identifying issues for integration lynne hall. goals of session to identify what the purpose of the...

Identifying Issues for Integration Lynne Hall

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Identifying Issues for Integration

Lynne Hall

Goals of Session

To identify what the purpose of the application will be

To develop an initial idea of the “look and feel” for the users How users interact Graphics Content


Activity 1: Design Wall Activity 2: 6 Hats Activity 3: Mood Board

The Challenge: From Us and You to We

Client: UK LEAs Users: UK school children (13-14 years old) Issue: How to use technology as an enabler

for learning about personal, social and emotional education / citizenship

Focus: To help UK children develop and apply integration and friendship strategies for aiding refugee and immigrant children into becoming part of the class / school.

Activity 1: Design Wall - 1

What are the challenges and issues facing refugees and immigrant children in UK schools? Individually write each issue on a separate sticky

note (blue notes), place this on the wall. If someone else has stuck a similar note on the wall, stick yours to this.

What would improve school life for refugee and immigrant children? On a different part of the wall, individually write

each improvement … etc. (red notes)

Design Wall - 2

Grouping and matching Group all notes where possible in each of

the two sections, then try to match improvements to challenges

Discard Any challenges and solutions that cannot

be solved by classmates involvement

Design Wall - 3

Purpose Any issues that have not got solutions Any issues and solutions that have not

been discarded Is it possible to incorporate all of this

into one application? If yes, continue onwards If not, prioritise and discard

Outcome of Design Wall

Purpose of application “Functionality” Intention Not necessarily technologically

possible What do we think…

Activity 2 – de Bono’s 6 hats

Aim of exercise: To decide the main purpose / function of the application

Achieved through considering different perspectives on the possible purpose of the application

Everyone wears a different coloured hat and the hat focuses your approach whilst you discuss the possible purpose

White Hat

Neutral The white hat has to do with data and

information. What information would we need? What information could we use? What information is missing? What information would we like to have? How are we going to get the information?

Red Hat

The red hat has to do with feelings, intuition, hunches and emotions WITHOUT the need for justification!

Putting on my red hat, this is what I feel about this idea My gut feeling is that it will not work. Using a computer for this is a great idea and

must be possible My intuition tells me that teenagers will like this

Black Hat

The black hat is the caution hat and the hat of critical judgement

Aims to prevent mis-direction, folly and to avoid doing things which might be illegal.

The black hat is for critical judgment. The black hat points out why something

cannot be done. The regulations do not permit us to do that. That isn’t possible using ICTs Teachers will not accept that in the classroom

Yellow Hat

The yellow hat is for optimism and the logical positive view of things.

The yellow hat looks for feasibility and how something can be done.

The yellow hat looks for benefits – but they must be logically based. This might work if we make it available over the

internet The benefit would come from the link to the

National Curriculum

Green Hat

The green hat is for creative thinking, innovation, possibilities and hypotheses.

The green hat requests creative effort. What about doing this as a strategy

game? Are there any additional alternatives? Could we do this a different way?

Blue Hat

The meta-thinking hat: thinking about the thinking being used.

Chair - sets and controls the agenda for thinking.

The blue hat suggests the next step in the thinking

The blue hat can ask for other hats to summarise their thinking

Using the hats

Each select a hat Blue select the design issue for

discussion and chair End of discussion – summarise Pass hat to right And repeat…

Outcome of the hats

Purpose of the software Our view of what it should be doing

What should it look and feel like?

We know the purpose To achieve this purpose

What should children be doing? How should they be doing it? What should the software look like?

Activity 3: Mood Boards

Similar to those used for interior design What mood will we be trying to evoke

through use of our application? What kind of information / graphics / media

might we like our application to contain? Create with media aimed at 13-14 year olds


Making a Mood Board

Using magazines and stationery materials Interaction approach as line drawing How to engage - graphical images /

appealing characteristics, etc. What are we trying to evoke?

Initiating mood Interacting mood Post interaction mood


Initial ideas of what it might look like to the user

Some view of how the user should feel prior to, during and after the interaction