ihomesweekly - chilliwack - march 2, 2012

Index RE/M AX 2-22 Sutton 23-30 rn C S 6 C noyaı ıe Page 31-ss Landmark es-37 Homelife 37 New Construction 38-39 Gorgeous view of Mt. Cheam t - 'éQ.`1.:.\'„„'» /..f/,"›"/4"“ _/in _ E š __ ¬ 4-_„- ¦ _=R;í , '›;_ V / _ _ gr 2› _ » _ _ V _ „_ H v W „_ 1 _ :fd ı 4 K _. , §0 Ä _ ı _ _. t . ' . _ ' - - . '_ 1112114 . _ 1 à _ , V _ _ ._"._'„(; -_.. ı f.› , ; :__ ~,›__"_ ' _ f=':~<" _ .. _,~;_ _ __1:„;_|\%_ A _›.`›. \ : __. '~.ı - _ _ _ _/_--~ - « * Ä 3'., _ _ _ _ _ _ ._~›1.1ı';±f_§tif§:._1*§2 ' - ._ _ ,_ ~.__._›:„ .@_1i¬. - *.':=,'__ .-'›~; .,›_<r ı2']~¬“?›2'f',~L+f« ›f '-_ 2* <1« --2,; _`/_., ¦ t _ '.1 mt _, -›.._ _ f z ' t ¬*_,'~', -°`?†¶} '. ~ ._í'_1: ' ; _-_=~','›fi-'.',«' t ' _ 'í~»2=:›.' _ 1 _ _ " 1'/'=';'...›i$`›s«==~==~±;_-1"' _, ._ \ - , _ , - - ^ tg _ '__-_ ;. :_› 1'-CH. _ ' - ~ '~__2~2_.„_ _ ~~ _-_¬f_ "~_~_= f - .†„*~ f ı› ` ~„;_~_=;_¬_;r «__ :; ~__ .~ ~ -t H ~~;.___;_›= . _ _ ;____;f_„~ -»ä _~l;- _q„=_~/_ „~ ._ ~==».. t,;;„§-_:-_=_~_ _ _ı_\_-_":-'-~'-.' . ___*2 _..,.__._»=:_;__^“' _ _, ,__,_;„ _' ' t . fl'2, / H 2 T 2 '* ' ~ v ' ' ' :~~f-'~«2«1~'«2«››ß1=_-1-.›.„ '~. - " ~ 2 - " 2'~2=»f›ı=f »-.«.¬„~ '›___,›==__~_~_-„_2 . -~ " ' ~ - ~.'“ ` .^11*7ñ::"2¬~?. “"'^~.-.~'›'*f -'"=' .'.-l~:›~±W±:~ı›2~*~'¬=_»=Wt2= 'f_«..~_;__„W› -. .'†:'››~::"-:'.f'T›.*_¬f<<~=:›.»-›::_f..~~›~¬¬~«~'na ~ _ _ _-__« tttttttt' “ttt ___, `”"í§°' \¶-§\ı§}\\=;\›_*ı~\¬ ±._\,._ _¬~ . \ †\› '\={w_2 \'«-'tiVig_'..±i%_1*#1±'%fi;f*si*fi-_1'--”';¬1«>::*_1ä~f.2,;_=1-I.fä±ë;=;%;~ß_~-1K1;'ffíf š *W91-;¬`?1~'\/it-'±t1»,.@ š .__-_f.*†{?=›i=f›ı?_ 'r.á+†~=,.~.-›~;~iii. t. f* ` \[]1,\\'>¶\ _kih\§\\å\t§.„ . è\=Ä-»K < _' ._> :__ `\›_: H* -'=ıff_=:."*~1=i=«;v2'~~*. ¬~_=f,of.@;,;›~f2...fí*Ä_a:_;f ._;«=«_'f '„~:'2*11;.14/fiëizffßf- ';f›†*f=.2±.f-;†~±^ı.=;:<ı:_f"f_=_\;--ff: ~ ..'_~%==;F-»>; .,=\ ` \ _ >. 5-'«__._ _ . =\ ' ~ ~ _ ` \ * „_ ¬ 1. ~_'_~1 § _' "' 2'<'›'~" *Ui 6' ' __ı";.`--,_›:'f_If_.-11--_» Ä .“ '%`. '.,;I'Z„. '__ ~';{:rí;í„.¶;.;3'~_±,§.„._::*: «-',Ä_-=`- 1E:-›_'_- -"_".-_' 2f›~_.<; . 'f_;_'.-_»_ ( çš \› \`.\„ a \_ _ ix T "_ . v_ _ F _ _; ` _ -\._'\ _ `1\„~_ _':_ ¬ -_--ig. _ _/.~_=_:t__-\_f\_i_-\=\.4,-_›=_-4 '__;ê_,;_(V_ 'l';_,:v.__;›;§§i§;~1_†~;"fí;~› g;-.å_t__„.v_1_›-__-,__-.~ ¬› ` "_2 _*.~,\2«.`›._ 1 - _ ' -›*"Ä- =.' < " = - = V - ' * , 2` 2 * _ ` ` ` "'11 " 'Q * '_"\ ' \` »§"\"\` F? *`\~'<%\\ *" ;\ \. >...` ` ~ =`\ "" \-¬ „\`\"„\\\„ _ '¬§›\ -„\`\\. \ \.„ à _ - . ~ `*~ _ *±\ * \ _ _ _ _ \ \\Ä ›.\§§§§\{ _ fi! fil ~,;›„f L1, , ri ~ li, '" /Ä” //'I 1 ,N „_. ^ *> "~ «~ ~›«?.='ıı T~í`›~f,f5_f_†'„?.f„†4ff_i,-å";«ff_~' T n \* `* \4\\ “\ `*\}"3è"“*'*`«`*§§§`§~`“\'%Ä\\t M" ` ' " Q f 'I '~_«_2' f/~' *C 2/ f” '› `2'-T9” fr.. \\ š &\\\\ \\\\\\\„\\«~\._ ___; . _ “ff *<4 ~“*«à.,; „§13“ %_«›â_f__ „;§(„ „__ .J :=1_=_ «_ = f-=.' .~:g¬;-:'~=_ " «_ :Q ~¬2†>~`9i\_\_\ _ . . 2 ' _ _ - A †='<_<@. ~ f 2 ~ - » +~:f>'›'›>-=*«f'*†f›_;›'_.v-f_¬-'.f.`== š f'†«-_f\=›<›\»;<§* "›i«í~íıfı 141%* ~2w: *fëı~§ _ ~.›_`*=*“s« =f2~± t' . _-2 _ .~i=›,ı=_z> 2 Page¬ J =› ~~>'. _ _ 4 .... « _..--fl ' 6 '~'*_",'.f.;›;'-ı›~=5Zl:'iI1§'»iI›-%*`~›fi°2"f$'757” ñ„. _~**†' "¬;„-„,;.;;„ _ i'2>T`ı>à -«_1:”`='-=~¬%«=›êfi†%§~fl==.±'¬.3;_-f=5_†._._g›"-~;»;_1~f._>' ' -- ›~ - ^ _ v ' ~_«_-'-« :~›¬'›~'_-.^..›_,^,›:~...__:-_ - ›1 _ _- ~ „.- _ ~ . _ _ ~ v u g - ._ -~ -›› V/_ _ .„ -„ _ -._ `›_ ~ _ - ,› ` _ _ , -_ ~ -_; _' f ~ _ _ _.':~_ :tw ' < q-3; ,f«f_<.'";g,»' <<x;„:;_ *t ,<_«"""*›'Cç_\- _„ ..;«.: .%;{f"4”(«_;<;f:Ti*>f~>!.» t__„ _. „.~%_„_ _ 11;« ` t šš giw ~::_-;›§;>„__ š „. _ „___ _ „f=¬'~'-„› - ~ g v ; 5; _ ___, _..-_ '*"¬'2"__ _. _ » ~- -~ .-. ~...›~'~“'~. t *gu :_ _ „__ f ____¬_. _,„~.. _-.-f .__ _ _>_.›.= _ ¬ ' >. ~^-:_-»__ ' <:.__›~ ~ ;.-=,›. #~.~› _. _.__~;_"-gb :___ _ _;_____.„±._„m„V___,__V ,_››?'#¬~o,.›ñ_f:ww_,__„f2;; š %5f;;å_5_¬@§};;2§_,@q}§e;fi_ë,.;:§,;{_í,yà<§§ š §,.<?“' š ,____,ı š &å2~:I§§„___ _›-'7'fi 'i››=›«_ %;_„ _._;__;„ <›.› _ .Q__ v .=:-3--'ß~J, ; ?.~ l?_..`. š _ ~ * 1 -~_;›'_~_` -;'_›2-..~"2~rı›.--~'~»~»'.««ı~.1-»1«sr--. ~`±22~~†±.› '.~:'“ı 2-F \_.__›;'* _ _ 2' « “f _~ 1 ı~~ .›;2.=*= ~ ___» ` *Q-.___ -~-,<í.._ 'f~.:†-¬-_2="“~'\~^~›- ~...-+›¬ ff ;- š 'i›f~'“§'¬-*'“-'f~\_ ' 2 . « :__ H V 2 § 12 . ~~-.„_«:.:„-~ f :_ _ ~ __';@;_' ' q; «_~_:_._›_«~;_,›`„` ;›;„:_.__,.$~_.;1__-,„` ~2 *†.›-.-;„›.;»:-, l§*?›-~__=. '-,*„-'.›_J_*-Q)3.›„'ç;„_;_»†,;_: - _ 1:« ..__~:_~`„.„ ._ 3: _ _ ".››„ı;›.§.«;}._ *T - = ' tt- - › ' fi ¬ ,»; _- ' ' :›~.f: '1~››,. ~_-<_:~“f*=›.:„1l›„\;~:_r~ _-, '<:t;_,».;,2_- eff* „2§_¬_'_~;.'_'_:_~†:«-.s=.*_-¬:_;“„_.:„f;;4§†§"›;;¬ ` š 23'f;'_.~ ±_›ç2›*-gr -_« r *.\~:.».>-:N `_>›=_ë;^ ,~5.sä_t=„ __~\« š `<&ı - ~ -' _ "_ = ›' ==~.~-_ ' 5 _ _ 2 =. _;ı.' ~:~~__*«~"_-›~' ~ ' 4'.=›s4\i_ .2 ±':=~ ' .„„='«~' ` 2' _~ .f -=' ›„~=~. .^._^*'~J.:ı:_ ~.~` ¬ .~.~ _ ' _ - ¬=~ _-«; 2 í2-r.=~`* C .«~; š f§:~_~'«. ` _-«_ $..r\±¬¬†;f_„:':' 1~†_;/=-¬*f1§`§ '3 ':l§2;.._.. f. .1-_t«`= 'd§`.;~:`J†-'_*Ü"†.`-rf.<ff<<>„r.›vı> '<*_-2› §§-“›' š ~`:-fs›_'»†.~=§`2f2„.~ 2 ' mu-iıåäv *if

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Chilliwack real estate listings. Tons of houses for sale, google mapping, list of Open Houses and real estate stats for February 2012. Remax, Homelife, Sutton, Royal le Page, Landmark


Page 1: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

IndexRE/MAX 2-22

Sutton 23-30rnCS 6 C noyaı ıePage 31-ss

Landmark es-37

Homelife 37New Construction 38-39

Gorgeous view ofMt. Cheam

t - 'éQ. 1.:.\'„„'»

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Page 2: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

'wmnô semes[,š§[fi]@]Wäjflfigfi w a s

mea i i w w e

45840 FOXRIDGE NORTH CR. -$279, 800WOW! describes this beautifully appointed 2bedroom rancher in Englewood Village, a 45+gated community. This s pacious open floor planboas ts vaulted ceilings, crown mouldings, solid

_ . maple cabinets, g as fireplace, stainless steelappliances and many more upgrades . The largemas- ter bedroom has a walk-in closet andgorgeous ensuite. There is awesome storagespace as well as a 4` crawl. The yard is

beautifully landscaped with a fully fenced backd Lotsof great surprises here -come and seefor yourself. First re-sale incomplex -noHST!

y.- _..

#112-8955 EDWARD ST -$199,900Wonderful Westgate! This 2 bed, 2 bathcondo looks new! Verywell maintainedby original owner. Unit has 2 walk-inclosets and large insuite storage area.Super location close to hospital,

shopping and public transportation walkeverywhere! Complex has guest suiteand gym on same floor as unit. Great

neighbourhood, great strata, great price.Just move in and enjoy.

LOOK AT ME! -$199,900| Q | 46280 THIRD AVE.Large Chilliwack lot with older

`handyman special' home. Inareawhere new homes are being built.

Currently R1A zoning butpotential for duplex. Lane access.Current long term tenant would

love to stay. Rented at $750/month

Thıs 3 bedroomownhome ınThe Grove lsn prıstıne condıtıon Greateıghbourhood and acrosse street from the Rotaryraıl Granıte countertopse kitchen and bathroomssigner colours createarm feeling of home.fully fenced backyard.

` othermal heat includedthe maintenance fee.ONUS -extra long drive-

_. _ ay from McLaren Rd. - _

*5-44523 MCLAREN DR$317, so0







3. 1

›I inside the complex. Come - / " '

' oand see, you ll like this


$324,9ooå ıo -. Ifyou are looking for a homeonFairfield Island -this is itlerrifichouse ready to go. 2storey, 3+bedroom, splitentry. Private hedged andfenced yard. Excellentition - walking distance to

elementary school and park.Newer roof, updated flooring

kitchen. Air conditioning.Second kitchen and livingroom with wood stove

down- stairs. Lots ofpotentialhere! Comeand see for


' LARTER AvE.| ff |



Eag le Bluff's b est! Only for th ediscerning buyer! 4 bedrooms, 4b ath s in wide open sp aces.Qu ality finishing throughout,hardwood floors on main and

crown mouldings. Gran itecountertops in k itchen an d allbathrooms. Huge kitchen islandwith built in wine fridge an din stan t hot water. High en d

stain less ap p lian ces.. Main floormaster bedroom with huge

en su ite featuring claw foot tub,walk in clo set an d h eated

traver tine floors. Fully finishedwalk out b asemen t with mu ltip lerec rooms and wet bar. Views ofth e v alley an d Mt. Baker from all3 lev els. Truly one ola kind -letth is house sweep you off your

f eet!

#16 -46745 HUDSON RD.$524,60O

Gorgeous custom homebacking private & secludedgreenspace. Over3700sq.ft., 6 bedrooms, 4

bathrooms. Basement is a 1or2 bedroom inlaw suitewith separate laundry andentrance. Amazing livingroom with 18' cofferedceiling &floor to ceiling

windows viewing the greenspace. Large modern

kitchen with center island &stainless steel appli- ances.

High quality finishingincluding crown mouldings,hardwood, tile and slate.This is a beautiful home.Come see for yourself!


Gorgeous views ofmountains, river andgreenspace from largetreed lot. 3 bedroom,

double wide mobile lookslike Country Cottage.Newer roof and furnace.Tons ofstorage includinglighted crawl space.

Garden, greenhouse andshed. Call this home orgetaway and walk just

steps to fabulous riverfishingand recreation.Located in the adult only

end of park.

#3-46906 RUSSELL RD$269.900

AWESOME! Super bright 3bedroom end unit boasting2170 sq. ft. fullyfinished inpopular Russell Heights.Great complex location with

private backyard andgorgeous valley views.

Features include hardwoodfloors, updated kitchen andbathrooms with warm andinviting colour scheme.. Lotsofgreat family/recroom

space in basement with winecellar for the grown ups.

Centrally located and familyfriendly. A great place to call

home -j us tmove in!

Page 3: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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51780 Hack-Brown oad$498,000

8.5 acres of rich treed mountainside withbeautiful valley views! Just minutes tohighway and amenities. Close to BridalFalls, MtCheam, Fall golf course and

Harrison Hot Springs. Develop this propertyor build your own Dream Home!

em 604-19a-oa-ss

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Page 4: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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mit R01] *Ü __ Wsasıta- -- 2 PLownıGHT 1 ; ' Kııxıey

I;PLoWRlGHT' 'I' Hreldl

b Pıo wrlg h t Redlty e1fTıob@bob lowri ht com man arr kin @sha wc a «mm ron wri ht com ndminisııaAssI:ZıIIIR .M Tours

Move in ready!!!$339 ,900

This 1, 645sq. ft. 2 bdrm,2 bathrm Rancher withLoft featu res a prıvatebackyarct with a deck

overlooking th e MiamiRıver. Thıs home ıslocated in a quietne i ghbourhood of

Hot Springs ,ıs mınutes away from the

b each es of HarrisonGolf, S hopping,

much more.Harrison Hot S prings




+/- 1 acre IndustrialProperty next to the

Progress Way IndustrialPark. One of a kind

Industrial/CommercialLive/\Nork opportunity.Own an investment inreal estate where youcan operate and grow

your business and live ina first class 4+ bdrm2800sqft home. One

property, one payment, 2uses that meet your

business &family needs.cnıııiwack Mı_s øH 1a ooz 11CREATE voun DREAM




Compr ised of 2separat e titles .7 8

acres. FutureDevelopment Site.

Offered at CAPRATE of 5.69%. In

City's OfficialCommunity Plan,28-54 units peracre, 4- storey

residentialChilliwack MLS #H3100306

O P TI O N S GALOR E!!!$ 7 9 5 , 0 0 0

of a kind property (2ti t les) located in t h e

Chilliwack River Valleywith ge nt l e rolling

pas tures , fe nc e d a n dcross fe nc e d. T h e

home s i t e is l a ndsc a pe da r ound t he sp a c i o u s

3 , 4 0 0 sq . ft. h o m ein g r o u n d pool .

b d r m s a n d 2 ba t hrms .a ba rn ( 7 0 x 8 0 ) a n d

ou ' r e in t he h o b b y fa rmT rul y a pi e c e

a n d o n l y adri ve to sh o p p i n g a n d

s ervi ces .K Rıver Valley M L S* H 11D 4614l


THE PR IC E IS RIGHT!$1 19 , 9 0 0

Attention first timeh o m e b u y ers an d

ınvestor s! A g r eat d ealon this s p acio u s 9 8 3

sq . ft. 2nd Floor Co n d ofeatu rin g in-suite

laundry .. . Ren tals areallowed. L ocated within

walkıng d ıs tan ce to 2Sh o p p in g C en t res ,

sch o o ls , Restaur an tsan d Public Transit.

Own your own h o m e,thıs one ıs c h e a p e r

th an ren ting!Sa rd i s


$194,900Almost new, 2 bdrm 2

bathrm 950 sq. ft. condoin a central location of

Abbotsford. Enjoy strollsin the nearby park withs hopping, dining and

s chool s all within walkingdis tance. Large Masterbdrm includes walk-in

closet and Ensuite. OpenLiving Room/KitchenArea with Fireplace,

In-suite Laundry. Thisplace h as it all and is

priced to sell!Abboısford Mı_s# Ff o o sı s

r=ANTAsTıc PRıcE!!!

WIDE OPEN SPACEs!!!!$419,9oo

One of a kind propertyin sought after

Chilliwack RiverValley, featuring

outstanding views andawesome privacy.

Close to fishing, hikingand outdoor fun. Idealfor your own executive

retreat. Room forhorses or?

Approximately 15 minsto Cottonwood mall.



2bdrm, 2bath 1, 173sq.

popular Devonshire onWellington. Large

entrance and s paciouslaundry rm. There is a

features a handicapsecure underground

unit, a s hop area for thehandyman as well as a

Close to all downtownamenities.

ch ııııwack u ıLsııH1 2 o ma1o o w N † o w N s i- ioP P ıNeı!

ft. condo on main floor in

covered patio offthe lıvıng room. The unit

parking stall and storage

guest suite for company.

Page 5: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

RE/MBK _I; „ .›.~ , _B ~-*Nl y R __ lllzasrra

RF/IMÜM 'Ü PLt9wı=:ıGHT L; šgg 'T Ptowıgtgr Y Hleldlw e b Pıo wn gm RCL!!!-y „„.¬|'Tmı›@b<›t› ıøw fi h t w m 2.. . . ! an kin e s h aw ca m i t f0n<åfT¦ıTı:wi-t mmm Aumınıstfaısslšišlll! ' n d Vıdco T 0 0 5


l arxlimum Ei<o's=ür~'e F 1 Your H u e ! °“°'“°""°'°"'°"*'°*. 4 _) . i Q REALTOW

$679,90ONearly 3800 sq.ft. 5 bdrm 4 bathrm familyhome situated on almos t 1/2 acre lot in

Rıverbend Estates. lt ha s its own RVpad withsewer hookup and fenced rear yard.

Profess ıonally renovated in the past 4 y earsfrom foundation to as phal t roof. Gourmetkitchen with granite countertops, gas rangetop, buılt-in oven and so many extras it's a

chef's delıght. Boas ting a gigantic games /gymarea. The garage ha s a workshop.

Sardi s MLS #H1200147THIS ONE IS HOT!!!

THIS IS LIVING!!!$429,900

Exceptionally well built 3 ,080 sq. ft. 4bdrm 3 bathrm home with a beautiful viewof the valley below. Over 1,900sq. ft. onmaın plus over 1,100 sq. ft one bedroomın-law suite down with separ ate entrance.Room for RV parking _Th e 75 x 100corner lot f eatur es private f enced inbackyard an d nice landscaping. Th is is

move in ready !Promontory MLS #H1104442

Mıı_ı_ıoN s vıızwııı

›f!\ Y.


L. `- " , . ~ . ı - 3_ ,~ <. R:f ~_›:„«f, ~

WATERFRONT BEAUTY!!!l$1, 495, 00o

Awe-ınspırıng vıews from your waterfrontlıvıng space and balconies. Newly paintedexterıor new private dock and waterfrontpatıos awaıt you in this Iuxurious over4 600 sq ft home on an extra wide lot.Vaulted ceılıng with floor to ceiling

wındows 2 water facing bdrms with theirown decks lteven comes with its ownelevator Gorgeous lakefront property!

Cultus Lake MLS #H1100878w A ı†ıN c Fo n voui ı ı

GOOD BUY!!!!$234,900

2 bdrm bungalow on 66x 120 lot with updat edvinyl windows , interior

repainted somehardwood floors

appl i ances included,newer roof and

concrete patio. Plentyof parking includingroom for an RV. Add to

this a 24 x 26s eparately meteredworks hop with its ownbathrm. Ideal for

mechanic or hobbyis t .cmııiwack ıvıtsøı 1o4ı s4A Bıe oP P oRT uN ı †v ı ı ı ı

WOW...TH lS ONE IS SPECIAL!!$-409, 900

6 bd rm, 4 Bathrmhome in almo s t br andnew condition! Viewsof th e v al ley from th eb ack y ard of this larg e,8 ,0 00 squar e foot lot.L ocated on a familyfriend ly cu! - de- sacwith roughed-in

K itchen downstair sgiving th is home th epo ten tial for a two

bedr oom suite. Pr icedto Sell!

Promontory MLS# H1 104936HURRY, WON'T LAST


LOG cAaı N ı_ovER' .› ııı$41s.ooo

Beautiful custom built loghome on .5 acre lot inPopkum. Country

a tmosphe re and onlyminutes to shopping.Beautiful galley style

kitchen, bright eating areaand cozy living room,laundry room and 2

spac ious bdrms on themain floor. There is alarge master bdrm. andsitting room/study on theupper floor. The in-groundbasement has access torear yard where there is ahot tub, patio and storage

shed.Ro sed ale Mı_s# Hnoooo a

PRICED RIGHT!!$177,800

Great south facing uniton third floor with largemaster bdrm. Enjoythe large deck withmorning sun and

evening shade, idealfor year round BBQ 's .Open floor plan in aquiet/well car ed for

adult oriented building.Price includes 5

appliances, motivatedseller and quick

possessíon possible.s ardis MLS #H12oo17o

GREAT Pnı c e ı ı

soon ıNvEsTMENTllll$234,900

Excellent starter orholding property

located next to lawnbowling club. 2

bdrms onmain, oneused as office and 2up. Large countrykitchen and separatedining area. Uniquedetached garage

and workshop. Closeto all amenities.Chilliwack MLS#H1102167G0 0 0 PRıcEıııı


Fully finished 3 levelhome inquiet Rosedaleon large .60acre lot withseparate 24 x 20 works hop. 7 years young andcomplete with 4 bdrms &4 bathrms. Finished withmodern colors andextensive use of

laminate flooring. Thebackyard faceswest andincludes a large patioarea ideal for summertime enjoyment. An Ideal

Family Home!Ro sed ale Mı_s#i- 11104516STOP RıGHT THEREı! ı

Page 6: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

6810 CASABELLO Dr.$414,90O

Sardis park classic. This home features arenovated main floor featuring a new

kitchen, hardwood flooring in living roomand kitchen, massice rec room, newfurnace &heat pump. 3 bdrms up andupdated main bath. Ona large lot withroom to park the toys or add on a shop.Easy to show. Call for appointment.

46453 ASHBY Dr.$309,900

For the value you can't beat this 3 + 2 bdrmhome. There is 3 1/2 bathrooms, family rm

liv' ' f F

close to schools and shopping.

#4-2081 WINFIELD Dr.$257,900

This 2 bdrm townhouse has just hadrecent updates, flooring, paint, crown

moldings, countertops in kitchen. LocatedinAscott Hills just off Old Yale Rd. Petsallowed but norentals. Cozy infloor heat,

2 full baths, covered patio, largebaywindow off living room. Easy to show.

¬ `


steve@entrustmortgagecaSteven Brouwer


and formal ıng rmonmaın loor. ullyfinished basement, separate 2x cargarage

and heated with 220wiring, sink with en ruS NIl0 r e.Caseparate hot water tank, Backs onto park forthe kids to play. Qui e t neighbourhood yet

604.795.5347toll free I



Cgmgfgn ”'¬Rf//«mii c a l ; w›.~f\;›§›.~/zzgl „_í f ` \ 1 ¦ 1 - . - . . fl r t t l * ı ! " ' › ' / ¬ l ' / N fl .E A | i ¶ ñ h l @l

Page 7: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012


I .


shed. Close to schools andrecreation.

Move in ready Rancher. Majorpdates done here, new root, siding,indows, trim &paint, laminate & tileoors, bathrm all redone, and the listgoeson. Cute 2 bedrm home withpartially fenced yard and garden


complete reno inside &out. 3 bdrms,

loorıng, windows, list goes on&on. Huge



come to Edenbank. A1500 sq ft extremely

hot tub, adjacent tennis court, walking tra

With B.C.'s best tishing river atyour doorstepthis .43 acre property with almost 1600 sq. lt.rancher is waiting for you. This home has had

2bathrooms, pine kitchen, 2 gas fireplaces, newf . _ _

deck,private backyard with creek, 16x12 workshopfully insulated &wired. Located on quiet deadend road with fantastic mountain views. CALL

Edenbank, an amazing gated community tuckedaway inthe heart of Sardis. Look closely at what isavailable for your downsizing needs and then

wellbuilt apartment with spacious rooms in a

development that offers amenities that do not existin newer neighbourhoods . Amenities like theheritage clubhousewith indoor pool, suana, and

ils,separate workshop and rvstorage. Landscaped

like a park. Never will this be duplicated,

' A a ~ ~ ~^ ' "ARE i=ıNDi r o P oi=


ning takefthe River the mountainklıng lights of theCıtyds soarıng below you ina huge deck to take it all

rtaining withy in, and an ampler guests with full bath.

dınıng room, kitchen a¬ er bedroom. This home


› `



ie `




m both levels including the great,

` ` ` nd hug

RE The top r W at Westpointe!!s the

in!!n plan rancher with full walkoutr level has everything you needthe main floor sothe lower levelmakes the perfect space tor


longest driveway and the largestfenced flat backyard in the


$279, 9ooWell maintained and

garage and central airit...you'll love it.

welldecorated and well locatedwithin Maple Hills this

wonderfully open floor planoffers a lovely deck on thefront to take in the views ofthe valley and surroundingintains and a huge deck

for relaxing and dining offthe back and it's made of"everlasting", easy carematerial. Also has thelongest driveway, double_See

fe*-ifI I II I I I


THE EASEOF MODERNWITH THE CHARACTEROF YESTERYEAR_$419,9oo _This her itage/char acter home is an

oas is in thehear t of Chilliwack. Built in

living space This 2 stor eywithbsmt is immaculately kept and whilehaving modern conveniences it has

era. Upgr ades include. root, furnaces,heat pump, electr ical, low-E customvinyl windows, bathrooms. The yard is

pr ivate and the landscaping isbr eathtakıng with a number of sittingar eas to soak up thesun orenjoy theshade. Nothing will need to be done

ess otwant to m i s s thisproperty.


$1o9, 9ooBright cleanapartment with

laminate & tile floors,trim and soft new

color. Gas fireplaceand covered deck toenjoy the view. Wellrun strata, owneroccupied building,includes hot water &gas. This is one youwant to see!CALLJOANNE.

VISTA VIEW§119, 900

op floor with vaulted ceilingto floor light into the suiteeven on a rainy day!

in hallway also addyour way home. A

spacious well laid out floorplan with a generous mstrbdrm, a 5pce bath with

separate shower, a laundryroom, an eat-in kitchen plusa dining area and a goodsized west facing deck withmountain view. Owner is

selling as buildingbe 'owner occupied' withand over and small pet

allowed. Excellent value.

#12 45435 Knight Rd$168,5O0

Fabulous walkeverywhere

location in Sardis. 2bdrm/ top floor walkup townhome.Clean, Cozy,Functional,

Comfortable, SunnySouth Facing

Covered Deck. Wellrun complex. Talk to


Page 8: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

GPEN45762 Safflower47356 MacSwan46185 Larch9826-B Corbould22061 Lake Country#18-21293 Lakeview#5-46406 Portage#23-21293 Lakeview#44-7610 Evans#45-7610 Evans#66-5556 Peach7525 Melville#1-45119 Bluejay6879 Vedder

H-: _ ; - f c

Every Fri.+Sat. 1-3March 3rd 12-3March 4th 11:30-1:30March 4th 2-4March 3rd 1:30-3:30March 3rd 1:00-3:30March 3rd 11:30-1130March 3rd 1:00-3:30March 3rd 2-4March 3rd 2-4March 3rd 1-3March 3rd 11:30-1:00March 3rd 1:30-3:30March 3rd+4th 1-4


Page 9: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

0ffiCe¦ 504-358-7179 »wsReeltvCell. 504 819 1422

T0|| FI'ee¦ 1-800-330-7175 I



from town located inthe PRESTIGIOUS areaLittle Mountain. Enjoy the peace orentertain your gu _inyour PRIVATE, beautifully landscaped back yardfeaturing a large sun deck off the family room. 5bedrooms onthe upper floor, with a large master

bedroom with a “SPA-LIKE" ensuite with a soaker tubshower and HEATED floors. Rich MAPLE floorii

CROWN moldings through most of the home, heatie


RENOVATED, immaculate family home is on


titleflooring in the 3-bathrooms, 3-gas fireplaces. Thlower floor has a games/rec room, TV-room, 4-piecebathroom and PLENTY of storage. Before you buy

anything you need tovisit this beautiful home. youwobe disappointed.

One of a kind; This 5190 sq ft. 1-level rancher sitson,4 1 acre w/ private back yard. Custom designed kitchenfeaturing maple cabinets, hugeworking island, granite

mi im' ' ' _


tıful, vaulted ceiling living-room with is unique teakfloor toceiling rock wall, maple hardwood flooring,

glass is great for hosting your evening parties.ensuite featuring largewalk-in shower and

personal spa like experience, 55.4 x3 7 ,6 rec-room wfindoor pool, pool-side bar, sauna, gasflp, floor to ceiling windows to look out over your

garage/workshop inbasement for your toys,$774,900

StoneyCreek Ranch, this gated communitywhere you WANT-TO-LIVE. This LUXURY home ha s

features, starting with DELUXE appliances,›flooring, oversized covered patio for

round use; you have to see itto believe it. ThisSPACIOUS layout features a LARGE LIVING-ROOMwith plenty of crown moulding; COZY family-roomlooking out at the tranquil brook flowing through your

I,what a great area for entertaining familyfri ends, 3-bedrooms for when the grand-kids come tovisit; oh did Imention the LARGE clubhouse... Call

and make an appointment to view, you willIT


Walking distance to Garrison Crossing, VedderRotary Trail, Twin Rinks, Watson Elementary andMount Slesse Middle School. Brand new Roof,

hardwood and tile floors on the main floor, MEDIA-ROOM down with built-in cabinet. Three good sizedbedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, dining room,media room, great kitchen with large eating area.

Private backyard for your enjoyment, with in-ground sprinkler system. There is more than enoughroom for a growing family with pets. GREAT family

ina great neighborhood without the stratawithout strata rules and without a huge price tag.





Starting @ $184,900Ready to build your dream home.Mandatory build scheme in place tohelp insure the integrity and quality ofALL homes built onyour street. Buildyour level entry homewith a full walkoutbasement with incredible Easterly viewslooking up the Chwk River Valley.Designated City reserve land behindselected lotswith beautiful cedar trees.

sub zero appliances, and a built-in pantry This _

which backs onto a creek &fiel ds, RV parking,i=~¬_ _ ..@.,¬1¬'$-i±í'›"“›' f


' §1 ..ØI“

IFTls i ; Y

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4 C

MAPLE HlLLS...This gated communitylocated on the SUNNY South Side of

Chilliwack Mountain. Enjoy the sunshinestreaming through your windows ALL daylong. This TOWN-HOME features Peek-A-Boo views ofthe Valley floor,Walkout patiofrom your upper floor. Approx. 2500 sq.ft. ofliving space, w/ LARGE Master-Bedroom, w/Walk-in Closet. VAULTED Ceiling in the

living-room w/ a gas fireplace, and 12' ceilingin the dining-room. You gotta check itout.

$314,900This FUNKY 2 bedroom end~unit home BOASTSspectacular North-West panoramio views of thevalley &Coastal Mountains from either the Northfacing HUGE [21'x5'9“]PATIO; the Living-room; or

TIME TO ESCAPE; just South ofCultus Lake, nestled inthe towering mountain ranges isColumbia Valley. This

14.77 acre parcel offers peace and solitude in aspectacular setting. Large solid rancher; part basementfullyfinished; 5 bedrooms; dark oak kitchen wfisland andg bar; big dining room w/french doors leading out

the front balcony overlooking flower gardens and totalnature! Spacious sunken living-room w/a wood burningrock fireplace. New vinyl windows; updated metal roof;

deck in backw/above ground pool that ispparties. Agriculture property w/a lahome. Time to get back tothe grass roots

and let your Imagination run wild. IMAGINE.


This 1350sq ft rancher is absolutelyIMMACULATE. Centrally located, this3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home is justwhat you have been waiting for.

Nothing needs tobe done other thanmove in and enjoy. ALL the appliancesare included, along with a beautiful hottub. Come check itout, you won't be


the MASTER bedroom. Aswell there is aspectacular view from the cozy living-room whichFEATURES a vaulted ceiling, lovely stone-facedfireplace with a huge VIEWwindow, Kitchen has a

dining area with sliders tothe private rear patiow/ gas BBQ hook-up. Double garage &hugedriveway for guest parking. Ifyou're looking for

something different, something with character lookno more, this is it. Call today toview.


Great Location to bringup your family. Brand newhome getting the finishingtouches done. Buy nowand be in by spring -Callfor more details or to view

construction plans$374.9oo

This custom built home isthe oneyou've been waitingfor. Hardi-plank and real rock finishing onthe outside isjust the start of the quality workmanship put into thishome. Stepping through the front dooryou are

by stunning HARDWOOD flooring, VAULTEDceiling, custom designed kitchen with doublens, large island, a food-warmer and much

more. Upstaırs you will be amazed with theMASTERbedroom with its huge ensuite featuring alarge soakertub, HUGE shower and best of all HEATED-FLOORS.There isdual zone heating and A/C. Full unfinishedbasementw/suite potential and also a future THEATERroom under the garage. Then there is the yard...WOW,

valley views tothe front, forest to the back.


endale small building lots are very rareso don't wait too long because this 21600sq.ft. lot is just what you have been

waiting for. Build your dream home in thecountry without having to farm the land.

amongst Greendale's ag riculturalyou can be close to the big city

amenitıesof Chilliwack, while living in thecountry. Zoned agricultural land without

many of the restrictions.$265,000

Page 10: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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$378,900Exclusive Waterfrontproperty with privateyard 3 bedrooms, 3 „ ,«


. § 3z f f '



-ıı il '¬_ _ i t - - . : ' i _ _

water. New laminateM

LIoors, and also man __upgrades have been .l

\° possible. Y "".:í;**Ü_, ==«_- :I __

$399,9002742 sqft rancher with` full basement Great i -

„ location in Higginson. Gardens. 3 bedrooms, 3 /

' 7 '› a ths , open concept with _-41»

ı ! ¬ \ g

-- master suite with walk in , ~ † - . _` "


_Hardwood, tilefloors, ~'

._¬_ doublegarage .Walkto'

` " '

shopping, golf,.-"'~ _G

§33 restaurants.H



i closet and huge ensuite. ;« „ëüj

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. J __ __,_ §,›Qı

,' maple kitchen, large ag */1.;

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$609,900Master bedroom on

Main Floor. Custom builtin Higginson Gardens.3672 sqft with fullyfinished basement. 4bedrooms, 4 bathrooms,large maple kitchen withstainless appliances.This home has manyextras come see foryourself. Gardener`sdream yard with

exclusive water features._' * _ *, iv /1_ * - Ü

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Page 11: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012


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› 24,10%' B04B58 1119 ımlınx ııvıın 1800 8301115 98 0//3

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REDUCED -$289 900l Q 2500 sqft town home wıth fullK walkout basement Open concept" ı _ " " " “ “wıth a maple kıtchen Theatre room

under garagewıth projectorJ

_ ıncluded 3 bedrooms, 3 bathfenced yard and double garagewıth

room for 2 vehıcles out front

`›74,90016 yr old mobile

home. 20


bedrooms, 2baths. Oak


kitchen, openoncept. Quiet &Clean, walk tohospital,

shopping, reccentre.


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Page 12: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

9 W tlanette REALTQR



#103-6450 Vedder 46240 Reece Ave.$235,9oo . $274,9oo

lt is definitely time to buy! Low interest _ 4 ,'

2350 SQ ft» 3 bdrm W/2 bdrm UflaU†h0fi2edrates &a great price on this3 bedroom, Suite, flicelyPaiflfed. GXTFH Clean and2.5 bathroom townhome. lt has a great brightWith 5i"9'e 93'399« Year f°°f›

private back yard with Southern _shared separate laundry, includes 2exposure. Large master bedroom with mdges' 2 smves'Washe' 8*d'Ye"C'°SeWa|k_in closet Double garage With an to schools, recreatıon &shoppıng. Great

. . l t t t P 1015 / 620extra long drıveway. Great value, quick âgalneirrçâsesfmiâs ääâd "kefg:aycompletion


Showsvery well.

._ 1 , . 1

\ ` \ _ \ #18-46321 Cessna Dr. 5492 Vi0|a SL\\ $224.900 $2o4,9oo

Move in ready. This modern open plan, 1805 - - .sqft, 3 level, 3 bdrms up, 2 bathroom home is Investor? &first t|m_e buyers'painted & clean offering 5 appls, single garage faI'1taStlC OppOl'tUI'1|ty hefellplus driveway, 9' ceilings, maple island kitchen,laminate flccrs, recroom down, fenced yard & Cozy and Comfy' zbdrm'gas f/p. lt offers a sunny southern rear yard 1bath Updated h0me C|0Se t0

&acentral Chilliwack location for quick Garrison Shopping andaccess to all services. Pets okay, noage . . .restriction, strata fee $145. Very well priced for a recreauon- N|Ce 5|Zed 'Qt On a

fast sale. Come quick. quiet Street

46027 Third ÄVG. Spadina$199,000Investors, 1st time Buyers, Developers. Buy & $189'9O0hold or Profit today. Here you have a very nice Gfeat bu |Qt 0| '800 sq ft, 2 bdrm home wıth 26X14 garage on a _66X120 fully sen/iced, duplex sized lot with lane pÖtent|a | deVe |Üpmentaccess. Quick Poss. ok. This home is cute &cosy with many updates , RAPP 1990, windows, prøperty. CUfrently ZOnednewer furnace &fenced landscaped yard with -tons ofparking, close to all downtown services &

` __ but potentlalpark across road. Bona tide Good Deal. Won't _

last so hurry. Call now. re development'

Magda|ena Beafnan Dr.$724,9oo $31,4›900

Magnifieenı, 4oessqtt home P°°'« fe""'S« S°“°°'› 'GFw/valley views. Masterpiece Cemrei p'aV9'°“"d- Th'sC

› _ - ~ 2350sqft, 4bdrm, 2 bath,

fe ` _



/A raftsmanshıp This prızed 3 A

bath 4 bed ruıı finished basemem e""YW'"¬daylıght basement rancherrs a pıcturesque yardscrapped Burmese teakhardwood with oversızederamıc tıle floor throughout.Large rooms, 911ceilings & _crown moulding. Antiquedaple shaker cabinets, wrapround the granite counters,and kitchen. 6 quality


.d & LGapp|s_ Ho' tub_

. -› f - _ - there &voıla. Includes alliew deck, radiant hot water.


unauthorized 1 bed familysuite offers a great

location, openplan, 16x10 covered

overlooking a gorgeous,huge, fully fenced, 65x145¬-- ._ serviced lot with coy pond` a 12x10 hot tub room.home has a great feel. A

little carpet, a little touch

appls, single garage, tons of`

parking &storage.

#30-45639 10 & 11 45882First Ave. Cheam$199,9oo $98,900

t ~ ~ rf _ 2UnitsAvail. SuperJussmíšeaıfçošdšgllzysl

eInvestment orAffordableOwnership. Downtownbedroom, 1.5bath town southgate mation byhouse located in a well run 567 Sq ft, 2 Storey,

complex. This unit has new 1 bdrm, 1 bath townhome.Cabinets, granite Excellent tenants Unit #10mps, fantastic pays $600/mth & Unit #11

ted awie “2:;„%:f:“;.;1:“:.::iı2g- Sup e r 'md weıı rfiaimained strata7 new doors&mmTh'5 complex fees $85/mtn. No3||0WS Pets &has age, Pets ok. Please allowd &p00| f0r` time. Both tenantsfun_ working.

Page 13: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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RE/MAX NYDÄ REAETY 1-73oo vedder Rd 04 ess 7179

42540 Majuba Hill Rd

One acre of very privatecountry living in

Yarrow's desirable MajubaHill. 2800sq†t updated, 2storey, 4 bedroom, 3 bathcustom home with oneyear old roof raised oak

&tile floors, fresh paint~ _ _ _ new wındows new Iamınate &J __and Wlde m°U|d'"9S h°me carpets beautılul stackedwith easily finished stone fırepıaee wıın new

basement. 23X23 double w' `“energy effıcıent ınsert new

garage, Close (0 world light fıxtures kıtchen wall ısfamous Vedder River opened upto the lıvıng roomfishing with valley views. f


Perfect|ımmed Poss_ amıly Pe ectfamıly area

~ ıírít J.

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Oval 10218

Thıs 1944sq ft home haseverythıng you need' 2 5baths 3 bdrms up &one

down Full fenced private yardRVparking walking dıst toschool &FFI playıng

fıelds waıt there ısmore_.. <> Thıs great famıly home haskitchen' 5 appıs' faminated Q » Ioads of u dates new roof

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Page 14: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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¦ ' ^ ¦ amp ıver o a , ı ıwacMLS: H3100049$1,799,000

24 prime private acres front Hope River &CampRiver. Prime sandy loan soil

awaiting your "Agri" ideas. 1569 sq. ft. oldtimer farm home, 30' x65.5' hip root barnwith 22.5' x77 'addition and 22' x 52'

storae barn.

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10718Bell Road, Chilliwack MLS:H3100219$10,900,000

This greenhouse operation is among thelargest and most well recognized produceroffresh cut flowers in BC, all on 25 acres.State of the art facilities comeswith loadingdock, full office complex and staff facility.Executive home and 2nd residence.

Page 15: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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31 Lakeshore Drive, Cultus LakeMLS: H1103515$1,290,000

Cultus Lakewaterfrontl Meticulously maintained3 bdrm, 3 bath on 3 levels. Main living on entrylevel. Walk down and enjoy the garden and

sitting area. Follow the path to your own privatedock with powered boat lift and sandy beach!

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201-9165 Broadway Street, ChilliwackMLS: H1103976$114, 900

Great 1 bdrm east facing apartment withawesome views &morning sun. You can enioythese views sitting on your patio orinfront ofyour natural gasfireplace. Reasonable stratafee includes gas for heat, hot-water, storage

unit, hobby room amenity room.

property right in the hean ofGreendale, at the end ofa quiet dead end street. Main house wascompletely

built in2005 and is1260 sq. ft., with 1 bedroom and

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“We Value Our Clients Over The Value Of Their Property”

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42820Janzen Road, Greendale MLS: H11042B2$699,000

Country living at its finest with this 2 house, 2 acre

remodelled onthe inside. The second homewas

1 .5baths. Property has anattachedgarage/workshop, barn and 2 greenhouses.


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a us-45129eaeıı sweet, sa rui s Mı.s: H11oae4s "'°"'°'°°'fiflšffififgfjäff °""'“"a°'*$177,777 m l g o o

SW exposure corner, 2 bdrm, 1008 Affordable and spacious 2 bdrm, 1 bath$q_ fl_ apartment Many updates condo is very clean and has been recentlyinduding paint &|ighting` Staimess renovated including newerflooringandapp|ianceS_ 4 pce main ba t“ Enjoy paınt. Has a gas fıreplace wıth gas included

. . . in strata fee. Conveniently located onthe mountain vıews from your patıo. round level Wim back Yard

Page 16: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012



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~=~=w-- „», irkt il -=~="~' 'Wa Value Our ClientsOver 'Ina Value OlThal: Proper :/'


7265 Morrow Road, AgassızMLS: H1104157

$449,000Exceptional family 2312 sq. ft. 4

bedroom home on large .292 acre lotLarge open kitchen with island and

area with patio access featuringgazebo style covered deck. Privatefenced yard. 19'x 35'covered RVstorage and a 24' x 24' shop. W

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2397 BPrinceton Summerland Road,Princeton MLS: H135067

$239, 000

5 acre bare and ready to build onacreage! Property has flowing

meandering Hayes Creek. Drilledwater well on the property, &septic is approved. Bring your

building plans & ideas.

MLS: H11o37a4$164,900

Come and have a look at this 2bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms unit in

downtown Chilliwack. Neutral colorsready for you tomove in. Pets welcome!

Very centrally located within easywalking distance of schools, shopping,restaurants, recreation, parks, etc.

216-46289 Yale Røad, Chilliwack ı

10925 Jesper son Road,Chilliwack

MLS: H11o421o$B79,9oo

_ This 2 acre property islocated onthe banks ofCamp River. Well

maintained 2679 sq. ft.3+ bedroom home.Covered deck, hot tub,fenced yard, orchard &garden area &more.

built shop with 4bays plus 2 -2 bdrmsuites above.


46612 First Avenue, ChilliwackMLS: H11042070

$2s7,s00Excellent exposure with this C1

zoned property attheintersection of Broadway &First!Ideal location for your business.Very well maintained and

4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2003 sq. fthome. Ample parking!

51010 Chilliwack Central Road, ChilliwackMLS: H1104212$589, 900

This basement entry, 2688 sq fthome is positioned to take

advantage of the fabulous viewson the 2 acre property. lt has 4bdrm and 2 bath, 3 fireplaces.Setwell away from this home is a

great mobile home.

1399 Highands Blvd, AgassizMLS: H1200110

$295,000A large 1.86 acre lot with

panoramic views of the Fraser &Harrison Rivers, in the

community of Harrison Highlands.Come &build your dream home orwill build to suit. Builder has plans

available to choose from.

Road PrincetonMLS H1351 23$789000

Exceptional scenıc &prıvate 14 acres,fronting on HayesCreek &backing ontorown land. Cape Codstyle home -4000 sq.ft., 5 bdrm, 5 bath.Separate ground level1 bdrm suite with itsown laundry&deck.Outdoor fire pit,

garden &fruit trees.

2397 Princeton Summerland


1409 Highlands Blvd,Agassiz

MLS: H1200115$734,000

This beautiful homeincludes geothermal

&cooling, mastermain, gourmet kitchenhigh end appliances,

vaulted ceilings withtimber elements.panoramic views

of Fraser River,Harrison River, &

surrounding mountains.

42892 Frost Road,Cultus Lake

MLS: H1103169$1,650,000

All on40 acres. The3800 sq. ft. rancherhas a large kitchen &dining area, massivewrap around deck,walk out basementand loads of customfeatures. 120'x 40' 2storey barn, 60' x 30'detached shop.Must

be seen!

Page 17: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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65704 Gardner Drıve, HopeH1104675$474,900

Located in one of Hope's premierresidential neighborhoods. This 3184 sq

ft., 5 bdrm home has been totallyrenovated and updated. Large spaciousliving room, family area, open kitchen andeating area, and 12'x 29'deck. On aprivate .5 acre lot. R.V. parking and

covered carport.

44162 Bayview Road, MissionMLS: F1126648$469,900

Affordable waterfront living! Verywellmaintained and updated 1510 sq. ft.cedar panabode style home with 60' ofyour own private Iake front. The

southwest exposure allows for an idealsetting and maximizing the sunnysummer days! Detached garage.

MLS: 132684

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H: H" 1E J § H › j | ; § , 1 MlC`rlš'_'.E rlE›lUFllC›í .ff Remax Nyda Really Ltd.nur U rcu `. r›\ r|_cm ›'.'_0P * _

» › li A ll ~~~~ -' “Na *lulua Our Clıenııs Over ' Ina Vıılua Oi man Property“.„„„ . -„ ~„ . . ~.

1304 Bowman Road, AbbotsfordMLS: F112saea$1,s5o,ooo

Executive rancher with 3 bdrms andbath at lock up stage on 3.56 acreproperty. Numerous outbuildingsincluding barn, 3 bunker silos, extrashop area. Anexceptional propertyfor truckers, equipment storagedealers, or run as a hobby farm.

11085Gill Road, RosedaleMLS: H1104940$1,100,000

Historic beauty &charm bestdescribes this country estate. Totally

8 bdrm, 5 bthrm, Enjoy thewrap around covered decks or dipinto the heated pool. Detached triplebay shop. 5 stall horse barn with tack

room. All on 3.98 acres.

Lake Errock4625 Hwy 3, Keremeos |_. „' , _ ` 43685 Lougheed Highway'

. ' I 3 .».› 3 `

$1,499,000This unique & fertile 263 acre ranch islocated 10 minutes west of Keremeos.Approx. 110 acres are irrigated &

cultivated producing excellent cuts ofAlfalfa. The homestead is a well

maintained 2100 sq. ft. home. Variousoutbuildings. Property is fully fenced.

8836 Copper Ridge Dr,Chilliwack

MLS: H1200600Ä A

$ss9, ooo

Two storeybuilt 4100 sq. ft., 4bdrm, 4 bath homeFully finishedbasement.

yard. Mt. Cheamview. Great


9040 Prest Road,Chilliwack

MLS: H1101336$1 ,159,000

Custom built executive4209 sq. ft., 5 bdrmhome. Beautiful cherıyhardwood floors, quality

maple- cabinets throughout,gourmet family sizedkitchen. Covered deck.Beautiful professionallandscaped yard on2.01



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Private and fenced

MLS: F1120195$246,000

Looking for a quiet, spectacular place tobuild your new home? Check out thisprivate &scenic 2.6 acre level propertyin Lake Errock. Septic &electrical

services already installed. Shallow wellon property. Building site prepared and

ready to go!

5640 Villa Rosa PlaceMLS: New$42a,900

Fantastic, completelyupdated 4 bdrm +den, 3 bath home.Large .14 acre lot in a


located at the end ofthe cul-de-sac. Openfloor plan. Private

backyard with Gardenshed, new fence, andbrand new deck offthe main living area&

master bdrm

1152 Bowman Road,AbbotsfordHF12o1o14$2,375,o0o

3ustom built 4300 sq.t. 3 bdrm home on 15acres. SpectacularSumas Prairie &Mtnrange views from

every window. Chef'sdelight maple kitchen.Formal dining & livingrooms. Detachedworkshop with room

for RV.

Page 18: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012




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Bruce Fournier &._ -

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Page 19: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

| ^_ | # 51-5556 Peach Rd"The Gables"

3 Bed 3 Bath 1768Square Feet oflmmaculate Home

46522 Hearthstone Ave

"Stoney Creek Ranch"2 Bed 2 Bath 1424Square Feet in theHeart of Sardis

45286 Bernard Ave

Bed 2 Bath 2015Square Feet withLarge Yard

#4 43540 Alemeda Dr

"Retriever Ridge"3 Bed 3 Bath2506 Square



Ef | Views!

#9 8491 Piper Cr

"Aspen Terrace"3 Bed 3Bath 1924SquareFeet

EverythingYou Wantand More!

527 Douglas St

Bed 3 Bath 1986Square Feet OnlyOne Year Old inBeautiful Hope

I#309-45645 Knight Rd"Cotton Ridge"2 Bed 2 Bath 1070

Square Feet VeryWellKept Home with Nice


206 1st Ave

"Cultus Lake"4 Bed 4 Bath HomeLive Year Round2101 Square Feet

#4-45573 Kipp

"MayberryCourt"3 Bed 3Bath 1784SquareFeet HighQualityEnd Unit!

#24 5915Vedder

4 Bed 2Bath 2667SquareFeet. Oneof a KindTownhouseat MelrosePlace

Page 20: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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Page 21: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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TOUCH OF EUROPEGoing concern restaurant now being sold tor

$115,000. Health i ssues make it necessary to sel limmediatly. 50 seats, open lrom 8~4 so itcaters tothe breakfast~lunch crowd. Excel lent opportunity toork in an up to dat e lully working easy to manage

kitchen. Bring us your offer.Call Leona

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l Q <--†'”"""'_' # 7 ' __1135AGAssız-RosEı:›ALE #15 1548Mckay Cram' #335 and #336 More than a home- a lifestyle Two

1.one bedroom apartment new flooring, view ofMt b ed m g m g gn the main f|00r and an activity2 "*:å:fS¦š:i7râ?;)2å°Camet centre in the loft. Large living dining roomflooringz 85000400 Looking foryour best

wıth vaulted ceılıngs. Now beıng sold foroffen $251,000.00

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“Parfflefina tvservevoubeflteıl-" till] flíıExpert advioe for your newhome purchase refirıance orhome equity line of credit.CAR|E POOL 9240 Youngm›aa.chiııiwa<›ı<.ec |3 _.'E TÄMMY _,Mlırıøaııe sııeciaıisı NY ( T CÄ L LÄ G H Ä N f. .«ane@›.am„y„¬ungageqwupca rw«-}.mw.sın„=„=››ı EI i-"¬° .Ü rammy@naım<›nym<›ngagegl<›\lp.l:a

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Lock in a low interestškaWe are YOURMortgage rate shoppeirTes=f'*

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Call or visit our website to learn _NEED a mortgage professional onyokuír e'll

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Page 22: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

March 3rd 12:00-3:00 pm

JINKERSON VISTAS -47356 MACSWAN DR.Aformer show home. This isa 3 bedroom open concept plan withbeautiful upgrades inthe kitchen and ensuite, and the mostamazing view from the covered front balcony. Avery privatecovered sundeck for BBQS and entertainíng friends leading out

from the kitchen makes this a perfect family home. The lower levelhas a beautiful den, a two- piece bathroom, and laundry. The

area has enough room for bedrooms, family room, awhich could be attached to the garage, and there is-- .ıncedoor. Alevel garage driveway, storage area on

the side, and a cedar fence complete the exterior. When youwalkin, the open plan will amaze you...it is beautiful.

#6-1530 MACKAY DRIVE, AGASSIZlmmaculate 3 bedroom townhouse in popular

Village Gate, Agassiz. Many upgrades , make this aperfect family home. Acorner fireplace, a verygenerousmaster bedroom with a large walk-in closet and beautifulensuite, and a huge garden deck are just a few ofthefeatures you wontwant to miss. This is a very popular

plan with 3 bedrooms and laundry up, and Village Gate isone ofthe premiere locations inAgassiz, close to all

amenities. Atruly beautiful home.






THE NEWMARK #413-9422 VICTORBeautiful top floor homewith a sunny southern exposure. Has hugeraised ceilings for a wonderful, open, spacious feel . Spotlesslycleanopen kitchen h as st ai nl ess steel appliances, beautiful cabi net swithbreakfast bar, cerami c tile backsplash, custom lighting, garburatorand full size stacking washer and dryer in the laundry room. Thedining room and living room have upgraded dark laminate flooringleading toa full si ze den for a home office or 2nd bedroom. The largemaster bedroom has a full ensuite, complete with soaker lub andbeautiful textured porcelain tile floor. No restrictions, closetoshopping, schools and recreation make this a perfect,

wonderful, family home.

20733 51A AV, LangleyA good solid starter home with a beautiful fully «Q Huge bsmt h°me With 2 bdrm u"auIh°'IZed wie

iı. „fenced and gated yard, is perfect for youngchildren. An updated kitchen, new laminate floors,and a large laundry and storage room, make thiscute little home perfect for a young family lookingfor the space and privacy of their own yard. Lots ofroom for RVparking, a garden, and room for thechildren to play . . . Make sure you take a look.

down &sep laundry. Crown mouldıngs & highbaseboards up, oak kitchen and family room plus

solarium (not included in Sq. Ft.). 3 Bdrms up, masterhas 3 pce &walk-in closet, 2 bdrm suite has whitekitchen, full bath and separate baseboard heat.Fenced yard with greenhouse, 10x14workshop.Walking distance to Blacklock Elementary, walking

trails and parks.

í KGI1 I


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Page 23: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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Page 24: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

'A 203'112


For Month of: FebruaryProvince: B.C Year: 2012 2011

Number ofREALTORS® 274 288

$Value of UnitsSold for Current

Month 2011

Sold forCurrentMonth 2011

#of NewListinfor CurrentMonth



# ofActiveListings End ofCurrent Month 2011

AverageDays toSale

RESIDENTIALSingle Family Detached 21,955,246 28,952,229 65 90 228 214 791 754 77.8Townhouses 8,425,523 10,975,251 35 48 107 82 332 259 97.9Apartments 2,818,944 3,479,871 20 22 60 61 284 230 111.4Mobile Homes 429,500 557,400 5 21 15 75 73 107.2House &AcreageTOTAL RESIDENTIAL


4,951-3,000 6,


1| 6


17429 32445 404




NON RESIDENTIALMulti-Family 2 3 16 14 0.0Farms 2,250,000 1 _ 1 4 20 20 90.0Vacant Land (Residential) 1,150,000 1,064,900 7 8 17 20 212 232 230.0Vacant Land 5 5 35 39 0.0Other (l_C_l_, Business, Lease) 1,132,573 736,323 6 8 27 27 215 247 N/ATOTAL NON-RESIDENTIAL 4,532,573 1,801,223 14 16 52 59 498 552

GRAND TOTAL 42,297,911 50,721,974 147 190 497 463 2,114 2,003

Under 49,99950,000 _9,_9§9

-›. ı ›

-s90I0d0ís9}999 l


| \ ) l ~ß Ä

_11s,000 -199,999 9 950,000 -?°9±99°;.Z2í.-999. § . _ _ ..

-225,000 -249,999 14 500,000 -



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B oa r d


February _2012

- › ı \ ›O 0 0

Chıllıwacka n d Distr ic t February 2012Rea ı E s t a t e

Single FamilyDetached

$ 337,773

1391990 ' 1.399.959140,000-149,999


250,000 -214,999 1 š6í,0o0 -275,000 299,999 700,00

íšfıfóöo -171,99?


$ 240,729


- 11 0-_3oo,0öo -349,399_ 29 '6\7éF1i›í›',0'60

Apartment -Condominium

$ 140,947January _2011

change $change %2011change $change %

February _

Median Price

February _2012

$ 311,337$ 26,436

7.83%$ 325,388$ 12,385


Single FamilyDetached

$ 333,000

$ 242,903$ (2,174)

-0.90%$ 228,651$ 12,078



$ 238,000




Apartment -Condominium

$ 128,000January _2011

change $change %2011change $change %

February _

Unit Sales


$ 310,000$ 23,000

6.91%$ 315,100$ 17,900


Single FamilyDetached


$ 246,000$ (8,000)

-3.36%$ 241,000$ (3,000)







139,900(11,900›-9.90% about the real

_, , ,V 699,999999,999



_Contact your

I IREALTOR®with yourquesüons

9811819 StâtS.20February _

J 20112011

anuary _February _




Page 25: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

Residential Sales by Type - February 2012,/V


AttachedTow nhomes$7,459,623 ,





Detached Homes$21,955,246


REA SoldsTownhome byArea - February 2012\ \

I \ J


Chilliw ack$2,253,58730%

Agassiz,Harrison, Hope,

» Rosedale, OultusLake, Yarrow$~ , 0%

RED Solds by area -February 2012

Cufius Lake Chilliwack Yarrow$345_600 $4,712,3O0 $1,22O,6002% 6%21%

Agassi z$1,339,000






Harrison HotSprings$_0%


$ Value of UnitsSold for

Current Month


Chilliw ack$2|100'944 Rosedale,

REA SoldsApartment by Area -February 2012

Agassiz,Harrison, Hope,

Cultus Lake,Yarrow$- 0%


Chilliwack Sard is Agassiz Harrison Hope Cultus Lake Yarrow Rosedale Harrison Mills

Single family detachedTownhouse

ApartmentsMobile HomesHouse &Acreag eDuplex, 3pIex, 4plex

Total ResidentialNon-Residential

4,112,3oo 12,804,895 35 1,339,000 4 0 1.216.351 6 345,600 1 1,220,600 3 316,500 1 0

2,929,487 5,206,036 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2,100,944 718,000 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

40,000 191,500 3 0 0 198,000 3 0 0 0 0

825,000 2,227,000 3 0 0 250,000 1 0 0 834,125 1 0

290,000 0 0 0 0 00 o oI I I

10,897,731 21,147,431 68 1,339,000 4 0 0 1,664,351 10 345,600 1 1,220,600 3 1,150,625 2 0 0

Multi-FamilyFarmsLand (residential)Land (commercial)Retai| lOfficellndustr ia|

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2,250,000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

932,000 6 0 0 0 218,000 1 O 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

911,651 220,922 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Non-Residential 911,651 3,402,922 1 1 0 0 00 00 218,000 00 00 0 0

_] _]Grar|dT01ia| $11, so9, a s2 41 $ 24 ,sso ,sss 19 $

_] _I _I1,339,000 4 $ - 0 $1 ,664 ,351 1 0 $


563,600 2 $ 1,220,600 3 $ 1,150,625 2_I _I _i

$ - 0

Page 26: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012



#14 7610 Evans RdNew Prıce $94 337

BACKING ONTO GREEN SPACE 11585/f 2bedrooms 2 full baths large rooms Covered patıo&parkıng Shed &a 8'x12' workshop RV parkıngıncomplex Super locatıon close to bus stop &

confidencetrust 6 0 4 - 3 9 3 - 7 8 7 7


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#301-9000 Birch Street$176,900

ELEGANT X-LARGE CONDO Barely Iived in, 8585/fWest facing open concept 1 bedroom oondo. Priva tbalcony with 180 degree distance view. In-suite

laundry, computer nook, air condition. Super locatiowalk tomost amenities.

« 1

ı ı ''

42745 Yale Road, GreendaleNOW ONLY $638,000

1ACRE PRIME PROPERTY50'›<33' insulated &heated Shop.Over 3700s/t -6bedroom 4 full bathroom home with nannyquarters,Clrcular driveway, paved RV&10+cars parking. Flat

& square propertywith view.

. ' °y n ¦ . \ IH I IH ı'.'3t- -ı ...v~.«¬,.¦Ür:!(¬S(. n

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Page 27: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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_ ; "3'%_›.¬ « fl U .-_ __;';. „gfië ii ılN sunshine. Cool.-¬-›«l¬„±*š. “

_.-_ 3 ;.;,<f.' outdoor living room"`› . with fireplace.


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Slunnl ng P ost a nd Beam Home

21603 Thacker Min Rd, Hope„V

1' $688.888One of a kind 4 bed


_home with private

, 1. BnB suite. 1/2Acre

Q` with potential to*` ~ subdivide.


Overiooking golfcourse with mountain

i v i e w s and all day

Kelly &Nicole DonnaJOHNSTON PEET ¬; ~

E k e l 2



."' ı

Alllı I-›.-~ıl~..f/“ii

u e r s wn omew assve or s op156 51075 Falls Crt $749,888#

1000sqft wıred underground_ _ shop off double garage Unique 4

ı'ı* iiFi'

_ bed plan w/ 32 x 27 rec roomAUF! i lg ä downstaırs Private hot tubP” „, 9


outdoor bathroom Jaw droppıng_


backın the golf course w/

v ie w s from kitchen and family~"~ ~ room


5 '

Chıllıwack River Estates/ _ J _ _

#60-46484 CHILLIWACK LAKE Road} / / 4 L $46 900

[ ndon newa lıance newbee e, pp s,floorıng& roof was replaced lastyear Steps to the r i ve r and fıshıng

gCheaper than rentıng perfect for

f retırement

Adult orıented park 3 bedroom_ open concept Most of the work has


Page 28: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

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66562 Summer RoadKawkawa Lake$249,900


ALL SEASONS Retreat/IDEALfor YEAR ROUND Living,Move ln Ready 2 Story

w/ComfyCOTTAGE Charm,Great DESIGN Appeal.

Soaring vaulted ceilings, upperlevel overlooks lvgrm., bdrm on

Ä. „_ „_main, 2 up+ den. Nature~ _ viewed from every

window- babbling creek,_ ENTERTAINMENT sized

patios, workshop/shed, backs1 acreage,1 block from Kawkawa

«~i'>.>'“' Lake 11/2 hrs from Vancouver!

l ,±

20033BIRCH PL, HopeAMAZING 1 ACREWaterfront Property for

$397,700!Rare Offering! Set onresidential cul-de~sac 1/2hr e a s t 'Chwk. Nature at its finest, peace&privacy galore + overa 100' ofyour own Silver Creek shorelinewhere you canfish for steelhead &trout. Treed park-like lush yard, bigdeck, mtn. view &veranda. Lots of EXTRAS, PerfectBlend of RusticCountry Charm&Elegance this

lmmaculate 4 bdrm. + den + office Custom Home isonenot to miss! *Skylights*Sunken Living Rm. *LovelyCedaWoodwork * Feature Stone F/P *Mantle created by

Hope's Renowned chainsaw artist Peter Ryan *MassiveDriveway *Dble. Garage


6 0 4 - 9 5 C G' M 7

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66525 Stephens Road Kawkawa Lake$234,900- Can You Say Alfordable!_' Charming walking bridge &pathway leads

you tothis sweet retreat. Listen to the birds &the babbling creek on your newer deck &

' ._' stove. Matching 12x24building @back for"Guests? Studio? Hobbies? Workshop? Lake_)


take ın the fabulous Mtn. vıews. Layout_=ı

g í___; _ Mmaximizes the space, Metal rccf, great newer_.

O '_ iifff- ff >` _

kitch, new windows, laminate, free-standin

/ , g t l'___. .›| rwI ~

' V'_ - ' . ' ~ ›'1, just 1/2 block away.

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Trans Canada Hwy$860,000

Opportunity Knocks! 2 Homes on 4.5 Level AcreslLive, Work & Play here onOne of Hope'smost

beautiful &versatile properties. Intown limits, 360*Mtn. Views, gardens , circular drive, 38'X40'HEATED SHOP. Main house was originally abuilders own home w/quality constr. + designerfeatures + huge master suite w/sep patio area.2nd) 950sf open concept 2 bdrm. rancher is fully

equipped &well maintained. The Thriving_› V. V

Established Garden Centre Business is anOptionfor Purchase Too!

~„,„._- 1 65994 Ogilview Dr, Hope BC- _'--.›~^ - ,M _ $129,9ooBUILDING LOT! PRIME LOCATIONACT FAST!This Picturesque LakesideCommunity is ALMOST SOLD OUT!Cleared Corner Lot w/fabulous

mountainous backdrop, suitable for 1 or2evel home. Have Custom Builder, Lifestyle



W u"

_ by Design, construct your ideal family/_ „__

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. , / - L« ,ig- »- ¬. ig, . „Ü4 /fíí _


W (1 .,„Hš Ü' retirement/ recreation residence orselect-= ›~ your buılder of choice.

Page 29: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

_ _ LL

22061 Lake Country Dr, Hope BC_ STEP OUTOF THE ORDINARY...21417 Lakeview Cr $379i000

HOPG into this “New Cut Above"$1, 295, 000 Spacious Split level

AWESOME WATEHFRONT BRIMMING with EXQUISTERES_|DENQE! lmflâlfleTOP N°f°h DETAlLlNG. Scenic Lakeside Neighbourhood 1/2block


Lflkesldë |-'V|fl9' Ffm" the lflcfediblv tobeach/ boat launch. Commanding Mtn. Views, A+Maıntaıned Executive Rancher withfull walk«out bsmt., Spect acul arUnobstructed Lake&Mountain

Curb appeal, soaring cov'd entry, custom qualityfinishings, superior craftsmanship. an abundance of

views massi ve covered eundeck & windows and 9' ceilings onboth levels. hardwood.expensive peiie ie the iuiiy contained extensive tıle & stone work, awesome cedar deck.quamy beach house, amazi ng Corner lot, room for the largest of RVs + 45f't

ndscaped lotwith 75' of b each front Mafch 3fd 1:30'3:3O prn d"íV9W3V~ Dom D9|aY!&well const ructed dock thispropertyon the pristine shores of Kawkawa ı HA

~Lake is a perfect choice for year

L-420 Rupert St _Hoperound living or make ityour dream WOW $163,9ÜÜ~--home getaway or B&B'? Private, gelS yOLl †hlS END UN|T RANCHER STYLES°e“l°a"YS"P'@"¬@Se"*"9rWim" eosTowivi-ioii/iEiweii regarded email 55+Water, great swimming, boating 8. _ ' _fishing i s h , paved Scenic m i e complex mınutes to Hope Centre. Thıs

from Vancouver! PR|CED TOGET YOU MÜV|NG A11raC1iV8&Spotless home ls perfect for retired couple.I 20548 Edeiweiee Drive Offers Ideal layout, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths plus| $499 000 lvgrm. dining area w/vaulted ceilings &

BEST VALUE eiHemieekne skylight. Front &side parking, 5 appl., heatedSeasons P|aygioundi lcrawl, newer roof, large yard, patio &mtn.

Moments io Ski Rasen, go", vıews. Low $100 stratafee. covers lawn care.dining, lakes/rivers all nearby. CALL USTÜÜAY!Executive Style Newer Resi-


2O(ä)dsiofbeâıiitiful #18-21293 Lakeview Cr, H0peıvıng space I esıgne or $299i999

entertaining, quality_ Sought-After, Scenic Kawkawa Lakeside!°°"S"l{°"°“›_°“S'°"_' iPYou'vE NEVER BEEN To † H ı s o u † s† AN o i N e

f" f'°°Y'"9 + h'°'<°W Qu ı E†coiviPı_Ex WE REcoiviiviENoYou Bookklichen« 51Un""l9"C10" 30 YOUR TOUR &MakeYour Offer! Imagine canoeing,Ceifing Smile 7/P› 503'109 kayaking &fishing being so accessible...]ust down theValmed Cei|i"l9S› |0“ SME path from your perfect rancher home. A rare find@

master suite + 2 HUGE Decks these prices! Residents enjoy shared private access_ nken hot tub + wraparound to lake, beach &dock. 'Quality Built lmmaculateMtn. &Alpine Views on private Fianchers 'Spacious Layouts ”9 ft. Ceilings *

oversized lot. Oversized Windows * Huge Maple Kitchens1 ' * ~ ı - ı ı ~ 1- *Exquisite Ensuites 'Private Hedged Yards ' Dbl.

March 3|›'d 1 pm Garages *Impressive Views

.5-46406 Portage ave, Chilliwack eaše 22070 Lake Country Drive

$229,9oo $sa9.9ooNEW OWNER WANTED f0r this ELEGANT END .."_'i'-xí?i,Tf~;_l Spacious Basement Entry Home on Cornert t „ - _ ,_ _ › „UNIT RANCHEFH Enjoy delightful one level living _ '-“Ä -* › Lot, (with 1500+sf onmain), exquisite 5 pcin this NEAT ASA PIN &WELL MAINTAINED -='. * E

.Ø fi \` ensuite in Master Bedroom, view deck and

townhome w/pleasing exterior, brick accenting,i '§ double garage. Construction about to

dble. garage, a/c + patio wlawing. Popular layout i ;_ `~

___ i commence, call for your Area Tour & Info. Pkgw/sky lit entrance, spacious lvgrm. hasvaulted

7 V' ¬ iii«-. Today! 1 block to lake...FEEL LIKE YOU'FtE

ceilings &gas f/p, open oak kitch w/pantry,'

] '


fi fi l μ l


Es l¦ - = -

._ i ± i 1 i _ . _ n Vacation Everyday!"Lifestyles By Design' is

breakfast nook, separate din. area + full ensuíte Ä á ii i committed to delivering Above AverageQ P E N off master bedroom. Small adult complex. Call , _ Construction, Superior Finishings plus Great

March sr d 11:30_1 :30 pm Today! ___` T__i_ išuai Attention to Detail. 2/5/10Yr Home Warranty

#23- 21293 Lakeview Crescent, #44 - 7610 Evans Ftd/Knight__„e ia Kawkawa Lake -Hope $109.000$304i900 Caliing All Retirees! Consider these Downsizing

Rare Offering -Residents enjoy Access to Private Op"°"Së;'§fâ_åa$::;Täâä2;";::)%u?å°;f;:§areEfeaçh' Lake Dcck SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE Situated in a great location backing|-'V'"9 1" Kawkawa |-akeS'de! TOP NOTCH 19+ trees &creek providing a peaceful setting, room toComplex boasts a Scenic Quiet Setting + Unbeat- nice mountain views &GREAT

able Value! We have here 2 Quality Built T00! Bßth b0aS1 recent quality Updates.3p°t|ess1 Owner 2000 1500+ SfRancher Homes landscaped yards, flower gardens, sheds & sundecks.

both With ale end fu" e ppi Pke Feneed 55+ complex, great social clubhouse, rvparking_ _ avail., closeto shopping &the lovely Luckakuck Creek_ _ , , _ landscaped sth. facing yards , WOW Mtn. Views Treiı, en bus route, norentals + 2 smaii pers okay

March 3rd 1:OO-3:30 pm 8*Db'“"" Ga'a9°S^ ^MUST SEE" March 3rd 2 -4 pm N°†H 'NG T0 D0 BUT MOVE R“-*HT 'Ni

#45 - 7610 Evans Rd/Knight 330 ROBERTSON CR$112,000 NEW PRICE -$263,900

gggfisfln:fägâeäiífiçšèieiimfiig[⛓;:¦:š"â bdrm. 3 bath + den home in quiet areawithUpeiaded, Eeey_ie_Ceie ier (2005)meduier hemesare Coquihalla River access. Private 8960 sf. lotSureto Please! Situated in agreat location backing trees (80 °f fromage) means lots of e|b°W r ° °m &

ai ereek providing epeeeeiui setting, r eer r i re ample parking for the RV+ toys. Upgradesputter/garden, nice mountain views &GREAT de; Garage, New kitchen, New windows,

NEIGHBOURS too! Both boast recent quality updates, „npressive renoid iarge ensuite W/jei-[edlandscaped yards, flower gardens, sheds & sundecks. soakei , tub &sep shower, paint, mouidingiSuper 55+ complex, great social clubhouse, nı parkingavail., close toshopping &the lovely Luckakuck Creek extensive, hardwood flooring' big sundeckTrail, onbus route, norentals + 2 small pets okay W/New StalfsOVGNOOKS hedged fenced Yard


Page 30: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012



#4 8455Unıty Drıve-$559,900Tranquil setting overlookingthe 18thhole at "The Falls" Goll Course.Thisbrand new luxury 2 storey plus lullbasement home boasts 18' living

goll course. Ford Creek trıckles pasRVparking and alongside ofyardproviding privacy and greenery. Thishome has master bedroom onmainincluding largeensuite with sep aratesoaker tub and shower and granitecounter tops. Kitchen has modern= counters

pantry._ Upstaırs has large bedroom and loft

area which also looks out onto goll

Accred i ted Stag in g


course. All th is lo cated in a quiteno'

' 1hsubdívision ofbeautiful home“' " T ` ides.MLS# H1104142

Looking for ıtnottoo far from town?Mature treessurround this rancher on flat 0.36ofan acre inEastern Abbotsford


ısonly landaccesses th e roottop deck. 2

Bedrooms inmain home is newlyp ain ted an d includes some o therrecent renos such as flooring an dtile in Bathroom. d bright

ment l throughcovered walkway, h as vaultedceilings and is sell-contained.

Great curb appeal here aswell as

and must be seen to be

Trish Taroni Sufflltu,l í _ I_ Y ZrofetssionaıReal E s tate à uı ıw ı f y u u y -ııum..ıL›.v'=~' 1213117 uıl *LMU I u ıu lg im Cıumuaısk

g e flQ 604 -845 -021621151- IU3 =J¦J'lU

,Puuir ıg '_//1:1* /'./ez,//'.1


' si: lrııo Real Esiasal

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Abbotsrorå-s%â9,9oo “(”U'f md“y_mm

' ez l , Udo

c?fi.J „f e . st›_§e¬, - 4

ROBINKLASSENMobileMortgage Specialist60/J-819-1525robírı[email protected]



6 ; , 7".“

fe; to53D

U . J. <íI@Ti'i<@

a 4 ear old 30 Year Metal Roof. fl _° _. ~Vmia, :›l«.lvic~e you can hoair on

aPP'e°iated~ M'-S* P1125291Irılı

orrsoral ı erri ı rgoroot rı srat ı resrrıtrltiatmortgogrsarroııorea Moral satt r›lc.ırr.1rla .wiare saolrrt toitss tartıaırı ıoraiaerriteıla ltogrslt-rorıtraarrraıtsolızoyal eartollCanada RBC and Royal Bankare lezísteled trademarks ul Royal Bank ulßarıatlrl. "Trarlenlark ulRoyal Bank el( ar ıada. 1631210312010)

MartinTaroniPer sonal Real EstateConsu ltan t REALTOR“


F1200B28-43853LOCH RD. LAKE ERROCK -$149.B88H1200199-J' 22 5648 PFIOMONTORYHD-$272,888TheGablesat CopperCreek. This very desirable locationısclose

F1127171 - 44057Errock Pl ace Rd - $328.800Pfllfldtåe åwfllls l Wüwl LOCZIIOVI, Oflållflfl, l0CflllOV\ TNS may be SV! Old Cílchê Dul in l|tlS C3 5 5ıt eer talr lıy sayslt aıı ll you ıove trıeoutooors tr ıls rrorrre ıs perıeoı Auos smestreet ırorrr ttreshor e otta ke Errook arrujust a srrortorıve to mewlr ıter playgr ound et Hemloo« valley

Resort Aggas lı, M lssioa amHarrlsorr HotsormgsResort areaıı nur a sıronur lve away anoV5l1COu\/SYEV! fi lm!-älld 5 hall THIS hflmë IS full O1CfléllñßterWllh BVI Open l|DOl plilr l Ofl Ihemam, urelooaı potrrı oelr ıg a suostar ıtıalrıver roek ııpar lo crrırrrrley r eoonlngmeluıı r ıeıgr ll ol

the HOUSE,fltld B QQHQYOUSmflilê i and lfllllbedifiøf fl ib m /Q RQOSHI lQ l1O S lfl filllde Soorrroıetenew ootrrrooı-rr wlttr tree starrolrrg elaw root tir ol Howoao you resrsltms oneflv

Would you like to build your dream home, on a levelbuilding lot across from one lake, well here itis -no needto look any further. Close to the SandpiperGolf Course,Hemlock ski Mountain and Harrison. There is a smallcabin (no plumbing) on the property as well as a wheel

and workshop/cabin. Priced to sell!

1 -46E3'†ournierPierce - imfiiüült's all about lılestyie, close to lraıls , close lo world renowned SalmanRlver, clos e to lake resort This qualily built home encompasses

generoususe oi hıgh grade tınıshing Lamınale and ceramıc llles , crownmouldıngs and hıgh end applıances Nıce open lloor plan and largegourmet kıtcnen with huge panlry Three bdrms up with large Masteroedroom en sulle. Second tıedroom even large with 2 pıeoe en s uıle

Fullylınıshed 2 odrm s ulte ın walk out tıas emenl ha sown


_/'¬>'H12006G8 -#1-46778 HUDSON RD. ~ $292,8OO

wowl arrt atowır o rrie wi a v ie w an t a s p e e la wow ao or, ent ls ls t eoıre toryou m i s oeauıliully oeoor aleo aaa tas ıeluıly lur ır lsr leo end uolt nas ci oeoroorrrs am 3oamroor r ls, merrraster aeoroorır nas a tmloue s tyle 4post er neoano waıl<~ıır oıoseıwllo agorgeous errsurıe, wnlonnas e separat e soowereıro mo sturrriırig v le ws ırorrl oeorooırr

#2 zz. xs Alleooılarrees are lrrelueerı ano meııe›< ro o rrl ırase wait- lr r eios et anowasnıoor r i rrre tarrrrly ro o rrl ıs s tuır ologwlıtr a otilılelr r wall lo wall storre lıreolaee, rooaıooırrl oi irre roorrr rrre garage ts r ıeıır lltely a lrrraa oavel lts nuge, errougrl soaoe ror 3oaros or2 cars arroa worksooo rrre oaeryaro ls lar ge man average, luııy ler roeo arm rrot

over ıookeoat aıı ooır lıwell too ıoırg

_-_›..¬". .-›.~

entrance Located in cui-de-sac ldvlllcll |

Page 31: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

i'.ilii~li= " iv lii' iw i llllwí .',l ii


a irwnuıimmng

„„S t e v e Mainsie ,U 'Every St r e e t is /V/aínse Street ' 1""

[email protected]

SardıslCorner lot21/2 b ath

marea& lamıly room oomslamınate tloorıng pain t trı L.

Close toall level GarrisoTraıl Make

Hen r y

-§2? Home Stagıng

-šfiê Color Consultation

<='9'=~ Furnıture Rental\ıfly / Vacant Property Staging



lnterıor Re-Desıgn

Louise, We sold our home in 4 days for98.5%of asking and lam sure your homestaging advicewas a big part of oursuccess. Good luck in the future and Iwould recommend your sen/ices to

anybody“ Krista

[email protected]: 1.877.778.7564Cell: 778.834.724?



7525 MELVILLE -Sardıs rancher on large lot Close to all amenıtıes Thishome h as 1092 sq ft finished sp ace& h as b een well

hot water tank roof Property also features 20 x32det ached workshop with 200 amp power. Property is ideal

for home based business Try your offer






#8-5900 JINKERSON RD - $263 000Great opportunity! Bank foreclosure... open to oflers. Familyoriented townhouse complex, 3 storey, 1784 sq ftSbdrm, 3ba ths with living &family rooms onthemain floor, rec room

Great layout needs oosmetic updating. Lots ofpotentialFenced yard. Home is sold ' as is, where is'.

Sardısl Quie t str eet!Large 2000 sq f t customoomer lot with 3 bedrooms 2 Dathsarea


Page 32: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

I .17?23t-i-l¬-7\1L ¦¬@§3. l:ll2;*l i '



ww*'ı gn ı_ l l | l | | | | | | | | | | | l l l | | l

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†.„5.~±§5P' V 7 * ` / í more info.. -.. " W $2s9,9oo


1; "H solid hardwood flooring in the living room_.. dining room and den. Tile in the kitchen tl'al:-*F1

f s ; highlights the dark cabinets. Large islam"W and separate breakfast bar. Three“W bedrooms up and rec room in basement w

JO-_'«~792~DU77: 6U1.'f~99.|~0.|05



9444 Woodbine, Suite 6This is an end unit with a good

b _3

15 - 8880 Nowell StNıce end unıt townhouse This unıt h

sızed back yard The unıt haseen totally renovated wıth newaint, new flooring, light fixtures,appliances and some new

windows to name a few. Verybright and airy.$149,90O

2 piece bathroom. Large walkin closet in tmaster. Call Kathy 604-792-0077 for


| $3s9,9oo

Foun Bsonooıln PLu s DEN AND LoFTNice house with open kitchen an family

room. Front entry opens tospiral staircasethat leads to the upstairs where you find aspacious master bedroom with walkincloset and large ensuite with separate

shower and soaker tub. Sliding glass d«lead from kitchen to patio that has anautomatic awing. Great house for

large family.

47575 Swallow Crescentontemporary style house located on sought after Little

untaın Thıs house has b een totally renovated and has a

nY 4

Mobınets valued at$35 O00 00.

Sunke living room with floor to ceilingdinin room with solid 3/4"fi rep lace g

hardwood floors. The kitchen opens to the family room thatal so has a floor to ceiling fireplace and al so an adjoininggames room that shows fantast ic viewsof the valley.Upstairs h as four bedrooms. Themaster bedroom hasdouble closet s and ensui te with tile walkin shower andsliding gl ass doors that l ead to a huge deck. Threemoresp aciou s bedrooms and one has an adjoining playroom.

This is a great house.


5742 Unsworth Road, Suite 60Priced for quick sale. Good sized mobilehome situated ona nice private lot. Family

room is currently being used for abedroom. Glassed in room has sunken hot

tub that the present owner has not used. Nicedining area off the kitchen. Metal roof andnewer furnace. Nice living room with woodstove.The park is walking distance to the

Vedder River and Rotary Trail.$42,5OO

G125 PGISOIIS R08dAmazing views from this home, sit on yourlarge deck in your built-in hot tub withnothing but trees and open sky to enjoy.Main floor has bedroom with sink and

shower. Master is upstairs and is spacioushosting walk-in closet and 3 piece ensuite.This house has been painted, new flooringthroughout and some new appliances. Nice

open foyer with high roof.


/5..Il, .lg

8719 Tilston StGreat family home onCul-De-sac. Four

he'*f^^'rıs and largeroom. Laminate floorsand tile floors thru out.Three piece ensuiteand walkin closet inmaster bedroom. Builtinwet bar and twopiece bathroom

downstairs. Plenty ofparking and room for

your RV.$339,900

1159 lve rson RdPerfect Cape Cod

on 11.26 acres.is your little piece

of paradise. Homebe used as aBedBreakfast. Master

bedroom is onthemain floor with threemore bedrooms up.Downstairs is fullyfinished giving you avery roomy home foryou large family.Come take a look.


0 Sleepy Hollow RoadThis is an awesomehouse, lot houses arevery hard to come byand this one is

situated on .43 acre.every room is

spaciousand themaster bedroom has

Wrap aroundoak kıtchen and largefamily room. Houseneeds someTLC butis very unique.$595,000

Condo is GarrisonThis unit has twobedrooms and largeden all on one floor.Two sided fireplace inliving room and den.Very open floor planand spaciousmasterbedroom with largeensuite and walkin

closet. This isone of akind unit so call me foryour personal tour. 1'- › ~ ›$s39,9oo B _

Page 33: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

.KathY Rafldal officeı 604-792-oo77 EltrontVll'EEíSlTE" T'

í ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı& C 1-01`

Working together for youe

~ ä . :


. 2 1



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„_ * u g Ya - -


:T«Wi7 , - '

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45900 Lewis Ave,Suite 103

This unit has beentotally renovated. Twovery good sized

bedrooms. All living inon one floor. The floorplan is very open withsliders off the livingroom leading to theprivate patio. Perfecthome for first timebuyers or retirees.


Page 34: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

. tš

“-:tete' I - l\ ¬ \ ' \ '' \ ' Q 2 t ' 3e tw

ñ¦t'ë'r'§§t'ä'¦§ Peririy it Fiuêıêı ~„ - «s-i E/„.\,|Jr@_ l l l l | l l l l l l l l | l l l l l l | t U f m i _;

'Ll i l

_#5-45550 Shawnigan Cres $294,900 45430 Arıeı $469,90o

` to `



Near new beautifully finished townhome in tunning craftsmafl Style h0me 0" large '01 in the

Sought after Gamson Crossmg Open clusive Rıverstone Heights in Cultus Lake. This 2

k r h ld t f t rey plus bsmnt home offers s p ac io u s living with__ i C en 'ni ng room Conc e p ea ures Come r Osq ft finished in the basementwith provision foras mapie Shaker Cabirtetst 3/4" ıniaw suite with private entrance Home is finishedfloors &ceramic tile. 3 beds up wit he highest quality with many custom features such

bonus room onmain floor. Nice sized yard $›i;_a"íi SCTÄPEÖ ha'°iW°rf°'

ii°°'$›míptâ Stiakef- ca in e s w i crownwor ,gorgeous ie soneWith upper patio &covered deck below' replace inand 18' vaulted great room, 9' ceilingsPartiaiiY untiriisheu bsmt eweits Your iueasi h custom finishing trimwork. Sit out onthe private

Great Value in a great location. Walking , vered back deck overlooking your fenced yard,drstance te a|| arnenitiesr entertainment & cking the trees. Beautiful high end exterior with

recrearron d stone &shake accents for amazin g curb appeal.

„ Ä 5503 T K Pi $414,Q00#5-46384 Yale Rd $119'°o° I / ITry an offer at teltsisšyorgeıgtfs 2-storey with fullGreat 0pp0rturiitY rierei 23t0rey uriit Witri basement. The yard is a really good size, is flat,

2bdrm plus a den! Ensuite off master and fuıiyieneed. The Living mom, with afantastic vaulted ceiling and windows allow so' ` bdrm' plus fu“ bathrm up and powder much natural light. Kitchen is great, with lots ofreom ori mairi~ Fuiiy tericed yard! counter and cupboard space plus breakfast island,

Cevered garage parking, Unit requires plus an office on the main floor. 3 invitingsomeWork, sord ias isr where rsirroourt bedrooms, alonglwith the convenience of the

laundry, are upstaırs. Daylight basement awaıtsapprevai NOT required) Fiooririg and your input. Easily suitable with a separate entrance

paintC0u|d tr ansførm this home, Hurry On or keep itall to yourself! This family home is onathis one for some sweet sweat equityl No-Thru /cui-de«sac street and is minutes to

school and shops.

#39-s 1oo . ı i nke rsøn sa2s,ooo 45551 Yale Rd $169›9°°Immaculate 2bdrm rancher located ina very desirable 5 Uflitâ 10 Ch00Se Fl'0m ill The_- part ofThom Creek Ranch! No-thru road close to Vibe___ _ V „ ` walking trail. Gorgeous kitchen, tiled backsplash and -island -open to the dining and spacious living room. 5 Very We" priced 2 bedroom' 2 tu“Luxurious 5pce ensuite off master bdrm! The 2nd bath C0me | ' Units- Great l0Cat|0n Cl0S9

bdrm could easily be used as a den ifdesired. Outside to freewayr shopping and uniVer3i'[y_ 2you'|l appreciate the newly laid gravel along the side S e c u r e parking Starr!Affordabre for .Istand back, the covered patio area &low maintenancetiered gardens. Attached double garage and full time Buyerei _iriVest0rsi and Retirees-

driveway. Very nice adult oriented, gated community, Grêat COr1ditiOr1 and UnderWarranty.completewith a top of the line clubhouse offering pool Motivated Setter Buy one Or Buy themtable, well appointed kitchen and function room.


46157 Third Avenue $369,900 #6_4633o Mumns Rd $349 500Iin an up and coming area ofChilliwack, . .surrounded by newer homes and lovingly Just Shy otgeoosq tt ai' timshed On a

restored old timers. Real hardwood, tile, high °u i 'd e'$ aC Ciose toScheel» traiis andend appliances,(ail 13 appiiances are includedi) Shops. Fully fenced usable yard. Long

a heat pump. unique and veıy iiveabie driveway opens up to double wideplan. Separate new in-law suite downstairs with ___ parking Wonderfui Safe famiiy areaown laundry, entrance and parking . Full heated ^ Bare|and strata is just $25 / month tordouble garage with great wood shop area road insurance and Common areawllane access. Be sure to see this list of d _ F If t kincluded items when you view this home, you gar e nmg ' ee t ee Oas US more

are notjust buying a home.... ab0Ut this i0VeiY imme-

#10-9251 | '|3Ze| $149,000 .bedroom end unit with a large, hedged and # 2 0 4 5 4 ” Knight Rd $159'9oo


, immediate Possession available orf - t II. Al t 1 _enced yard pnced 0 Se mos 600Choose Your Dates!Owner wants itsq.ft. with vaulted ceilings in living room .

adding tons of natural light. Large rec room SOLi_D! 2 good si_ze bedrooms, newfloorıng, new paint, upgraded light


for family fun plus a covered balcony toenjoy year round. Big and bright iaundry i'XtureS› Private bai°°riV S e c u r e

room and private covered parking. with new St°ra9e=_ °°Vered Parking, 5 appiiarices-flooring, paint and some work, this will be a Very nice« VerY Cieari Pr°PertY ready t°very nice home. Low strata fee of $100./mo. 9°i Great i°Cati°i'i Ciose t° maloi'and priced $30,000. under tax assessment. Shopping and |'eC|'eaii°fl-

45785Henderson $254,900#15' 46858 Russe " Rd $229'9°o What a home! You have to see inside ofthisGreat Value tiere tor an irrimacuiate 3 house! Beautiful original hardwood flooring,bedrOOrTi l'tOrT1eWith fully fenced private / large bright windows, 2 full bathrooms, 5yard and stunning valley views. Open bedrooms! (2 UP3 d°W")„ Private, feflfiedkitchen With Starnress app|ranceS_ Warm backyard with lane access, detached single car- -- - - - garagewith extra height and loads of storage,and inviting living room With natural rock with minimal effoıt the basement can easily bege-3 rirepiace- C°Vered patio- Pius ari made into an in-law suite. This home is aunfinished rec rOOm area iri basement foreclosure sale, so it is "as is, where is". ifyoui-Qughed in for 4th bathi-00m_ Family have any ques tions how a foreclosure sale

trier-rd|yWe" run Cor-np|eX_ do not hesitate tocall. This home has thepotential tobe the iewel ofthe street!

Page 35: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

i i - í

°..f*:.::~„::f„:f,:;'::° Jake Sıemens

#205-33960Old Yale Rd #208-33960 Old Yale Rd2 bedroom and 2 bath condo with views tothewest. 2 underground parking stalls. Dark maplekitchen withlaminate tloors throughout. Close to

2 bedroom and 2 bath condowith views tothe west. Underground parking. Close toeverything. Noage or rental restrictions.

Great investment. Must Sell.$169,9o0 $169,Q00

everything. Noage orrental restrictions. Must Sell.

#413-33960 Old Yale Rd. #212-33960 Old Yale Rd.Spacious 2 bedroom and 2 bath condo.

Underground parking. Close toSpacious bedroom and 1 bath condo.

Underground parking. Close toeverything.Noageor rental restrictions. Great everything. Noage or rental restrictlons.

investment! Must sell. Great investment! Must Sell.$169,900 $169,900

FT ".1_ld 0

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6173 Rexford Dr@ $429,900MLS# H1004624

Brand new 2 storey in the popularinkerson Villas subdivision. Qualityfinishing throughout this 4 bedroomhome. Bright open floor plan with agreat room concept. Unfinishedbasmt awaiting your ideas.

#401-33728 King Rd @ $189,900MLS# F1123478

Top floor unit in the popular CollegePark. Nícely updated with modern paintcolours, and tiled entry. Custom woodkitchen island, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.2 parking spots, 1 underground and 1outside stall. Guest suite available.

Centrally located, close to university andeasy freeway access.

inkerson Vistas Phase 3Lots available starting @i159,900 Cleared, flat, easy› build on lot. Lot is located in“hase 3 of Jinkerson Vistas,>romontory/Ryder lake area.

Page 36: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

. ıı L L 44

Page 37: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012



Luxurious 2 storey full basemen t home featuringhardwood floorıngthroughout, bright kitchen w/islandopen to a lovely famıly room wıth high coved ceilings, 5top quality appl ıances, den wıth custom cabinetry,sp acio u s entrance with cunıed st ai rcase leading to 3bedrooms and a lovely large master bedroom with a 5pce ensui te, games room down. 2 Bedroom suite downwith 4 additional appl iances. Gorgeous l andscapedrivate yard with pond, ced ar pergola, and double garage

with lane access. This is a speci al home.





ln good condition. 1 bedroom unit,with 2 appliances and storage area.Great downtown location, walk toshopping, medical services, and

recreation. Value plus!BRING ANOFFER



Lovely ground level fully updated 2bedroom home. Updated cabinets,countertops, door and flooring, 5appliances, ensuite, storage locker,and a 4' crawlspace, wheelchairfriendly. Walk to all amenities.

L n/7



1 0

Page 38: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

blPLA C E ?°}'“V

C 3.CC

Startın at $295 9001NcL1š1NGNET TAXES 9


V SS10n|45762 Safilower Crescent, Chıllıwack BC


604 703 9292 604 991 17771 aso 853 7175 1 soo 795 2955

„ N y d H m „ G1 W R J <3 *Full Basements

2GmmUnıts Avaılablefor ImmedıatePosse

* 23 Luxury 2-StoreyTownhomes

2,2116 1 *Granite CountersTCIIIQIC DTICSCH s *FTile Backsplash

*Under Cabinet Lıghts__m za *Prime Sardis Locatıon

/4|. an an11151111 _ EW] wia!

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ıııııııfl ıııııııı ııııı 1.11 ımııııl ııııır' .111 ' «1f7ı1;~1ı:ıi:1ıı1ıı11a- 1111114»»ııı1ıı1m|mI_m1i*m'mflL11 '-1 1u~"'1°"1'*1tß1~t1ıIfl_1!_*

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Page 39: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012




Show Home Openy H

Sat and Sundays1:30 -4:30 pm

A spectacular new subdivision by Premier Pacific, located just 5 minutes off Hwy 1.Take the Prest Rd. exit south and follow the marked signs. Phase 1 sold out.We have2 new homes left starting at $409,900. These beautiful homes are located on quietcul-de-sacs, some backing onto greenbelt and best of all fantastic valley views. Justreleased Phase ll has 54 spectacular lots. With already over 50 % of the lots sold,pick your home package or lot prices starting at $ 164,900. Our New Phase ll ShowHome is nowOPEN with homes starting at $389,900. Phase 3 now available.

- ff W _-___ . ` _ , _ Jinkerson Vistas is a' `

. _ , quality controlled' " I " " ' = " ~ ' = 4 ' =-' :_ subdivision with the family

_ _. W _Jx___å;_,~š:„V_;_:_1:.„„__" ` " "”`^ in mind and includes a

_ 1 large playground and° ' * 1" 1 waıking traiıs onıy 1 blockaway. Phase 1 is sold out

and 73% of lots in Phase 2 sold. l have plenty of plans to choose from, Ranchers withfull basements, Basement Entry's with 2 bedroom suites and 2 Storey homes with 4bedrooms up plus full walkout basements. There are 5 Quality Builders to choosefrom to help you design your new home.


.4 sl . . \“J 1' `*< .› _Ä ' \`ø , g' _z ,.I'-lv

¬ f '

Rig//... _„

Vısıt our websı t e forFloorplans , Prıces,Pıcs a nd Vıdeos


WšålfiM*Wifi n


Page 40: iHomesWeekly - Chilliwack - March 2, 2012

