ictl scheme of work

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  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    ICT Literacy For Secondary School

    (Scheme of Work)


  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work



    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    1. Com uter La! Regu"ations

    1.1 Computer Lab Rules 1.1.1 List computer lab rules. Showing and explaining computer lab rules in thecomputer lab

    1.2 User 1.2.1 Practice computer lab rules. Reporting on observation o practical lab rulesusing wor!sheets

    1." #$uipment 1.".1 %andle e$uipment responsibl&. #xplaining procedures or responsible care o e$uipment

    'iscussing and listing appropriate wa&s o handling e$uipment

    1.( 'ata and User Securit& 1.(.1 State the importance o data and user securit&.

    #xplaining the importance o password andusernames

    #. La! Organisation

    2.1 )rganisation Chart 2.1.1 State the )rganisation Chart o acomputer lab.

    Showing and explaining the )rganisation chart

    2.1.2 *denti & the Computer LabCoordinator.

    2.1." State the responsibilities o a

    computer lab coordinator.

    2.2 Computer Lab +imetable 2.2.1 ,dhere to the timetable . Using the computer lab according to the allocatedtime


  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    2." Log -oo! 2.".1 *denti & t&pes o log boo!s.

    2.".2 List usage o a log boo!.

    2."." Practise responsible use o computers.

    Showing samples o log boo!s- Computer Log -oo!- Computer Lab Log -oo!

    re er ,ppendix L/

    Sign in and sign out log boo! Sign in when the& use the computer

    $. Et%ics in Using Com uter

    ".1 Cop&right ".1.1 State the ethics o computer usage. #xplaining the ethics o computer usage

    ".1.2 'e ine the meaning o cop&right.".1." State the e ects o cop&right


    #xplaining the meaning o cop&right 'iscussing in groups the e ects o cop&right


    ".2 Unethical Use o Computers ".2.1 List out various unethical use o computers.

    Conducting discussion on the misuse o computers

    ".2.2 State the e ects o unethical use o computers.

    *n pairs0 pupils browse the *nternet to locatein ormation on the misuse o computer

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work



    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    1. )ntroduction to Com uters

    1.1 #volution o the Computer 1.1.1 State the generations o computerstogether with the respectiveprocessors used.

    #xplaining the evolution o the computer rom thevacuum tube to the i th generation and showingthe respective processors used

    atching the t&pes o processors used with therespective generations o computers in awor!sheet to be !ept in the port olio

    1.1.2 #xplain the generations o computers together with therespective processors used.

    athering in ormation on the evolution o computers and presenting the in ormation ingroups

    1.2 +&pes o Computers 1.2.1 *denti & the t&pes o computer s3 Supercomputer ain rame ini Computer icro Computer 4or! Station

    *ntroducing various t&pes o computers using aPowerPoint presentation.

    Labelling a low chart o the t&pes o computer in awor!sheet to be !ept in the port olio

    1.2.2 'e ine di erent t&pes o computer. athering in ormation on the t&pes o computer and presenting the in ormation in groups

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    #. Com uter Parts * Com onents

    2.1 )verview o the Computer S&stem

    2.1.1 *denti & main components in thecomputer s&stem3

    onitor 5e&board Spea!er ouse S&stem unit Printer

    Showing the main components o the computer s&stem

    Labelling the main components o the computer s&stem in a wor!sheet to be !ept in the port olio

    2.1.2 State the unctions o the main

    components in the computer s&stem.

    Carr&ing out brainstorming session on the

    unctions o the main components o thecomputer s&stem 4riting down the unctions and !eeping the sheet

    in the port olio

    2.1." #xplain brie l& the data processingc&cle o a computer s&stem3

    *nput Process )utput Storage

    'rawing and explain the data processing c&cle o the computer s&stem on a paper and to be !ept inthe port olio.

    )n ut Process Out ut


  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    2.2 S&stem Unit 2.2.1 *denti & the components o a s&stemunit3

    *nput6)utput port *6) port/ Reset button C'R) drive 7lopp& drive %ard dis! drive

    *ntroducing the components o a s&stem unit Labelling the di erent components o a s&stem

    unit in a wor!sheet to be !ept in the port olio Showing a s&stem unit to the class

    2.2.2 State the unctions o the maincomponents o a s&stem unit.

    #xplaining the unctions o the component o as&stem unit such as *6)0 Reset button0 C'R)drive0 lopp& drive0 hard dis! drive

    4riting down the unctions o the component o the s&stem unit and !eeping it in the port olio

    2.2." State the unctions o CPU0 R, 0R) and expansion slots ound onthe motherboard.

    Showing a motherboard to pupils *denti &0 explain and discuss the unctions o CPU0

    R, 0 R) and expansion slots ound on themotherboard

    4riting the unctions o the components in thewor!sheets provided and !eeping them in theport olio

    2.2.( *nculcate values o responsibilit& andcooperation among the pupils.

    Carr&ing out in pair or group activities

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    2.( *nput 'evices 2.(.1 *denti & input devices. 7acilitating a session where pupils brainstorm onvarious input devices

    Showing examples o input devices

    2.(.2 List input devices. Collecting pictures o input devices0 label and !eepin the port olio

    2.(." State the respective unctions o input devices.

    7acilitating group discussions on the unctions o input devices

    2.: )utput 'evices 2.:.1 *denti & output devices.

    2.: .2 List output devices.

    -rainstorming on various output devices

    Showing examples o output devices

    Collecting pictures o output devices0 labelling and!eep in the port olio

    2.:." State the respective unctions o output devices.

    7acilitating group discussions on the unctions o output devices

    2.; Storage 'evices 2.;.1 *denti & storage devices. -rainstorming on the various storage devices

    2.; .2 List storage devices. Collecting pictures o storage devices0 labellingand !eeping in the port olio

    2.;." State the unctions o storagedevices.

    7acilitating group discussions on the unctions o storage devices

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    2.;.( *denti & di erences between primar&and secondar& storage devices.

    #xplaining the di erences between primar& andsecondar& storage devices


  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    ".2 Computer Settings ".2.1 Customiisit a computer exhibition6 air >isit a computer shop

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work



    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    1. )ntroduction to Com uter So t/are1.1 'e inition 1.1.1 State the de inition o so tware. #xplaining the de inition o so tware

    1.2 Usage 1.2.1 State the usage o so tware. 7acilitating pupils= discussion on the use o so tware

    1." +&pes o So tware 1.".1 List di erent t&pes o so tware3 )perating S&stems Utilit& Programmes ,pplication So tware

    'iscussing t&pes o so tware

    Showing examples or di erent t&pes o so tware

    #. O erating S,stem 0OS

    2.1 *ntroduction to )peratingS&stem )S/

    2.1.1 'e ine the operating s&stem.

    2.1.2 State the unctions o operatings&stem.

    'iscussing t&pes and unctions o operatings&stem

    Showing the di erence between ')S and4indows displa&

    Starting and shutting down the computer

    2.2 )S *nter ace #nvironment 2.2.1 State the characteri stics o )Senvironment based raphical User *nter ace U*/.

    #xploring the 4indows environment

    2." 7ile anagement 2.".1 anage olders and sub olders3 Create olders

    Rename olders ove iles

    Creating olders and sub olders Renaming iles and olders oving iles and olders Cop&ing iles and olders 'eleting iles and olders

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    $. Uti"it, So t/are

    ".1 )S -ased Utilit& ".1.1 Run scan dis! on the computer. Running scan dis! and de ragging the hard dis!

    ".1.2 'e rag the hard dis!.

    ".2 ?on9)S based Utilit& ".2.1 Scan the computer or viruses. Scanning or viruses Updating virus de initions

    used an existing antivirus suplied to the school or downloded reeware antivirus/

    ".2.2 Compress and decompress iles. Compressing and decompressing iles

    +. A "ication So t/are

    (.1 *ntroduction to ,pplicationSo tware

    (.1.1 *denti & t&pes o application so tware3 4ord processing Spreadsheet Presentation 'atabase Programming

    'iscussing t&pes o application so tware

    Show examples o application so tware

    (.2 *nstalling and Uninstalling ,pplication So tware

    (.2.1 *nstall a so tware.

    (.2.2 Uninstall or remove a so tware.

    'emonstrating installation and removing anapplication so tware

    *nstalling a simple application so tware

    Uninstalling or removing an application so tware

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    2. (ord Processing So t/are

    :.1 *ntroduction to 4ordProcessing So tware

    :.1.1 State the usage o word processing. Show various t&pes o word processing so tware 'iscussing the usage o word processing Showing documents which have been produced b&

    word processing so tware0 such as letters0 essa&sand minutes o meetings

    :.2 Starting 4ord ProcessingSo tware

    :.2.1 Start a word processing so tware.

    :.2.2 State the steps o starting a wordprocessing so tware.

    :.2." State and identi & eatures in a wordprocessing so tware and demonstrateunderstanding o user inter ace.

    'emonstrating how to start word processingso tware and explaining the user inter ace

    Starting word processing so tware and exploringthe user inter ace

    :.2.( State the main toolbars in wordprocessing so tware3 Standard bar 7ormatting bar 'rawing bar

    'iscussing the toolbars in S 4ord

    :.2.: List icons in the Standard0 7ormattingand 'rawing +oolbars.

    :.2.; State the unctions o icons in theStandard0 7ormatting and 'rawing+oolbars

    Labelling each icon on the handouts given

    #xplaining the unction o icons in Standard07ormatting and 'rawing +oolbars

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    :." Creating 'ocument :.".1 Create a new document b& usingword processing so tware.

    : .".2 Set @Page Setup=.

    :."." 5e& in data into the new document.

    :.".( Save the new document with a newile name.

    :.".: #xit ile.

    Carr&ing out hands9on activities on ollowing s!ills3o Setting Page Setupo 5e&ing in datao Saving documento Closing document

    :.( #diting 'ocument :.(.1 *denti & ile and its location.

    :.(.2 )pen the i le.

    :.(." *denti & and use editing tools to editdocument.

    :.(.( Create a document with table andcolumn.

    Carr&ing out hands9on activities on ollowings!ills3o )pening existing documento Cutting and pasting texto Cop&ing and pastingo Changing ont 9 si

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    :.(.: Print document. o Printing documento *nserting tableo *nserting bullet and numberingo Using the tab !e&o ,ssigning borders

    :.(.; Create a document using 'rawing+ools.

    o *nserting 4ord,rto *nserting Clip ,rto ,dding in colour o Using ,utoShapeso Using +ext -oxo Using "9' St&le

    :.(.A Show creativit& b& creating adocument.

    Creating documents such as3o School bulletino ?ewsletter o -rochureo Pamphleto Programme boo!

    :.(.B 4or! cooperativel& in groups.

    :.(. ,bide b& the rules and instructions.

    Printing out the documents and !eeping them intheir port olio

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    :.: ail erge :.:.1 State the usage o mail merge. #xplaining the use o mail merge

    :.:.2 Create a mail merge document. Using mail merge to create certi icates0 letters or orms

    :.:." Print the document. Printing out the mail merge document and putting it

    in their port olio

    Re er to3o PP4 5Se" Access Learning Modu"e6

    )n ormation and Communication Tec%no"og,Literac, or Secondar, Sc%oo" 7 (ordProcessing Modu"e

    or o Microso t Un"imited Potentia"

    A Communit, Learning Curricu"um 7 (ordProcessing -undamenta"s

    8. S reads%eet So t/are

    ;.1 *ntroduction to SpreadsheetSo tware

    ;.1.1 State the usage o spreadsheet. Showing various t&pe o spreadsheet so tware Showing spreadsheet eatures #xplaining the basic elements o a wor!sheet3

    o Cello Columo Row

    ;.2 Starting SpreadsheetSo tware

    ;.2.1 Start spreadsheet so tware.

    ;.2.2 State the steps o starting a

    spreadsheet so tware.;.2." State and identi & eatures in

    spreadsheet application anddemonstrate understanding o user inter ace.

    'emonstrating how to start a spreadsheet so twareand explaining the user inter ace

    Starting spreadsheet so tware and exploring theuser inter ace

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    ;.2.( State the main toolbars inspreadsheet so tware3

    Standard bar 7ormatting bar 7ormula bar Chart bar

    ;.2.( List icons in Standard0 7ormatting07ormula and Chart +oolbars.

    'iscussing the toolbars in S #xcel

    Labelling each icon in the handouts given

    ;.2.: State the unctions o icons in theStandard0 7ormatting0 7ormula andChart +oolbars.

    #xplaining the unctions o the icons in theStandard0 7ormatting0 7ormula and Chart +oolbars

    ;." Creating 4or!sheet ;.".1 Create a new wor!sheet b& usingspreadsheet so tware.

    ; .".2 Set @Page Setup=.

    ;."." 5e& in data into wor!sheet.

    ; .".( Save wor!sheet.

    ;.".: Print wor!sheet.

    ;.".; Close wor!boo! and exitSpreadsheet so tware.

    Carr&ing out hands9on activities on ollowing s!ills3o Creating a new wor!sheeto Setting page setupo #ntering datao Saving wor!sheeto Closing wor!boo!o )pening existing wor!sheeto Cutting and Pasting datao ,d8usting rows and Columnso *nserting rows and columnso Printing wor!sheet

    ?ormal printing ,rea printing

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    ;.".A Use ormulae in wor!sheet3 Sum ,verage rading Loo!up0>Loo!up/ Percentage Ran!ing

    ;.".B *nsert a chart in wor!sheet.

    o #ntering datao Using ormulae3 sum0 average0 grading

    Loo!up0 >Loo!up/0 percentage0 ran!ingo Using currenc& ormato *nserting tableo Creating chartso Changing chart t&pes and propertieso 'eleting chartso Previewing chartso Printing chartso Saving charts

    ;.( #di ting wor!shee t ; .( .1 *denti & a ile and its loca tion.

    ; .( .2 )pen the ile.

    ;.(." *denti & and use editing tools to editwor!sheet.

    o )pening existing ileo Creating multiple wor!sheetso oving or cop&ing sheeto Renaming6dele ting wor!sheeto Changing the ont si

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    9. Presentation So t/areA.1 Concept o ultimedia A.1.1 State the concept o ultimedia. #xplaining the concept o multimedia

    A.2 Steps in ultimedia'evelopment

    A.2.1 State the steps in multimediadevelopment3

    ,nal&sis 'esign Stor&board/ *mplementation +esting #valuation Publishing

    #xplaining the steps in multimedia development

    A." *ntroduction to Presentation

    So tware

    A.".1 State the usage o presentation

    so tware.

    #xplaining the usage o presentation so tware and

    showing samples o presentations

    A.( Starting PresentationSo tware

    A.(.1 Start presentation so tware.

    A.(.2 State the steps o startingpresentation so tware.

    A.(." State and identi & eatures in thepresentation so tware anddemonstrate understanding o user inter ace.

    'emonstrating how to start a presentation so twareand explaining the user inter ace

    Starting presentation so tware and exploring theuser inter ace

    A.(.( State the main toolbars in thepresentation so tware3

    Standard bar

    7ormatting bar 'rawing bar +as! Pane bar Slide design Slide la&out

    'iscussing the toolbars in S PowerPoint

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    A.(.: List icons in the Standard07ormatting0 'rawing and +as! Panetoolbars.

    A.(.; State the unction o icons in theStandard0 7ormatting0 'rawing and+as! Pane toolbars.

    Labelling each icon in the handouts given

    #xplaining the unctions o the icons in theStandard0 7ormatting0 'rawing and +as! Panetoolbars

    A.: Crea ting Presentation A.: .1 Create a b lan! s lide presentat ionusing slide la&out3 #nter text *nsert picture

    A.:.2 Save the presentation.A.:." Close and exit the presentation.

    A.:.( )pen existing presentation.

    A.:.: Run the slide show.

    A.:.; Print the presentation.

    Carr&ing out hands9on activities3o #ntering texto *nserting pictureo Saving presentationo Closing presentationo )pening existing presentationo Running slide showo Printing presentation3


    A.; #diting Presentation A.;.1 Create presentation using blan!la&out3 *nsert +ext -ox *nsert 4ord,rt *nsert pictures *nsert movie and sound

    A.;.2 odi & text.

    A.;." ,ppl& colour bac!ground.

    Carr&ing out hands9on activities3o Creating slide presentationo *nserting +ext -oxo *nserting 4ord,rto *nserting pictureo *nserting movie and soundo odi &ing texto ,ppl&ing colour bac!groundo *nserting new slide

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    A.;.( *nsert new slides using e ects below3 Custom animation Slide transitions

    A.;.: ,ppl& slides design.

    o ,dding e ecto ,ppl&ing slide designo Using h&perlin!3

    ,ction button%&perlin! text

    A.;.; Create h&perlin!.

    A.;.A Create multimedia presentationincluding text0 pictures0 movie0 sound0animation0 transition and h&perlin!.

    Producing and presenting a simple multimediapresentation

    A.;.B 'emonstrate cooperation andaccountabilit&.

    Re er to3

    o PP4 5Se" access Learning Modu"e6)n ormation and Communication Tec%no"og,Literac, or Secondar, Sc%oo" 7 Po/erPointPresentation Modu"e


    o Microso t Un"imited Potentia"A Communit, Learning Curricu"um 7Presentation -undamenta"s

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    :. 'ata!ase So t/areB.1 *ntroduction to 'atabase

    So twareB.1.1 State the usage o database

    so tware. Showing examples o database so tware #xplaining the usage o database so tware #xamples o database application3

    o # *So Sistem Maklumat Murid S /

    B.2 Starting 'atabase So tware B.2.1 Start a database so tware.

    B.2.2 State the steps o starting databaseso tware.

    'emonstrating how to start a database so twareand exploring the user inter ace

    B.2." State and identi & eatures indatabase so tware and demonstrateunderstanding o user inter ace.

    B.2.( State the main toolbars in databaseso tware3

    'atabase bar 'atabase 4indow bar )b8ect bar

    'iscussing the toolbars in S PowerPoint

    Labelling each icon in the handouts given

    B.2.: List icons in the database bar0database window bar and ob8ect bar.

    #xplaining the usage o icons in database bar0database window bar and ob8ect bar

    B.2.; State the unctions o icons in

    database bar0 database window bar and ob8ect bar.

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    B." Creating 'atabase B.".1 Save database ile.

    B.".2 Create table b& using wi

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    ;. Programming.1 *ntroduction to Programming .1.1 'e ine programme and programming

    language. 'iscussing brie l& the de inition o programme and

    programming language3o -,S*Co C)-)Lo P,SC,Lo C

    +he development o -,S*C programminglanguage3o -asico >isual -asico >isual -asic.?et

    Showing the di erent programming tools inter ace/

    o -,S*C

    .2 Steps in Programmingdevelopment

    .". 'eveloping a simpleProgramme

    .2.1 State the main steps in programmedevelopment3

    Problem anal&sis Programme design Coding +esting and debugging 'ocumentation

    .".1. State the eatures o the programmingtools.

    #xplain the steps in programming developmentusing programme development Li e C&cle

    #xplaining the eature o Programme So tware>isual -asic #xpress or Eust -asic/

    http366msdn.microso t.com6vstudio6express6vb6download6

    7amiliariisual -asic #xpress *nter ace Creating ob8ects in a orm using toolbox Changing the ob8ects properties in properties


  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    .".2. *denti & the visual developmentenvironment o programming tool3 +oolbar +oolbox

    #xplaining variables in programming that coverers3o 'ata t&peo 'eclaration o variableo ,ssign value o variable

    .".". Create ob8ect using toolbox3 Label -utton +extbox Picture box

    .".(. 'eclare >ariables3 String *nteger 'ouble

    'eveloping biodata programme consist o 3o Login 7ormo -iodata orm

    'eveloping personal account programme

    .".:. 4rite code or simple programme. Pro8ect3'eveloping a simple programme or student dail& needsbased on the basic elements learnt.

    Re er to3

    o PP4 5Se" Access Learning Modu"e6)n ormation and Communication Tec%no"og,Literac, or Secondar, Sc%oo" 7Programming Modu"e

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work



    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    1. Net /or

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    1.( Share 'ocuments 1.(.1 Share documents with other usersthrough Local ,rea ?etwor!s L,?/.

    1.(.2 Receive and trans er documentsthrough L,?.

    Creating shared olders

    Receiving and trans erring documents

    1.: Share %ardware 1.:.1 Share printer in L,?. Printing documents using shared printer

    1.; Current +echnolog& inComputer ?etwor!s

    1.;.1 #xplain current technolog& incomputer networ!s.

    'iscussing current6 latest technolog& in computer networ!s3o 4i7io -luetooth

    Collecting and gathering all related in ormation oncurrent technolog& in networ!ing to be !ept in theport olio

    #. T%e )nternet

    2.1 *ntroduction to the *nterne t 2 .1.1 'e ine the *nternet. Locating the meaning o *nternet rom boo!s0maga

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    2." *nternet ,pplications 2.".1 'e ine the 4orld 4 ide 4eb 4 44/. #xplaining the meaning o 4orld 4ide 4eb444/

    2.".2 State available web browsers. *ntroducing web browsers3o *nternet #xplorer o ?etscape ?avigator o )perao Sa ario odistao %ot -ot

    2.".( State the unction o a search engine. 'iscussing the unction o a search engine

    2.".: Search or in ormation using a searchengine.

    'emonstrating how to search or in ormation romthe *nternet G use in ormation and communications!ill

    Using oogle to search or relevant in ormation

    2.".; 'ownload iles rom the *nternet. 'emonstrating to download iles rom the *nternet 'ownloading iles rom the *nternet3

    o *mageso >ideoso ,udio

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    2.".A #xercising responsibilit& whendownloading in ormation rom the*nternet.

    'emonstrating securit& while sur ing the *nternet

    'emonstrating securit& tools setting ound in webbrowser

    2.".B #xercising accountabilit& or in ormation searched.

    5nowledge all sources ound true the internet.

    'emonstrating securit& setting in sur ing theinternet

    2.( ?eti$uette 2.(.1 #xplain the meaning o ?eti$uette. Locating the meaning o neti$uette rom boo!s0maga

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    2.: *nternet Communications 2.:.1 State various orms o communicationon the *nternet.

    2.:.2 List peripherals used or communications.

    *ntroducing pupils to several orms o *nternetcommunications3

    o #9mailingo Chattingo Con erencing audio and video/o ?et eetingo ?ewsgroupo 7orum

    Listing peripherals used or communications3o 4eb camerao icrophoneo #arphone

    2.:." Communicate using e9mail.

    2.:.( Practise honest& in onlinecommunications.

    2.:.: )bserve sa et& precautions whenretrieving mail.

    'emonstrating how to3o Register an e9mail accounto send messageso attach iles to messageso receive6retrieve messageso download attached ileso delete6save messages

    2.:.; Communicate using *nternet Rela&Chat *RC/.

    2.:.A )bserve sa et& precautions whencommunicating online.

    *ntroducing pupils to *nternet Rela& Chat3o *RCo S9Chato *CJo essenger tool

    Chatting using essenger3o communicating between two or more userso observing sa et& precautionso observing ?eti$uette

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work


    Learning Area Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Activities

    2.; C&ber Law 2.;.1 'escribe the need or c&ber law. 7acilitating discussion on reasons or the need o c&ber law

    4riting a short essa& on the need or c&ber law

    $. T%e (e!site".1 *ntroduction to 4ebsite ".1.1 'e ine website.

    ".1.2 List web design so tware. *ntroducing several web design so tware3

    o icroso t 7rontPageo acromedia 'reamweaver o Clariso icroso t 4ord

    ".2 'eveloping a 4ebsite ".2.1 Create a website. Creating a website using website design tools3o *nserting texto *nserting imageso *nserting h&perlin!s

    4or!ing in groups to create a website or3o Schoolo Clubo Societ&

    ".2.2 Register with a web server. Choosing a web server to place the website

    ".2." Upload web pages. Uploading web pages to the ree web hosting3o Fahooo +ime.net

    Re er to3

    o PP4 5Se" Access Learning Modu"e6)n ormation and CommunicationTec%no"og, Literac, or Secondar, Sc%oo" 7Creating (e!site Modu"e

  • 8/10/2019 ICTL Scheme of Work
