ides mk cable scenario mto

Cable - Make to Order (Main Scenario) Purpose This scenario shows a complete make to order business scenario for Long Products Planning (LPP) including sales order entry, production and scheduling, delivery and billing. Long products must be planned and produced on the basis of individual lengths and not on the basis of aggregated quantities. Physically long products can’t be simply joined together. To cover requirements you can either produce them or (if allowed) you can “cut” longer supply elements. To cover a requirement of 1000 m you can’t fulfill with 1000 pieces (each with 1 m) or any other valid combination. You can fulfill this requirement only by delivery of ONE length with 1000 m (within tolerances) System Landscape System Landscape, this Process is built in SAP for Mill Products => find system: IDES System Landscap e Viewer Solution Components used in this Process Enterprise Portal ERP SCM Users The scenario can be run with a predefined user ID. This is an option if you don’t want to create an individual ID via self-service in SAPNET. The following data can be used to log on: Predefined User (Role) Password Client Component MILL DEMO welcome Enterprise Portal MILL DEMO welcome 720 ERP MILL DEMO welcome 720 SCM If a scenario needs a special user ID it is mentioned in the scenario documentation script. SAP Demo Systems Page 1 of 16 151582472.doc, 13 June 2013, ID: 10000002827

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Cable - Make to Order (Main Scenario)


This scenario shows a complete make to order business scenario for Long Products Planning (LPP)including sales order entry, production and scheduling, delivery and billing.

Long products must be planned and produced on the basis of individual lengths and not on the basisof aggregated quantities.

Physically long products can’t be simply joined together. To cover requirements you can either produce them or (if allowed) you can “cut” longer supply elements. To cover a requirement of 1000 myou can’t fulfill with 1000 pieces (each with 1 m) or any other valid combination. You can fulfill thisrequirement only by delivery of ONE length with 1000 m (within tolerances)

System Landscape

System Landscape, this Process is built in

SAP for Mill Products => find system: IDES System Landscape Viewer 

Solution Components used in this Process

Enterprise Portal




The scenario can be run with a predefined user ID. This is an option if you don’t want to create anindividual ID via self-service in SAPNET. The following data can be used to log on:

Predefined User (Role) Password Client Component

MILL_DEMO welcome Enterprise Portal

MILL_DEMO welcome 720 ERP

MILL_DEMO welcome 720 SCM

If a scenario needs a special user ID it is mentioned in the scenario documentation script.

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Data Used During this Process

Field Data - America Data - Europe Description

Company code M100

Sales Organization M110

Distribution Channel 01

Division M1

Plant M110

Shipping Point M110

Storage Location M110

Material Number MK_APO_F100 Finished product

Material Number MK_APO_S100 Semi Finished product

Process Flow

1. Post Goods Receipt for Finished Good

2. Create Sales Order 

3. Post Goods Receipt for Components

4. Create Production Order 

5. Display Stock/Requirements List 

6. Release Production Order 

7. Goods Issue for Components

8. Order Confirmation

9. Goods Receipt and Batch Creation for Production Order 

10. Create Delivery

11. Delivery-Related Trading Unit Change (DTUC) -Processing Delivery

12. Change Delivery and Post Goods Issue

13. Billing/Transfer to FI/CO

See also the IDES Scenario Cable – Cutting for an stand alone manual cutting process.

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Main scenario:

The scenario starts with creation of Sales order with 3 x 2000m cable length = 6000m total itemquantity. The first length will be fulfilled by a batch on stock with 1 x 2050m, cause per individuallength a length tolerance of plus 10 % is allowed. The second length will be fulfilled by cutting 1 x2000m from a batch with 1 x 3000m.

The 3rd length has to be produced. The production order with 1 x 2000m is created by converting theplanned order. In production order the needed component batches are selected by batchdetermination. Before, you have to post goods receipt for the component batches.

 After posting goods receipt of finish product, the delivery is created. The APO had allocated the batchwith 1 x 2050m, the batch with 1 x 3000m for cutting process and the 1 x 2000m which we produced.

The cutting is done by function delivery dependent trading unit change (DTUC). After confirmation of cutting, a new batch number is automatically created and updated into batch split item of delivery.

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Post Goods Receipt for Finished Good

1. Log on to the ERP system with user ID MILL_DEMO and password welcome.

2. In the ERP system, choose Logistics → Materials Management  → Inventory Management  → 

Goods Movement  → Goods Movement (MIGO).

Or use transaction code MIGO.

3. Enter the following data:

Field Data US Data EU

 Action Goods Receipt

Reference Document Other  

Receipt w/o PO 501

4. On tab strip Material enter the following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Material MK_APO_F100

5. Choose tab strip Quantity.

6. Enter the following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Quantity 2050

EUn M7. Choose tab strip Where.

Field Data US Data EU

Plant M110

Storage Location M110

8. To enter a second line item with different quantity/ cable length choose .

9. Enter the following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Plant M110

Storage Location M110

10. Chose tab strip Material .

11. Enter the following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Material MK_APO_F100

12. Choose tab strip Quantity.

13. Enter the following data:

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Field Data US Data EU

Quantity 3000


14. Choose .

15. Choose Check .

The system creates two batch numbers.

16. To confirm the dialog box, choose .

17. Choose .

Please check the stock situation with transaction MMBE. If you find some other batcheswith different length, this example data does not match.

Each length between 2200 m (2000 + 10 % plus tolerance) and 4000 m is fine. As soon

you enter 4000 m, no planned order is created, because you can cut 2 x 2000 m.

Create Sales Order 

1. Choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order  → Create.

Or use transaction code VA01.

2. In the Create Sales Order: Initial Screen enter following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Order Type MKOR

Sales Organization M110

Distribution Channel 01

Division M1

3. Choose .

4. In the Create Mill Standard Order: Overview screen enter:

Field Data US Data EU

Sold-to party MK-CUST101

Purch.order no. Any

5. In the Create Mill Standard Order: Overview screen choose tab strip Fast data entry (if notdefaulted) and select:

Field Data US Data EU

Char display Cable Sales

The table control display changed. You see now additional columns to enter. These are the variantconfiguration characteristics.

6. Enter the following data (without using ENTER, move forward with TAB key).

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Field Data US Data EU

Material MK_APO_F100

Order quantity (no entry needed, will becalculated)

Factor 3Individual Length 2000

Overdelivery Tolerance (%) 10

If you enter in the characteristics “Overdelivery Tolerance” different values, the examplescenario could have other results. It depends mainly on the quantity (=length) of batchesin stock.

The calculation of the tolerance range is done by coding from OSS note 873068. The

coding fills the batch search characteristics with the range 2000 – 2200. This range istransfered to APO later.

7. Choose .

The system displays the Process Selection Criteria dialog box, with the calculated selection rangeof the Individual length 2000 – 2200 m. If the box is not displayed, choose .

8. Choose .

The data is transferred to the SAP APO and an availability check is triggered.

9. On the APO availability check: Delivery proposal screen you see following:

2 x 2000m could be fulfilled from stock, 2000m must be produced.

10. Note the confirmed dates for the line items.

11. Choose Full delivery .

12. Select line item 10 and choose .

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13. Choose tab strip Shipping .

14. Enter total quantity tolerance:

Field Data US Data EU

Overdeliv. Tolerance 10

Don’t save the Sales Document for now, if you like to continue with the Jumping Points.

Jumping point

Scenario Cable - Fast Data Entry SD

Scenario Cable - Pricing Based on Characteristics

Scenario Cable - Customer Material Info record 

Coming back from the jumping points you should have just the one line item in your salesorder you’ve created before.

Delete all others, except of item 10.

15. Choose  .

16. Note your sales order number.

Post Goods Receipt for Components

1. In the ERP system, choose Logistics → Materials Management  → Inventory Management  → 

Goods Movement  → Goods Movement (MIGO).

Or use transaction code MIGO.

2. Enter the following data:

Field Data US Data EU

 Action Goods Receipt

Reference Document Other  

Receipt w/o PO 501

3. Choose tab strip Material .

4. Enter the following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Material MK_APO_S100

5. Choose tab strip Where.

6. Enter following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Plant M110

Storage Location M110

7. Choose .

8. Choose .

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9. In the Distribute Quantity dialog box enter the following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Qty in UnE (1st item) 2023

Qty in UnE (2nd item) 2023

10. Choose  Adopt .

The system creates two items.

11. Choose tap strip Batch.

12. Enter the following data:

Field Data

Batch Your initials ##

13. To maintain the second line choose .

14. Enter the following data:

Field DataBatch Your initials ## (different from the batch number  

from above)

15. Choose Check .

16. Choose .

Because the material is defined in material master as “single unit batch” managed, thequantity of the batch is equal to the length of the batch. The quantity is automaticallywritten into the characteristic “Ind. Length in Base UoM ="M” (CharacteristicSAP_MILLCA_LENGTH_SUB). There is a second characteristic “Individual length”(SAP_MILLCA_LENGTH), which is relevant for APO. The content is copied fromSAP_MILLCA_LENGTH_SUB at time of posting goods receipt.

Create Production Order 

1. In the SCM choose Advanced Planning and Optimization → Production Planning  → Interactive

Production Planning  → Product View .

Or use transaction code /SAPAPO/RRP3.

2. In the Product View screen enter following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Plng Version 000

Product MK_APO_F100

Location M110

3. Choose .

 APO displays your sales order (2 x 2000m) and the automatically created Planned Order with 1 x2000m (1 x 2050m is allocated from stock).

4. Choose .

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Jumping point

Scenario Cable - Display Characteristic Values in APO Product View 

5. Set the Conversion indicator of the Planned Order (2 columns right of the green characteristictriangle).

6. Choose  .

The Product Availability Overview screen displays that the number for missing parts is 0.

7. Choose .

8. Choose until your planned order was converted to a production order (PrdOrd (C)).

9. Note the production order number.

Display Stock/Requirements List

1. In the ERP system choose Logistics → Production → MRP  → Evaluations → Stock/RequirementsList.

Or use transaction code MD04.

2. Enter  the following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Material MK_APO_F100

Plant M110

3. Choose .

The system displays your sales order and the corresponding production order.

4. Double-click on the production order number.

5. Choose .

6. To display the component overview choose .

You see for components MK_APO_S100 the quantity 2020 m each. Because 1000mlength of finish product needs 2 components with 1010m each, the total result for 1 x2000 m = 2000m needs 2 items with 2020m each.

Release Production Order 1. In the ERP system choose Logistics → Production → Shop Floor Control  → Order  → Change.

Or use transaction code CO02.

2. Enter the following data:

Field Data

Production Order Your noted production order number  

3. Choose .

4. Choose .

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5. Select item 0010 and choose .

6. Select one of your created batches (Your initials ##‘).

7. Note the batch number you have chosen.

8. Choose Copy .

Only component item 0010 will be issued in this example.

9. Choose .

10. Choose .

Goods Issue for Components

1. In the ERP system, choose Logistics → Materials Management  → Inventory Management  → 

Goods Movement  → Goods Issue (MIGO).Or use transaction code MIGO_GI.

2. Enter the following data:

Field Data

 Action Goods Issue

Reference Document Order  

Order Your noted production order number  

3. Choose .

4. Enter following data:

Field Data

Item OK X

5. Choose tap strip Batch.

6. Position the cursor on field Batch and choose .

7. Choose tab strip Batches for material .

8. Select the batch which you have not chosen in the production order (Your initials ##).

9. Choose .

10. In column Line click on 3.

The field Batch is already filled with the batch from the production order.

11. Enter following data:

Field Data

Item OK X

12. In column Line click on 2 .

13. Enter following data:

Field Data

Item OK X

14. Choose tap strip Where.

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15. Enter following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Storage Location M110

16. Choose Check .

17. Choose .

Order Confirmation

1. In the ERP system choose Logistics → Production → Shop Floor Control → Confirmation → Enter 

→ For Order .

Or use transaction code CO15.

2. Enter the following data:

Field Data

Production Order Your noted production order number  

3. Choose .

By using the button Goods movements on the confirmation screen you could do thegoods issue for the components (and run a batch determination for the components) if you’d like to do the confirmation and goods issue in one step. If you use this possibilitydon’t do the goods issue as described above. Back flushing must be set in configurationof the bill of material in order to run the goods movement automatically.

4. Enter the following data:

Field Data

Yield to confirm 2000 (as proposed in column Total to confirm)

Confirmed scrap 0 (as proposed in column Total to confirm)

5. Choose .

Goods Receipt and Batch Creation for ProductionOrder 

1. In the ERP system choose Logistics →

 Materials Management  →

 Inventory Management  →

 Goods Movement  → Goods Receipt  → GR For Order (MIGO).

Or use transaction code MIGO_GO.

2. Enter the following data:

Field Data

 Action Goods Receipt

Reference Document Order  

Order Your noted production order number  

3. Choose .

4. Enter the following data:

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Field Data

Char. display Cable PP order confirmation

5. Choose tap strip Quantity .

6. Enter the following data:

Field Data

Qty in unit of entry 2000 (as confirmed quantity without scrap)

Item OK X

7. Choose tab strip Batch.

8. Enter the following data:

Field Data

Batch Your initials ##

9. Choose Check .

The system creates a batch. Characteristics are copied from the configuration.10. Choose Classification.

Verify characteristic length – Value is proposed by production order valuation.

11. Choose .

12. Choose .

One line with value 2000 is available.

I.e. if quantity would be 10000 m and characteristic length would be 1000 then you wouldhave in this screen 10 lines proposed each with 1000 quantity and value for characteristic length with 1000. This screen offers you also possibility to maintainadditional characteristics in an easy way.

13. Choose Copy .

14. Choose .

Create Delivery

First step of the delivery processing is the delivery creation. To create a single delivery for a specialorder the order number must be known. The finished material is in unrestricted stock. The availability

check for the delivery item is carried out, the batch(es) are assigned automatically.1. In the ERP system choose Logistics→ Logistics Execution→ Outbound Process→ Goods Issue

for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → With Reference to

Sales Order.

Or use transaction code VL01N.

2. On the Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference screen enter following data:

Field Data US Data EU

Shipping Point M110

Selection date 1 month in future

Order Your noted sales order number  

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3. Choose .

The system displays the Message Packing not possible due to DTUC status.

Batches which are assigned by batch determination based on SCM system information

must first be cut to required lengths specified in sales order. (DTUC process)

4. To display details, choose tab strip Status Overview .

5. To look at details, choose .

6. In table Overall status – Delivery in column DTUC verify DTUC status B – Partially processed.

7. In table delivery item status (all items) verify DTUC status in column DTUC . Two items haveDTUC status “C”, one item for the batch with 3000 M the DTUC status is “A”.

8. Note the item number with status “A”.

9. Choose tab strip Item Overview .

The system displays the delivery item with total amount of 6050 M.

10. To see the batch structure, choose .

The 2050 M batch which is available from unrestricted stock and the produced 2000 M batch wasautomatically assigned by functionality batch determination (based on pegging information fromSCM system). The 3rd batch with 3000 M has to be cut to 2000 M.

11. Choose

12. Select item 10 and choose Batch split .

The system displays the batch numbers.

13. Choose Batch determination, you see following result.

14. Choose .

15. Choose Batch determination.

Now you are back to the Batch determination SD: Select batches screen and the column splitquantity is editable. For example you can set the quantity to “0”.

16. Choose Selection Criteria….

17. Choose .

You can see, that no change of the selection criteria is allowed, because the selection criteria fromSD order are relevant.

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Other batch numbers are displayed and can be selected manually, if they are within therange of SD order batch selection criteria. (tolerance)

18. Choose .

19. Choose .

20. Choose .

21. Note your outbound delivery number.

Delivery-Related Trading Unit Change (DTUC) -Processing Delivery

Cutting can be done in reference to sales, but also manual, in reference to users decision. Goto Demoscenario scenario Cable cutting , if you like to understand the manual process.

Batches which are assigned to delivery by SCM system must be cut before the delivery could befinished (i.e. post goods issue for delivery). You have first to cut to required lengths (which arespecified in sales order).

In this scenario cutting will be executed by usage of Delivery-Related Trading Unit Change(DTUC) functionality.

1. In the ERP system choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation→ 

Delivery-Related Trading Unit Change.

Or use transaction code MILL_CUT_LBA.

2. Enter the following data:

Field Data

 Action DTUC Processing

Reference Document Delivery

Delivery Your noted delivery number  

Item Your noted item number with DTUC status “A”

3. Choose .

4. To confirm the Automatic batch number allocation dialog box choose Yes.

5. Enter the following data:

Field Data

Char. Display Cable MIGO

By this functionality you would be able to valuate characteristics before posting batches(not necessary in this scenario) in table Receiving Items. It is not necessary to maintaincharacteristic Individual Length.

6. Select in the field Remaining Qty . the setting Remainder stays in issuing batch.

7. Choose Check.

8. Choose .

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Change Delivery and Post Goods Issue

Now after finishing DTUC process second batch is also matching sales order requirements with regardin this example to characteristic Individual Length. Delivery processing can go on.

1. In the ERP system choose Logistics → Logistics Execution → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation→ Outbound Delivery  → Change → Single Document .

Or use transaction code VL02N.

2. On the Change Outbound Delivery screen enter the following data:

Field Data

Delivery Your noted delivery number  

3. Choose .

Message Packing not possible due to DTUC status will no longer appear.4. To display details, choose the tab-strip Status Overview .

In table Overall Status – Delivery in column DTUC verify status C (Completely processed) DTUCstatus.

5. Choose .

Verify DTUC status in column DTUC (most right one) in table delivery item status (all items).

6. Choose tab strip Picking .

7. Choose .

The system displays the delivery items.

8. Enter following data:

Field Data

Pick Quantity (next to the 1st batch number) 2000

Pick Quantity (next to the 2nd batch number) 2050

Pick Quantity (next to the 3rd batch number) 2000

Jumping point

Scenario Cable - Pricing in Deliveries 

9. Choose Post Goods Issue.

10. If necessary to confirm warnings choose .

In the mill industry normally the customer don’t get exactly the ordered quantity delivered,if he has ordered in e.g. LB (KG) or INCH (M). The reason is, that just integer quantitiesin PC’s can be delivered. For this reason the under- and over delivery tolerances in themill industry should be greater than in other industries. If the delivered quantity is withinthese tolerances the open remained quantity of the delivery will be set to 0.

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Billing/Transfer to FI/CO

1. In the ERP system choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing  → Billing Document  → 


Or use transaction code VF01.2. Enter the following data:

Field Data

Document Your delivery number is defaulted

3. Choose .

On the Invoice (F2) Create: Overview of Billing Items screen a line item for each batch isgenerated to take over the correct weights.

If you have entered or changed some freight conditions during delivery processing they are copied

into the billing document. To show them branch into the condition overview by choosing .

4. Choose .

 All postings in accounting are done at the same time in background.

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