ignitenyc feb 2009

15 years to overnight success

Upload: scott-rafer

Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Startup founders need not pick between having a reasonable probability of financial security and changing the world. Make them serial goals. In the order mentioned above.


  • 1. 15 years to overnight success

2. April 1992 3. 1992 - 2006 4. 1st startup = 16 years early 5. Camera-phone1997 6. 1999, 2004 & -$27M 7. 9 Months of Bliss 8. Oren & Co R killin it 9. Be a1-hit Wonder! 10. 1. Only the rich prot from VC Photo from 11. Mortgage houses, not startups Photo from TechCrunch 12. All or nothing 13. 2. A little rich is critical Photo from TechCrunch 14. 3. Be late, or Photo from TechCrunch 15. 4. Be boring 16. Directories 17. Customer Lists 18. Analytics 19. Data Sales 20. Become invulnerable