if its to be - it has be me stepping stones jan 2012

IF IT’S TO BEIt has to be from Me Created by: Night Owl Consulting Owner/Friend: Geoff Moses www.nightowlconsulting.ca 778-808-3786 (P) [email protected] GO A S ETT NG L I For this upcoming year! For: Stepping Stone Community Services, Jan 2012 Presenter / Guest: Geoff Moses

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Page 1: If Its To Be - It Has Be Me   Stepping Stones  Jan 2012

“IF IT’S TO BE… It has to be

from Me”

Created by: Night Owl ConsultingOwner/Friend: Geoff Moseswww.nightowlconsulting.ca 778-808-3786 (P)[email protected]



For this upcoming year!

For: Stepping Stone Community Services, Jan 2012Presenter / Guest: Geoff Moses

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Did you know?• Common belief is that 40-54% of North

Americans make some sort of New Years resolution

• Most common resolutions: 1. Weight loss/Exercise plans2. Quitting old habits3. Debt reduction / financial freedom4. More time with friends/family

• Still Resolved: Week 1 -> 75% Week 2 -> 70% 1 month -> 65% 6 months -> Less than 50%

So, Why do people set them?

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New Year Resolutions Historic Roots• The ancient Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of

each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. (1650 BC)

• The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named. (9th Century)

• In the Medieval era, the knights took the "peacock vow" at the end of the Christmas season each year to re-affirm their commitment to chivalry. (5th-15th century)

• Judaism's New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is a time to reflect upon one's wrongdoings over the year and both seek and offer forgiveness

• People may act similarly during the Christian fasting period of Lent. This is the time to prepare the faithful for the spiritual work they are to accomplish.

New Year’s resolutions are very old human practices!

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The Psychology of Resolutions• People who believe that self-control is something dynamic, changing and unlimited (Ie: “I can stop smoking, all I have to do is put my mind to it.) set more resolutions. Often we want to believe we can• Cognitive Dissonance: We can not hold on to two conflicting beliefs at once. Ie: “I want to quite smoking” (But we don’t care – Or perhaps don’t even believe we need to)• People love new things/starts: The beginning of a New Year can represent a fresh clean slate, where we start anew. It can be a time of new found hope and motivation. • Collective Consciences: Being in a group or with others tend to improve the outcome of a goal. So collectively across many parts of the world – on Jan 1 - we resolve together. The thought that you aren’t alone in your resolution makes it easy to take a crack at it.• What we believe to be truth controls how we live our lives. If we believe we don’t really have to change – we may not. Its important to clearly understand what we believe and to determine if these beliefs are really the truth.• We can gradually get use to pretty much anything (incremental change is very powerful process) – so turning things around can be pretty difficult to do. As well, Adults typically make decisions based on what has happened in the past- not what we want in future.• Most major changes in our lives follow a significant emotional events – something that scheduled yearly planning (Jan 1) rarely has. •Often we put restrictive rules on ourselves that aren’t really there – then we act on it whether consciously or not. (more on that later…)

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Its been said that people who write down goals are 7-10x

more likely to commit to them.* * *

Have you written your New Year’s resolution(s) out?

Most common Acronym for Goal Setting?

*Meyer, Paul J (2003). "What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals". Attitude Is Everything: If You Want to Succeed Above and Beyond.

S- Specific: stresses the need for a specific goal over and against a more general one. To make goals specific, cite exactly what is expected, why is it important, who’s involved, where is it going to happen and which attributes are important.

M- Measurable: stresses the need for concrete criteria for measuring progress. Measuring progress is supposed to help stay on track, reach target dates, and experience the exhilaration of achievement as its happening.

A- Attainable: stresses the importance of goals that are realistic and attainable. When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways you can make them come true.

R- Relevant: A relevant goal must represent an objective that the goal-setter is willing and able to work towards.

T- Time-bound: A commitment to a deadline helps focus efforts on completion of the goal on or before the due date. A time-bound goal is intended to establish a sense of urgency.

New Years Resolutions are a form of ‘Goal Setting’

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Conscious Sub Conscious Creative



Stores & Record Info

(Body’s Hard drive)

Maintains Sanity

A Simplified look at

‘How the Brain

Works’Window to world

Not aware of truth/false(Garbage in/out)

Coping Mechanisms

*Source Adapted from : “Framework for Breaking Barriers” Workbook, Gordie Graham, pg, 19

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Which Shape do you like best?

Source Adapted from: * Signs of Life: “The Five Universal Shapes and How to Use Them”, Dr. Angeles Arrien

Directions: 1. Choose the Shape you like best and draw it on something 2. Arrange the shapes in order of your preference from 1-5

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What has your creative sub-conscious asked you to focus on this year?Wholeness?


Dreams / Vision?



Position 1:Something you feel strong in

Position 2: Your strength and best asset to get at your goals

Position 3: What you really need/want to work on this year

Position 4: Your reason for committing/staying committed to your goals

Position 5: Things that might get in your way to meeting your goals


Creative Sub-conscious


Ideas from the Subconscious Mind - Are you going to listen?

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Ideas from the Subconscious Mind –

Are you going to listen?• My Sub-conscious self is telling me

I might need/want to work on the following New Years resolution:


• How can you apply S.M.A.R.T. principles to your needs to help you make this a successful year?