idris 2008 bass lake aging section mini conference 2008 multifocus[1]ادريس جاسم...

CPRS Educational Awards of Excellence Program Name: 2008 Bass Lake Training and Mini Conference – “Got Boomers? Now What?” CPRS Section Name: Aging Services and Activities Section Nominee’s Contact Person: Teri Mountford Address: 9300 Alcosta Blvd., San Ramon, CA 94583 Phone: (925) 9733271 Contact Person Email: [email protected] Category: Education – Multi Topic Focus

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Idris Jassim Al-Oboudi ادريس جاسم العبودي [email protected] [email protected] Idris is a nationally recognized Recreation and Parks professional and public speaker. A Highly motivating, energetic, passionate leader with vision and a pragmatic approach to recreation issues and needs, has been working in the field of Recreation for the Past 28 years. He is currently the Manager of Parks and Recreation for the City of Manhattan Beach California. Idris is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and State / National and International notoriety and acclaim. In February, 2008 Idris, received the Professional Distinguished Service Award. This is the highest award bestowed by the NRPA Pacific Southwest Regional Council. It recognizes professionals in the Region who have consistently given outstanding service to the park, recreation and conservation movement on the State, National and in the case of Mr. Al-Oboudi the international level. He also received the 2007 NRPA’s Program Excellence Award for Special Event. In February, 2008 Idris, received Los Angeles County Special Commendation Award form forth District Supervisor Mr. Don Knabe. This Commendation is in recognition of dedicated service to the affairs of the community and for the civic pride demonstrated by numerous contributions for the benefit of all the citizens of Los Angeles County California. In March- 2006 Idris received The California Park & Recreation Society’s (CPRS Over 4000 in Membership) highest Award and Citation that recognizes outstanding contributions to CPRS and the parks, recreation, and/or human serves profession. This award also recognizes his contributions that significantly affect the parks & recreation profession on a regional, sectional, state & national level. Idris was honored for his contributions to the profession and commitment to the Creating Community VIP Action Plan. Both in 2005 and 2006 Idris received the California Parks and Recreation Society’s President’s Award for outstanding Leadership and dedicated service to the parks and recreation profession in California. In 2004 Al-Oboudi was the first Chair of California Parks and Recreation Society’s Youth Sports and Fitness Task Force (Initiative) in charge of providing modality, revamping and re-directing the youth sports experience in California municipalities and organizations. This Plan was rolled out in fall 2005 and is being implemented state and nation wide starting in spring 2006. Mr. Al-Oboudi was in the lead as a creator and organizer of the Rally in support of Youth Sports and Fitness at the California State Capital on March-8-2007 during the CPRS annual Conference. Mr. Al-Oboudi is a 25 year member of the CPRS & a long time member of the NRPA. He has served the CPRS membership in many areas, he was the Education Program Chair of the 2008, CPRS Conference, and served in the same capacity in 2004. He has been and Advisor for the CPRS Director of Education for the CPRS CONF 2003-2005& 2006. He was elected as Southern CA CPRS Administrators Section representative serving from 2003 to 2005. Mr. Al-Oboudi is a frequent contributor to leadership workshops and meetings on recreation issues in Local Collages, Universities, and California Cities, community organizations, CPRS, NRPA and nation wide organizations. Mr. Al-Oboudi Developed a proto type frame work for Vision Insight Planning and Programming (Purpose Driven Programming). This tool was further developed and adopted in Programming for Community and youth recreation, cultural and social activities (Purpose Driven Programming) for the Islamic Community in the USA and the World. This is the First Vision Insight Planning programming tool developed for Muslim Organizations world wide. This ground braking work is a prelude to a comprehensive Initiative Mr. Al-Oboudi is Envisioning, Espousing and Creating, for the Muslim Community in the USA. A 25 year resident of the Cal


Page 1: Idris 2008 Bass Lake Aging Section Mini Conference 2008 Multifocus[1]ادريس جاسم العبودي

CPRS Educational Awards of Excellence 


Program Name: 2008 Bass Lake Training and Mini Conference – “Got Boomers? Now What?” 


CPRS Section Name: Aging Services and Activities Section 


Nominee’s Contact Person: Teri Mountford 


Address: 9300 Alcosta Blvd., San Ramon, CA 94583 


Phone: (925) 973‐3271 


Contact Person Email: [email protected] 


Category: Education – Multi Topic Focus   












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CPRS Educational Awards of Excellence Narrative 

2008 Bass Lake Training and Mini Conference 

“Got Boomers? Now What?” 

1. Purpose/Main Objective ‐ The purpose of the annual Aging Services and Activities Section Mini Conference is to provide professionals working in the field of aging with: 

• An opportunity to expand their knowledge through educational workshops taught by leaders in the field of Aging, Gerontology, and Recreation 

• Networking opportunities • Exchanging of ideas and expertise • Encouraging up and coming recreation/gerontology students by raising funds for scholarships at 

the legendary silent auction. • Educating participants’ about their role in political advocacy opportunities. 

 The main objective for this year’s mini conference was to get participants’ creative ideas flowing as we all strive to serve adults from age 50 – 100+. We especially focused on the Boomers since this is a topic which is extremely relevant to senior centers up and down the state and the country as well.  

2. Results – Based on the results of the education program evaluation. There was only one overall evaluation provided to the participants and not one for each individual session. The overall evaluation included rating opportunities for each session. The average rating for the educational sessions was 4.1. Of the evaluations returned, the majority of the attendees was extremely pleased with the speakers and the topics and felt we provided information that could be utilized back at their agencies. In addition, there was positive input on the location but there were also suggestions of possibly trying a new location closer to Southern California. No comments were made regarding the registration fees. Registrations were very close to the same as last year’s training but registration fees did increase by $25 but lodging rates remained the same. 

3. Results – Based on participant evaluations, indicate how the learning objectives were met. 

The evaluation which is included in this packet provided us with very positive results. The overall ratings for each objective were as follows: 

• An opportunity to expand their knowledge through educational workshops taught by leaders in the field of Aging, Gerontology, and Recreation. This area was rated by averaging all of the session scores. The rating was 4.1 

• Networking opportunities. This was rated 4.5 out of 5 • Exchanging of ideas and expertise. This area was rated 4.1 out of 5 • Encouraging up and coming recreation/gerontology students by raising funds for scholarships at 

the legendary silent auction. This was rated 4.6 out of 5  

4. VIP Support – The Bass Lake conference supported the implementation of the VIP Plan by incorporating educational sessions that focused on several strategies of the plan. These strategies included: communicating the vision, forming partnerships, expanding professional competencies, impacting public policy and strengthening the Park and Recreation ethic. In addition, during our strategic plan brainstorming session, we touched on several core values that will be included in our updated plan. Those areas are: professional growth, healthy lifestyles, lifelong learning, service to the community, political advocacy and inclusivity.  

5. Resources – The mini conference was planned by a committee of six (6) Aging Section members. Planning began in April of 2008 and consisted of monthly planning meetings and many emails and phone calls 

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through the week of October 27th. The budget for the conference was from the Aging Section 2008/2009 approved budget. Total projected expenses were $29,675 and projected revenue was $33,300. The majority of the expenses were for the facility. Our speaker budget was $1,400 which we met but do want to increase for the next conference. Since the training just occurred, the final budget numbers are not in. The preliminary numbers are: $24,125 revenue received and $21,732 expenses. 

Speakers – A total of six (6) professionals were recruited to present very informative and educational workshops. The speakers included current and retired CPRS professionals, representatives from the Commission on Aging, the Executive Director of California Association of Nutrition Directors and educators in the field of gerontology. 

Sponsors – Two (2) sponsors were secured which assisted in funding the sit down dinner/auction. 

In‐kind donations were received for the auction which benefited the student scholarship program. Other in‐kind donations were printing of hand outs, give aways, and attendee packet inserts. 

6. Attendee Interaction – The following workshops included interactive learning: 

• Vision, Creativity and the Magical Fundamentals – This workshop was held for two (2) hours and the interactive exercises included a group problem solving exercise involving straws and creating the number 10 with 9 straws and a paradigm exercise. 

• Grassroots Marketing‐Strategies to Reach Those Boomers – The speaker had the participants engage in the Alpha Benefits exercise which made participants think of benefits of their profession. From that exercise participants in groups thought of ways to market a certain program or facility. 

• Welcome Reception and Idea Exchange – Participants played a get to know you game, Human Bingo and had a chance to show their talents in Karaoke. A very valuable information exchange on volunteer recognition was held for about a half hour with attendees receiving many new resources for recognizing volunteers.  

• Networking Lunch and Breakfast – These two (2) events were hosted in committee members’ chalets. Attendees were invited for lunch and or breakfast for a casual atmosphere to network. This is the first year for the lunch and second for the breakfast. It has been very successful with much positive feedback from attendees. 

•  A recreational hike which was optional but a great opportunity to practice what we preach as recreation professionals. 

Extra Points (numbers 7 and 9): 

7. Explain how the program was marketed outside the Section – Brochures were sent to the Therapeutic Section members via email as well as to many non senior center agencies but those that would benefit from the conference and topics being offered. The Alameda Commission on Aging emailed mini conference information to over 500 service providers in the county. Prior to the event in June 2008, “Save the Date Cards” were mailed to all CPRS Aging Section members. The CPRS website listed the conference information on the front page of the site, as well as detailed information on the Aging Section website. Information packets were also sent to past participants that were no longer CPRS members. 

9. Describe how the education program was innovative or unique – Although the Bass Lake Mini Conference has been in existence for close to 20 years we continue to add new components. Developing partnerships with other professional associations and agencies, has allowed the Aging Section to expand the workshop opportunities and thus educational enrichment. Connecting the workshop content to the CPRS VIP Plan has also strengthened the Section’s ability to educate members on this important strategy. This year we added a hosted lunch for attendees in a chalet and provided much requested networking in a casual atmosphere. We also added the information exchange to the welcome reception which was extremely successful.  

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SESSIONSCPRS Aging Section Strategic Plan UpdateNancy Kaiser, Parks and Recreation Consultant"Focus on the Future" - Learn the status of the Aging Section Strategic Plan.

Vision, Creativity and the Magical FundamentalsIdris Jassim Al-Oboudi, City of Manhattan BeachLeadership is about vision, direction and most of all it is about managing change. This session will ignite your vision, and capture your imagination by introducing you to the MAGICAL Fundamentals and a plan to put them into action. Get ready for the Challenge to Live, Learn, Love and Leave a Legacy.

Advocacy, Nutrition and the Future of Aging ProgramsPaul Downey, President/CEO, Senior Community CentersKeith Schildt, PhD., University of La VerneLearn about the collaborative advocacy process, discuss what the future may hold for aging programs and policies, and strategize about how best to proceed in a way that simultaneously increases organizational capacity and strengthens the aging network.

Grassroots Marketing - Strategies to Reach Those BoomersNancy Kaiser, Parks and Recreation ConsultantMarketing recreational services and programs is not rocket science! Learn grassroots marketing techniques to increase program participation and improve customer loyalty.

More $$$ for your Nutrition ProgramPaul Downey, President/CEO, Senior Community CentersThis session will provide bottom-line tips on the effective preparation of foundation and corporate grant applications. Participants will also learn other successful fundraising strategies that can be integrated into a comprehensive development plan to raise money for nutrition programs.

Increase Your Political and Advocacy KnowledgePilar Alcivar McCoy, City of Garden GroveIntroduction to what participants can do as citizens and members of the profession to positively influence public policy affecting the parks and recreation profession.

Attracting the Boomer Population through Civic Engagement and Policy ChangePatricia Trotter, member of the California Senior Legislature Sandra Fitzpatrick, California Commission on AgingCivic Engagement to enlist the Boomer generation in meeting important senior center and community needs. California Commission on Aging's "Senior Center Initiative" which includes: senior center stakeholder forum; senior center infrastructure needs assessment; and potential legislation.

California Park & Recreation SocietyAging Services & Activities Section

17th Annual




November 5 - 7, 2008

The Pines Resort & Conference CenterBass Lake, California

Got Boomers?Now What?

DIRECTIONSFrom Oakhurst - Go north through Oakhurst 3.5 miles to the Bass Lake turnoff (Road 222), turn right and travel 4 miles to Road 274, continue 2 miles to The Pines Resort in the Pines Village.From San Jose - Take 101 south to Highway 152 east at Gilroy through Los Banos, to Highway 99 south to Madera, then take Highway 145 north 'Yosemite exit' heading east to Highway 41 and go north to Oakhurst.From Sacramento, Stockton or Modesto - Take Highway 99 south to Merced, then take Highway 140 east to Mariposa, then Highway 49 south to Oakhurst.From the Bay Area - Take 580 east to 5 south, then take Highway 132 east to Highway 99 to Merced (follow directions from Sacramento).From Southern California - Take 5 north to Highway 99 north to Fresno. Take Highway 41 through Coarsegold and Oakhurst (follow directions from Oakhurst).

For detailed directions, visit or call800-350-7463




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WELCOME!Welcome to the 17th annual CPRS Aging Section Bass Lake Training and Mini Conference. This professional retreat is filled with informative and educational sessions, held in a beaufitul setting that will surely leave you refreshed.

Get ready to enjoy a remarkable few days of innovative sessions, networking opportunities, and some fabulous, fun activities. You'll go home energized, and full of new ideas.

The Conference this year, Got Boomers? Now What?, has been designed to get your creative ideas flowing as we all strive to serve adults age 50 to 100+.

LODGING & REGISTRATIONLocated in a mountain lake setting, the Pines Resort offers chalets that have the feel of mountain cabins. Four people can comfortably room together in these two-story units. Choose from one king or two queen beds, plus a sofa bed. Enjoy time alone, bring the family/significant other, or ask for a conference roommate. We'll do our best to accommodate your needs. For special accommodations, please contact Darryl Kim, Costa Mesa Senior Center, (949) 645-2356, ext. 15 or [email protected].


Wednesday, November 511:30am-4:00pm Board Meeting - All are welcome!

4:30pm-5:45pm Aging Section Strategic Plan Update

5:45pm-7:00pm Dinner on your own

7:00pm-8:00pm Dessert Buffet and Social

8:00pm-9:00pm Brainstorm Exchange

Thursday, November 69:00am-11:00am Vision, Creativity and the Magical Fundamentals

11:15am-12:30pm Advocacy, Nutrition and the Future of Aging Programs

12:30pm Bass Lake Group Photo - Lunch Provided by the Aging Board

2:00pm-3:30pm Grassroots Marketing - Strategies to Reach Those Boomers

3:45pm-5:00pm More $$$ for your Nutrition Program

6:00pm Dinner and Silent Auction

Friday, November 77:30am-8:30am Continental Breakfast Provided by the Aging Board

9:00am-10:15am Increase Your Political and Advocacy Knowledge

10:30am-12:00pm Attracting the Boomer Population through Civic Engagement and Policy Change

2:00pm-1:00pm Box Lunch & Hot Topics

1:30pm-4:00pm Hike the Hills Trip (optional)

6:00pm-10:00pm Dinner & Casino Trip (optional)


For Fun & Good Purpose: Enjoy delicious food and help raise money for the section's Student Scholarship Awards Program. Auction items are donated by conference participants. Thank you in advance for participating.Auction Donations: Desirable auction items consist of anything that would enhance home, life, or office. Be creative and bring items that are usable, pampering, consumable, or fun. Universal and holiday gift ideas always work well. Bring your auction item to the Conference and leave it with the Welcoming Committee on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.Want to Donate but Can't Attend? If you are unable to attend the Conference and would like to make a donation, please contact Ways and Means Chair, Leon Raya at the San Dimas Senior Center at (909)394-6234 or by email at [email protected].

SHARE FAIRShowcase your Center! Bring your newsletters, business cards, and giveaways to the Thursday morning session. Tables will be available for you to display your items. For more information, contact Jane Laris at (925)314-3465 or by email at [email protected].

BRAINSTORM EXCHANGEGather on Wednesday evening to share your volunteer recognition ideas! Bring 75 copies to exchange and go home with a wealth of new recognition ideas.

BOX LUNCH & HOT TOPICSGather with colleagues on Friday to discuss and explore issues and solutions to specific topics of concern in the aging field. This is for everyone; those new to the field, and seasoned professionals.

THINGS TO KNOW...Dress attire is casual and comfortable •

throughout the conference. Evening dining attire is at your discretion. Layered clothes and an umbrella are recommended in case of inclement mountain weather.

Cell phone reception varies.• Linens are provided. Kitchenette facilities •

allow you to prepare your own meals, or you can eat out. Dining is within walking distance from the cabin. For more details about the chalets, visit

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(Please use one form per person)

**Please return this form with payment by September 26, 2008 to assure accommodations**

Name Agency

Address City Zip

Phone ( ) Fax ( )

Email First Time at Bass Lake? YES NO Conference Fees (Due for any and all sessions attended.)

Early Bird Special – Register and full payment by Friday, August 29, 2008 CPRS Member # $145 Non Member $185

Register and pay after August 29, 2008 CPRS Member # $165 Non Member $205 Chalet Fees

I prefer a chalet for (check one): 1 2 3 4 Check out time: 11:00 a.m.

My Roommate(s): ; ; Need a roommate or special accommodations? Contact Darryl Kim – [email protected]. Thursday Night Dinner Reservation Please make additional reservation(s) for Thursday night’s banquet. The conference fee covers the cost of the dinner. Guests are welcome to attend the banquet for an additional $45.

Mail this form with your check payable to “CPRS Aging Section” by Friday, September 26, 2008 to: Darryl Kim, Costa Mesa Senior Center, 695 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Questions? Please call, fax, or email - (949) 645-2356; Fax (949) 645-4804; [email protected].

Office Use Only

Check # __________ Date___________

Amount $ __________ _______________

(Sorry, No Credit Cards or Purchase Orders)

Conference Fee $ __________

Chalet Fee $ __________

Banquet Fee (For guests only) $ __________

Total Payment $ __________

Tues(Extra) Wed-11/5 Thurs-11/6 Fri–11/7 Sat-11/8(Extra) 1 Person - $145 2 People - $75 3 People - $55 4 People - $45

Totals $ $ $ $ $

Please check below if you would be interested in group trips during free time.

Friday Night Casino Trip Friday Afternoon Hiking Trip

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Bass Lake Training and Mini-Conference 2008 Evaluation Form

Please assist us in providing continued quality and relevant programs in the CPRS Aging Services and Activities Section. Poor Excellent

Event 1 2 3 4 5 N/A Welcome Reception/Information Exchange Comments:

Vision, Creativity and the Magical Fundamentals Comments:

Advocacy, Nutrition and the Future of Aging Programs Comments:

Thursday Networking Lunch

Comments: Grassroots Marketing – Strategies to Reach Those Boomers Comments:

More Money for Your Nutrition Program Comments:

Dinner/Auction Comments:

Continental Breakfast Comments:

Increase Your Political and Advocacy Knowledge Comments:

Attracting the Boomer Population through Civic Engagement and Policy Change Comments:

(Continue on back page)

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Hot Topics and Box Lunch Comments:

Networking Opportunities Comments:

Casino Trip/Hiking Trip Comments:

What was the most valuable information you learned during the weekend?

In what areas can we improve this conference?

What types of educational programs would you like to see at future conferences?

How were the accommodations? Would you like us to explore other venues? If so, where?

Can you be a member of the planning committee for next year's CPRS conference?


Contact Number: Email Address:

Please leave this form at the registration table or you may mail/fax it to:

City of San Ramon Teri Mountford

9300 Alcosta Blvd., San Ramon 94583 Fax: 925-829-6128