ihe eltna wins the iifirst - library of congress · .m uuun the fearless winsfrom the mist in...

) .m uuun The Fearless Wins from the Mist in Riverside Regatta. THE SUELEW SHOWS SPEED E. F. Luckenbach Brinpfs Her Up from Gravesend and Tries Her Out in Spcciai Raee. ii rnzo from the eaatward t' irtv-s-4 jrachti atarted and all but three of th> ln the twentv-third an- , '"lub. on Long laland Sound The s;,a... Wai made ofl the yaa buoy ofl Little Captaln'i Island the imaginary »j and i Vmmo- dori ' chi Qypsay. an- chored a cable'a length to tbi eaatward of U i- F Luckenbach brought his xj , a. round from Qraveaea i-ax- to x eohclualona arlth some of the ta The>-.. waa none of hla claaa to meet htna, ao B R s..,d,'.,n-,i aalled a .- . | iinat hlm, and waa ndi ln her regular ilon oi th, handl rle*B * on fmm the Mlsr Th- ¦. .1 on ti porl t.-i'-k by cJaaai *nd xvith haiir.T. ral mark, whlch wa* th. Point. ;i. eat di ad to windward ihe bi ihtnl lee Beroea ll ¦¦ ahlftlng to Ihe nce to H- t ..... .... Vukan won ii \ ¦...-'¦ r -. IrfOUl I.F.J- "! 21.4 IfANDHWI" ¦. OND niVIBlON 2:41 1:08:41 B:21 M : 3:2*>:37 K. XI. I.A.-- BTABT 11 80 IlLEg Ma 4 14 :..' ., irl ¦: 1:30:22 R:3o:22 rr ,- -. 08 .'. Com ip \" I.AS.-f THIRD t'tx 18 4 j . li M 1 4:20:22 ;.- .,.- t 06 ; ; . 4:24:01. 1:08 14 : Mll. rf ! I .... 1:2" H Morrli 1:27 "... 4:28:1* s ."OVRSB, 2 '. i ¦"' *; ?T T" ¦!, ¦' 4 I 8:4.' K wi, H 8PB" IAL . MILES * .-¦ 4 .1:4*4 8:19:18 4 18:18 T.. 21:41 4:21:41 ki ,.\SS S- S ART . -oaaaa j " \&*1 i 19.1* i|ANH; >V iXEW) CLABS START. I4'i M1LEB Jsrviid E '. '. ' 7 :. 19 88 I ." M rtl/aOl 14 9 AH ,ND a BPEiTIufiLJ LA88 HTART. f 15 i*0 11LES. ... I. \T. B. Ma ktntoali -_ v ', : : no rt, « in Bl Q x-- 188 10 OOffU MILX*. 2-80:0 -'.¦ "" ,4,1. |,r,|>\ RT, 18 - ot'RSK f. MILJ B .' . 1 ama. .-. .: sanara. 1:41:20, : ,.r\i. ... H 'st: DESION I " '.. Nona-- " . '=»» \\., D 'l nel BJ N'E-DESIGIS ''.*¦-- START, 1:2. ¦'. Ml,-'** .- VANHASSI I Mll : .¦¦ ', -'' FURIOUS RIDING IN MATCH Meadow Brook Polo Four Easily Beats Great Neck. un ntei national polo fe the aad * ' nd 1 niR .- *orl ie two o| the Roc* Un,t .st. Long Island, retterdaj Harrj Pajrm (Vhltne a1 hla ,,),. ; . led the forcea of m. irj at pfe ,.,-!4 VTaterbury pla>inj* al '.T-k, \ i waa well ted r,. I,., J j r llolP4l ... V. .. thr red i nel Bcore I . oal '. m if Th. Btlrrina th. Brat wr; p etltlon. it wa* Itei tv'a' ih. vet aatlle team (.{ ¦,,r,-.f -,,v.., dil ion t, v .- \ on Bta :' and rorwa :.¦ S'o. K\ No. C P mai kahle idaj .4'. Malcolm fl n >oh care of th. A lull Ro< k Pnr > thlr. pei I of the Rocka¬ way K..n l.a Mont thrown by g oa hlm lt flnally . rawled from un¬ der, and ,ft. .i .4-. *< <, nda rei nted rfn-i playen In th. . aevi ral kl-rf .i. f* Cowdln m. .dmllar mlahap li<tf-. In the :.mi'. but he ..ii k to I ir- mallel t< 'ii<- . nd. 1 .. Ifeado* Brook Greal Neca f-rame faai fi.-m th>- flrat tap of the bell. \. ao ti na the ball wa play t\ .. . ».'. t ,1 an<! in hi >. Btrok< . eondi He fol- 1<,44^.1 thi- wlth f..-- aa "ti.. coal. and anothei ln elnthteen ae nda Larry W )>!ir ... I tt,,. |,..|ii ..... ¦....-, ndl. Bl ', ..- mln uti Thi ii:- MBaADl '\x BROOK M k \ I.J, .: Itrf44 llru .. « im, 2s!. B ! J M x. \ jj h Hh.I'I.-ii i ,ir4 I. ll. MUI irn. Jr. il i- ,. ,. Bd, 8 .f 81 x\.. rl : ,'.,.!. \\ tiiim I .iu \..r . ,\rt > ali r: >...!' t lrf'»'t I'X ... . , .. Keferee. ft k.,u, Care] perlodi <>f 7 bccond i, xmi: COOHER*. ¦. .4\ \ Ro .. '... No l r B Von BiaU. So 1 <-. P. Oiaon \,. -..<.¦ >wdln No .'< f 1 I'eei -ti No 8 I: la xi Y.fi' M t- ... Total i . Bd 1-4 I-',.. Btade, 4; Ma 4. ci Btea if irfoat bjr p. aal. > '. f.r safety bi P 1 Nel ^. ir« ii.»« aoaki i ¦ Rena La M,,niaK.i-, 2. ... P- '-.nrjiii. 8; "' tlandl I'almar DUoa, i. ;. ¦, ..4 , mltv '. BOfl b) .1 4 hre rr Caavdla i.-.-f't.. ..\.,.i '.;,r,> Tlma of . -,. , i..L mlnutafl aav __n__i^___i____r luiwert ^,^..^. 8888884 ..,.,,... tiA'Atra ui Ittl howii.'ia BJJtya. Buppllaa, fcu. MAiUi. _Itc»... 24 t'aloa bauara. THIRTY-FOOTERS RACING IX VOHK YACHT CLUB REGATTA ON SOUND, FINE W FOR SAILING Strong Breeze Drives Yachts Over Gravesend Bay. SURPRISE FOR SKIPPERS Contestants Not Pormally En¬ tered Go Unrecognized by Coramittee. There were aereral **ery aurprlaed Cor- inthlana at th** N'af.onal Yacht Club yta- ¦fternoor,. Th" organlaatlon man- Ihe fourtli race to eoui on 11 . yacht champtonahlp of Qiraveeend Pay. \.-< 11.-. nt fleel of rraft reported off the rting llne aad <-rt aall in thf .ontr-pt. To i*rpiiae "f manv th.- regatta onunlt- made up of Petei Beatley, chalrman, .. v r- Otlfftn, refuaed to racogntae .. -I. ....rht--- Thr b08t8 thal WeM ¦¦¦i failed I" make ¦¦* formal entry in Thr lar* wai lh< only craft nol ttnir-d ad anj chanc* r.f wtnntnfl a prlae. ^i -irst n the handicap dlvltdoa When the toat was not -*reeted by .'" con nn. rie.*ici*-.i Burprla. ob board, anrl .ipT'er askf.l for an explanation. He "...- told the stann th.t thr commlttee bnd and sailed away a vrry dtaguated Rowever it b. do *f*.11 if th- Clare ha*re woa Th.* dlvlalon "n con*. titno Thi Carele-a- easlly took flral ace ¦from tha Mlnna after thi handlcapa had ledueted Wlthout douht th** yachtanien ha.i one of thr i.rst sallinK b***ee8ea r.f th" year. The trtnd was from thr Boutbeaal and "f a g.i, wtwleeome r-uality. Thr couraa .mi bj thf ri^atta onimitt'-e Have the larger .raft a rea<h to Betiaonhurst, arhere aplnnakera were iel foi a run acroa the chaaael t.. Craven Bboala Here Ihe yachta went on th. nind f-r a atlff heal tloara the rhannel Ambroae Channel Buoy No, 14. A vplnnaker ran followed t<. r-ra Oata and tbi n th. ro wraa a rea li home. ne Boy. had no dlfflculty In wlnalng thi ai- B ( c Wir.k ma-le a runawaj conteet among thr < boata, winning bj almoat flva mlnutea from tho Id ft F. The Buffrag.tt. led hom. th. knockabouta ol Oraveaend Bay and the Arlea had practlcally a aall ... t ln the ding) laaa. ln addltion to the championahlp ran- for aallboata, thrir araa a cloaed motoi boat elaai The yachta d b Beventeen-mile courae, anrl on both corrected and actual tim.- thi wli araa the Blm Too, th. property Vteo-i ommodor. A. C. Soper. Thi a mman followa! r< '""" ER B. »ATB .-' AR'' MIL.EE ..... a Hopar su'.r M .. R '.-. tienke.,. Mllla... Nei ne, Jr., N i Bmrtti Corrt ted time Blm Too, 1:87:80, Septuna, Jr. 8 ni 03 adlre, 2:08:50 SLOOPB LA.-.-' Q BTART S:« rOURSfl*. tl IdlUEfl .- h 8 03 84 1:57:84 Davla DU lUAllfled. I! CtlUbb Nol Mmrd HANDICAP UABfl BTAR r, I 1" COI 11 mii.i:.- Jo] i.- Bauvage Bnd Oeei .'. tt* :.: 2:08 62 .. Nell .8:21:40 :11 :40 r R itnmall f. 28 28 2:18 20 na J H :\**a. Dlaqui tlmed . Ilrra releafl 2 00 18; Miana 2 01 01 J. 2 - '.4 BLOOPS n.ABfl B BTART, " W COVB MI1-' I D. O. WMUoch :.'*¦.-. 2 *"J M *.* ra. .' i ifl 2 40 ¦¦ T. Atklnaon ... .'. 44:M ¦'.. Hall ai.* Inalaa Nol tlmed Sly il UABfl \ BT *»R1 " -'.r : Mll - 1:38:18 ., | .*.- |4I I* 40 fi "1 .,.-. 4 S .. ., at al ..:'-. 4.: .*. i. Durland S 07 1.1 47 18 i^aai II. MrKr. ....'...*. SO 1 l*- HO 1 Vr ... Nr.' Klmmertnan Kot tlmed '. -T *»RT, 2C 'I'lfSK. 4 MIT. r M4wr« « . '-'. r' .'." M vna l< D. / larton DM nol flnlah. |Nol II n I),. i - Not tii .i Rraklne Nol Mnw .«- TROPHY FOR BRONX TEAM Championship of Chureh Athletic League to Bronx Chureh House. The Bronx C*hurcb Houae athlnr** rnv tured the trophj al thi* ann'ial champion ¦-hir> gamea of thr Chureh Athletic i.. ig at .'riitr.iia I'ark. Thr Bronx, yeaterday Thr - ed a tota' r.f twenty polnta and dld well In nearly every arenl T . st tli *lub wat armnd, with the Bl Nlcholaa Athletic iuh arllh flra polnta. Robert Kuhn, of the wlnnlng team, won i a 140 ird run In HH aecondfl. Kuhn into the lead at thr atarl anrl car- .1 th. fleld alona at a faat pace He easlly outclaaaed hl« rlvala, an«1 btroke thr ne aprlnt. The Bummaiiee folloa Fifi r-rard Drearher. ii'.ii« w ii Bflrn. li Bn.ni l|.. IHI -. ond Rfl) li' '4-. Ifnn*. 11. » .. .ta ;, l'-'' -rat aah ibandloBR) Won by < Mundt, S- l'i ... i \ irflfl) I Ki- \ |i .; rda) aa. ond. J Rohm, \ I. r ,\ ,\ .! yarda), thlrd Tlma, 0 10 2 B ruttlna rl pound >hm .n..v.... Won bv .1. '. <. :;; feel 2 i'^'- . \ '' 88 '."i B .- V. M.-l ¦..: ;.'.! Xavlei ,\ ^ .':.'. '. Wot bj R Kal.n, M< iil»< r. Brona 'imr. h .i ii.-\*i«!ia. Xhvi«i \ a thlrd . 4 :t B Hut, tep .tnt ji inp rnoTlea) Won hv .-. Ri Nli holaa 38 feel 4*4 ln. b. ¦; H ... ii,-.-'. Hi Paufj Brotherhood 87 feel - \\ .i \.< i.. naifl, Xarler a a ...; t> . t 11 '¦. Inchefl, thlrd. . a,. | inovlee) RTCJI .. Harry i>« .;,,,! . rt Blvarn, Rrona fh irch en, \:n lei | a . Running 1 m* lhandl api Woa t \ t. chureh Hf.jii^ .4 li hea); .'¦ f. s ln ea: '..- MI llaan, .;.,..¦ A i' li ralchl, B ieet '< ¦¦¦ ond. J Prlee, Bl thlrd Half ii \-i-.;.-. \ \ 188 yarda); O \'i ii la). aecond » Bora. I. Xa 11. A, a. .-.» rarda), thlrd rime, I "i 4 :. ., i r. Brona "Bui h H. Maa. 18; st l. Nlt-holaa, 8; Xavter a a . Brotherl "", .1. D0YLES WIN SOUTHERN TITLE Atlanla. luly.,1 M I >..y|.. anrl li i; Doyle, the two Waahlngton lawn len- won tho Bouthern doubles ;ijii|.l<.risinp her. to-da) on thr ESatM latkt ourt Thelr 11. loi > entitlei ti.| io eompt-t. In Ihe Baat, Weat, Bouth and I .'....-t matchea to brlng oui tho I ehallengera t..i tha natlonal utir Thej Poyla brotbera in thelr flnal rnatch <>f th<*'. t< iiriiain.ni deferaled B M Orant ..n.i 11 C Carter bj the twara af fl I, fl.fl, Tin- play- . is ngreed t.> maka the mateh tin fleet t*vo oui >.t thrt-e neta on u<*counl of ti;. raln. irrea-.fu11 .1 efended hla | -iii.i.-1's ii iiii[.i..iisin|.. Uefeatlna hla chai let-ajar, C, v. BgaBh, iu Atralgbl bets, 6-i t-3, fl-2, kJv ^v^. ¦r V -/ ROBERT TOLAND'8 DERV18H. WHICH IVON \T LARCHMONT OB .It'l.Y 4. i.f T FAILED TO BTART YI-'STKl.l >.\ v Larchmont Hace WeeK Tlans Cl&ss for Schoorvers Givcs Proiri.se of Clean Sport on Sound Wa.ters. s.-4-orai laaovattoni appeai oa ' i""'" gramnae of tha Larchraoni Tachl C '¦"' ,..:. ,i ,.,,, we.'-: ol the orgaubration from July 18 t,. Julj .- letooa, there wlll bi ida dayi ol . rmctng aml. In dd tim ¦¦ .v"1 be aalled ,,n Baturd ty, J July II, and Bat rd Th* prindpal change l appeara ln tlae prograrnme la m connectlon aiith tha - raee Heretofoi ,.! for th«*< *n r°t ihe currenl ye.>. wlll offer aerle prlai .., iddll on to the ti olar, apeda on metrop AHI o igh the big acbooni back fi n tim. to 1 pxcelleni f two llckera Larchmonl ea. b daj Ai tomj " . .-. ten d are Ihe Blndtai tl e D*ra al Miiadi. the Cygnet, the Ci .-. :..- , nd the Bcl :.. Bbould fnrnfs':. the racing aeen ao far 1 on Long Bo ind The flrat appeai G latal. na Intereat to Ihe weeb The 88-foot. ina pui In ,., ,.,. oi Bai rnfortun ihe Auror an tbe tVlns. The Iflt ilenfl v\II ave to e In a ulaaa agabaal thi ai unuauall been offered 'iit1- Rear Comnaodore Prancla M. Wl ' t'-' Atla.it' X'..' ' lub. Who -.!«'. .,...'¦ i. monl Tachl lub, *¦*-111 f.-ive a cup to th* t.oat wlnnli dlvlalon T I be ne ¦. I, .,-t Intereat f the ei ttia-ir up <.f flrav. end Bay I " fl, ..., g| tha Buelea. the %ll. e aad the Bra* Another aplendld dli lon wlll be th. P IHE EltNA WINS m Scores Another Victory Over Clark's Irolita. Boothba] Ha b r, Ao jU|j - Oentle aoutherly atra blew the Baatem I n i ini, fleel around Beguln lalai Portland to ,|ai. For the fourth iim* ln . ' week, and th»- Bi*iih time thla a new acboone* Blena, oarned bj llorton P Planl carried off the honora ... bei r.f conteeta x\ith th* Irolita, but her a-1ti in to day'a twentj elghl rall* r* Whlch WBfl :> rr-iiCli r.f t XX «-l,I X -f..iil ami a run of fom mllea, waa onljf four mimit, h and ala Beconda in correc,ed time The ir,,iit.-i loal i*aluable time nx the part« inK r,f i,r.r Jlbtopaall halyarda in tbe aecond riixi«.i..i! for achooaera th* Taombaa waa vl4*t4)rloua, whlle ln tba third dlvlalon Ihe VHn.i.-n.iit yacht. Ihe v. grant. won from iii- Tlaton by tw< three flecortha and th* Venoam wa_ fairly cloae ndr'i Tha laat named boat won lln ,., for aualllarlea agaltaal th* Kmerald aud Irla Onea more Vlce-Commodore Payne'a Humma led hk- Bloopa ....ix- t,, i,,s.- to the Adventureflfl on corr*ct4»d tlma In a private match raoa betw**en theae t\xo raehta the Humma woa by (lv« mtnutae ai d Bla ae r.n.iH. The aummary followa IRKT DIVISI. »N BC*H< ,,M.l:.- ton led -,., ii Bnd awi " II-8J J ,..-.: ii .;f., K x\ ¦¦ n i. i ,-. 8:40:48 KICCOND Dli I8IOB BCHOONERB aa, W - rCaloe .... - .- |.|. (.- M.-.-.' Hiitl. DIVIBIOM -''H' ONER8 Vaaraal. H V'-UMterWIl -'- ' \ ;...,. II '. Jl, I* .1 -' KlrfOOl B \.\ Rumrlll Hununa i: 1 m. -¦. ,' l\ ,'uiiriiin. Altalr, K M. Mai il u. V,,. ishiis. .'. A Kmir. * N t XI XI 1.1 X..: \ ,i. na. .: i- !.. ........... * li r u \-> ii< ¦.>' .- .'¦I"*' rl, K. I. <'U:k. . 3 **PB*a**iAL CLABA Mii.nn.a. ii. i Palas Sd \rtxf ntiin-ifl. I*. '' Hurnrill ¦. . 11 ETON BEATS HARROW AT CRICKET. '.,.,;,!,.11 julj I Bton d. feated Hai row I,. ihlaa* ixi.-kit- i;i tha annuaJ tii-k-t match at Lord* to-day. for whi.h Captain Edward T Oa* arell a- offered th» principal prlae Mot ,,.,!. ¦¦ ... Bound I oat« omi et. ,n tropl y, hut thr Amorel the Timan dra the italla and tl b Bayonara, fom p boatfl « m try tn land the handaome Al the Joyant, thi ''ara Mlu, thr Windward and th. Corlnthlan alao w\\\ be at ihe atartlng llne each day, thr ractag ln th« i' .'lass ahould be unuaoally int-r 1 i.ai. titni.nf interclub laaa alao wlll Bai fo pa. rhe trophy haa Ifered mmodon john Proci arki The dlvhrioi araa bullt laat ... ilcall) all th. .<.. en rolled ln 't r Larcl moi I Thej eat of i Ing In ad- io tha -i ed, the reatfl nm h ¦....! ,.-.- for "orlnl ¦'.... o ... ,| d pf .\n;. arinnlng boat il i on July 23 recelve crew pria. Th« !.. aeted to .'... tn to¦¦. ird impro* Ing the a" 8 laland 8 lotoi . ad ter apoii arll aaday, The n .... arell I hlgh .¦. .. beea ea( * \ ita ih- tei Pan II. ih** K-llth II and th< \ ... Of l egatta ¦'¦¦ aall lt tj inteni ttee to .. i rdhii i ol .. n hot .. mld ach an.l inff A t ihi com il nnd ll 11 numtx |t waa therel led nol ... time of any ra t l it ai. it. a rule. THE II FIRST HOME Leatts the Cycinet in New York Yacht Cluh Race. i ad eighl of thr 'ihlr- !. i an Inti rn atlng and falrly fast tei '..V oa i.i.t.k.* laland Bound, in Nea Y'.rk rachl Club'fl annnal ra.-e ;|. n '<.\ .. 'iti The wlnd was llghl from the eaal north ea .\h.n tbe st.,ri was mada off Mott'a nl tn Hempatead Bay, tbe commtttea boat marklni one end of tbe llne being th. Bdmund Moraa Georgi Scotl Mlladl waa ihe flral achooner away. Bhe croeeed the i. >..' the riarboard tack, aitb hrr >.ni\ competltor, r Cerey*a Cygnet, ina, 'n her wake, The tlr--t leg of the courae araa a**t*oaa thr Bound te Paraonege Polnl a cloaa reacb thr aecond was k beai to windward >.f rda an.l three-afflrbtltai niii.-v_ t<> WiKiN-y's Reef, and a run home '.. aithln a mlle ..f thr flnUh, when th*> wlnd caathig te thi- aouthweat, raada it a li. , reach The m.iii of tha ..n.irti.¦- wai ¦ pretty .1 I'i.Mpont Iforgan, ir tlmed bla Phryne bo well that he aenl her ever with b rhlatle Tho Caprice, ataet*ed i. Ralph N KUla, waa aecond, Jual to aindward of the Phryne, and the Alera thlrd. Boon after Ihe start tbe Napel, aalled by \v \. \\ Btearart, In attemptlng t>. rroaa the Rowdy'a fllem fouled her. Thr Napel Im- medlatel) arithdrea from tbe n. The Mlladl, aft.-i a keen race, won bj li mln¬ utea II .-.n.l cerrected time, from th. 8:12 -2 mu tOBB V C .Tifxir CTUUMI 8TA8 I] -h .Hitsi: 18 . mii.i T M. ry ,ii jr .... 4 88 .'.«. | i :... u ¦! K N Mllla 4 <».'' .'.:. I 4.: 88 a, K "' Hunl 4:18:4! !W 4-j i; ,wd] II PtH 4 18 4- .1 :.. 4-. |..,l i:.i.i. «;. ..rp" K U«»w.'\r!i. 4:111:1* .4:00:18 \ i.i A II \.k.t 4 '-." :.n 4 .«i .'..- 11.1-, II M M..WM-II. 4 :.: «..'. 4:05:08 Ni poi, .1 de Foraot. flflthdr. a . a TOO FAST FOR ANDER.SON UlIlK- A.latns WOn 8 l.aii-ciit vl'toi \ over "Muii" And.f.«..n. tbe Btnttoklyn Nrht- wetght, in n faat ten-rennd b. al al the Kalrnr-ounl \u V w Club laal rdght Tha a4*>ml-flnal bout aetareen laa Bheera aad J JJcll u-juJti-iJ iii a vlctory for tiie lormer. BUFFALO [[I tt IM Motorcycle Convention and Raee Meet on Card This Week. GROWTH OF FEDERATIOIM Membership Has Jumped l'rom Two to Ten Thousand in Two Years. fhawii by tbe greatest convention m thi hi-itorv nf th- Pederatlon "f Amerlcna alo- lorryeiisis. and fuitber urgad bj th' peel >,f tla' world'fl moal thriiiinK niotorcy- cla racea, rldera everywhere are hurrylag ... Buffalo f,,i di. btg ftxtur. on J 18, 14 and !'.. Thi bu ilneaa of be P. ",i ,.f Amerlcan Motorcjri llatfl wlll i attentlon on *A"edn4jfl4lay, rbureday and Priday, and ..ii Frlday .,n,i daturd la.ionai Pederatlon or Amerieaa Motoi cllats' racea * 111 he r ff, ¦.' he Porl tra. is. ii. a.- Buffalo Inten f-i centre* In of .> now prealdenl to aucceed Pred Wlllla of Ind lanapotli xiho haa de llned t., ,i;,t.. .... .-:. Bomethlng of the Krow.ii .'f ''.X :i :n the Btatement th;.. ilnce 11 sVIUIa'a ele -ion th,. ,:., ., jumpd from ahi ,, , i. .: tho leand ... haa .! only tx>o terma, Ifoton rcling :n aii it« brancbea i:.." hoen really orgaalaed during the laai two yi ire, rought to ., degree of perfectlon I aafety, rell tl d comfort Thal qualltle* are reallaed and appredated 'a demonatrated bj the greal ermj of rldera I,,.ix r.n:ist« ,i under the Fi d< i.f .¦.ui Motor. Tii,> ra.. h ... Pon ISi Ie promla thrll * for every ae <>nd. The country'a i" >t rid- III i>- there, ai d ii prtsea aad ef wlnnlng tl Boi b'eup -¦. ln trophj t<> . . Hag eto ompanj to thi m .bi ". tenl ridi r in the chami lonibti ng the t ¦.. Bixteen run-eight on Prid ; turdi .. uaa* aad bj W edni da | -.,4-1, i f rtdera.1 it tll * taktng part arrlved ta xx;ii form ..... from Mt.Chlcago.a -.¦¦;. the two tc ira at .. . they Buffalo on »Vedi la on e ,-itx wlll b. treate. to a rar. .....' iii be¬ gin mornlna ral meet rl ... . ,,. lal featurei taki on a trll Laki ryatal !'.-.,,-., t evening, and then nquei foi ii-.- Pederatloi u Motor* n wlll be a | !,¦... lii Pl nrel ra. .. - * II b. rui thal ;,t i'oi ; ... noker 44 ill tlX-.-ll 4 li," > Baturdaj mornli > aften llu ..- i II b* de. Ided KENNEDY READY TO RETIRE Ynli> Rowing Concb Awaits the Action of Autlio. itios. ih- n i' tland Me Jul * M ( h been In th. hand ol ., il n Ith foi ni nr. moona, rald Jol>, Kei fale'a rowlng oa. 'i wl en en Bl mimmi r home at Peaka 1 ... tali it Yal. ,.., .i upon what action th. Ne* laven " When aaked rn ml ,,, ii, tn...,ii \l> it Ih.- fale authorltiea had reeelved Uon thr. oi four y< ra .,-". "bul x\ iii - .in if they w mt tn. h< added A< cordtna to th. torj renl .ul fr tn New ilax.n to-day, Mr Kennedy had e i'i..- ->¦'! his wlllingn. to retlre, Thi atoi j als." aald 'There has been a depart ir. from the Yal* stroke as devehaped by B t> ob and roaing mi \ be piaced undei the Bupervl- aton ,'t .i graduate ounoll Kennedj refuaed t>, dlacuBa Vale'a atrnke atiii the matter .,f a graduate councll, bul hla tone left the Inferenc. thal be ih ..". favorablj Impreeaed xxiih the latter BOATS OFF ON LONG RACE Twelve Craft Start in New Ro¬ chelle Clnb's Annual Contest. "four aallhag craft an.l etght motor boata Biaried yeatardaj ln the New Rochelle Vii.-ht .'int, i 118-mlle ra. e from '¦:¦ ho Ra* i t'ornfield Llghtahlp and return The Bloopa Rdlaaa, 044 m 1 4 .1 .\ 'ro* ley, of the ii.iii, m v,i. nt Club; the Creaeant, oavaed by A. ii Hill, of tho New Rochelli faehi Club; the Alert, R B B idd, <.-' tbe Boutn Norwalk fachl Club, aad the yawl Qrace II, .1 P Lambden, ol th* Nea Rochelle i-liii., xv. .. Atarted al 11 10 1 m by .; p Oranbery, ..1 the regatta committee, The wind xi:,., ughl from the eaatward, making lt a ,-al tO iii.lxiui.l -..- (he 4 .,,1,, Tl .-v had an ebh ltde In thi Ir favoi The motor boat« were Beni awaj al I i> .11 'i io- llmo 11 \xf,~, ftrai ... tne ln.-, Bhe wa .1 ilckly pa -. ,| however ,,^ he Blue Peter, whl. h haa ¦ palr of 80 uoraepower motor* The Muakegvi made a good atarl Sh,- ia owned \\ Voltx. Tha otl r Ntarter 44,.,,. it 1-'.,44l.i-'.- Kathmar, .1 11 vValla b'h Thi.s- tl<». \\ B. t'reevey'a ... n ,. 1; [tutier'a Bpindrlft, i.itn, i'i :. fr |, tlllea'a Klmo ll nd J ll Rrooktleld'a Blue Pi ti r \v The motor boata ar. j 1,, iini.-h earlj thla morning CANOE BROOK COUNTRY CLUB. R u Bambei led the tl. Id ln the regular ¦aturday hartdlcap over tbt linka of tha Canoe Brook Covntrj Club, ai Bummlt N 1. yeat*f*day, arlth 81 S8 Ti The lead- bag acore* folloa 'i ,,' \.,. 1 Ft 1: an h*\ f B II fflUBIl . s-; ",, XV \ Drahhle . II -4- i-. rl Ina . 11.11. XAI- . 1 V It. Hlll . r. a. -,.1 lEVAiMS WINS FRENCH TITLE - Chicago Golfer Captures Ama¬ teur Championship at Versailles. rrtv Cmtta tn Thr Tribun* l Veraasnaa, ""taaca, Julv s.-oharir* w. EvatW. Jr., fortnrr Amerlran W.-f-t.-rn open champion, won th» P*T88Jeb amateur golf rhamplonahip to-elay, defeatlng John C< ^nderaon, of n'rst Newton, Maaa, in tbe al roun'l r'ondltlons cjllerl for thtrty- Yolaa, nnd at the end of the dotlhl<* thr ronteatanta atood all pr-uarr They halved the thirt*'-aa-e-aath, but <*n toe nexl green Rvana aron a hole and th.* rhamplonahip Thr .mea played strrlinK throughoul thi day, and thrir t-flferta .,,. ... watclted bj a irge p-allrry. Both Americana, prlor to romlng herr, 1,.., been t**otnpetltori in Ihe racent ama- teur cluimplonahlp tournamenl of <:reat Britala al Preetarlek. FSvana aiada a gno.1 ahowlng, bul Andetra-in loet in thr flrst round, They alao Btatied in thr Brltlsh .,,, Bvuia agahl dotng thr i.rtter work. Rvana wlll sall ¦trwrtly for Amerlca anrl will devote his flttention to preparlns: for iho natlonal amateur tournament to be heid al Apawamla in septrmber. rURNER WINS AT MONTCUIR Makes Low Score in Qualifying for July Tournament. f. ajdea a lub liandl. ap al elghteeti hoMa, in tw<> claancB, the fnerabera of the Mont lalr Oolf club also played th>* flral round iu tlie Jul* tournamenl yeaterday. la the former ronteal c. J. Turner lei thr fleld in \ rnlni a card of M> I ff, whlle in th. B dlvlalon John Reta ahowed the >... ith H II 81 Tho Boorea and aummary foilow CLUB HANDICAP: Oi-aa ii hi Nel. I" .1 Turrirr.,. 74 8 *W .i w Malrj ..W ** 18 ..' !.¦>¦ ohue .77 . W h Mi ¦¦' ire......84 12 -- iv H i- mn. . 7) 19 .1 Ho. aon. ir . sl J J" I ............ flfl .*' .j Hurd . M .* JJ .1 t Klt imona . 99 . H ¦i ¦¦ Pliinpton . *. ¦ i' Han peon ... .... .> '" 0 . Bfl ta .*¦ .1 .; i ....... M I '¦<"'¦' lt r ii *vi *8 99 LABfl B ".5 !2 S 88 M 88 ii i .i.H -. jo \. i, i *¦.* i* 88 M [B W. ft. pa * g ¦r l'i '.. '¦.' .1 i' Uarrlaoii ''.' M # Sf| \ fir-t r.una. TV B. n,.,. e ii w . ¦. fl*. io pwy; .i --, |. Turner. 3 ui> an 1 i nj .. ,; Todfl, .". '.!. an.'. I ¦..!¦" Bo. k.1 i,i i: r* Kerr r*<-it W'alirr Brown, :t U| and 2 ,: -i ... v it -.llen. I **** Qeet " .4 ¦. u i '.' B n .) pla) K F Mlla bflal '.'. l oea ¦ rt. fault. rt roul II W H Loftua baal 1 u Ma i... n, t up II. *.' * tit"* .'-'¦ ''"' '' ¦' ,., Ui , anrl 2 ... pla; t< T w lleoa b-ai « ,. ..... l: h Houman .,-.. u l- - up and « to plaj H M ,. ,\ Marl-onaM. I up anrt *. io Rela eat H H Ha ilean, 7 up anrt . n Krem«*r beat E D. Palmer, 4 np at F. a Xellegg baal \ i- Pleraaa, NEED SEVEN EXTRA HOLES Lund Finally Defeats Aiken After Long Match at Dunwoodie. The i teh round for thr raptatn'a ,-up u, played yoatatAgy »t tha Dun¬ woodle t'ountrj rlub, thr competltora be- i-|ded Into three t-laaeea. ln CI : \ L md '"-at J M Aiken S un bi S .-. 11| reaull heiag aeeounted through thr fact thal when they fln- aven II aaa found neceaaary to play n egtra riolea In order t" rr-ualizr the in thr red card competition dark topped the '¦.' ln 'laaa A arlth -" Ifl ifl arhile s nihiBmat. led B alth 17 l' *'' and I M 8|t*flleg8te altl '¦<'¦ '" Tha aummar* of the match play foilow?. .laas V \ I Ua--r.ii beal R H OOff. 4 up md J Robb beal K Boettger. 8 B t. Tallman b»at F. E S t.. |.ia> v ¦; Whltcombe Rowe 2 ut> anrt 1 10 play. C. E Ifojri beal 8. II. Hlaa " up aad 8 to pl«> t D E Wearer, :t ip and 2 ¦.'. m H t. Jonea, l ur>; I t l. TA" Wheaton by .i.-.'^.j'' -4 H H i; Kini h-at t Ii Bhelp, 4 up .-. Dflnti nt II 3. Kalten- 8 Roberta b«*at J .\ and t lo p .»¦ j IV, McMenamy up ai"l '-' 10 pl .\ n F. .,. \'. R Caldwell, l up: .1. W ."> ap hvA 4 to plf. Ill' .'. W. Bai.ik, 1 ap P, W >at 1 f R. III) ;> up ..r*ii t to IM ¦* U' T Bra) L-at F R Trim*r. I np ,-.. w \t Farland »*' W T rhli | \ v -.at TV .t Bai to play; E. A. Uin t Beal t m 28 1 T. Roaa b'.,t t v lefault; R F Rode baat s WelUna beai .;i.,-. i: ||. M La*,uahlln baal E 8 FOX HILLS GOLF CLUB. i.. md t thr i vPon- a .- pl i) ed at tha Foyg hiin . ;,,if . lon ird w'nnirv lead- ¦¦ g | Id a Ith ** M Ifl '<¦'. ''. J.-ilin-fii nd II iter flnlah. rt r\r-i in th>- .. in f.. th. rl e-prealdent'fl .*nn and wlll nexl Saturda; The ng I n.) foilow. areat II Kei «... 4.4.1 ¦» ' . ; .h I Ifl 71 -. Ifl 7^ V ., 80 - 7'J i 89 n IS r-n'll ........ it i: M.,.',..K *.". i. a. 7>> . »« \ Il Pofwin . -t i- i" ... 1 77 M I. M \l DYKER MEADOW GOLF CLUB. Tli i in both claanea were the reaull of the hogli rompetitlon yeaterday afternoon at the Dyker Meadow Golf Club. In tha flrst on i: I, ithrtt anrt S. M fJarland flnished on even terma, '.' up, wiiil» in tn<* ae-cond sel i< ai r*alr aad N B. FUnt fln- iflhed down Thr.tuartera of thr regu- lar handicap waa allowed. The reeulta foi .\\ ri.ASS \ .^. r t. Rbett ,.. II N m tiarlaad fll II. o. McKeever.*.", l; \ I.... 88 Jamaa n»rtrtt. 81 v Fltch .07 CLASfl B !.. m Falr t"i N I runt . nn Morgan. ... ¦'.'. \> .i Knoti.'.'.> NASSAU COUNTRY CLUB. \ iriple ti. ",i- thr- reanlt ef lh.« eighteen-hole medal play elub handicap at the Nnssaii Country Club yflatorday, i. Btorer, A. 'i Dtcklnaon, |r.. an.l ii. !¦;. Kemper fintahtng 'ven with "2 net ea.-h. 'i'ii>. Korea foilow: .iroa-II'i-ap Me*. v .; 'I. klnaon. Jr. r Ki car . ii i. Karnpet II <. Kolger, jr. I. Mi-n. X |. rimllhera . 88 88 V;i An.l.. h KI.' ber . fll 2.1 7i \\ \ hkiaeman. >,~ \2 7.'. \\ |) 11.Uvtn. '.>2 i; 7,*, a i;..iiii.i* I. '..."> 88 .':, j" S II. I- 7.*. ',!, \\ \ Heater .tflfl :*l 7il APAWAMIS GOLF CLUB. m. mbora of lha Apawamla Club njnallflafl i,,r tih preaadent'fl cup yeaderday an.i io..k parl ln m elght-aan-hola aaadal play luin.u- kp for Ihe elub mug .1. s. i*a\iiii.n.i was tu, leader la aotb -"onteeta, wtth ¦ oard of s.- (J n ln . -arh The -...i ra in the riualltylng round feVow: Or «a Hi-ap.Nrt .1 H R t>n nnd. .*-.', || 72 .1 || llartflh rn . nt 7 7.1 | i,. 1.. riiiiine. H i 7:1! 11 -; vvonnan*. Ul is 7.1 .1. Koutter . *4 7 77 v\ 1: Iihi-mii. ai 4 77 M .>!-¦. HA !i 77 .*7 ii |81 Rallj. 9" II igl .1 D. I'¦"'"' ** .'- 7!) |* s I- .. 87 « 71) \ i- .^^hf.lrtrl. «7 S 71) y s v\ ati r . a,-. | I .1. \ Redfort. 07 17 flfl. j. fi ti*aitmu). 18 1 gi. Oakland Golfer Captures Fourth Cup for Season. jBEATS KERR. OF EKWANOK lOillett Leads Big Field ,* Eighteen-Hole Handi- cap Match. f'nrdiner W. White. the rhamplon ib bbJ ns the prlde of the Oakland Golf Club, wot his fourth chief eup of the season by A*. feating H. K. Kerr. of Ekwanok, 2 uPi ,n the thlrty-slx-hole flnal round of the Powa-. ton Club invitation tournament yesterdir. Except for a hrief perlod during the tnorn. ing White alwajrfl nhowed to advanuua., His brilliant long gam* wa* generallv iUp. plemente,] by good iron shots and ataily puttlag. There were tlmes, however, when TYhhe failor) to keep the rubber core uad*f per. feet eontrol, hut whenever h* dld mrJt» 4 allp he genarally atonr-d for it a little litar Kerr hung on tenadously, but waa not .-.0,11a! to taklnj* tha tn.-asur» of hlfl op. poneat, who baa roved himaelf to oa on* nf the beal Binateur goirer? ever :evelO-»rf* ln tb* metropolitan dii-trlr-t. Q'lim a Beid turned oul for the eiB.v.tirfja. hole handicap. whleh reaulted in C. R. Gd. lott. of IPykagyl, wlnnlng, wlth a ,*«-*. of vi |.7l Deeplte hl* dutlea as head nf t^ fo.iniameiif committee. OUman 1*. Tlffjnr manage.l to carry off th* gro«-a prhta wtth. a T1- Inelodad among tho startors was Mn. N. P Belkaap, Who, playlng wlth Joiepi, Chadwtck, Jr., returaad a card of i<a- 18- 88 Tha <-¦ 11 rl ,,f the morning round ¦»». Whit« Wtth tho fdim advantage of 1 up, a Mni) too Batisfaftorv «-tate of Bffalra from hit. poln' of vlew, ^onsidorlnt- tbat Bt on-, -tr\z* h* had i.eep .'" up A Aat Uy -Mp «-hot from tho ed«. af tho green enablM the Oakland srolfer tr, nm tho flrat ho!» m four, his opponent ml -slng an op.,or*i'-rlty for n balva hy taklng tl roe The noxt BOl* Waal to Kerr in a pir t, White niakina- a liash of hla *v*e mishl* ihot, after drtvbBg wido of tho %roe.r. &n. othor ra(tgnr\ ehlp -shot mst White the third hole. so that Kerr b.ranfe 1 up- f*|g 1(j. aantage waa Bhort iived, for a puiieri rir|Vi to tho roiu-h proxori damagln. Even. w, White had to get his four to vxin. In thi-, way the fi.-kle goddo-s flrat smlliM on ono nnd then tho othor. for Ir i- n rnit- ter of ronntA that not i. sir:r,-!o hoaj wu halved during tho eulward jeuraey, Kert broughl off a flftoon-j,-,"* put to ttIb tho _5.yard Bjfth hole ln four. ind becan?, 1 up Bgaln. At the next thfl Lkwaaok colfor pullo.1 ;i drlara to tha rou<rv- and from then- landerl into the old cross hu-.ker. Tnh) ma.io tho patr kve', and W te .i>4-jni»t tho load XAl.on ho BflgOllfltld 1 llf ctymls on the aeventli grBBB. lt did not -.-emailf ho hnd room to fot ay, bul ho 4 .,-,* .n tho hole iii three n< » reeult, A topped drive to the brook fr-an tlw oli-l.t1! r." cauaed Wntie to r.;- r up that hole. ~,, thal lt -Aa-- :, «rf« of a fl HK.ta going to No '. Here Kerr took threa paa and lOMt, 8Tbit* laxir-jf a cblt hot 4*484 and gettbag ¦ four. Ho vrti, j|. ..f!',.,--^ -O fn tho matto,- nf concadlng ll ¦o-'i were Ronorous t.» ,1 fault, but the of K.-ir fo try to n.-gotpt. tho tonth green w^s BlfBoal rho ,- aeconda had lefl tbe it tho green'* edge, and Whtt-. atray, ..hipped up with a rnaflhte. Thi tho cup, hut remalncd above tn tBraon tho h.dA and K'-rr's !, '. inan'a gamo, of courae, wa.« to his B|N**-oach put so .,., to p«r ..' .-> Btymle. instead he fell ibo ength Bhort, whlch loft hi« hall ¦ diro,-t llne aith tho othor Tho,. bare f-hanoo of Korr b*>hag a'n'> ' t .- stymie and gettlng a halvi stoad of trylniT ho pirke.l up h - T4-alko^ fr> the next t.-e Wi;-- ar-'l It araa tho .irM ttm. ho had evei eea 1 I happea in a match. Immedlatoly folIoxvluK t!-l« '.' g.-'a an exhibition of perx-y puttlng ¦ -' off a trteky ot;e down blll for d*8 8 tlireo at the eleventh and a t* to win la three at tha neat ti -' I h-f,,!" lt lookod like. Korr 1 B0I1 is thi Bkwanok naaa'a i>aii Ux- leea yird from the .-up Hfl mirfrfo.i t oni, lioxxrver, and be, amo thro. They halved four of thi aeal -4 hoK Kerr xxlnninc the fOUTTtei Wraa> to.nth In par four«- I -s, tha. the eardfl of "al '. aented goo.i ao'f Bf th>» xx.iy IVhlte )--(*< :noori round It looke.1 ae If B)8 Would rn«t- tors ln a hurrx-. fot hfl xi at i*« hoios in par figures. making nt tl 00 thfl day. The oakland goll ---"i l pul op. the. n*xi green, but ^-x.-, ,. tbat aal Ive ln four. \ ai.,,-- hlm the next bole, ..nd he '.-¦ thi J" bla flecond abol blt thi »>'b'1* heram.' three up Bgaln bj '¦. "~i ' ' .-..v.-nth and oiahth .- Bg thi ninth. due te a altee oul ada *? lurnoii for homa tavo up .'¦* Ba .".ixx.i.d half ut B**hlt* won tha eleventh 8 li** th* U4'\t. lakltlK four atr. 1 fl M8 J"*-** off tho ei\g" >.f th* gi'eea II te ortf r<n on the thlrteeath. kaa thal Ba i»came dornile two wtth .¦' * (dxteenth, He lost the aeventeenl h g three puta, but won ( ¦ four when ins opponent dro The card foUoara White, 0,11 ... 1444*48*4 Kerr, out. 8 1 1 « 4 4 \x hlte. ln..... 1 14 5 4 Kerr. ln .8 8 4 8 4 4 4 * 4 37 -88 \x hlta, oul 18 4 8 8 4 Kerr, oul. 844484454 \\ hlte ..¦ 4 :i 1 8 84 8 1 :: i'l 4\ .-.- I" .... a .4 ....... . ;. Kerr. ln 4 4 .' I 8 l B I 8 - >J ~m Th* aummary foboa a: ** Pti-ai «'\f- :i (Aaal rouad) fJerdlni '¦'- *»"h!'' Oakland, beat H. K. Ken Fteat. ari t> ""..¦¦ 4-. u. cland, h*ai K .: ,.¦ > ion x- Powelton, ." I'' .> II Bl III- I'irf4 Beaten elgM >n.1 -t\t-.n II ii x Blt, Dui beaa, * -nt i: B us. aaaa land, l up .m- Thlrd .1 r»un l»- K. ,. ii s Baln, Po* "* play. II X NI'I. 4 . ' S ,. n Ollleti \\ \ -41--\ ao * II s. lanninaa, - talfskl s>. 4-., ,t If: .'"44. ft r. -. . ,i s Taylor, Powi Iton * -, x ll x all. Poarelton. ": x , II. A. H v' .'¦ .; f. Tiffany, Ho-ri Iton ...... TB :: Bcotl 111 . hberg. Powelton ll Nelaon, Powelton '. ,; --. j...ieph ,i.ii t44i. k, n Pew< '-' . _. i'. Burton, li Powi iton . ..' «, i* Taylor, Powelto4.. _ ,.. B s RawtBton. Dutcheaa '¦.' | ,l f TBJ "' Powell l"'. . V. Bherrlll, Powi Iton ._ .1 .- ..,.'iiii4,44i>..... Powelton i'"' |! ,o llri n D. rUlknap, P arettee '"*. _\ y* Oaoega xx.: Poweitoi. w ., w ii ii lti.-li. Toledo .t" w n Haldan*. l-owelton SPORTiNG GOODS. THE COLONEL FAMOIS THE WORLD OVER The Beat Golfera Uie It

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Page 1: IHE EltNA WINS THE IIFIRST - Library of Congress · .m uuun The Fearless Winsfrom the Mist in Riverside Regatta. THE SUELEW SHOWS SPEED E. F. Luckenbach Brinpfs Her Up from Gravesend


.m uuun

The Fearless Wins from the Mistin Riverside Regatta.


E. F. Luckenbach Brinpfs Her Upfrom Gravesend and TriesHer Out in Spcciai Raee.

ii rnzo from the eaatwardt' irtv-s-4 jrachti atarted and all but threeof th> ln the twentv-third an-

, '"lub.on Long laland Sound

The s;,a... Wai made ofl the yaa buoyofl Little Captaln'i Island the imaginary

»j and i Vmmo-

dori ' chi Qypsay. an-

chored a cable'a length to tbi eaatwardof U i- F Luckenbach brought his xj

, a. round from Qraveaeai-ax- to x eohclualona arlth some of the

ta The>-.. waa none of hla claaato meet htna, ao B R s..,d,'.,n-,i aalled a.- . | iinat hlm, and waa

ndi ln her regularilon oi th,

handl rle*B * on fmm theMlsr

Th- ¦. .1 on ti porl t.-i'-k bycJaaai *nd xvithhaiir.T. ral mark, whlchwa* th. Point.

;i. eat di ad to windward

ihe biihtnl lee Beroea ll ¦¦

ahlftlng toIhe nce to





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FURIOUS RIDING IN MATCHMeadow Brook Polo Four Easily

Beats Great Neck.un ntei national polo fe

the aad * ' nd 1niR .- *orl ie two

o| the Roc*Un,t .st. Long Island,retterdaj Harrj Pajrm (Vhltne a1 hla,,),. ; . led the forcea of

m. irj at

pfe ,.,-!4 VTaterbury pla>inj* al '.T-k,\ i waa well ted

r,. I,., J j rllolP4l... V. ..

thr red inel Bcore I

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Th. Btlrrina th. Bratwr; p etltlon.

it wa* Itei tv'a' ih. vet aatlle team(.{ ¦,,r,-.f -,,v.., dil

ion t, v .- \ on Bta :' androrwa :.¦ S'o. K\ No. C P

mai kahleidaj .4'. Malcolm fl n >oh careofth. A lull Ro< k

Pnr > _¦ thlr. pei I of the Rocka¬way K..n l.a Mont thrown by

g oa hlm lt

flnally . rawled from un¬der, and ,ft. .i .4-. *< <, nda rei ntedrfn-i playen In th. . aevi ral

kl-rf .i. f* Cowdln m..dmllar mlahap li<tf-. In the :.mi'. but he

..ii k to I ir- mallel t< 'ii<- . nd.1 .. Ifeado* Brook Greal Neca f-rame

faai fi.-m th>- flrat tap of the bell.\. ao ti na the ball wa play

t\ .. . ».'. t ,1 an<! in hi >. Btrok<. eondi He fol-

1<,44^.1 thi- wlth f..-- aa "ti.. coal. andanothei ln elnthteen ae nda Larry W

)>!ir... I tt,,. |,..|ii..... ¦....-, ndl. Bl', ..-

mln utiThi

ii:-MBaADl '\x BROOK M k

\ I.J, .: Itrf44 llru .. « im, 2s!.B ! J M x. \ jj h Hh.I'I.-ii

i,ir4 I. ll. MUI irn. Jr.il i- '¦

,. ,.

Bd, 8.f

81 x\.. rl : ,'.,.!. \\ tiiimI .iu \..r .,\rt > ali r:

>...!' t lrf'»'t I'X... . , .. Keferee. ft k.,u,

Care] perlodi <>f 7

bccond i, xmi:COOHER*. ¦. .4\ \ Ro .. '...

No l r B Von BiaU. So 1 <-. P. Oiaon\,. -..<.¦ >wdlnNo .'< f 1 I'eei -ti No 8 I: la xiY.fi' M t-...

Total i .

Bd 1-4 I-',..Btade, 4; Ma 4. ciBtea if irfoat bjr p. aal. > '.f.r safety bi P 1 Nel ^. ir«ii.»« aoaki i ¦ Rena La M,,niaK.i-,2. ... P- '-.nrjiii. 8; "' tlandl I'almar DUoa, i.;. ¦, ..4 , mltv '. BOfl b) .1 4 hrerr Caavdla i.-.-f't.. ..\.,.i '.;,r,> Tlma of

. -,. , i..L mlnutafl aav

__n__i^___i____rluiwert ^,^..^. 8888884 ..,.,,... tiA'Atra ui Ittl

howii.'ia BJJtya. Buppllaa, fcu.MAiUi. _Itc»... 24 t'aloa bauara.


FINE W FOR SAILINGStrong Breeze Drives Yachts

Over Gravesend Bay.


Contestants Not Pormally En¬tered Go Unrecognized by


There were aereral **ery aurprlaed Cor-inthlana at th** N'af.onal Yacht Club yta-

¦fternoor,. Th" organlaatlon man-

Ihe fourtli race to eoui on 11 . yachtchamptonahlp of Qiraveeend Pay.

\.-< 11.-. nt fleel of rraft reported off the

rting llne aad <-rt aall in thf .ontr-pt. To

i*rpiiae "f manv th.- regatta onunlt-made up of Petei Beatley, chalrman,

.. v r- Otlfftn, refuaed to racogntae.. -I. ....rht--- Thr b08t8 thal WeM

¦¦¦i failed I" make ¦¦* formal entry in

Thr lar* wai lh< only craft nol ttnir-dad anj chanc* r.f wtnntnfl a prlae.

^i -irst n the handicap dlvltdoaWhen the toat was not -*reeted by .'" con

nn. rie.*ici*-.i Burprla. ob board, anrl.ipT'er askf.l for an explanation. He

"...- told the stann th.t thr commlttee bndand sailed away a vrry dtaguatedRowever it b. do *f*.11 if th- Clareha*re woa Th.* dlvlalon "n con*.

titno Thi Carele-a- easlly took flral ace¦from tha Mlnna after thi handlcapa had

leduetedWlthout douht th** yachtanien ha.i one of

thr i.rst sallinK b***ee8ea r.f th" year. The

trtnd was from thr Boutbeaal and "f a

g.i, wtwleeome r-uality. Thr couraa.mi bj thf ri^atta onimitt'-e Have the

larger .raft a rea<h to Betiaonhurst, arhereaplnnakera were iel foi a run acroa thechaaael t.. Craven Bboala Here Ihe yachtawent on th. nind f-r a atlff heal tloarathe rhannel Ambroae Channel Buoy No,14. A vplnnaker ran followed t<. r-ra Oataand tbi n th. ro wraa a rea li home. ne

Boy. had no dlfflculty In wlnalng thi ai-B

( c Wir.k ma-le a runawaj conteetamong thr < boata, winning bj almoat flvamlnutea from tho Id ft F. The Buffrag.tt.led hom. th. knockabouta ol OraveaendBay and the Arlea had practlcally a aall... t ln the ding) laaa. ln addltion tothe championahlp ran- for aallboata, thriraraa a cloaed motoi boat elaai The yachta

d b Beventeen-mile courae, anrl on

both corrected and actual tim.- thi wliaraa the Blm Too, th. property

Vteo-i ommodor. A. C. Soper.Thi a mman followa!

r< '""" ER B. »ATB .-' AR''MIL.EE


a Hoparsu'.r M .. R '.-. tienke.,.

Mllla...Nei ne, Jr., N i BmrttiCorrt ted time Blm Too, 1:87:80, Septuna, Jr.

8 ni 03.¦ adlre, 2:08:50SLOOPB LA.-.-' Q BTART S:« rOURSfl*. tl

IdlUEfl.- h 8 03 84 1:57:84

Davla DU lUAllfled.I! CtlUbb Nol Mmrd

HANDICAP UABfl BTAR r, I 1" COI11 mii.i:.-

Jo] i.- Bauvage Bnd Oeei .'. tt* :.: 2:08 62.. Nell .8:21:40 :11 :40

r R itnmall f. 28 28 2:18 20na J H :\**a. Dlaqui *¦

tlmed. Ilrra releafl 2 00 18; Miana

2 01 01 J. 2 - '.4


D. O. WMUoch :.'*¦.-. 2 *"J M*.* ra. .' i ifl 2 2« 40

¦¦ T. Atklnaon ... .'. 44:M ¦'..

Hall ai.* Inalaa Nol tlmedSly il UABfl \ BT *»R1 " -'.r :

Mll- 1:38:18

., | .*.- |4I I* 40fi "1 .,.-. 4 S

.. ., at al ..:'-. 4.: .*.i. Durland S 07 1.1 47 18

i^aai II. MrKr. ....'...*. SO 1 l*- HO)¦ 1 Vr ... Nr.'Klmmertnan Kot tlmed

'. -T *»RT, 2C 'I'lfSK. 4MIT.

r M4wr« « . '-'. r' .'." Mvna l< D. / larton DM nol flnlah.

|Nol IIn I),. i - Not tii.i Rraklne Nol Mnw



Championship of Chureh AthleticLeague to Bronx Chureh House.The Bronx C*hurcb Houae athlnr** rnv

tured the trophj al thi* ann'ial champion¦-hir> gamea of thr Chureh Athletic i.. igat .'riitr.iia I'ark. Thr Bronx, yeaterdayThr - ed a tota' r.f twenty polntaand dld well In nearly every arenl T .st ;¦ tli *lub wat armnd, with

the Bl Nlcholaa Athleticiuh arllh flra polnta.Robert Kuhn, of the wlnnlng team, won

i a 140 ird run In HH aecondfl. Kuhninto the lead at thr atarl anrl car-

.1 th. fleld alona at a faat pace Heeaslly outclaaaed hl« rlvala, an«1 btroke thr

ne aprlnt.The Bummaiiee folloaFifir-rard Drearher.

ii'.ii« w ii Bflrn. li Bn.nil|.. IHI -. ond Rfl) li' '4-. Ifnn*.

11. » .. .ta ;,l'-'' -rat aah ibandloBR) Won by < Mundt,

S- l'i ... i \ irflfl) I Ki-\ |i .; rda) aa. ond. J Rohm, \ .¦ I. r

,\ ,\ .! yarda), thlrd Tlma, 0 10 2 Bruttlna rl pound >hm .n..v.... Won bv .1.

'. <. :;; feel 2i'^'- . \ '' 88 '."i B

.- V. M.-l ¦..: ;.'.! Xavlei ,\ ^ .':.'.

'. Wot bj R Kal.n,M< iil»< r. Brona 'imr. h

.i ii.-\*i«!ia. Xhvi«i \ a thlrd. 4 :t B

Hut, tep .tnt ji inp rnoTlea) Won hv.-. Ri Nli holaa 38 feel 4*4 ln. b. ¦; H

... ii,-.-'. Hi Paufj Brotherhood 87 feel -

\\ .i \.< i.. naifl, Xarler a a...; t> . t 11 '¦. Inchefl, thlrd. .

a,. | inovlee) RTCJI .. Harry i>«.;,,,! . rt Blvarn, Rrona fh irch

en, \:n lei | a.

Running 1 m* lhandl api Woa t \ t.chureh Hf.jii^ .4 li hea); .'¦ f.

s ln ea: '..- MI llaan, .;.,..¦ A i' li ralchl,B ieet '< ¦¦¦ ond. J Prlee, Bl

thlrdHalf ii

\-i-.;.-. \ \ 188 yarda); O \'iii la). aecond » Bora. I. Xa 11.

A, a. .-.» rarda), thlrd rime, I "i 4 :.., i r. Brona "Bui h H. Maa. 18; st

l. Nlt-holaa, 8; Xavter a a .

Brotherl "", .1.


Atlanla. luly.,1 M I >..y|.. anrlli i; Doyle, the two Waahlngton lawn len-

won tho Bouthern doubles;ijii|.l<.risinp her. to-da) on thr ESatM

latkt ourt Thelr 11. loi > entitlei ti.|io eompt-t. In Ihe Baat, Weat, Bouth and I

.'....-t matchea to brlng oui tho Iehallengera t..i tha natlonal utir ThejPoyla brotbera in thelr flnal rnatch <>f th<*'.t< iiriiain.ni deferaled B M Orant ..n.i 11 CCarter bj the twara af fl I, fl.fl, Tin- play-. is ngreed t.> maka the mateh tin fleet t*vooui >.t thrt-e neta on u<*counl of ti;. raln.

irrea-.fu 11 .1efended hla |-iii.i.-1's ii iiii[.i..iisin|.. Uefeatlna hla chailet-ajar, C, v. BgaBh, iu Atralgbl bets, 6-it-3, fl-2,

kJv ^v^. ¦r V -/


i.f T FAILED TO BTART YI-'STKl.l >.\ v

Larchmont Hace WeeK TlansCl&ss for Schoorvers GivcsProiri.se of Clean Sporton Sound Wa.ters.

s.-4-orai laaovattoni appeai oa ' i""'"

gramnae of tha Larchraoni Tachl C '¦"'

,..:. ,i ,.,,, we.'-: ol the orgaubrationfrom July 18 t,. Julj '¦

.- letooa, there wlll bi ida dayi ol .

rmctng aml. In dd tim ¦¦ .v"1

be aalled ,,n Baturd ty, JJuly II, and Bat rdTh* prindpal change l appeara ln tlae

prograrnme la m connectlon aiith tha -

raee Heretofoi,.! for th«*< *n r°t

ihe currenl ye.>. wlll offer aerle prlai.., iddll on to the ti

olar, apedaon metropAHI o igh the big acbooni

back fin tim. to 1

pxcelleni f two llckeraLarchmonl ea. b daj Ai tomj " .

.-. ten d are Ihe Blndtai tl e D*ra alMiiadi. the Cygnet, the Ci

.-. :..- , nd the Bcl :..

Bbould fnrnfs':. theracing aeen ao far 1 on LongBo indThe flrat appeai G

latal. naIntereat to Ihe weeb The 88-foot.ina pui In,., ,.,. oi Bai rnfortun

ihe Auror an tbe tVlns.

The Iflt ilenfl v\II ave to e In a

ulaaa agabaal thiai unuauall

been offered 'iit1-Rear Comnaodore Prancla M. Wl '

t'-' Atla.it' X'..' ' lub. Who -.!«'..,...'¦ i. .¦ monl Tachl lub, *¦*-111

f.-ive a cup to th* t.oat wlnnlidlvlalon T I be ne ¦.

I, .,-t Intereat f the eittia-ir up <.f flrav. end Bay I

" fl, ..., g| thaBuelea. the %ll. e aad the Bra*Another aplendld dli lon wlll be th. P

IHE EltNA WINS mScores Another Victory Over

Clark's Irolita.Boothba] Ha b r, Ao jU|j - Oentle

aoutherly atra blew the Baatem I n i

ini, fleel around Beguln lalaiPortland to ,|ai. For the fourth iim* ln . '

week, and th»- Bi*iih time thla anew acboone* Blena, oarned bj llorton PPlanl carried off the honora ... beir.f conteeta x\ith th* Irolita, but hera-1ti in to day'a twentj elghl rall* r*Whlch WBfl :> rr-iiCli r.f t XX «-l,I X -f..iilami a run of fom mllea, waa onljf fourmimit, h and ala Beconda in correc,ed timeThe ir,,iit.-i loal i*aluable time nx the part«inK r,f i,r.r Jlbtopaall halyarda

in tbe aecond riixi«.i..i! for achooaera th*Taombaa waa vl4*t4)rloua, whlle ln tbathird dlvlalon Ihe VHn.i.-n.iit yacht. Ihev. grant. won from iii- Tlaton by tw<three flecortha and th* Venoam wa_ fairlycloae ndr'i Tha laat named boat won lln,., for aualllarlea agaltaal th* Kmeraldaud Irla Onea more Vlce-CommodorePayne'a Humma led hk- Bloopa ....ix- t,, i,,s.-

to the Adventureflfl on corr*ct4»d tlma Ina private match raoa betw**en theae t\xo

raehta the Humma woa by (lv« mtnutaeai d Bla ae r.n.iH.

The aummary followaIRKT DIVISI. »N BC*H< ,,M.l:.-

ton led

-,., ii Bnd awi "II-8J J,..-.:

ii .;f., K x\ ¦¦

n i. i ,-. 8:40:48KICCOND Dli I8IOB BCHOONERBaa, W - rCaloe .... -


|.|. (.- M .-.-.'

Hiitl. DIVIBIOM -''H' ONER8Vaaraal. H V'-UMterWIl -'- '

\ ;...,. II '. Jl,I* .1 -'

KlrfOOl B\.\ RumrlllHununa i: 1 m. -¦.

,' l\ ,'uiiriiin.Altalr, K M. Mai il u.V,,. ishiis. .'. A Kmir.

* N t

XI XI 1.1 X..:

\ ,i. na. .: i- !.. ...........*

li r u \-> ii< .¦ ¦.>' .- .'¦I"*'rl, K. I. <'U:k. . 3

**PB*a**iAL CLABAMii.nn.a. ii. i Palas Sd\rtxf ntiin-ifl. I*. '' Hurnrill ¦. . 11

ETON BEATS HARROW AT CRICKET.'.,.,;,!,.11 julj I Bton d. feated Hai row

I,. ihlaa* ixi.-kit- i;i tha annuaJ tii-k-t

match at Lord* to-day.

for whi.h Captain Edward T Oa*arell a- offered th» principal prlae Mot,,.,!. ¦¦ ... Bound I oat« omi et.

,n tropl y, hut thr Amorel the Timandra the italla and tl b Bayonara, fom

p boatfl « m try tn land the handaomeAl the Joyant, thi ''ara Mlu, thr

Windward and th. Corlnthlan alao w\\\ beat ihe atartlng llne each day, thr ractagln th« i' .'lass ahould be unuaoally int-r

1 i.ai. titni.nf interclub laaa alao wlllBai fo pa. rhe trophy haa

Ifered mmodon johnProci arki The dlvhrioi araa bullt laat

... ilcall) all th. .¦ .<.. enrolled ln 't r Larcl moi I Thej

eat of i Ing In ad-io tha -i ed, the

reatfl nm h¦....! ,.-.- for "orlnl

¦'.... o ... ,| d pf.\n;. arinnlng boat il

i on July 23recelve crew pria.

Th« !.. aeted to.'... tn to¦¦. ird impro* Ing the a"

8 laland 8lotoi . ad ter apoii arll


The n....

arell Ihlgh .¦. .¦ .. beea ea(

* \ ita ih-

tei Pan II. ih** K-llth II and th<\ ...

Of legatta ¦'¦¦ aall

lt tj inteni ttee to.. i rdhii

i ol..

n hot.. mld

ach an.l inff A t ihi com

il nnd ll11 numtx

|t waa therel led nol... time of any ra t l it ai. it.

a rule.

THE II FIRST HOMELeatts the Cycinet in New York

Yacht Cluh Race.i ad eighl of thr 'ihlr-

!. i an Inti rn atlng and falrly fasttei '..V oa i.i.t.k.* laland Bound, in

Nea Y'.rk rachl Club'fl annnal ra.-e;|. n '<.\ .. 'iti

The wlnd was llghl from the eaal northea .\h.n tbe st.,ri was mada off Mott'a

nl tn Hempatead Bay, tbe commttteaboat marklni one end of tbe llne beingth. Bdmund Moraa Georgi Scotl Mlladlwaa ihe flral achooner away. Bhe croeeedthe i. >..' the riarboard tack, aitb hrr>.ni\ competltor, r Cerey*a Cygnet, ina,

'n her wake, The tlr--t leg of thecourae araa a**t*oaa thr Bound te ParaonegePolnl a cloaa reacb thr aecond was k

beai to windward >.f rda an.l three-afflrbtltainiii.-v_ t<> WiKiN-y's Reef, and a run home'.. aithln a mlle ..f thr flnUh, when th*>wlnd caathig te thi- aouthweat, raada it a

li. , reachThe m.iii of tha ..n.irti.¦- wai ¦ pretty

.1 I'i.Mpont Iforgan, ir tlmed blaPhryne bo well that he aenl her ever with

b rhlatle Tho Caprice, ataet*ed i. RalphN KUla, waa aecond, Jual to aindward ofthe Phryne, and the Alera thlrd. Boonafter Ihe start tbe Napel, aalled by \v \.\\ Btearart, In attemptlng t>. rroaa theRowdy'a fllem fouled her. Thr Napel Im-medlatel) arithdrea from tbe n. TheMlladl, aft.-i a keen race, won bj li mln¬utea II .-.n.l cerrected time, from th.

8:12 -2mu tOBB V C .Tifxir CTUUMI 8TA8

I] -h .Hitsi: 18 . mii.iT M. ry ,ii jr .... 4 88 .'.«. | i :...

u ¦! K N Mllla 4 <».'' .'.:. I 4.: 88a, K "' Hunl 4:18:4! !W 4-j

i; ,wd] II PtH 4 18 4- .1 :.. 4-.|..,l i:.i.i. «;. ..rp" K U«»w.'\r!i. 4:111:1* .4:00:18\ i.i A II \.k.t 4 '-." :.n 4 .«i .'..-11.1-, II M M..WM-II. 4 :.: «..'. 4:05:08Ni poi, .1 de Foraot. flflthdr. a

. a

TOO FAST FOR ANDER.SONUlIlK- A.latns WOn 8 l.aii-ciit vl'toi \

over "Muii" And.f.«..n. tbe Btnttoklyn Nrht-wetght, in n faat ten-rennd b. al al theKalrnr-ounl \u V w Club laal rdght Thaa4*>ml-flnal bout aetareen laa Bheera aad JJJcll u-juJti-iJ iii a vlctory for tiie lormer.

BUFFALO [[I tt IMMotorcycle Convention and Raee

Meet on Card This Week.


Membership Has Jumped l'romTwo to Ten Thousand in

Two Years.

fhawii by tbe greatest convention m thihi-itorv nf th- Pederatlon "f Amerlcna alo-lorryeiisis. and fuitber urgad bj th'

peel >,f tla' world'fl moal thriiiinK niotorcy-cla racea, rldera everywhere are hurrylag... Buffalo f,,i di. btg ftxtur. on J18, 14 and !'.. Thi bu ilneaa of be P.

",i ,.f Amerlcan Motorcjri llatfl wlll i

attentlon on *A"edn4jfl4lay, rbureday andPriday, and ..ii Frlday .,n,i daturdla.ionai Pederatlon or Amerieaa Motoicllats' racea * 111 he r ff, ¦.' he Porltra. is. ii. a.- BuffaloInten f-i centre* In of .> now

prealdenl to aucceed Pred Wlllla of Indlanapotli xiho haa de llned t.,

,i;,t.. .... .-:. Bomethlng of theKrow.ii .'f ''.X :i :n theBtatement th;.. ilnce 11 sVIUIa'a ele -ion

th,. ,:., ., jumpd from ahi,, , i. .: tho leand ... haa

.! only tx>o terma,Ifoton rcling :n aii it« brancbea i:.." hoen

really orgaalaed during the laai two yi ire,rought to .,

degree of perfectlon Iaafety, rell tl d comfort Thalqualltle* are reallaed and appredated 'a

demonatrated bj the greal ermj of rlderaI,,.ix r.n:ist« ,i under the Fi d< i.f

.¦.ui Motor.Tii,> ra.. h ... Pon ISi Ie promla thrll *

for every ae <>nd. The country'a i" >t rid-III i>- there, ai d ii

prtsea aad

ef wlnnlng tl Boi b'eup -¦. lntrophj t<> .

. Hag etoompanj to thi m .bi ". tenl ridi r in

the chami lonibti ng the t ¦..

Bixteenrun-eight on Prid ;

turdi.¦ .¦

.. uaa* aad bj W edni da |-.,4-1, i f rtdera.1 it tll

* taktng partarrlved ta xx;ii form


from Mt.Chlcago.a


the two tc ira at

.. . theyBuffalo on »Vedi la on e ,-itx

wlll b. treate. to a rar......' iii be¬

gin mornlnaral meet rl ...

. ,,. lal featurei takiona trllLaki ryatal !'.-.,,-.,

t evening, and then nqueifoi ii-.- Pederatloi u Motor*

nwlll be a |!,¦... lii Plnrel ra. .. - * II b. rui thal;,t i'oi ;... noker44 ill l» tlX-.-ll 4 li,">

Baturdaj mornli >

aften llu ..- i II b* de. Ided

KENNEDY READY TO RETIREYnli> Rowing Concb Awaits the

Action of Autlio. itios.ih- n

i' tland Me Jul * M (h been In th. hand ol ., il n Ithfoi ni nr. moona, rald Jol>, Keifale'a rowlng oa. 'i wl en en Blmimmi r home at Peaka 1

... tali it Yal.,.., .i upon what action th. Ne*laven "

When aaked rn ml,,, ii, tn...,ii \l> it Ih.-

fale authorltiea had reeelvedUon thr. '¦ oi four y< ra .,-". "bul x\ iii- .in if they w mt tn. h< added

A< cordtna to th. torj renl .ul fr tnNew ilax.n to-day, Mr Kennedy had ei'i..- ->¦'! his wlllingn. to retlre, Thi atoi jals." aald'There has been a depart ir. from the

Yal* stroke as devehaped by B t> ob androaing mi \ be piaced undei the Bupervl-aton ,'t .i graduate ounollKennedj refuaed t>, dlacuBa Vale'a atrnke

atiii the matter .,f a graduate councll, bulhla tone left the Inferenc. thal be ih ..".favorablj Impreeaed xxiih the latter

BOATS OFF ON LONG RACETwelve Craft Start in New Ro¬chelle Clnb's Annual Contest."four aallhag craft an.l etght motor boata

Biaried yeatardaj ln the New RochelleVii.-ht .'int, i 118-mlle ra. e from '¦:¦ ho Ra* it'ornfield Llghtahlp and return The BloopaRdlaaa, 044 m 1 4 .1 .\ 'ro* ley, of theii.iii, m v,i. nt Club; the Creaeant, oavaedby A. ii Hill, of tho New Rochelli faehiClub; the Alert, R B B idd, <.-' tbe BoutnNorwalk fachl Club, aad the yawl QraceII, .1 P Lambden, ol th* Nea Rochellei-liii., xv. .. Atarted al 11 10 1 m by .; pOranbery, ..1 the regatta committee, Thewind xi:,., ughl from the eaatward, makinglt a ,-al tO iii.lxiui.l -..- (he 4 .,,1,, Tl .-vhad an ebh ltde In thi Ir favoiThe motor boat« were Beni awaj al I

i> .11 'i io- llmo 11 \xf,~, ftrai ... tneln.-, Bhe wa .1 ilckly pa -. ,| however ,,^he Blue Peter, whl. h haa ¦ palr of 80uoraepower motor* The Muakegvi made agood atarl Sh,- ia owned \\Voltx. Tha otl r Ntarter 44,.,,. it1-'.,44l.i-'.- Kathmar, .1 11 vValla b'h Thi.s-tl<». \\ B. t'reevey'a ... n ,. 1; [tutier'aBpindrlft, i.itn, i'i :. fr |,tlllea'a Klmo ll nd J ll Rrooktleld'a BluePi ti r \v The motor boata ar. j 1,,iini.-h earlj thla morning

CANOE BROOK COUNTRY CLUB.R u Bambei led the tl. Id ln the regular

¦aturday hartdlcap over tbt linka of thaCanoe Brook Covntrj Club, ai BummltN 1. yeat*f*day, arlth 81 S8 Ti The lead-bag acore* folloa

'i ,,' \.,.1Ft 1: an h*\

f B II fflUBIl . s-; ",,XV \ Drahhle .

II -4- i-. rl Ina .

11.11. XAI- . 1V It. Hlll .

r. a. -,.1


Chicago Golfer Captures Ama¬teur Championship at Versailles.

rrtv Cmtta tn Thr Tribun* lVeraasnaa, ""taaca, Julv s.-oharir* w.

EvatW. Jr., fortnrr Amerlran W.-f-t.-rn open

champion, won th» P*T88Jeb amateur golfrhamplonahip to-elay, defeatlng John C<^nderaon, of n'rst Newton, Maaa, in tbe

al roun'l r'ondltlons cjllerl for thtrty-Yolaa, nnd at the end of the dotlhl<*thr ronteatanta atood all pr-uarr

They halved the thirt*'-aa-e-aath, but <*n

toe nexl green Rvana aron a hole and th.*

rhamplonahip Thr .mea played strrlinK

throughoul thi day, and thrir t-flferta.,,. ... watclted bj a irge p-allrry.

Both Americana, prlor to romlng herr,1,.., been t**otnpetltori in Ihe racent ama-

teur cluimplonahlp tournamenl of <:reat

Britala al Preetarlek. FSvana aiada a gno.1ahowlng, bul Andetra-in loet in thr flrst

round, They alao Btatied in thr Brltlsh.,,, Bvuia agahl dotng thr i.rtter work.Rvana wlll sall ¦trwrtly for Amerlca anrlwill devote his flttention to preparlns: foriho natlonal amateur tournament to be

heid al Apawamla in septrmber.

rURNER WINS AT MONTCUIRMakes Low Score in Qualifying

for July Tournament.f. ajdea a lub liandl. ap al elghteeti hoMa,

in tw<> claancB, the fnerabera of the Montlalr Oolf club also played th>* flral round

iu tlie Jul* tournamenl yeaterday. la theformer ronteal c. J. Turner lei thr fleld in

\ rnlni a card of M> I ff, whllein th. B dlvlalon John Reta ahowed the

>... ith H II 81Tho Boorea and aummary foilow

CLUB HANDICAP:Oi-aa ii hi Nel.

I" .1 Turrirr.,. 74 8*W.i w Malrj ..W ** 18

..' !.¦>¦ ohue .77 . Wh Mi ¦¦' ire......84 12 --

iv H i- mn. . 7) 19.1 Ho. aon. ir .

sl J J"I ............ flfl .*' .j

Hurd .M .* JJ.1 t Klt imona . 99.H¦i ¦¦ Pliinpton . *. ¦ i'

Han peon ... .... .> '" 0. Bfl ta .*¦

.1 .; i ....... M I'¦<"'¦' lt

r ii *vi *8 99LABfl B

".5 !2 S88 M 88

ii i .i.H -. jo\. i, i *¦.* '» i*

88 M [BW. ft. pa * g

¦r l'i '.. '¦.'

.1 i' Uarrlaoii ''.' M#


\ fir-t r.una. TV B.n,.,. e ii w . ¦. fl*. io pwy;

.i --, |. Turner. 3 ui> an 1 i nj.. ,; Todfl, .". '.!. an.'. I¦..!¦" Bo. k.1

i,i i: r* Kerr r*<-it W'alirr Brown, :t U| and 2,: -i ... v it -.llen. I ****

Qeet " .4 ¦. u i '.' B n.) pla) K F Mlla bflal

'.'. l oea ¦ rt. fault.rt roul II W H Loftua baal 1 u

Ma i... n, t up II. *.' * tit"* .'-'¦ ''"' '' ¦',., Ui , anrl 2 ... pla; t< T w lleoa b-ai «

,. ..... l: h Houman.,-.. u l- - up and « to plaj H M

,. ,\ Marl-onaM. I up anrt *. io

Rela eat H H Ha ilean, 7 up anrt. n Krem«*r beat E D. Palmer, 4 npat F. a Xellegg baal \ i- Pleraaa,

NEED SEVEN EXTRA HOLESLund Finally Defeats Aiken After

Long Match at Dunwoodie.The i teh round for thr raptatn'a

,-up u, played yoatatAgy »t tha Dun¬woodle t'ountrj rlub, thr competltora be-

i-|ded Into three t-laaeea. ln CI: \ L md '"-at J M Aiken S un bi S

.-. 11| reaull heiag aeeountedthrough thr fact thal when they fln-aven II aaa found neceaaary to play

n egtra riolea In order t" rr-ualizr thein thr red card competition

dark topped the '¦.' ln 'laaa Aarlth -" Ifl ifl arhile s L» nihiBmat. led

B alth 17 l' *'' and I M 8|t*flleg8tealtl '¦<'¦ '"

Tha aummar* of the match play foilow?.

.laas V \ I Ua--r.ii beal R H OOff. 4 upmd '¦ J Robb beal K Boettger. 8

B t. Tallman b»at F. ES t.. |.ia> v ¦; Whltcombe

Rowe 2 ut> anrt 1 10 play. C. EIfojri beal 8. II. Hlaa " up aad 8 to pl«>

t D E Wearer, :t ip and 2¦.'. m H t. Jonea, l ur>;

I t l. TA" Wheaton by .i.-.'^.j''-4 H H i; Kini h-at t Ii Bhelp, 4 up

.-. Dflnti nt II 3. Kalten-8 Roberta b«*at J .\

and t lo p .»¦ j IV, McMenamyup ai"l '-' 10 pl .\ n F.

.,. \'. R Caldwell, l up: .1. W."> ap hvA 4 to plf.

Ill' .'. W. Bai.ik, 1 ap P, W>at 1 f R. III) ;> up ..r*ii t to

IM ¦* U' T Bra) L-at F R Trim*r. I np,-.. w \t Farland »*' W T rhli

| \ v -.at TV.t Bai to play; E. A. Uin t Bealt m 28 1 T. Roaa b'.,t

t v lefault; R F Rode baat s

WelUna beai.;i.,-. i: ||. M La*,uahlln baal E


FOX HILLS GOLF CLUB.i.. md t thr i vPon-

a .- pl i) ed at tha Foyg hiin. ;,,if . lon ird w'nnirv lead-¦¦ g | .¦ Id a Ith ** M Ifl '<¦'. ''. J.-ilin-fiind II iter flnlah. rt r\r-i in th>-

.. in f.. th. rl e-prealdent'fl .*nn

and wlll nexl Saturda; Theng I n.) foilow.

areat II Kei«... 4.4.1 ¦»

' . ;.hI Ifl 71-. Ifl 7^

V ., 80 -7'Ji 89 n IS

r-n'll ........

it i: M.,.',..K *.".i.

a. 7>>

. »«\ Il Pofwin . -t

i- i" ...

1 77M I. M

\l .¦

DYKER MEADOW GOLF CLUB.Tli i in both claanea were the reaull of the

hogli rompetitlon yeaterday afternoon at

the Dyker Meadow Golf Club. In tha flrston i: I, ithrtt anrt S. M fJarland

flnished on even terma, '.' up, wiiil» in tn<*

ae-cond sel i< ai r*alr aad N B. FUnt fln-iflhed down Thr.tuartera of thr regu-lar handicap waa allowed. The reeulta foi

.\\ri.ASS \

,¦ .^.

r t. Rbett ,.. IIN m tiarlaad fllII. o. McKeever.*.",l; \ I.... 88Jamaa n»rtrtt. 81

v Fltch .07CLASfl B

!.. m Falr t"iN I runt . nn

i» Morgan. ... ¦'.'.\> .i Knoti.'.'.>

NASSAU COUNTRY CLUB.\ iriple ti. ",i- thr- reanlt ef lh.«

eighteen-hole medal play elub handicap atthe Nnssaii Country Club yflatorday, i.Btorer, A. 'i Dtcklnaon, |r.. an.l ii. !¦;.Kemper fintahtng 'ven with "2 net ea.-h.

'i'ii>. Korea foilow:.iroa-II'i-ap Me*.

v .; 'I. klnaon. Jr.r Ki car .

ii i. KarnpetII <. Kolger, jr.

I. Mi-n.X |. rimllhera . 88 88 V;iAn.l.. h KI.' ber . fll 2.1 7i\\ \ hkiaeman. >,~ \2 7.'.\\ |) 11.Uvtn. '.>2 i; 7,*,a i;..iiii.i* I. '..."> 88 .':,j" S .¦ II. I- 7.*. .»',!,\\ \ Heater .tflfl :*l 7il

APAWAMIS GOLF CLUB.m. mbora of lha Apawamla Club njnallflafl

i,,r tih preaadent'fl cup yeaderday an.i io..kparl ln m elght-aan-hola aaadal play luin.u-kp for Ihe elub mug .1. s. i*a\iiii.n.i was

tu, leader la aotb -"onteeta, wtth ¦ oard ofs.- (J n ln . -arh

The -...i ra in the riualltylng round feVow:Or «a Hi-ap.Nrt

.1 H R t>n nnd. .*-.', || 72

.1 || llartflh rn . nt77.1 |i,. 1.. riiiiine. H i 7:1!11 -; vvonnan*. Ul is 7.1.1. Koutter . *4 777v\ 1: Iihi-mii. ai477

M .>!-¦. HA !i77.*7 ii |81

Rallj. 9" II igl.1 D. I'¦"'"' ** .'-7!)|* s K» I- .. 87«71)\ i- .^^hf.lrtrl. «7 S 71)y s v\ ati r . a,-. |g§I.1. \ Redfort. 07 17 flfl.j. fi ti*aitmu). 18 1 gi.

Oakland Golfer Captures FourthCup for Season.

jBEATS KERR. OF EKWANOKlOillett Leads Big Field ,*

Eighteen-Hole Handi-cap Match.

f'nrdiner W. White. the rhamplon ib bbJns the prlde of the Oakland Golf Club, wothis fourth chief eup of the season by A*.feating H. K. Kerr. of Ekwanok, 2 uPi ,nthe thlrty-slx-hole flnal round of the Powa-.ton Club invitation tournament yesterdir.Except for a hrief perlod during the tnorn.ing White alwajrfl nhowed to advanuua.,His brilliant long gam* wa* generallv iUp.plemente,] by good iron shots and atailyputtlag.There were tlmes, however, when TYhhe

failor) to keep the rubber core uad*f per.feet eontrol, hut whenever h* dld mrJt» 4allp he genarally atonr-d for it a little litarKerr hung on tenadously, but waa not.-.0,11a! to taklnj* tha tn.-asur» of hlfl op.poneat, who baa roved himaelf to oa on*nf the beal Binateur goirer? ever :evelO-»rf*ln tb* metropolitan dii-trlr-t.Q'lim a Beid turned oul for the eiB.v.tirfja.

hole handicap. whleh reaulted in C. R. Gd.lott. of IPykagyl, wlnnlng, wlth a ,*«-*. ofvi |.7l Deeplte hl* dutlea as head nf t^fo.iniameiif committee. OUman 1*. Tlffjnrmanage.l to carry off th* gro«-a prhta wtth.a T1- Inelodad among tho startors was Mn.N. P Belkaap, Who, playlng wlth Joiepi,Chadwtck, Jr., returaad a card of i<a-18- 88Tha <-¦ 11 rl ,,f the morning round ¦»». Whit«

Wtth tho fdim advantage of 1 up, a Mni)too Batisfaftorv «-tate of Bffalra from hit.poln' of vlew, ^onsidorlnt- tbat Bt on-,-tr\z* h* had i.eep .'" up A Aat Uy -Mp«-hot from tho ed«. af tho green enablMthe Oakland srolfer tr, nm tho flrat ho!» mfour, his opponent ml -slng an op.,or*i'-rltyfor n balva hy taklng tl roe

The noxt BOl* Waal to Kerr in a pir t,White niakina- a liash of hla *v*e mishl*ihot, after drtvbBg wido of tho %roe.r. &n.othor ra(tgnr\ ehlp -shot mst White the thirdhole. so that Kerr b.ranfe 1 up- f*|g 1(j.aantage waa Bhort iived, for a puiieri rir|Vito tho roiu-h proxori damagln. Even. w,White had to get his four to vxin.In thi-, way the fi.-kle goddo-s flrat smlliM

on ono nnd then tho othor. for Ir i- n rnit-ter of ronntA that not i. sir:r,-!o hoaj wuhalved during tho eulward jeuraey,Kert broughl off a flftoon-j,-,"* put to ttIb

tho _5.yard Bjfth hole ln four. ind becan?,1 up Bgaln. At the next thfl Lkwaaokcolfor pullo.1 ;i drlara to tha rou<rv- and fromthen- landerl into the old cross hu-.ker. Tnh)ma.io tho patr kve', and W te .i>4-jni»ttho load XAl.on ho BflgOllfltld 1 llf ctymlson the aeventli grBBB. lt did not -.-emailfho hnd room to fot ay, bul ho 4 .,-,* .ntho hole iii three n< » reeult,A topped drive to the brook fr-an tlw

oli-l.t1! r." cauaed Wntie to r.;- r up thathole. ~,, thal lt -Aa-- :, «rf« of a fl HK.tagoing to No '. Here Kerr took threa paaand lOMt, 8Tbit* laxir-jf a cblt hot 4*484and gettbag ¦ four. Ho vrti,j|. ..f!',.,--^ -O

fn tho matto,- nf concadlng ll ¦o-'iwere Ronorous t.» ,1 fault, but theof K.-ir fo try to n.-gotpt.tho tonth green w^s BlfBoalrho ,- aeconda had lefl tbe it thogreen'* edge, and Whtt-. atray,..hipped up with a rnaflhte. Thitho cup, hut remalncd above tn tBraontho h.dA and K'-rr's !, '.inan'a gamo, of courae, wa.« tohis B|N**-oach put so .,., to p«r ..' .->

Btymle. instead he fell iboength Bhort, whlch loft hi« hall ¦diro,-t llne aith tho othor Tho,.bare f-hanoo of Korr b*>hag a'n'> '

t .- stymie and gettlng a halvistoad of trylniT ho pirke.l up h -

T4-alko^ fr> the next t.-e Wi;-- ar-'lIt araa tho .irM ttm. ho had evei eea 1 Ihappea in a match.Immedlatoly folIoxvluK t!-l« '.' g.-'a

an exhibition of perx-y puttlng ¦ -'

off a trteky ot;e down blll for d*8 8tlireo at the eleventh and a t*to win la three at tha neat ti -' Ih-f,,!" lt lookod like. Korr 1 B0I1 is thiBkwanok naaa'a i>aii Ux- leea yirdfrom the .-up Hfl mirfrfo.i t oni,lioxxrver, and be, amo thro.They halved four of thi aeal -4 hoK

Kerr xxlnninc the fOUTTtei Wraa>to.nth In par four«-

I -s, tha. the eardfl of "al '.

aented goo.i ao'fBf th>» xx.iy IVhlte )--(*< :noori

round It looke.1 ae If B)8 Would rn«t-tors ln a hurrx-. fot hfl xi at i*«

hoios in par figures. making nt tl00 thfl day. The oakland goll ---"i l

pul op. the. n*xi green, but ^-x.-, ,. tbat aalIve ln four. \ ai.,,--

hlm the next bole, ..nd he '.-¦ thi J"

bla flecond abol blt thi »>'b'1*heram.' three up Bgaln bj '¦. "~i ' '

.-..v.-nth and oiahth .- Bg thininth. due te a altee oul ada *?

lurnoii for homa tavo up .'¦* Ba.".ixx.i.d half ut

B**hlt* won tha eleventh 8 li**th* U4'\t. lakltlK four atr. .¦ 1 fl M8 J"*-**off tho ei\g" >.f th* gi'eea II te ortfr<n on the thlrteeath. kaa thal Bai»came dornile two wtth .¦' *

(dxteenth, He lost the aeventeenlh g three puta, but won ( ¦

four when ins opponent droThe card foUoara

White, 0,11 ... 1444*48*4Kerr, out. 8 1 1 « 4 4\x hlte. ln..... 1 14 5 4Kerr. ln .8 8 4 8 4 4 4 * 4 37 -88\x hlta, oul 18 4 8 8 4Kerr, oul. 844484454\\ hlte ..¦ 4 :i 1 8 8 4 8 1 :: i'l4\ .-.- I" .... a .4 ....... .;.Kerr. ln 4 4 .' I 8 l B I 8 - >J ~m

Th* aummary foboa a: **

Pti-ai «'\f- :i (Aaal rouad) fJerdlni '¦'- *»"h!''Oakland, beat H. K. Ken

Fteat.ari t> ""..¦¦ 4-. u. cland, h*ai K

.¦ .: ,.¦

> ion x-

Powelton, ." I'' .>

II Bl III- I'irf4Beaten elgM >n.1 -t\t-.n

II ii x Blt, Dui beaa, * -nt i: B us. aaaaland, l up .m-Thlrd .1 r»un l»- K.

,. ii s Baln, Po* "*

play. II X NI'I. 4 .

' S

,. n Ollleti \\ \ -41--\ ao *

II s. lanninaa, - talfskls>. 4-., ,t If: .'"44. ft r. -..

,i s Taylor, Powi Iton *

-,x ll x all. Poarelton. ": x


II. A. H v' .'¦.; f. Tiffany, Ho-ri Iton ...... TB ::Bcotl 111 . hberg. Poweltonll Nelaon, Powelton '. ,; --.

j...ieph ,i.ii t44i. k, n Pew< '-'. _.

i'. Burton, li Powi iton . ..' «,i* Taylor, Powelto4..


B s RawtBton. Dutcheaa '¦.' |,l f TBJ "' Powell l"'. .V. Bherrlll, Powi Iton ._.1 .- ..,.'iiii4,44i>..... Powelton i'"' |! ,o

llri n D. rUlknap, P arettee '"*. _\ y*Oaoega xx.: Poweitoi. w

., wii ii lti.-li. Toledo.t"w n Haldan*. l-owelton