oregonnews.uoregon.edu€¦ · ii., r.r. 1 ini .v. i m u, state rights democrat state lights emoewt...

ii., r.r. 1 ini . v. i m u, lkMl"ai I 3m I 9m STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT emoewt State lights ' i . . rar nni'WiV Ml)1 A I .It I .a Bii'.. 7 IS I Inch I m 1 00 00 a 00 iaOO I " 2CX t i (A 700 1100 1$ ; ' :; oj jooo i li 00 reo l " 4 00 1200 l".0O 27 CO j Cal 1 00 II (K) 1 r.no Jf oe 3iCO 7 :,u IS 00 1.00 1000 4S00 I " M) Ml Id (X) 2.5 00 4000 eo e li 00 SO 00 4000 W 00 . lo0 W fsTi'inl ouamoNM noiicea in Lu-a- i ecl- - urnns 'J' cents per line. Regular JmsiI noliers 10 cents jer line. For Ic.-t- l niul transient ad vertlnenient I (JO per nrptarn for the flrvt lnanrtKn and ffut ja r cpiarn for eaeh aidsw-p- o iit Insertion. .sffftTOKM'al. PjfOOl inventod the wheelbarrow. Tho Rank of bghsad was eHtablUl.d IC'jr,. Theltwi.f Lycuigua prJed fire trainiag aobools t.r ibe plyaleal educa- tion of both mVKm Bagpipes ware ii v. nt.d i:t Njray, and tiiBiicn iuip'rtoI into S .!tnd, when a pirtion of tbe int'y fisil n 0 Scandinavian hands. Ctaaar, de;ribiag th- - c iJMH of ti e llritons sav; "Ten or twelve U.' u. laua'iy Or th- - rs or son", havn witt a in oommen.'' Ai i.ti.nsof ctvilisnd an- - tiq-ut- f d.d eerpeatcw aciemee ho'i a developuo.at .n i.mon il.e ! eta. ana, Uetrewo and Plaaeejieiatei, useefaat, Choiokea Idari, who waa can ied to Il:g!aiid in 1 7-- " waa ablo outi un th ! swif'tent horre in a rjce-c(ui-,- .- of two tliirds of a tuile. Tun .ranish jt Oaideron waa' :hs;Uin u Pbiiip IV., aud aotni.Ktica! WOfl his sentimeiits ihst he has been ltd tbe "poet ef the Icquiaition." Eejanael flwjls.-.hatg- , Ixifure he Ik -- aam: tbv leader of thn peculiar aect aim !i bears bis naat, wa? a distin;utsh-- n 1 engineer and asitessor of the Kuck-bol- m (College of Mines. Prracott asys that tlej iliacovery of anw aud sbai ter rente to the Indiea tbe true key te tha maritime move- ments ef'tbs and the firtt half of the sixteenth centuries. In !GQ0, (iiardsno Rtnao was butn-- 5 1 to death st Rome for apheiding the tcachiac nf madam aitranomy, a-i- d ci-cia!- !y mti.itainin; tiie ;umeusitv of the eatvoree aaal tUi a itc of worlda. Socrates tells a at ry a. a Jew who, pretesdiag te Im eeweart Oo Chris-tiai.it- y, had Oeea a s- - :.-i.-e- l in dif- ferent ancle, and Lad aaiassu I a con-sidorae- lo fnriaee bv the gifts be re- - ceiled ou tbwse eccaaioas. Cemmutio2 ou tha teuiatk that "aoiateuis ta.'eiy i.sctfvtr any thing 'orta aatobii-ig- . Fiiiladwiplua pnpr aaya that I'j-U- aud Morse tro patot- - Bliaa Ilaam, a fsreser: and iliison las ")i.knd up" ail he kwew. There is sirong evidence tLat Mo-Lasubi- cd was au epileptic, aud that; t'aeeh a Ham ef uadeuwtcd pea or and stroug religious feelings, he foeudad his preteriia? as a medium of revela- tion on visions which appaarad t him during epileptic trances. During the Roman aranire emperors were invested with a acred character. Under Tiberius slaves and crimii.als wore eoeamneaed ta hold in tLair Lands an imago of the eaopror, and thus pro- tected, to Hnr a i;h impanitr a toirent f insoleuca oa their mastetc ar judges. Aiirt the Great, t! imaLt liutrtiA.! man cf the thirteenth cent err. men- - turns a feiilied braneb eontaiaing a bird's nest, and aecounts for tbe stiaae phenou:eon by thv thei ry ef Ana'otle, ibat an oceult force exiats in tbe uni- - 'Te, cpsKb ol formtug exrs-.- t lii ary s'-l-t- Mtrshal Bsasossiiierre waa incarcera- te! ia the Eastile for ten a a a. On his release Leais XI 1 1, asked kim his ega. Fifty was a ! the ao'.ier Wiu;d sckBewledgc. To the aiipsmal look f the king he nnsweted, ' S re, I sub- tract ton veara passed in the Baali'e becnaae I did not employ them in year mejessy's sorvice. ' When Ridiev snd Lstimer were te lie burned for herasy there as fattened te the bnir of each a ictg nf powder plaaed there by fi icttds, with the inten lion of so iajiag . their aofforias to a A BP at m CB oce'ir tarninsttfia. l.iti?Mar aiou first, bat the et i prepared for Ridley's execution win? tiieeu aad t:btsv paekcil, he was li nger in sgeny. Iu lbS7 the Scotch, in defiance of the erewn, nrgsaized s svstt ut ef represen tation of their own, in which everv bam had a shara. The next sear this geenral assecably met, and. aa boiag ordered to diihaad bv the kiag'c eou- - missloacr. refused. Nor would tbey do sa natil the Democratic institution of the presbyteries was and episcopacy abeliaaad. tfat rcoH taViii net v saosa. All that we eie is be rasaltef what we have though : it ia feuadvd on our thoughts, it is esade uh of enr thoughts If a man sjuuks of arts with aa evil thought, pain follows hlsn. ns th wheel follows the foot f thu ax that draws the eart. For hatred dees r.wt 00000 by hatred at auy time; ba'ied cour-- e by love this is aa u!d rule. IiCl a eaan oveiceme sugar bv love; at him uvreeme evil by goo !; lot him overcome tao greejy by liberality, the liar by truth: Let e Bee happily, thca, set bating those who hate us! Among m?u who hate us let us dwell free from hatred. ittikb et-- ' aavr york. A New York journal take? this en- thusiastic viow of the futoie ot the groat commorical metropoliaof Ameria : Few in the past have -- en able to grasp tbe growth and possihis future of this city which, st a not remote date, is apparently destined to fall heir to a large share of hat portion of tbe busi- ness of the world now transacted by London and Liverpool. New Vork, as the metropolis of this country, will ultimately hceeme a sort of Linden and Paris eembined, to which unbjru mil-f.io- will make pilgrimages to enjoy her commercial privileges ami admire her parks, palaces, rasnuuienta aad public buildings, while the wealthy from al! parts of tbe world will llock here to spend their money. I know," eaid tne little girl to her elder timer's yucg mat a', the supper table, "iht yon will .i? in our aoci rty for Iho pr ectoa T dttlu birds, because m imua says you aro very fond t f larks. " hi ' 1 1- - p '.ut Bulletin. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY CI. A 1 B II. STIiWAKT. HI SI J OM HT-- ln 1.mo. r ,i ItulldlKson KroaiUlblM Mrrrt. TKKM8 OK SURSCKUTloN t .1 0 10fl rH, MX 111 mill" 1 00 1 00 i t.-- l atSM 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U. FI.ISN. t. K. C1IAM1IKPI.AIX. FLINN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT e,AW Albany, 8NB OT Office in LWer'.s Rriek r.l.vk.tST. 15nlStf. It . Nf UAHAN. 1.. WII.YKU. 8TUA1IAN & BILiYEU, AB9RHEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Alb;i;y. Oregon. PRACTICE IN l. L THE COURTS OF H this State. 1 hoy Bivt special ntten tnn to celleetion an 1 probate matter. irtiee in Foter- - iuw brick. 4!Hf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORN E V A T LA W, AN- P- Notary Public. tlbauy, Oreaoii. Ofu.ee upstair, over John Iu'sirs store, 1 i s: root, v I4n23t f J. K. WEATJIEKF0SD, sotaky roauej iTTORNE'X AT LAW, AIlttNY, OUM.i.V QTTU MUCTtCl IH Al l. TltK oi ilTs. or THE proltatc matter. COtYWti In Odl FcUsw- - Tcmrl. 111:3 J. C. POWKI.I. V. K. MILYi:r POWELL & BIL.YEU, iTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chaitorvi ALBANY. ... BKBOI. Collections promptly made on all pointe. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. a"Uffice in Foster's hrirk.-f- S vl4nl9:f. T. P. IIACKI.EM AA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, caV'Oulco up siairs in the Odd Fellow's emp!e."ai vlSnW F. Pv1. t.!LLf?, VTTORNEY AT I AW ussxaa obegos. e:rt pre:- - iu alt the eourta r 't.e OsaaaV ' r.i:pi otSeeatoa rivn la enttocsJaeie, eti- - ( 9ykr-- 3 an-- l -- txminauou ut i :!:- -. eecsnalltjr. lzns. J. A. VAA.TIS, ITTOSKEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW CORYAJLUS, OSCSON. til In all th Oaozls el Stale NTOSto m th Court Hisis vtosStoL GKOKGU W. It UtXK.S, ATTORNEY AT liAW AND Wotai-- y Public, rm.VEViMt:. ui.tov Collections prvintfy p'le onet! pjint. C. H. HEWITT, ATTOK N I : Y AT LA W , ALB INT. tUtol. HK7TCX pra-ti- e in all eotula of lbs f ? SSd-o- , and cv it'finfn t tjlIonIii Office in OTasls'a Btodc B. U. BKIPWOBTH, lITtWIfff X9 CKSMnbUI iT HW AND Iflin ft MU4 . 7 lif pracJi-- - in all oorts f the Stale ? r M Matoeas latrmtod to :ne prompt- ly ettossdad to. Zlc In (fToo!'A IJosl; BrO'JflnUt'-- n Street, 45y 1 A ifjtHtt, Oraasa. E. (. JOHNSON, M. P., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Orftee In Froinan BrirK, two dwm Iaat of Oonnefa iUnk. ol' LEWIS STiFSO'S UTEBT ABO FECI) STABLE. Virst rlasH vehi'-les- , fino BOraea, goo ffeod. acconiirioiaiini; proprif tors and rfa-nona- 'k ' ,hars46.. iivo tht:i a all. Slallf-- near lie vera H;iie. Cyl. DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. OfEee at SCIO, OREGON. E. W. LAf4GD3H & CO., DHIGGIMT4. B'Xtfkx. WtaBowary and Toilet Artidaa, A I jir,;e Sio;k aul Iv.- - Prfnea. CITT DHXJG- - GTOP.E, i trnt.w, ti;s:4i.ii. FOSHAY & MASON, t.i.:a;- - axd i;rrv- - ALBAXY, OllSOOt. v!Cn4!tf REVERE HGUSS, t'm$Ut ir-- i and Iinrurni ASaaMy, Or ;;on. Chas- - Pfeiffer, Frop'r. TWl new Itolcl i IHu-.- ! ij :n firm ta ftyle. TMat si,j.w.i..tl witn tfte b.irt i'n market Mtar-b- L H.iring li- - u In erery a sxk! .:;.) bonvi .,r (joiu-avaaa- si raawatapai J. W. BEHTL2V, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker. AKD 8UJa made to order, BOOTS repairi.'i; dony .vkti ifa'n-iaia- .t liwpatch, and at low prions. Call and ne him. I'lrst iSirta, Aibajay. 4iyl Aloany Bath House. OTtiie UlKIi6lGKED WOULD Rk.-f- k t i tally iafomth. sftiases el AlbaayaaJ i a ivtliat I have taken ob.trire of tti.s heia'Iia ion r, and. by keeping oleaa rooma ami py a tatiention i businas-t- , vtyevti to iH td t ,x,4i nu may fAVor ua r itb theiv ;tr-..a- e !''ia neretot'orc carriod on nothiag tu? First-Cia- ss Hair Dressing Saloons, etpects to give entire laristkc irM iv- - i jJ"GhU-iie- a ani Ladies' Hair oeatly ou shampooed. JOS WS0BK&. l A V HI A Ii II 1 1 M I , tl a ll 1 I In tho Continental army! I think then, you must he a little rebel." "Ye, Mir, If you plows I am a llttlo rebel. Hut I want ray cow." "Well, yeu are a bravo, atralgltt-farwar- d little girl, nnd you shall have your eow and Nomothlng mor, too." Then, stooping forward, ho detached from his tfartera, a pair of brilliant knee buckles, oTbiob ho laid In tho ohlldV hands, ''fako these," ha said, a. id keep them as a sau vonir of this Intervluw, and bellevo that Cornwal-- 1 1 si can nppreclutu courage uud truth, eveu iu a liltlo reboi." Thou, culling au orderly, he lustruulud him to go with her through tho carap in search of the cow, aod, when ho Kheuld find 110 ardmal, to detail n mau to drive her homo again. Si Miss Anno re turned with hrr cow ; and those I spaikllntc knee-buckle- s are atlll Irpas 1 ured by her descendants a n mctnou to nt (.'oruwallis und the Hvolutiou. St. Nicholas. Iilltll 11 VCR inoa I r Ilia si r9MU On Jantttry 'J I b, the kktdttUei of a aetuan with a child was disuivarn I al I'ampaii in a narrow ntraat aWou. twlva of fMt above i luvel ef the anciont Ma mailt. It is wall known that thn catastrophe of 70 A D., comoten'a with a thick ahowt-- r ef small womico stones, by which thestraata of Poinpnii wrra covered up to the roefs of the hoiiieS. Klenc were taceeelrd by uahes, which bacsine selid owing to thu action of sateesiivn ahowers of boiling . 1 .1 1 . . wairr, auu mi'lfl annra now luriu t tio lop layer ef tho raatria! which cover the ruins ef Pomprii. Most of thn on hippy beings who rrtnainel in thn houses after tha eruption f ra reacHvd the town m ile ihair trcao through tha windows, but the greati 1 put of tha ingiiivra cn t t , taka hut faw eto sum.i li.. it l ll.;L y ,w( fooaleil 1 lie o n-- i 1 f 001 Wjb eea ' m i iihmd 1, akeia ise bae aa bieti t was eiaatdsM ilo Iwga t the !. . - h aa IsaJ aha rg ' 'ji is iii rtnin n h I legs .I,, r u aj '"h ian, a i .i lee 'u t j -- - ib.tt ihw eh J uui listw been veay 1 1 It as a I .tM isoy aWol .' of j. DahtUaa ihw wclmu wai the mother f ibe duiJ. S.uie jwc!s fvuod on the tw.. etrelotoe iadieeto a potawu ef uditieo; two brsetvts ef goU ibaiteM ihe ana a bicli kai l lbs bv. ail OH tiM ittid aura two gold nag, tat aM wt with sa smaral I ou wLI h if Mgraajeal a liwrn of p'ooly, ud tba otiiet ariih aa aiuitiiKt faring a l.va 1 of Mric itV. I UuatllB no .1 ttt 1.. , , . hi- - that la a wid dapar'-.- r fi'i tM 1. ordiiiaty una. Liiiiia tl.a war a little e;rl, tUa aaoeatOf Of an 1 .. 1 .m.n aoIUiei , , wbe 111 iu hsttlr, si s "i in a Soldier's Ktittii. Thaie aim in till ilia f ien-- an J contiiasl if lb d ibtai , , hat in th" at tr iaa 1 ,,'!', OOttfOO 4 tiius tl.i little child was IranaffOicl to auetLor mvttliiiien aau . st rc of t i fi itad m l a!s f hor fu itbsr. Wban niaat 17 itft-- i i age aha wat ta live with a fgaailr, h ga hn: a ple.isaot hia AatOdg tbe tweaiboreef ibofaaailj as jpeasog man of (nod mldirs, who t- -l in I With tha (;iil and ibn etui was hvr die u'ljca. Iavia' hsr 00000 au went ta iIia home (of i'liendifss Warned in Iadianaiilia. uud was tranaferratl to iU OUy Heaeiieal where bar h.by w., horn. 5viBi wekt latr, a 14 v viiitor t tha haipp.al spraag toward the girl now aa invalid, with a cry of reeogni-tisn- . She was tha aid ftiand su l eoutidaut of the Seidtara' HojQaO, aud through har tir,i is the girl's wotbwr was faund and inotbar aad daagbter unill. Thau aatno the leror, aud un Knuday aight they warn niairie l MuimUt, ar a faw hears afici bet m u riogo, thu rouag wife died. sors e i nn tties Tiio richest university in the world is that at Leydeo, HolLiud. Iu 1861 thestu lanta at Vale (.'ollegw broke panes of ulsa inside of twe days. KauIi public achotd teicl:r in On lario has in charge the outrageous num- ber of seventy-tw- o pupils. When Kausas school lands ara all sold tbeBtat will have an endowment fuud of $10,000,000. Tha Virginia Senate has p tase J the Assembly bill for a norma) school for educed teeebere, $100,000 being ap propriated. The lews Lwsislature has passed a bill ptevidtng that the State Ifoaul of Fxamiuere ahaU bereefter ulwuyv hava a lady mooaber, Piesideut White of (Jitaeil Uuivei-sit- y Huy ha will step hazing ia that institution evea if he is ehlied to ex- pel every class ia the College. Recent events have clearly demon- strated that the collegoS of this ceua-tr- y propose te roet ont ka.iao;. They should ha Supported in that determina- tion by the parents and gnardians of every student. The WemaVe Medical College of Baltimore has just been incorporated. It is to bo devoted exclusively to the tnedicsl education of women, and is the only institution for thst pnrpese in Maryland. Its faculty onanist of seveu gentleman. It is fifty yeara since Theodore Dwigbt Woolsey became V efasior of Greek in Yale College. Now in his eightieth year the semi-centeaui.- il of that event hss just been marked ky the presentation by bis associates in the fantity of a handsome gold medal, the work ef Chaplain in Paris. The popularity of the violin among thn Uborinsj classes of England whs recently ahewn by the attendance of over 400 applicants for instructions st tbe recent opeuingof tbe "ptunv vio'in classes" at Only a penny a lesson is charged, the insit no- tion boiag given in latge dieses. ISO OK .. f 10 .:;n ti. r.np. Kalloch is endeavoring tu orstiii-- a new Klilical psrtv in Baal Fraucssoo. Khepheid, before the 'ongrHaiot,a! comuiitUre, cbargca Collector RolxtKon in aud Minister Unrtbttf t witb scvsepti bribes in tha Peruvian alaltaT. Tbe wit mi Serfisat If aooa atfpliee fur aid for hisnlf aud diatr-a- d family and the rd asn uthml hud.And. Hhe aaya her huaWan J baa Im-c- i, brave soldier, was i,vr iu ibe gaaed bosaee bnfors. and oarrb w bsnootaMa wewnda; fclho thinks bs ha 1 1h pufticliai OMVSgb six months' avpeiaaeiaaeait The State Hernocrat.'i: OUftvasisi - i Rhode Islsnd has mad- - i ho follow ii..' nominal ions: Hoiacn R Kai.dall. c ernoi; J R Peny. f 'ealesiaal (0010 or; J M Wheah-r- , H 'cr.ta.y ol MaU ; Francis L 0Reclly( Attoriiev t'.ntn ; Arnold L Brudick, General Tfoaoefea. I'ostmaater fianeral Ilown in a con ference with mrchnts so I otbeia re to garding mail tranertati.n, nffaaajiend give his att-nli- ou to thn eeei4aifd that tha Australian mail boind K.0.1 was delayed hy ntppage a'. Cbieego. He exeets to save 74 beurs timn in at service between New Yotk and San Francisco. From all over Kansas come rop nts the mot flstterinz chsracter tor in relation to crop prosaest. Wheat ia advance of thn season, and never looked better. Aa untiinally mil a Wiater and frequent rsina have given is pleats ae opportunity to spread aajd strengthen their bnautina, and aow, tbe weather gro-- a Warmer, Uadei are pushing rapidly, giving promise of plentiful harveat. A reign of terror st Liramio City. IecwmLritm hav.. beu at wjtk for four atgkta peat, and (ires occurtnd ev ry eight. ftio f dseea wem arv eootly, and Bsabe no dialfnetbsaj as to the class ev pvwfsai ' y, laitruod l':!id.hgt. betels anJ r.e-sdtfa- a boituM a fl.111.9r si!ibs V ,B i .i.i. bava haaaii (airwlling the ' IVWts t' r 1 lit. e w'lh-- s snd ran is t a a u... v e . a as t owt t.rcs wanlsi ststt u .12 aid , aud . l.-- j oriaoueia er rolssaaeJ. I ne unor ia great, bo- - cause people d u 1 kuow what to ex pect nest, ter 4 thy knuw wLom to uapvet. There will be a necktie party if iba efleadtits ate caught. The Senate bsa confirmed Vauiuul hlatchlerd, of New Vork, assucia.e justiea of thn eaprt-ru- e coart. Mr. Waolncr, tho Ksifi.b baa just eomplctud tbe medal of a full life-siz- e statue of Mr. 'iiadatoae, which is described ae admirable, Loth is a likenea; and as a work uf art. A Philadelphia coloiel man has lan making scrap books for twenty yeara Ue bae 100 Urge volumes of cleiiifJed matter. cSntatnimr a treat mass of historical and scientific informa- tion. loa dinner given by the futara Kine of Begbiojd laai month, ut which the actors Irvitur, Tesle. Ilancroft. Wtnd- - ham, Hare. Keadal. Wi.i, CcbaSL Henry Kotil'e. flrnessailll, (ie.ul. Lionel Beeaegb. Cmytm, estd laaaoo worn guest, ia tha firet cf the k.t J that has en- - bakott o!a-e- . (Jharlaa KeanaudMr. Pbelpa areea) SSM euter- - tained by the (snm at Windsor, but their visit nartonk of a prefotsionnl eharaotcr. illtm the Fourth iu- - yited the elder Matthowa on ar.e oeca- - ston, hut it was un lerat. d that Mat tbewe was toemuae the Kior. and La waa nextdav prasrtitttd WIH a MMMsW doing so. The faucy of Congress aow rauS to ward statues and monuments. So ationg is the desire to spend money in this way that the house this we.-- B sisted upon voting $20,000 for a Cliipf Justije Mirahall, although it n ahewn that a fund af that ameuat. raiaed bv wrivate aubsctiotten. wi ady for tha eurpaOe. Tiiiity rears age the bar nf Ptiiladelpbis at ad a sabecriptten far a Maisl'.a!! stelae in atbiagton. I he fund now aauouuts lo $20,000, and recently the ti e-t- eei wrote to the Attorney-Cenarnl- , naviag that they woru prepared te erect tbe statnte as so)n as Congress wnuld ts-sig- a a piece for it. Congress has ig nored this otfor, but has instead passed a bill appropriating a like amount to be expended by a joint conitnith r. we acracsxsr thc rEorLe. According te the directory of tho Forty seveuthCnrress, there re in that body 890 members : One hendred and ainety-fiv- u lew yera. Nineteen professional politicians Three railroad efllsers. One capitalist. Oee clergyman. There are sixty five uaemVoM ;ep- - resentiag the useful emoloytr.enti cf the country, as follows : Seventeen merchants. Eleveu farmers. Twelve editors. Ten maaufaeturers. Five physicians. Twe eivil engiae?r.. Two miners. Two mechanics. Oae metallurgist Tbe usefal employments aro si ill worse represented in the Seaato, as the following shews. Thoro are seve- nty-sir members, whose professions are as follows : Fifty-sove- n lawyer. Fivo bank officers. Three railroad officials. Of tho useful professions Ihcr are eleven : Three merchants. Three manufacturers. Two minor. Two general bu.ine--- . One farmer. One editor. The Ottawa (Ran.) ftmuocen thus quotes : Mr. Harvey B. F. Keller, recorder ot deeds, says : I I ave long been convinced of the merits of St. I v . . .., . , . , r -- 1 JCJt U anu ue it in my inraay for rheumatism successfully. LIUO arm: ar.ws There will he drivuri fimi Beet of Oregon by tho ditiuretit cattle men this npiieg, 89,000 hnsd of esttle far the BaataVtl toaikets. Ryan &. Lstifr have thn largest hand, twelve to thirteen theustnd heaJ. Tho wif ef Joseph M. Fletcher tbe Vancouver Iswytr who mysteriously liwsppnared a week ago offers a rWard of 1 00 for iu formation which will lead to a knowledge of his whorva bouts, and tint lodgn of tl n ii. tr.tr $511 ad- ditional. Off tbe 17th f March, IMS I, tho by Grit work wrs C(nttunuoed on the rail-- i . t,(l: m.. on Tl.n I ill. 4 aod the QbaV of cadfs ; on thn "tci.u of March 16tb, Bit, thn last rail was Itid, and on the 7th itiHt. a train paaaed over. The dietance, aars The Ihtllen 7'iW, I 'dies and thn ('asoadee is to' mile O. Nina milea of hiidging wan to build thrae 40 mi lea To'J H'uiaind' r was cut through solid rook. Thn estimated t ia $j,:ho.ooo. to Standard. Tbe O R. aV N Co. beo put a sUH mn to work quarrying rock at GeanHi Point. The kuoesiiioa ia thai tho road from Texas Ferry to He bel Fist will be completed after all. Tho rock will probably be used in tha Of construction of the bridga across Snake river at thn hnad of thn Tnxes Rspida, ia which was eomimmced and abandoned Isst fall. T'ljTam. 4t 4 o'clock Thursday morntag March 21, tha Junction City floating tailla, owned by Kratz, Waahburae Jb aa fluwar I, eanght SfO and burned to aajbta by 0 o'clock. Tha firn is au-- I a ( I to have originated iu the purify- ing iam t.nsr tbe top al the main betiding. Tha flafuea aprnad vary rapid'y and lit up iUi t"Wu aad un- - trv I ir vul' nr ill-i- I here waa 2U- - t0 tmaliola ed wtWsrt in ba mill, about ll.OOOes abieb u a ...t i, the will iyassanv. A. ilv(atd vm IJII I i ksrlf mbmt ; .. '!. :lOMJ bsda ; M s laiwie t U baahals ; Ltoaad o a 300 W oaSeta, aad the teat Wjs u .1 ! Ujj!'i l.ita by fal a.srs Tbe asill aad umihiaery waa worlb and wa iue-urw- ia various POQjoaaioa fr $l."i,0Uo. There was iflhDi) ieaareBoe ou the wheat iu the Hartford. Tbia ia a snd leaa to tbe and to tbe mill company iu partieular. These unila wans the aj .t is ajaafttl i t th s'ate, aod the new (inn ef Krai, Waahberee Ac ilowerd wore asakiag pruparstious far er.tOttelve imar ivraiuaU. At writing 'J.'- - Serge Hall aafe in tbe mill oftioe bee tot leen raached, and some fears am eatertaiaed for the safety of the 'n'ki. notei aud paper, all of which are ia Ibe iafa. There is else a con-sideiab- te amoant of grs'Oabarks con-bmiaO- d in tha aafv. The firn origiaated. .it bttWppoaod, from natural causal, as it was tirst diacovered nuar '.he comb ef the rvof of thu main builditig. j MM. rccossia. Vietor II ego ii i;ih-aigh- t. t M repssriod tbs! U Gm iu will ah-lrtl- viaii Kaland. Fifty ynr sgu Mr. ierge Ran it ft dnli vit-- d H!t in atiori oa univaraal satTrage, I lo'i. PatM t ..per af Now Vaik is nniuty oi, and kaa aot a pain or ache tu bo bedv. lusie it laid to bs a ntron iecui- - banOe between Sccmtarv Hunt and the late Lord I'aacoDBUcld. . . aa S a A aa iciort s rins to wear a a charmed life. Five aUnupta ataasas-aiaatie- i base be'n mail during ber icifuind in eveiv imttaaca iha has esrap"d uuharmad. The acting Vice 1'ieaidont, 8nator Diria has uivea aaveral dinners to thirty people al a time this wiater, sur issia any eetertatnments eter given y a tee Pieeideiil befoie. A hoaia for erpbaa girls, with twenty six beds ia it, baa been built at 81. .lohnland, 1.. I .inmcuiary of a dead daughter, by Mr. and Mrs. Carnelius Venderbilt, thev navies all the run uiag expenses. Tbe 2-- 1 of this month was ebserv od at Weimar as tbe btttetb attaivar- - saty of the death ef Ceetbe. The vault ef tbe gtaad dakoi, in wblcb tbe poet lies, weie epeaed, and wreaths wore placed apea his coffin. liaren Arthur do Rutbsehild baa jttst pursbased twe postage stsrapa which warn called ia from evreaUtiea for some caasa directly after tbair amis- - aiou during the lata reign, leaving for tha twe stamps 10,000 francs (490.) Minister Lowell, in behalf of the Uaitnd Atetes bae sent a deeaatch te Gsa. air Ktedcrick Pensonby, request iug him to convey to Cueee Viateria the bears-fe- lt eengratulatieas ef the couatry oa bar cae from acsaasina- - lien. Mrs. Judge Potter of New Hamp shire, wbe is new visiting the city of Wssbiagten for the first time since she sa giaoefully assisted ber uncle, Presi dent Pieree, in dispensing the hospi- talities of the White Hoese, ia the granddaughter ef Sir Jehn McNeil, noted in the war of 1812. The will of the late Dr. Bellows be- - quoaths bis hoese m New York city and a email farm ia ITalpole, N. H., to his son and daughter by his first wife. Tho testator's books, paintings and household farniture are given to the bob. aud daughter by tho first wife. All the rest of his property is given to bis wife and her, children. An ex consul ef Great Britian, says the Brooklyn ifovfc, related that Mr. Charles Townsen, Sedalta, Mo., w-t- s cured of rheumatism of to worst kiad by S. Jacobs Oil. Lvliiui;oli $1593 l"r .VH ir can easily ma lc Kt hum ) working for . G. Rideout & Co., 10 B.uclav St., New Yofk, Send lor their catalogue and full pSf culars A 1 . Wl I A. ' 11 V It " J. mtmmmmm.. Oornwallis's Buckles. I am not q lltfl sum of dutoH, but It win lata in tho full, I think, of 1777, that a foraging party from thu lirll-h- h camp in i'hlladwlphiii, undo a tloscont upon thu farm of Mnjor llu- - dulph, Komh ol thu city, nt Darby. Having iupplluu thfinnnlvos won with provender, tbey wern nbnut to begin thair return match, whun oOi f ilu .soldiers bappoccd to espy a valuab.o row, wlilt'li at that meinout tinforttlOattiy isada hr appi.tr int-- iu thu lane loading to tho lurnvard ; and p.Hjr Bul;t?y wan lmiudUtoly cwn tlaaalod to tho of tho ornpauy. Now, (hiiutif irtunitoaow happan- - i d to Iu tin pride of tho farm, and was t lrtluftl u tho oxcl'tslvo prapor ty ef slin Anna Hudolph thn daugh- ter of tho houso aged neurlr twelve y ?i. or course no athor ati.untl on the estate was so ImtHirtnut n t i i pirticuiar eow, and hor OtlfljOttOO by the solditr could not he tolaraled fur a moment, s M Anno mada Imp daooi da It for her roeovory, hut Had it ' tho men deaf to her entroat tun and tho Morgoaat pnMjf against thn dorms of indignation, tho high-apl- r ited child ru'nid over to the stables, Huddled hor pony, and waa soon gul loping off toward tho rily. 4oerailu- - im! to appeal to tho eommuader In-chi- ef of tUe liriti-- h array, if nothing hM would nave tho life of her favor ite. Meanwhile, t r Sokry trudged along hor reluctant stefM quickanad now and toon by a geutln prick with the Kiut of n bayonet in her woll reunded side. To reach tho city liuforo the forag- ing parly, WmM tho ane thought of tho hiid, ni h r ony worn jouiulin along the oM i -- .1 r r.aj at a Mro that eOOO brought In r w ithin tho I'.iit Ish lina. She w.ia h died 01 I lie Oral outpokt by tho gurd, uod thw alon of her hat hato w is sii m mm d Tko child replied : 1 ttiu-- t see tiie gemrd Imoi II ately." Bttl the geovral OttUNM bf di5urb-- d Urevyry IrMle. Teil me ymr Lu-ioes- s, aod if import ant, it will 1. re- ported to hlt.M "It is of groat imp .rUin a, and I ' cannot top to talk to you. 1'leaso lot M my iHjuy, uud tell too wheru to 2iud the general !" 'Da, my little girl, I cannot let you pjat uotil you tell mo whence you come, oud what youi b islnans is within these liac." 1 come from Darky, ami my busi ness to see the general immediately ! No onu else s:i tirll him what I have ' J' ' I In. i.Vi- - Imiiniil of llO ch!id, ta- - gether with her pirsistem o, bad Its I inllueuce upon thu olll ccr. (jvnersl Waohinglou was iu be neighb irhcod wailiu' his opportunity to sitiko another blow for tho liberty of tii" colon Ih. The ofllcer well knew that valuablu iaforiomiou of tho tn. .ve- in tnt-- t of ibe rebels rreqHotiily reah - I tbc liritieh c iuiuinmUr thioaic't faoalltee reatllng In the country, and Mill, in eocrei, frn-ndi- to the crown. Ilrrc might hw sack a case, and this eonatdoratioit dotrmined thi- - eoldtee to send tha child forward to beAatqtter tors. So, -- u i in' mi i m an ordorly, ho directed 4iim te OAccrt the irl to the goneral II s Isle In the aftcrneen by Ibis : litttc, aed 'oruwallis was at dianer svitti a number ef British oftlcers, vheti "a little girl frota the coualry with a message for the e;ener.tl," was announced. "Let bar rome in at once," naid the general ; and a Tow uiomeuts bt or Mis Aono Uudelob entered the ifruat tent. For a tnjinctit t'nu girl bflftltated, overcome, pertap, by tho utic.xpot- - ed brilliancy of the scene. Then tho spirit of ber "Red wolf" nuc caters as serted itself, andto hor Cornwallla In full dinner costume, aurretiudod by 1 his Lri.lutit companloai, roproictited only tho power that could save her favorite from thu batcher's knife. "Well, my little girl, I am (isner-a- l Corawallis," eaid that gentleman, kitullv. "Whathavo you to eay to mo ?" I want my eow !" Profound silence reigned for a uiouaetit, then cauie a aieaultaueoua burst of uproarious laughter from all the gotHleujeu areuad' tbe table. Tbe girl's face reddened, tut she bold her greece!. and her set features and Hashing eye couviuccd tbe general that the child before hiau iaaeneof no erdiaary spirit. A. fow words of enoourageuiout, pleasantly spoken, quickly rns tored tbe equanimity of the girl. Then, with ready tact, tbe goueral eou drew from ber a concise narra- tion of her grievance. "Why did not your father attend to this for you ?" "My father la not at home now." "And have you no brothers for such an errand, instead of coming yonrsolf into a British camp ?" "Beth ef my brothera are away. But;Oeneral Cornwallla," cried she, impatiently, "while yeu keop me here talking they will kill my cow I" "So your brothers also aro away from home. Now, tell me, child, where ean they be found ?' 'My oldest brother, Ciptain Ru- dolph, Is with General Gates." "And yeur othor brother whore is he ?" "Captain Michael Rudolph is with Harry Leo." The girl's eyos fairly bla.ed as she spoke the name of gal- lant "Light-hors- e Harry Lee." Then she exclaimed : "But, General, my cow." "Ah, hi ! one brother with Giles an I one with Lee. Now," atid thd kfc.!fial, "where h yur father V" 'lie wa- - wlt'i Oeoeril Waihl.ig: Isytt," frn!c!y snWstr-j- d thi little maiden ; "but he is a prisoner now." "So, jso. Fatior and brother all VOL. XVII. MRS. M. BAUM, I lion, h: j;ii opened a alee eeleetloe oi Genera. Herchatidise A N l GENT'S FliFJISHINB GOODS, wliirh lio mil bo hlala to salt at rcducrd prices. HIDES AND PRODUCE of all hind takon in exchange for goods at the highest market price. All arv invited to call Wforw biiyiug clae. where. am BUY THE BEST. Tin Studrbaker Wagon is the IlKSTsnd CH FA PEST. MORRISON PLOWS BatrMor Yangclder Spring rows. STEEL TOOTH HARROWS P. & F. Wood Pumps, Hay Presses, F&oojig Bills, etc., Foi Sale at LomS Iiate by W. II. GOLTRA, ALBANY - OR. ltlyl JAMES Id ANNALS, FURHiTURE I BEDDINC. t urner I crrj oatl Seecud ntrret. iUUir, - - OREGON. Ayer's Hair Vigor v FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It Is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for pre- serving the hair. It restores, with the gioss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and rod hair, to a rich hrown, or deep hiack, as may he desired. By its use thin hair Is thickened, and haldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands arc not decayed; while to brash y, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Vigor cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by Its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair arc impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The Vioor is incomparable. It is color- less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. OLD XT ALL DBCGOISTS EVERYWHERE. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. r. e. c. wears nkuvb and brain trkat-inciii- , a gpaeifie f.ir ilystc-Ha- , Uiizineas, PfsWieai Headache, Mantal liaprmsioo lwn l Memory, 'ijicriuaUiriiiiea. lmioleiicy, rniicaioits, rcuiiiture old a , 1 by SSMMncurOoa, or wliicn Itads to saieoty, decay m ileatti. One Uic will cure recant il't.f-hr- l.i--- Imx mntilni one inontli's J treatni nt ; one L.i!ar a hot, or six aoxa for live 'l ilUr; sent by mail Jtdpna n receipt of price, We uara?itee six Loxch to cure any eaee. Witu ach onlsr received by aa for six txixa, acceinpajiied with tiva dollars, we will ihd tho purcliaer our written Kuraiitsc return the monay if iho iroat-mei- it doe.s not effect a cure. Onarantcua oniy ly V.OOOAIU), CLARKE CO, arhoteaala and Retail PrafytotaPPurtaiWit, Oregon. Orders Ly raail at regular pricus. I A STOCK RANCH : ; If-- , EASTERB OREGOJN. ! h!xrk ranoh of 220aOTOO. with good j !:if::iln r:i;ii. I')i:at. l near JirlUge OrcoK. 'A'nwi KMiTity, toeatbaC with ahout 2 : h'oaoa. o rx hag- - lor land btro in the v jihinmitd Valxty.' Now, if you waut to j fall y ur farm and go into the stock busi- - jies.s in Eastern Oregon, here is a chance j iur yon. Call on or address C. H. Stew- - I art, Albany, Oregon. RHEUMATISM P Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Smell' ings and Sprains, Burns and ScaJds, General Bodily Paine, Teeth, Ear and Headache, Frcsive Fcot and Ears, and all othor Pains and Aches. Bfl rrTwrmlioa on earth Mate Sr. J f Oil a. i ;, sure, ulmple nJ ehruj, I M A ItUl rnUlli t'Ul th OKiifM: ' triafats "un "t &0 Oats, hI crr m. msbVi I uh piu can ha cbc snJ usiU yil al 1U saaaa lirortlufu tn X1D I : ,:- -., 0LD BT ALL DRDQ0I8T8 AKD DEALI.JJ IH MEDIOIHC A. VOGELER & CO.. ilaltimorr, Slit . I . H. X. PATENTS Wf rontinuo to art as B Urltors f r ratnu. CitksU, Trad Marks, o cync tiu, ta. tor ttut L tiimt uim. Canada, tuba. EDg-lan- rraotw, oruianr. etc. Ho bavr bad (blrt) -- IU " )rr' ci rim, ,, PabtiU obtained Uiri;!i u am rXlol in l.'ta Z1 svnnc AMEHicaa. TttlslarK and ap'ndM lllus tratrd vrkly rw.$8.XOs yw.sh-'- Urt ittrmt (t Wnr. U ifrnr lUmrtlDy. ati1 tuu an ravrnw.ua CtrruiaUi. AMnm Mt .XS a 0O-- . fatant Sllri. fcca, llit. . cr s irsnrif Aarai 37 trwa Row. lifB. H li L. k ar.!lt u Mil J. II. BaTW NotaAr h Jtaitla InjC A.- - 41 1'ark itiw ( Hm.. HutblltiKi New York, U authorised at mlraa fur alvertiMmfiita tn lb 1kmi-ka- t at our boat rataa. sal 1 Eing of the Blood I. r.t i t.r. .i'.' it is a I InawMwritw and tonic luipui.y if I (, . r u-a- . tiaranam u j '. i. ! ii4 laflMM HUUi . r f s kaiMt t. ltltr n ij !. u, ll ii1i14-ul.l- 1 m.-n- i atv CvrdtasT tilT . . ;i y bn-- a .t l.: ,.r c. s i , tw.nUrr. Inssarliir 1 ' Hi. ).!, .'.'":. i.-- . "t-- , i; '. I.rr a W. gaefcwa'.a. Jtmrmi s"..- - Hrorl nueam, lT"fm'j. K'-ii'- j I fVr rt- - ,,-- . .x ui .., .(.., .. . .. !lw- - in llu- - lIUwi) i n x-n- u rsr cui s 'ij.k.rs; ih'- - lii'iin'y wf l.:1. cii n.i.is bi.i i tirU'ui nh-- . la .in ;itthi iRBsdao and rSSetmi .f I aliiiM .1. - u.' ! 1 "x-'.i.- . k I ;r t . ;.. i . .'. it rt.u.'f'., . .In pm f'Mf. "iiViiM p ... iil'i 4W I of llio tt'-- J,' v. . ....-.- I s i.s h I u'. e. t swK. a 1.0. . frt.. Dar.Aio. I Pcnd fur ou Kw Illuatra- - DO tcdi'ric-I.i-- a JJo. 30, for Fall and Win ter of 1881. Free to any eddros. Co- ntains full description of all kind of gooda for personal and family uac. Wc deal dim-tl- y with the consumer, .. ! sell nil goods in nny queitity ..t vLAcmlc prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & (0. a7 and 229 Wabash AveojsOjCUeafoJll, RED CROWH BSILL8. BALLARD, liOl! & CO., PUOI'B'8. MAY fh.WL.sS KI.O'.U St fKtllols t)K fAMIUBl AJTO BAKKILS BaVJ. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat. ALBANY 61y1 - OR. The CorvalliH Fruit Co. WiU fin-t.-A-t- i t'lnuMiiflr dried fruit at Jad I iiinrki tIs9 ; A iA rtu..i a :.! :M-tn- t person to aaviHO iruit jerowern ae to cuUIvhAIou or or ad til tiona to orchards ; Will fupply fruit treoa o np roved sorts at rnouerate nrlew: Will aell Plununer Driera throutffc Lina, Benton anu iane countiea. I Ait tors to be sent to C'orvalllsFrt'O fota pauy, Corvallia, lienton Jounty, tyregon. WAIiLIS KASll, PreMKieut. Jamais 1'.b.vman, Keo'y. January I, 24w0 THE COMPLETE HOME, liy Mrs. McNair Wsioiit. Tills work U omdete ., ... . i . .... ,r ' . . OomuBti': Kaucator ano I ractic:ii uhui,hm i.w Olver, crtntainiiiu' : Tha Foundation of a Home HoombwU EaoaMBV. Kickncussnl Hcaltii, Doaaa tie Industry. Ilosiiitalitr. Our Children, liirautv In the Home, Uood kauners, Attention to Prasii, IIow to Make Uoiae Happy, to Modal BoeiS, Metlioia of Worklni;, ate. An ornament ta parlor or librarir. Thiii complete work, of nearly 00 pages. Is sold by suliB'jriution. Aacula unniwi. Aii.ires a. u Itaiicroft A Co., 712 Market Street, San Francisco. HEALTH AT HOME ! Or, Hall's r anitly Dortnr for tbe l'e ef i'amlllcM, aVaSeiaa how to inviorate and preserve beslUl prolong lit)-- , cure disease ; tlie pbysjeial OoadHkMM of matemitr. and the urotier luaiiuLrt'ineut of iniants and d;sciiSNi()L' the entire nhVHtrul wcli-bei- of man. with a very larire collection of tlm U,st and inowt vuliMtdu ineaical r.- - ripi i"',', by W. V Hai.L a. M., M. P. Rfajranuy illustrate! a hotrnd h one larae octavo vuluine efilHi pajtOSj .Sold by sub scrii.tioii. Aleuts ViiiiIu'I. Addrwa A. L. liau cruise Co., Market Rtreut, !ni Prauuisou, dk. kojeu'.-- j veueiablh: wokm SYRUP instantly destroys worms and re- moves the secretions wbleb cause them.

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Page 1: oregonnews.uoregon.edu€¦ · ii., r.r. 1 ini .v. i m u, STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State lights emoewt lkMl"ai I 3m I 9m ' i . . rar nni'WiV Ml)1.aA IBii'...It I 7 IS I Inch I m 1 00

ii., r.r. 1 ini . v. i m u,lkMl"ai I 3m I 9mSTATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT

emoewtState lights' i

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I " M) Ml Id (X) 2.5 00 4000 eo eli 00 SO 00 4000 W 00 . lo0 W

fsTi'inl ouamoNM noiicea in Lu-a- i ecl- -urnns 'J' cents per line. Regular JmsiInoliers 10 cents jer line.

For Ic.-t- l niul transient ad vertlnenientI (JO per nrptarn for the flrvt lnanrtKn and

ffut ja r cpiarn for eaeh aidsw-p- o iitInsertion.


PjfOOl inventod the wheelbarrow.Tho Rank of bghsad was eHtablUl.dIC'jr,.

Theltwi.f Lycuigua prJed firetrainiag aobools t.r ibe plyaleal educa-tion of both mVKm

Bagpipes ware ii v. nt.d i:t Njray,and tiiBiicn iuip'rtoI into S .!tnd,when a pirtion of tbe int'y fisil n 0Scandinavian hands.

Ctaaar, de;ribiag th- - c iJMH of ti ellritons sav; "Ten or twelve U.' u.laua'iy Or th- - rs or son", havn witt a in

oommen.''Ai i.ti.nsof ctvilisnd an- -

tiq-ut- f d.d eerpeatcw aciemee ho'i adevelopuo.at .n i.mon il.e ! eta. ana,Uetrewo and Plaaeejieiatei,

useefaat, Choiokea Idari, who waacan ied to Il:g!aiid in 1 7--

" waa abloouti un th ! swif'tent horre in a rjce-c(ui-,- .-

of two tliirds of a tuile.Tun .ranish jt Oaideron waa'

:hs;Uin u Pbiiip IV., aud aotni.Ktica!WOfl his sentimeiits ihst he has been

ltd tbe "poet ef the Icquiaition."Eejanael flwjls.-.hatg- , Ixifure he Ik --

aam: tbv leader of thn peculiar aectaim !i bears bis naat, wa? a distin;utsh-- n

1 engineer and asitessor of the Kuck-bol- m

(College of Mines.Prracott asys that tlej iliacovery of

anw aud sbai ter rente to the Indieatbe true key te tha maritime move-

ments ef'tbs and thefirtt half of the sixteenth centuries.

In !GQ0, (iiardsno Rtnao was butn-- 5

1 to death st Rome for apheiding thetcachiac nf madam aitranomy, a-i- d

ci-cia!- !y mti.itainin; tiie ;umeusitv ofthe eatvoree aaal tUi a itc of worlda.

Socrates tells a at ry a. a Jew who,pretesdiag te Im eeweart Oo Chris-tiai.it- y,

had Oeea a s-- :.-i.-e- l in dif-

ferent ancle, and Lad aaiassu I a con-sidorae- lo

fnriaee bv the gifts be re- -

ceiled ou tbwse eccaaioas.Cemmutio2 ou tha teuiatk that

"aoiateuis ta.'eiy i.sctfvtr any thing'orta aatobii-ig-

. Fiiiladwiplua pnpraaya that I'j-U- aud Morse tro patot- -

Bliaa Ilaam, a fsreser: and iliison las")i.knd up" ail he kwew.

There is sirong evidence tLat Mo-Lasubi-cd

was au epileptic, aud that;t'aeeh a Ham ef uadeuwtcd pea or andstroug religious feelings, he foeudadhis preteriia? as a medium of revela-tion on visions which appaarad t himduring epileptic trances.

During the Roman aranire emperorswere invested with a acred character.Under Tiberius slaves and crimii.alswore eoeamneaed ta hold in tLair Landsan imago of the eaopror, and thus pro-tected, to Hnr a i;h impanitr a toirentf insoleuca oa their mastetc ar judges.Aiirt the Great, t! imaLt liutrtiA.!

man cf the thirteenth cent err. men- -

turns a feiilied braneb eontaiaing abird's nest, and aecounts for tbe stiaaephenou:eon by thv thei ry ef Ana'otle,ibat an oceult force exiats in tbe uni- -

'Te, cpsKb ol formtug exrs-.- t lii arys'-l-t-

Mtrshal Bsasossiiierre waa incarcera-te! ia the Eastile for ten aa a. Onhis release Leais XI 1 1, asked kim hisega. Fifty was a ! the ao'.ier Wiu;dsckBewledgc. To the aiipsmal look fthe king he nnsweted, ' S re, I sub-tract ton veara passed in the Baali'ebecnaae I did not employ them inyear mejessy's sorvice. '

When Ridiev snd Lstimer were telie burned for herasy there as fattenedte the bnir of each a ictg nf powderplaaed there by fi icttds, with the intenlion of so iajiag


their aofforias to aA BP at m CB

oce'ir tarninsttfia. l.iti?Mar aioufirst, bat the et i prepared for Ridley'sexecution win? tiieeu aad t:btsvpaekcil, he was li nger in sgeny.

Iu lbS7 the Scotch, in defiance of theerewn, nrgsaized s svstt ut ef representation of their own, in which everv

bam had a shara. The next sear thisgeenral assecably met, and. aa boiagordered to diihaad bv the kiag'c eou- -

missloacr. refused. Nor would tbeydo sa natil the Democratic institutionof the presbyteries wasand episcopacy abeliaaad.

tfat rcoH taViii net v saosa.

All that we eie is be rasaltef whatwe have though : it ia feuadvd on ourthoughts, it is esade uh of enr thoughtsIf a man sjuuks of arts with aa evilthought, pain follows hlsn. ns th wheelfollows the foot f thu ax that drawsthe eart.

For hatred dees r.wt 00000 by hatredat auy time; ba'ied cour-- e by lovethis is aa u!d rule.

IiCl a eaan oveiceme sugar bv love;at him uvreeme evil by goo !; lot him

overcome tao greejy by liberality, theliar by truth:

Let e Bee happily, thca, set batingthose who hate us! Among m?u whohate us let us dwell free from hatred.

ittikb et--' aavr york.

A New York journal take? this en-

thusiastic viow of the futoie ot thegroat commorical metropoliaof Ameria :

Few in the past have -- en able to grasptbe growth and possihis future of thiscity which, st a not remote date, isapparently destined to fall heir to a

large share of hat portion of tbe busi-

ness of the world now transacted byLondon and Liverpool. New Vork,as the metropolis of this country, willultimately hceeme a sort of Linden andParis eembined, to which unbjru mil-f.io-

will make pilgrimages to enjoyher commercial privileges ami admireher parks, palaces, rasnuuienta aadpublic buildings, while the wealthyfrom al! parts of tbe world will llockhere to spend their money.

I know," eaid tne little girl toher elder timer's yucg mat a', thesupper table, "iht yon will .i? inour aoci rty for Iho pr ectoa T dttlubirds, because m imua says you arovery fond t f larks. " hi ' 1

1- - p '.utBulletin.


CI. A 1 B II. STIiWAKT.HI SI J OM HT-- ln 1.mo. r ,i ItulldlKson

KroaiUlblM Mrrrt.


t .1 010fl rH, MX 111 mill" 1 00

1 00i t.--l atSM 10




Albany, 8NBOT Office in LWer'.s Rriek r.l.vk.tST.


It . Nf UAHAN. 1.. WII.YKU.


Alb;i;y. Oregon.PRACTICE IN l. L THE COURTS OFH this State. 1 hoy Bivt special ntten

tnn to celleetion an 1 probate matter.irtiee in Foter- - iuw brick. 4!Hf


Notary Public.tlbauy, Oreaoii.

Ofu.ee upstair, over John Iu'sirs store,1 i s: root, v I4n23t f

J. K. WEATJIEKF0SD,sotaky roauej


QTTU MUCTtCl IH Al l. TltK oi ilTs. or THE

proltatc matter.COtYWti In Odl FcUsw-


Tcmrl. 111:3


iTTORNEYS AT LAW,And Solicitors in Chaitorvi

ALBANY. ... BKBOI.Collections promptly made on all pointe.

Loans negotiated on reasonable terms.a"Uffice in Foster's hrirk.-f- S



caV'Oulco up siairs in the Odd Fellow'semp!e."ai



ussxaa obegos.e:rt pre:- - iu alt the eourta r 't.e OsaaaV '

r.i:pi otSeeatoa rivn la enttocsJaeie, eti- - (

9ykr-- 3 an-- l -- txminauou ut i :!:- -.

eecsnalltjr. lzns.J. A. VAA.TIS,



til In all th Oaozls el StaleNTOSto m th Court Hisis




Wotai--y Public,rm.VEViMt:. ui.tov

Collections prvintfy p'le onet! pjint.


ALB INT. tUtol.HK7TCX pra-ti-

e in all eotula of lbsf ? SSd-o- , and cv it'finfn t

tjlIonIii Office in OTasls'a Btodc


Iflin ft MU4 .7 lif pracJi--

- in all oorts f the Stale? r M Matoeas latrmtod to :ne prompt-

ly ettossdad to.Zlc In (fToo!'A IJosl; BrO'JflnUt'-- n Street,

45y 1 A ifjtHtt, Oraasa.


Physician and Surgeon.Albany, Oregon.

Orftee In Froinan BrirK, two dwmIaat of Oonnefa iUnk. ol'

LEWIS STiFSO'SUTEBT ABO FECI) STABLE.Virst rlasH vehi'-les- , fino BOraea, goo

ffeod. acconiirioiaiini; proprif tors and rfa-nona- 'k

' ,hars46.. iivo tht:i a all.Slallf-- near lie vera H;iie.


DR. E. O. HYDE,Physician and Surgeon.

OfEee at


E. W. LAf4GD3H & CO.,

DHIGGIMT4.B'Xtfkx. WtaBowary and Toilet Artidaa, A

I jir,;e Sio;k aul Iv.- - Prfnea.

CITT DHXJG- - GTOP.E,i trnt.w, ti;s:4i.ii.

FOSHAY & MASON,t.i.:a;- - axd i;rrv- -

ALBAXY, OllSOOt.v!Cn4!tf

REVERE HGUSS,t'm$Ut ir-- i and Iinrurni ASaaMy, Or ;;on.

Chas- - Pfeiffer, Frop'r.TWl new Itolcl i IHu-.- ! ij :n firm ta ftyle. TMat

si,j.w.i..tl witn tfte b.irt i'n market Mtar-b- L H.iringli- - u In erery a sxk! .:;.) bonvi .,r (joiu-avaaa- si


J. W. BEHTL2V,Custom Boot & Shoe Maker.

AKD 8UJa made to order,BOOTSrepairi.'i; dony .vkti ifa'n-iaia- .t

liwpatch, and at low prions. Call and nehim. I'lrst iSirta, Aibajay. 4iyl

Aloany Bath House.OTtiie UlKIi6lGKED WOULD Rk.-f-k ti tally iafomth. sftiases el AlbaayaaJ i

a ivtliat I have taken ob.trire of tti.s heia'Iiaion r, and. by keeping oleaa rooma ami py a

tatiention i businas-t- , vtyevti to iH tdt ,x,4i nu may fAVor ua r itb theiv ;tr-..a- e

!''ia neretot'orc carriod on nothiag tu?First-Cia- ss Hair Dressing Saloons,etpects to give entire laristkc irM iv-- i

jJ"GhU-iie- a ani Ladies' Hair oeatly oushampooed. JOS WS0BK&.

l A V HI A Ii II 1 1M I , tl a ll 1 I

In tho Continental army! I thinkthen, you must he a little rebel."

"Ye, Mir, If you plows I am allttlo rebel. Hut I want ray cow."

"Well, yeu are a bravo, atralgltt-farwar- d

little girl, nnd you shall haveyour eow and Nomothlng mor, too."Then, stooping forward, ho detachedfrom his tfartera, a pair of brilliantknee buckles, oTbiob ho laid In thoohlldV hands, ''fako these," ha said,a. id keep them as a sau vonir of thisIntervluw, and bellevo that Cornwal-- 1

1 si can nppreclutu courage uud truth,eveu iu a liltlo reboi." Thou, cullingau orderly, he lustruulud him to gowith her through tho carap in searchof the cow, aod, when ho Kheuld find110 ardmal, to detail n mau to driveher homo again. Si Miss Anno returned with hrr cow ; and those I

spaikllntc knee-buckle- s are atlll Irpas1

ured by her descendants a n mctnouto nt (.'oruwallis und the Hvolutiou.

St. Nicholas.

Iilltll 11 VCR inoa I r Ilia si r9MU

On Jantttry 'J I b, the kktdttUei of aaetuan with a child was disuivarn I alI'ampaii in a narrow ntraat aWou. twlva of

fMt above i luvel ef the anciont Mamailt. It is wall known that thncatastrophe of 70 A D., comoten'awith a thick ahowt-- r ef small womicostones, by which thestraata of Poinpniiwrra covered up to the roefs of thehoiiieS. Klenc were taceeelrd byuahes, which bacsine selid owing to thuaction of sateesiivn ahowers of boiling. 1 .1 1 . .wairr, auu mi'lfl annra now luriu t tiolop layer ef tho raatria! which coverthe ruins ef Pomprii. Most of thn onhippy beings who rrtnainel in thnhouses after tha eruption f ra reacHvdthe town m ile ihair trcao through thawindows, but the greati 1 put of thaingiiivra cn t t , taka hut faweto sum.i li.. it l ll.;L y ,w(fooaleil 1 lie o n-- i 1 f 001 Wjbeea ' m i iihmd 1, akeiaise bae aa bieti t was eiaatdsMilo Iwga t the !. . - h aa IsaJ aha rg

' 'ji is iii rtnin n h I legs.I,, r u aj '"h ian, a i . i lee 'u t j

-- - ib.tt ihw eh J uui listw beenveay 1 1 It as a I .tM isoy aWol

.' of j. DahtUaa ihw wclmuwai the mother f ibe duiJ. S.uiejwc!s fvuod on the tw.. etrelotoeiadieeto a potawu ef uditieo; twobrsetvts ef goU ibaiteM ihe anaa bicli kai l lbs bv. ail OH tiM ittidaura two gold nag, tat aM wt withsa smaral I ou wLI h if Mgraajeal aliwrn of p'ooly, ud tba otiiet ariih aaaiuitiiKt faring a l.va 1 of Mric itV.

I UuatllB no .1 ttt 1..

, , .

hi- - that la a wid dapar'-.- r fi'i tM1.

ordiiiaty una. Liiiiia tl.a war a littlee;rl, tUa aaoeatOf Of an 1 .. 1.m.n aoIUiei,

,wbe 111 iu hsttlr, si s "i in aSoldier's Ktittii. Thaie aim in tillilia f ien-- an J contiiasl if lb d ibtai, , hat in th"at tr iaa 1 ,,'!',OOttfOO 4 tiius tl.i little child wasIranaffOicl to auetLor mvttliiiien aau

. st rc of t i fi itad m l a!s f horfu itbsr. Wban niaat 17 itft-- i i ageaha wat ta live with a fgaailr, h

ga hn: a ple.isaot hia AatOdgtbe tweaiboreef ibofaaailj as jpeasogman of (nod mldirs, who t- -l in I

With tha (;iil and ibn etui was hvr die

u'ljca. Iavia' hsr 00000 au went taiIia home (of i'liendifss Warned inIadianaiilia. uud was tranaferratl toiU OUy Heaeiieal where bar h.by w.,horn. 5viBi wekt latr, a 14 v viiitort tha haipp.al spraag toward the girlnow aa invalid, with a cry of reeogni-tisn- .

She was tha aid ftiand su l

eoutidaut of the Seidtara' HojQaO, aud

through har tir,i is the girl's wotbwrwas faund and inotbar aad daagbterunill. Thau aatno the leror, aud unKnuday aight they warn niairie l

MuimUt, ar a faw hears afici bet m u

riogo, thu rouag wife died.

sors e i nn tties

Tiio richest university in the worldis that at Leydeo, HolLiud.

Iu 1861 thestu lanta at Vale (.'ollegwbroke panes of ulsa inside oftwe days.

KauIi public achotd teicl:r in Onlario has in charge the outrageous num-

ber of seventy-tw- o pupils.When Kausas school lands ara all

sold tbeBtat will have an endowmentfuud of $10,000,000.

Tha Virginia Senate has p tase J theAssembly bill for a norma) school foreduced teeebere, $100,000 being appropriated.

The lews Lwsislature has passed abill ptevidtng that the State Ifoaul ofFxamiuere ahaU bereefter ulwuyv havaa lady mooaber,

Piesideut White of (Jitaeil Uuivei-sit- y

Huy ha will step hazing ia thatinstitution evea if he is ehlied to ex-

pel every class ia the College.Recent events have clearly demon-

strated that the collegoS of this ceua-tr- y

propose te roet ont ka.iao;. Theyshould ha Supported in that determina-tion by the parents and gnardians ofevery student.

The WemaVe Medical College ofBaltimore has just been incorporated.It is to bo devoted exclusively to thetnedicsl education of women, and is theonly institution for thst pnrpese in

Maryland. Its faculty onanist ofseveu gentleman.

It is fifty yeara since TheodoreDwigbt Woolsey became V efasior ofGreek in Yale College. Now in hiseightieth year the semi-centeaui.- il ofthat event hss just been marked kythe presentation by bis associates inthe fantity of a handsome gold medal,the work ef Chaplain in Paris.

The popularity of the violin amongthn Uborinsj classes of England whsrecently ahewn by the attendance ofover 400 applicants for instructions sttbe recent opeuingof tbe "ptunv vio'inclasses" at Only a

penny a lesson is charged, the insit no-

tion boiag given in latge dieses.

ISO OK.. f10

.:;n ti. r.np.

Kalloch is endeavoring tu orstiii-- a

new Klilical psrtv in Baal Fraucssoo.Khepheid, before the 'ongrHaiot,a!

comuiitUre, cbargca Collector RolxtKon inaud Minister Unrtbttf t witb scvseptibribes in tha Peruvian alaltaT.

Tbe wit mi Serfisat If aooa atfplieefur aid for hisnlf aud diatr-a- d familyand the rd asn uthml hud.And. Hheaaya her huaWan J baa Im-c- i, bravesoldier, was i,vr iu ibe gaaed bosaeebnfors. and oarrb w bsnootaMa wewnda;fclho thinks bs ha 1 1h pufticliai OMVSgb

six months' avpeiaaeiaaeaitThe State Hernocrat.'i: OUftvasisi - i

Rhode Islsnd has mad- - i ho follow ii..'nominal ions: Hoiacn R Kai.dall. c

ernoi; J R Peny. f 'ealesiaal (0010or; J M Wheah-r- , H 'cr.ta.y ol MaU ;

Francis L 0Reclly( Attoriiev t'.ntn ;

Arnold L Brudick, General Tfoaoefea.I'ostmaater fianeral Ilown in a con

ference with mrchnts so I otbeia re to

garding mail tranertati.n, nffaaajiendgive his att-nli- ou to thn eeei4aifd

that tha Australian mail boind K.0.1was delayed hy ntppage a'. Cbieego.He exeets to save 74 beurs timn in atservice between New Yotk and SanFrancisco.

From all over Kansas come rop ntsthe mot flstterinz chsracter

tor in relation to crop prosaest. Wheatia advance of thn season, and never

looked better. Aa untiinally mil aWiater and frequent rsina have given ispleats ae opportunity to spread aajdstrengthen their bnautina, and aow,

tbe weather gro-- a Warmer, Uadeiare pushing rapidly, giving promise of

plentiful harveat.

A reign of terror st Liramio City.IecwmLritm hav.. beu at wjtk for fouratgkta peat, and (ires occurtnd ev ryeight. ftio f dseea wem arv eootly,and Bsabe no dialfnetbsaj as to the classev pvwfsai 'y, laitruod l':!id.hgt. betelsanJ r.e-sdtfa-

a boituM a fl.111.9r si!ibsV

,Bi .i.i. bava haaaii (airwlling the '

IVWts t' r 1 lit. e w'lh-- s snd ran ist a au... v e . a as t owt t.rcs wanlsi

ststt u .12 aid , aud . l.-- j oriaoueiaer rolssaaeJ. I ne unor ia great, bo- -

cause people d u 1 kuow what to expect nest, ter 4 thy knuw wLom touapvet. There will be a necktie party

if iba efleadtits ate caught.The Senate bsa confirmed Vauiuul

hlatchlerd, of New Vork, assucia.ejustiea of thn eaprt-ru-

e coart.Mr. Waolncr, tho Ksifi.b

baa just eomplctud tbe medal of a fulllife-siz-e statue of Mr. 'iiadatoae, whichis described ae admirable, Loth is alikenea; and as a work uf art.

A Philadelphia coloiel man haslan making scrap books for twentyyeara Ue bae 100 Urge volumes ofcleiiifJed matter. cSntatnimr a treatmass of historical and scientific informa-tion.

loa dinner given by the futara Kineof Begbiojd laai month, ut which theactors Irvitur, Tesle. Ilancroft. Wtnd- -

ham, Hare. Keadal. Wi.i, CcbaSLHenry Kotil'e. flrnessailll, (ie.ul.Lionel Beeaegb. Cmytm, estd laaaooworn guest, ia tha firet cf the k.t Jthat has en- - bakott o!a-e- . (JharlaaKeanaudMr. Pbelpa areea) SSM euter- -

tained by the (snm at Windsor, buttheir visit nartonk of a prefotsionnleharaotcr. illtm the Fourth iu- -

yited the elder Matthowa on ar.e oeca- -

ston, hut it was un lerat. d that Mattbewe was toemuae the Kior. and Lawaa nextdav prasrtitttd WIH a MMMsWdoing so.

The faucy of Congress aow rauS toward statues and monuments. Soationg is the desire to spend money inthis way that the house this we.-- B

sisted upon voting $20,000 for a CliipfJustije Mirahall, although it n

ahewn that a fund af that ameuat.raiaed bv wrivate aubsctiotten. wi

ady for tha eurpaOe. Tiiiity rearsage the bar nf Ptiiladelpbis at ad a

sabecriptten far a Maisl'.a!! stelae in

atbiagton. I he fund now aauouutslo $20,000, and recently the ti e-t- eei

wrote to the Attorney-Cenarnl- , naviagthat they woru prepared te erect tbestatnte as so)n as Congress wnuld ts-sig- a

a piece for it. Congress has ignored this otfor, but has instead passeda bill appropriating a like amount to be

expended by a joint conitnith r.

we acracsxsr thc rEorLe.

According te the directory of thoForty seveuthCnrress, there re inthat body 890 members :

One hendred and ainety-fiv- u lewyera.

Nineteen professional politiciansThree railroad efllsers.One capitalist.Oee clergyman.There are sixty five uaemVoM ;ep- -

resentiag the useful emoloytr.enti cfthe country, as follows :

Seventeen merchants.Eleveu farmers.Twelve editors.Ten maaufaeturers.Five physicians.Twe eivil engiae?r..Two miners.Two mechanics.Oae metallurgistTbe usefal employments aro si ill

worse represented in the Seaato, asthe following shews. Thoro are seve-

nty-sir members, whose professionsare as follows :

Fifty-sove- n lawyer.Fivo bank officers.Three railroad officials.Of tho useful professions Ihcr are

eleven :

Three merchants.Three manufacturers.Two minor.Two general bu.ine--- .

One farmer.One editor.

The Ottawa (Ran.) ftmuocen thusquotes : Mr. Harvey B. F. Keller,recorder ot deeds, says : I I ave longbeen convinced of the merits of St.

I v . . .., . , . , r -- 1

JCJt U anu ue it in my inraayfor rheumatism successfully.


arm: ar.ws

There will he drivuri fimi BeetofOregon by tho ditiuretit cattle men thisnpiieg, 89,000 hnsd of esttle far theBaataVtl toaikets. Ryan &. Lstifr havethn largest hand, twelve to thirteentheustnd heaJ.

Tho wif ef Joseph M. Fletcher tbeVancouver Iswytr who mysteriouslyliwsppnared a week ago offers a rWard

of 1 00 for iu formation which willlead to a knowledge of his whorva bouts,and tint lodgn of tl n ii. tr.tr $511 ad-

ditional.Off tbe 17th f March, IMS I, tho by

Grit work wrs C(nttunuoed on the rail-- i. t,(l: m.. on Tl.n I ill. 4 aod the QbaV of

cadfs ; on thn "tci.u of March 16tb,Bit, thn last rail was Itid, and on the7th itiHt. a train paaaed over. The

dietance, aars The Ihtllen 7'iW,I 'dies and thn ('asoadee is

to' mile O. Nina milea of hiidging wanto build thrae 40 mi lea To'J

H'uiaind' r was cut through solid rook.Thn estimated t ia $j,:ho.ooo. toStandard.

Tbe O R. aV N Co. beo put a sUHmn to work quarrying rock at

GeanHi Point. The kuoesiiioa iathai tho road from Texas Ferry to Hebel Fist will be completed after all.Tho rock will probably be used in tha Ofconstruction of the bridga across Snakeriver at thn hnad of thn Tnxes Rspida, iawhich was eomimmced and abandonedIsst fall. T'ljTam.

4t 4 o'clock Thursday morntagMarch 21, tha Junction City floatingtailla, owned by Kratz, Waahburae Jb aafluwar I, eanght SfO and burned toaajbta by 0 o'clock. Tha firn is au-- I a

( I to have originated iu the purify-ing iam t.nsr tbe top al the mainbetiding. Tha flafuea aprnad varyrapid'y and lit up iUi t"Wu aad un- -

trv I ir vul' nr ill-i- I here waa 2U- -

t0 tmaliola ed wtWsrt in ba mill, aboutll.OOOes abieb u a ...t i, thewill iyassanv. A. ilv(atd vmIJII I i ksrlf mbmt ; .. '!. :lOMJ

bsda ; M s laiwie t U baahals ;

Ltoaad o a 300 W oaSeta, aad the teatWjs u .1 ! Ujj!'i l.ita by fal a.srsTbe asill aad umihiaery waa worlb

and wa iue-urw- ia variousPOQjoaaioa fr $l."i,0Uo. There wasiflhDi) ieaareBoe ou the wheat iu theHartford. Tbia ia a snd leaa to tbe

and to tbe mill companyiu partieular. These unila wans theaj .t is ajaafttl i t th s'ate, aod thenew (inn ef Krai, Waahberee Ac

ilowerd wore asakiag pruparstious farer.tOttelve imar ivraiuaU. At writing'J.'- - Serge Hall aafe in tbe mill oftioebee tot leen raached, and some fearsam eatertaiaed for the safety of the'n'ki. notei aud paper, all of whichare ia Ibe iafa. There is else a con-sideiab- te

amoant of grs'Oabarks con-bmiaO- d

in tha aafv. The firn origiaated..it bttWppoaod, from natural causal, asit was tirst diacovered nuar '.he comb efthe rvof of thu main builditig. jMM.


Vietor IIego ii i;ih-aigh- t.

t M repssriod tbs! U G m iu willah-lrtl- viaii Kaland.

Fifty ynr sgu Mr. ierge Ranit ft dnli vit-- d H!t in atiori oa univaraalsatTrage,

I lo'i. PatM t ..per af Now Vaik isnniuty oi, and kaa aot a pain or achetu bo bedv.

lusie it laid to bs a ntron iecui- -

banOe between Sccmtarv Hunt and thelate Lord I'aacoDBUcld.

. .aa S a A

aa iciort s rins to wear aa charmed life. Five aUnupta ataasas-aiaatie- i

base be'n mail during bericifuind in eveiv imttaaca iha hasesrap"d uuharmad.

The acting Vice 1'ieaidont, 8natorDiria has uivea aaveral dinners tothirty people al a time this wiater, surissia any eetertatnments eter giveny a tee Pieeideiil befoie.

A hoaia for erpbaa girls, with twentysix beds ia it, baa been built at 81.

.lohnland, 1.. I .inmcuiary of a deaddaughter, by Mr. and Mrs. CarneliusVenderbilt, thev navies all the runuiag expenses.

Tbe 2--1 of this month was ebserv

od at Weimar as tbe btttetb attaivar- -

saty of the death ef Ceetbe. Thevault ef tbe gtaad dakoi, in wblcb tbepoet lies, weie epeaed, and wreathswore placed apea his coffin.

liaren Arthur do Rutbsehild baa

jttst pursbased twe postage stsrapawhich warn called ia from evreaUtieafor some caasa directly after tbair amis- -

aiou during the lata reign, leaving fortha twe stamps 10,000 francs (490.)

Minister Lowell, in behalf of theUaitnd Atetes bae sent a deeaatch teGsa. air Ktedcrick Pensonby, requestiug him to convey to Cueee Viateriathe bears-fe- lt eengratulatieas ef thecouatry oa bar cae from acsaasina- -

lien.Mrs. Judge Potter of New Hamp

shire, wbe is new visiting the city ofWssbiagten for the first time since shesa giaoefully assisted ber uncle, President Pieree, in dispensing the hospi-talities of the White Hoese, ia thegranddaughter ef Sir Jehn McNeil,noted in the war of 1812.

The will of the late Dr. Bellows be- -

quoaths bis hoese m New York cityand a email farm ia ITalpole, N. H.,to his son and daughter by his firstwife. Tho testator's books, paintingsand household farniture are given tothe bob. aud daughter by tho first wife.All the rest of his property is given tobis wife and her, children.

An ex consul ef Great Britian, saysthe Brooklyn ifovfc, related that Mr.Charles Townsen, Sedalta, Mo., w-t- s

cured of rheumatism of to worstkiad by S. Jacobs Oil. Lvliiui;oli

$1593 l"r .VH ir can easily ma lcKt hum ) working for . G. Rideout &

Co., 10 B.uclav St., New Yofk, Sendlor their catalogue and full pSf culars

A 1 . W l I A. ' 11 V It" J. mtmmmmm..

Oornwallis's Buckles.

I am not q lltfl sum of dutoH, but Itwin lata in tho full, I think, of 1777,that a foraging party from thu lirll-h- h

camp in i'hlladwlphiii, undo atloscont upon thu farm of Mnjor llu- -

dulph, Komh ol thu city, nt Darby.Having iupplluu thfinnnlvos wonwith provender, tbey wern nbnut to

begin thair return match, whun oOif ilu .soldiers bappoccd to espy a

valuab.o row, wlilt'li at that meinouttinforttlOattiy isada hr appi.tr int--

iu thu lane loading to tho lurnvard ;

and p.Hjr Bul;t?y wan lmiudUtoly cwntlaaalod to tho of tho ornpauy.

Now, (hiiutif irtunitoaow happan- -

i d to Iu tin pride of tho farm, andwas t lrtluftl u tho oxcl'tslvo praporty ef slin Anna Hudolph thn daugh-ter of tho houso aged neurlr twelvey ?i. or course no athor ati.untl onthe estate was so ImtHirtnut n t i i

pirticuiar eow, and hor OtlfljOttOOby the solditr could not he tolaraledfur a moment, s M Anno madaImp daooi da It for her roeovory, hutHad it ' tho men deaf to her entroattun and tho Morgoaat pnMjf against thndorms of indignation, tho high-apl- r

ited child ru'nid over to the stables,Huddled hor pony, and waa soon gulloping off toward tho rily. 4oerailu- -

im! to appeal to tho eommuader In-chi- ef

of tUe liriti-- h array, if nothinghM would nave tho life of her favorite.

Meanwhile, t r Sokry trudgedalong hor reluctant stefM quickanadnow and toon by a geutln prick withthe Kiut of n bayonet in her wollreunded side.

To reach tho city liuforo the forag-ing parly, WmM tho ane thought of thohiid, ni h r ony worn jouiulin

along the oM i -- .1 r r.aj at a Mrothat eOOO brought In r w ithin tho I'.iitIsh lina. She w.ia h died 01 Ilie Oral

outpokt by tho gurd, uod thwalon of her hat hato w is sii m mm dTko child replied :

1 ttiu-- t see tiie gemrd Imoi II

ately."Bttl the geovral OttUNM bf di5urb-- d

Urevyry IrMle. Teil me ymr Lu-ioes- s,

aod if import ant, it will 1. re-

ported to hlt.M"It is of groat imp .rUin a, and I '

cannot top to talk to you. 1'leaso lotM my iHjuy, uud tell too wheru to2iud the general !"

'Da, my little girl, I cannot letyou pjat uotil you tell mo whenceyou come, oud what youi b islnans iswithin these liac."

1 come from Darky, ami my business to see the general immediately !

No onu else s:i tirll him what I have' J' '

I In. i.Vi- - Imiiniil of llO ch!id, ta- -

gether with her pirsistem o, bad ItsI

inllueuce upon thu olll ccr. (jvnerslWaohinglou was iu be neighb irhcod

wailiu' his opportunity to sitikoanother blow for tho liberty of tii"colon Ih. The ofllcer well knew thatvaluablu iaforiomiou of tho tn. .ve-

in tnt-- t of ibe rebels rreqHotiily reah- I tbc liritieh c iuiuinmUr thioaic'tfaoalltee reatllng In the country, andMill, in eocrei, frn-ndi- to the crown.Ilrrc might hw sack a case, and thiseonatdoratioit dotrmined thi- - eoldteeto send tha child forward to beAatqttertors. So, -- u i in' mi i m an ordorly, hodirected 4iim te OAccrt the irl to thegoneral

II s Isle In the aftcrneen by Ibis :

litttc, aed 'oruwallis was at dianersvitti a number ef British oftlcers,vheti "a little girl frota the coualrywith a message for the e;ener.tl," wasannounced.

"Let bar rome in at once," naidthe general ; and a Tow uiomeuts btor Mis Aono Uudelob entered theifruat tent.

For a tnjinctit t'nu girl bflftltated,overcome, pertap, by tho utic.xpot- -

ed brilliancy of the scene. Then thospirit of ber "Red wolf" nuc caters asserted itself, andto hor Cornwallla Infull dinner costume, aurretiudod by 1

his Lri.lutit companloai, roproictitedonly tho power that could save herfavorite from thu batcher's knife.

"Well, my little girl, I am (isner-a- l

Corawallis," eaid that gentleman,kitullv. "Whathavo you to eay tomo ?"

I want my eow !"Profound silence reigned for a

uiouaetit, then cauie a aieaultaueouaburst of uproarious laughter from allthe gotHleujeu areuad' tbe table. Tbegirl's face reddened, tut she bold hergreece!. and her set features andHashing eye couviuccd tbe generalthat the child before hiau iaaeneofno erdiaary spirit.

A. fow words of enoourageuiout,pleasantly spoken, quickly rnstored tbe equanimity of the girl.Then, with ready tact, tbe goueraleou drew from ber a concise narra-

tion of her grievance."Why did not your father attend

to this for you ?""My father la not at home now.""And have you no brothers for

such an errand, instead of comingyonrsolf into a British camp ?"

"Beth ef my brothera are away.But;Oeneral Cornwallla," cried she,impatiently, "while yeu keop mehere talking they will kill my cow I"

"So your brothers also aro awayfrom home. Now, tell me, child,where ean they be found ?'

'My oldest brother, Ciptain Ru-

dolph, Is with General Gates.""And yeur othor brother whore is

he ?""Captain Michael Rudolph is with

Harry Leo." The girl's eyos fairlybla.ed as she spoke the name of gal-lant "Light-hors- e Harry Lee." Thenshe exclaimed : "But, General, mycow."

"Ah, hi ! one brother with Gilesan I one with Lee. Now," atid thdkfc.!fial, "where h yurfather V"

'lie wa- - wlt'i Oeoeril Waihl.ig:Isytt," frn!c!y snWstr-j- d thi littlemaiden ; "but he is a prisoner now."

"So, jso. Fatior and brother all



I lion,h: j;ii opened a alee eeleetloe oi

Genera. Herchatidise

A N l


wliirh lio mil bo hlala to salt at rcducrd



of all hind takon in exchange for goods atthe highest market price.

All arv invited to call Wforw biiyiug clae.where. am


Tin Studrbaker Wagon

is the IlKSTsnd CH FA PEST.


BatrMor Yangclder Springrows.


P. & F. Wood Pumps,

Hay Presses, F&oojig Bills, etc.,

Foi Sale at LomS Iiate by




FURHiTURE I BEDDINC.t urner I crrj oatl Seecud ntrret.

iUUir, - - OREGON.

Ayer'sHair Vigor v


It Is a most agreeable dressing, whichis at once harmless and effectual, for pre-

serving the hair. It restores, with thegioss and freshness of youth, faded or gray,light, and rod hair, to a rich hrown, or deephiack, as may he desired. By its use thinhair Is thickened, and haldness oftenthough not always cured. It checks fallingof the hair immediately, and causes a newgrowth in all cases where the glands arcnot decayed; while to brash y, weak, orotherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitalityand strength, and renders it pliable.

The Vigor cleanses the scalp, cures andprevents the formation of dandruff; and,by Its cooling, stimulating, and soothingproperties, it heals most if not all of thehumors and diseases peculiar to the scalp,keeping it cool, clean, and soft, underwhich conditions diseases of the scalp andhair arc impossible.

As a Dressing for Ladies' HairThe Vioor is incomparable. It is color-

less, contains neither oil nor dye, and willnot soil white cambric. It imparts anagreeable and lasting perfume, and as anarticle for the toilet it is economical andunsurpassed in its excellence.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,Practical and Analytical Chemists,




r. e. c. wears nkuvb and brain trkat-inciii- ,a gpaeifie f.ir ilystc-Ha- , Uiizineas,

PfsWieai Headache, Mantal liaprmsioolwn l Memory, 'ijicriuaUiriiiiea. lmioleiicy,

rniicaioits, rcuiiiture old a ,1 by

SSMMncurOoa, or wliicnItads to saieoty, decay m ileatti. One Uic will curerecant il't.f-hr- l.i--- Imx mntilni one inontli's

J treatni nt ; one L.i!ar a hot, or six aoxa for live'l ilUr; sent by mail Jtdpna n receipt of price,We uara?itee six Loxch to cure any eaee. Wituach onlsr received by aa for six txixa, acceinpajiied

with tiva dollars, we will ihd tho purcliaer ourwritten Kuraiitsc return the monay if iho iroat-mei- it

doe.s not effect a cure. Onarantcuaoniy ly

V.OOOAIU), CLARKE CO,arhoteaala and Retail PrafytotaPPurtaiWit, Oregon.Orders Ly raail at regular pricus.



; If--, EASTERB OREGOJN.! h!xrk ranoh of 220aOTOO. with good j

!:if::iln r:i;ii. I')i:at. l near JirlUge OrcoK.'A'nwi KMiTity, toeatbaC with ahout 2 :

h'oaoa. o rx hag- - lor land btro in thev jihinmitd Valxty.' Now, if you waut to j

fall y ur farm and go into the stock busi- -

jies.s in Eastern Oregon, here is a chance j

iur yon. Call on or address C. H. Stew- - I

art, Albany, Oregon.


Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago.Backache, Soreness of the Chest,

Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Smell'ings and Sprains, Burns and

ScaJds, General BodilyPaine,

Teeth, Ear and Headache, FrcsiveFcot and Ears, and all othor

Pains and Aches.Bfl rrTwrmlioa on earth Mate Sr. J f Oil

a. i ;, sure, ulmple nJ ehruj, I M

A ItUl rnUlli t'Ul th OKiifM: '

triafats "un "t &0 Oats, hI crr m. msbVi Iuh piu can ha cbc snJ usiU yil al 1U

saaaalirortlufu tn X1D I : ,:-



A. VOGELER & CO..ilaltimorr, Slit . I . H. X.

PATENTSWf rontinuo to art as B Urltors f r ratnu. CitksU,Trad Marks, o cync tiu, ta. tor ttut L tiimt uim.Canada, tuba. EDg-lan- rraotw, oruianr. etc. Hobavr bad (blrt) -- IU " )rr' ci rim, ,,

PabtiU obtained Uiri;!i u am rXlol in l.'ta Z1svnnc AMEHicaa. TttlslarK and ap'ndM lllustratrd vrklyrw.$8.XOs yw.sh-'- Urt ittrmt(t Wnr. U ifrnr lUmrtlDy. ati1 tuu an ravrnw.uaCtrruiaUi. AMnm Mt .XS a 0O--. fatant Sllri.fcca, llit. . cr s irsnrif Aarai 37 trwa Row.

lifB. H li L. k ar.!lt u

Mil J. II. BaTW NotaAr h JtaitlaInjC A.- - 41 1'ark itiw ( Hm.. HutblltiKiNew York, U authorised at mlraa furalvertiMmfiita tn lb 1kmi-ka- t at ourboat rataa.


Eing of the BloodI. r.t i t.r. .i'.' it is a I InawMwritw and tonicluipui.y if I (, . r u-a- . tiaranam

uj '. i. ! ii4 laflMM HUUi . r f skaiMt t. ltltr n ij !. u, ll ii1i14-ul.l-1 m.-n- i atvCvrdtasT tilT . . ;i y bn-- a .tl.: ,.r c. s i , tw.nUrr. Inssarliir1 ' Hi. ).!, .'.'":. i.--

. "t-- , i ; '. I.rra W. gaefcwa'.a. Jtmrmi s"..- - Hrorl nueam,lT"fm'j. K'-ii'- j I fVr rt- -

,,-- . .x ui .., .(..,.. . .. !lw- - in llu- - lIUwi) i n x-n- u

rsr cui s 'ij.k.rs; ih'- - lii'iin'ywf l.:1. cii n.i.is bi.i i tirU'ui nh-- . la.in ;itthi iRBsdao and rSSetmi .f

I aliiiM .1. - u.' ! 1 "x-'.i.-. k I ;rt . ;.. i . .'. it rt.u.'f'., . .In pmf'Mf. "iiViiM p ... iil'i 4W I of llio tt'-- J,'

v. . ....-.- I s i.s h I u'.e. t swK. a 1.0. . frt.. Dar.Aio. I

Pcnd fur ou

Kw Illuatra- -DO tcdi'ric-I.i-- a

JJo. 30, forFall and Win

ter of 1881. Free to any eddros. Co-

ntains full description of all kind of goodafor personal and family uac. Wc dealdim-tl- y with the consumer, .. ! sell nilgoods in nny queitity ..t vLAcmlc prices.You can buy better and cheaper than athome.

MONTGOMERY WARD & (0.a7 and 229Wabash AveojsOjCUeafoJll,


BALLARD, liOl! & CO., PUOI'B'8.



Highest Price in Cash forWheat.

ALBANY 61y1 - OR.

The CorvalliH Fruit Co.WiU fin-t.-A-t- i t'lnuMiiflr dried fruit at

Jad I iiinrki tIs9 ;

A iA rtu..i a :.! :M-tn- t person to aaviHOiruit jerowern ae to cuUIvhAIou or or ad tiltiona to orchards ;

Will fupply fruit treoa o np roved sortsat rnouerate nrlew:

Will aell Plununer Driera throutffc Lina,Benton anu iane countiea.

I Ait tors to be sent to C'orvalllsFrt'O fotapauy, Corvallia, lienton Jounty, tyregon.

WAIiLIS KASll, PreMKieut.Jamais 1'.b.vman, Keo'y.

January I, 24w0

THE COMPLETE HOME,liy Mrs. McNair Wsioiit. Tills work U omdete., ... . i . .... ,r ' . .OomuBti': Kaucator ano I ractic:ii uhui,hm i.wOlver, crtntainiiiu' : Tha Foundation of a HomeHoombwU EaoaMBV. Kickncussnl Hcaltii, Doaaatie Industry. Ilosiiitalitr. Our Children, liirautv In

the Home, Uood kauners, Attention to Prasii, IIowto Make Uoiae Happy, to Modal BoeiS, Metlioia of

Worklni;, ate. An ornament ta parlor or librarir.Thiii complete work, of nearly 00 pages. Is sold bysuliB'jriution. Aacula unniwi. Aii.ires a. uItaiicroft A Co., 712 Market Street, San Francisco.


Or, Hall's r anitly Dortnr for tbe l'e efi'amlllcM,

aVaSeiaa how to inviorate and preserve beslUlprolong lit)-- , cure disease ; tlie pbysjeial OoadHkMMof matemitr. and the urotier luaiiuLrt'ineut of iniantsand d;sciiSNi()L' the entire nhVHtrul wcli-bei- ofman. with a very larire collection of tlm U,st andinowt vuliMtdu ineaical r.-- ripi i"',', by W. V Hai.La. M., M. P. Rfajranuy illustrate! a hotrnd hone larae octavo vuluine efilHi pajtOSj .Sold by subscrii.tioii. Aleuts ViiiiIu'I. Addrwa A. L. liaucruise Co., Market Rtreut, !ni Prauuisou,

dk. kojeu'.-- j veueiablh: wokmSYRUP instantly destroys worms and re-

moves the secretions wbleb cause them.