ical winter report!

Apostle John P. Kelly ICA Convening Apostle Apostle Mark Pfeifer International Director Quick Links Click here to visit ICA Website! International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders WINTER 2014 Continental Reports As we explained at the ICAL International Conference in November, we are grouping ICAL National Coalitions into Continental regions served by a Continental Facilitator/Convener. The purpose of this is to establish unity and fellowship among National Coalitions and to have a Continental Facilitator/Convener in the region to serve the needs of the National Conveners. Below is a model of how ICAL is structured worldwide:

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 Apostle John P. Kelly

ICA Convening Apostle 

 Apostle Mark PfeiferInternational Director

Quick Links

Click here to visitICA Website!

International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders WINTER 2014 Continental Reports As we explained at the ICAL International Conference inNovember, we are grouping ICAL National Coalitions intoContinental regions served by a ContinentalFacilitator/Convener. The purpose of this is to establish unity and fellowship amongNational Coalitions and to have a ContinentalFacilitator/Convener in the region to serve the needs of theNational Conveners. Below is a model of how ICAL is structured worldwide:

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We anticipate grouping the National Coalition into thefollowing continents:

North AmericaLatin AmericaEuropeAfricaMiddle EastAsia (Pacific)

So far, we have three Continental Facilitators/Convenersserving in three Continental Regions. Here are their latestreports:

1) Nicaragua. Our convener Roberto Sarria told me that healready has 300 apostolic leaders that are ready to have themeeting with John Kelly to officially lunch the Panamanian Nicaraguan Coalition of Apostolic Leaders.

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2) Chile. Our convener Santiago Rojas is working to informnational leaders about the ICAL. I believe that the next 3months he will have a representative number of apostolicleaders ready to lunch the Chilean Coalition of ApostolicLeaders. 3) Ecuador. Our convener Hugo Oberti wants to lunch theEcuadorian Coalition of Apostolic Leaders in October of 2014during a major Conference with Peter Wagner. He wants tohave John Kelly with them at that time, also. 4) Peru. I have been in touch with Apostle Samuel Arboleda,a very influential leader in that nation. He informs me that heplans to gather 500 apostolic leaders. He is waiting for JohnKelly to assign the dates to visit Peru and launch the PeruvianCoaliiton of Apostolic Leaders. 5) Aruba. Our convener in Aruba, ICAL members LissetteMalmberg, is working hard to lay groundwork for a coalitionin her nation and having Apostle Kelly with them sometime inthe near future. 6) Venezuela. I have been in touch with Apostle AlbertoMedina, a very serious leader in the south of that nation. He isconsidered by many to be a patriarch of that region. He is veryinterested in lunching that Venezuelan Coalition of ApostolicLeaders. He gathers more than 200 hundred apostolic leadersregularly. I will visit him in the next 3 months. 7) Brasil. Apostle Rene Terra Nova, the Convening Apostle ofBrazil, is organizing a major conference to take the BrazilianCoalition of Apostolic Leaders to the next level. Afterspending the last three years establishing the BrazilianCoalition among the more than one thousand apostles in hisown network, Terra Nova plans to expand the coalition toother apostolic leaders in the nation. 8) Bolivia. Our convener Alberto Magno, who is aligned withRene Terra Nova, is making plans to begin establishing theBolivian Coalition of Apostolic Leaders. More details areforthcoming. *NOTE from Mark Pfeifer:Several ICAL members, including Kevin and Annette Ahaultand Sydney Stair, are making plans for the initial gathering ofapostles in Panama. Also, plans are underway Fernando toconnect with Apostle Canas in Colombia andApostle Leonardo "Nayo" Martinez in Honduras. Both ofwhom have been appointed ICAL Convening Apostles for theirrespective nations.

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  1) Australia. Just prior to the Annual Australian Coalition ofApostolic Leaders Conference, Apostle John P. Kelly will berunning Apostolic "State Satellite" Conferences in the threeStates of Queensland, West Australia & South Australia. These "satellite" Meetings are being run by JohnMcElroy(WA), Mark Mudri (SA) & Chris Peterson & DarrylRoos(Qld). It is our sincere hope that these special State Meetings will stirup more interest amongst regional apostles to take the time toattend our National Conference on 18th & 19th March for thevery first time to hear our USA Coalition Convener &International Council Member Bishop Joseph Materra who isthe KEYNOTE SPEAKER taking four Sessions on the Titleof his new book, "KINGDOM REVOLUTION" which isTHE THEME of the whole Conference this year. Apostles, Trainee-apostles & Market Place apostles interestedshould email [email protected] forConference details. Other Speakers are National Senator Zed Seselja who wasprophecied over during last Year's Conference (Prior to hisPre-Selection in his own Party, and also the NationalElection!) that he would be "raised up as a Joseph in theLand!" This Prophetic word was certainly going tobe thoroughly tested in the rigours of the above processes but itwas CERTAINLY TRUE! Apostle Tim Jack is a National Leader in the fast-growingApostolic Movement in Australia who shared one session lastyear which really inspired the whole Conference-by popularrequest of Members he is back for another Session on Revival& Kingdom Growth.

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John & Alaine McElroy & Leo Stosich will take ACTIVEGROUP SESSIONS so that all attending get the opportunityto PARTICIPATE in the Kingdom Process taking place ratherthan just totally one-way communication. We find wereally need both for success. 2) The Philippines: The Deputy Mayor of Dipolog City-Robert Pinsoy will share in our Australian Conference on theamazing story of how this City in the Philippines is livingunder a Christian Covenant with their goal to become "TheSingapore of the Philippines!" This City-Transformation isalready well on the way to being achieved! A truly remarkableTransformation! The Conference will finish with a "Presbytery& Laying on of Hands" for all attendee There are also exciting developments for the initialdevelopment stage of a PHILIPPINE COALITION OFAPOSTOLIC LEADERS. Deputy Mayor Roberto Pinsoy ofDipolog City is also the Ministers' Fellowship Convener for hiswhole Province & has placed himself & the City under theApostolic Oversight of the Australian Coalition.This ishistoric! We also have direct contact with an Apostle who oversees theMinisters Fellowship in Mindanao Province & one of hisMinisters who joined us here in Canberra during UniversityStudies has recently been Commissioned by Bishop PatrickOkabe's (Convening Apostle of Uganda) son Emmanuel to doa great work in Mindanao. To add to this spiritual 'jigsaw' our Australian CoalitionMember David Croker has currently gone to the Philippineswith his son Isaac for TWO FULL MONTHS to furtherexpand & investigate these possibilities. (Please keep David& Isaac constantly in your prayers as they are in the MindanaoProvince which recently experienced terrorist killings etc. & isrecognised as a dangerous Province to enter at the presentmoment) 3) Papua New Guinea. As Continental Facilitator for the"Asian Pacific Nations" we are seeing excellent developmentstowards the establishment of a PAPUA NEW GUINEACOALITION OF APOSTOLIC LEADERS. TheAmbassadorial Apostle to this Country Phil Spence has alreadyheld initial Meetings in PNG & Apostle Dian Warep(wholeads a successful network of 230 Churches in PNG) will bebringing a contingent of PNG Apostles to our NationalConference for constructive dialogue & further Establishmentprocesses to take place. This is a very exciting Development &Phil must be congratulated on his Ambassadorial work to

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 On February 4th-5th, 2013 - one year ago this week - SpanishApostle Emilio Sevilla summoned a handful of Europeanapostolic leaders together in a hotel in Albir, Spain. The topic:How can the apostolic movement develop in Europe? After one year, this little think-tank meeting of 5 Europeanmembers of International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders(ICAL) has developed into a defined continental structure -with 22 members in 13 nations - and growing - fast! Most ofthese apostolic leaders are leading networks of many churchesin their nations, and beyond their nations. "The combinedinfluence of the ECAL members is formidable," states ECALConvener Jan-Aage Torp. "I am being approached on a dailybasis by more apostolic leaders all over Europe who want tojoin forces with ECAL. The potential is endless when wecome together as ONE in matters of common vision, beliefsand strategy." "I had never thought that things could suddenly startdeveloping like that in Europe," says ICAL InternationalDirector, Mark W. Pfeifer. "ICAL has tremendous strength allover the world, but Europe? I thought that would be virtuallyimpossible! But God is proving us wrong!" chuckles Pfeifer. John P. Kelly, the ICAL Convening Apostle, adds: "It justshows that God is greater that our expectations. What Jan-Aage, Emilio and the other Europeans are doing together, is

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phenomenal! The energy level is so high, they are full ofinitiative. I believe Jan-Aage Torp could be right when heexpects 100 ECAL members in one year." Just think how thisis beginning to impact the nations of Europe. That´s the goal ofour movement: To establish viable, vibrant, healthy coalitionsof apostolic leaders in every nation. With the heritage ofEurope, I just believe that Europe could regain her position atthe forefront of world Christendom!

HaitiFrom Joan Hunter, Ambassadorial ApostlesRene Joseph, Convening Apostle God has truly blessed Haiti. He opened the door for me to goto Haiti right after the earthquake 4 years ago, Port Au Princewas completely destroyed. I have never seen such devastationanywhere, even on TV. I was so overwhelmed with thedevastation knowing there was no way to ever recover. Thenation, to begin with, was so poor they had no way to clear therubble, much less rebuild the buildings. Over 1 million came tothe outreach meetings the first year that were held across fromthe capital building, As far as I could see there were people infront of the platform as well as behind. Hundreds of thousands gave their lives to Jesus and many ofthem were healed! I spoke a word over them that God was going to heal their landand cause it, as they looked to Him, to be come one of the mostprospering countries in the world. Their part was to clean it upone bottle at a time, as there were thousands of plastic bottlesfrom the water that was supplied to the country. I taught on healing to the pastors (every trip I have made.) Notjust physical, but mental, emotional and financial. Not only fortheir own healing but for their congregation. As I was teachingtheir cell phones were ringing with job opportunities, They

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now have a recycling plant that they pay the Haitians onebottle at a time to bring in, They have opened up manycompanies, like making tshirts to see to the world. (JoanHunter Ministries sells thousands of these each year that aremade in Haiti. They employ over 250 Haitians.) There were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of orphanedby the earthquake. We are helping to build the orphanages asfast as we can. We had the first one open up September 15,2013 with 50 children, We have supplied about 100 beds withmattresses and sheets and pillows. Towels and cooking needsfor the kitchen. The church is almost completed, It just needs the roof. Wehave filled it with chairs that we have gathered and purchased. We also buy trucks that are in good condition, fill them up withclothes, desks, refrigerators, microwaves and many other itemsthat they need. We are loading another truck up to send downthere before the end of the year. A washer and a dryer aregoing on this truck. Each time I go, I train pastors to lay hands on the sick withresults; especially their congregation and they are seeing themhealed. They are seeing their congregation being healedfinancially also. This past April, we asked the hundreds ofpastors that came to the training, who felt called to be anApostle in their area. There were about 75 that came forward.Pastor Rene Joseph has been meeting with them on a regularbasis; this group is really growing in numbers and wisdom. We have given out over 3,000 Bibles in the last 2 and halfyears. This is a huge endeavor in itself, as the Bibles are $5 apiece. Majority of the Haitians do not have a Bible. We have been collecting medicines and taking them downthere every quarter. They don't even have aspirin. We are planning a return trip in April of 2014. It will be a littlelonger stay. We will be gong to several orphanages and clinicsto hand out medicines. Several on our team have medicalbackground. We pray for them before they see the doctor. We have been providing many school supplies, clothes andshoes. We are excited to see what God is going to continue todo! *NOTE from Mark Pfeifer:Recently, a major conference was conducted by the MexicanCoalition (CIMA) with John Kelly and other ICAL members. More news will be coming later about this event.