icao's policies and guidance

International Civil Aviation Organization Joint ICAO/AFCAC Regional Symposium on Regional Symposium on Airport and i i i S i Air Navigation Services Infrastructure Financing Maputo, Mozambique 29 November 1 December 2010 29 November 1 December 2010

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Page 1: ICAO's policies and guidance

International Civil Aviation Organizationg

Joint ICAO/AFCACRegional Symposium onRegional Symposium on

Airport andi i i S iAir Navigation Services

Infrastructure FinancinggMaputo, Mozambique

29 November 1 December 201029 November – 1 December 2010

Page 2: ICAO's policies and guidance

International Civil Aviation Organizationg

Session 1

ICAO’s Policies and Guidance onICAO s Policies and Guidance onAirport and

Ai N i ti S iAir Navigation ServicesInfrastructure Financing

Page 3: ICAO's policies and guidance


• ICAO’s Policies on Charges for Airports and

e e e ces

• ICAO s Policies on Charges for Airports and Air Navigation Services (Doc 9082)

• Economics Manuals (Doc 9562 – Airports, and Doc 9161 – Air Navigation Services)

• Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems (Doc 9750)y ( )

3ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 4: ICAO's policies and guidance

ICAO’s Policies on Charges (Doc 9082)

• Reasonable return on assets 

C O s o c es o C a ges ( oc 908 )

• Pre funding of projects• Pre‐funding of projects 

• Consultations with users before finalization of plans for projects 

4ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 5: ICAO's policies and guidance

Reasonable Return on Assets[Doc 9082 ‐ § 30 & 44][ oc 908 § 30 & ]

• Airports: Sufficient level to secure financing on favourable terms in capitalfinancing on favourable terms in capital markets 

• ANSPs: Sufficient level to contribute towards necessary capital investments

5ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

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Pre‐funding of Projects[Doc 9082 ‐ § 32 & 48]

• May be accepted in specific circumstances i l i l t l l

[ oc 908 § 3 & 8]

involving long‐term, large‐scale investments

• Safeguards required:economic oversighttransparent accountingconsultation/agreement with     usersapplication for a limited period of time

6ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

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Consultation with Users[Doc 9082 ‐ § 24]

• Scope: capacity development and 

[ oc 908 § ]

p p y pinvestment plans 

P t th d f d• Purpose: meet the needs of users and enhance users’ awareness of financial i li tiimplications

• Responsibility of users: provide advance p y pplanning data

7ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 8: ICAO's policies and guidance

Guidance on Some Key Issues(Doc 9562 & 9161) 

• Economic analysis

( oc 956 & 9 6 )

Economic analysis

– Economic impact analysis

– Cost/benefit analysis

• Financial evaluation (Business case)Financial evaluation (Business case) 

• Financing plan

– Repayment of loans

– Sources of funds


Sources of funds

ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 9: ICAO's policies and guidance

Anonymous Quoteo y ous Quote

“Without data, all you 

i j hare is just another person 

with an opinion”with an opinion

9ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 10: ICAO's policies and guidance

Economic Impact Analysis

• Purpose: identify direct, indirect and induced 

co o c pact a ys s

effects on economy

• Scope: national, regional and local economyp g y

• Positive: increase employment, personal income, business revenues, tax revenues, co e, bus ess e e ues, ta e e ues,capital investment, etc.

• Negative: delaying of other projectsNegative: delaying of other projects, environment effects, changing demand for other services, etc. 



ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 11: ICAO's policies and guidance

Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA)

• Purpose: identify investment option that 

Cost/ e e t a ys s (C )

achieves maximum net benefits

• Scope: benefits and costs of all partiesScope: benefits and costs of all parties involved

P i i i ffi i i i• Positive: improve efficiency, time‐savings, productivity gains, etc.

• Negative: environment effects, increased charges, etc.



ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 12: ICAO's policies and guidance

Financial Evaluation(Business Case)

• Purpose: demonstrate to financial markets viability of the investment

( us ess Case)

viability of the investment

• Scope: project’s financial accounts and cash flow

• Cost side: initial capital investment andCost side: initial capital investment and incremental operational costs throughout the useful life of assetsthe useful life of assets 

• Revenue side: sources of revenues and the associated risks


associated risks

ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 13: ICAO's policies and guidance

Financing Plan

• Estimates of component costs

a c g a

Estimates of component costs

• Funds required

• Currency

• Sources of funds• Sources of fundsSelf‐generated


13ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 14: ICAO's policies and guidance

Repayment of Loans

• Need to assess on future ability of providers 

epay e t o oa s

y pto service loan obligations

• Emphasize on providers assuming• Emphasize on providers assuming responsibility for debt incurred

• Delegate  to autonomous bodies the authority to negotiate and secure their funding requirements and service loan obligations

14ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 15: ICAO's policies and guidance

Domestic Sources of Financingo est c Sou ces o a c g

• Government sources

• Domestic banks

• Credit extended by contractors

15ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 16: ICAO's policies and guidance

Foreign Sources of Financing

• Bilateral institutions

o e g Sou ces o a c g

• Bilateral institutions

• Development banks and fundsDevelopment banks and funds

• United Nations Development Programme

• Commercial sources

16ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 17: ICAO's policies and guidance

Other Means of Financing

D bt fi i (th h b d )

Ot e ea s o a c g

• Debt financing (through bonds)

• Sell equity capitalSell equity capital

• Leasingg

• Pre‐funding

17ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 18: ICAO's policies and guidance

Other Considerations

• Recognition of international cost recovery 

Ot e Co s de at o s

g ypolicy

• Existence of an effective cost and revenueExistence of an effective cost and revenue accounting system

• A sound methodology for determining theA sound methodology for determining the cost basis for charges

• An effective mechanism for the collection of• An effective mechanism for the collection of charges

18ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10

Page 19: ICAO's policies and guidance

Discussionscuss o

How are airports and air navigation services financed in your States?services financed in your States?

What mechanisms are available?

19ICAO’s Policies: Maputo 29 Nov ‐ 1 Dec 10