preeent no difficult engineering prob- lems that canno: be solved at a reason- able cost." Mr. Cooky's remarks about the engin- eers agreeing over the feasibility of the pVans for the canal in their general out- lines probably forosiiadow the report of tho United States commission, which wad eticouiitvred in part of tne trip. A remark by him that the two govern- ments would give anything to anybody who would build the canal, is »ignitioant, as the concessions to the maritime com- pany expire in 11M) and IS*>l. NEW COMPANY ABSORBED. \orth American Tranaportntloa and Trndlnir Co. Take* Over the Mloluk t ouipany. CHICAGO, Feb. 1».-The Cudahy-Healy Yukon Mining Company has gone out of business, outside stockholders who in- vested In the concern have been returned th>ir money with 6 per cent, inter eat from the date of payment. The mining inter- ests in the Klondike and those in Alaska originally owned by the North American Transportation and Trading Company have been absorbed by that company again. Henceforth the Weares. Cudahys and lle&lys will center their interests and their attention In their old company, which will now include mining along with transportalion and trading. The move was determined upon by the principals aix>ut two wreks ago. It was decided th.it the big mining interests ac- quired In the new Jidorado could not be satisfactorily handled apart from the other allied ventures. The North Amer- ican Transportation and Trading Com- pany. having purchased new mines, con- sidered it eouid m ana to the whole batch as one better than it could through two or three concerns! Another SCramer for the Yukon. POItTLAND, Or., Feb. IS.?John Myers, of the Chicago fire department, has con- tracted with a shipbuilder of Tortland for the ooostnictfon of a steamer for the Yu- kon river. There are fifty who will go to the Klondike with Myers*, ard all belong to the fire department of Chicago. The steamer is to be completed May 15, and will be sent to the Yukon in knock-down shape. OLYMPIC'S .Mill, SERVICE. Arrnngrmi'iit* Uriug Made to nan Two Trnlim ou Sunday. Speelal Dispatch to the Poet-Intelligence. OLYMPIA. Fob. ly.?Postmaster Cava- raugh is In receipt of a communication from Superintendent of Railway Mail S- rvk'ti Vail. advising the local po»toffl.-e that tr.gotiations are pending with Man- a*:er < J. Saiith. of th« Oregon Improve- ment Company, for a doAle train service Sundays over the Port Townaend South- ern railway between Oiympta and Te- r.lr.o, so as to connect with all trains be twevn Seattle and Portland In the Inter- ests of the Oljmpla mall enrvloe. It Is rot expected that negotiations can be completed in tlmo for inaugurating the service tomorrow, but it is hoped that arrangements may be completed before the beginning of another week. Until F.»me such service is tnnugurited, Olym- pla will receive no mail on Sunday in time for distribution. >E\V 1.1 lilt Alt V ASSOIIATIOH. One Formed at Anacortes and an Fntertnli:iueat Given Special IMspat h to ?he Potst-Tnf-Hlgencer. AN'.\( OKTKS, Ki b 19 - Thie Anncort''# Library A- ; ; i t' rn has effected a. perma- nent organisation bv the election of t** following officers: Present. A. P. Curtr--; v >' pre* K. M- ?"'* itrj;a r?: secretary. V. J Knnpp; 'n rtsurer T. H. Childs; direc- tors. P.ev J. A Laurie. Hev W. -T. r>i**. n . R*v C J. Kallgren. Rev. C. J Oodwnsn, I' M Woodbury. r> usrlaa A!lm<>nd: com- n.i-ree on way;; and nr.. ins. Mr* Melville Curtis M-r if i> All:-on. Mrs John Traf- t n, Mrs t>. M WiKnlbury, Miss Davis, Herder M!i«s Jsmleson. At * nv«t»: g held Tuesday evening a \u25a0ti' r iry an! nv.is a! programme par- t'«v;at.*d in by Mrs I. K Piiaier. Mrs. jt. !' v ! '\u25a0 M s H»r*.*'-r. Miss Mav M'^a Mabel Lott. PC RE and bright Kloi l k# gold- 1. ; ' ? r be- r, S it;!, favorite bever;tge. A«k for it. I»E VI US (Mi n RAI.9. ALP ON ir s {!?'\u25a0 n «h,» family d<*« N t,jj Twenty-third avenu* " ! ' ? s : "'sv February 1* IMi*. of ). .r; rc. Mrs. M. C. Aibion, a*tj 45 jr#a r««. BUo'< F The fur'-T si ft-Av-j '.Mrs, Idx >' .? tak ;:.! »\u25a0 fhi« afternoon at ' '' - ' a ?*! « T li ifrrw.'»rth*« umlprtaklc* .ar»* nt _.?»? : ,».-io-k Memtwri ..? - A «> ' . \\ ,i'.u fvtrtv of Iforor art invited t \u25a0 attend. N 'itTHWKST FIXTI RK CO «>\u25a0">* : i;« F:rst ,v<r: ,r What .*> thrv do" Tii* v .if.;: w»rid. .How 1 Wilt) thf "*' n ?? ' t«* ..i.« -nvf * >»? market af- \u25a0" > * 1 -'r... 'L K\ir,i « \ ? * .1 :* > , \ fr\ . >r- ?f> 1 n») y m»:-i diicr * ? - ? w ? >\u25a0 - Jyn.im * r«<h. dir.'-r ecnnrt-rtst and ->.t driv»r«. m-rtorn for A *** n. '«v VV> Miiidjnir -i o-T -d :???«>: - *rt«i dynamo for op#-rati:, jt *' ' ' ?"* w '? 1 *> »IJ. iw .O > - w you. VV» man.fa. :ir» «*-.»rvh t.shr* and f - .».\u2666 ax* that nr< marv»*.a of : - * ? '*\u25a0' " f *?! a* 1 adjuHanT > ? < .f rti ! . ? ijjjrj gra , "»v, n»» ?f" ' ' ~f t$M L«-t» U , r ' r" ' *' \u25a0 > mantW mar,ufa<--tr- " in K; %* ?*" <c Tuitig C m- ! ?? {'. - irm j C'.rrt- : v rr*«rcuf*cti;ivr* of and- -ark ; J -if A R,* wi- < A -T. .tr-'i Kddy w<a. ;rtic Oomp*ny» d>r.»- * ? n- ? \u25a0?« A ? «-r: ia T fb.tr? \\> - ? "v«*\ ? \ f v *.-y# tu :r.f ?;** V ii'.f tu: !n*. etc.; Partrirk 4fc CW«r ?? ? ?' \u25a0 *? .rs». ».r a -*" ? ' l ?** sr «tf l J r ,? k t 'rw ('omrua* and H. T ? \u25a0*"'* J \u25a0»"*' ' r. ? .t j ? \u25a0 < ».» F\MHt Wiff ''in>;? t~iy\ -\u25a0 " <Vh> i * n ? t \ j* ? ' M ? w for ar > IWil |M m<iy nrqulr®. A ? .. i-.. > ,r : r A. JKJLScvX, r ?»?\u25a0 r . This Is What Customers Say About Us. A- A A. A W W W W D. T. MCRPHY, President* "" BARRY E. F. KINO, Secretary. " JAMES HALL, Treasurer. Connecticut and Alaska Mining and Trading Co. SCHOONER MOONLIGHT. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, February 5, 1898. THE HUB CLOTHING COMPANY, Gls and 617 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash.? Dear Sirs: In return for the kind treatment received at your hands while being outfitted for our trip to Alaska, we feel it our duty to tender you this as a testimonial of our appreciation, which, if you deem best, you may publish, both for the benefit of strangers outfitting in your city and for your own benefit, which you so justly deserve. Notwithstanding that we bought a great many goods in New 1 ork City, we were compelled, after our arrival here, to pur- chase fully as much more to complete our outfit. Your prices were full y as reasonable, and in many instances even lower than those quoted in the East, and the quality of your outfitting goods super- ior for the purpose, while your stock is positively the most com- plete we have seen. We fully realize the difficulty in outfitting thirty men, which comprises the number of the Schooner Moon- light's expedition, and consequently appreciate your ability as thor- ough Outfitters, and commend highly the manner in which you so successfully handled so large a body of men. If published, we hope this testimonial will be of the benefit you so justly deserve. Wishing you success we cheerfullv subscribe to the above. E. J. MYES, Captain, Stamford, Conn. V. B. SMITH, Lanriboro, Pa. D. T. Ml RPIIV, Prralilrnl, Stamford, Conn. ICDWIX BIIOOK. Stamford, Conn. JAMES HALL, Treasurer, Brldaeport, Conn. WILLIAM SHOOK CRIB, Stamford, Conn. DR. KOHTKICrIIT, Physician, lloboken, V J. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Stamford, Conn. HAHKY E. F. KIMi, Stamford, Conn. MICHAEL O'BRIEN, Bridgeport. Conn. ( HAS. H. 11l TTS, Stamford, Con. W. JAMES, Hornellsville, S. Y. JoH\ POTTS, W'estport, Conn. T. SMITH, Rochester, J». T. JAMES SIMPSON, Bridgeport, Conn. BERKARD CtESTALDI, Norwalk, COBB. F. W. HOYT, Nornalk, Conn. CHAS. PRIESLER, Sjollaad, Denmark. C. A. MAllGl KHSOX, Hornellsville. N, y, FRED GETTEON, Canons, Cona. T. O. ItODUERS, Danhnry. Conn. STANLEY W", OARDSKR, Rochester, N. Y. I>. O'COW EI.L. Glenbrook. Conn. WM. A. WILSON, Roc heater. |. Y. P. D. STEAD, South Beach, Conn. SYKRS PARKER, York City. F. E. KING, Stamford, Conn. H. LAW RENTS, Lltcblleld, Conn. A A rfc A iff? w O. AV. C t RI.FY, Director. W. L. EVASS, Treainrrr. GEO. A. PARSONS, President. A. 11. JI I>I», Ph)sIel«B and Secretary. WALTER DREt HSLER, Vice Pres. Hartford Excelsior Exploration Co. Of Hartford, Conn. SEATTLE, Wash., February 19, 1898. THE HUB CLOTHING CO., 015 First Avenue, Seattle? Dear Sirs: Through the kindness of some of the members of the Schooner Moonlight Expedition, we were favored with a copy of the original Testimonial Letter tendered you by them. Being on friendly terms with a number of the members of that Expedition, we were fully convinced that this Testimonial was sin- cere and truthful. This at once decided us to do no outfitting for our Alaska trip un- til we reached Seattle. That this was awise and profitable decision on our part, we most cheerfully acknowledge. Our dealings with your house wili be one of the pleasant memories we shall carrv with us. Notwithstanding the fact that your house was highly rec- ommended by the Moonlight Expedition, we nevertheless figured with a number of houses for our outfits, and we now frankly admit that the prices you quoted were by far the lowest for the best grades of goods. Trusting that our friends in the East who are contem- plating a trip to the Gold Fields will profit by our experience with your house, we are sincerely yours, W. 1.. EVAX*, GEO. 4. F%R*o\«, G. VV. « VRI.EY, A. 11. .11 1)1), \\ %LTER. DREC lf<*l.Fl. I'arrlmtlnK (ummtlt»f, Hartford P. E. Ca

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Page 1: IIBLOWN UP IWOBI6CMLS COMPAREI. …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045604/1898-02-20/ed-1/seq-8.pdfp.isM-d at oiiiand «»? i;»t . it t. mo of the fanii.i>v


IIBLOWN UP8? SUBMARINE MI.f*rr' , 3 fr-m P.n?" 1.

h*-d to t ' bottom of the hull, buried, asIt pro! ably is, deep in m\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0d. The official*here !';'!r.*.a.t< that the discovery of p.«i'ea

of turpi'io . not to be t ik« n Into «?... -. r-Ati": ?- api .of of it. i *?;. .or..

Tfcer was a good d»-al of t-ilk ftm>.t.f<1 <? of; ...... t:»< n<<d of s;>-;dy T -Jftx;i- ifcUitiß i;r tL< L< ( tit of th': fanti.l a

?f til* explosion victims. Under tae

treasury ru«-< ti-.e a.ivtaaenta of portions?f p-y to tn- inte;s of .< ;r f s made

by the m-1» who perui.-d In the wr?kB'. 1 st *?op at o; e. j? Nt doub'edtnat con,;re»s w;: : o ? v i sn t;.-* - >seof the m.oaß d: ; t-r, provide a y .irs

pfjr to the fin s ' >\u25a0 iiorg wj»j

di'd at th- ir po? ». The ulty, how-aver. is that a rr.- ; rt t ..-.not bep.isM-d at oiiiand «»? i;»t . it t. mo ofthe fanii.i>v <<t the -itud sailors may heI" gnat d.-ti. 1.ii ikui>'j .t nastaken up Ly Mr. and he has e.tlioda tii-1 .ir,x t r M juUy i,t initiate themovement.

It liapf>< !i<« t:.,if, by the rare chance of"!l ur.' xp«- t? d of paymasters re-cently, very iittj**of ti.e >. lVuigs of theMaim * Mii >rs »? tus uin the vasaLAt*out tiWu a "k', i-.iy r l..ttie-fi-. o! ih« .'>i ", A .1 | t-i; ed by i',»y-master Ray, Th t-:rm-r car..'- to Wash-ington ar.d li- ->'t:<? <» t ;it_. >unta of the*\u25a0hip up to the i.m- h left The r. ordsliua .-i th.it I*i> :i:.icier llay had Oil handin h *,tfe only at-- ui 1 in cash, prob-ably li-jil. ;i:. . ? K I >r p./\(0 wh.ch. ofcour ?. is *af<i «t .? vi. his la-dorn«nient against

Siriit the i hoj; '-ombustlon theoryhae como » i pi'/inineatiy to the front aaa counting fur t.if dl.- i -'er, taa 011 l aishave be- n look:; a over the reeords to iinda parallel <;; ,js njr .is may , 'ii.eHa,! *hip Nt w j!k "Wat discovered to beon lire Mar h i.->., Sm -k ? aa* issuingfrom h-r man. n :g.This w n clear-cd of powd- r r ifeiy and it aas f omd thattff'i a !a rk .ad l.< \u25a0;j charr d deeply.Ttie .att .i, vi «?. not «t iir*» perc» ptlble." butIt ai ? j;"t ni! ovind t a' a. adjoin, g

coal bunker a<s burning. \\ ).< n the bunk-er a -a* op* ied. tht; < - il on top ua.< nothot. but a - the m<-n dui; down it was foundto in- redhot In-ide. There wno n ani-fe4 atton of hi at on top of the bunk* r,ror on any save the one next to ti;e maga-xlne. That s»artl- 1 naval <f! rs, andthe constr a t >r- n ado a c»Ri o> rai.ie mr?P". e between th< butik» rn a;ui tie maga-

tine in tho designing of "the j, w battb -

?b.pa n.»w on »he docks, the lesson waskept In inlnd, arid t v«-r> t:iimc ponalble wasdone to Itisu!.»t«« the coa bunkers from thau. iKaainsa.

S«<jit.iiy I»rk his Klven orders thatwith the «?Xi ir.iti r> of this day th'i n,-. ,1be o!' «r\ d no linger the ord-r to allships and commands to display the na-

H-'nal colors at half-mast.\\ hilM tt.e , r to the M ine has

cr. a ted a temper in the h(ui>-t In f'tvor oflibital appropriations for the navy, andwiille It Is utd 'iib;. <:>? true that thohou-e in Ita t r. cut t-. ime of mind w.;uld

not hesltata to Vote for two r , w b.ntl. -

?hlps. the temp.r is predtcatid uponth.-rv that t Matie «, - blo\. tup byexteina! oj?i > ,if the r. s ,'t of theolfe tal inquiry should drv ;c-» the factU-yond peradve-itur. »| ; it tl > ship's mi«-

ni> expl >?!' d fram lire or ot(i r causewi \i!i ' f-r. ir u ' . , \ ,1 .4 InCO'SM« ss wdl I . s. ? ,-t-

--twndltura of tv...i ? n ; . « xm9t r ;t; i

of w ir»|||; s tl. .t may I w up at anytime.

It s< ."'tn# I. k\u25a0 |\ thai ?i c>\u25a0 ngr* ilVtstusi :\ wi.: r ><\u25a0 \u25a0 .>

bonril of li,.A

» ,

of the ? ? ? : i --e,. xo Ttlon f * this ; has yet b . ~ ..

d' ' - ' I:l tbe rA pre- ,r. t >\u25a0\u25a0 > . ? f ! . , ,j

<s>ni.r.|ttiie m ',?>?. v . |

When ha Ittnud that the Mun s coalbunker a ! mi t* c \z \u25a0 '*i va Sb'n part its ?: »? ?« . .<5.

"\Vh«Tn I Searn.d of the flre tn the coalhi :»? - s of tthe K- S n A . 1 . ?

sln.i « re I." . * I '?? '.4eour-\ th n ? « \u25a0 ,» lty ~, ,

ilejwrt ?». t.f ,'.r ? . ,

as a .uld r.-t .... t .%t dar r ' 1ttriir .1 of j«»r 5 ge ~ |

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N' IV ' : ? , . . ,c<>rr* ?


!vui ,\* f ? ? , - »

:;" 'advl-.i t e t ..


The eastern, it ; e» : ..MentlreS> dis . :.>! . , t t V , T .

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reU' .. to t * ?' . ? v f- - \..

ff ral S r ! d 1 .? Key \\ e i «,* -

' ' \u25a0 S. ? -v f t' \i' - T' *

1! v With . \u25a0 . I for th*

I Marti

\\ .

t. ,, ,

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? V n,

ft- .' ? .S r- t \u25a0 \u25a0 ...


of - ? V.V . .it ,

m~- 4».-v . . t At t \u25a0 -

work be conducted rapidly «e a finish,

w th the as?;s:aa-e of Capt. Slgsbe* andthe. information gathered by d.ver* fromt-ie wreck.

\u25a0 ?


\ewapapera *asceat ? DtfraiiTSI alna With l.ufin Anerira.

C pyriif ? >v». by the Associated Press.LONDON, F«?b. 13?There is a curious

d ;**ton in the Spanish press as to thep-ty c? confederating the U&tin Re-pa'- <?* of South America with Spain

*»t the Un «-d States. El Pais ooti-

iei.';- ".at she Spanish republics are weakv. jfh :*o! ition. a?:d that Sf united Ina military and diplomatic alliance theyw ! r r t ? h fir»? power in the w<4rld interr;- >ry. the in population. arid

\u25a0 h»--r arm!. 5 and navies would havesufflf-U-nt power to injure respec* The{ ;? nt out that the j«ak)usiei» ofth* r-|j,.f .: s prevent them from takingthe initiative: but S;>ain. it is claimed.' to urge her laxy diplomats to ap-proa h the republics with the *ew ofc .r; nir.g for the defense of laitln in-t* - endangered by the intrusion ofth» Anglo-Saxons.


t! 'r«e Spain's advice would not, « i*regard..'d if she w.m»d Latin Amer-?'

'. **a!nst the United States, addlrg rvlTi?r U **!! ko "w n that the greedy

7 I . ?P ct th* Pan -American canal Is' ,h world i oommerc# will do ai!7T hfr;jh:ir r", r:"1)' 0,1(1 »»*»«: to wrest

a,,h* countries of Central

, .T"T' % "v,

cn *.* En ***r'<l «««ad the SuezTendln* In this direction Is the d»-».of ,h«- Ameri .ma to s» ure Cul>a."

In conclusion. El Pais says:

"Tr>« of the United States inI,'" V»f. 'i. V rit!' *»"?> {»r« Imlnary stej* inc ,'r

a; '? < ' Jpatl *n of the future' I'-rrlng to *l.e Eitin alliances, the

> p»--.ator in a io:.< article poln's out thatt .i r< : - r: d> ibt of the of specialrr ations r-etween France and Spain, whichlately been strengthened, and says,

i; 7rh rw'Ytr ' w*!l-»nformed people who l»e---si..T - V in iUi " *ut -"nn, tn*- United,'1U

U, t"d ,:n a;moat collided the Uni-ten M it. found -,:ier- w,# a stiffness inf" n i' attitude which cottld only be',' f', 1 4 ° r hy. ,f<e fact that e».,ain knewrot



ar ;p**Lto a P uw r couldnot r.t?i.rct her demands for help."T..e Saturday ll*view expresses the be-ll ? th.it Frame allowed the United Stati-sto understand indirectly that consldera-.ron.s o, importai e to her would riot *!-

low her t j see- Spain treated in an un-fr.ejidly manner, and that a Spanish ap-f# il to I- ranee mustIntervention. Th- Saturday Review be-

this accounts for "the way the Uai-*''? *S| shrunk fr ;n putting in practice

U," treatment of Spain ,-ugK sted in the* protests of thfe Washington gov-

ernment."The Spectator maintains that if France

ri ' r t helped Spain, the latter wouldli iv- applied f .r admit- on to tho dreibund,with almost certainty of success.


An Awe-Inaptriax ?ihook, Too Terri-for Worili.

HAVANA Feb. ir» -Oapt. Klgsbee. in anIf ?, -rv!t>w to. Jay with the correspondent ofthe A ? via; -j J'r.M, described in detailt;.-i i wiiich destroyed the ship:/on th- night of Ukj explosion," said

'? ' "I had not retired. 1 wus

wil.ing letters. 1 find it lm to<Jrt i.i<> toe «.;md or shock. hat the Im-i*r."«lii7i remains v f :-c>mfinliiic awe-insplr-

tf n>l*« -rending.«i; p-. evading i'o.je la notitlng in trie

rtiKr <**4 «rie.v e A any i>no on txiard to

Ui av.ro the exp|.*don by.Aner the tirsi at fhock. I cannot

rn> f rt-. ali hen. ninny sharp detonations1 heard not more than two or three-- Ikit* v, my sjjip £. ne. In such a struc-ture i» the Ma:nt>, the elTecrs of an ex-p. -I : ar>» not ror a moment in douln"I made my way through she long pis-

« (>? !:i the dork, groping frotn ride!?' r'.le in f.e naifiway and into the)h..>s. :,e,ng «uo«k the eiri:*st to reaoh

?.a »t. s < liMHi h 1 recogrdied th*«>rr 't i I ordered the big exploatve* to r>en ? .» ! and I then dim led that tti«- boats*!Vil ,R " i'-werod :o lecsoue tUo wounJ-ed and drowning'.

1 1.- ii'.iiitjtn rfei*t m<a;?ur« prevailed."

!? r.» w lb r: . n*e? infusion than a calli Ml Qi>arte: i *oibd produce nor itmuch.

1 soon saw by the light cf the flamMt \u25a0 a.i :;iy . !!i.> i - and crew left ullv- and

trj .urrouuded me 1 c.tnnoi form?i ,-X of th* time but It seermd ttv ?Ru ' '?* f" '-n »!:?? time I *»?*«.h«-.| the poopi.i;f.' I ieft. the la«t ma" it w.i« pofedl»io

J' r *' avl.ec v>ten saved. I: must have? '' limrtem ~f hour or mora,

h w i v« r, from the imount of work done.' ' ? »? r t;i. i . .i a men work-

? ! together, lowrrln-: tne b «t«. ar.d thattf\u25a0\u25a0 <1 k » !lie tine to lower. I did notdo- ? tr- raits of >!*brm ilrscr.M by1 ut. ICandln and )ther«< w.io were on

n at tfje time yf th<- e\p!»;Siyn. bvit 1d i -»t.«-rv« ili * .-xpU'sWrn of the fixtd a r.-

a i w- ndeie\l that more were!;? t :rt thereby.

A ; ,\u25a0 {?» id the l!n: ts ofv. " .! «'* pr«»|- i the harhor ~f .» friend-ly ???»>» »r 1 a e »\ - maintain pre. <;itl .im.j a. »t a: _ a k a'.! t!>« qmrter w.ttrh v«»:.! r«-d i.» aw orrmat \u25a0ti ? n for ths smcJl-e p

b t' idy to \u25a0 u.d !?.» that in the ;rn-

pr ! iS.e .v. ? ol e:i attack on th.' -hip.t v, \u25a0.? *. >,l r» id. It wa* th'» am-

-1 \ exploded as tlie heatI. ; hed it."

? S'k,s nnd all th«> oifl -.>r« here\u25a0r> \ ? > a f, r :.ew > from the United

?v~ - '?» -h> : ;M| opin. »n tt.ere y?.?». n ha* i' 1 ell h« ran to ''»! m » *-

? : . t! t'r.-tt < i»tat and to in-< i> t-i to v ut for the result# *>f

l xit >'\ :?'! \u25a0 \u25a0 fermlntc a fud^-i: tas to the cauw of the explosion.

Itl|\» 111. U h A»« IIIATH.

\t>l t« \«-«.tlae of White on the Om-e

Proud ItMt Ilea tit t>.

RA\ \\A, I'.h I? Ax the <Xlvr;te~n-t t tii? harbor »ar!y this m'frnirsr t K e

? -jjer* \u25a0 ? dto her uyper d»vk«, t.-»" the >e::-'W fort* and ion? Ilneji of

w < n nn.i! 1 r ?oitlier*. the ofium crowned hM * and the thousand

» « to mi: '. i-\n. Vl' Interestntered In the flrit vie* of the wt' k

0 t .. ; ' ted bat'lMhip. sr.,! th* «;« 1;

M 4 ? noufh when reached lo"'? \u25a0' a>i w i* et de*ir-wus of witn»-is-

-1 e erok t« the central figure of *n«.? t»r!jrt.t ptctnre. and It *« .is ».i,i

\u25a0« I* i* terrible. The hu«e tniiM of\u25a0* birr- d d» r<» fntwtml looks i<

-a' (?-, r ???; ;»» from ar! if" of fused remer.t.* 1 !*' 1 Furth raf i* the

tn whteh sath.rr.l the bund, a reat-p*" ' f'l ' 'he warfcuw Of the pre.

wl lie whteh marks onr w.*r*cwil». not a %eati*e rewhia in !?*

'\u25a0 \u25a0 ; **k b.a k'ifof de*oUt n and

»'i vy ui itt ui ii II » nr. hunk.

1 ra Xi lllon Oollnr* lUe ttntlleshtp« r n He Itr-*f need

WAS v V ? , ??-TVe-e te ro'

K f + \w* V

; ? r Maine Chief Cmmw w! 'T V 4 r-~, . f ? rr #? »Amimt J.

V'vi-.-i of the renrienH? the ahlpi

t ? r*>- k -rs f o

ea. .'a - k, e at. ; r? v-r* ? * s> jf t re *.» >, > 4 .

* vn\e -

- | « not re« even« - ng the "ill.fate,!

< * t- ?

?' * \u25a0' !


" ?' t*s« f|.*''?* 1?» d ti';an 13 as'w |

thought to be the case. the hull Is act»r«*. beyond repair. and as much oft!>« material a.* ran be procured *".11 bebrought home and p4ac*d :n a new Maine.

"it 1* to be remembered that great ad-vances biv« been made in shipbuildingsince the Maine was buiit. ar:d * finer shipto bear her name couM be built today,

but it will take time, and if a r.»w ship istu.lt with modem battery, etc.. a rr-agEiiS-cent vessel can be qulekiy secured."

Chief Engineer Melville has decidedviews in favor of the proposition to rebuildthe Maine.

"Even supposing this cos's C.000.900."\u25a0aid he. "a n«w ship eoual to the Mainewould f-o»t nearly 15 OMj.OOO. The repairscould be made and the ship put in ?e viceaga.n In a year at the furthest. To builda new ship Uke her would take at leastthree years.

"Th«f Maine is in a shallow spot, as pro-tected as a miil and she is only a?.i»i>-ton ship. The British armor-cladH<>we Of over i »?

" ? ?*. wis rttsctf offFerrol. Spain, and 11 M. 9. Sultan, ofo<vr SOrtu tons, was raised and saved aftershe sank in the Comino channeL"


After the Explosion Lleat. Jeakis*Harried Is Man His Gas.

HAVANA, Feb. 19.?1t is known thatLieut. Jenkins, who is among the miss-ir.g, was alive after the explosion. A col-ored attendant, now at Key West, metJenkins running forward. Ha evidentlythought in the confusion that the Mainehad been find upon, and he was rushingto the forecastle, where was located th«six-inch gun, of which he was in charge.


Three Hundred Men to Take thePlaeea of the Maine Victim*.

WASHINGTON, Feb 19-Orders havebeen Issued for the enlistment of 300 menfor the navy to fill the vacancies causedby the destruction of the battle#hipMaine, and to complete the legal quota.The new men will be sent to receivingships, whence they will be sent to ships lacommission wherever needed.

Old Glory Floats on the Maine.HAVANA. Feb. 13.?The United States

Ah< is rtuating at half-mast from the poopof the Malr.e today, and two divers, withsix assistants, are at work about thewreck under the direction of ('apt. Sigsbee.

Fond* for the Maine Kufferer*.NEWARK, N J . Feb. 19.-At a dinner

given Attorney-General Griggs at NewYork tonight subscriptions of 11,150 weremadeafor the Maine Sufferers.


Terrific Report* Heaird t»y a Pauen-«er on the Olivette.

KEY WKBT. Feb. 19.- A paissenger on<lie steamer Olivette from Havana, whicharrived here tonight, r.-ports that shortlyaf.e.r the vessel's departure from Havana,w lien she was about eight miles oft shore,two terrliio reports were heard. The soundsri st mbled the discharge of heavy cannonor large explosions.


lliff Uepuxlla < oiillriii Hrport* ofHeiny WheHt !ialr».

CHICAGO, Feb. 13.?'Tlie Journal says:It is pretty Weil established in ins.de elr-cits about the Board of Trade that withinthe. pant t«jn day? there has In-en turnedInto two Chicago banks on I>aSalle streetabout Kwo.Ouo for Joseph liter's account.This Is confirmation of the sale of wheat.Within forty-eight hours ocean tonnage hasbeen taken at a very low rate for Vooo,t*obushels to leading Fn*!l>h ports. Favor.dpeople, who had th« tip on the heavy de-posits with the bank;, were gfttinp all thewheat possible on soft spots yesterday.

I'l.l >1 lll.lts' LIW.MSG INVALID.

Law Declared IiicouHtltntlonnl l»yWlaeonsln Superior ( ourt.

MILWAI'KKK. Feb. 19.?Judge Suther-land, of the superior court, today handeddown a decision knocking out the plumb-ers' license law passed at the but s s#ionof the legislature. The decision Is a severeblow to many master plumbers, and totrad, s unions whi.h favored it. The casedecided, a test one, was that of JacobWjr.kler ng -inst the board of public work*of Milwaukee. Winkler faibd to pass theexamination held by the lioard of exam-iner*. and was consequently refused a li-cense Me brought suit on the yround thatthe law was Invalid. The case will doubt-less be carried to the supreane court.

MnrU«)'i J»ou Kiiicitxed.NEW YORK. Feb. ID The Herald to-

day *ays: Formal announcement hasl>-v!» mad« « f trie engagement of Ml»sKatharine Puer, only daughter of Mr.«r ? Mrs V. -.nam A. l>uer. of New York,t.> Mr. «"lar. rue Hungerforci Mat-kay. onlyliving son of Mr and Mrs. John VV.M i k- y 'l"he announcement was followedby many letters of congratulation.

Sftfr* M»rm in .\e»* llrlrnim.NK\\ OKI,FANS. fVb, ID -A MTCTf

-m of wild, lightning and wind struckNew O/ \u25a0*a ?».1 tcnlay. Tti»' g.iio was s >

heavy that tn the rear of th* city shedsWi-re kS' l ' k«t down, chimneys t<tppta|over. tr»e» uprooted *nd fen.-es UUI low.< ? mill wa-1 -, rinti»!y injured ?>>- light-' *»' \u25a0* rt; h anl t. »*pliore lines w<-rt;crippled In many quarters. A rough esti-mate of the ! >\u25a0=« is H"mi.

Trntn« <ot!ld>. in n «aim "form.Rt'x'KFOßl). Hi.. Feb. I<> -TVtrinr ablinding anow ««nn thin afternoon two

t<u«-s.-n* -r tn nm evil 1.-.1 t>e Ms:u ,y.

kw "?»*.! n* ar her... k-.::ing Knglneer ft «*T:j -ii and s- r:. tsjy injurirg «* .n,!u : rKe 'v an l K;re*n tn < ;eorge SrfVvr.«on an-1V. T. Pa\ ies.

' Heprr*rl»t«tluii In I'nrta.

!',tt of lUlMtaa,>pcopr: u;ni; j: »». f r the repr«w< nta-tion at Fans jn ]««*

On kin ml Karri.San kran.'ts.'o. Ft- it Wr^hfr it

Oak!j-d fie. trark fa-.' Rr.ult,:St fur!-." . * lM *:inrt n »<>r, iu -ardose. nd Alum;r. .m t! ?:?! T-me. l.ii"n'' n-.;,e ??ittfur?Dr Bvntttl won. Go

'Bed MN-ond. Unjoin 11. thsr l Ttrae1 4

i r '

v Ma* ne It irr.ij-"> mx. id. ttair.irr thin! Tim<-. «v

f- jr mi> v Thornton -»? A.- v.i' fi .<>J -'is-- lHmrv v. mi Mar; ;,.: J. Th*

I'.Kfir ~r third *\

I 6 v t«r \u25a0 ;?)(> F.-r ««4v.mr.ah won. Imp. rl-»- -d The a t r: ; ;i.

? \ 'tifi s? <" »»»> % r m » n. H v sec-ond . third. Time, i u v».

J » Tr- ? n'« ad -n jwg«» 12. Special »a.«'?*' "* N * *? IH l] ipttaff ?h«w--s »a

w.: utiws.

IOMll \*l ll IIIM'VP lilA

_ ngw. SIJ MltlnWl MSWty Ins*? *rr.- » vr thr «»-«t r u To*

: ; ? v: CT W anJ

Wllßwo N i;<irr* dHki)tlß( teller ot' "?* K ->? N ' '..r al ». r.k >?' I \u25a0rr Ih > '

?' ' "5*

'\u25a0 S n-.. - -»r?..,i M;k ,Hi j »;ui v\ ?r J. v . e. U ? ?r-

Tt&' t^X.

HK U-. i . r.sht a# K >imUm gold?-: "r. * favorita beverage.


4 ( * ' :'

"?*' *? d.nmrn""C K Jt s*«ma ta im-

a 6 U.«jrw... i . i tUwUteT.




Cooler and Crsiln Reward th« Cen-

tral Aaserleaa l odertaklac a* En-tirely Feasible?Enffineerla* Dlf-

Aealtle* Have Beea Exaggerattd.

CHICAGO, Feb. 19.?1*. E. Cool'T and E.L. Cragin, who returned to Chicago lastnight friisn their trip to Central America,ere en?tiUfftastio over the possibiiirics ofthe Nioaraguan canai. Mr. Cooky ma lethe following comi"arison. in cubic yard*be:we*>n the Chicago drainage canal and

Mloaraguan ca^alDrainngg NicaraguaCanal. Canal.

Rock excavation Uam'.'O) l«.ws'.i*oEarth exoavallon .. ..34.«»'.t«W H.W.'M)

Masonry. \u2666?'>.ooo 1.250.< |ft)Dredging Slight

From their Investigations Messrs. Cooleyand Cragin hava coma to tiia followingconclusions:

"The Nicaragua canal on the line® of thegeneral plans of the Warner Milkr Mari-time Comjjany, is entirely feasible.

"Tha difficulties have been over-estkr.at-ed.

"There no reaaon why contractors jo

the ChiciuM Drainage Carwd shcuhikpot un-dertake the work of e**w»tru«-tion.

"Finally, the harbors* of Greytown on theAtlantic side, and Brito, on the Pacificartde, preeent no difficult engineering prob-lems that canno: be solved at a reason-able cost."

Mr. Cooky's remarks about the engin-

eers agreeing over the feasibility of thepVans for the canal in their general out-

lines probably forosiiadow the report of

tho United States commission, which wad

eticouiitvred in part of tne trip.A remark by him that the two govern-

ments would give anything to anybody

who would build the canal, is »ignitioant,

as the concessions to the maritime com-pany expire in 11M) and IS*>l.

NEW COMPANY ABSORBED.\orth American Tranaportntloa and

Trndlnir Co. Take* Over the

Mloluk t ouipany.

CHICAGO, Feb. 1».-The Cudahy-HealyYukon Mining Company has gone out ofbusiness, outside stockholders who in-vested In the concern have been returnedth>ir money with 6 per cent, inter eat fromthe date of payment. The mining inter-ests in the Klondike and those in Alaskaoriginally owned by the North AmericanTransportation and Trading Companyhave been absorbed by that company

again. Henceforth the Weares. Cudahysand lle&lys will center their interests andtheir attention In their old company,which will now include mining along withtransportalion and trading.

The move was determined upon by theprincipals aix>ut two wreks ago. It wasdecided th.it the big mining interests ac-quired In the new Jidorado could not besatisfactorily handled apart from theother allied ventures. The North Amer-ican Transportation and Trading Com-pany. having purchased new mines, con-sidered it eouid mana to the whole batchas one better than it could through twoor three concerns!

Another SCramer for the Yukon.POItTLAND, Or., Feb. IS.?John Myers,

of the Chicago fire department, has con-tracted with a shipbuilder of Tortland forthe ooostnictfon of a steamer for the Yu-kon river. There are fifty who will go tothe Klondike with Myers*, ard all belongto the fire department of Chicago. Thesteamer is to be completed May 15, andwill be sent to the Yukon in knock-downshape.


Arrnngrmi'iit* Uriug Made to nanTwo Trnlim ou Sunday.

Speelal Dispatch to the Poet-Intelligence.OLYMPIA. Fob. ly.?Postmaster Cava-

raugh is In receipt of a communicationfrom Superintendent of Railway MailS- rvk'ti Vail. advising the local po»toffl.-ethat tr.gotiations are pending with Man-a*:er < J. Saiith. of th« Oregon Improve-ment Company, for a doAle train serviceSundays over the Port Townaend South-ern railway between Oiympta and Te-r.lr.o, so as to connect with all trains betwevn Seattle and Portland In the Inter-ests of the Oljmpla mall enrvloe. It Isrot expected that negotiations can becompleted in tlmo for inaugurating theservice tomorrow, but it is hoped thatarrangements may be completed beforethe beginning of another week. UntilF.»me such service is tnnugurited, Olym-pla will receive no mail on Sunday intime for distribution.

>E\V 1.1 liltAlt V ASSOIIATIOH.

One Formed at Anacortes and an

Fntertnli:iueat Given

Special IMspat h to ?he Potst-Tnf-Hlgencer.AN'.\( OKTKS, Ki b 19 - Thie Anncort''#Library A- ; ; i t'rn has effected a. perma-

nent organisation bv the election of t**following officers: Present. A. P. Curtr--;v >' pre* K. M- ?"'*

itrj;ar?: secretary. V.J Knnpp; 'n rtsurer T. H. Childs; direc-tors. P.ev J. A Laurie. Hev W. -T. r>i**.n .

R*v C J. Kallgren. Rev. C. J Oodwnsn,I' M Woodbury. r> usrlaa A!lm<>nd: com-n.i-ree on way;; and nr.. ins. Mr* MelvilleCurtis M-r if i> All:-on. Mrs John Traf-t n, Mrs t>. M WiKnlbury, Miss Davis,

Herder M!i«s Jsmleson.At * nv«t»: g held Tuesday evening a

\u25a0ti' r iry an! nv.is a! programme par-t'«v;at.*d in by Mrs I. K Piiaier. Mrs. jt.!' v ! '\u25a0 M s H»r*.*'-r. Miss Mav M'^aMabel Lott.

PC RE and bright a» Kloi l k# gold-1. ; ' ? r be- r, S it;!, '» favorite bever;tge.A«k for it.

I»E VI US (Mi n RAI.9.

ALP ON ir s {!?'\u25a0 n «h,» familyd<*« N t,jj Twenty-third avenu*" ! ' ? s : "'sv February 1* IMi*. of). .r; rc. Mrs. M. C. Aibion, a*tj 45jr#a r««.

BUo'< F The fur'-T si ft-Av-j '.Mrs, Idx>' .? tak ;:.! »\u25a0 fhi« afternoon at' ''

-' a ?*! « T li ifrrw.'»rth*« umlprtaklc*

.ar»* nt _.?»? : ,».-io-k Memtwri ..?- A «> ' . \\ ,i'.u fvtrtv of Iforor art

invited t \u25a0 attend.

N 'itTHWKST FIXTI RK CO «>\u25a0">*: i;« F:rst ,v<r: ,r What .*> thrv do"Tii* v .if.;: w»rid. .How 1 Wilt) thf

"*' n ?? ' t«* ..i.« -nvf*

>»? market af-\u25a0" > * 1 -'r... 'L K\ir,i «

\ ? * .1 :* > , \ fr\ . >r- ?f> 1 n»)y m»:-i diicr *

? - ? w ? >\u25a0 - Jyn.im * r«<h. dir.'-recnnrt-rtst and ->.t driv»r«. m-rtorn for

A *** n. '«v VV> Miiidjnir -io-T -d :???«>:


*rt«i dynamo for op#-rati:, jt*' '

' ?"* w '? 1 *> »IJ. iw .O> - w you.

VV» man.fa. :ir» «*-.»rvh t.shr* and f -

.».\u2666 ax* that nr< marv»*.a of : -

* ? '*\u25a0' " f *?! a* 1 adjuHanT> ? < .f rti ! .

? ijjjrj gra ,"»v, n»»?f" '

' ~f t$M L«-t» U, r ' r" ' *' \u25a0 > mantW mar,ufa<--tr-

" in K; %* ?*" <c Tuitig C m-! ?? {'. - irm j C'.rrt-

: v rr*«rcuf*cti;ivr* of and--ark ; J -if A R,* wi-

< A -T. .tr-'i Kddyw<a. ;rtic Oomp*ny» d>r.»-

*? n- ? \u25a0?« A ? «-r: ia T fb.tr? \\> -

? "v«*\ ? \ f v *.-y# tu :r.f?;** V ii'.f tu: !n*. etc.; Partrirk 4fc CW«r

?? ? ?' \u25a0 *? .rs». ».ra -*" ? 'l ?** sr «tfl Jr ,? k t 'rw ('omrua* and H. T

? \u25a0*"'* J \u25a0»"*' ' r. ? .t j

? \u25a0 < ».» F\MHt Wiff ''in>;? t~iy\-\u25a0 " <Vh> i * n ? t \ j*

? ' M ? w for ar > IWil |M m<iy nrqulr®.A ?

.. i-.. > ,r : rA. JKJLScvX, r ?»?\u25a0 r .

This Is What CustomersSay About Us.

A- A A. AW W W W

D. T. MCRPHY, President*""

BARRY E. F. KINO, Secretary. " JAMES HALL, Treasurer.

Connecticut and Alaska Miningand Trading Co.



Gls and 617 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash.?Dear Sirs: In return for the kind treatment received at your

hands while being outfitted for our trip to Alaska, we feel it ourduty to tender you this as a testimonial of our appreciation, which,ifyou deem best, you may publish, both for the benefit of strangersoutfitting in your city and for your own benefit, which you so justlydeserve. Notwithstanding that we bought a great many goods inNew 1 ork City, we were compelled, after our arrival here, to pur-chase fully as much more to complete our outfit. Your prices werefully as reasonable, and in many instances even lower than thosequoted in the East, and the quality of your outfitting goods super-ior for the purpose, while your stock is positively the most com-plete we have seen. We fully realize the difficulty in outfittingthirty men, which comprises the number of the Schooner Moon-light's expedition, and consequently appreciate your ability as thor-ough Outfitters, and commend highly the manner in which you sosuccessfully handled so large a body of men. If published, wehope this testimonial will be of the benefit you so justly deserve.

Wishing you success we cheerfullv subscribe to the above.E. J. MYES, Captain, Stamford, Conn. V. B. SMITH, Lanriboro, Pa.D. T. Ml RPIIV, Prralilrnl, Stamford, Conn. ICDWIX BIIOOK. Stamford, Conn.JAMES HALL, Treasurer, Brldaeport, Conn. WILLIAM SHOOK CRIB, Stamford, Conn.DR. KOHTKICrIIT, Physician, lloboken, V J. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Stamford, Conn.HAHKY E. F. KIMi, Stamford, Conn. MICHAEL O'BRIEN, Bridgeport. Conn.( HAS. H. 11l TTS, Stamford, Con. W. JAMES, Hornellsville, S. Y.

JoH\ POTTS, W'estport, Conn. T. SMITH, Rochester, J». T.JAMES SIMPSON, Bridgeport, Conn. BERKARD CtESTALDI, Norwalk, COBB.F. W. HOYT, Nornalk, Conn. CHAS. PRIESLER, Sjollaad, Denmark.C. A. MAllGlKHSOX, Hornellsville. N, y, FRED GETTEON, Canons, Cona.T. O. ItODUERS, Danhnry. Conn. STANLEY W", OARDSKR, Rochester, N. Y.I>. O'COW EI.L. Glenbrook. Conn. WM. A. WILSON, Roc heater. |. Y.P. D. STEAD, South Beach, Conn. SYKRS PARKER, York City.

F. E. KING, Stamford, Conn. H. LAW RENTS, Lltcblleld, Conn.

A A rfc Aiff? w

O. AV. C t RI.FY, Director. W. L. EVASS, Treainrrr. GEO. A. PARSONS, President.A. 11. JI I>I», Ph)sIel«B and Secretary. WALTER DREt HSLER, Vice Pres.

Hartford Excelsior Exploration Co.Of Hartford, Conn.

SEATTLE, Wash., February 19, 1898.THE HUB CLOTHING CO.,

015 First Avenue, Seattle?Dear Sirs: Through the kindness of some of the members of

the Schooner Moonlight Expedition, we were favored with a copy ofthe original Testimonial Letter tendered you by them.

Being on friendly terms with a number of the members of thatExpedition, we were fully convinced that this Testimonial was sin-cere and truthful.

This at once decided us to do no outfitting for our Alaska trip un-til we reached Seattle. That this was awise and profitable decisionon our part, we most cheerfully acknowledge. Our dealings withyour house wili be one of the pleasant memories we shall carrvwith us. Notwithstanding the fact that your house was highly rec-ommended by the Moonlight Expedition, we nevertheless figuredwith a number of houses for our outfits, and we now frankly admitthat the prices you quoted were by far the lowest for the best gradesof goods. Trusting that our friends in the East who are contem-plating a trip to the Gold Fields will profit by our experience withyour house, we are sincerely yours,

W. 1.. EVAX*,

GEO. 4. F%R*o\«,

G. VV. « VRI.EY,

A. 11. .11 1)1),

\\ %LTER. DREC lf<*l.Fl.

I'arrlmtlnK (ummtlt»f, Hartford P. E. Ca